Issue 193 | 22 October 2015
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President Nyusi’s visit, which follows an invitation by President Jacob Zuma, is further deepening the existing bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries.
Mozambican President, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, is paying his first State Visit to South Africa.

According to The Presidency, the two countries enjoy a cordial relationship and President Zuma has visited Mozambique twice this year, first on a State Visit in May and in September where the two heads of state unveiled the Matola Monument in memory of South African martyrs who were killed by the apartheid regime during its infamous raids to neighbouring countries in search of African National Congress targets.

During the visit, relations between the two countries were elevated to a Binational Commission (BNC). The BNC will replace the Heads of State Economic Bilateral Forum and the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation.

The two presidents chaired the BNC, which will meet annually alternating between the Pretoria and Maputo.

The South Africa-Mozambique BNC, was preceded by a ministerial meeting and a senior officials’ meeting.

“Historically, Mozambique and South Africa have strong economic relations as evidenced not only by the presence of over 300 companies operating in Mozambique, but also in the high number of trade volumes.
“Mozambique remains South Africa’s top trading partner in Africa. In 2014, South African exports to Mozambique amounted to R32,6 billion, while imports from Mozambique to South Africa totalled R11,3 billion,” said The Presidency.
– Source:
South Africa and the DRC will in the next 10 years focus on working together in economic projects.

"We have decided that the next decade of our Binational Commission (BNC) should intensify the implementation of joint economic projects, in particular the Grand Inga Hydropower Project, whose founding treaty was signed on 30 October 2013,” President Jacob Zuma said.

He made the statement after he returned from a successful Working Visit to the DRC.

“We have urged the responsible ministries/departments to finalise all outstanding issues in order to pave the way for the construction of this Pan-African flagship project," he said.

President Zuma co-chaired the Ninth Session of the BNC with his counterpart, President Joseph Kabila Kabange, of the DRC. During the session, the two head of state reviewed progress made on bilateral programmes during the first decade of the BNC. These included cooperation projects in the fields of politics and governance; defence and security; economy, finance and infrastructure; as well as social and humanitarian affairs.

"In the next 10 years, economic relations in the areas of trade, industrialisation and infrastructure development will be more prominent than they are now,” President Zuma said.

The two presidents witnessed the signing of the Bilateral Air Services Agreement by the ministers responsible for transport. The agreement will enable the two countries to facilitate movement of people and expand aviation cooperation.

South Africa and the DRC maintain good diplomatic and political relations. South Africa is the DRC’s biggest supplier of foreign goods and services, providing more than 20% of the country’s total imports. Bilateral trade increased from R11 billion in 2012 to R13 billion in 2014. – Source:

“The visit to Sweden is aimed at consolidating political and economic bilateral relations between the two countries in the areas of trade and industry, science and technology, higher education, environment, water and sanitation, telecommunications and cooperative governance,” The Presidency said.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa recently co-chaired the Eighth Session of the South Africa-Sweden Binational Commission (BNC).

The Environment, Energy and Water Subcommittee was launched at the BNC, which was co-chaired by Swedish Deputy Prime Minister, Asa Romson. The new subcommittee will add to existing committees on political affairs, economic affairs, science and technology as well as a forum on human rights.

The BNC witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between South African Medical Research Council and the Swedish Research Council to advance cooperation in the area of health research.

Letters of intent on water research and water resource management were also signed to advance cooperation in water research and management. Furthermore, a letter of intent was also signed on environmental protection and climate change.

While in Sweden, Deputy President Ramaphosa paid a courtesy call on Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Lofven, as part of efforts to consolidate bilateral relations while deepening cooperation at a multilateral level to transform the global political and economic governance, including the reform of the United Nations (UN) system as well as the UN Security Council.

He also laid a wreath at the graveside of the late former Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme, who played a pivotal role during the anti-apartheid struggle in pursuit of peace, freedom and justice in South Africa. – Source:
The Bilateral Forum seeks to enhance and strengthen political, global and economic relations between South Africa and the UK in various spheres.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, co-chaired the 11th Session of the South Africa-UK Bilateral Forum with the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Right Philip Hammond, in London on 19 October 2015.

