Issue 197 | 13 November 2015
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The establishment of the ASF is seen as a step towards curbing reliance on foreign powers, whose forces are deployed in Africa’s conflict zones, which often cause tensions as African leaders seek African solutions for African problems.


It is a moment of pride for the African continent as the newly established multidimensional ASF and its Rapid Deployment Capability (RDC) for sustainable peace will start operating next year.

Consisting of brigades from the continental blocs – Economic Community of West Africa States, East African Community, North African Regional Capability and Southern African Development Community – the 25 000-strong multinational force will help with immediate and effective responses to crises arising in Africa. Its logistics headquarters will be located in the Cameroon city of Douala.

The ASF and RDC will be deployed to troubled countries in the continent. The forces will be dispatched on request by member states and on approval of the African Union (AU) to restore peace and security.

The readiness of the force was given the stamp of approval on Sunday, 8 November, at the end of the three-week-long Amani Africa II field training exercise at the Army Combat Training Centre in the sparsely populated Karoo part of the Northern Cape.

Over 5 400 troops, police officers and civilians from Africa’s regions participated in the training.

AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, Smail Chergui, said they were pleased with the results of the exercise.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, President Jacob Zuma said the day was a moment of pride for the African continent, as it demonstrated that Africa was serious about peace and investing in security.

“We often proclaim that we want African solutions to African problems. Through this exercise, we are demonstrating our desire to solve our problems on the continent.”

The African continent, as part of its Agenda 2063, has committed to silencing the guns by 2020.

For the continent to realise this, President Zuma said the continent still needed to effectively intervene in situations of crisis in order to stabilise countries when the need arose.

The training, which President Zuma described as historic and a tremendous success, also crystallised cooperation between the AU, regional economic communities and different armed forces for the purposes of future peacekeeping operations.

President Zuma congratulated the countries that participated in and availed equipment and resources for the exercise.

South Africa and Germany enjoy strong, long-standing and growing trade and investment relations.

At the invitation of Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Jacob Zuma undertook an Official Visit to Germany on 10 November 2015.

South Africa and Germany have a strategic relationship, with regular structured dialogue and cooperation covering a broad range of areas, including political dialogue, trade and investment, science and technology, the environment, development cooperation, energy, defence, labour and social affairs, vocational education and training, as well as arts and culture.

In 2014, Germany ranked as South Africa's second-largest global trading partner, fourth-largest global export market for South African goods and the second-largest importer into South Africa, while South Africa also remains in the top 30 of Germany's global trading partners.

There are over 600 German companies invested in South Africa, providing over 100 000 employment opportunities mainly in the automotive industry, the chemical industry, as well as in the mechanical and electrical engineering sectors.

During their official talks, President Zuma and Chancellor Merkel reviewed a wide range of bilateral, regional and international issues. President Zuma also paid a courtesy call on Federal President Joachim Gauck, addressed South African and German business leaders in Berlin and provided the closing statement at a symposium on youth skills development and employment.

The United Republic of Tanzania held its General Election on 25 October 2015, which included Presidential elections, Parliamentary elections and Local elections.

On 5 November, President Jacob Zuma attended the inauguration of the President-elect of the United Republic of Tanzania, John Pembe Magufuli.

The National Election Commission announced the results of the Presidential election on 29 October 2015 with Mr Magufuli emerging as the winner by 58%.

President Zuma was accompanied by Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

President Zuma expressed his commitment to continue working closely with President Condé to enhance the good bilateral relations which exist between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Guinea, putting particular focus on the strengthening of economic cooperation.

On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has congratulated President Alpha Condé on his re-election as President of the Republic of Guinea, following the Presidential elections held on 11 October 2015.

President Zuma further congratulated the people of the Republic of Guinea for conducting a peaceful, transparent, credible, free and fair election, as declared by the African Union and the Economy of West African States election observer teams.

The visit to Iran by Deputy President Ramaphosa was aimed at consolidating strategic bilateral political and economic relations.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa led a high-level South African diplomatic and trade delegation on an Official Visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran from 7 to 9 November 2015.

