Issue 554 | 26 January 2023
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President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday, 24 January 2023, delivered the eulogy at the Official Memorial Service for the late founding Speaker of the democratic Parliament, Dr Frene Ginwala.


Dr Ginwala passed away at her at home in Cape Town on 12 January 2023, at the age of 90, following a stroke two weeks earlier.

The Official Memorial Service was held at the Johannesburg City Hall and served as a national tribute to the late Speaker.

Born on 25 April 1932, Frene Noshir Ginwala served the anti-apartheid struggle and South Africa’s democratic dispensation in a diversity of roles as a lawyer, academic, political leader, activist and journalist.

In 2005, Dr Ginwala was honoured with the Order of Luthuli in Silver for her excellent contribution to the struggle against gender oppression and her tireless contribution to the struggle for a non-sexist, non-racial, just and democratic South Africa.

In his address, President Ramaphosa said:

“Frene lived, fought and strived as we all should – selflessly, honestly, courageously, driven by a deep and abiding love of humanity.

“She stood for a South Africa that was united in its diversity.

“She cherished a society where all may embrace and celebrate their many identities, many cultures, languages and faiths.

“She stood firm against the abuse of power and corruption.

 “She stood firm against racism, sexism and all forms of intolerance and prejudice.

“She stood for human rights for all and the rule of law.

 “To defend the aspirations of our Constitution is to honour the memory of Frene Ginwala.

 “To lead lives of integrity, whether as citizens or leaders, is to uphold her legacy.

 “Good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

 “These are the tenets of the Zoroastrian faith into which Frene was born.

 “She lived by them. Her life embodied them.”



The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, on Tuesday, 24 January 2023, hosted her counterpart from the Hellenic Republic, Nikolaos Dendias, during his Working Visit to South Africa.

The visit provided an opportunity for both ministers to deepen engagement and discussion on various topics of mutual interest, including regional and international issues. The visit, the first to be undertaken by a Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic since 1998, is significant given the large Greek Diaspora who have settled in South Africa and who played a key role in the fight against apartheid as well as contributing significantly to the South Africa economy.

The visit provided the necessary impetus for various areas of cooperation to be explored, including in the fields of culture and education, renewable energy, tourism and diplomatic training.

Trade between the two countries has yet to reach its full potential. However, a bilateral trade and investment seminar organised by the Hellenic Chamber of Commerce in July 2022, identified various sectors where opportunities could be pursued by the business sectors of both countries.

Minister Pandor believes that the experience Greece has acquired over time in green power resources would be of immense value to South Africa as the country diversifies its own energy.

According to some reports, Greece relies on a range of sources for electricity, with no one source accounting for more than 50%. In August 2022, the non-profit online publication NPR said natural gas and renewable sources, such as wind and solar, accounted for the most power. 

Minister Pandor said: “We’ve agreed on the number of areas that we want to explore further education, collaboration and support to South Africa as it addresses its energy challenges.”

Minister Pandor also spoke about shipbuilding, which is at the heart of the Greece-economy. Greece ranks as the world's largest ship-owning nation.

“Greece is a renowned voyager and shipbuilder and we believe we could draw on that experience to help build our own shipbuilding sector in this country,” the Minister said.

“And anyone who is a sensible traveller knows they must tour Greece at least once in their life.”

The Minister described the European nation as a beautiful country, with wonderful tourist facilities.

“Tourism is a very important economic sector and we’d love to learn from our colleagues in Greece as to how we can improve our service and how we can expand the tourism sector to increase the current contribution to the gross domestic product of South Africa.”

“So, we've got an agenda already and have agreed there’s work that we must do together. And this is just the beginning of the steps toward a much stronger relationship.”

The Minister told her counterpart that South Africa had a “sizable” community with Greek history and that the community played a very important role within the small and medium enterprise sector in various sectors, especially in pharmaceutical products.

“And of course, the delicious food that we enjoy in many Greek restaurants throughout our country. So, it is a community that has made its presence very positively felt in South Africa.”

Minister Dendias said the talks were a great opportunity to build upon the very solid foundation of the relationship with South Africa.

“We have excellent cooperation in international organisations starting with the United Nations. I am grateful to South Africa for your support in our campaign to be elected to the United Nations Security Council.”

