Issue 165 | 24 April 2015
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“We once again unequivocally condemn the maiming and killing of our brothers and sisters from other parts of the continent. No amount of frustration or anger can justify these attacks and looting of shops.”  

To demonstrate the serious nature with which the Government views the violence against foreign nationals, President Jacob Zuma cancelled his visit to Indonesia. On 18 April, he visited displaced foreign nationals in Chatsworth to assure them of government’s support.

The President also engaged with the Umlazi community to spread the message of peace and tolerance.

In the past week, he led a stakeholder outreach programme around the country to engage communities to start a conversation within our society.

The Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo; Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba; and Minister of Police, Nathi Nhleko, held a media briefing on 19 April, to highlight the interventions the South African Government was implementing to bring an end to violence, looting and displacement directed at people from other countries who live in South Africa.

Provision of psycho-social services
The Department of Social Development has provided food, shelter and other necessities to more than a thousand displaced persons in shelters in both Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

Trauma counselling and debriefing services are being provided to individuals on site at the shelters. Specialised services to children in need of care and protection, including Early Childhood Development programmes, are being provided in Isipingo and Chatsworth.

Government is working closely with civil society to provide all possible support to the displaced as they await reintegration back into their communities.

The departments of Social Development, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Community Safety are facilitating community dialogues in areas such as Umlazi and Chatsworth to ensure a smooth reintegration process.

“We would like to thank the non-governmental organisations which continue to provide food to the displaced persons in areas like Isipingo, Chatsworth and Greenwood Park,” said Minister Gigaba.

Those who require to speak to a social worker for assistance and counselling are invited to make use of the Social Development trauma counselling toll-free number: 0800 428 42.

Government continues to work closely with foreign missions in South Africa to ensure that displaced persons receive all possible support.

Perpetrators are being arrested, charged and prosecute
“We would like to take this opportunity to commend members of the law enforcement agencies who acted decisively to prevent bloodshed between two aggressive groupings in the Durban CBD. We believe that their commitment to duty has prevented injuries and even deaths that could have happened if they security forces had not acted.”

Law enforcement officers on the ground are working very hard to ensure that those who are involved in acts of violence are arrested, charged and convicted.  So far, over 300 suspects have been arrested in connections with attacks on foreigners and public violence across the country.

Government condemns fear mongering
“In the past few days, we have noted a new phenomenon of people who make use of social media to instil fear in different parts of the country.

"They have been sending out fictitious SMS and WhatsApp messages with fictitious and photo-shopped images warning people of eminent attacks. We would like to thank media who have been responsible in reporting the matter accurately without sensationalism.

"These messages appear to be orchestrated by elements bent on taking advantage of the unease in communities and instil fear among the people. Government re-iterates its resolve to stamp all acts that seek to plunge our country into anarchy.  The misinformation that has been happening in the social media should be condemned by all peace loving South Africans and foreign nationals living in our country."

Security agencies up to the task
The National Joint Operational Centre (NATJOC) continues to operate on a 24-hour basis to coordinate the government-wide response to this situation. Provincial Joint Operational Structures have also been activated to monitor and curb any potential threats across the country.

Government is constantly reviewing its security arrangements, assessing the current environment and determining what additional measures may be required. “At this point, we are satisfied that the security measures that are currently in place are sufficient to bring the situation under control.”

“Government appeals to the leaders of various sectors of our society to echo government’s call on the people to refrain from any activities that may undermine peace, security and stability of our country.”

South Africa remains committed to address some of the issues that have been raised by communities.

“As the team of Ministers appointed by the President, the priority is to restore peace and order within the country.  Additionally, as Justice Crime Prevention Security Cluster Ministers supported by the Ministers of Small Business Development, Social Development as well as Trade and Industry, we have been tasked to address the issues that seem to have caused tensions within the community. South Africa remains a country that welcomes foreign nationals who contribute to the economic growth of the country and the continent.

