Issue 215 | 01 April 2016
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While in Dubai, the President held official talks with His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the UAE, followed by an interaction with the UAE business community.
On 28 March, President Jacob Zuma arrived in Dubai, UAE, on a Working Visit.

The objectives of the President’s Working Visit to the UAE were to consolidate and elevate the solid and cordial political and economic relations which existed between the respective countries, in particular in the commercial, trade and investment sectors, as well as people-to- people and cultural interaction, including the promotion of South Africa as a top global tourism destination for visitors from the Gulf region.

South Africa and the UAE enjoy a strong bond of friendship and strategic bilateral relations characterised by the exchange of several high-level visits, a high level of trade and economic interaction, multiple daily flights between the UAE and three South African cities and a large South African expatriate community in the UAE.

President Zuma was accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies; Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo; Minister of Police, Nathi Nhleko; and the Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba.
Economic and political ties between South Africa and Saudi Arabia received a significant boost following a successful State Visit by President Jacob Zuma to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 26 to 27 March 2016.
Bilateral relations between South Africa and Saudi Arabia have been further cemented by the State Visit, which has successfully served as an important structural catalyst for strengthening bilateral political and economic relations, particularly in the areas of trade and investment as well as in expanding bilateral trade in support of business in targeted sectors, including the South African agricultural and agro-processed goods and services, defence procurement, manufacturing, mineral beneficiation as well as South Africa’s participation in the Saudi National Transformation Plan.

“We are very pleased that this State Visit will ensure, among other things, continued Saudi private-sector investment in our country’s renewable energy sector in support of the National Development Plan; the South African petrochemical sector; banking and finance; tourism infrastructure; as well as Saudi participation as a maritime state in our Operation Phakisa,” said President Zuma.

During the State Visit, President Zuma was bestowed the First Order, the highest award given by His Majesty King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Al Saud, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of Makkah and Medina.

"I am very humbled to receive this rare award from His Majesty King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz on behalf of our people and our country South Africa," said President Zuma.

President Zuma also addressed a high-level meeting of South Africa and Saudi Arabia business entities.

The President said that he was also pleased that the State Visit offered South Africa an opportunity of an overview of the regional security challenges from Saudi Arabia’s perspective. "We are looking forward to the possibility of us as South Africa sharing our own experiences with regard to negotiation and reconciliation to assist in moving towards peace and security in that region," he said.

In addition, the two countries agreed to work to ensure closer bilateral intelligence cooperation, in particular in relation to the regional terrorism threat to domestic and regional security and stability.

South Africa and Saudi Arabia will also promote the stabilisation efforts of South Africa’s Middle East Peace Process Special Envoys in support of international efforts to find a lasting solution to the Palestine-Israeli conflict.

Finally, the two countries agreed to seek support for South Africa’s application of Observer Membership of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, established the HLC HEEG following the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/70/183, and invited President Jacob Zuma and President Francois Hollande of France to co-chair the commission.
On 24 March, President Zuma returned to South Africa after a successful Working Visit to the French city of Lyon where he co-chaired the official launch of the UN HLC HEEG.

The two leaders committed themselves to work with speed to realise the objectives of the commission. The key objectives are to come up with measures that will contribute to global inclusive economic growth, the creation of decent jobs and the achievement of Universal Health Coverage.

President Zuma said: “Health workforce shortages are growing in developing countries, including South Africa. There’s also the challenge of the brain drain. Highly trained healthcare workers from developing countries often migrate to advanced economies where they are readily absorbed, never to return.”

The President further noted that “by training millions of healthcare workers all over the world and creating employment opportunities, we will go a long way to address the triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality faced by developing countries”.

The implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development forms the basis of the commission’s work. It also speaks to the implementation of 2063 Agenda of the African Union and South Africa’s own National Development Plan.

A second meeting of the High-level Commission is envisaged to take place in New York on the margins of the UN General Assembly in September 2016, whereafter the commission is expected to submit its report to the UN Secretary-General.

