Issue 209 | 19 February 2016
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“The global economic climate is far from favourable. South Africa has made the economy an apex priority in this current period,” President Zuma said.
President Jacob Zuma has encouraged the business community to invest in the African continent so it can assist in creating jobs and improving the standard of living.

Speaking during the Second Annual Ubuntu Awards at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on 13 February, President Zuma said the regional efforts and the creation of the continental free trade were steps in the right direction as it would contribute immensely to Africa’s development.

As part of efforts to find solutions on how to grow South Africa’s economy, President Zuma recently met with the business community to discuss what measures could be put in place to ignite growth and create jobs.

He said government would meet with labour and other sectors as well, as it responded to the persistent low growth, low commodity prices and other challenges facing developing economies.

"We shall work together to build a resilient economy which will enable us to address challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

“We value cooperation with all regions of the world, as we take forward our vision of building a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa,” President Zuma said.

He said South Africa participated in many activities that were designed to make Africa and the world a better place.

"It is our wish as South Africa, to see peace, stability and prosperity flourishing in every corner of our continent,” he said.

South Africa is participating in the work of the African Union Peace and Security Council designed to ensure that guns are silenced on the continent by the year 2020.

“We want to see an end to wars and conflicts on our continent. We want to see an end to the flight of many Africans from their countries to become refugees because of the conflict.

“We want to see an end to the suffering of women and children in Africa because of wars and pockets of conflict,” President Zuma said.

He said the South African National Defence Force would be deployed wherever it was needed to contribute to peace and stability on the continent. – Source:
Keidanren (abbreviation of Keizai Dantai Rengōkai or the Federation of Economic Organisations in English) is Japan's most influential business federation, representing the top Japanese multinational companies with the highest volumes of global business.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa recently met with the Japan business federation, Keidanren, in Cape Town. The meeting followed a Working Visit by the Deputy President to Japan in August 2015.

The meeting explored how investment and trade between South Africa and Japan could contribute to key objectives such as job creation, industrial development, human resource development and innovation as part of implementing South Africa's National Development Plan.

“During his engagements in Japan in 2015, Deputy President Ramaphosa expressed South Africa's appreciation for the sound political and economic relations between the two countries and invited Japanese businesses to explore opportunities presented by the National Development Plan's ambitious programme for fundamental economic and social transformation.

“During the Working Visit, Deputy President also welcomed Japan's continued support for human resource development in South Africa through an extensive exchange programme that allows young South African professionals to study in Japan,” said The Presidency.

In addition to the breakfast meeting, Keidanren also engaged Business Leadership South Africa and the Black Business Council within the framework of the Japan-South Africa Business Forum.

 – Source:
"We are encouraged by the continuous support from the Japanese Government and companies, and that they are prioritising South Africa," said Minister Zwane.
The Minister of Mineral Resources, Mosebenzi Zwane, has welcomed a commitment by the Japanese Government to increase its investment in South Africa, despite the current downturn in the global economy.

Minister Zwane recently met with Parliamentary Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tsuneo Kitamura, on the sidelines of the Mining Indaba in Cape Town.

"It gives us confidence that our country remains a preferred investment destination. Investors are taking a long-term view and are not discouraged by the current downturn in the cycle,” Minister Zwane said.

Japan remains a major trading partner for South Africa, with about 140 companies active in the country and over 150 000 jobs created. – Source:


Through the summit, government engaged with a number of investors on different investment opportunities with the aim of increasing trade and investment, and deepening bilateral relations between the two countries.
Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Mzwandile Masina, attended the 19th annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit, in New York, in the United States of America (USA).

“The Wall Street Project uses Operation Breadbasket’s model of research, education, negotiation and reconciliation to achieve its mission to promote inclusion, opportunity and economic growth by encouraging public and private industries to provide more business opportunities for minority and women-owned companies on Wall Street and throughout the financial services industry, among other things,” said the Department of Trade and Industry in a statement.

“We participated at the International Investment Forum on Global Economic Expansion Opportunities during the summit. The session was a follow-up of last year’s Africa Investment Opportunities Forum and the recent Inaugural African Economic Expansion Summit held in Durban,” said Deputy Minister Masina.

The Deputy Minister added that the forum provided an opportunity to outline the US' trade policy towards Africa and other parts of the globe such as China and India to continuously extend their economic outlook through foreign direct investment (FDI) across the globe.

The Deputy Minister also held discussions with leading US' film companies on FDI in South Africa. He also gave an address at the First Annual USA-Africa Trade Symposium.

The Wall Street Project Economic Summit concluded on Thursday. – Source:
The marine protected areas (MPAs) were identified through Operation Phakisa‚ a presidential project to fast-track the development of South Africa’s ocean economy.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, has published draft notices and regulations in the Government Gazette to declare a network of 22 new proposed MPAs as part of Operation Phakisa.