During the visit, the South African delegation explored opportunities for foreign direct investment, creating trading opportunities for South African investors while identifying skills development and training opportunities for South Africans in various Iranian sectors.

At a bilateral political level, Deputy President Ramaphosa paid a courtesy call on Iranian President, Dr Hassan Rouhani; and the Speaker of Parliament, Dr Ali Larinjani; and hold bilateral discussions with his counterpart, First Vice President Es‘haq Jahangiri, to strengthen bilateral political relations, consolidate regional cooperation on strategic regional security and stability in Africa and the Middle East while enhancing bilateral cooperation on reform of global political and economic governance, including reform of the United Nations Security Council.

Deputy President Ramaphosa also inaugurated the South Africa-Iran Business Council. During the 12th Joint Commission, held in May this year, the two countries agreed to elevate and consolidate trade, investment and economic relations and concluded action plans in the finance, trade, agriculture and energy sectors.

Several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were finalised during the Official Visit in agriculture; finance, trade and industry; mineral resources; and science and technology.




The Minister’s briefing took place following a meeting of the FOCAC Inter-Ministerial Committee.


The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, recently briefed the media on preparations for the FOCAC Summit, which is scheduled for 4 to 5 December 2015 at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, under the theme: “Africa-China Progressing Together: Win-Win Cooperation for Common Development”.

The Johannesburg Summit of the FOCAC will be the first FOCAC Summit to be held in Africa, and only the second one in the 15 years since FOCAC’s inception; the first being the historic 2006 Beijing Summit.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said South Africa assumed the role as co-chair of FOCAC at the conclusion of the Fifth FOCAC Ministerial Conference in 2012, taking over from Egypt. “Our role as co-chair is for the period 2012 to 2018.”

“It is expected that African heads of state and government, representatives from the African Union (AU), heads of regional organisations and multilateral organisations will participate in the summit.

“It is envisaged that the Johannesburg Summit will elevate the Africa-China relationship to a new level that would have a beneficial impact and give impetus to Africa’s developmental agenda. Africa and China have forged strong economic relations, particularly since 2009 when China became the continent’s largest trading partner.

“It is expected that the summit will adopt the Johannesburg Declaration and Action Plan, which will outline specific measures aimed at consolidating the growing mutual partnership between Africa and China.

“The FOCAC platform is based on the principles of South-South cooperation and mutual and equal benefit, with a view to addressing various areas of concern for Africa’s socio-economic development and integration. These include deepening cooperation in the areas of infrastructure development, debt relief, industrialisation, investment promotion, market-access expansion, agriculture, science and technology, health, education, and people-to-people cultural exchanges, among others.”

“The FOCAC platform provides an opportunity to further stimulate growth and unlock new opportunities between China and Africa on trade and other matters.

“South Africa’s overall medium to long-term strategic objective with regard to the FOCAC, as co-chair, is to work closely with China to ensure that future FOCAC declarations and action plans are effectively implemented in line with the AU’s Agenda for Regional and Continental Integration and Development, through its flagship programmes: New Partnership for Africa’s Development and Agenda 2063, including the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063.”




Minister Radebe said the two-day meeting was squarely aimed at sharing ideas and experiences between South Africa and Lesotho, especially in the fields of planning, monitoring and evaluation.

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Lesotho and South Africa have exchanged views and experiences on issues of governance relating to planning, monitoring and evaluation in order to improve the level of service delivery in both countries.

The Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Chairperson of the National Planning Commission, Jeff Radebe, recently hosted Lesotho’s Deputy Prime Minister Mothejoa Metsing and his delegation in Pretoria.

“Both South Africa and Lesotho have a long history as neighbours and we have strong historical ties as well, as Lesotho is among the countries that gave sanctuary to freedom fighters in order for us to defeat the system of apartheid,” Minister Radebe said.

He said going forward, the countries needed to synergise their plans and monitoring systems to benefit from each other’s experiences.

