Issue 230 | 07 July 2016
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The briefing included the upcoming Official Visit of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi; President Jacob Zuma’s State Visit to France; and the mid-year Summit of the African Union (AU), scheduled for Kigali, Rwanda.
On 4 July, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, addressed the media on international developments.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said South Africa’s historic bilateral relations with India as well as the work South Africa did with India and other developing nations in various multilateral forum constituted a key element of its efforts to consolidate South-South relations. Accordingly, Prime Minister Modi of India has accepted an invitation from President Zuma to pay an Official Visit to South Africa from 7 – 9 July 2016.

“Full diplomatic relations between South Africa and India were established in November 1993. The first visit by a South African Head of State to India took place in 1997 when President Nelson Mandela laid the foundation for the strategic partnership between the two countries with the signing of the Red Fort Declaration.

“Our bilateral relations with India are structured via a Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) and Foreign Office Consultations, which is held at a senior officials’ level, and both mechanisms meet annually.

“The official talks due to take place on 8 July 2016 will focus on strengthening our bilateral relations and both leaders will reflect on progress made regarding the implementation of decisions of the JMC, as well as to identify new areas cooperation. A number of bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding are currently under consideration. Some will be concluded during the visit of the Prime Minister and others will be finalised in the next few months. 

“The areas of cooperation covered by these instruments include: information and communications technology; tourism; sport; culture; grassroots innovation; renewable energy; audiovisual; and visa-simplification procedures. 

The Minister said that at the invitation of French President Francois Hollander, President Zuma would undertake a State Visit to France on 11 July 2016. This will coincide with South Africa’s Centenary Commemoration of the Battle of Delville Wood, over which President Zuma will preside on 12 July 2016. The theme of the visit is: “Working Together as Equal Partners to Explore Opportunities and Address the Challenges of the 21st Century”. 

“South Africa and France cooperate in areas such as energy, maritime, agriculture, science and technology, education, arts and culture, defence with an opportunity to expand in some areas. To this effect, the presidents will witness the signing of a number of instruments during the State Visit.

“There will also be a ceremonial handing over of the digitised Livonia Trial dictabelts (recording) to President Zuma.

“The two presidents will use the opportunity to exchange views on peace and security as well as development in both their regions, with particular emphasis on support for the implementation of Agenda 2063. The two countries will further explore working together on global challenges, including in areas such as illicit financial flows, climate change, United Nations (UN) Security Council reform, migration and terrorism.

The Minister said that the African Union (AU) would convene its 27th Ordinary Session of its Assembly on 17 and 18 July 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda. The theme of 2016 is “2016: African Year of Human Rights with a particular focus on Women Rights”.

“Among the major issues of focus, the summit will look at the state of peace and security in Africa; election and appointment of the new AU Commission (AUC); financing of the AU; UN reform; integration of the continent and the Continental Free Trade Area; the implementation of New Partnership for Africa’s Development projects; the African Peer Review Mechanism; and the following reports: AIDS Watch Africa, African Trade and Implementation of the Kigali Water Action Plan.

“On the issue of election and appointment of the Chairperson of the AUC, South Africa is bound by the decision of the countries of the South, which have endorsed the candidature of Dr Pelonomi Venson-Motoi, the Foreign Minister of Botswana to succeed Dr Dlamini Zuma. 

“In this regard, the region is campaigning for her and South Africa is fully behind our Southern African Development Community candidate for the position of the Chairperson.

“I would like to conclude by reminding you that South Africa’s two-year term of office as Member of the Peace and Security Council was extended for another two years until 31 March 2018, a decision which places our country at the centre of efforts to ensure that Africa is peaceful, secure and stable.”
Minister Davies briefed journalists on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s State Visit to South Africa on 8 July 2016, as well as South Africa’s State Visit to France from 11 to 13 July 2016.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, says South Africa will use the state visits involving India and France to boost trade and investment, in a bid to boost exports to those markets.