“The declaration of these new MPAs aims to create approximately 70 000 km² of MPAs, bringing our ocean protection within the South African Exclusive Economic Zone to more than 5%,” the Department of Environmental Affairs said recently.

At present, less than 0,5% of South Africa’s ocean ecosystems are formally protected compared to approximately 8% of terrestrial protected areas such as the Kruger National Park and Table Mountain National Park.

The following are proposed for declaration as MPAs: iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Aliwal Shoal, Agulhas Front, Cape Canyon, Childs Bank, Protea Banks, Browns Bank Complex, Benguela Bank, Browns Bank Corals, Namaqua Fossil Forest, Namaqua National Park, Robben Island, Agulhas Bank Complex, Agulhas Muds, Amathole Offshore, Benguela Muds, Port Elizabeth Corals, Addo Elephant Park, Southeast Atlantic Seamount, Southwest Indian Seamount, uThukela Banks and Orange Shelf Edge.

“Many of these new MPAs aim to protect offshore ecosystems and species, ranging from deep areas along the Namibian border to a more than 10-fold expansion of iSimangaliso Wetland Park in the KwaZulu-Natal province,” the department said.

They include charismatic features such as a fossilised yellow wood forest at a depth of 120 m off Port Nolloth, a deep cold-water coral reef standing 30 m high off the seabed near Port Elizabeth and a world-famous diving destination where seven shark species aggregate at Protea Banks in KwaZulu-Natal.

These MPAs also include undersea mountains, canyons, sandy plains, deep and shallow muds and diverse gravel habitats with unique fauna. 

“The new MPAs will secure protection of marine habitats like reefs, mangroves and coastal wetlands which are required to help protect coastal communities from the results of storm surges, rising sea levels and extreme weather,” the department said. – Source:
ARLAC has labour ministers from 19 English-speaking countries in Africa. The organisation was founded in 1974 and is supported by the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Development Programme.
The Deputy Minister of Labour, Phathekile Holomisa, attended the 42nd Ordinary Session of the African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC) in Livingstone, Zambia.

The session was held back-to-back with a high-level symposium on “Decent Work in the Global Supply Chains”. The Governing Council (GC) meeting ended on 19 February.

The GC is made up of ministers responsible for labour matters in the various member states. It is the supreme authority of ARLAC and has full powers to pursue ARLAC objectives. – Source:
South African Airways (SAA) will from next month reroute its flights from Douala International Airport in Cameroon to Yaoundé, due to the closure of the airport in Douala, for reconstruction work.
“SAA’s four weekly flights from Johannesburg to Libreville (Gabon) and onwards to Douala in Cameroon will be rerouted from 1 until 21 March 2016 to the Nsimalen International Airport in Yaoundé for the duration of the airport closure,” said SAA in a statement recently.

SAA spokesperson, Tlali Tlali, said an alternative entry point into Cameroon would ensure that there were no interruptions.

“We are pleased that an alternative entry point into Cameroon ensures that there are no interruptions in the service we offer during the time when the airport in Douala remains closed. We continue to explore new ways of providing the best service to our clients to ensure that we remain the carrier of choice for customers when they travel, both for business and leisure,” said Tlali.

Official notification to SAA by Cameroonian government officials states that the closure of the airport in Douala is temporary and due to the rehabilitation and upgrading of the main runway at Douala Airport.

SAA has received permission from the International Air Service Licensing Council to reroute its flights to Yaoundé.

Customers will be re-accommodated accordingly.

Flights will resume on the Johannesburg – Libreville – Douala routing from 22 March, should the Douala International Airport be open, said the national carrier. – Source:
CEO of CapeNature, Dr Razeena Omar, explained that the award was a huge honour to CapeNature, ecotourism and sustainability within in South Africa.
South Africa's Kogelberg, Robberg and Goukamma CapeNature reserves have become the first tourism products in South Africa and the Southern African Development Community to have been awarded the prestigious ECO Certification by Ecotourism Australia.

Ecotourism Australia is represented in southern Africa through an exclusive agreement with Eco-tourism Africa, a COMET Corporation initiative.

The ECO Certification Programme was developed to address genuine nature and ecotourism operators – guided by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council criteria.

The ECO Certification Programme provides travellers with the assurance that all certified products within the awarded areas are supported by strong, well-managed sustainable practices and high-quality nature-based tourism.

ECO Certification is product-specific and the following CapeNature products have been certified:
  • Goukamma Nature Reserve for its self-catering accommodation
  • Kogelberg Nature Reserve for the Oudebosch self-catering accommodation, its hiking trails and birdwatching available at the Stony Point penguin colony
  • Robberg Nature Reserve for its array of hiking trails.
Chief Executive of Ecotourism Australia, Rod Hillman, commended CapeNature for being responsible members of South Africa's tourism industry to benefit the community and environment "while providing enjoyable and meaningful experiences for their visitors”.