In addition, Greece’s Foreign Minister said they respected South Africa's position on a number of international issues.



International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, has reiterated South Africa’s position that the only path to peace is through diplomacy, dialogue and commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.


This includes the principle that all member states will endeavour to settle disputes by peaceful means.

“It is important that I mentioned on behalf of South Africa, our sincere wish that the conflict currently between Russia and Ukraine will soon be brought to a peaceful end through diplomacy and negotiation, as we believe this is the desire of all of us in the globe,” she said.

The Minister was speaking in Pretoria on Monday, 23 January 2023, where she was hosting her Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, who was in the country for bilateral talks.

“The current global geopolitical tensions clearly signal the need for us to consider creating institutional mechanisms that will have the stature, form and global trust to promote and support global peace and security.”

She believes that BRICS, an acronym for the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, should play a proactive role in emerging deliberations on the form that these international global mechanisms might take.

“We must ensure that BRICS is part of a redesigned global framework. For us, multilateralism lies at the heart of the biggest issues facing the world today.”

In addition, she said more efforts should be directed at promoting peace and security, fair trade and human rights; to ending and preventing health epidemics; tackling the challenges of climate change; and taking measures to protect the environment.

“All of these issues require global cooperation as they go beyond individual countries and cultures. As the African continent, we have witnessed and overcome many conflicts.

“We know that the conflicts confronting Africa today have disappeared from international mention, but we are still experiencing devastating effects on many countries on the continent, both in the political sphere and economic effects.”

She said Africa had undertaken the endeavour to work towards a peaceful resolution of all conflicts, use diplomacy and the search for peace as a route to resolving disputes within the context of the African Union.

“Therefore, we are fully alert that conflict, wherever it exists in the world, impacts negatively on all of us and as the developing world, it impacts us, particularly as the African continent. This is why as South Africa, we consistently articulate that we will always stand ready to support the peaceful resolution of conflicts on the continent and throughout the globe.”

In 2022, Minister Pandor said the two countries commemorated 30 years of diplomatic relations.

The ministers also discussed views on how both nations could work together to strengthen the already good relations that the countries enjoy.

She also recalled how members of the Soviet Union provided to the country, particularly Russia, during the fight against apartheid.

“I’m really proud that we enjoy excellent diplomatic relations with your country, which we regard as a valued partner. Our bilateral relations with your country consist of relations in the political, economic, social, defence and security spheres.”

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Minister Pandor said there were several bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding that were signed with a comprehensive spectrum of sectors.

“I'm really pleased that the Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) remains an active platform for coordinating our bilateral relations, and that ITEC continues to meet regularly and has made considerable progress in deepening the cooperation between South Africa and the Russian Federation.”

She also spoke about the countries’ growing economic bilateral relationship, both in terms of trade and investments.

“However, it is my view that both our countries can and must do more to develop and capitalise on opportunities to increase our cooperation in the economic sphere.”

Minister Pandor told the delegates that she was pleased South Africa had been a beneficiary of significant bankable project support from the BRICS Bank.

– Source:



Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana, has hosted his United States (US) counterpart, Secretary Janet Yellen.
The US Secretary of the Treasury is in the country for a weeklong visit, from Tuesday, 24 January 2023..

In a statement, National Treasury said Secretary Yellen, as part of her visit, would meet Minister Godongwana in a bilateral on Thursday morning, 26 January 2023

“Areas of cooperation and mutual benefit between the two economies will be discussed, to further the already fruitful ties between the two states,” said the department.

The visit comes four months after President Cyril Ramaphosa embarked on a successful state visit to the US. The visit was at the invitation of President Joseph Biden.

During the visit, the two countries established a joint task force on trade and investment to expand bilateral economic ties.
This came as there was an agreement on the need to create a more attractive environment for American companies to invest in South Africa, where an estimated 600 US companies are already doing business in a range of sectors.

“A joint task force on trade and investment will be established to expand bilateral economic ties,” said The Presidency at the time.

In a meeting between the two in April last year, Secretary Yellen reiterated the strength of the US’ bilateral relationship and underscored the country’s support for a Just Energy Transition that will enable South Africa to sustainably achieve its climate goals and to welcome South Africa’s leadership on responding to COVID-19.

