Issue 187 | 10 Sept 2015
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The largest assemblage of fossil relatives ever discovered in the history of South Africa has been found at the Cradle of Humankind.
Wits University today (10 September 2015) announced the discovery of a new species of human relative, and named it Homo naledi.

Besides shedding light on the origins and diversity of our genus, H. naledi also appears to have intentionally deposited bodies of its dead in a remote cave chamber, a behaviour previously thought limited to humans.

The fossils were revealed for the first time during an international launch at the Maropeng Visitor’s Centre in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site.

It has been much anticipated since Professor Lee Berger, research professor in the Evolutionary Studies Institute at Wits, and a team of researchers, cavers and explorers announced in November 2013 that they had discovered a significant fossil find in a cave known as Rising Star in the Cradle of Humankind, some 50 kilometers north-west of Johannesburg.

They launched the Rising Star Expedition and have since then discovered more than 1 550 numbered fossil elements, the discovery is the single largest fossil hominin find yet made on the continent of Africa.

The fossils, which have yet to be dated, lay in a chamber about 90 meters (some 100 yards) from the cave entrance, accessible only through a chute so narrow that a special team of very slender individuals was needed to retrieve them.

So far, the team has recovered parts of at least 15 individuals of the same species, a small fraction of the fossils believed to remain in the chamber. “With almost every bone in the body represented multiple times, H. naledi is already practically the best-known fossil member of our lineage,” Berger said.

Perhaps most remarkably, the context of the find has led the researchers to conclude that this primitive-looking hominin may have practised a form of behaviour previously thought to be unique to humans. The fossils – which consist of infants, children, adults and elderly individuals – were found in a room deep underground that the team named the Dinaledi Chamber, or “Chamber of Stars”.

That room has “always been isolated from other chambers and never been open directly to the surface,” said Dr Paul Dirks of James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, lead author of the eLife paper on the context of the find. “What’s important for people to understand is that the remains were found practically alone in this remote chamber in the absence of any other major fossil animals.”

So remote was the space that out of more than 1 550 fossil elements recovered only about a dozen are not hominin, and these few pieces are isolated mouse and bird remains, meaning that the chamber attracted few accidental visitors. “Such a situation is unprecedented in the fossil hominin record,” Hawks said.

The team notes that the bones bear no marks of scavengers or carnivores or any other signs that non-hominin agents or natural processes, such as moving water, carried these individuals into the chamber.

“We explored every alternative scenario, including mass death, an unknown carnivore, water transport from another location, or accidental death in a death trap, among others,” said Berger.

“In examining every other option, we were left with intentional body disposal by H. naledi as the most plausible scenario.”

This suggests the possibility of a form of ritualised behaviour (or repeated behaviour) previously thought to be unique to humans. – University of the Witwatersrand
Minister Nkoana-Mashabane and her Chinese counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, addressed the media, following a bilateral meeting between President Zuma and President Xi Jinping.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, on 4 September 2015 officially announced in Beijing, in the People's Republic of China, that South Africa would be hosting the Second Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Johannesburg from 4 to 5 December 2015.

"As co-chair of FOCAC for the period 2012 to 2018, South Africa looks forward to hosting this historic event. This will be the second summit since the inception of FOCAC in 2006 and the first on the continent”, said Minister Nkoana-Mashabane.

The summit will be preceded by a meeting of senior officials on 2 December 2015, followed by the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of FOCAC on 3 December 2015.

The FOCAC Summit will also be preceded by an Academic Think-Tank Forum from 9 to 10 September 2015; a Business Forum where the private sector will be given exposure to network, deepen and expand cooperation on trade and investment; and an Equipment and Industry Exhibition.

It is expected that all heads of state/government from African countries, as well as the African Union (AU) heads of regional organisations and multilateral organisations will participate in the summit.

The South African Government will be working closely with the Government of China, the African Group of Ambassadors in Beijing and Addis Ababa, and the AU Commission on the preparations leading up to the FOCAC Summit.

A new Declaration and Plan of Action (2016 – 2018) will be the outcomes of the summit. South Africa is currently engaging all parties in preparing these two key outcome documents.

In conclusion, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane affirmed that: "South Africa looks forward to President Xi Jinping's participation in this historic event. The summit will further consolidate the partnership between Africa and China through South-South cooperation, giving special attention to industrialisation and the regional integration of economies in Africa."
The meeting is to be held under the umbrella auspices of the South Africa-DRC Binational Commission and it is expected to take stock of the work done thus far in enhancing the various areas of cooperation.
President Jacob Zuma and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President, Joseph Kabila Kabange, have directed ministers responsible for international relations to prioritise preparations for their next meeting.