“To the countries that continue to invest in South Africa, we want to re-assure them that South Africa is a constitutional democracy governed by laws. Investors are welcome to do business in South Africa.

"Everything is being done to restore peace and order. Government will enforce the laws of the country and will not hesitate to act speedily and decisively on any criminal activity committed by or against a foreign national or citizen of South Africa or those found to incite violence.”

Government urges people with information on plans to cause violence or those who have witnessed acts of violence, to contact one of the operational centres, either in the relevant province or at national level:

NATJOC : 012 6409000/2/5
North West : 018 497 7458
Northern Cape : 053 8384419/375/303
Free State : 051 4126652/56
KwaZulu-Natal : 031 325 4720
Western Cape  : 021 466 0014
Eastern Cape : 040 6087401/2/3/4
Limpopo : 015 285 7600/651/615
Mpumalanga : 013 762 7071/75.

“Finally, we appreciate the overwhelming support of South Africans who have stood as true South African ambassadors and reflected the South African spirit of Ubuntu. In various parts of the country, community members have stood in defence of foreign nationals living among them.

"We have also noted messages of support, condemnation and solidarity on social media.  This provides testimony that the overwhelming majority of South Africans are against the violent attacks against our brothers and sisters from other African countries.”



The President intends to build lasting partnerships with stakeholders in the country to ensure that the shameful attacks on foreign nationals do not recur in the country.


On 22 April, President Jacob Zuma hosted consultative meetings with stakeholders to discuss the country’s migration policy and how various sectors could work with government to promote orderly migration and good relations between citizens and other nationals.

Foreign nationals have for years been successfully integrated into many communities in the country and government seeks to gain lessons from these successes.

The engagements also took into account the concerns raised by citizens about the implementation of the migration policy.

However, the President had also emphasised that while understanding the grievances raised by some citizens, none justify the taking of human life as well as the destruction and looting of shops belonging to foreign nationals.

“No grievance can ever justify the cold-blooded murder of fellow human beings, the destruction of property or the displacement of hundreds of people, including women and small children. Millions of South Africans condemn these atrocious killings and abhor xenophobia and all related intolerances.

"Together we must work harder to root out violence and hatred in our society," said President Zuma.

The President met with representatives of faith-based organisations, business, labour, youth, creative industries, women, sports, social development sector and others. He will also this week meet with leaders of organisations representing asylum seekers and refugees as well as the media.




The primary objective of the summit will be to review progress made in the attainment of continental objectives, with a particular focus on the 2015 theme, the “Year of Women Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063”.


At its most recent meeting on 15 April, Cabinet approved that South Africa would host the African Union (AU) 25th Ordinary Session at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation and the Sandton International Convention Centre in Johannesburg, from 7 to 15 June 2015.

South Africa offered to host after the Republic of Chad withdrew.

Other key issues will be the state of peace and security in Africa, combating the Ebola Viral Disease and socio-economic impact on the continent, alternative sources of funding of the AU, the adoption of the First Ten Years Implementation Plan of the AU Agenda 2063 and the reform of the United Nations in its 70th anniversary.

The Bandung Conference, which was held in 1955 in Bandung, laid a firm foundation for the Asia-Africa solidarity against colonialism and apartheid. South Africa was represented at the 1955 conference by African National Congress leaders, namely the late Moses Kotane and Maulvi Cachalia.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa departed for Indonesia on 19 April 2015, where he represented President Jacob Zuma at the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, held in Bandung on 24 April 2015.

President Zuma cancelled his visit to Indonesia to attend to matters at home related to attacks on foreign nationals.

Deputy President Ramaphosa's delegation included Ministers Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Jeff Radebe, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Rob Davies, Senzeni Zokwana, Edna Molewa and several directors-general, including Ambassador Jerry Matjila.