Deputy Prime Minister Metsing said Lesotho would forever remain indebted to South Africa for its loyal support, as the country was the first point of call whenever Lesotho experienced challenges, and it was the only neighbour Lesotho has.

“South Africa has always been engaged in the problems of Lesotho and there has been a number of agreements that have been signed by the two countries. Lesotho is surrounded by South Africa and the relationship of our countries is unique,” he said. – Source:


The South African Government will support companies that want to take advantage of trade and investment opportunities in Cuba.

The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mzwandile Masina, recently returned to the country after leading a 35-member business delegation comprising exporters and investors to Cuba.

The exporters participated in the 33rd Havana International Trade Fair, while a group of investors was part of the first investment mission to Cuba organised by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti).

In their interactions with the Cubans, Deputy Minister Masina said they reiterated the message that economic relations must be strengthened between the two countries.

He said he was inspired by the commitment expressed by both government and the business leaders of Cuba to achieve this goal.

“We are all sharing the same view that our strong and cordial political relations must be underpinned by tangible growth in trade and investment between the two countries,” said Deputy Minister Masina.

He cited the Doing Business in Cuba Seminar that the dti hosted in Pretoria in September, the recent Official Visit to Cuba by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and the trade and investment mission that Deputy Minister Masina led to Cuba as some of the initiatives that Pretoria had implemented to boost economic relations with Cuba.

“Some of the companies that we took to Cuba had their first contact with the Cubans during the inward mission by the Cubans that our department organised. It was through this interaction that they identified areas of cooperation and possible joint ventures. They then went to Cuba to take their discussions forward and I am hoping to hear good stories from them when they return home.”

While in Cuba, Deputy Minister Masina told South African business that government would support them in their endeavours to invest in Cuba and trade with that country. – Source:



A Cabinet Meeting was held on 4 November 2015. Various key decisions were made.

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Cabinet approved South Africa’s Third National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, for submission to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The protocol governs the movements of living modified organisms, also known as genetically modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology, from one country to another.

South Africa is the ninth-largest producer of genetically modified crops in the world and remains the pioneer for the adoption of genetically modified crops. This is aligned to Section 24 of the Constitution, which advocates for sustainable use of biodiversity.

Cabinet approved South Africa’s initial services offer in terms of the decision of the Ninth World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Ministerial Conference to grant preferential treatment to least developed countries (LDCs).

South Africa is committed to implement the WTO agreement, which provides preferential support to the LDCs. Of the 34 countries classified as LDCs, 25 are from Africa. South Africa’s initial offering will be in services in the financial services, telecommunications, tourism and transport sectors. Such an offering forms part form of easing market access for services and service providers into the markets of non-LDCs.

Cabinet approved the submission of South Africa’s combined Second Periodic Report under the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights and the Initial Report under the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa.

The report to the African Union (AU) Commission is an evaluation of achievements and challenges in giving effect to civil, political, socio-economic and cultural rights. This is in line with South Africa being party to the AU Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.

Cabinet approved the introduction of a Lesotho dispensation to commence from 1 February 2016. This follows the special dispensation that was granted to Zimbabwe in 2010, which has subsequently been extended.

This dispensation will assist in better managing the labour flow of Lesotho nationals who come to South Africa in violation of the current immigration mechanisms.

The Minister of Home Affairs will provide more details at a media briefing at a later stage.




South Africa believes that an effective and collective global system of governance remains the only hope in addressing the challenges faced by the world today.


Delivering a public lecture in the Dominican Republic, the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, said the current structure of the United Nations (UN) continued to marginalise developing countries.

In the 70 years of its existence, the UN remained undemocratic and unrepresentative, said the Deputy Minister.

“The continued marginalisation of developing countries, coupled with unilateral actions by global powers in pursuit of narrow national interests, has weakened the UN. The irony is that developing countries’ peace and security issues dominate the agenda of the UN.

“We need a reformed system of global governance based on collective decision-making and implementation.”

Deputy Minister Landers said it was for this reason that during South Africa’s non-permanent memberships of the UN Security Council (UNSC), Pretoria continued to work towards respect of the regional organisation’s intervention on issues affecting their regions.