The two leaders met while both attending the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese Peoples' War of Resistance in Beijing, China.

“The two leaders reaffirmed the cordial relations that exist between the two countries and pledged to work further together to deepen the existing cooperation between South Africa and the DRC,” said The Presidency.

The two countries are working together to implement the Grand Inga Treaty following the ratification of the treaty by the two countries. The Grand Inga Project is a multiphase hydro power station to be built on the Congo River on the Inga site, with the potential to generate approximately 40 000 MW.

The Inga dams are located in the western DRC, 50 km upstream of the mouth of the Congo River and about 225 km south-west of Kinshasa.

The treaty provides the framework for the facilitation of power generation from the Grand Inga Project and its delivery to the border between the DRC and Zambia.

A major component of relations between South Africa and the DRC is also linked to the regional and international search for peace and stability in the eastern DRC and the Great Lakes Region.

The two countries also have several cooperation agreements in various socio-economic and governance fields. – Source:
South Africa and Sudan enjoy warm bilateral relations. Sixteen bilateral agreements have been concluded between the two countries to date.
On 3 September, President Jacob Zuma met with President Omar Al-Bashir of the Republic of the Sudan to discuss strengthening relations between South Africa and Sudan, on the margins of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese Peoples' War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, taking place in Beijing, in the Peoples' Republic of China.

South Africa seeks to further strengthen cooperation with Sudan in the fields of agriculture, agroprocessing, science and technology, energy, infrastructure development, mining and retail.

The recent official engagement between the two countries took place in February 2015, at the level of a Presidential Working Visit by President Zuma.

The two leaders recommitted themselves to elevating the bilateral Joint Cooperation Commission to a Ministerial level. President Zuma accepted an invitation by President Al-Bashir to visit Sudan.
“Through our foreign policy endeavours, we seek to build partnerships and create opportunities that would help us address the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.”
On 9 September, the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, briefed the media briefing on international developments in Cape Town.

She focused on, among other things, the outcomes of the recent visit to Iran, Nepal and Bangladesh.

“We recently went on a Working Visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, where we held bilateral discussions with representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, aimed at expanding and consolidating political, economic and cultural ties.

“In our bilateral discussions with our Iranian counterparts, both sides expressed the desire to see the relationship between the two countries further expanded and consolidated.

“South Africa and Iran enjoy cooperation across varied fields, including arts and culture, agriculture, education and health, and the potential for the expansion thereof remains positive.

“South Africa considers Iran to be an important friend and partner and recognises the important role Iran assumes regionally and internationally within global governance and multilateral architecture.

“During  the month of August 2015, we also visited Bangladesh and Nepal. As a developing country, we find our interactions with fellow developing countries enriching. We are faced with common challenges and we work together in multilateral forums to jointly address some of these common challenges.

“South Africa established formal relations with Bangladesh in September 1994.

“Bangladesh has been identified as a country with enormous potential for the expansion of trade and economic relations. Economic growth is predicted at 6,4% for the current fiscal year.

“Bangladesh continues to be a partner of South Africa in multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and its agencies, the Commonwealth, Non-Aligned Movement, the Group of 77 plus China of which South Africa is the current chair, and the Indian Ocean Rim Association.

“In Bangladesh, we met with the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, as well as the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. Among other things, we shared views on sustaining democratic rule and human rights, reform of global institutions of governance and sustainable development.

“In Nepal, our visit underscored the continued commitment of the South African Government towards supporting their internal reconciliation and nation-building endeavours. Previously, a number of Ministerial delegations from Nepal visited South Africa, mainly interested in drawing lessons from the way South Africa has dealt with its peaceful transition to a democratic system. During the visit to Nepal, South Africa reaffirmed its offer to share peace and reconciliation experiences.”
The Chairperson of the Committee, Bheki Radebe, said the committee acknowledged the challenge posed by a depreciating Rand on the departmental budget.
The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation has committed to supporting a request for additional funding by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) during the mid-term budget process.

“The committee supports additional funds for DIRCO to mitigate risks associated with the Rand’s depreciation on the department’s budget. It is important that DIRCO’s programmes are not stalled on account of currency fluctuation,” said Radebe.