During his visit to Indonesia, Deputy President Ramaphosa also attended activities that preceded the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, including the Africa-Asia Business Forum, the Africa-Asia Summit from 22 to 23 April 2015 in Jakarta and the 10th anniversary of the New Asia-Africa Strategic Partnership, held on 24 April 2015 in Bandung.
The first Asian-African Conference, also known as the Bandung Conference, was first held in Indonesia in 1955 hosting delegations from 29 countries.
The Asian-African Ministerial Meeting, which discussed major international issues, was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 20 April. South Africa’s International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane also participated in the meeting.

The 1955 conference signalled the emergence of the developing countries as a rising force in the world arena, and resulted in the Non-Aligned Movement and the formation of the Third World.

A declaration was issued at the conference, containing 10 principles for handling international relations which was termed as the Bandung Spirit.

In her opening address at the summit, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said the event would enable Asia and Africa to enhance the structural and systematic cooperation as the struggle for a better world was far from over.

The Minister said the two continents needed the same spirit they had when they overcame the legacies and impediments of growth and development to become leading players in a new, equitable, global order.

“Institutions of global governance remain unchanged. Neo-colonialism is staring us in the eyes. Poverty and inequality are a reality all over the world. War and insecurity continue to afflict many of our countries. 

“Our struggle is far from over! Afro-Asian solidarity is as relevant today as it was 60 years ago,” said Minister Nkoana-Mashabane who also co-chaired the summit.

The Minister also used her speech to gather support for the reform of the United Nations as it turns 70 years.

“We as Asia and Africa have a unique opportunity to ensure that the United Nations is fundamentally reformed and representative of the new global reality of today.

"A better world is within reach. We must seize the opportunity,” she said. – Source:
The Deputy President met the champions in his capacity as the Chairperson of the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC).
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the Champions for an AIDS-Free Generation comprising former African heads of state and government on Tuesday, 14 April 2014, at the Michelangelo Hotel, Sandton, Johannesburg.

The Champions for an AIDS-free Generation was first launched in 2008 and works to ensure that all children are born free from HIV in Africa and that all people have access to quality HIV prevention and treatment services.

As former heads of state and government, the champions rally and support regional leadership towards ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat.
The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) provides duty-free market access to the United States (US) for qualifying sub-Saharan African countries by extending preferences on more than 4 600 products.
AGOA has generated enormous goodwill for the US in the African continent, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies says.

“Our message is that AGOA has generated enormous goodwill for the US in the continent and if renewed, more can still be done.

"The attitude of the South African Government remains one of constructive engagement on all the concerns raised by the US constituencies, including on the chicken [trade] issue,” said Minister Davies on recently.

The Minister and a delegation of business, labour and government officials were in Washington to advocate for the renewal of AGOA.

The delegation was in the US for the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) and talks with the US Trade Representative to advocate for the renewal of AGOA.

“Our Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has also indicated to US Vice President Joe Biden, during a teleconference call on 13 April 2015, that South Africa is serious about reaching an agreement to grant some market access for US chicken bone-in cuts and remains committed to the process,” said the Minister.

The US is South Africa’s third-largest trading partner, with bilateral trade and investment relations being guided by TIFA, which was signed in 1999. The amended version was signed in 2012.

AGOA is the cornerstone of bilateral relations between the US and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), as it provides the sole platform between the US and SSA to discuss ways and means to deepen trade and investment relations.

The Minister said the benefits were two-way and that it was important to renew the programme for all eligible countries with South Africa included as a beneficiary country.

Among the achievements of AGOA is that total two-way trade between South Africa and the US increased from R56,7 billion in 2001 to R141 billion in 2014.

In addition, South Africa’s exports to the US grew from R30 billion in 2001 to R69,8 billion in 2014. Similarly, US exports to South Africa grew from R26,6 billion to R71 billion in 2014. Both exports and imports have recovered beyond their pre-crisis level.

Meanwhile, sub-Saharan Africa AGOA exports increased from US$12,4 billion in 2000 to the highest peak of US$79,7 billion in 2008. However, in 2012, exports declined to US$43 billion and again to US$34 billion in 2013. This was largely due to significant decline in oil exports.

