Issue 169 | 20 May 2015
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According to The Presidency, President Zuma said the summit provided ‎direction with regard to solving the immediate challenges of peace and stability in some parts of the Great Lakes region.

President Jacob Zuma has returned to South Africa from Angola, after a visit to the country on an invitation of Angolan President, Eduardo Dos Santos, to attend the Extraordinary Summit of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).

The Presidency said President Zuma had described the summit, which was held in Luanda, as fruitful.

South Africa had an observer status at the ICGLR Summit, which was chaired by President Dos Santos.

‎”Leaders at the summit discussed thoroughly the security situation in countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Burundi and the Republic of South Sudan, as well as issues of terrorism.

“With regard to the current security situation in Burundi, President Zuma said the summit strongly condemned the attempted coup d’état that occurred last week,” said The Presidency.

President Zuma said the summit further agreed that the postponement of elections should not have a timeframe, as there was unrest in the country and the elections should be postponed indefinitely until there’s stability, which would allow the elections to be free and fair. “We have also agreed that a delegation of heads of state from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa will visit Burundi in the shortest possible time to evaluate the situation and contribute to the peaceful resolution of the current situation,” said President Zuma.

The Presidency said the summit further called on all parties in Burundi to expeditiously work towards the restoration of peace and stability.

“Regarding the DRC, the summit encouraged the Government to neutralise the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) and other negative forces in the Eastern DRC.

“The summit has also agreed to convene a joint ICGLR/ECCAS Summit on the situation in the CAR and urged stakeholders in CAR to expedite the national reconciliation process in view of the forthcoming elections in the country,” said The Presidency.

The President was accompanied by International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. – Source:
The PAP meets biannually for its statutory session to deliberate on various issues that affect the continent. The sixth session takes place at the time when the term of the current Parliament is coming to an end on 26 May 2015.
President Jacob Zuma met with his Kenyan counterpart, President Uhuru Kenyatta, on 17 May at the Mahlamba Ndlopfu residence in Pretoria to discuss bilateral relations, prior to President Kenyatta’s attendance as a guest of honour at the Sixth Ordinary Session of the PAP.

President Zuma used the opportunity to reaffirm strong bilateral relations between South Africa and Kenya. The two leaders discussed bilateral relations as well as the latest developments within the continent of Africa with regard to peace and security and sustainable economic development and movement for change.

The opening of the PAP was held in Midrand on 18 May.
The highlights of the upcoming Session, scheduled from 18 to 25 May, include:
  • On 21 May, former President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, is scheduled to present the African Union (AU) report on illicit financial flows out of Africa.
  • On 22 and 23 May, the PAP and AU Commission (AUC) will co-host the Third Inter-Generational Dialogue with the African Youth by Dr Nkosazana Zuma, the Chairperson of AUC.
  • On 25 May, the PAP will celebrate Africa Day under the theme, “Women Empowerment”.
  • On 27 May 2015, a new Bureau and the President will be elected.
In the spirit of Africa Day, Cabinet encourages South Africans, especially the youth, to work together to strengthen their participation in the affairs of our country.
President Jacob Zuma will lead the Africa Day celebration under the theme: “We are Africa – Opening the doors of learning and culture from Cape to Cairo” on 24 May 2015 at the Mamelodi Campus of the University of Pretoria.

Africa Month is a platform to promote unity among African nations and our fellow African brothers and sisters residing in South Africa. The unity of the continent is driven through the African Union’s programmes to attain its vision as articulated in the Agenda 2063. 

The continent, guided by its citizens, will strive for an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa.

Africa Day also presents an opportunity for South Africans to reconnect and recommit themselves in support of all government interventions to develop a better Africa and a better world.

The Africa Month theme “We are Africa” is a declaration and celebratory statement of pride, which fosters inclusivity from all role players and stakeholders.

It is also a call to action for individuals and groups from all backgrounds and walks of life to join the movement for change.
“South Africa and India emphasised that trade relations must be accelerated, given the tremendous opportunities that exist in several key sectors of mutual interest,” said departmental spokesperson, Clayson Monyela.
On 19 May, South Africa hosted the ninth session of the South Africa-India Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC).

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, had engagements with the Indian Minister of External Affairs and Overseas Indian Affairs, Sushma Swaraj, as part of the Ministerial engagement.

India is currently South Africa’s third-largest trade partner in Asia and ranks among South Africa’s top six trade partners.