A summary of the meeting will be made available to the public through the commission's
On behalf of the Government and the people of Republic of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has extended his heartfelt condolences to the Government and the people of the Republic of Turkey, in particular the families of the deceased, following the bomb explosion that took place on 13 March 2015 in Ankara. The explosions claimed the lives of 37 people.
President Zuma said: “South Africa shares in the grief of the Turkish people following the substantial loss of life and wishes the injured survivors a speedy recovery. Terrorism in any form and from whichever quarter cannot be condoned. There is no doubt that the loss of life in Turkey during the past six months is aimed at undermining any efforts to resolve conflict by peaceful means. In this regard, the South African Government calls upon the Turkish Government to persevere in the pursuit of peace and stability.”

“South Africa stands firmly with the international community in condemning all forms of terrorism and stands in solidarity with the Government of the Republic of Turkey as it mourns the death of its citizens,” said the President.
The summit is convened as a follow-up to the previous summits that were held in Washington in 2010, in Seoul in 2012 and in The Hague in 2014.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, is leading a South African delegation to the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS 2016), which is being held in Washington DC, United States of America, from 31 March to 1 April 2016.

President Jacob Zuma led the South African delegation to the 2010 and 2012 summits and Minister Nkoana-Mashabane led the South African delegation to the 2014 Summit.

Through the NSS process, participating world leaders forged a common approach to nuclear security to, among other things, deal with the threat posed by nuclear terrorism. They agreed on a set of commitments contained in the 2010 Washington Communiqué and Work Plan, the 2012 Seoul Communiqué and the 2014 Hague Communiqué in order to contribute towards a more secure nuclear world. The outcomes of these summits seek to strengthen the issue of nuclear security.

South Africa is committed to promoting a multilateral approach to nuclear security which upholds the centrality of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations, and which respects the international rule of law and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter.
On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has conveyed a message of deepest condolences to Prime Minister Charles Michel and the people of the Kingdom of Belgium, particularly the families of the victims.
The South African Government joins the international community in strongly condemning the terrorist attacks that took place on Tuesday, 22 March 2016, in Brussels, Belgium, which resulted in the deaths and injuries of scores of innocent civilians.

South Africa stands firmly with the rest of the international community in its condemnation of these attacks and reiterates its stance that terrorism, in whatever form and from whichever quarter, cannot be condoned.
On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has congratulated President-Elect Patrice Talon on his election as President of the Republic of Benin, following the second round of the Presidential Election held on 20 March 2016.
President Zuma also congratulates the people of the Republic of Benin for conducting a peaceful election, as declared by the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States election observer teams and the results announced by the Independent Election Commission of the Republic of Benin.

President Zuma expresses his commitment to continue working closely with President-Elect Talon to enhance the good bilateral relations which exist between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Benin, putting particular focus on the strengthening of economic cooperation.
President Jacob Zuma has congratulated President Mahamadou Issoufou on his re-election as President of the Republic of Niger, following the second round of the Presidential Election held on 20 March 2016.
President Zuma further congratulated the people of the Republic of Niger for conducting a peaceful election, as declared by the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States election observer teams and the results announced by the Independent Election Commission of the Republic of Niger on 23 March 2016.

President Zuma expresses his commitment to continue working closely with President Issoufou to enhance the good bilateral relations which exist between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Niger, paying particular focus on the strengthening of economic cooperation, especially in the field of mining.
The Foreign Services Bill would for the first time allow for a single law to govern South Africa’s representatives abroad, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation,  Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, said recently.
South Africa has a large diplomatic presence abroad, its envoys come from a variety of government departments and are governed by several of laws. These include the Public Service Act for diplomats, defence legislation for defence attachés and health laws for health attachés, among others.

Briefing Parliament’s International Relations and Cooperation Committee, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said the plurality of laws presented many challenges to her department and resulted in the "various government departments with officials at missions abroad operating in fragmented and inconsistent approaches".

There has been extensive research on best practice in countries similar to South Africa.

"International practice further shows that for the effective execution of international relations … a foreign service needs to be supported by an appropriate legislative framework that is flexible enough to address challenges posed sat an operational level in missions," Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said.

The Bill seeks to place all officials serving in foreign missions under one law. It is designed to consolidate a fragmented approach into a single foreign service that can represent South Africa in a coherent and comprehensive manner to improve coordination, coherence and service delivery.