“Parliament needs to ensure that the important programmes and projects of the department abroad are not compromised. But the committee will in the process of asking for more funding, emphasise that DIRCO’s resources are used sparingly,” he said.

The department highlighted the depreciating Rand as its main budget challenge during a briefing to the committee on quarter one expenditure. It revealed that currency fluctuation challenge was budgeted at R13 per dollar this year but the Rand has since depreciated beyond that. The department indicated that the matter had been raised with National Treasury.

Radebe urged all members of the committee to support DIRCO’s request for an additional R750 million in the mid-term budget process.
Adesina, who is the former Nigerian Agriculture and Rural Development Minister, formally assumed office as the president of the AfDB recently.
African Union Commission Chairperson, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, has welcomed the new president of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Akinwumi Adesina, who assumed office last week.

“It is my great pleasure to welcome you as President of the African Development Bank. Congratulations, once again, for your brilliant election during the last annual meeting of the bank in May 2015,” said Dlamini Zuma.

Adesina is the eighth elected president of the AfDB. Seven other candidates had also applied for the job.

Dlamini Zuma said she was looking forward to working with Adesina.

“I look forward to working with you, and strengthening the productive relationship our two institutions have cultivated over the years. I wish you the very best of success, as we work together to make Africa a much better place for our people,” Dlamini Zuma wrote to Adesina as he begins his five-year mandate at the helm of the AfDB.

The bank comprises three entities: the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund and the Nigeria Trust Fund. – Source:
Thirty-two African Union (AU) member states gathered at the first meeting of the Specialised Technical Committee on ICT.
The South African Government has been elected to serve on the AU’s Specialised Technical Committee on Information Communications and Technology (STC-CCICT) at a meeting held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Delegates from Mali, Algeria, Tanzania, South Africa and Gabon were elected to serve on this committee.

“We are humbled that South Africa has been elected onto the committee. This will drive the implementation of the sector programmes in support of the African Union 2063 Agenda of working towards an inclusive and sustainable developed society, with a strong cultural identity promoting common heritage,” said the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele.

He led the South African high-level delegation to Addis Ababa, which included senior managers from the Department of Communications, the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, as well as the Government Communication and Information System.

“South Africa supports the process which emphasises that authority for Internet-related public policy issues and the sovereign right of countries.”

He said the outcomes from the meeting would go a long way in helping fast-track the development of ICT on the continent. – Source:
Over the past 20 years, the South African Government has worked to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the basic education sector.
The Minister in The Presidency, Jeff Radebe, together with the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, on Sunday, 6 September, launched the education leg of Operation Phakisa under the banner “ICT in Education: Leveraging ICTs to improve Basic Education”.

As part of government’s commitment to improving and administering quality basic education, the Government of South Africa adopted the Big Fast Results problem-solving methodology, which was developed and successfully implemented by the Government of Malaysia; an approach that seeks to facilitate the development of detailed plans with a strong theory of change, advocating for strong monitoring, evaluation, reporting and accountability frameworks which are essential for the successful implementation of national goals and priorities.

The ICT in Education main lab is taking place at the Birchwood Hotel from 6 September to 2 October 2015 and features key stakeholders and critical decision-makers convening for an intensive four weeks to produce detailed and measurable plans, as opposed to higher level planning.
The department wishes to invite interested parties to register for participation in the preparation process for CITES CoP17, and to submit draft proposals for consideration by the National Scientific and Management Authority.
The Department of Environmental Affairs has initiated the process to prepare for the 17th Conference of Parties (CoP17) to CITES, which will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 24 September to 5 October 2016.

Draft proposals must be based on Resolution Conf 9.24 of CITES, which is the criteria for the Amendment of Appendices I and II, which governs the status and the impact trade has on such species.

It is important to note that the department established the Committee of Inquiry to assist with preparations for CITES CoP17 in terms of rhino and elephant matters and therefore possible proposals pertaining to rhino and elephant matters will be dealt with by that Committee of Inquiry.

The department will coordinate and facilitate the consultation process to discuss proposals relating to other species.

The department will convene a consultation meeting as soon as all stakeholders are registered and proposals have been received.

