Issue 186 | 4 September 2015
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It will be the first time an African city hosts the Commonwealth Games.
The City of Durban has been confirmed as historic host of the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

The announcement was made in Auckland, New Zealand, on Wednesday, 2 September.

Canadian city and previous host, Edmonton, withdrew from the 2022 race in February, citing oil price-related financial concerns, leaving the South African port as the only bidder.

"A historic decision for all of us and one that my commission completely endorses," newly-elected Commonwealth Games Federation president, Louise Martin, told the organisation's general assembly in Auckland.

“This is an extraordinary day for Durban, a momentous day for South Africa and an historic day for the African continent”, said Tubby Reddy, CEO of the Bid Committee.

“We are greatly humbled and honoured to receive this vote of confidence from the members of the Commonwealth countries. I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to the Commonwealth Games Federation and the Commonwealth Games Associations for this honour.

“We did not make the journey here alone. Many people have supported us along the way. Firstly, thank you to the people of Durban and South Africa who have stood with us in this bid.

"The Minister of Sport, Fikile Mbalula, and his Cabinet colleagues, together with the provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal and of course, the City of Durban have all joined to ensure that we lodged a world-class bid and that in seven years’ time will host a successful Games”, added Reddy.

The next Commonwealth Games will be held at Australia's Gold Coast in 2018.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII. Japan signed its formal surrender on 2 September 1945, and China celebrated its victory the following day.
President Jacob Zuma was among other world leaders invited to attend China's celebrations to commemorate the country’s victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the end of World War II.

The day, known as Victory Day in China, was celebrated on 3 September and saw a series of commemorative events, including a rally, a military parade, a reception and an evening gala held in the capital, Beijing.

About 30 heads of state, leaders of government or representatives of leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, South Korean President Park Geun-hye, and the presidents of Belarus and Vietnam attended the events.

Apart from participating in the celebrations, President Zuma and his delegation used the visit to assess the status of progress on the key areas identified under the Five-to-Ten Year Strategic Programme for Cooperation, which was signed in December 2014.

They also discussed preparations for South Africa’s hosting of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit from 4 – 5 December 2015 in South Africa.

The two countries, which are co-chairs of FOCAC, will review the implementation of tasks set in the last meeting in 2009, explore new ways to deepen China-Africa relations and improve the forum's mechanism. – Source:
The Joint Commission provides the two countries the opportunity to review bilateral relations and deliberate on proposals for enhanced and new areas of cooperation.
On 30 August, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, arrived in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), to co-chair the inaugural South Africa (SA)-UAE Joint Commission.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane's delegation included officials from the departments of international relations and cooperation; trade and industry; energy; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; and economic development.

The launch of the SA-UAE Joint Commission follows the conclusion of the Agreement on the Establishment of a Joint Commission during the State Visit to the UAE by President Jacob Zuma in 2011.

South Africa and the UAE have maintained a good relationship since formal diplomatic ties were first established in 1994. The relationship has a strong economic focus, and the UAE is already a lucrative export market for South African products. Many South African companies are active in the UAE in a variety of sectors.

There has been a sharp increase in total trade between South Africa and the UAE, with exports to the UAE increasing by over R4 billion year-on-year in 2014, while imports from the UAE year-on-year also increased by over R4 billion. This is a positive trajectory of the potential for enhancing trade between the two countries.
Struggle veteran Gertrude Shope was among the dignitaries at the event.
On 28 August, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, launched an Annual Dialogue Forum on Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking in Africa at an event that also served as a graduation ceremony for a group of women who have completed a training course on conflict resolution and mediation.

The launch of the “Gertrude Shope Annual Dialogue on Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking in Africa” and the graduation ceremony took place within the context of Women’s Month. Also addressing the event was Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans.
Deputy Minister Mfeketo was accompanied by the deputy ministers of trade and industry and energy, as well as senior officials from trade and industry; energy; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; and National Treasury.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, led a high-level delegation to the Islamic Republic of Iran on a Working Visit from 29 to 30 August 2015.