The engagement followed the meetings of subcommittees over the period of 19 March to 18 May. The JMC comprises seven subcommittees involving 11 national departments that focus on the identification, execution and monitoring of projects aimed at further enhancing and supporting relations.

Monyela said the bilateral relations between the two countries were rooted in a history of friendship and solidarity. They had been formalised through three declarations that defines the strategic nature of those relations.

“The two countries cooperate in a host of regional, continental and global fora, most notable being the BRICS countries (an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa); the India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum; and the Indian Ocean Rim Association,” he said. – Source:
“The South African Government has noted with concern the recent attempt to seize power through unconstitutional means in the Republic of Burundi. South Africa condemns in the strongest possible terms any attempt to change a democratically elected government through unconstitutional means.”
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane recently briefed the media on a number of international developments.

On the situation in Burundi, Minister Nkoana-Mashabe said South Africa reaffirmed its support for the African Union’s (AU) principle rejection of unconstitutional change of government and its commitment to the rule of law and democratic processes and institutions, as enshrined in the Constitutive Act and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance. 

“South Africa expresses its full support to the efforts of the leaders of the East African Community and the African Union aimed at assisting the Republic of Burundi to return to constitutional order.

“South Africa regrets the loss of life and appeals to all the Burundian stakeholders to resolve their differences through dialogue and peaceful means within the framework of the country’s Constitution and in the spirit of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement.

“South Africa, as a country that played a critical role in the Burundi Peace Process, will remain seized with the situation and lend her support to the efforts of the East African Community.

Regarding the 12th Session of the Iran-South Africa Joint Commission, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said that it was one of the most successful bilateral engagements, which culminated in the adoption of a Joint Communiqué that outlined specific, practical steps that the two countries had agreed to undertake to deepen political, diplomatic, trade and investment ties.

“The Joint Commission made a commitment to ensure implementation of all agreements between South Africa and Iran. Seven working groups identified a wide but focused range of key areas of future cooperation. We have set out deliverable projects and programmes that are time-bound and outcomes-based. Among these are initiatives in education, energy, health, investment, mining, transport, agriculture, science and technology.

“Apart from the implementation of existing bilateral agreements, we also took advantage of the Joint Commission to discuss a range of developments internationally and in our respective regions, including reform of global institutions of governance. We also discussed developments relating to the political agreement recently reached in the nuclear talks as well as the conflict in Yemen.

“Regarding the nuclear talks, we reiterated our position that Iran has an inalienable right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, in line with the provisions of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. South Africa has the rare distinction of having acquired nuclear weapons and then voluntarily dismantling them.

“Like Iran, South Africa firmly believes that the Middle East should be made a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone, as we have done in Africa with the Pelindaba Treaty. In this regard, the South African Government will continue to encourage and support Iran as it works towards a comprehensive agreement in the nuclear talks.  We hope that the final outcome will be fair and just to the people of Iran, and that the sanctions will be lifted without delay."

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said that South Africa would host the AU Summit in June 2015 in terms of a decision of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted at its meeting in Addis Ababa in January.

“The June 2015 Summit will maintain the theme of the January 2015 Summit, which is: ‘Year of Women Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063’.

“The Republic of Zimbabwe, as chair of the AU for 2015, will chair the summit and its related meetings.

“An Inter-Ministerial Committee has been set up and is overseeing preparations for our hosting of this important meeting of the AU. Several national government departments have come together and meet on a regular basis to ensure that all logistical arrangements are in place for the summit.

"We are engaging the AU Commission on all the arrangements for the summit, and we are confident that the summit will be a success. 

“Substantively, the summit will focus on the implementation of a number of decisions taken at the January 2015 Summit, which relate to:
  • Agenda 2063 and its First Ten Years Implementation Plan
  • State of Continental Peace and Security, including terrorism
  • Women’s Empowerment and Development
  • Alternative Sources of Funding the AU
  • Continental Integration
  • Operationalising the African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention by 2015.”
This announcement was made recently by the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, in a meeting convened by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the South African National AIDS Council and the Medical Research Council, in Cape Town.
The DST is planning to create a forum to strengthen HIV research, not only in South Africa, but throughout the African continent.

The meeting focused on how various research plans contributed to South Africa's long-term 20-year Vision 2030 (2010 – 2030) and its ambitious target of "Zero new HIV infections, Zero new infections due to vertical transmission of HIV, Zero preventable deaths associated with HIV, and Zero discrimination associated with HIV".