“As far as we are concerned, India is our very strategic trade and investment partner.

“At the moment, India is our sixth-largest trade partner, so it is in fact higher than a number of other traditional trade partners.

“So from our point of view, we want to boost exports, more especially our value-added exports,” he said.

Trade between the two countries was R95 billion in 2015. Trade with India represented 4,9% of South Africa’s imports and 4,1% of exports.

Minister Davies said according to trade statistics, India’s exports to South Africa increased from R29 billion in 2011 to R54 billion in 2015, while South Africa’s exports to India increased from R24 billion to R41 billion during the same period.

While the trade surplus is in favour of India, efforts are underway to promote South African exports, especially value-added products, to India.

Minister Davies said President Zuma would also use the State Visit to France to attract investment in several targeted sectors.

France is South Africa’s fourth-biggest trading partner in the European Union after Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy.

South Africa’s imports from France increased to R24,5 billion in 2015 from R23,9 billion in 2014. South Africa has a deficit trade balance with France that stood at R15,3 billion in 2015.

South Africa’s total exports contracted by 3,7% from R9,5 billion in 2014 to R9,1 billion in 2015.

The Minister said Invest South Africa, a one-stop-shop that was set up to address investor bottlenecks and attract investment, would sign an agreement with the French business sector.

“One of the key outcomes for the State Visit will be the signing of a Declaration of Intent between Invest SA with Business France as well as an agreement by the Industrial Development Corporation with its counterparts on cooperation on industrial development."
A memorial service will be held in Arque-la-Bataille in remembrance of all those South African, mainly black troops, who for many years have gone unrecognised for their participation in the First World War and are buried here. This commemoration coincides with the State Visit to France by President Jacob Zuma.
The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Kebby Maphatsoe, will be leading a military delegation to France for the commemoration of 100 years of South Africa’s participation in the Great War where South African troops died and are buried in Arque-la-Bataille, near Dieppe and Delville Wood in Longueval.

Accompanying President Zuma on the State Visit, Minister Mapisa-Nqakula will officiate at the memorial service to be held at Arque-la-Bataille where about 260 black South African soldiers who participated in the Great War perished and are laid to rest while others, mainly white South African soldiers are buried in Delville Wood.

History will be re-written as until now only white soldiers buried in Delville Wood were the only ones who were recognised and celebrated. The black soldiers enlisted and formed the South African Native Labour Corps (SANLC). However, the SANLC has hardly received any attention in South African histories nor did they receive any medals for their participation in the war.

This unfair omission is most evident in the South African Museum in Delville Wood. The South African National Memorial was inaugurated in 1926 at Deville Wood, Longueval village in France. The memorial is on a 63-hectre piece of land which is a South African property, acquired in 1920 by the South African Government.

Delville Wood was chosen as a site to erect a National Memorial because it is at Delville Wood that the First South African Infantry Brigade got engaged in one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War.

The memorial commemorates South African soldiers who died in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The representation of Africans during the war is very minimal and it distorts the important role they played in various theatres of war. As part of efforts to correct our history, the first member of the SANLC to perish in the Great War, Private Nyweba Beleza, has been re-interned to the museum which now proudly marks his final resting place.
The summit was addressed by Deputy Minister Nomaindiya Mfeketo. After the conference, the young leaders presented a declaration to the Deputy Minister.
On 30 June, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) partnered with the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) to host a youth dialogue in celebrating Youth Month under the theme “Young South Africans Taking the Lead in Creating a Sustainable Future”.

In her welcoming address, Deputy Minister Mfeketo said that DIRCO welcomed the opportunity to engage with young leaders as they represented not only South Africa but also the future of the country.

“Your presence here indicates that you have taken education very seriously and are investing in a brighter future for yourselves, your children and the country as a whole”.

“The African Union’s Vision 2063 is premised on the need for Africa to harness one of its biggest assets – its youthful population. As such, the South African Government is committed in focussing its efforts on youth development based on good policy, planning, monitoring and implementation.”