“The commitment to provide African solutions to African problems is premised on our understanding of the inherent role of the AU as a regional organisation in pursuing the African agenda,” he said.

In the same vein, South Africa was concerned about the reversal of gains registered in synergising the work of the African Union Peace and Security Council and the UNSC to prevent and manage conflicts in Africa.

“We therefore believe that this is contrary to the provisions of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter on the relationship between the UN and regional organisations.” – Source:


South Africa will push for an agreement that ensures global emission reduction efforts are adequate to keep the increase in global temperature below 2°C at the upcoming climate change conference in Paris.

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The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, recently held an interactive multistakeholder engagement in preparation for South Africa’s participation in the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which will be held from 30 November to 11 December in Paris, France.

“The UNFCCC Secretariat synthesis of all Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted so far has concluded that the sum of all emission reduction pledges is likely to put the world on track to a 3°C temperature increase.

“In the African context, this implies a 4°C to 6°C temperature rise in many countries,” she said. Inevitably, this will have an impact on water and food security, infrastructure and overall development of countries on the continent, including South Africa.

Minister Molewa said it was clear that collectively the INDCs would not reach the level of ambition that science indicated was required to keep the world temperature rise below 2°C.

“The Paris Agreement must therefore find a way to address this ambition gap. This is a survival issue for many African countries and Small Island Developing States,” she said.

South Africa, which is part of the Africa Group, will negotiate for a Paris agreement under the convention that is ambitious, durable, fair and effective. Minister Molewa said the agreement must balance environmental and development imperatives.

“The deal must have adaptation at its core and there must be an ambitious outcome on finance, technology and capacity-building to support the adaptation and mitigation efforts of developing countries. A key position of the Africa Group is that adaptation is a global responsibility,” she said.

The international climate change talks are expected to be the culmination of a four-year negotiation process that was initiated in Durban at COP17 in 2011.

All parties to the UN Climate Convention are expected to adopt either a protocol, legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force in order to conclude the Durban Mandate.

The agreement will be applicable to all parties and will come into effect from 2020.

South Africa submitted the country’s INDC to the UNFCCC by the 1 October deadline. – Source:

This brought together experts in competition law to explore how competition policy could contribute to inclusive growth and economic development in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries.

The Fourth BRICS International Competition Conference was held from 12 to 13 November 2015 at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Convention Centre, Durban, under the theme: “Competition and Inclusive Growth”.

South Africa’s strong competition regulation enables citizens to participate fairly in the national economy. It promotes the involvement of more people in the productive sectors of the economy and levels the playing field in business.

South Africa’s competition regulation contributes to greater citizen participation and it has made material strides in combating cartels and price-fixing. It has led the way in the application of public interest considerations in mergers and acquisitions.




Hosted by Joburg's stock exchange, the JSE, Africa Evermore: Growth for Sustainability is an opportunity to gauge and discuss the potential, growth and stability of Africa's capital markets.


The African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) of stock exchange and brokerage professionals from 25 African countries will hold its annual conference in Johannesburg from 15 to 17 November, with the theme of sustainability at its core.

The theme of the conference falls in line with the goals of the National Development Plan, which is intent on finding Africa's place in the global narrative. It is also an opportunity to share skills and knowledge, with an eye on developing a capable and competitive South African stock market industry within the context of Africa and the world.

"The conference is important as it features high-level discussions covering themes that are relevant to our capital markets and opportunities to network with leading industry players from across the continent," said Oscar Onyema, the ASEA president and chief executive of the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

The packed two-day programme, said Nicky Newton-King, the JSE chief executive, would provide delegates with an in-depth understanding of the strength resulting from the integration of Africa's security exchanges. "Those who operate in the regulated market need to know that we are part of the global financial markets. We are already beginning to see this for example in East Africa, where they are driving significant regional connectivity."