The Minister will have the power to make policy on the functioning and administration of the foreign service and may also make regulations on conditions of service. – Source: Business Day
This year's theme at the commission, which started on 14 March, was "Women's Empowerment and the Link to Sustainable Development".
The United Nations (UN) 60th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) was recently held in New York. Noting South Africa's participation in the session, the Cabinet said it gave the country an opportunity to benchmark the progress made since the dawn of democracy on a global arena.

"It is important to note that since the democratic dispensation, South Africa (has) participated in the Fourth World Conference of Women in 1995 and signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in the same year," the Cabinet said.

Representatives of UN member states, UN entities and non-governmental organisations accredited by the UN Economic and Social Council attended the CSW60.

"This session marks the beginning of the countdown to 2030 to the future we want, in which no one is left behind," said Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the UN Women executive director and a UN under-secretary-general.

She said collaboration was key to success. "We know that in order to bring the new agenda to life, we need to get closest to those who are most disadvantaged … governments cannot deliver alone on their strong commitments.

"Collaboration with civil society and women's organisations is key. It also means that greater support and protection of civil society is needed to ensure greater political space and capacity for them. To implement this agenda, the support of the private sector is also needed."

In his opening remarks, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, acknowledged the strides made. He noted that he had appointed more than 150 women as assistant secretary-generals or under-secretary-generals.

South Africa sent various leaders to take part in CSW60, including ministers of Small Business Development, Lindiwe Zulu; Labour, Mildred Oliphant; Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa; Social Development, Bathabile Dlamini, as well as Minister in The Presidency Responsible for Women, Susan Shabangu.

–  Source:
The objective of the ITI to Brazil was to increase exports of value-added products to the Brazilian market.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) recently led a business delegation on an Investment and Trade Initiative (ITI) to Brazil.

“The ITI will focus on showcasing South Africa’s diverse range of capabilities to produce world-class products and services in the targeted sectors, which include agro-processing (rooibos tea, dried fruits, spices, sauces, frozen fish and sparkling 100% fruit juice), industrial chemicals and automotive components,” said Minister Rob Davies.

The business delegation visited Porto Alegre and São Paulo.

The Minister said South African companies had made inroads into the Brazilian market, with select products being marketed by companies with a strategic and long-term perspective of the Brazilian market.

South African companies, said the Minister, had developed highly specialised skills and products and that there were various opportunities for South African companies to market their expertise and collaborate in projects with their Brazilian counterparts.

The programme of the ITI included a trade and investment seminar, business-to-business meetings and sector-specific business site visits to companies in São Paulo and Porto Alegre.
Minister Motsoaledi, who was honoured for his leadership in the global fight against TB, received the award during the USAID Award ceremony held recently in Washington DC.

The Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, has received the USAID-TB International Award for championing the fight against tuberculosis (TB).

He was also honoured for championing bold initiatives in the screening, treatment and prevention of TB; TB/HIV co-infection and MDR-TB for the country and the region.

Minister Motsoaledi, who is also chairperson of the Stop TB Partnership, challenged all countries to intensify the fight against TB.

“It is time for the world to treat tuberculosis with the same urgency it demonstrated in responding to major new health threats like Ebola and the Zika virus," said Minister Motsoaledi.

He said although TB accounted for many deaths in the world, it did not evoke the emotions, passion, urgency and requisite activism that the world had seen in all other epidemics.

“TB as a disease in the last 200 years killed more people than the major epidemics, Ebola, malaria, HIV, small pox, bubonic plaque, influenza and cholera all added together. TB is killing more than 1,5 million and infecting nine million people globally," he said.

The Minister acknowledged the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria for continued support to provide almost 80% of all international funding for TB.

“Without this support, we will not end TB or AIDS and malaria by 2030. I hope you will join me in calling on world leaders to support a fully replenished Global Fund at their fifth replenishment taking place later this year.

“Adequate financing for TB is more important than ever, especially because of drug-resistant TB. Thanks to the work of the United Kingdom Review on Anti-Microbial Resistance, G7 Heads of State issued a special declaration recognising that drug-resistance to TB and other infections can reverse decades of progress at the cost of millions of lives and trillions of dollars,” said Minister Motsoaledi.