Minister Pandor said these targets posed significant opportunities and challenges for researchers and other professionals.

"We require responses from the social sciences and also from those who work with popular culture, including social media," the Minister added.

She said the meeting did not focus on HIV research alone, because it downplayed the significant association with TB, "but because we need to develop a set of programme responses that set an agenda derived from experience and lessons learnt from at least two decades of research”.

She added: "We are at a point where we need to act on important lessons from what's happened in the HIV prevention field in the past – both the successes and the failures."

"We are also at a point where we must start to recognise the scientific challenges of HIV research for what they are, and draw up a strategic plan for the future.

"The need to develop a robust research agenda on everything from curative therapies to vaccines and other new prevention tools has never been greater."
Operation Phakisa was announced by President Jacob Zuma in his State of the Nation Address last year.
Engagements which are aimed at moving the mining sector forward will start in August, as part of the Mining Operation Phakisa.

“Government will convene all stakeholders in the industry in a lab process whose main objectives are to develop implementable results that will transform the industry and increase investment, in line with the goals of the National Development Plan,” Mineral Resources Minister, Ngoako Ramatlhodi, said.

The Mining leg of Operation Phakisa will identify key constraints to investment and growth of the industry as well as develop a shared vision and growth strategy for the long-term development and transformation of the sector.

Speaking during a media briefing in Pretoria, Minister Ramatlhodi said the Mining Phakisa would also focus on finding “win-win” solutions in dealing with the role and contribution of the mining industry to beneficiation and industrialisation.

He said stakeholders of the Mining Growth Development and Employment Task Team, whom he met earlier in the day and which he chairs, had expressed support of the process of the Mining Phakisa.

The meeting was attended by the leadership of business, the Chamber of Mines and the South African Mining Development Association as well as labour, which was represented by the National Union of Mineworkers, Solidarity and UASA. – Source:
According to the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, the objective of this OTIM is to create a platform for South African value-added products and services to enter the Latin American market, and encourage investments and joint ventures between the South African and Peruvian companies.
The Department of Trade and Industry will be leading a delegation of 18 businesspeople on an OTIM to Peru from 22 to 30 May 2015.

“Peru shows high export potential for South African products and services. The OTIM is a result of the scoping mission that officials from our trade and investment division undertook to the country in July 2013. The objective of the technical visit to Peru is to scope the market and identify trade and investment opportunities for South African products and services, including opportunities for joint ventures on infrastructure projects,” says Minister Davies.

The technical visit, as well as the first Outward Trade Mission to Peru that was undertaken last year, identified numerous business opportunities for the South African companies to explore in partnership with Peruvian companies in sectors such as aquaculture, infrastructure and agroprocessing.

“The mission to Peru will provide the South African companies with an opportunity to penetrate the Latin American market, which is not only about Brazil but more about the Pacific Alliance, a trade bloc that includes Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico. The bloc offers greater export and investment opportunities,” adds Minister Davies.

Bilateral trade between South Africa and Peru totalled almost R600 million last year. It is heavily skewed in favour of South Africa which exported products worth more than R400 million to Peru.

According to the World Bank, Peru, with a population of more than 30 million, is one of Latin America’s fastest-growing economies and is expected to remain as such in the medium term. Most recent estimates of real gross domestic product growth of 3,5% for 2014 are above the regional average of 1,2%.
Small claims courts are powerful mechanisms to provide access to justice to the people of South Africa, especially the poor. Improving access to justice for all and enhancing the rule of law have been critical priorities for government and consequently, in the last two decades, specific initiatives were undertaken to extend access to justice.
The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Michael Masutha, recently signed a R3-million extension agreement on behalf of the South African Government with the Swiss Confederation on the re-engineering of small claims courts.

The agreement, which has been implemented in two phases from 2007 to 2011, is aimed at improving the functioning and efficiency of the small claims courts.

Phase 1 of the project started in March 2007 and came to an end on 28 February 2011, with a total contribution of R4,5 million. 

An independent evaluation was done and due to the very positive assessment results, Phase 2 of the project was subsequently approved and ran from 1 March 2011 to 28 February 2015, with a further contribution of R10 million.