The Secretary discussed the impact on South Africa of the commodity shock triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and underscored the need for close coordination between our governments to protect our financial sectors from illicit Russian financial activities. The Secretary also commended South Africa’s leadership on debt issues through the G20 Common Framework process.

– Source:




As part of her meeting with South African officials, United States (US) Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, has announced a commitment between the US Department of the Treasury and South Africa’s National Treasury to form a US-South Africa Task Force on Combatting the Financing of Wildlife Trafficking.


In a statement, the US Department of Treasury said the task force would work to combat illicit finance linked to illegal wildlife trade in three key areas.

“Firstly, the task force will prioritise the sharing of financial red flags and indicators related to wildlife trafficking cases, especially those involving the US and South Africa financial systems.

“The South African Anti-Money Laundering Integrated Task Force, a public-private partnership, will play a key role working in collaboration with the US Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network in this effort,” the department said.

Secondly, it said, the task force would use increased information-sharing between financial intelligence units to better support key law-enforcement agencies from South Africa and the US.

The department said this would bolster law-enforcement efforts to use financial investigations to pursue and recover the illicit proceeds of wildlife criminals, especially transnational criminal organisations fuelling and benefitting from corruption and the trafficking of, among other things, abalone, rhino horns, pangolins and elephant ivory.

“Finally, the task force will convene relevant government authorities, regulators, law enforcement and the private sector to improve controls to combat money laundering and the illicit proceeds related to drug and wildlife trafficking.

“To protect wildlife populations from further poaching and disrupt the associated illicit trade, we must ‘follow the money’ in the same way we do with other serious crimes. This includes identifying and seizing the proceeds generated from the illegal wildlife trade and impeding the money laundering and cross-border transactions of the transnational criminal organisations often involved in ‒ and who benefit from ‒ corruption,” said Secretary Yellen in the statement.

As President Joe Biden underlined during the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit in December 2022, the US is committed to working with South Africa and across the African continent to address global challenges.

The department said the task force was an opportunity to harness our shared interests to strengthen ties and address this global threat.

 – Source:




The 53rd Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, concluded on Friday, 20 January 2023. World leaders and corporate executives expressed hope that the looming recession facing the global economy could be avoided if countries collaborated to boost global trade and investment.


A high-level South African government and business delegation has returned home from the meeting more upbeat than before that the current economic slowdown and rising inflation could be resolved if nations addressed global supply disruptions that are leading to commodity shortages and driving up energy and food prices.

The delegation was led by the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, who was accompanied by leaders of South Africa’s major corporations operating in various sectors of the economy. The delegation also included the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel; Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor; and Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi.

This year’s WEF Annual Meeting was held under the theme “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” and covered many interconnected topics, including the impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war on the commodity markets, the skyrocketing cost of living caused by rising inflation and monetary policy tightening by central banks, climate change, and the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on workplaces and labour markets.

“The South African delegation did a fantastic job in Davos where it sold our country to global investors as a favourable market to do business and invest in. Notwithstanding the energy supply constraints that our country is currently grappling with, South Africa remains an attractive investment destination given its excellent infrastructure, sophisticated financial markets and a skilled workforce,” says Sithembile Ntombela, Acting CEO of Brand South Africa.

The South African Government is currently implementing structural reforms that have opened the energy sector to private investment to boost energy generation and bring an end to loadshedding that is constraining the economy.

“The structural reforms that are currently being implemented by the Government are making progress in removing investment bottlenecks and reducing the cost of doing business. These reforms will enable South Africa, a preferred destination by local investors and global multinationals looking to expand across Africa, to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),” says Ntombela.

The AfCFTA, which officially launched in 2021, will create the world’s largest free trade area, stimulate intra-African trade, develop regional value chains and promote industrialisation across the continent.

The AfCFTA Secretariat and WEF revealed in a report unveiled at this year’s Davos meeting that AfCFTA was projected to create a single market that will grow to 1.7 billion people and US$6.7 trillion in consumer and business spending by 2030.

By 2050, the continent is estimated to be home to 2.5 billion people and a market with a combined business and consumer spending of US$16.12 trillion.

The report, titled A New Era for Global Business and Investment in Africa, lists four high-potential sectors that hold lucrative opportunities for companies looking to invest in Africa.

These sectors are automotive, agriculture and agro-processing, pharmaceuticals, and transport and logistics, which are all expected to see rapid growth in terms of production and trade volumes under the AfCFTA.