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As the Vice-Chair, Ambassador Mxakato-Diseko will be promoting and advocating for CERF in a challenging resource mobilisation environment, as the fund has to deepen and diversify its donor base to address the growing global humanitarian needs.
Ambassador Nozipho Mxakato-Diseko has been elected by consensus to serve as the Vice-Chair of CERF for the duration of her single three-year term as a member of the AG of CERF. The 18-Member Advisory Group met on 21 and 22 March 2016 in New York.

The term of the current Vice-Chair, Dr Ahmed Al-Meraikhi, Director of the Department of International Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director-General of the Qatar Development Fund, ends in August/September this year. Ambassador Manuel Bessler, Head of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland, is the Chair of the Advisory Group.

The CERF AG provides the Secretary-General with periodic policy guidance and expert advice on the use and impact of CERF through the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, who also manages the Fund’s day-to-day operations on behalf of the Secretary-General. The CERF AG Group meets twice a year. The next meeting will be held in October/November 2016. 
Habitat III has been the major United Nations (UN) Conference on housing and urbanisation in the last 20 years.
South Africa and the UN will host the Habitat III Thematic Conference on Informal Settlements from 7 to 8 April 2016 in Pretoria at the CSIR Convention Centre in Pretoria under the theme: “From Slums to Integrated Safe, Resilient and Suitable Human Settlement”.

Habitat I took place in 1976 and Habitat II in 1996. Habitat III will take place in Ecuador in October 2016. Habitat III is expected to generate a "New Urban Agenda" for the 21st century. Habitat III will secure a renewed global commitment to addressing housing and sustainable urbanisation through the adoption of a forward-looking, action-oriented outcome document.

The thematic Conference on Informal Settlements is in preparation for Habitat III and will explore approaches and strategies in the inter-related areas of tenure security and housing, livelihoods, safety and governance. For this purpose, lessons learned, challenges, pro-poor solutions, and partnership mechanisms will be shared. About 500 delegates from governments and civil society across the globe are expected to come up with an agreed framework and global action plan to inform the New Urban Agenda to be adopted at Habitat III in Ecuador. The conference will be preceded by an Urban Journalism Academy on 6 April 2016. The Urban Journalism Academy is a pioneering and innovative initiative to engage journalists and media professionals who are interested or involved in urban development with reference to social, economic and economic issues facing cities in the 21st century.
Africa’s most promising and exciting young entrepreneurs recently showcased their latest innovations to the world at an event in London.
The three-day Entrepreneurial Africa: London Showcase event took place from 21 to 23 March and brought together young entrepreneurs from Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and Sudan who pitched their business ideas and innovations to established entrepreneurs and enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK).

British Council Regional Director for Africa, Mandy Johnson, said: "Entrepreneurial Africa: London Showcase provides an opportunity for young African entrepreneurs to connect with people in the London start-up community and find potential partners to help scale up their businesses. We are optimistic this event will open up opportunities for collaboration between these individuals and institutions and ultimately create opportunities for economic growth in their countries.

“This delegation of young African entrepreneurs represents some of the most exciting start-ups working on the continent today and they are meeting with their counterparts in the UK. By encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting social enterprise, the British Council is providing career opportunities for young people and helping to unleash their potential."

The innovations on show at the event ranged from tailor-made solutions for businesses around energy and sustainability to mobile applications that provide farmers with real-time agricultural information and market intelligence that allow them to access finance.

Since 2013, the British Council has run a series of enterprise challenges across Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Sudan. Broadcast on TV and online, these initiatives have directly engaged 12 000 young entrepreneurs and reached a further 20 million young people. – Source:
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) will allocate more funds for the revitalisation of the Vulindlela Heights Industrial Park.
Addressing businesspeople at an Industrial Business Stakeholders Workshop hosted by the dti at Mthatha Stadium, the department’s Director-General, Lionel October, said funds had already been allocated for the park.

“We have already allocated R22 million for the first phase of the revitalisation of this park. This is intended to take care of the basic infrastructure in the park such as roads, electricity, security and water.

“In the new financial year, the department will make more money available for the next phase of the upgrading of this park. Our objective is to make Vulindlela a world-class, modern industrial park,” said the Director-General.

The purpose of the workshop was to brief businesspeople operating in the industrial park on the progress that the department has made in its efforts to revitalise the park.

He said the dti’s objective was to revitalise South Africa’s old industrial parks so that they could boost broader economic and industrial development in townships and rural areas where they were located.

