Issue 231 | 14 July 2016
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The visit was held under the theme: “Working Together as Equal Partners to Explore Opportunities and Address the Challenges of the 21st Century”.
President Jacob Zuma this week paid a State Visit to France aimed at boosting trade and investment relations between South Africa and that country.

The Presidency said the visit provided a platform for both countries to improve cooperation in various areas, including trade and investment, energy, maritime, agriculture, science and technology, education and skills development, arts and culture, defence, development cooperation and international relations.

Statistics indicate that in 2015, trade was standing at R33,6 billion between the two countries. France remains an important source of foreign direct investment for South Africa with an estimated investment volume of over R24 billion. France is also a major contributor to South African inward tourism with a total of 128 438 tourists from France visiting South Africa in 2015, according to the Department of Tourism.

On 11 July, President Zuma met with President François Hollande before the South Africa-France Business Forum.

The State Visit also coincided with the commemoration of the 100 years of South Africa's participation in World War I in which thousands of its troops from the infantry brigade died during the Delville Wood battle.

The presidents presided over the commemoration of the Centenary of the Battle on 12 July and President Zuma received the digitised Rivonia Trial dictabelts from the French Government.

President Zuma was accompanied by International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies; Defence and Military Veterans Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Higher Education and Training Minister, Blade Nzimande; Arts and Culture Minister, Nathi Mthethwa; Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister, Senzeni Zokwana; Public Works Minister, Thulas Nxesi; and Defence and Military Veterans Deputy Minister Kebby Maphatsoe. – Source:
Addressing the media at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 8 July, President Jacob Zuma said South Africa was looking to increase and diversify its exports to India.
President Zuma says the Official Visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enabled the two countries to build on their existing trade, investment and commercial relations.

“We have identified new areas for market access, including in the defence, deep-mining, renewable energy and health sectors.

“Future sectors identified for possible cooperation include agro-processing, pharmaceuticals, mining, water and waste management, retail, financing and infrastructure development,” said President Zuma.

He said South Africa also highly regarded its cooperation with India in the field of skills development.

“A number of our youth study in India. We are keen to explore further opportunities for training opportunities in India as part of youth empowerment and development.

“We have agreed to expand and improve people-to-people contact through promoting tourism between the two countries,” he said.

India and South Africa, President Zuma said, played an instrumental role in shaping the Indian Ocean Rim Association into a vibrant organisation.

“We have identified the Ocean Economy as a major driver for sustainable economic growth and employment generation under South Africa’s Operation Phakisa: Ocean Economy initiative,” he said.

South Africa estimates that its oceans will contribute more than R20 billion to the gross domestic product by 2019. This is expected to increase to R177 billion by 2033, with just over one million jobs created.

Prime Minister Modi said India and South Africa had through centuries nurtured strong people-to-people ties.

“We stood together in our common fight against racial segregation and colonialism,” he said, paying homage to Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi.

The Prime Minister said in their joint discussions with President Zuma, they reviewed the full spectrum of their engagement. He said Indian companies hold strong business interests in South Africa.

He said India had interest to enhance investment in mining, minerals and pharmaceuticals, among other sectors, in South Africa.

“India is also ready to share its experiences and capacities for the development of small and medium businesses in South Africa,” said Prime Minister Modi.

He said the two countries could also partner in the field of defence and security. – Source:
The President, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, extended his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and wished the injured a speedy recovery.
President Jacob Zuma has expressed great concern over the shooting incidences that took place in the past few days in the Republic of South Sudan, resulting in the deaths of over 100 people and leaving many injured.

These shooting incidences threaten to draw back the promising gains made through the compromised Peace Agreement and the recently formed Transitional Government of National Unity.

President Zuma has called on the two leaders, President  Salva Kirr and First Vice President Riek Machar, to provide the required leadership under these difficult circumstances. President Zuma concluded by calling on the people of South Sudan to remain calm and committed the South African Government to provide continued support to the Transitional Government to ensure sustainable peace, stability and development.
Coinciding with Nelson Mandela Day, South Africa’s message to the conference will be premised on the late former President’s clarion call that “It is in our hands” to achieve an HIV-free generation in
our lifetime.
South Africa is ready to host the 21st International AIDS Conference, scheduled from 18 to 22 July 2016 at the Durban International Convention Centre. Over 12 000 delegates from 180 countries around the world are expected to attend the conference, organised around the theme: “Access Equity Rights – Now”, under the banner of the International AIDS Society.