The ASEA prides itself on the promotion and education of its members and stakeholders regarding the importance of socially responsible investments and the need to pay attention to environmental, social and governance issues. – Source: African Press Organisation

South Africa committed itself to reduce road carnage by 50% from 13 967 to below 7 000 by 2020.
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The Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, will attend the Second Global Conference for Ministers of Transport from 18 to 20 November 2015 in Brazil, where South Africa will table its Mid-Term Country Report on progress made in the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011 – 2020 Global Plan.

South Africa is making significant strides in achieving the targets as set out in the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011 – 2020 Global Plan, despite challenges facing the country.

The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, has welcomed the signing of an agreement between South Africa and Madagascar that will see the two countries cooperating in science, technology and innovation (STI).

The new agreement was signed recently in Johannesburg by Minister Pandor and Madagascar's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr Marie Rasoazananera.

Both ministers said the agreement would deepen cooperation between the two countries and boost Africa's research capacity, empowering it to deal with challenges facing the continent through STI.

South Africa's STI cooperation with Madagascar is strategic due to the latter's status and the quality of its basic research outputs. The country produces a high number of university graduates and, like South Africa, has a clear vision and national drive to create knowledge capital through research outputs.

Madagascar is one of the eight African countries involved in the Square Kilometre Array project to build the world's largest radio telescope. The country is also actively involved in the African Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network, which involves the construction of terrestrial and marine optical fibre networks throughout Africa.



The Danish will assist South Africa with its current and future water supply challenges.

The Danish Minister of Environmental and Food, Eva Kjer Hansen, and Water and Sanitation Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Johannesburg recently.

This comes as the country faces a burgeoning water crisis that has depleted many municipalities and the agriculture sector since last year.

Addressing the situation, Minister Mokonyane said an estimated 6 500 stand-alone rural communities were currently experiencing water shortages, mostly in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and North West.

She said the Danish support would be instrumental in finding sustainable solutions.

Her department said in a statement the country had the opportunity to "learn from the best".

Minister Hansen said the Danish would offer its technology, solutions and experience, which it had spent years developing through trial and error.

"Our hope is that the lessons we have learned can help smooth your [South Africa's] journey," she said.

"Just as we have partnered for democracy and renewable energy, we are starting to collaborate closely on water. I am certain this will be hugely beneficial to both our countries."

The MoU between Denmark and South Africa includes:

  • integrated water resources management

  • water treatment technologies and management

  • water and resource efficiency

  • groundwater protection and management

  • water governance and science

  • capacity-building and institutional strengthening.
– Source:



The 11th edition of DISCOP Africa brought together buyers, sellers and producers of films, finished television programmes, packaged television channels and adaptation rights, and focused on Africa-centric pitching, developing, financing and co-production platforms.

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The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, gave a keynote address at the DISCOP AFRICA Conference Gala Dinner on 5 November in Sandton. At the Gala Dinner, the People’s Republic of China was acknowledged as “Guest Country of Honour” for this year’s edition of DISCOP Africa.

Supported by the Department of Arts and Culture under its Mzansi Golden Economy strategy and the City of Johannesburg, the DISCOP Africa trade show, from 4 to 6 November, consisted of a content market and co-production forum, a conference, workshops, and film and television shows and exhibitions.

The gathering brought together producers in the film and television industry under one roof to network and discuss the opportunities and economic potential of the continent, including giving a platform to emerging creators seeking to turn their ideas into marketable content.

The award ceremony was part of the annual World Tourism Market (WTM), which took place over a period of three days in London.

The Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, has congratulated the Western Cape fishing town and popular tourist destination, Gansbaai, for receiving a gold Best Destination honour at the 2015 World Responsible Tourism Awards, held in London. The South African-based charity, Campaign against Canned Hunting, also took joint gold in Best Animal Welfare Initiative category.

The Minister also commended Bushmans Kloof for a silver Best Cultural Heritage Attraction award and Grootbos Private Nature Reserve for a silver Best for Poverty Reduction award,

Founded in 2004 by Responsible Travel, the World Responsible Tourism Awards at WTM are a global search and celebration of the most inspiring and enduring responsible tourism experiences in the world.