Interested parties are requested to send their personal details, including name, address and contact details for registration, as well as any draft proposals to Mpho Tjiane on e-mail, on or before 15 September 2015. Mr Tjiane can also be contacted on 012 399 9596 for any enquiries.
The International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC), to be held from 4 to 7 October at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, will provide a global platform for government, private sector and civil-society leaders to advance renewable energy.
In October 2015, South Africa will become the sixth country, and the first in Africa, to host the IREC.
Convened by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), IREC is a high-level political conference series hosted by a national government. Previous hosts include: Bonn, Germany (2004); Beijing, China (2005); Washington, United States of America (2008); Dehli, India (2010); Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2013).

SAIREC 2015 provides a global platform for government ministers, high-level decision-makers, experts, specialists and thought leaders, as well as private-sector players and civil society, to discuss and exchange their vision, experiences and solutions to accelerate the global scale-up of renewable energy.

Over the past decade, these conferences have provided the motivation for several momentous initiatives.

Hosted by the South African Department of Energy together with the South African National Energy Development Institute, under the theme, "Re-energising Africa",  SAIREC will demonstrate why Africa is the business destination for the renewables energy sector, given its current growth trajectory and need for investment in clean energy to underpin sustainable economic growth.

SAIREC 2015 will attract an estimated 6 000 delegates from around the world, including investors, project developers, manufacturers, government ministers, non-governmental organisations, developmental organisations, state-owned entities, national utilities, private sector, non-profit organisations, the public at large and labour organisations.
This is the first time the congress – which brings together governments, the private sector, foresters, academics and the civil society – is held on African soil since its inception in 1926.
Durban is playing host to yet another important international event, the XIV World Forestry Congress, which kicked off on 7 September.

This event takes place every six years under the endorsement of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Under the theme “Forests and People: Investing in a Sustainable Future”, the congress is discussing ways to unleash the full potential of forests to lift rural populations out of poverty, act as buffers against climate change and inspire new technologies and renewable products.

This will be crucial as the world will be entering a new development era with the adoption of the post-2015 sustainable development goals.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the opening address at the congress. – Source:
Businesses that want to be on the Government's supplier database can now register online; previously, they would have to fill in the
forms at a head office.
The Central Supplier Database (CSD) was launched recently by the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene, in East London, Eastern Cape. Nene said the database served as the source of all supplier information for all spheres of government.

Centralising the Government's supplier database will reduce duplication of effort and cost for both the supplier and the Government, while enabling an electronic procurement process.

Among the benefits of being registered on the database is that suppliers will only be required to register once when they do business with government. They will also not be required to submit physical tax clearance and business registration certificates to organs of state.

It will be compulsory for government departments and state-owned enterprises to use the CSD from 1 April 2016; municipalities would be required to use it from 1 July 2016.

Businesses in rural areas and those that do not have access to computers will be assisted by district offices, Thusong Service Centres, Small Enterprise Development Agency offices and the Post Office. – Source:
Of 31 sub-Saharan countries, South Africa ranked second in terms of abundance of opportunities after Nigeria and first for openness and ties to other African states, according to the index, commissioned by London-based bank Barclays.
South Africa is the most open and potentially lucrative country on the continent for United Kingdom (UK) companies looking to expand their businesses, according to the first edition of the Barclays Africa Trade Index.

“While South Africa is the standout performer in the overall index, Nigeria arguably represents the most exciting long-term opportunity for UK businesses,” Barclays said in the report published recently.

“However, its performance in terms of openness, 12th, and intra-African connectivity, 16th, means that Nigeria still has a long way to go before it can hope to compete with South Africa as a regional trade hub or as a gateway to other African markets.”

“The trader and investor appetite for engagement with sub-Saharan Africa has picked up considerably in recent years,” Barclays said, adding that the UK exported about £8,2 billion ($12,5 billion) of goods to sub-Saharan countries in 2013 and exports increased 6% annually since 2004.

“The most populous states are the most prominent in terms of trade opportunity in the Barclays Africa Trade Index and their future prospects on the whole suggest rising incomes, an expanding middle class and much larger and more sophisticated consumer markets.”

Nigeria, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Tanzania all rank in the top six performing countries on trade opportunity, while Ethiopia, Congo, Tanzania and Nigeria, together with Ghana and Mozambique, lead in average economic growth over the past five years, Barclays said.
– Source:
There are about 163 000 millionaires living in Africa as of June 2015, with combined wealth holdings of $670 billion.
Nearly 42% of all Dollar millionaires in Africa were living in South Africa’s top four cities in 2015, according to a report by global research company New World Wealth released recently.

Johannesburg tops the list with the most millionaires (23 400), while Cape Town (8 900), Durban (2 700) and Pretoria (2 500) are all in the top 10, according to the report.

