Issue 227 | 15 June 2016
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According to The Presidency, the summit assessed and evaluated the political and security situation in the Great Lakes Region.
President Jacob Zuma, at the invitation of Angolan President Eduardo Dos Santo, led a South African delegation to the Sixth Ordinary Summit of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) on 14 June, in Luanda, Angola.

“While South Africa is not a member of the ICGLR, the country is nonetheless always invited as an observer to ICGLR meetings largely due to her extensive and long-term involvement in the peace-making and peacekeeping process in the Great Lakes Region,” The Presidency said.

President Zuma was accompanied by the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, and the Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo. – Source:
The attack, which was targeted at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community, shows extreme levels of intolerance. South Africa fully recognises the rights of the LGBTI community and condemns in the strongest  possible terms any violent attack targeted at the community.
On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has sent a message of condolences to the Government and the people of the United States of America following the shooting in Orlando, Florida, which has left about 50 people dead and scores injured. The South African Government has noted the comments by President Obama following the shooting, describing the incident as an "act of terror".

President Zuma said: "The South African Government and people stand with the people of the United States, particularly the families of those that have lost their lives, during this difficult time. We wish all the injured speedy recoveries. We strongly condemn all forms of terrorism, particularly this incident which has claimed so many innocent lives”.

The scourge of terrorism and violent extremism requires that nations of the world come together and work jointly towards a coordinated international response to this dangerous phenomenon.
The President held consultation with Southern African Customs Union
(SACU) members during a Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho, where he
held talks with Lesotho Prime Minister,
Dr Pakalitha Mosisili.
President Jacob Zuma recently held consultations with member states of the SACU. At 105 years, SACU is one of the oldest customs unions in the world, consisting of five members, namely Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and South Africa.

President Zuma, as the current chair of the SACU Summit, conducted working visits to the other SACU member states a month ago for similar consultations.

According to The Presidency, the consultations held recently in Maseru were a follow-up from the special meeting of the SACU Council of Ministers and informal engagement of the Summit of the Heads of State and Government, which took place on 11 and 12 November 2015 on the margins of the SACU headquarters building inauguration in Windhoek, Namibia.

“The discussions focussed on turning SACU into a vehicle for regional development which will benefit all the SACU members and to lay the groundwork for a Ministerial Retreat of Ministers of Finance and Trade and Industry.

“At the retreat, ministers will look at how this can be done and the economic activities that would need to take place. Some of the economic activities could include building regional infrastructure, supply-side capacities, industrial development and value chains to stimulate regional growth and development,” said The Presidency.

The report from the Ministerial Retreat will be presented to the SACU Summit, which will contain a clear roadmap on how to take SACU forward to increase the resilience of the SACU economies and to push for greater integration of the respective economies.

While in Maseru, President Zuma also paid a courtesy call on His Majesty King Letsie III.

President Zuma was accompanied by International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies; and Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan. – Source:
This was the second provincial roadshow following the one to the Free State in September 2015.
On 8 June, the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, conducted a Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) Provincial Roadshow to the KZN Provincial Cabinet, Provincial Legislature and Provincial Government.

Deputy Minister Landers said that DIRCO was the custodian of the country’s foreign policy.

“Our mandate is to formulate and implement South Africa’s foreign policy. This mandate enjoins the department to provide support to the President and all spheres of government in pursuit of South Africa’s foreign policy objectives. However implementation of foreign policy objectives is not only the prerogative of DIRCO. In fact, it cuts across all government departments and across all three spheres of government as well as the private sector and civil society. DIRCO’s role is rather to coordinate the development and implementation of our foreign policy in an integrated and seamless manner.”

He said that DIRCO was in the process of operationalising a trade and investment business unit to assist national, provincial and various stakeholders in their economic diplomacy activities. This business unit was established in the Office of the Chief Operations Officer.