South Africa and Iran maintain good bilateral relations and regularly convene meetings of the Joint Commission (JC), which is a structured framework to promote cooperation in various sectors, including agriculture, health, water and sanitation, and science and technology.

The last session of the JC, the 12th session, was held in Iran in May 2015 and was co-chaired by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Dr Mohammad Javad Zarif.

The South African Government welcomes the conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between the P5+1 and Iran on 14 July 2015 on outstanding matters regarding the Iranian nuclear programme and supports the full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

This historic agreement is testament to the success of a negotiated and diplomatic solution, to which South Africa has steadfastly and continuously lent its full support. 

The implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will also create an opportunity for South Africa and Iran to resume their trade, investment and economic relations, allowing the two countries that enjoy historical and fraternal relations, to deepen their ties even further.


The inaugural Blue Economy Conference took place in the context of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) having decided to make the Ocean Economy/Blue Economy a strategic priority. South Africa is one of the conference's initiating member countries.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, led a South African delegation at the IORA Blue Economy Conference in Mauritius from 2 – 3 September 2015.

IORA was formally launched in 1997, and is a cooperative community of 20 coastal states bordering the Indian Ocean, and six non-member dialogue partner states. South Africa will serve as Vice Chair of IORA in October 2015, and Chair the association from October 2017 – 2019.

The conference was an opportune platform to conceptualise the Blue Economy and enable cooperation on exploiting the vast ocean resources. Key features of agenda entailed analysing the existing capacities of the member states in the following:
  • fisheries and aquaculture
  • renewable ocean energy
  • seaport and shipping
  • seabed exploration and minerals.
Furthermore, the Blue Economy Conference discussed and analysed the Ocean Economy-related programmes and problems of small island developing states; discussed the ways and means to promote public-private partnerships in exploring the sea resources in the member states of the Indian Ocean Rim; and discussed and suggested the common policy framework for the development of the Blue Economy in member states.
The special permits were introduced to allow Zimbabweans a three-year residency in South Africa.
The Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba, says since the inception of the Zimbabwean Special Permits (ZSPs), a total of 197 303 ZSP applications were adjudicated and a total of 185 075 were approved.

Addressing the media recently, Minister Gigaba said the feedback from the Zimbabweans had been very positive with many confirming improved employment, business and social environment as well as the ease of financially transacting and receiving medical treatment and other services.

“The bulk of the remaining work is administrative, involving printing and dispatching of outstanding ZSP certificates to VFS, followed by clients’ collection of decision.

“The good news is that adjudication is almost complete, leaving us with only 0,3% to adjudicate,” Minister Gigaba said.

However, Minister Gigaba warned that those who failed to apply or who did not collect their documents could be deported.

According to the Minister, 30 September 2015 is the target for completion of outstanding tasks, including collections.

The cut-off date for receiving ZSP applications was December 2014. The applications were received by VFS Global and adjudicated over by the department.

The department has engaged VFS Global, as a partner, to receive the applications. VFS Global started receiving applications, online, on 1 October 2014. The ZSP permits are valid until 31 December 2017. – Source:
The Medupi Power Station Project is a greenfield coal-fired power plant comprising six units rated in total at 4 764 MW installed capacity.
Unit 6 of Medupi Power Station in Lephalale, Limpopo, is in full commercial operation and contributing 800 megawatts (MW) power into the national grid. President Jacob Zuma launched the unit on 30 August 2015.

Construction of the Medupi Power Station started in May 2007 and all six units are expected to be operational in the first half of 2019. Once completed, it will be the fourth-largest coal-fired plant and the largest dry-cooled power station in the world.

The planned operational life of the power station is 50 years.

Unit 6 was first synchronised to the national grid on 2 March this year and has been supplying electricity to the national grid intermittently while undergoing regular optimisation tests. During this period Unit 6 has been able to alleviate pressure on the national electricity system, helping to either avoid load-shedding altogether or minimise its severity.

The unit’s commercial operation has been achieved, well within the normally stipulated period of six months after first synchronisation.