Cairo in Egypt had the second most millionaires (10 200), while Lagos, Nigeria, had the third most (9 100).

Accra in Ghana is set to see the biggest growth in millionaires in the next decade, with numbers forecast to increase from 2 300 in 2015 to 4 100 in 2025, the report shows.

Nairobi (71% increase from 6 200 to 10 600) and Durban (48% increase to 4 000) are the next two cities with the highest projected growth.

Colin Grieve, chief representative officer at AfrAsia Bank, said African cities were emerging as epicentres of growth and opportunity.

“(They are) places where growing numbers of consumers with disposable income are congregating,” he said.

“Successful entrepreneurs are seizing the opportunity to provide products and services to these expanding markets and in doing so, generating wealth for themselves and their communities.” – Source: New World Wealth
The continent of Africa has the world’s fastest, growing levels of Internet bandwidth capacity.
This is according to TeleGeography’s Global Internet Geography research, which studied levels of bandwidth growth between 2011 and 2015.

Global Internet capacity growth has slowed from 41% in 2011 to 31% in 2015, said TeleGeography.

African Internet bandwidth, meanwhile, grew 41% between 2014 and 2015 and 51% compounded over the last five years to reach 2,9 Tbps.

“New cable builds on the east and west coasts of Africa, including ACE, SEACOM, EASSy, WACS, and others, along with new terrestrial networks, have greatly increased available capacity in the sub-Saharan region,” said TeleGeography senior analyst Patrick Christian.

“Meanwhile, content is moving to Africa as CDN (content delivery network) services emerge and Google Global Cache servers are installed, tempering demand for long-haul capacity,” said Christian.

However, the continent is also being affected by slower global growth when it comes to capacity.

The researchers further said that between 2011 and 2015, Internet bandwidth connected to countries in sub-Saharan Africa grew at 66% per year. In North Africa, this metric grew at 43% per year.

Other findings of the study indicated that Oceania saw the second-fastest growth rate of 47% per year between 2011 and 2015 to reach 2,1 Tbps while Latin America and the Middle East each grew 44% per year to 20,6 Tbps and 8,4 Tbps respectively.

Meanwhile, growth in Europe and the United States and Canada was at 33% compounded annually for the period. – Source:
The Gough61 overwintering team will spend 14 months on the island and will conduct research on weather forecasts which impact South Africa, as well as increase the country’s understanding of climate change. South Africa has maintained a meteorological station on Gough Island since 1956.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, bid farewell to the overwintering team (Gough61) heading for Gough Island on the SA Agulhas II, on Thursday, 3 September, in Cape Town.

Weather observation on Gough Island contributes significantly to the South African Weather Service’s (SAWS) ability to forecast and predict (particularly adverse and destructive) weather for South Africa.

South Africa is one of the signatories to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, and the SAWS is responsible for providing weather and warning services to the second-largest Ocean area on the globe known as METAREA Seven. The area spans from the Equator and extends to Antarctica in the South, and from mid-Atlantic in the West to the mid-Indian Ocean in the East.

The weather station is permanently occupied by, on average, six South Africans (the only people on the island). The team of six consists of three meteorologists, a medical orderly, a diesel mechanic and a communications technician.
"Just because someone has a disability, doesn’t mean there should be a limit to what they can achieve," she says.
Cape Town student Chaeli Mycroft has reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in her wheelchair and has set the world record as the first female quadriplegic to have made it to the highest peak in Africa.

Chaeli and her team kicked off their epic adventure on Friday, 27 August.

En route to the top, on 30 August, Chaeli celebrated her 21st birthday! From their camp on Mount Kilimanjaro she described her birthday saying, "I couldn't have asked for a better place to celebrate it. What a backdrop! I’d love to show you some pics, but our signal is very limited here."

The Chaeli Campaign was made up of a team of climbers who aimed to positively change the mind-set and mobility of children with disabilities. Chaeli has cerebral palsy and says she created the Chaeli Conquerors to show the importance of working together to achieve seemingly impossible goals.

She describes herself as an ability activist, wheelchair user, student and co-founder of The Chaeli Campaign – which was centred around her journey to becoming the first female quadriplegic to summit Mount Kilimanjaro – the highest free-standing mountain in the world in no less than seven days.