During the forum, working groups (WGs) met to discuss progress on the implementation of South Africa-UK Strategy, which was signed in 2013.
The WGs comprised:
  • Foreign Policy
  • Economic
  • Science and Innovation
  • Agriculture, Water and Environment
  • Social and Technical
  • Education
  • Defence
  • Migration and Security.
The UK is the largest source of foreign direct investment into South Africa, worth R772 billion. There are approximately 115 British companies active in South Africa and they have created close to 20 000 jobs in the period January 2008 to April 2014. The UK also remains the largest destination for South African exports in Europe, worth R37,6 billion. Imports from the UK into South Africa stood at R35,5 billion in 2014. Total trade increased by 13,7% from 2013 to 2014.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane led a delegation of ministers consisting of the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor; Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa; Minister of Small Business, Lindiwe Zulu; and Deputy Minister of Monitoring and Evaluation, Buti Manamela.
South Africa’s bilateral relations with Denmark are predicated on the historic Danish support and solidarity with the liberation struggle against apartheid in the early 1960s, leading to the establishment of formal diplomatic relations at the advent of South Africa’s democracy.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, delivered an address as part of an outreach programme co-hosted by Afrika Kontakt solidarity movement and the South African Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark. Afrika Kontakt is a solidarity movement with its roots in the anti-apartheid movement, founded in 1978, against colonialism and suppression in southern Africa.

In her address, the Deputy Minister highlighted the potential opportunities in the development of the energy sector, particularly in the field of renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy, as well as energy efficiency technology. In 2012, South Africa signed an agreement with Denmark for the development of the renewable energy sector in South Africa, which now gives support with energy-efficiency provision in low-income housing.

Deputy Minister Mfeketo also remarked on Denmark’s support for the reform of the United Nations, particularly the Security Council, as this strengthens Africa’s Ezulwini Consensus, which calls for the continent's permanent representation in the Security Council.

While in Copenhagen, Deputy Minister Mfeketo addressed South African expatriates, African ambassadors and veterans of the anti-apartheid movement.

The Deputy Minister thanked the Danish Government and its people for their contribution in the liberation of South Africa from apartheid and their support to South Africa’s efforts in reconstruction and development of the country.

Deputy Minister Mfeketo said that Denmark was one of the leading examples in the Green Economy and that South Africa could learn a lot from it. The Deputy Minister also encouraged South Africans to study and liaise closely with the Danish groups to equip themselves with relevant technical skills and increase their knowledge on renewable energy, which will improve the livelihoods of South African people and move the country forward when they come back home.
The military exercise, organised by the African Union (AU), is made up of over 5 400 representatives from various defence and police forces of the member states involved in the promotion and keeping of peace and security on the continent under the banner Amani Africa II.
The largest multicountry military exercise to be held in South Africa since democracy, kicked off on 19 October at the Army Combat Training Centre (CTC) in the Northern Cape.

The exercise intends to evaluate the state of readiness of the African Standby Force (ASF) and its Rapid Deployment Capability (RDC) towards the achievement of Full Operational Capability by December 2015.

The training cycle started in 2012 and its conclusion this year will also see the long-awaited ASF become a reality.

When the ASF is finally operational, it will consist of standby arrangements within Africa’s five subregions. It will be composed of multi-dimensional capabilities, including military, police and civilian standby forces in their countries of origin and ready for rapid deployment.

The Amani Africa II Exercise is set to be conducted in two phases.

The participants in the first phase will have training drills on “rapid intervention scenarios" in genocide cases or other major violations that require the ASF to intervene within 14 days.

For the second phase of the exercise, the participants will exercise on the deployment of a peacekeeping force.

The public information officer of the exercise, Jaco Theunissen, told SAnews that the exercise was based on a scenario created in a fictitious country named the Republic of Carana.

The exercise setting provides for two scenarios.

"The first scenario referred to in the exercise as Scenario 6 is based on the report that the security situation in Carana has deteriorated into an extent that the AU deemed it necessary to deploy its RDC to address the situation."