Towards the end of the second phase, the Swiss Confederation offered to extend the agreement by a further period of 10 months, ending on 31 December 2015, with an additional contribution of R3 million.
“In honouring Madiba’s legacy, the Nelson Mandela Foundation asks that you create or join an action on the Mandela Day website, share your story with the world, and help inspire global change,” Nelson Mandela Foundation spokesperson, Lee Davies, said.
The Nelson Mandela Foundation has encouraged the public to honour the legacy of the late former President by participating in this year’s Mandela Day activities.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation recently announced Mandela Day 2015 and urged the public to register their actions on

Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July 2009 through a unanimous decision of the United Nations General Assembly.

Davies said Madiba believed that every person had the ability to change the world for the better, no matter how big or small their contribution.

“It was Nelson Mandela’s humble humanitarian philosophy and how he sought to live it every day that made him one of the most inspiring leaders in the world – free yourself, free others and serve every day,” Davies said.

Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Sello Hatang, said Nelson Mandela’s legacy had created the opportunity for all to achieve a bright future.

The hashtags for Mandela Day are #Time2Serve and #MandelaDay. The website,, has all the resources the public needs to choose a meaningful action in memory of Mandela.

Mandela died on 5 December 2013 at the age of 95 at his home in Houghton, Johannesburg. – Source:
This international forum brings together railway safety professionals from all over the world to exchange information, experiences, lessons and best practices for improving railway safety.
Cabinet recently approved the hosting of the 25th International Railway Safety Council Meeting, to be held from 4 to 9 October 2015, at the Sandton International Convention Centre, Johannesburg.

Hosting this event has the potential to attract foreign investment, which can boost the economy and accelerate public infrastructure investment. This is given further impetus by South Africa’s recent investments in the passenger and freight rail sectors which have made the country attractive for investments.
Ratification is also part of South Africa’s international priorities to contribute to a better world and to the development of Africa.
Cabinet recently approved that the African Maritime Transport Charter be submitted to Parliament for ratification. This is an international agreement which makes provision for the harmonisation of policies, in order to promote sustained growth and development of African merchant fleets.

It will also encourage intra-Africa trade to facilitate economic and socio-economic integration on the continent.

Cabinet also approved submission of the Amendment to the Agreement of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (ITSO) to Parliament for ratification.

ITSO is an intergovernmental organisation which ensures that Intelsat Ltd, a satellite operator, provides public telecommunications services, including voice, data and video on a global and non-discriminatory basis.

The Amendment protects the long-term viability of the Common Heritage of Parties and ensures the continuity of global coverage and global connectivity.
The island prison, which once held Nelson Mandela and struggle stalwarts Walter Sisulu and Ahmed Kathrada, among others, will be a pilot site for the Department of Tourism. It plans to roll out solar power to botanical gardens, South African national parks and world heritage sites.
Robben Island, one of the world's top tourist attractions, will soon generate its power from solar panels.

Delivering his department’s Budget Vote recently, the Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, said the installation of solar power at the island would take place during the current financial year.

"The exciting part of the retrofitting programme is that it contributes towards our countrywide effort to reduce the electricity demand and to start shifting towards efficient energy use and renewable energy use.

"We will be introducing this component of the incentive programme on a pilot basis this year and it will involve the introduction of renewable energy at mainly our botanical gardens, at South African national parks and at some of our world heritage sites.

"It will also include some of our community-based projects, particularly those that don't have immediate access to the grid," he said.

The retrofitting programme is part of the R180-million Tourism Incentive Programme, which is aimed at advancing transformation in the sector, growing enterprises and developing tourism attractions. As part of the retrofitting, the department will assess the needs of these establishments and then install photovoltaic panels.

Tourism had contributed 9,4% to the country's gross domestic product over the past year, Hanekom added. The sector's value chain now supported one in every 10 jobs in the country.

"Growth in international tourist arrivals was recorded at 6,6% between 2013 and 2014.

"The 9,5 million visitors welcomed into South Africa last year contributed to creating a better life for all South Africans.

"The Department of Tourism will leverage the 2015/16 budget of R1,8 billion to create job opportunities and implement programmes that will take the sector forward in an inclusive and sustainable manner." – Source:
“This agreement serves as a driver from which France can contribute to the expansion of the film, television, video production and distribution industries of both countries,” Deputy Minister Masina said.
The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mzwandile Masina, has encouraged production houses at the 68th Annual Cannes International Film Festival to use South Africa as a location for films.

He said that during the Cannes International Film Festival South Africa had signed a co-production treaty with France.