“We must maximise and leverage the opportunities which are presented by the changing nature of diplomacy through a coordinated and holistic economic diplomacy strategy.” 
The project is funded by the African Renaissance Fund, an important tool in the pursuit of South Africa’s foreign policy objectives, particularly the renewal of the African continent. 
Following an urgent appeal by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Madagascar to respond to the emergency situation fomented by the cyclone “Chedza” and the ongoing floods since January 2015, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) has partnered with the Gift of the Givers Foundation to provide humanitarian assistance to Madagascar.  

The value of the humanitarian assistance amounts to R7 million, which comprises eight containers of clothing, blankets, food items, detergents and hygiene packs. 

The consignment will be received in Madagascar by the South African Ambassador, Maud Dlomo, who will consult with the Government of the Republic of Madagascar in the distribution of the consignment.

DIRCO enjoys a constructive partnership with the Gift of the Givers Foundation and is once again pleased by the latter’s spirit of Ubuntu and invaluable cooperation to address the pressing socio-economic needs resulting from natural disasters in Madagascar. 

The Republic of South Africa remains committed to support national reconciliation, socio-economic development and a lasting political solution in Madagascar.
The South African Government sends it deepest condolences to the families of the victims, the people and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The South African Government condemns the cowardly attack, which took place on 5 June 2016 in the city of Aktobe in Western Kazakhstan, which claimed the lives of six people.

The South African Government furthermore reiterates its condemnation of all forms and manner of terrorism. South Africa believes that terrorism, in any form and from whichever quarter, cannot be condoned.
The first phase of the revitalisation includes the security infrastructure upgrade, fencing, street lighting and critical electricity requirements at a cost of R24 million.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, officially launched the completion of the first phase of the revitalised Botshabelo Industrial Park in Botshabelo, Free State, on 14 June 2016.

Minister Davies said the revitalisation of the Botshabelo Industrial Park was part of the R189-million invested in covering six prioritised parks under the Industrial Parks Revitalisation Programme, to promote industrialisation, job creation and the country’s economic growth. 

“Industrial parks represent an opportunity for stimulating local economic development, growth and job creation. They further offer an opportunity for the influx of foreign direct investment. There is a need to stimulate industrial growth within these regions, including the current operating areas of the industrial parks some of which operate close to townships, distressed mining towns and labour sending areas,” said Davies.

He highlighted that the Botshabelo Industrial Park would create employment for the people of Botshabelo and surrounding areas, promoting the growth of small businesses and cooperatives, attracting investments and encouraging manufacturing.

The Industrial Parks Revitalisation Programme is part of the Industrial Policy Action Plan aimed at promoting industrialisation in the country and boosting the country’s manufacturing capacity to increase the production of exportable goods.
The meeting formed part of the two-day programme of the Third Session of the South Africa-Vietnam Joint Trade Committee (JTC) that started with a meeting of senior officials from both countries on 7 June. The session was co-chaired by the two deputy ministers.

The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mzwandile Masina, and his Vietnamese counterpart, Do Thang Hai, held a bilateral meeting in Pretoria on 8 June, to discuss bilateral trade and investment relations between the two countries.

“As the leadership of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), we are looking forward to this important visit by the Vietnamese delegation. The visit provides us with an opportunity to exchange ideas on a variety of issues that will lead us to increasing trade and investment between the two countries,” said Deputy Minister Masina.

He added that although total trade between South Africa and Vietnam had increased from R3,7 billion in 2010 to R18,4 billion last year, the trade balance of R13,8 billion in favour of Vietnam.

“The trade imbalance indicates that opportunities beckon for the South African companies to export more value-added products to the Vietnamese market, which boasts a population of 93,4 million people. We will use the meeting with the Vietnamese delegation to discuss ways and means of addressing the imbalance as we explore opportunities to further increase trade between the two countries.”
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) has invited companies in the built environment, energy, mining and capital equipment sector, among others, to participate in the eighth Investment and Trade Initiative (ITI) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRG).
Companies are invited to submit their applications by 20 June 2016 for the ITI taking place in September.

The objective of the ITI is to increase trade and investment between South Africa and the DRC.

“South Africa is currently the number one import source for the DRC at 21,40%. Bilateral trade between South Africa and the DRC experienced an upward trend between 2011 and 2015, growing from R7,6 billion to R12,1 billion,” said Deputy Minister Mzwandile Masina.