Now in their 12th year, the vision for the awards, which are open to any organisation anywhere in the world, is to surprise and inspire tourists and the tourism industry by what it is possible to achieve with Responsible Tourism, and to shine a light on the best of the best.

The Best Destination for Responsible Tourism category is awarded to a holiday destination setting an inspirational and influential example for responsible tourism.

"Our award-winning places, products and programmes demonstrate the leadership role South Africa is playing in developing and implementing responsible tourism," said Minister Hanekom.


The committee is an elective body responsible for complying with the resolutions of the general assembly, by which it supervises the execution of the decisions of the assembly.


South Africa has been elected as one of the 13 countries that form the executive committee of the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) on a three-year mandate.

The executive committee consists of the president, three vice presidents and nine delegates representing the organisation’s four regions, namely Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. It holds a meeting three times a year to deliberate on organisational policy, guidance and direction.

The voting took place during the Interpol’s general assembly, which was held recently in Kigali, Rwanda.

Over 190 countries voted in favour of South Africa, making it the sole African country to be a member of the committee.

The South African delegation in the executive committee will be headed by Brigadier Anbuen Naidoo, who is also the Head of the Interpol's National Central Bureau, situated in Pretoria.

The Minister of Police, Nkosinathi Nhleko, said they were humbled by the vote of confidence shown by fellow members of Interpol in the continent and vowed to continue playing a leading role in international policing.

“We commit to using this position to promote the interests of the continent in the global fight against international organised crime. We appreciate that this fight must have a global face and Interpol is that face.

“The Hawks’ leading role will strengthen South Africa’s footprint in building criminal databases and cooperating with other international policing agencies on cross-border investigations, operations and arrests,” Minister Nhleko said. – Source:

The Gender-Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) is a 24-hour call centre dedicated to providing support and counselling to victims of gender-based violence.
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Government has congratulated the Department of Social Development after its GBVCC won the Global Best Contact Centre Award in Las Vegas, United States of America.

The uniqueness of this centre is that it uses mobile technology to estimate the location of a victim, assign the closest social worker in the field to the case, and record and receive continuous feedback on the case.

This enables a quick response from the police, medical teams as well as social services.

“Government is honoured by this prestigious recognition, which is a testimony of government’s commitment to rooting out violence against women and children. Government will continue its fight against the scourge of women abuse through various initiatives such as this centre,” acting Cabinet spokesperson, Phumla Williams, said.

“We commend the officials for striving to ensure the success of the centre, which in turn impacts positively on the lives of those that are abused. Government will not rest until we have a society where women and children feel safe and secure,” said Williams. – Source:

The FINA Swimming World Cup Series officially concluded in Dubai on Saturday night, 7 November, with a fantastic performance by the South African swimming team.

Cameron van der Burgh was on top of the world as he claimed the first position on the ranking table based on the points accumulated over the last seven legs as well as the $100 000 prize money.

Van der Burgh confirmed that prize when he won the gold medal in the 100-m breaststroke with a time of 59.05 and is now unbeaten in 24 consecutive appearances in the 50-m and 100-m breaststroke combined, since taking silver behind Roland Schoeman in Singapore in 2009. Coming in second on the 2015 overall rankings to claim the $50 000 prize money was Chad le Clos.

Le Clos celebrated that achievement by winning the gold medal in the 100-m butterfly with a time of 51.09 and the silver medal in the 50m freestyle in 22.22. Douglas Erasmus finished fourth in the freestyle race in 22.34.

Le Clos also finished fifth in the 200-m backstroke in 2:00.23, with Martin Binedell taking the 8th position in 2:03.26.

Michael Meyer won the bronze in the 200-m individual medley, clocking 2:02.38 behind Japan’s Keita Sunama in 2:00.72 and Luxembourg’s Raphael Stacchiotti in 2:01.09.

In other results, Kaylene Corbett came 8th in the 50-m breaststroke in 33.10, while Jacques van Wyk was 6th in the 50-m backstroke in 25.58.

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