“Given that South Africa is the most industrialised and sophisticated economy in Africa, it is well-positioned to take advantage of opportunities presented by the AfCFTA. The development of the free trade area will require massive investment in logistics and telecommunications infrastructure to reduce the cost of doing business and enable free movement of people, goods and services,” explains Ntombela.

With the green energy transition and digital transition in full motion around the world, the delegation that represented South Africa at WEF2023 expressed support for calls to reskill and upskill workforces, particularly the youth, to prepare them for future workplaces and to mitigate job losses.

The delegation is impressed by the progress made by the WEF’s Reskilling Revolution; an initiative launched in 2020 to empower one billion people. So far, the initiative has reached 350 million people.

Climate change also took centre stage at WEF with world leaders and business executives committing themselves to supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement, which calls on all countries to cut carbon emissions to limit global warming to around 1.5 degrees Celsius and strive towards attaining net-zero emissions by 2050.

This commitment requires countries and businesses to move away from using fossil fuel energy sources like coal and crude oil and adopting clean and environmentally friendly energy sources such as wind and solar power.

The launch of the new Coalition of Trade Ministers on Climate, which brings together over 50 countries, was also a highlight of this year’s WEF annual meeting.

The coalition aims to tackle climate change by promoting trade and investment that encourage the adoption of goods, services and technologies that mitigate climate change in both developed and developing countries.

“However, the global challenges that were highlighted at WEF 2023 cannot be resolved in a fragmented world in which countries are pulling in different directions. These challenges require collaboration and unity by the nations of the world, where counties are working together to find solutions in an integrated global economy,” concludes Ntombela.

– Source:



The Director-General of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Zane Dangor, undertook a Working Visit to the State of Palestine to co-chair the Second Round of the South Africa-Palestine Political Consultations at Director-General level, from 22 to 25 January 2023 in Ramallah.

The visit afforded the two sides an opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations and exchange views on the most recent developments in Africa and the Middle East to identify areas of further cooperation.



The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) will host a multinational maritime exercise with Russia and China over a 10-day period to strengthen the already flourishing relations between the three countries.
The event known, as Exercise MOSI, will take place in Durban and Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, from 17 to 27 February 2022.

“This will be the second time such an exercise is taking place involving the three naval forces with the first one held in November 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa,” a statement read.

“Exercise coordinators have concluded all necessary coordination and preparation arrangements for this exercise during virtual planning conferences held at the beginning of December 2022.”

This year’s Exercise MOSI is expected to see 350 SANDF personnel from various arms of services and divisions participating alongside their Russian and Chinese counterparts with the aim of sharing operational skills and knowledge.

The event will coincide with the Armed Forces Day celebration that will take place at uMhlathuze Municipality in Richards Bay, east of KwaZulu-Natal.

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South Africa is among the countries that received global awards from the World Health Organisation (WHO) for their efforts to achieve an important milestone towards malaria elimination.
“This is the first time they have given the awards outside the countries that have achieved elimination,” the Department of Health’s statement read on Wednesday, 25 January 2023.

Other countries, according to the department, which walked away with prestigious awards during the fourth Annual Global Forum of Malaria-Eliminating Countries, taking place in Cape Town, include China and El Salvador for achieving malaria-free status.

The South African Government has once again reiterated its commitment to eliminating malaria and as such a solid investment case was developed and received through a conditional grant.

In addition, the department said the country had put resources and strategies to good use and ensured that its programmes were capacitated to eliminate malaria.

“The implementation of these strategies was not deployed in silos but in collaboration with supporting partners.”

This award, according to the department, could not be possible without combined efforts from research institutions, sister departments and malaria-elimination partners such as the Elimination 8 and MOSASWA-LSDI2.

“The South African Government is working to eliminate malaria.”

Malaria, a disease caused by a plasmodium parasite and transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes, is a preventable and curable disease. However, if not diagnosed and treated early, it can also be fatal.

The department said eradicating the disease involved a systematic process of developing strategies and ensuring their robust implementation.