This, he said, would enable them to contribute to economic growth, diversification of economic activity, attracting investments to those areas, job creation and addressing inequality and eradicating poverty.

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Transnet said the successful delivery of the first 22 of 37 passenger coaches confirmed the strides it had taken as it advanced towards becoming Africa’s leading manufacturer of rolling stock.
Transnet Engineering has delivered the first batch of passenger coaches engineered and manufactured at its centres of excellence in Pretoria and Cape Town to Botswana Railways, the entity said recently.

“Transnet Engineering, Transnet’s specialist engineering manufacturing and maintenance of railway rolling stock division, will deliver the remaining 15 coaches by May this year.

“The order is part of Botswana Railway’s purchase of 37 coaches,” said the entity.

The passenger coaches were transported to Gaborone on rail from the company’s facility in Koedoespoort, east of Pretoria.

Transnet said the supply to Botswana Railways was a significant step in Transnet’s drive to establish itself as Africa’s premier manufacturer of rolling stock.

“In the previous financial year, Transnet’s Board of Directors adopted the Africa Strategy, which outlines the company’s intention to extend its business beyond the borders of South Africa,” said Transnet.

The entity won the contract following a public and competitive bidding process in which it excelled on technological innovation, delivery schedule and pricing.

It said the order was a key element of Botswana Railways’ plan to reintroduce its passenger rail service.

The coaches were engineered and manufactured to exact specifications at Transnet’s state-of-the-art facilities in Koedoespoort and Salt River, Cape Town. They boast modern features, including roof-mounted air conditioners, state-of-the-art first-class sleeper designs, Wi-Fi technology and entertainment systems. –  Source:
Minister Davies was joined at the launch by Saudi Arabian Trade and Commerce Minister, Tawfiq Al Rabiah, who was also in South Africa for the Seventh Session of the South Africa-Saudi Arabia Joint Economic Commission.
The R5-billion Bokpoort concentrated solar plant (CSP) was officially launched in Groblershoop, Northern Cape recently.

Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies, welcomed the major investment by ACWA Power, a Saudi Arabian company.

“[The] project instils confidence in government’s long-term infrastructure roll-out, providing energy access, contributing to economic, community and sustainable development,” he said at the launch of the plant.

The 50-MW Bokpoort plant forms part of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPP).

“This project marks a key milestone in South Africa’s electricity supply security and CO2 reduction. With its record 9,3 hours thermal energy storage capacity, the Bokpoort CSP project will provide electricity to approximately 21 000 households during the day as well as night time and save approximately 230 000 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions during every year of operation,” said Minister Davies.

Within five years, the REIPPP has attracted R194 billion of investment and is fast becoming a global model and blue print for other countries, providing policy certainty and transparency.

The Minister said the project had a major socio-economic development impact for the Northern Cape and South Africa. Over R2.4 billion was spent on local content, with 40% of the Bokpoort plant being sourced and manufactured locally. This includes the manufacturing and assembly of solar field collector steel structures and the supply of piping and cables.

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The organisation makes use of a combination of financial and non-financial disclosures to determine the quality of the banks and their respective business models.
South Africa's Capitec Bank has been ranked the best in the world, according to international banking advisory group Lafferty, in its inaugural Bank Quality Rankings.

"We saw a correlation between a bank's quality and its value to investors," reads the Lafferty website. "So, we looked for the key factors that investors pay a premium for. Then we rated each bank for each of these key factors, to give an overall quality score."

Other indicators were also taken into account when analysing results: strategy, culture, customer satisfaction, executing brand promises and other criteria.

"Our aim is to promote excellence in banking – for customers, staff, communities, society at large and not least for bank shareholders and investors," said Lafferty Group founder and chief executive, Michael Lafferty.

According to business news website, Businesstech, Absa was the second-highest ranked South African bank with four stars. Standard Bank, Nedbank and FirstRand also featured in the top 100 banks.

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“With over 400 000 UK visitors to the Western Cape in 2015, and the existing London Heathrow to Cape Town service almost 90% full in both directions, new travel capacity to the Cape was much needed,” said Wesgro chief executive, Tim Harris.
The tourism, trade and investment arm of the Western Cape Government, Wesgro, recently welcomed news that British Airways (BA) would start operating flights between Cape Town International Airport and London’s Gatwick Airport.