Theunissen said this would then give the AU, acting on AU Scenario 6 and Chapter 7 of the United Nations (UN) Charter, the authority to intervene by deploying the RDC of its standby force.

The second scenario, Theunissen said, is referred to as Scenario 5.

It is based on the report that the security situation had changed and the situation was conducive for the deployment of a traditional and multi-dimensional peacekeeping force for peace support operations.

"This will give the AU, acting on AU Scenario 5 and Chapter 6 of the UN Charter, an opportunity to evaluate the state of readiness of the ASF to undertake a peacekeeping mission," said Theunissen.

The five regional communities participating in the exercise are the North African Regional Capability, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Southern African Development Community and the Economic Community of West Africa States. – Source:

South Africa and Vietnam have discussed stepping up cooperation in communication as well as maintaining regular dialogue to share information.
This emerged during a meeting between the Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi, and her Vietnamese counterpart, the Minister of Information and Communications, Nguyen Bac Son, in Pretoria recently.

Minister Muthambi told Minister Bac Son and his delegation that she valued the connection between the two countries’ communication businesses, which has the potential to deepen strategic relations.

“We need to formalise our bilateral cooperation on communication because we would like to sign an agreement with you on the training support programme of both our communicators and journalists.

“We would also like to step up our cooperation in both radio and television broadcasting so that we can share each other’s experience,” she said.

Minister Bac Son echoed Minister Muthambi’s suggestion of a training programme for communicators and journalists. He said he was also in the country to lure South African investors to take advantage of Vietnam’s communication business opportunities.

“We believe that there are a lot of things relating to communication that we need to learn from South Africa. We are keen to reinforce and expand our friendship because we want to enhance investment and communication business links,” he said. 

Since the establishment of formal diplomatic relations in December 1993, a solid bilateral relationship has developed between South Africa and Vietnam, reflected in the 13 bilateral legal instruments in cooperation in the areas of foreign relations, trade and investment, defence, consular affairs, tourism, water resources, biodiversity conservation and protection and combating crime.

According to official South African trade statistics, total trade between South Africa and Vietnam is growing year-on-year and amounted to R13,4 billion in 2014, from R11,2 billion in 2013, out of a total of just under R107 billion with the 10 member states of the Association of South East Asian Nations. – Source:
The Minister was among the more than 300 delegates from across the globe, including leaders of government, development organisations, business, civil society and academics.
On 16 October, the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Gugile Nkwinti, addressed the 2015 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum, which took place in Beijing, China.

The forum, under the theme “Common Development through Shared Efforts on Poverty Eradication”, discussed topics such as the Post-2015 Development Agenda, poverty-reduction goals and targeted poverty-reduction strategies. The event was hosted by the Government of China’s State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOPAD).

Minister Nkwinti signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the LGOPAD in China and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR).

The DRDLR has been working with China through the International Poverty Reduction Centre in China (IPRCC) since 2014. Since the establishment of the partnership with the IPRCC, the DRDLR has undertaken study tours to China as part of skills development for youth in business and to enhance the department’s rural youth enterprise development initiatives.
South Africa is part of the 15 Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO) member states along with Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Mauritius, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, the Seychelles, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The management of the SAPS hosted the SARPCCO Regional Training Conference for Women in Policing at the St George Conference Centre in Irene, Pretoria, from 20 to 21 October 2015.

The conference was preceded by a parade of the 15 SARPCCO member states. During the parade, an operational plan was handed to the Acting National Commissioner of the SAPS, Lieutenant General Johannes Phahlane, for acknowledgement, which was followed by a welcoming address.

The two-day conference, themed "Building Capacity and Networks for Women in Policing”, was aimed at empowering policewomen of the SARPCCO member states in policing, enhancing professional skills and knowledge, providing opportunities for networking and sharing global expertise in different aspects of law enforcement to combat transnational crimes.


The protocol was signed by the National Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations, Lieutenant General Mthandazo Ntlemeza, and his Russian counterpart, Viktor Ivanov, in a meeting that was held Moscow, Russia, recently.
South Africa and Russia have signed a protocol, which will see the two countries collaborating in the war against illicit drug trafficking.