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Khulisa Social Solutions, a non-profit organisation (NPO) with over 25 years of empowering underprivileged South Africans to unlock their potential, has won the prominent Corporate LiveWire Youth Support NPO of the Year Award for 2022/23.
According to Lesley Ann van Selm, Managing Director of Khulisa, “this recognition demonstrates the impact that Khulisa has had on South Africans since its inception, and is a tremendous icebreaker for the amazing work that we are excited to continue in 2023.”

Last year, Khulisa was selected as a finalist under the International Peace Awards Category for the best work in addressing poverty and homelessness, peace-making interventions, and youth empowerment interventions in marginalised communities.

Khulisa’s flagship projects include:

  • The Sustainable Livelihood Programmes focussed on communities in North West and Limpopo provinces. Khulisa launched this programme to implement self-sufficing systems to improve the overall quality of life in these communities.
  • The launch of Resilient Youth in Stressed Environments (RYSE) to better communicate findings of the five-year multinational research that investigated youth resilience in communities involved in oil and gas production and communities impacted by climate change in South Africa, with a particular focus on Secunda and eMbalenhle in Mpumalanga.
  • Application of the ecological model of violence to understand gender-based violence. This research was undertaken through a partnership with the seasoned research psychologist, Sheri Errington, who is a Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Social Development.
  • The Alexandra Youth Entrepreneurial Summit, which was made possible by a partnership with the Greater Alexandra Chamber of Commerce, Qalisa Hub, 243 Pro-network, Ubuntu Business, and TuksNovation.
  • The criminal expungement clinics, which will continue later in 2023 following the overwhelming response received in November 2022.
  • The Alexandra Peace-Making Project, a direct response to civil unrest, has resulted in 35 community peace-makers trained to deal with conflicts in the township.
  • The notable Streetscapes Project, which has been offering long-term community-based rehabilitation that uniquely combines housing, work-based rehabilitation and the necessary psychosocial support in the Western Cape for over seven years.

Khulisa contended with 30 000 other nominees who were submitted from over 30 countries across the globe. Furthermore, a judging panel comprised of entrepreneurs, legal professionals and consultants carefully appraised and selected the winners across various award categories.

“We would like to dedicate this award and our other recent recognitions to our stakeholders, including other fellow NPOs, community members, our funders, and partners,” concludes Van Selm.

– Source:



TripAdvisor’s Traveler’s Choice Awards are back and Kruger National Park (KNP) has placed 20th in the world for “Best Nature Destinations”.
KNP is one of the wonders of South Africa, and now it is being recognised as one of the Top Destinations for Nature Enthusiasts in the World.

Tripadvisor has announced some of the winners for the 2023 Traveler’s Choice Awards, and KNP has earned a massive nod. This is the second year in a row the park has been selected as a winner. Last year, it was chosen for the “Best Outdoor Destination”.

The awards take place each year, and winners are decided by travellers who have reviewed the places visited. The awards cover things to do, hotels, beaches, destinations and restaurants on a global scale as well as regionally.

“The largest game reserve in South Africa, Kruger National Park is basically a synonym for the word ‘safari’. Home to over 500 bird species, 100 reptiles, nearly 150 mammals, multiple archaeological sites, and a stunningly diversity of trees and flowers, Kruger is the country’s flagship national park. Adventurers can explore the park in a 4×4, take a bush walk or fly above in a hot-air balloon.” – Tripadvisor

The park is home to the iconic Big 5, every kind of bird, buck and bug, plus cheetah and wild dogs too! The reason it proves to be so popular with both local and international travellers is that it offers an affordable alternative to premium game drives.

One can self-drive and self-cater a trip within the park while getting premium viewing opportunities in the comfort of their own vehicle.

– Source:



Vergelegen wine estate in Somerset West, renowned for its environmental programmes, is celebrating the birth of a young “Rau” quagga, a rare zebra sub-species.
The arrival of the healthy youngster is a milestone in an ambitious project, initiated by a dedicated group of conservationists in 1987, to breed an animal resembling as closely as possible the quagga. This animal was hunted to extinction in the second half of the 19th century and the last known mare died in Amsterdam Zoo in 1883.

The young Vergelegen foal was born on 14 December after a 12-month gestation period. It was left undisturbed to bond with the other seven quagga and its sex has not yet been determined.

“This youngster appears very relaxed and has been accepted as one of the herd,” says Eben Olderwagen, Environmental Project Manager at the 323-year-old estate.