“DIRCO welcomes any initiatives that seek to empower the youth and build youth leadership. The implementation of Agenda 2063, the sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change are important. Which is why we recognise that young people’s involvement in these programmes is more crucial than ever in creating a framework for development which places people and the planet at its core.”
“South Africa stands firmly with the international community in condemning all forms of terrorism and stands in solidarity with the Government of the Republic of Turkey and all countries affected as they mourn the death of their citizens.”
On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has extended his heartfelt condolences to the Government and the people of the Republic of Turkey, in particular the families of the deceased and injured, following the terror attacks on Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport on Tuesday evening, 28 June 2016, which claimed the lives of scores of people and leaving many injured.

President Zuma said: “South Africa shares in the grief of the Turkish people and the international community following the substantial loss of life and wishes the injured survivors a speedy recovery. Terrorism in any form and from whichever quarter cannot be condoned.”
About 500 foreign nationals from various countries were recently officially given South African citizenships.
Judge President Dustan Mlambo; the Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba; and his deputy, Fatima Chohan; officiated at the Naturalisation Ceremony held in Johannesburg.

Citizenship by Naturalisation is acquired when a person has been an authentic Permanent Resident Permit Holder for a period of 10 years, and had applied for, and been accorded a certificate of Naturalisation by the Minister of Home Affairs.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Gigaba thanked them for choosing South Africa as their new home.

Minister Gigaba said the ceremony was important as it highlighted the diversity of citizenry in South Africa.

“These are people out of their own choice, who chose South Africa as their new home,” he said.

After the nationals took the oath of citizenship, the Minister said government expected these new citizens to play an active role in developing the country.

“You will contribute to our economy through the skills that you bring to our country,” he said.

At the ceremony, the new citizens swore their allegiance or affirmation to the Republic of South Africa and received their Naturalisation certificates.

One of those given South African citizenship, Abdi Mohamud, from Somalia, told Sanews that he had been in the country for the past 15 years.

“I am now a proud South African,” he said with excitement.

Mohamud thanked the South African Government for accepting them as the country’s new citizens. – Source:
This conference, which convened under the theme, “Igniting Sustainable and People-Centered Socio-Economic Development in sub-Saharan Africa”, took place at Emperors’ Palace from 28 to 29 June 2016
On 28 Jun 2016, the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Des van Rooyen, delivered a keynote address at the Commonwealth Local Government Forum – Southern Africa Regional Conference.

“This gathering will allow different countries to draw on the influential network of the Commonwealth, which is well-placed to assist in influencing policy development and lead on democracy and good governance at local level”, said Minister van Rooyen.

The Minister emphasised the importance of dialogue with target groups within communities who have been marginalised. According to Minister van Rooyen, municipalities face enormous challenges in promoting human rights and meeting human developmental needs, addressing service delivery backlogs and problems caused by lack of resources and planning for a sustainable future.

“This conference should reflect on the new global development Agenda that is crystallised into sustainable development. He said that the 70th Session of the United Nations Generally Assembly of September 2015 reached an important milestone when it concluded the millennium development goals agenda and adopted a new global development agenda encapsulated in the outcome document, entitled: “Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
Professor Ann Skelton, who helped write post-apartheid South Africa’s laws to help children in trouble with the law and fights to protect the rights of children in a divorce case, a child mistreated at a children’s home and refugee children in South Africa, has now secured an international role.
Prof. Skelton has been elected as a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

She was one of nine members elected by the countries that ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child during the 16th Meeting of States Parties‚ to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 28 February 2017.

Director of the Centre for Child Law at the University of Pretoria's Faculty of Law‚ Skelton was nominated by the South African Government.