The Minister was also due to meet with Senators Chris Coon and Johnny Isakson, who continue to advocate for an amicable solution on the chicken issue.

This as South Africa has for quite some time had in place an anti-dumping duty on chicken portions coming from the US. – Source:
The summit’s theme is: “Poverty alleviation and economic empowerment through scientific research & innovation: Better Knowledge from and for Africa”.
The first global Gender Summit on the African continent relating to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields will be held from 28 to 30 April at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.
The Minister also represented the Southern African Development Community (SADC), acting as a message carrier for the G77, and, together with fellow ministers from the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW), conveyed an African voice for that organisation.
South Africa fielded a multi-faceted team, including water professionals and politicians, to the Seventh World Water Forum in South Korea, held from 12 to 17 April.

It is the largest international event on water, aimed at addressing water and sanitation challenges across the globe.

The World Water Forum is a large-scale international conference that is held every three years since 1997 in cooperation with the public, private sectors, academia and industries.

It was first launched in an effort to facilitate international discussions on global water challenges. Water and Sanitation Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane, led the country's high-level political efforts at the six-day event.
The Department of Energy approved 13 new renewable Independent Power Producer (IPP) bids, which means there will now be 79 IPP projects with 5 243 MW being added to a national grid desperately in need of power.
IPPs have welcomed the recent announcement by South Africa's Department of Energy that it would be expanding opportunities for the private sector to contribute to the production of power in the country.

The Minister of Energy, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, said at a briefing in Cape Town that she had requested a further expedited procurement process
of 1 800 MW from all technologies.

Added to that, the department had engaged in a process to design a gas-to-power procurement programme for a combined 3 126 MW allocation from IPPs. There is also a 2 500 MW IPP programme for coal power stations and 800 MW from cogeneration, bringing the total IPP contribution to 13 469 MW.

That is more power generation than Eskom's three new projects currently under construction. Medupi (4 764 MW), Kusile (4 800 MW) and Ingula
(1 332MW) will bring a total of 10 896MW once they are completed. Eskom's current fleet produces 41 194 MW of power.

Andrzej Golebiowski of Scatec Solar won three bids to produce solar energy in South Africa. These projects are Solar PV Sirius Solar PV Project One (75 MW), Solar PV Dyason's Klip 1 (75 M) and Solar PV Dyason's Klip 2 (75 MW).

"The renewable IPPs programme is inspiration and visionary," he said. "It's really big on a global scale. It's over 4 000 MW they are planning to reward this year. It's going to make it by far one of the biggest markets globally for renewables. That's pretty impressive."

Golebiowski said that the Norwegian company moved its headquarters from Germany to South Africa when they saw the potential of renewable IPPs in Africa.

Scatec Solar currently has 190 MW of solar power being generated in South Africa and this will now increase to 415 MW. – Source:
The gathering brought together ministers in charge of social development, labour and employment, government experts responsible for the concerned sectors, business, social partners, African Union (AU) organs such as the Pan-African Parliament, the regional economic communities and organisations with status of observers such as the Pan-African Productivity Association, Pan-African and international organisations.
South Africa’s Labour Deputy Minister, Nkosi Phathekile Holomisa, led a delegation composed of government, labour and business representatives to the First Session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Social Development Labour and Employment in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 24 April 2015.

The theme was: “Social Protection for Inclusive Development”.

The meeting is a biennial sectorial AU Conference of Ministers of Social Development, and the Labour and Social Affairs Commission.
The Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, said that the retrofitting project would form part of a larger tourism incentive project that was launched earlier this year and would start by focusing on some identified establishments such as national parks, world heritage sites and botanical gardens.
In an effort to improve South Africa as a destination, the Department of Tourism will be launching a pilot project to introduce solar power at tourism-related establishments.

He added that apart from the obvious Eskom-related reasons, introducing solar power would allow establishments to become cleaner and greener.