The commercial operation of Unit 6 of the Medupi Power Station is a critical milestone in South Africa’s effort to build new generating capacity.
The centre is an international organisation that provides legal advice on WTO law, support in WTO dispute-settlement proceedings and training in WTO law to developing and least developed countries.
Cabinet recently approved for South Africa to join the Advisory Centre on WTO Law in Geneva.

As a member, South Africa will be able to source advice on the compatibility of trade measures of other countries that affect South African exports and of trade measures that South Africa wants to introduce. The centre can also assist South Africa in WTO dispute-settlement cases.
The regional intergovernmental body promotes consistent implementation of measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism across the southern and eastern Africa region.
The Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene, will assume the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group for a year. As a result, the Minister will host the 2015 annual meeting of the council.

The aim of South Africa’s membership is to strengthen measures regionally against money laundering and financing of terrorism, which promote national security both domestically and regionally.
This year, the month will be celebrated under the theme: “Our indigenous knowledge, our heritage: Towards the identification, promotion and preservation of South African’s living heritage”.
Cabinet has called on all South Africans to celebrate their history and diverse cultures as the country marks Heritage Month in September.

“This year’s commemoration will take the format of a cultural fair and communities are encouraged to use their living heritage such as food, craft, dance and music to promote cultural diversity, human rights, nation-building and economic development,” Cabinet said in a statement.

South Africa will also celebrate Tourism Month in September, which is an opportune time for families to visit the country’s heritage sites to reconnect with their past.
"Given her as the first known African woman to be banished by the apartheid regime, unveiling and commemoration of the burial and memorial site of this unsung hero is a fitting tribute as it culminates Women's Month," the deputy minister said.
Makwena Matlala, the first African woman banished by the apartheid regime, was honoured on 31 August.

The Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, unveiled Matlala's burial and commemoration site in Ga-Matlala, south-west of Mokopane in Limpopo, to honour a woman she describes as an "unsung hero".

Matlala was a regent chieftainess who opposed the apartheid government's "betterment" policies. She was deposed as regent chieftainess in 1949 by the then-Native Affairs Department for allegedly abusing her position, particularly her refusal to cooperate with the department in the reclamation of Matlala's location.

She was later banished to Temba in Hammanskraal, and then King Williams Town.

Her banishment sparked a revolt. The apartheid government removed and banished over 50 people who were identified as supporters of Matlala in an attempt to quell the revolt. – Source:
South Africa earned 80% and was ranked number 12 for country commitment, number one for mobile capacity, number 17 for its regulatory environment and number three for adoption. It also received the highest score for formal account penetration, including among rural, low-income and female groups.
South Africa was ranked second in an index for its excellent access to and usage of affordable financial services, a report released recently shows.

The 2015 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard, which evaluated 21 countries, examined broad dimensions relevant to financial inclusion such as country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment and adoption of traditional and digital financial services.

As of 2014, around 75% of South African adults had bank accounts and 5% used non-bank financial products. ATM/debit cards were more common, with 34% of the banked population owning a South African Social Security MasterCard.

“Unlike in many other countries in our study, women in South Africa are generally not disproportionately excluded from formal financial services,” the report said. “The 2014 Global Findex found that about 69% of men and 69% of women had accounts with a formal financial institution or mobile money provider.”

SA mobile capacity was strong, the report showed, with the percentage of unique subscribers comprising about 70% of the population and about 96% 3G mobile network coverage by population.

“South Africa also has a number of mobile money deployments offering P2P domestic transfers, bill payments, and international remittances,” it said. “This has allowed it to reach more people and engage them in financial services.”

The report said financial inclusion had become a crucial aspect of economic development.

“Developing economies need consumers who can pay bills or send remittances in an affordable and convenient manner,” it said.

“Digital services are an increasingly important component of the nexus between development and financial inclusion." – Source:
The Department of Higher Education and Training receives scholarships from various foreign governments. The opportunities are targeted at the South African youth as part of advancing the skills development agenda
Fifty-three scholarship recipients will be following their dreams in China. The scholarship recipients, who recently attended a pre-departure orientation at the University of South Africa in Pretoria, said they were very excited about the opportunity to study in a foreign country.