Pretoria University's law dean, André Boraine, said in a statement wishing her well at the time of her nomination that the Committee on the Rights of the Child was composed of 18 members of high moral standing and competence in the field covered by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Skelton was also awarded the World’s Children’s Prize in 2012 for her then more than 20-year-long successful fight for the rights of children affected by the justice system. – Source:
Africa's largest Coca-Cola bottler was formed through the combination of African non-alcoholic ready-to-drink bottling interests of the companies below, with the transaction concluded on 2 July.
Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA) opened its doors on 4 July, two months after the Competition Commission approved a merger between SABMiller [JSE:SAB], the Coca-Cola Company and Gutsche Family Investments.

It will produce and distribute about 40% of all Coca-Cola beverage volumes in Africa and will manufacture and sell 40 still and sparkling brands from more than 30 African bottling plants.

"The creation of CCBA will provide a stronger, more successful Coca-Cola system in Africa and create greater shared value for the business and the communities we serve across the value-chain, including local suppliers and retailers,” said CCBA CEO, Doug Jackson, in a statement.   

CCBA, headquartered in South Africa, will serve 14 high-growth countries. In the first phase of the merger, which is now complete, the countries are South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Ghana, Mayotte, Comoros and Nigeria. Botswana, Swaziland and Zambia are expected to join CCBA in the next 12 to 18 months.

The Competition Commission approved the merger on 10 May after an agreement was reached on 4 May between the companies and Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel, the Food Allied Workers Union and the National Union of Food Beverage Wine Spirits and Allied Workers. – Source: Fin24
A professor at the University of Pretoria (UP) has won an international award for pioneering an app that lets users test their hearing using their smartphone.
Professor De Wet Swanepoel‚ Professor of Audiology at the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology at UP‚ was awarded the S2A3 British Association Medal for his contributions to the use of technology and connectivity to fight hearing impairment.

Commenting on the British award for Prof. Swanepoel‚ UP said in on its website that the British Association Medal dated back to 1932 and was one of the highest awards for original scientific research in southern Africa.

Prof. Swanepoel's contributions to this field include the development and validation of smartphone-based hearing testing at a fraction of the cost of conventional testing. UP said the hearZA app that he and his team developed was very user-friendly and could be operated by laypersons towards early detection of hearing loss in both children and adults.

Permanent debilitating hearing loss affects more than 360 million people across the globe‚ of which approximately three million were South African. – Source:
Canadian Hip Hop Star, Drake, has encouraged young South Africans to do everything they can to realise a brighter future and make their country proud.
The rapper was in South Africa for his own reasons but took time off his schedule to share words of wisdom with young people gathered at the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, where he embarked on a walk-about.

“I encourage you to do everything you can to make your future as bright as you possibly can. We are all young; we all have some end goal.

“Take it from me. I sat around for a lot of days thinking about my family, my loved ones trying to make the place where I come from proud of me … if I can do it, anyone in this room can do it,” he said.

He expressed gratitude for learning a few things about South African history, and said the youth of the country must make their country proud.

Drake was welcomed at the centre by Minister in The Presidency, Jeff Radebe, and his Deputy, Buti Manamela.

The Deputy Minister said Drake’s visit to the centre was part of the Youth Month celebrations, as Drake himself was a young person sharing his success story with South African youth. This year marks the 40th anniversary of 16 June. – Source:
The public has been invited to put forward their nominations of persons from all walks of life that they believe deserve to receive the country’s highest honours, the National Orders.
The next National Orders awards investiture ceremony will take place in April 2017, honouring South Africans and eminent foreign nationals who have contributed to the achievement of a free, united, non-racial, democratic, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa in various ways.

Also honoured are citizens who have sacrificed life and limb to save others and those who have excelled in various fields. The ceremony contributes towards unity, reconciliation and nation-building. The Grand Patron of the National Orders, President Jacob Zuma, has invited nominations before the 31 August 2016 deadline.