“People are wanting more than just pretty scenery these days. If tourism in South Africa is eco- and socially-friendly, people will be much more inclined to pick it as their destination of choice,” he explained.

He mentioned that Robben Island would be one of the first sites to benefit from the retrofitting pilot project.

Hanekom added that in the longer term the department was looking at helping establishments, businesses and accommodation offerings to be more resource efficient on a broader level, which would include waste and water management.

They were also hoping to assist in making more places more disability friendly. – Source: Traveller24
The new awards will support research conducted at eight South African institutions and link scientists at these institutions with American researchers at more than 20 US-based research organisations, including the NIH.
The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) and the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) are awarding 31 grants to American and South African scientists to support research targeting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and HIV-related co-morbidities and cancers.

The NIH is a unit of the United States’ (US) Department of Health and Human Services.

Totalling $8 million in first-year funding, the awards are the first to be issued through the South Africa-US Programme for Collaborative Biomedical Research.

The programme, which was established in 2013 with funding from NIH and SAMRC, is designed to foster and/or expand basic, translational behavioural and applied research to advance scientific discovery among American and South African researchers working collaboratively in the areas of HIV, AIDS and TB.

"South Africa is a major partner in the fight to end both HIV, AIDS and tuberculosis," said Anthony S Fauci, the managing director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the NIH.

Among the newly funded research projects are those targeting HIV prevention, particularly among high-risk young women; identifying HIV-infected individuals and determining how best to link them to and retain them in medical care; developing strategies for optimising the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HIV-associated cancers; and addressing scale-up of TB prevention and treatment strategies, particularly among TB-infected mothers and children.

Twelve of the awards will support two years of research; 19 awards will fund five-year collaborative projects. The list of the initial 24 awards will be updated to include the seven remaining projects once they are awarded. – Source:
Visitors to Freedom Park exhibition area were enriched with information on various phases of the South African history narrated from slavery, genocide, colonialism, industrialisation, liberation until democracy.
Freedom Park participated in the World Trade Market 2015, which took place in Cape Town from 15 to 17 April.

“[The] World Trade Market 2015 audience will be exposed to the Wall of Names, which is an element among many within Freedom Park wherein more than 80 000 names of the heroes and heroines who perished in various wars like the First World War, Second World War, Anglo Boer War, Wars of Résistance and Liberation War are inscribed,” Freedom Park spokesperson Naomi Madima said.

She said the World Trade Market 2015 was one of the most suitable platforms for Freedom Park to exhibit its iconic symbols because it was the host for African and international exhibitors in the tourism industry.

“Freedom Park is a national monument in a true sense in that it encompasses and embraces a history of all South Africans and acknowledges other international liberation heroes and heroines,” she said. – Source:
The fact that Sol Plaatje Primary School team beat 101 other schools to win SAASTA’s National AstroQuiz in 2014, secured them this exciting opportunity.
A group of learners from Sol Plaatje Primary School in Mahikeng will get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk directly to an astronaut on the International Space Station (ISS) in May.

The learners from the school, with their winning team of the 2014 National AstroQuiz, will be able to ask Captain Samantha Cristoforetti questions about life in space, science experiments conducted on the ISS and astronomy in general.

This direct contact with “Futura” – the long-term mission of the Italian and European Space Agencies on the ISS – is being arranged by the Italian Embassy in Pretoria.

Futura started on 10 November 2014 and will end in May this year. Captain Cristoforetti is a Futura crew member and the first Italian woman in space.

The Embassy approached Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) to arrange an opportunity for a South African school to participate in the ARISS School Contacts activity.

ARISS is a group of volunteers devoted to creating the experience for learners worldwide to talk directly to crew members on the ISS, inspiring an interest in science and technology, encouraging them to pursue careers in these fields, including Engineering and Mathematics, and engaging them with radio science technology through amateur radio.

While negotiating to secure a slot for a South African school, the Embassy approached SAASTA to assist by identifying a school for the project.