The BA will start flying between Cape Town and Gatwic from 24 November, offering three flights a week.

Earlier, Thomas Cook Airlines announced that from 1 December, it too would be operating three direct flights between the two airports every week.

“These two new services will have a positive impact on tourism, trade and investment in the Cape. The UK is our second-largest source FDI [Foreign Direct Investment] market and our largest export market outside of Africa,” said Harris.

“We will be announcing more routes in the coming months, and expect that this new capacity will help Cape Town International Airport to reach the 10 million passenger milestone this year.”

–   Source: Africa News Agency
South African bass-baritone Simphiwe Simon Shibambu recently sang for the Queen at a celebration of the Commonwealth service which took place at Westminster Abbey in London.
Shibambu delivered an incredibly moving performance of the traditional Xhosa song “Qongqothwane”, which clearly touched Queen Elizabeth II, who is head of the Commonwealth. She paused to chat with Shibambu for a little longer than normal after the service.

Shibambu, who hails from Pretoria, is currently doing his Masters in Vocal Performance at the Royal College of Music in London. In a review of his performance in Ariodante recently, Fiona Maddocks from The Guardian wrote: “The singer I’ll be looking out for is bass-baritone Simon Shibambu, who sang the King with authority, anguish and a huge, resonant tone. He will join the Royal Opera’s Jette Parker young artists programme in September.”

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The award recognises Singh's contribution to the advancement of the South African and African film industries.
Anant Singh, widely acknowledged as South Africa's pre-eminent film producer behind popular favourites such as Sarafina!, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom and the Leon Schuster films, received the first Lionel Ngakane Lifetime Achievement Award from the RapidLion Film Festival on 15 March 2016.

The RapidLion Festival, founded by actor and director Eric Myeni, is a new film showcase event held in Johannesburg. It highlighted not only a collection of feature films, short films and documentaries made in Africa, but included contributions from the country's BRICS partners, Brazil, Russia, China and India. It ran at The Market Theatre until 19 March.

The festival's local highlight was Kalushi, a film based on the life of Solomon Mahlangu, which ended the event.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is named after legendary South African actor and filmmaker Lionel Ngakane.

Ngakane was best known for his role in the original 1956 version of Cry, the Beloved Country and his independent short film Jemima & Johnny about the 1958 Notting Hill race riots in London.

–  Source:
Across the globe, people can now explore the beauty of South Africa virtually through Google Maps. From the views from atop Table Mountain to animals grazing in the Kruger National Park, South Africa's natural wonders are on display for all the world to appreciate.
Google Maps has launched its Mzansi Experience: Discover South Africa for people across the world to discover the wonders of the country.

"A virtual trip to South Africa awaits you in Google Maps," wrote Sven Tresp, street view special collections programme manager on the Google Africa blog.

He said the country was well known for its unique array of wildlife.

"Visiting Kruger National Park in Google Maps, you can see some of its majestic creatures as if you were there in real life," Tresp wrote.

"Catch a glimpse of a rhinoceros grazing the plains, an elephant enjoying a grassy snack and a herd of buffalo charging against the wind. You may even spot a leopard, which often remains elusive to tourists and locals alike."

South African Tourism Minister, Derek Hanekom, attended the launch in Cape Town on 8 March.

Tresp wrote that South Africa was a must for people who loved the beach. "With Street View, you can watch the waves break at Sandy Beach, gaze at the clear blue sky and water at Clifton Beach, go parasailing at Sunset Beach or just take a long walk along Durban's Golden Mile."

He hoped that visiting the country through Google Maps would inspire a deeper appreciation for the country, the wildlife and Africa's beauty.

–  Source:
The routes, namely the Berg Route and Scenic Routes of the West Coast, were officially opened on Monday, 14 March, at the Piekenierskloof Mountain Resort and at Darling Brew, respectively.
The West Coast Way has officially launched two new sightseeing and tourism routes in the Cape West Coast region, aimed at showcasing some of the most beautiful outlying towns and locations on the Cape West Coast and surrounding inland areas.