“I commend your leadership in becoming the first organisation in South Africa to gain eco-certification."

Dr Omar explained that CapeNature recognised the need to develop products and activities which highlighted South Africa's natural assets – placing protected areas in the spotlight to make them become sought-after tourist attractions.
Topping the likes of Italy and Indonesia, "Rough Guides" describes the Northern Cape as "an area covering one-third of the country’s landmass and seldom explored by visitors".
The Northern Cape is gathering some more well-deserved attention from the rest of the world. Rough Guides has listed this border-lying province of South Africa as one of the top 10 regions to visit in 2016.

They also mentioned the area's super-gorgeous wildflowers in springtime, the Kalahari's famous black-maned lion, the San people – remnants of the oldest population on Earth – the lush and flowing Orange River and Richtersveld Nature Reserve for adrenaline junky-fun.

The list of recommended regions are:

10. The Western Isles, Scotland
9. Castilla Y Léon, Spain
7. Lombok, Indonesia
6. Northern Cape, South Africa
5. Tohoku, Japan
4. Québec, Canada
3. Tasmania, Australia
2. Gujarat, India
1. Alaska, United States of America.
– Source: Traveller24
“Sun City is the flagship property of Africa’s largest tourism, leisure and gaming group. It has a special place in the hearts of the millions of people who visit the resort each year,” said Mike van Vuuren, the managing executive at Sun City.
South Africa’s legendary playground Sun City is due to undergo a dramatic rejuvenation project worth R800 million rand over the course of 2016.

According to a media release from Pilanesberg National Park, which lies next to the iconic resort, Sun City will offer new food options, including a micro-brewery themed gastro pub, as well as a “raft of new entertainment options, including arcade games, laser tag and ten-pin bowling”.

The popular Valley of Waves has already opened a new 155-metre-long slide, while another slide is due to be added later in the year, bringing the total number of slides to seven.

The facelift will also see Sun City Hotel play host to various “always on” party zones, including a night club, a burlesque club and more restaurants.

The famous Palace at Sun City will get two new and exclusive “invitation only”  casinos – The Palace Villa and The Palace Salon.

The new improved Sun City will be ready for the Nedbank Golf Challenge in November 2016. – Source:


South Africa’s top badminton aces were in Mauritius to compete in the Rose Hill International and stayed on for the Thomas Cup preliminaries.
The 2014 Commonwealth Games doubles pairing of Wiaan Viljoen and Andries Malan won the doubles competition in Mauritius.

The top seeds victory, a straight sets 21-18 21-18 victory against second-seeded Algerians Mohamad A Belarbi and Adel Hamek was something of a milestone achievement.

Explained national coach Chris Dednam: ‘Wiaan and Andries’ doubles win means they’ve completed their required 10 tournaments for Olympic world ranking points. The next two months they’re going to play a few more tournaments to replace their lowest points.

“A maximum of 10 counts towards world ranking. So, now they must do better than the 10 results they have to replace those points and thereby move up on the world ranking.”

“The winning team from Africa will then participate in the finals in China,” said Dednam.

Also at the Rose Hill International, South Africa’s Nita Scholtz took part in the women’s singles division.

“She lost in the final but is only 16 and played to gain experience. We’re looking at her with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in mind,” said Dednam.

Scholtz who was part of the SA team that competed at the World Junior Championships in Lima, Peru, last year, went down to top-seeded Bridget Shamim Bangi of Uganda in the final, losing in three sets, 21-7 20-22 21-15.
– Source:
It was a remarkable triumph for the Proteas who came back from being 2-0 down to win the next three matches in the series.
Cricket South Africa (CSA) has congratulated the Proteas on their 3-2 series win over England in the Momentum ODI Series following their victory in the deciding match at PPC Newlands on Sunday, 14 February.

“Congratulations to captain AB de Villiers, coach Russell Domingo, the players and the team management,” commented CSA Chief Executive, Haroon Lorgat. “To have won three games in a row to clinch the series 3-2 will do this squad of players a world of good. They have now scored back-to-back series victories against two of the most powerful nations in world cricket in India and England.

“The impressive growth and telling performances of some newer players is very satisfying for us and indeed very promising for the future.

“The team showed maturity and temperament in the way they came back from being 2-0 down and as Hashim Amla spelt it out, their last three matches were effectively all finals.

“We now look forward to the twenty20 format with home KFC series matches against England (two) and Australia (three) before we depart for the ICC World Twenty20 in India.”

–  Source:
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