The two countries have agreed on the importance of having a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to the world drug problem, including reducing the supply and demand.

General Ntlemeza welcomed the protocol, saying the two countries also agreed to organise training for the staff of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation and the South African Police Service.

“This is just one initiative we have embarked on as we put more efforts in our fight against the illegal trade of drugs,” said General Ntlemeza. He said the two parties had noted that the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and the non-medical use of drugs pose a threat to peace and security, stability, sustainable economic, political and social development of their countries.

The second Russian-African Anti-Drug Conference will be held in South Africa in 2016.
– Source:
The factory has received support from the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) of R350 million through the 12i Tax Allowance Scheme.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, recently opened a R600-million Unilever ice cream factory in Midrand, Gauteng.

The scheme is designed to support Greenfield investments, new industrial projects that utilise only new and unused manufacturing assets, as well as Brownfield investments, which are expansions or upgrades of existing industrial projects. The incentive offers support for both capital investment and training.

Addressing delegates at the launch, Minister Davies said the opening of the factory was an important milestone in South Africa in that it showed a vote of confidence by multinational manufacturers in the South African economy.

“The factory will give opportunities to smaller vendors in the value chain that will see local farmers produce most of the products and also create more local demand for most of the ingredients and suppliers. This investment will also have a positive effect in upstream and downstream movement in the economy,” said Davies.

The Minister commended Unilever for investments in Africa, saying this was an indication of recognising the significance of contributing to growing the African economy.

The Executive Vice President for Africa at Unilever, Bruno Witvoet, said Unilever had proven its confidence in South Africa’s and Africa’s growth potential by investing close to R4 billion in new and refurbished manufacturing facilities in South Africa.

“The investment in the ice-cream factory is due to the market development opportunities that exist for the sector in South Africa and the rest of Africa. Close to 150 direct and 200 indirect jobs have been created since the start of the factory. A further 2 500 jobs will be created by the end of 2015 through our Ola Vendor Programme,” he said.

The Ola Vendor Programme empowers micro-entrepreneurs by giving them the equipment needed to start an ice-cream vending business. It offers continuous development and support opportunities, helping these entrepreneurs to be successful businesspeople along the way.
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The awards recognised and awarded 32 African journalists, drawn from over 1 400 entries from 39 African countries
Four South African journalists have won CNN African Journalist Awards, held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre in Kenya, Nairobi, on 10 October.

Photographer Herman Verwey from the Beeld newspaper won the Mohamed Amin Photographic Award for his photos taken during the murder trial of the Paralympic athlete, Oscar Pistorius.

Sarah Wild from the Mail & Guardian newspaper won the Technology and Innovation Reporting Award for her story, "Robot", on the environmental testing of the health of the oceans' "lungs" in relation to the effects of global warming.

Freelance documentary-makers, Julie Laurenz and Jacqueline Jayamaha, won the Features Award Category for their harrowing profile piece, "Viola's Hope", for the e-tv channel, about the effects of woonga drug addiction.

Burkinabé journalist, Hyacinthe Boowurosigue Sanou, won the top prize – African Journalist of the Year – for his piece, "Room 143". Published in the Ouagadougou daily newspaper L’Observateur Paalga, the story covered the ousting of Blaise Campaore, who ruled over Burkina Faso for 27 years.

Keynote speaker for the event, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, paid tribute to the hard work journalists did to find the real stories of Africa. He asked that they did their best to continue to find the real "African truths" and reclaim the African story, so that they could tell global audiences of the success stories.

Ferial Haffajee, editor-in-chief of City Press newspaper, was this year's chairperson of the judging panel. She paid tribute to the winners, saying the awards were recognition for a lot of sacrifices that journalists made to get their stories. "Journalism can be very dangerous, lonely," Haffajee told the gathering.

–  Source:
Eight South African leaders are named on the Choiseul 100 Africa index, which ranks young Africans who will play a major role in the development of Africa in the near future.
The Institut Choiseul identified eight South African leaders under the age of 40 on its list, which includes growing business leaders, successful entrepreneurs and investors who embody the dynamism and renewal of a whole continent and carry the hopes of an entire generation.