The challenge to create an HIV-free generation will require commitment from the international community and, among others, consistent investment in research and development that could lead to new options for vaccine and a functional cure for HIV.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his capacity as the Chairperson of the South African National AIDS Council, will lead the South African Government delegation and deliver an opening address at the conference. Among other speakers will be conference co-chairpersons Dr Olive Shisana, Chris Beyrer and Charlize Theron.

This is the second time that South Africa will host this very important International AIDS conference, which brings together scientists and leaders of government, civil society and the private sector. This theme is in alignment with South Africa’s view that inclusive healthcare is a constitutional right.

The International AIDS Conference will provide South Africa with an opportunity to highlight its globally acclaimed programme aimed at combating the HIV epidemic. South Africa will also use the conference to share its lessons with the international community about how it is currently implementing the largest ARV programme in the world with 3,4 million people on treatment.
The measures introduced by the landlocked country include import bans, surcharges, increases in import duties and requirements for import permits, among others.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) has expressed concern about the latest trade restrictive measures introduced by the Government of Zimbabwe, saying it will have an adverse impact on South Africa.

“The position of the Government of Zimbabwe is that these trade restrictions are necessary to support the development of local industries and to relieve the pressure of economic sanctions, which have led to balance of payments challenges,” said the dti’s Sidwell Medupe recently.

The recent ban of imports or requirement by Zimbabwe for import permits in a number of products such as cosmetics, cereals, coffee creamer and canned fruits and vegetables, among others, in June 2016, is in addition to these previously instituted measures.

“The adverse impact on South African exporters cannot be underestimated and the dti continues to be responsive to affected exporters and to make representations to the Government of Zimbabwe,” said Medupe.

At the recent meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Committee of Trade Ministers, South Africa and Zimbabwe were requested to report to SADC on the implications of these measures for the coherence of the SADC Trade Protocol.

On behalf of the South African Government, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, has been engaging the Zimbabwean Government bilaterally and through the SADC structures to find an amicable solution that is in accordance with Zimbabwe’s obligations of the SADC Protocol on Trade, while at the same time being sensitive to Zimbabwe’s industrial development and balance of payments challenges. – Source:
The establishment of the G20 Trade Ministers Forum followed a decision by the G20 leaders to better coordinate efforts to reinforce trade and investment and mandated trade ministers to meet on a regular basis on trade and investment issues.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, recently attended a two-day G20 Trade Ministers meeting in Shanghai, China.

The ministers considered the outcomes and recommendations of the G20 Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG) that was established this year following a decision by the G20 leaders to trade ministers to better coordinate efforts to reinforce trade and investment.

The BRICS ministers of trade and commerce in 2012 called on the G20 to strengthen its coordination and find ways to improve the multilateral trading system in order to address current global economic uncertainties.

Key issues that member states discussed at the TIWG included mechanisms to support global trade growth; exploring the contributions of the G20 to support the multilateral trading system; exploring contributions of the G20, including capacity-building to assist developing countries and small and medium enterprises to integrate into the global value chains, among others; and promoting global investment policy cooperation and coordination.

Chinese Minister of Commerce, who is also the Chair the G20 Trade Ministers, Gao Hucheng said that the global economy was in crises and called on major economies to lead in addressing it. Hucheng said the international community expected the G20 to show leadership in resolving the global economic problems that we were facing.
The conference aims to finalise Africa’s position ahead of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Congress, scheduled for 19 September to 7 October in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele, will lead the South African delegation to the Pan-African Postal Union (PAPU) Plenipotentiary Conference scheduled for 22 to 23 July in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Cabinet approved South Africa’s intentions for the country to stand for re-election in the UPU governance body, in line with the foreign policy objectives of reforming the governance of global institutions and championing the developmental agenda.

The PAPU and UPU are focussed on improving integration and interoperability between designated postal operators and other key stakeholders in order to strengthen universal postal services globally to ensure that they reduce the digital divide and provide access to communications and financial services.
The signed facilities will fund the general capital expansion programme, which includes new build, maintenance and refurbishment of generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure and a skills upgrading programme.
Power utility Eskom has secured approximately R20 billion in loan facilities from the African Development Bank (AfDB).