“It has grown about 15cm taller in a month and has been spotted nibbling lucerne, in addition to suckling from its mother.”

Quagga are shorter and stockier than Southern Plains zebras, with a pale brown hide and black markings, unlike the white hide and black markings of other Plains zebras. Quagga usually have stripes on the head, neck and front portion of their bodies only.

The quagga at Vergelegen, introduced from Pampoenvlei in the Atlantis/Darling area in May last year, are located in a 180-hectare reserve with lush natural grazing, a mix of renosterbos, Boland granite fynbos and various grasses.

Olderwagen says management hopes that this founder herd at Vergelegen will continue to breed and, after about two years, selected quagga will be exchanged with others in the programme. This will prevent in-breeding and reinforce the quest to breed quagga as near as possible to the original species.

Visitors have the opportunity to spot the quagga by booking a place on the estate’s popular guided game drives. These take visitors through the Vergelegen nature reserve, with possible sightings of the estate’s Nguni cattle, bontebok, quagga and five eland. Vergelegen is situated in one of the richest floral regions of the world and in 2018, completed a 14-year, privately funded alien vegetation clearing programme. Some 2 200 hectares were cleared, of which 1 900 hectares have been declared a nature reserve with the same status as the Kruger National Park.

– Source:



The Ndlovu Youth Choir gave an outstanding audition at America’s Got Talent (AGT) All-Stars competition!


Firstly, the choir shares how the first show has changed so many of their lives. They travelled to America to audition for AGT in 2019 and breezed through all the rounds while filling South Africa and the world with pride! Their first audition went viral and had many South Africans in tears; everyone was bubbling with pride.

That audition and their time at AGT catapulted the youth choir to international heights. The fame and opportunity have united the choir and their community has benefitted greatly. Many of the choir members now support their families. They have upgraded their homes so they can have access to electricity and water, children are going to school and the poverty level is shifting.

Being invited back to AGT this year has been a dream come true, twice! They have been included in the All-Stars Show, which will highlight 60 acts from around the world.

“We’re living our dream and are thankful for every opportunity to showcase our talents. Our dream is to inspire and showcase the boundless potential of young South Africans. We Will Rise! AGT, we loved being back and are honoured to officially be an All-Star”

For the audition, the choir sang their original We Will Rise which is such a homegrown feel-good, that the world deserves to hear.

‒ Source:



South African documentary “Milisuthando” received a standing ovation during its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, in the United States, on Saturday, 21 January 2023.
The two-hour film, one of 12 finalists in the World Cinema Documentary Competition, is a personal essay based on the life of award-winning writer, film director and Adobe Women of Sundance winner Milisuthando Bongela.

Born into a middle-class Xhosa community in the Transkei, and not fully realising the existence of apartheid until after it ended, Bongela takes a deep and soul-searching look into the intricacies of race, family and relationships through her multilayered life journey.

At Sundance, Bongela expressed gratitude for her team and for the generous funding that enabled her to complete the documentary.

“This film has been eight years in the making and creating a film so deeply personal during the pandemic was extremely challenging,” she said.

“Fundraising has also been quite a process, but also telling the story of South Africa’s history of apartheid from a perspective that I feel many people haven’t really touched on, plus from a feminine perspective, was the other difficult component.”

“Pictures, videos and archives of apartheid in other documentaries often depict black and white footage with people being shot and running from the police, and I was like, ‘but that did not happen to me’, and yet I hold the trauma in my body,” she continued.

“And to tell my story from a psychological perspective ‒ engaging all races with as much care, sensitivity and Ubuntu, while also looking at the difficulty of facing our very painful history and digging deep ‒ was the challenge in finding that indigenous spirituality reflected in the film.”

Milisuthando producer Marion Isaacs also appears in the documentary, where the two women engage in deep conversations around race.

“Mili and I have been friends for years, and I initially said ‘no’ when she first asked me to work on this project because I wanted to preserve our friendship that meant so much to me,” explained Isaacs.

“But eventually there came a time when it just felt right to step in, and because we had always spoken about the kinds of things that the film is contending with as friends, so our work on the film together was a natural extension as our friendship has been the canvas upon which we’ve built this project.”

Editor and cinematographer Hankyeol Lee shot parts of the documentary in South Africa and worked on additional colour grading and post-production in Colombia.

– Source:

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