He said South Africa was committed to the implementation of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap. South Africa is also committed to increasing partnerships with the DRC in advancing Agenda 2063 as well as the fourth industrial revolution.

“In this context, we view the DRC as a strategic partner on the continent. Together, I believe that we can create a symbiotic relationship between our two sides as we seek to share best practices with the DRC with regard to creating value chains in the areas of exploration, mining, mineral processing and beneficiation, agro-processing, services and advanced manufacturing, among others,” said the Deputy Minister. – Sorce:
The launch of Africa’s fastest computer is already improving South Africa’s competitiveness in the research and development space.
Dr Thomas Auf der Heyde, the Deputy Director-General for Research Development and Support at the Department of Science and Technology, said this when he unveiled Lenyau, which is dubbed Africa’s fastest computer, at the CSIR’s Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) recently.

Lenyau is a Setswana name for a cheetah, which is the fastest animal in the wild.

Auf der Heyde said high performance computing contributed to economic growth.

“For our country to grow at the required rate, as set out in the National Development Plan, it needs to change gear by building capacity in the production and dissemination of knowledge.

“The CHPC represents a deliberate move by this country to invest in modernising our research and development.

“High-performance computing and advanced data technologies are powerful tools in enhancing the competitiveness of regions and nations,” he said.

The “super computer” has a processing speed capable of a thousand-trillion floating point operations per second. Floating point operations or flops are used in computing to calculate extremely long numbers.

Dr Happy Sithole, Director of the CHPC, said by being the fastest computer in Africa, the Lenyau gave scientists in the research, technology and innovation space an opportunity to conduct their research locally without having to travel abroad for higher performance computing infrastructure.

Sithole said in simple terms, the computer, built in collaboration with Dell South Africa, was approximately 40 000 times faster than the normal Dell i3 processor laptop that is used by many South Africans at home and at work.

The super-fast system has already been used in several fields of research – from climate modelling by the CSIR, bioinformatics by the University of Cape Town to material science by the University of Limpopo and astronomy by South Africa’s Square Kilometre Array office. – Source:
South African Tourism has announced that its new Exhibition and Strategic Events Division will now be driving its two flagship tourism trade show exhibitions, Indaba and Meetings Africa.
Following the decision, South Africa's official tourism agency confirmed that, next year, Indaba will again be held in Durban, and Meetings Africa in Johannesburg.

"South African Tourism is proud to announce that in 2017, Indaba will be hosted by the city of Durban and province of KwaZulu-Natal from 6 to 8 May 2017," the agency said in a statement. "Meetings Africa will be hosted by the city of Johannesburg and the Gauteng province from 28 February to 1 March 2017.

"We continue to rely on our innovative and passionate tourism industry to support our efforts to make Indaba and Meetings Africa successful, world-class events."

Tourism Indaba is one of the largest tourism exhibitions in Africa, and considered one of the top three must-visit events on the global tourism industry calendar. Meetings Africa, known as the business tourism lekgotla of Africa, gathers travel professionals from across the continent and the world in Johannesburg every year.

South African Tourism said that in 2014, it had conducted a Rapid Review on Indaba and Meetings Africa to investigate the role of the exhibitions and suggest ways to improve both. It then called for an expression of interest for a possible strategic partner.

On 10 June, the tourism body announced it had decided against the strategic partnership model.

"Following great deliberation, South African Tourism has concluded that the strategic partnership model is not the best option to elevate Indaba and Meetings Africa at the present," it said in a statement. "Therefore SA Tourism confirms that, through its newly established Exhibition and Strategic Events division, its leading marketing and communications agency, and its exhibitions management agency, SA Tourism will deliver Indaba and Meetings Africa into the future."
The number one city in Africa for business
tourism events is Cape Town, according to
the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) Country and City rankings
released in May 2016.
The city has once again retained its number one position in Africa for hosting association meetings, with 48 international association meetings hosted across the continent. Cape Town has managed to retain its position ahead of Johannesburg, Marrakech and Nairobi – each hosting 17 meetings.