“Eskom has concluded and signed three loan facilities with the AfDB. The AfDB approved the provision of the following financing to Eskom from the bank’s private-sector window: $US365 million unguaranteed senior unsecured loan and US$10 million guaranteed A-loan,” said the power utility recently. The US$365 million loan facility will be provided to Eskom in rand equivalent (R5 billion).

Eskom appointed the AfDB as arranger for a further US$965-million guaranteed syndicated B-loan facility from various commercial lenders, including the Bank of China, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, CaixaBank, Citibank, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, KfW IPEX Bank, Siemens Bank and Standard Chartered.

The senior unsecured loan and the A-loan are payable over 20 years, both with a two-year grace period from the date of signing. The principal debt on the B-loan will be settled five years from the signing date. Other terms of the loans were negotiated at competitive development finance institutions market-related rates.

“The African Development Bank continues to be a significant partner and a key contributor to the progress achieved by Eskom in the execution of the current build programme. We are particularly grateful for the continued support at a time when Eskom has made major advancements in achieving operational and financial sustainability and expediently completing the build programme.

“These facilities are a demonstration of the bank’s mandate to contribute to the economic development and social progress of African countries,” said Eskom’s Group Chief Executive, Brian Molefe. – Source:
This was the first official visit by a top International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) representative since South Africa became a member of the world’s civil aviation
administration body in 1944.
The Secretary-General of the ICAO, Dr Fang Liu, was recently on an official visit to South Africa.

Dr Liu met with the Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, as well as the management of the South African Civil Aviation Authority, Airports Company South Africa and various civil-aviation structures and associations.

Dr Liu, accompanied by the ICAO Regional Director: Eastern and Southern Africa, Barry Kashambo, and South African representative at ICAO Council, Tshepo Peege, visited Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) Aviation Training Academy (ATA).

After a tour of the ATA, Dr Liu expressed satisfaction with the advanced high-technology training equipment at the facility.
She said “proper training in aviation safety and security” was paramount in ensuring global passenger safety.  
Welcoming Dr Liu and her entourage, ATNS Executive Peter Marais said ATNS was working with other regional air navigation service providers to find a way of sharing infrastructure “without compromising aviation security”. – Source:
The Jobs philosophy on business, design and life revolved around self-actualisation, having the confidence to find and listen to your inner voice, and never settling, even when you had succeeded.
The Steve Jobs Schools (SJS) concept, based on the philosophy of the innovative Apple co-founder, encourages learners to design their own education using technology and self-belief. Two of the schools opened in Gauteng in June 2016.

The new South African schools, one in Sundowner, Randburg and the other in Ruimsig, Roodepoort, are the pilot programmes for the idea outside the 12 established schools in the Netherlands. The intention is to launch over 40 schools worldwide based on the success of the South African schools.

The founder of SJS, Dutch market researcher and entrepreneur, Maurice de Hond, wants to use the creative philosophies that have made Apple one of the most innovative and successful companies in the world, to revolutionise the traditional method of classroom teaching through embracing technology to give students the freedom to learn at their own pace.

The concept has been hailed as revolutionary and as one of the most innovative ideas in education by Tech Insider magazine.

"The SJS concept is a holistic, three-dimensional and relevant education system (designed) for the 21st century," says De Hond. "Technology offers a variety of learning opportunities beyond the physical limits of school, while flexible, open learning environments enable contextual, real-time, interactive and personalised learning." – Source:
In a recent statement, the national carrier said the 20-year milestone of flying to Ghana was important, as Ghana was South Africa’s second-largest trading partner in the West African region.
South African Airways (SAA) is celebrating 20 years of flying to Accra, Ghana, which is a key route in a country that is strategic for South Africa.

 “It presents a key growth market for South African goods and services, as well as an investment destination for South African companies,” said SAA.

SAA first landed a B767-200 aircraft at the Kotoka International Airport in April 1996. The route has grown from three frequencies to eight frequencies per week.

“High service standards and attention to customer service delivery has resulted in growing frequent flyers and high load factors. Our customers enjoy Africa’s warmest hospitality on board and the reliability of our flight schedules,” said Gloria Mensah, SAA Country Manager in Ghana.