A group of about 30 learners will join the winning AstroQuiz team, Ebenitha Esterhuizen, Kgotlholela Seagisa, Oratile Selatlhedi and Orefile Morule (who have all now moved on to Grade 8 in high school), with their educator Micalla Lucas to talk to Captain Cristoforetti.

On 2 May, the learners will make “telebridge” contact from their school hall with the astronaut, arranged by ARISS and the Italian Embassy, through one of many high-performance ground stations covering the world.
Through 360-degree head tracking, Oculus Rift allows viewers to explore the virtual world just as they would in real life.
An action-packed, five-minute holiday to South Africa from your bar stool in London or Manchester – that's what's on offer this month in the United Kingdom.

South African Tourism is using Oculus Rift technology and targeting bars in the two cities, where consumers can put on a virtual reality headset and experience South African in high definition and binaural sound, creating an immersive experience.

The five-minute holiday takes the viewer to Table Mountain, where they experience what it’s like to abseil down a sheer cliff, with full-circle views of the sea behind and the city in the distance. Other adventurous scenes include kite-surfing, paragliding and feeding elephants, before relaxing in a bar in Johannesburg's Neighbourgoods Market.

All scenes were filmed on location, where the Oculus Rift technology was adapted accordingly. A shark cage-diving scene in Cape Town required the footage to be shot underwater, using a specially made 3D-printed underwater camera rig.

The first bar takeover will take place on Friday, 24 April at Corbet Place, Brick Lane, London. The next venue is NoHo, in Manchester's Northern Quarter, on Thursday 30 April. Other dates will be announced on South African Tourism's Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Juan Herrada, South African Tourism’s UK manager of marketing and communications, said: "We want to surprise the UK travelling public and Oculus Rift is the ideal partner for us to reach a young, tech-savvy market. This is the first time Oculus Rift and binaural sound have been combined to create a unique, immersive holiday experience for the UK public."

Brand Warrior promotional staff are also on hand at the takeovers to answer questions and encourage consumers to enter a competition to win a pair of flights to South Africa. South African Tourism is working with agencies UM London, Visualise, Somethin Else and Tribe on the campaign. – Source:
This prestigious list was released on Tuesday, 7 April, and is compiled by a board of seasoned CNT writers.
The Mother City has claimed bronze laurels yet again, this time in the foodie sphere as it was placed third in Condé Nast Traveler's (CNT) World's Best Food Cities for 2014.

The description of Cape Town on Condé Nast Traveler's site reads, "In Cape Town, ‘local’ rules. The Mother city is smallish, casual but supremely stylish, and welcoming – words that describe its artisanal foods and restaurant scenes as much as its citizens".

Writer Maria Shollenbarger acknowledges that, "Sure, there are flashy, world-renowned addresses [in Cape Town], like Luke Dale-Roberts’ Test Kitchen and Pot Luck Club. (Both are housed in the Old Biscuit Mill, which also hosts the Saturdays-only Neighbourgoods Market, an alfresco fair of the small-batch and hand-crafted, from sheep's milk cheese to artisanal honeys to beers and wines, biltong and oysters.)"
Burger, who survived life-threatening bacterial meningitis to return to the Springbok team, beat Francesco Acerbi (Italy), Diego Milito (Argentina), Jo Pavey (United Kingdom [UK]), Pierre Vaultier (France) and Oliver Wilson (UK) to the award
Stormers and Springbok flank Schalk Burger has won the Laureus World Comeback of the Year Award at a ceremony in Shanghai.

Burger, who returned from intensive care after suffering life-threatening meningitis to force his way back into the Stormers and Springbok teams, won the award against stiff competition.

Laureus reported All Blacks rugby legend Sean Fitzpatrick as saying: “The story of Schalk’s recovery is amazing. He not only survived such a serious illness, but in a relatively short time he was back in the Springboks team and winning matches for them. What a great tribute to his fighting spirit. All he needs now to complete this remarkable comeback is to have a wonderful World Cup later this year.”
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