Kgaugelo Mpyana said he was looking forward to study towards a degree in Architecture at the Beijing University of Technology.

“This is a great opportunity for me because China is the generation of great innovation. I will get an opportunity to learn from the best at no cost at all,” Mpyana said.

The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mduduzi Manana, encouraged the students to make use of the opportunity to study in China.

“This is an opportunity of a lifetime; grab it with both hands. We are proud that you have been selected and that you have shown bravery because it’s not an easy decision to make to go study abroad,” Deputy Minister Manana said.

More than 180 applications were received for the scholarship to study in China.

Deputy Ambassador of China Li Song congratulated the scholarship recipients and thanked them for choosing to study in China.

“I believe that through their hard work, these young talents will come back and contribute to the rainbow nation after their successful completion of their studies in China,” Deputy Ambassador Song said.

He said there were 1 100 South African students studying in China and there were more than 2 400 Chinese students studying in the country. – Source:
Experts in the fields of energy, the natural environment, information and communications technology, health, industry, defence and security and the built environment, who will be discussing exciting and expected future technological developments and pertinent global research issues will attend.
In celebrating its 70th year of research, development and innovation, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has put together an informative and enriching programme for its fifth biennial conference.

The Fifth CSIR Conference from 8 to 9 October at its International Convention Centre in Pretoria will feature a host of both local and international experts.

The conference will take an incisive look at questions such as: What will future sustainable energy systems actually look like? What is needed to be able to truly eradicate malaria? What are the big data challenges on the African continent? What are the financial benefits of renewable energy? How is technology aiding in the fight against poaching? And how can we measure the contribution of nature to the economy? These are some of the enticing questions that will be discussed by world-renowned local and international experts who will each be presenting talks at the conference.

The speakers at this year’s conference are local and international thought leaders and experts who will share knowledge and expertise with conference delegates. The conference will also showcase the CSIR’s own research progress, breakthroughs and impacts.
The supermarket operator is banking on rapid growth in markets such as Nigeria and Angola where it aims to change the shopping habits of Africa's rising middle class.
South Africa's Shoprite Holdings, Africa's biggest retailer by sales, would open nearly twice as many stores on the rest of the continent this year as in 2014, chief executive Whitey Basson said recently.

The retailer, which also operates the Checkers grocery chain and OK Furniture, reported a 10,8% rise in full-year earnings recently, buoyed by sales growth of 13,5% in stores outside its home market.

It plans to add another 35 stores this year to the 189 it has in the rest of Africa, hoping to improve on the 16% contribution that Africa ex-South Africa makes to its profits.

Last year, it opened 20 stores outside South Africa. – Source: Reuters
Acting Cabinet Spokesperson Phumla Williams said the launch of the new publication signalled the importance of telling an African story from an African perspective as opposed the continent being portrayed negatively.
Government welcomes the launch of the African Independent, a new weekly newspaper that will focus on changing the Africa narrative.

“Government wishes to congratulate Independent Media, the owners of the new publication, for launching such a revolutionary newspaper that is premised at changing the narrative of the continent.

"We hope that the newspaper will tell the story about a rising Africa.

“We hope that through the Africa Editors’ Forum, of which the editor of the African Independent, Jovial Rantao, is the chairperson, African Independent will utilise the existing networks on the continent to cover issues of regional integration, Africa Union and regional economic communities such as the South African Cooperation Development.

“It is important that as the newspapers penetrate the entire continent, it has bureaus in all the other 53 countries, and not just South Africa. Government hopes that the initiative by Independent Media will support the efforts made by the public broadcaster, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in ensuring balanced coverage of the African continent,” Williams said on the day the newspaper hit the streets.