In October 2013, more South African companies showed an interest in Ghana. This in turn stimulated further growth, which directly resulted in the introduction of a daily flight service.

As a further investment in the route, SAA introduced flights between Accra and Washington DC in the United States of America in August 2015. The airline was granted traffic rights, making it the first African carrier to offer a direct service between Accra and Washington.

“The Accra to Washington DC route is tremendously popular and has shown steady growth. It received favourable customer ratings for excellent onboard service and ontime departures. We thank our loyal customers for their patronage and our dedicated team at the South African Airways Ghana office,” Mensah said.

South Africa and Ghana established diplomatic relations in 1994. To date, the two countries have signed 19 bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding. – Source:
Described as Africa’s leading literary award, the story published by Burnet Media in its 2015 collection “An Incredible Journey: Stories that Move You”, was announced the winner at a dinner at Bodleian Library in Oxford.
South African Lidudumalingani from Cape Town has won the coveted Caine Prize for African Writing for his story set in the Eastern Cape, “Memories We Lost”, it was announced in England recently.

“Memories We Lost” tells the emotionally charged story of a girl who acts as protector of her sister, whose serious mental-health problems cause consternation in a South African village. Her situation deteriorates as her care is entrusted to Nkunzi, a local man who employs traditional techniques to rid people of their demons.

Judge Delia Jarrett-Macauley praised the story, saying, “The winning story explores a difficult subject – how traditional beliefs in a rural community are used to tackle schizophrenia. This is a troubling piece, depicting the great love between two young siblings in a beautifully drawn Eastern Cape. Multilayered, and gracefully narrated, this short story leaves the reader full of sympathy and wonder at the plight of its protagonists”.

Lidudumalingani (Mqombothi) is a Cape Town-based writer, filmmaker and photographer. He was born in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, in a village called Zikhovane. Lidudumalingani has published short stories, non-fiction and criticism in various publications. His films have been screened at a number of film festivals.

Also on the shortlist were two Nigerians, a Zimbabwean and a Somali. – Source:
Launched in 2014, the Queen's Young Leaders Programme honours young people across the Commonwealth who are contributing to the improvement of their societies. Two South Africans were among those who received awards this year at Buckingham Palace.
Two South Africans, Lethabo Ashleigh Letube and Jessica Dewhurst, joined the 2016 Queen's Young Leaders on 23 June 2016 at Buckingham Palace.

The ceremony took place on 23 June 2016 where leadership and good work were recognised. The awards are aimed at young people between the ages of 18 to 29 across the Commonwealth who are making a change for the better in their communities.

In attendance were, among others, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry, former English soccer star David Beckham, and former British Prime Minister John Major.

"You have already been an inspiration to so many; but I hope this award will inspire you to go out and achieve even greater things in the future, empowered by the network of leaders you now sit among," said Prince Harry to the honourees at the ceremony.

Beckham said he was thrilled "to be here once again to help Her Majesty the Queen in congratulating a new group of inspiring young leaders". He was looking forward to following the progress of the class of 2016. "I have no doubt we will be seeing a lot of this year's exceptional group of young people as they continue to make lasting change in their communities."

"Winners of this prestigious award will receive a unique package of training, mentoring and networking, including a one-week residential programme in the UK during which they will collect their award from Her Majesty the Queen," reads the website. "With this support, award winners will be expected to continue and develop the amazing work they are already doing in their communities."

Letube grew up in the Langa township in Cape Town and works with Project Playground, which provides a safe space for children to go after school. It offers engaging activities and meals.

She is also the chairwoman of a violence and crime prevention programme called Great Corner Lugna Gatna, according to the Queen's Young Leaders website. Through the programme, young people are able to attend classes that empower them to turn their lives around from drug and alcohol abuse.

Being selected as a Queen's Young Leader was a dream come true, said 24-year-old Dewhurst. She described the Queen as "incredibly friendly and knowledgeable about all of her young leaders and the work we do".

At 15, Dewhurst began volunteering at NGO camps to support refugees, children living with HIV/AIDS and victims of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. By the age of 18, she had become the youth coordinator for the Edmund Rice Network for South Africa, training young people to start community-based projects.