The co-production treaty also serves to enhance the development of cultural and economic exchanges.

Deputy Minister Masina’s visit to France also aimed at exposing emerging black filmmakers to international markets, distributors, funders and producers with the intention of transforming and growing the South African film industry.

He led a delegation of 20 emerging black filmmakers to the film festival.

Deputy Minister Masina’s programme included meetings with the United States of America studio, Lions Gate, as well as with Axiom, a leading United Kingdom-based production, distribution and sales company.

The Deputy Minister also hold meetings with international producers from different countries during the film festival which runs from13 to 24 May.
– Source:
Five-star hotels are expected to achieve a high of 80% occupancy in 2019.
South Africa's hospitality industry is prepared to grow further in the next five years, with most growth in the sector expected to be generated in Cape Town, according to a report released by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recently.

Nikki Forster, the hospitality industry leader for PwC Southern Africa, says: "Although South Africa's economy has weakened, the hotel industry in 2014 has benefited from an increase in foreign visitors and rising room rates."

PwC's fifth edition of its report, Hospitality Outlook: 2015-2019, projects that by 2019, the overall occupancy rate across all sectors in South Africa will continue to increase, rising to an estimated 58,3% from 54,4% in 2014. "The hotel occupancy rate reached its highest level in 2014 of 59% since 2008.

The hotel occupancy rate is expected to increase to 62% by 2019 but still remain lower than the 68,4% achieved in 2008," adds Forster.

In 2014, overall spending on rooms in South Africa rose 9,1% to R18,9 billion, with rising room rates being the principal driver. Hotel occupancy rates rose 7%, with five-star hotels achieving the fastest growth at 12,8%. With the market now improving, there is renewed activity in the hotel industry as major hotel chains upgrade current facilities, renovate their properties or make plans to expand and open new hotels.

The report estimates that by 2019, there will be about 63 600 hotel rooms available, up from 60 800 in 2014. Sources: APO,
The PrivateFly Best Airport Approaches 2015 poll was conducted in March and April this year and received more than 3 000 individual votes. A total of 147 global airports received nominations, but only the 10 best ones from the individual votes was released.
Cape Town's International Airport, where planes come in to land with a view over the Atlantic Ocean and the iconic Table Mountain, has been named the 10th most scenic landing strip in the world by a global booking platform for private jet charters, PrivateFly.

The scenic landing strip in Cape Town compared well to other iconic landing strips in the world, like the tiny and remote airstrip of Saba in the Caribbean – which is also the world's shortest commercial runway – and the unique beach landing at Princess Juliana International Airport on Maho Beach.

Here are the top 10 scenic airport approaches, according to PrivateFly's 2015 survey.

1. Queenstown Airport, New Zealand
2. Las Vegas McCarran Airport, United States
3. Nice Cote D'Azur Airport, France
4. Barra Airport, Scotland, United Kingdom (UK)
5. St Maarten Airport (Princess Juliana International), Caribbean
6. Saba Airport (Juancho E Yrausquin), Caribbean Netherlands
7. Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, Canada
8. Gibraltar Airport, UK
9. London City Airport, UK
10. Cape Town International Airport, South Africa.

– Source: Traveller24
Following the ninth and final round of the 2014-15 Sevens World Series in London, Werner Kok, Semi Kunatani and Seabelo Senatla have been nominated for the award.
A shortlist of three nominees – two South Africans and one Fijian – have been unveiled for the 2015 World Rugby Sevens Player of the Year award, World Rugby has unveiled.

The outstanding trio were voted by the management teams of the 15 core sides who compete at all nine rounds of the World Series.

The winner will be announced at the World Rugby Awards dinner on Sunday, 1 November, at Battersea Evolution, London, following the 2015 Rugby World Cup final.

Having made his debut in London last season, Kok has been instrumental in South Africa’s performances in all nine of the 2014-15 tournaments, most notably in their Cup win on home soil in Port Elizabeth, and as the Blitzbokke became the first to side to confirm qualification for the Olympic Games in Rio. Kok ended the season as the leading tackler of all players.

The youngest of the three nominees, Senatla ended the season as the leading try scorer with 47 tries and has scored two of this year’s fans’ favourites, as well as scoring in each of South Africa’s Cup final victories in Dubai and Port Elizabeth.

His blistering pace has been one of the talking points of the season, with few able to catch him when he is in full flow. – Source:
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