“I hope that African Independent will greatly contribute to telling and propagating the positive stories about the African narrative in order to allow the continent to thrive and flourish,” Williams said.
In a ceremony to celebrate her new position, her determination and courage to push through the glass ceiling and not let anything stand in her
way were highlighted.
Lieutenant Commander Zimasa Mabela will make history as she takes over as captain of a combat class vessel in the South Africa’s Navy, replacing Captain Brian Short after his two-year stint on the ship, SAS Umhloti.

Zimasa told Eye Witness News “I’m excited, I’m happy … and looking forward to the command.”

She admitted it had been a challenge trying to concentrate while studying, and look after her two little girls. “But I’m not complaining; it has been worth it,” she said.

Captain Short said “she’s earned her stripes … literally. She’s come up through the ranks; she’s worked hard …"

“She’s proven that a woman can have as much of a chance as a man. And it should give hope to the ladies coming up through the ranks.” – Source:
Following the NWU’s successes in the SA solar challenges in 2012 and 2014, the team decided to build a better and faster vehicle propelled by solar energy.
Engineering students at the North-West University (NWU) will take on rivals at the 2015 World Solar Challenge in Australia in October.

The first competition in which the NWU competed, covered more than 5000 km. NWU and the Tokai University in Japan shared the laurels.

According to Professor Albert Helberg, team leader, they have now harnessed new technology to make the new vehicle faster, lighter, more effective and stronger.

This vehicle is propelled by the amount of energy used by a hair drier.

The competition takes place from 18 to 26 October and starts in Darwin in the north of Australia from where 45 vehicles from 25 countries will be racing more than 3000 km across the country to Adelaide.

Helberg said: “We should cover the distance in seven days but we are aiming to do it in five days.”

The NWU team is one of only two teams in South Africa and Africa that will be competing in this so-called Dakar of solar rallies. Teams will take on the searing heat of the Australian outback.

Helberg said: “We will be competing against the top universities in the solar energy fields and want to prove that we can align ourselves with their expertise. We can indeed compete with them and we want to prove this to the world.”

There are three classes in the competition. In 2015, NWU team will participate in the Challenger class, which is without a doubt the most challenging one.

Comparing NWU’s first solar car with the new one, the biggest difference is the weight. The Batmobile, as the first vehicle was christened in 2012, weighed more than 300 kg.

The new Sirius X25 – named after the closest star to the Earth’s solar system and which shines 25 times brighter than the sun – is larger than its predecessor and weighs a mere 185 kg.
TIFF is one of the world’s most prestigious and internationally-acclaimed film festivals attended by hundreds of industry professionals from across the globe and thousands of movie enthusiasts.
Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Mzwandile Masina, is to lead a delegation of film-makers to the internationally acclaimed Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September.

The Deputy Minister will lead a 20-member delegation to the 40th edition of TIFF, which will take place in Canada from 10 to 20 September.

“The participation of South African filmmakers in TIFF is part of the dti’s strategy to create access to local film and video products and promote an increase in the volume of film production in South Africa,” said Deputy Minister Masina.

The purpose of the trip is to showcase the expertise of the emerging South African filmmakers and potentially sell their projects to various buyers.

The trip is also aimed at promoting South Africa’s attractiveness as a film destination of international standard to filmmakers who will descend on the critically acclaimed festival from different parts of the world.

TIFF is one of the world’s most prestigious and internationally-acclaimed film festivals attended by hundreds of industry professionals from across the globe and thousands of movie enthusiasts.

Films from various countries are screened during the 11-day festival.  

The Deputy Minister added that the trip would also provide exposure for the emerging filmmakers to the international film and production market.

“South Africa’s growing reputation as a desired filming destination will thus bring with it many advantages of becoming a global filming hotspot. Through promoting South Africa as an international destination to attract further international productions and in encouraging the generation of local content production, the country will continue to enjoy the benefits of the vibrant and growing film industry,” adds Deputy Minister Masina. – Source:
Born in 1961 in Cape Town, Ractliffe now lives in Johannesburg. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art and a Master of Fine Art from the University of Cape Town, and was a writing fellow at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (Wiser) in Johannesburg in 2010.
The works of a South African photographer are being showcased at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) in Manhattan, United States of America.