There are six orders that are bestowed to deserving recipients, including:
  • The Order of Mendi for Bravery, which recognises South African citizens who have performed acts of bravery.
  • The Order of Ikhamanga, which recognises South African citizens who have excelled in the fields of arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and sport.
  • The Order of the Baobab, which recognises South African citizens who have contributed to commmunity service, business and economy, science, medicine and technological innovation.
  • The Order of Luthuli, which recognises South African citizens who have contributed to the struggle for democracy, nation-building, building democracy and human rights, justice and peace as well as for the resolution of conflict.
  • The Order of Mapungubwe, which recognises South Africans who have excelled and attained exceptional achievement to the benefit of South Africa and beyond.
  • The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo, which recognises eminent foreign nationals for friendship shown to South Africa. It is therefore an Order of peace, cooperation and active expression of solidarity and support.
Nomination forms are available on The Presidency website at
– Source:
The City of Tshwane has received international recognition at the World Wi-Fi Day Awards for Most Innovative City or Government Programme to bridge the Digital Divide.
The award was bestowed during a ceremony in England at the Wireless Global Congress, held in Liverpool. The awards celebrate the success stories across the world that are connecting the unconnected and contributing to global socio-economic development.

An award in this category recognises cities, governments and organisations that develop local and national plans to bridge the digital divide. Shortlisted projects must evidence the successful implementation of comprehensive Wi-Fi solutions, which innovatively overcome the challenges and complexities associated with these large-scale projects.

The Tshwane Free Wi-Fi (knowns as TshWi-Fi) has brought 1,8 million citizens in the capital city online in the biggest deployment of municipal Free Wi-Fi on the African continent. The roll-out has been made possible through the city’s collaborative partnership with Project Isizwe. Together, Tshwane and the South African NGO have built relationships and developed innovative and feasible financial and technical solutions to make the roll-out possible.

The City of Tshwane, with Project Isizwe as the implementing partner, was shortlisted in this category alongside Intersection and Liquid Telecom – two internationally recognised providers in the deployment of Wi-Fi.

Project Isizwe was also shortlisted in the category: Best Wi-Fi Deployment to Connect the Unconnected in Rural Environment for the organisation’s Limpopo Project. The prize in this category was awarded to Liquid Telecom for their Free Wi-Fi Project in Nakuru County, Kenya. – Source:
Cape Town International Airport has won a prestigious international award for the success of the region’s air access initiatives.
The airport was announced as the overall winner of the Routes Africa edition of the Routes 2016 Marketing Awards, which took place recently in the Canary Islands.

Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities in the Western Cape, congratulated Deon Cloete, the general manager of Cape Town International Airport and the team.

Minister Winde said improved air access played a role in increasing the number of tourists to the Western Cape.

“Our tourism sector experienced an excellent 2015/16 peak season. The efforts of our air access team helped make this happen. We are achieving growth in international arrivals and departures from several markets.

“There has been an impressive 60% increase in Origin and Destination (O&D) passengers coming through Qatar for the time period, from 34 951 to 55 772 passengers. We can attribute this to our partnership with Qatar Airways through which we have actively promoted our destination. There has been an increase of 53% in O&D passengers from Turkey from 36 348 to 55 714. This growth is linked to the landing of Turkish Airlines flights into Cape Town.”

In a press statement, Routes 2016 Marketing Awards stated that the Cape Town Air Access Initiative was achieving success.

“The results of the partnership speak for themselves. Since its inception, the team has successfully delivered over 400 000 additional two-way direct seats through route establishment and route expansion up until and including December 2016 – 78% of these additional seats have been added in 2016. In total, the Cape Town Air Access team has assisted in establishing five new routes and expanding three existing routes. These comprise new flights from Airlink to Maun, Botswana; Kenya Airways to Nairobi, Kenya and Livingstone, Zambia; British Airways and Thomas Cook Airlines to London Gatwick; and Lufthansa to Frankfurt.  Frequency increases have also been introduced by Emirates Airline, Ethiopian Airlines and KLM.”

Following the win, Cape Town International Airport has been shortlisted for the World Routes Awards in Chengdu, China, on 26 September 2016.