Absa Capital chief executive officer, Nomkhita Nqweni, who came in at number six, is the highest ranked woman on the Choiseul 100 Africa index. Cape Town angel fund entrepreneur, Justin Stanford, is South Africa's second top leader, ranked 28.

The others are: Ndalo Media chief executive, Khanyi Dhlomo; Transnet Property general manager, Raisibe Lepule; Namibian Stock Exchange chief executive Tiaan Bazuin; e-business entrepreneur, Alan Knott-Craig Jnr; Gyft general manager; Vinny Lingham and Pioneer Foods chief financial officer, Cindy Hess.

"Capital flows towards Africa reached US$80 billion (R1 trillion). The figure should rise up to US$100 billion (R1,34 trillion) in 2015," said Institut Choiseul chairperson Pascal Lorot.

"This remarkable dynamic is linked to the emergence of both a group of young economic leaders, well trained, open to the world and connected to major economic and informal flows worldwide, grown out of globalisation."

Established in 1997, the Institut Choiseul is an independent and non-partisan think-tank, whose scope covers Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa.

Other young South African leaders in the Choiseul 200 are: Yolanda Cuba (Vodacom), Mpumi Madisa (Bidvest South Africa), Hanneli Rupert (Okapi), Bridgette Gasa (The Elilox Group), Lindiwe Mthimunye-Bakoro (PetroSA), Sibongile Sambo (SRS Aviation) and Babalwa Ngonyama (Sinayo Investment Holdings).

Finance, ICT and the service sector were among the most represented sectors, while the energy, transport and construction sectors were down compared to their potential.

–  Source: News24Wire
"It has been one of the most competitive and entertaining World Cups ever," Prince Harry told guests. "This evening, we would like to thank all of you for making England 2015 such a successful and enjoyable tournament for everybody."
The Queen of England hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace in London for the Rugby World Cup at which guests included players, officials and supporters, on 12 October.

"You are helping inspire children of all backgrounds to get involved with the game, the game we all love", Price Harry said.

Springbok star Bryan Habana got on to the royal selfie cam. "For the royal Twitter feed, getting on the selfie cam is pretty amazing, a massive privilege to have been in close proximity to the queen. Didn't get to curtsy or bow at her, got to be shoulder to shoulder with Prince Harry so a massive honour, massive privilege and I'm grateful for the opportunity so thank you very much."

Victor Matfield said it was fantastic to be inside the palace. "I've been here a few times, but outside the gate, taking pics of the guards outside the gate," he said. "Being in here is just fantastic. I met the queen quickly, had a nice chat with Prince Harry."

– Source:
The southern hemisphere has booked all four places in the Rugby World Cup semi-finals, and now they occupy the top four positions in the world rankings.
Argentina's win over Ireland was enough to see them rise to 4th place in the rankings for the first time since 2009.

South Africa's nail-biting win over Wales on Saturday was enough to see them rise two places to third on the standings.

The semi-finals take place this weekend. South Africa take on the All Blacks on Saturday while Argentina take on Australia on Sunday.
–   Source:


Striker Jermaine Seoposenwe netted the all-important goal on 62 minutes at the Estadio de Bata.
Banyana Banyana booked a spot at the 2016 Rio Olympics after beating Equatorial Guinea 1-0 in Bata on Sunday.

In the opening stanza, Amanda Dlamini fired wide of the target early on, while goalkeeper  Roxanne Barker had to deny the hosts' captain Genoveva Anonman on the half-hour mark.

Seoposenwe broke the deadlock after the interval with a strike, triggering a wave of pressure from the home side as Banyana stood firm in the latter stages to secure the result.

Vera Pauw's charges were held to a goalless draw in the first leg of the final qualifier in Tembisa a fortnight ago.

Banyana will be joined at the global showpiece by Zimbabwe, who edged Cameroon on the away goals rule following a 2-2 stalemate.

The national women's senior team made their maiden appearance at the Olympics at London 2012. –  Source: Kick Off
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