The exhibition, featuring Jo Ractliffe's three series of images from the aftermath of the Angolan Civil War (1975 – 2002) and its connection to the Border War (1966 – 1989) fought by South Africans in Angola and Namibia, opened on 24 August.

"For Ractliffe and many other South African civilians, Angola during these wars was an abstract place, a 'secret, unspoken location where brothers and boyfriends were sent as part of their military service,'" reads the Met website.

"When seen consecutively, these three series reveal Ractliffe's deepening engagement with the region's complex histories as an attempt to 'retrieve a place for memory'." – Source:
The Summer World Transplant Games take place every two
years where over 1500 athletes representing some 69
countries compete at an extraordinarily high level.
Survival and recovery after an organ transplant can be a slow and difficult battle for many, but 46 athletic organ transplant recipients have thrived to emerge triumphant in this year’s World Transplant Games.

The 20th World Transplant Games was hosted in Mar del Plata, Argentina, from 23 to 30 August 2015, where South Africa was placed third out of 44 countries with 89 medals – 41 gold, 24 silver and 24 bronze.

The team of 46 arrived in Cape Town this week. South African Transplant Sports Association executive secretary, Hermann Steyn, said 19 athletes from the Western Cape won 42 medals in all – 19 gold, 18 silver and five bronze.

Athlete Lisa du Plessis from Plumstead has been one of this year’s stars, winning four gold and two bronze medals in various swimming events. She also broke the world record in the 200-m individual medley and 50-m breaststroke.

Du Plessis said the team was in high spirits after hearing of their overall performance as they packed their things and would begin the long journey home. Du Plessis had a kidney transplant in 2013, after being diagnosed with renal failure in 2006. – Source:
Three years after she cruelly finished in fourth place at the 2012 London Olympics, Sunette Viljoen claimed her second world bronze medal at the IAAF World Championships in Beijing, after her 2011 Daegu third place.
Germany’s Kathrina Molitor launched a mammoth 67.69 m throw on her final attempt to claim the victory. China's Huihui Lyu bagged the silver with 66.13 m, while Viljoen produced a fourth-round heave of 65.79 m for the bronze.

"To win any colour is special, being a world champion means more but being a world medallist is very special," Viljoen told the on Sunday. Viljoen went into the championships with a world-leading distance of 66.62 m.

The 30-year-old Viljoen confirmed her status as one of the country’s most decorated athletes boasting with the two world bronze medals, two Continental Cup silver medals, two Commonwealth Games gold medals and a bronze.

A day after compatriot Wayde van Niekerk won gold in the 400-m final, South African sprinter Anaso Jobodwana won bronze in the 200-m final, to share the podium with none other than world record-holder Jamaican Usain Bolt.

It was the third time Jobodwana raced against Bolt, including the London Olympics in 2012, but this time he finished in the top three. Jobodwana also broke the South African record for the event, finishing in 19.87 seconds, improving on Van Niekerk's record time set less than a month ago.

It's been 65 years since a South African athlete has won an international championship sprint medal, and in the last two days, thanks to Van Niekerk and Jobodwana, the country now has two. – Source: News24Wire and Business Day
World number 15 Anderson ensured he would head to the US Open in New York brimming with confidence after downing Herbert 6-4, 7-5.
South Africa's Kevin Anderson ended his losing streak in ATP tournament finals with a straight sets win over France's Pierre-Hugues Herbert to take the Winston-Salem Open crown.

Anderson had lost all seven finals he had contested since his last tournament victory at Delray Beach in 2012.

However, he always looked in control against Herbert as he swept to victory, the third title of his career.

"This is a great feeling," said Anderson, relieved to finally snap his losing run in finals. "It's always tough to play a great week and fall at the last hurdle."

"I've been in a few finals and come up short, which is always tough. Each final is a different situation, and for some reason it just hadn't happened for me.

"Some one has to win and someone has to lose," he added. – Source:
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