In 2013, she started the Social Justice and Advocacy Desk for South Central Africa, which offers skills courses to help young people find jobs, offers training and mentorships, and knowledge about human rights. – Source:
The initiative aims to eradicate hunger in impoverished communities by providing food and other essentials to children.
Well-known celebrity chef Siba Mtongana has been announced as the Global Mandela Day Ambassador for Stop Hunger Now.

"I'm thrilled and feel very honored to be chosen as the Global Ambassador. Addressing the scourge of hunger in Africa and the world at large is a cause that I take seriously and is very dear to my heart," Siba said.

"There's no better way for me to pay tribute to the late Nelson Mandela's ideals than to use my academic background in Food Science and Nutrition, culinary skills and global influence to bring positive change to the world. I'm inspired by what he once said: 'Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all'". – Source:
Self-described as an eternal student of human behaviour and creativity, Dan Mace tells African stories with his short films, two of which have won accolades at the Cannes Film Festival in June 2016. 
Cape Town filmmaker Dan Mace's two short documentaries, Mine Sniffing Rats and Gift, have both won second prize in different categories at the Cannes Film Festival's Young Director Awards.

Mine Sniffing Rats, a frenetically edited and succinct film about the explosive-detecting rats of Mozambique, won silver in the Changing the World Frame by Frame Category.

Gift, an energetic vignette about a brassy youth on the streets of Cape Town, came second in the Short Film Category.

Thrilled about the two accolades and recognition, Mace believes the short film format is growing in popularity. He attributed the growth to online channels like YouTube and the ease of technology needed to make films: "(There) are youngsters that shoot and edit pieces (that are) amazing. The level of film is increasing".

This accessibility and spirit of experimentation could offer opportunities for budding South African film-makers to leave a global impact on the industry. – Source:
Moonyeenn is the only South African to be chosen among the 683 film professionals invited to become members of the Academy.
Local casting director Moonyeenn Lee has been chosen to become a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which manages awards ceremonies such the Oscars.

"Having been chosen as a member is an incredible honour. I honestly believe that this would never have happened without the incredible talent of South African actors," she said in a press statement.

With over 43 years of experience in the industry, Moonyeenn is well-known for having worked on cinematic masterpieces like Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Life Above All, Hotel Rwanda and Tsotsi.

Her casting ability for numerous films has seen her play a critical role in them being nominated for, and winning, Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards and Golden Horn Awards. – Source:
Matisse is regarded, with Picasso and Duchamp, as one of the revolutionary
artists of the 20th century.
The first exhibition in Africa by French impressionist artist, Henri Matisse, has opened at the Standard Bank Gallery.

The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive educational programme taking in primary and high school pupils, their teachers and the public.

Matisse is regarded, with Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp, as one of the revolutionary artists of the 20th century.

He is known for his use of colour and his fluid original draughtsmanship. Best known as a painter, his works include printmaking, sculpture and remarkable paper cuttings.

The exhibition, from July to September, is brought by Standard Bank and the French Institute with French corporate sponsors.

It follows exhibitions at the Standard Bank Gallery by Joan Miro, Marc Chagall and Picasso.
– Source:
Although it was higher than Rome in the top 15, it came off below Florence. The number one city was Charleston, South Carolina.
Cape Town has come in 10th out of the world’s top 15 cities named in the 2016 Travel & Leisure magazine awards, and is the top city in Africa and the Middle East. Among the world’s top 100 hotels, South Africa had eight.

These were the Cape Grace (at 97), Singita Kruger National Park (95), Madikwe Safari Lodge tied 84th (with La Casa Que Canta, Mexico), the Saxon Hotel, Villas and Spa (75), La Residence in Franschhoek (70), Lion Sands Game Reserve (60), Singita Sabi Sand (18), Londolozi (13). Singita’s Grumeti in Tanzania came 11th,  Tongabezi Lodge in Zambia 36th, and Mombo Camp and Little Mombo in Botswana 29th.

In the Best Safari Lodges in Africa Category, South Africa was way ahead. Said T&L, “South African properties made up about two-thirds of the list, with a full four lodges — andBeyond Kirkman’s Kamp, Lion Sands Game Reserve, Singita Sabi Sand, and Londolozi — located in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve area, bordering renowned Kruger National Park.” – Source:
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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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