Chaeli hoped that the Mount Kilimanjaro climb would help raise funds to support the Inclusive Early Childhood Development Centre run by the Chaeli Campaign. – Source:


The survey, produced by hospitality research firm STR Global, ahead of the Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF) taking place at the end of September, also revealed that Addis Ababa was the most
expensive place for a good night’s sleep.
A recent survey comparing prices of international grade hotels in selected major African cities show that Cape Town and Johannesburg are some of the least expensive places to stay in Africa.

The average rate for a hotel room in the first six months of this year in Addis Ababa was about R3 212 (as calculated from $231,78 at R13,86/$) per night, which is more than double what guests would pay in Cape Town (R1 448 per night) and Johannesburg (R967 per night), according to the survey.

Thomas Emanuel, Director of Business Development, STR Global, ascribes the big differences in prices in the various African cities simply as due to supply and demand. 

Addis Ababa has a shortage of top quality hotels, Emanuel explains, while Johannesburg, by comparison, is a long-established, sophisticated international city, with a large number of 5-star hotels and a competitive market for accommodation.

Over the past year (from June 2014 to 2015), there have been substantial rate rises in hotel accommodation prices in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

There has been an 11% increase in accommodation prices in Johannesburg and a 10,8% increase for accommodation in Cape Town. While Cairo is also up 10,6%, the report states there has been a recovery in Lagos up 5,8%. Nairobi is broadly the same and Casablanca has suffered a 4% decline. 

Cape Town’s improvement is due predominantly to increased demand and no recent increases in supply since the 2010 World Cup. 

This might change, however, as Cape Town is set for a number of new developments over the next few years. Traveller24 reported recently that South Africa’s oldest working harbour received the go-ahead from the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) to build a luxury cruise terminal at the V&A Waterfront.

TNPA said it had awarded V&A Waterfront the status of preferred bidder for an estimated R179 million investment in an agreement that includes operation, maintenance and transfer of ownership back to TNPA after 20 years.

In Johannesburg too, the inner city, specifically, is rising to the economic forefront of South Africa's tourism with plenty of new developments aimed at improving the visitor experience in the urban city centre.

The AHIF is the pre-eminent gathering of international investors in hotels in Africa. It takes place in Addis Ababa from 30 September to 1 October 2015. – Source:
"The Telegraph" recommends Royale’s Santori burger, a pork patty topped with teriyaki sauce, ginger and chilli.
The Mother City burger joint establishment, Royale Eatery, has been named by The Telegraph as one of the best places on the planet to tuck into a gourmet burger.

The gallery was composed by the British newspaper in honour of National Burger Day in the United Kingdom and describes Royale Eatery as “a true spot of burger heaven”.

"Serving almost exclusively burgers – over 50 of them," they say, "This Cape Town eatery is a true spot of burger heaven. They describe their patties as “burgers that make your soul tingle and your dreams come true”.
The grass forms part of the South African Rugby Union’s campaign to give the Springboks real #HomeGroundAdvantage at the World Cup in England, which runs from 18 September to 31 October.
A host of local celebrities recently showed their support for the Springboks in the lead-up to the 2015 Rugby World Cup by watering a special piece of turf grown in soil from all 14 South African rugby provinces at the Springbok Experience Museum at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.

The celebrities included singers Jimmy Nevis, Francois van Coke and Karen Zoid; Miss South Africa, Liesl Laurie; TV presenter and singer, Katlego Maboe; and Springbok legends Breyton Paulse and Corné Krige.

The other celebrities present were TV and radio personalities Zoe Brown, Elena Afrika-Bredenkamp, Graham Richards and Tapfuma Makina and two-time world hip-hop champion, Blake Williams; as well as Devon Petersen (South African professional darts player).

The grass seed will be taken to the United Kingdom where it will be planted and grown and then placed in special trays in the Springbok dressing room.

The South African turf will be the last thing the players’ boots touch before they head for the field during the tournament. – Source:
At the 2014 Championships, the South African women finished in fourth place, while they proved they were making serious progress when they won silver at the final of the World Rowing Cup in Lucerne, Switzerland in July.
The lightweight women’s doubles crew of Ursula Grobler and Kirsten McCann finished third at the World Rowing Championships in France recently.

The determined duo took the lead from the start, which they held, until the New Zealand boat of Sophie MacKenzie and Julia Edward overtook them shortly after the 1000-metre mark.

The British crew of Katherine Copeland and Charlotte Taylor moved into silver place with McCann and Grobler holding on gutsily for the bronze medal.
– Source:
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