Corne Koch, Head of Wesgro’s Cape Town & Western Cape Convention Bureau accepted a Members Choice Award for Wesgro for a third year running, saying, “Over the past year, the team has secured 17 conference bids with an estimated delegate attendance of 28 280 and estimated economic impact of R374 million for the province.”

The ICCA rankings are seen as one of the most important benchmarks used in the international meetings market for identifying and comparing destinations.

“Over the past five years, the estimated economic impact of the conference bids secured by Wesgro’s Cape Town & Western Cape Convention Bureau is R1,5 billion for the province,” says Judy Lain, Wesgro’s Chief Marketing Officer Tourism, “making business tourism events such as association meetings an important economic contributor and job creator for the region.”

The bureau secured its largest bid to date, winning the World Ophthalmology Congress for 2020, with an estimated delegate attendance of 15 000 and estimated economic impact of R224 million. – Source: Traveller24
Mandela Day is a reminder for people to help those who are in need, either because they are in poverty, conflict or face injustice.
“It is a reminder of a time where we have to make a life worth living for every single human being,” Graca Machel, the wife of late President Nelson Mandela said, recently. She was speaking during the launch of Mandela Day, in Tembisa.

This year’s Mandela Day will highlight education and literacy, food security, shelter and the environment.

Nelson Mandela International Day was established in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July 2009 via a unanimous decision of the United Nations General Assembly.

During the launch, Machel planted a tree and repackaged food at Dr Mathole Motshekga Primary School. Furthermore, the Nelson Mandela Foundation opened a library and donated books to the school. – Source:
The Picasso, which depicts two men, a horse and a bare-breasted woman, eventually went for its R3-million asking price to an unidentified telephone bidder.
Au Cirque, a 1954 crayon drawing by the Spanish artist, had a reserve price of R3 million and attracted attention from local and international collectors and dealers.

Although the picture was not drawn in Picasso's Cubist style for which he became famous, it was an investment, said painting specialist at the auction house, Gary Shean.

"These types of works don't go back into the market in a hurry. Very often, a work will come back into circulation once the person [who bought it] has passed away and the kids come and say well this belongs to my mom and dad, it doesn't have much meaning for me let's sell it to buy a house," said Shean.

He said that the previous owner was a Cape Town man who bought the artwork for $240000 at an auction in New York in 2006.

He noted that "big names" in the industry were at the auction but would not reveal who they were, as the company was committed to keeping potential buyers anonymous.

Shean said the artwork's value in Europe was about R4,2 million. – Source:
African movie stars were celebrated this weekend at the 2016 Africa Movie Academy Awards in Nigeria.
The ceremony was held at the Obi Wali International Conference Center in Port Hacourt.

South African stars shined bright bagging four wins from their 23 nominations.

Fulu Mugovhani won Best Actress in a Leading Role for Ayanda.

The romantic comedy Tell Me Sweet Something won two awards: Best Actress in a Supporting Role and Achievement in Screenplay.

Thee dance movie Hear Me Move walked away with Achievement in Editing. – Source:
World 400-m champion Wayde van Niekerk struck an important psychological blow when he beat American LaShawn Merritt over 300 m in Jamaica on Saturday, 11 June.
Going into last year's world championships, Van Niekerk beat the two of the big three of 400-m running - Grenada's Kirani James and Isaac Makwala of Botswana.

At the world championships he picked off Merritt, first in the semifinals and then in the final.

Van Niekerk pushed Merritt into second place by 0.17sec last year, but over the 300 m on Saturday night he stretched that to 0.2 sec after clocking a 31.03 personal best, which counts as an African record.

His effort puts him third on the all-time list for this rarely run event, the two faster men being Bolt (30.97) and United States legend Michael Johnson, who went 30.85 in 2000.

Van Niekerk was happy with his performance. "I was nervous before the start but the crowd really gave me a lot of energy," he said, according to The Gleaner newspaper.

"It's great to compete with LaShawn Merritt.". – Source:
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