The West Coast Way Scenic Route begins in Malmesbury and includes Riebeek Valley, Hopefield, Koringberg, Moorreesburg, Yzerfontein and Darling. 

The West Coast Way Berg Route starts in Velddrif and follows a course through Laaiplek, Port Owen, Dwarskersbos, Rocherpan Nature Reserve, Elands Bay, Aurora, Redelinghuys and Verlorenvlei, the Piekenierskloof Mountain Resort, Citrusdal, Eendekuil, Porterville, Piketberg, Wittewater and Goedverwacht – covering an area that stretches from the Berg River to the start of the Cederberg Mountains.

–          Source: Traveller 24
Tourism KwaZulu-Natal (TKZN) wants to make the most of its cruise tourism offering and says it plans to increase the number of cruise ships and passengers visiting South Africa’s biggest port.
Durban served as a massive gateway to trade in the Southern hemisphere and presented ample opportunities for cruise tourism development, said Ndabo Khoza, CEO of TKZN, as the organisation headed off to participate in the  Seatrade Cruise Global Convention 2016 in Fort Lauderdale, United States of America, from 14 to 17 March.

The city’s attempts to find the right bidder for its new cruise terminal have not been successful as yet, with plans eventually being put on hold. However TNPA’s existing cruise terminal – situated at N Shed at the Port of Durban, off Margaret Mncadi Avenue – was recently upgraded through a joint initiative between Transnet Ports Authority and MSC to bring it more in line with international standards.

According to Khoza, TKZN was attending the Seatrade Cruise Global, which would allow it to interact with industry captains and role players in the maritime industry. "The event is said to be the leading international exhibition and conference serving the cruise industry by bringing together buyers and suppliers for a week of networking, sourcing, innovation and education."

–  Source: Traveller24
This award recognises direct and tangible economic and social benefits that improve local livelihoods, including training and capacity-building, fair wages and benefits, community development, healthcare and education.
South Africa’s highly-acclaimed Grootbos Private Nature Reserve has been honoured by National Geographic as one of 15 finalists in the esteemed World Legacy Awards. The recognition is for Grootbos' work in its Grootbos Green Futures Foundation, and lists Grootbos as a finalist in the "Engaging Communities" World Legacy Award.

Lean Terblanche, director of the Grootbos Green Futures Foundation told Traveller24: "The award shines a much-needed light on the importance of conservation and sustainability initiatives in tourism around the world. Our actions today affect the world for centuries to come; no one will benefit from tourism [in the future] if we do not protect our people and our planet."

The Grootbos Green Futures Foundation, started in 2003, is non-profit arm of the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, which focuses on community-based training and capacity-building to support poverty alleviation, provide upward job mobility and advance nature conservation in the high biodiversity region known as the Cape Floral Kingdom where Grootbos is located.

To date, 143 local residents graduated from the Green Futures Horticulture and Life Skills College founded by Grootbos and all were successfully placed into jobs. – Source: Traveller24
The series was filmed on location in South Africa and was an official Canadian-South African co-production. The series employed over 110 South African crew members and 70 South African actors had various acting roles in the series
The Book of Negroes, the Canadian-South African co-production, dominated the Canadian Screen Awards, taking home 11 awards including Best TV Movie or Limited Series, three Best Acting awards for Aunjanue Ellis, Lyriq Bent and Shailyn Pierre Dixon, and Best Direction (Limited Series).

South African crew was well represented by Costume Designer Kate Carin who won for Best Costume Design, Robert van de Coolwyk for Best Production Design or Art Direction, Philip Miller for Best Original Music Score and Derek Mansveldt for Best Sound.

Out Of Africa Enteratinment’s Lance Samuels said: "We are extremely thrilled and proud to be recognised with so many awards at the Canadian Screen Awards. It proves once again that South African crew and cast are as good as any in the world."

Samuels, who served as executive producer on the series, added: "Thanks needs to go to the Department of Trade and Industry. Without the departments continued support of the film industry, through its film and television rebate incentive, shows like this would be impossible to make in South Africa."

Samuels also thanked all the South African cast and crew who worked on the series for all their hard work and dedication to the series.

The Book of Negroes stars, among others, Academy Award, Golden Globe and Primetime Emmy winner, Louis Gossett Jr, and Academy Award winner, Cuba Gooding Jr.

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