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Auckland Airport and Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board are also shortlisted from previous regional wins at Routes Europe, Routes Asia and Routes Americas.


"If Cape Town was a person, it would be that Hollywood starlet we all secretly envy ..."
This is how United States News & World Report describes the Mother City in its new Best Places to Visit list, released on Tuesday, 28 June – A list on which Cape Town ranked in the number 11 spot.

"The Mother City is unlike any other destination in Africa," the report states. "Separated from the rest of the continent by a ring of mountains, Cape Town stands as a glittering, metropolis juxtaposed with one of the world's most breathtaking natural landscapes.

"But good looks aren't the only thing Cape Town has going for it. You'll fall in love with this city's khaki-coloured beaches, rolling vineyards, sizzling cuisine, thriving nightlife, and, of course, the spectacular Table Mountain."

Cape Town narrowly misses the Top 10, ousted by big names like the Great Barrier Reef, Paris and Bora Bora, which places in first, second and third spots respectively.

Despite placing in the number 11 position, Cape Town is still the number one destination on the African continent – Mostly, because of its diversity, culture, food and people.

The US Rankings Report agrees. "Cape Town is by far the most cosmopolitan city in South Africa, as it hosts a hodgepodge of cultures that contributes to the city's eclectic music, food, and festival scenes." – Source:
The Walt Disney Company recently released an animation short made by South African company Triggerfish Animation Studios that could become a fully fledged series.
The release of A Dogshow with Cat comes barely a week after Triggerfish’s collaboration with Magic Light Pictures, the TV show Stick Man, which was shown on BBC last year, won the top award at the Annecy animation festival, the cartoons equivalent of the Oscars.

Triggerfish, which is making its mark internationally with productions like Adventures in Zambezia and Khumba, held a competition last year in collaboration with Disney and the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) to attract ideas for animated movies and series from across Africa.

Of the four movies and four series ideas chosen from 1 400 entries from 30 countries, Dogshow is the first to see production.

The three-minute short is part of Disney XD FC, a series of football-themed shorts commissioned from leading animation talent across Europe, Africa, Latin America and the United States. A Dogshow with Cat” is the only short included from Africa.

Dogshow is the brainchild of Mike Scott, best known for his animated music videos for South African DJ duo Goldfish, which have over 17 million views on YouTube. The show now heads into development, with the support of Disney and the dti, after which a series could be in the offing. – Source:
Ahead of the Olympic Games in Brazil in August, the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) has partnered with the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) to fund athletes for the tournament in Rio and beyond.
"The sponsorship commitment, valued at R70 million, will provide a much-need injection into addressing athletes' requirements in the lead-up to the Rio Olympics," Sascoc said.

The money will be used to transport Team SA to Brazil for the Olympics, Paralympic Games and the African Union Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 Games.

Chairperson of the NLC, Prof. Ntshengedzeni Nevhutanda, described the alliance as historical because the commission had "seen our athletes perform at the Olympics since South Africa was re-admitted into the global sports organisation".

"We have witnessed the outstanding achievements of our sportsmen and women who have, on numerous occasions, brought us glory. The NLC is confident that our ongoing partnership with Sascoc will bring continuous development and further success for our athletes."

Sascoc's president, Gideon Sam, thanked the NLC and voiced appreciation of the public's support through buying lottery tickets.

"We can assure the NLC that their support and continued association with Sascoc has enabled our athletes to compete at the highest levels of international sports," Sam said.

The sponsorship was a tremendous boost for Team SA, said Sascoc chief executive, Tubby Reddy, who assured the nation the athletes would leave South Africa feeling proud.

CAA African Senior Championships

At the recent CAA African Senior Championships hosted in Durban, South Africa topped the medals tally with 33, which bode well for the country's Olympic hopes.

The 96-member team came out with 16 gold, nine silver and eight bronze medals by the end of tournament on 26 June 2016. Kenya followed in second place with a total of 24 medals, and Nigeria took the third spot with 16. – Source: Sascoc and South reporter
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