Issue 232 | 21 July 2016
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The assembly adopted a declaration on the theme of the summit, whereby the AU heads of state and government reaffirmed that human rights and the rights of women in particular, were a collective responsibility of all in Africa.
Between 15 and 18 July 2016, President Jacob Zuma attended the 27th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the AU under the theme: "2016 African Year of Human Rights with a Particular Focus on Women's Rights" in Kigali, Rwanda.

Human rights, especially women’s rights, remain a cornerstone of South Africa's policy frameworks such as the National Development Plan, which is in line with the AU's Agenda 2063 Vision that there will be women's empowerment and gender equality in all spheres of life.

In this regard, South Africa received a country award for achieving economic emancipation of women during an awards ceremony at the conclusion of the AU Summit.

Elections to appoint a new chairperson of the AU Commission (AUC) also took place but since the candidates were not able to achieve a two-thirds majority, the assembly decided to postpone the elections to the 28th AU Summit scheduled for January 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The current Chairperson of the AUC, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, will continue to chair the commission until January 2017 when AU member states will elect and appoint a new AUC comprising a new chairperson, deputy chairperson and eight commissioners. The terms of the Deputy Chairperson and commissioners were also extended.

Regarding the situation in South Sudan, President Zuma attended an urgent meeting of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development to deal with the conflict between the rival parties: the SPLM-in-Government, led by President Salva Kiir, and the SPLM-in-Opposition, led by Vice President Riek Machar.

Representatives attending the meeting agreed that the conflict could not be allowed to continue and that African leaders should ensure that the peace process and the people of South Sudan be protected. It was further decided that the two rival military forces should be separated and disarmed.

With regard to peace and security matters on the continent, the assembly considered the report of the chairperson of the commission on the state of peace and security in Africa.

President Zuma stated that AU leaders reaffirmed the importance of strengthening the continent’s capacity to deal with crises and conflicts in a speedy, efficient and coordinated manner, under the leadership of the AU, and with limited dependence on outside support. In this regard, South Africa will continue to support all efforts aimed at the full operationalisation of the African Standby Force and its Rapid Deployment Capability.

With regard to financing the AU, the assembly decided to, among others, institute and implement a 0,2% levy on all eligible imported goods to the continent to finance the AU operating, programme and peace and security operations budget from 2017. The AUC will put in place strong oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure the effective and prudent use of resources.

On the AU Peace Fund, each region of the AU will contribute $65 million from the levy to support the AU Peace Support Operations Budget.
AU leaders also discussed the integration of the continent and fast-tracking the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) by 2017. The assembly decided to establish a high-level panel of five eminent persons (one from each region) to champion the fast-tracking of the CFTA.

Also of significance during the summit was the launch of the electronic passport (e-passport), a flagship project of Africa's Agenda 2063, which aims to facilitate free movement of persons, goods and services around the continent in order to foster intra-Africa trade, integration and socio-economic development in the spirit of pan-Africanism.

The assembly requested AU member states to include the issue of United Nations (UN) reform as part of their foreign policy priorities in their engagements with non-African partners. The Committee of Ten will remain seized with its mandate until Africa achieves its objectives on the reform of the UN Security Council.

President Zuma held bilateral talks on the margins of the summit with his counterparts from Rwanda, Chad and the Central African Republic and discussed issues of mutual concern on bilateral and regional matters.

The assembly decided that theme of the 28th AU Summit to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2017 will be: "Harnessing Demographic Dividend through Investments in the Youth”.

President Zuma was accompanied by Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation; and Minister David Mahlobo, Minister of State Security.
On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has extended his heartfelt condolences to President François Hollande, the Government and the people of France, in particular the families of the deceased and injured.
The South African Government joins the international community in strongly condemning the cowardly terrorist attack that took place on 14 July 2016, in the French city of Nice, during Bastille Day celebrations. The attack resulted in the deaths of more than 80 people, including children, and left scores injured.

President Zuma said: “South Africa shares in the grief of the French people and wishes the injured survivors a speedy recovery. Terrorism in any form and from whichever quarter cannot be condoned".

“South Africa stands firmly with the international community in condemning all forms of terrorism and stands in solidarity with the Government of the Republic of France as they mourn the death of their citizens.”
President Jacob Zuma has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, congratulated Brahim Ghali for his election as the Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front and as the President of the SADR. 
President Zuma conveyed his warmest wishes to President Brahim Ghali for his new position and the responsibility of leading the people of the SADR in their continued struggle for self-determination and the attainment of human dignity.

South Africa remains committed to continue supporting the inalienable right to self-determination of the people of the SADR through the United Nations-led negotiations and with the support of the African Union.
South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is leading the South African Government delegation to the 21st International AIDS Conference from 18 to 22 July at the Durban International Convention Centre. 
Deputy President Ramaphosa, who is also the Chairperson of the South African National AIDS Council is supported by the Inter-Ministerial Committee led by Minister in The Presidency, Jeff Radebe, and includes the Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi.

Over 12 000 delegates from across the world are expected to attend. These include United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon; Olive Shisana; Bill Gates; Chris Beyrer; Charlize Theron; UNAids Executive Director, Michel Sidibe; former African heads of states and government; and health ministers.

The official opening of the conference, which was organised around the theme, "Access Equity Rights”, coincided with the Nelson Mandela International Day on 18 July and provided delegates with an opportunity to join the international community in honouring the late President, Nelson Mandela. 

South Africa is also utilising the conference to extend its gratitude to the international donors for their support and solidarity in the fight against the HIV epidemic and to convey the progress made in the fight against HIV. 
The initiative was launched together with the "Guidelines for Good Business Practice by South African Companies" operating in the rest of Africa, at a Roundtable Discussion on Intra-Africa Trade at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria on Friday, 15 July 2016.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, recently launched Trade Africa (formerly known as the Africa Export Council), a unit established within the Department of Trade and Industry to promote South Africa’s trade relations with the African continent.

Minister Davies says the creation of the Trade Africa initiative is premised on the need to have a dedicated unit responsible for driving South Africa’s exports of manufactured goods and services while creating sourcing relationships from the continent to promote intra-Africa trade. 

He says the purpose of the initiative is to leverage the State’s capacity to unlock the bottlenecks experienced by South African businesses when operating in the rest of Africa, through deliberate, targeted and well-defined financial and non-financial interventions as described in the Industrial Policy Action Plan and other government policies.
MeerKAT's full contingent of 64 receptors will be integrated next year into a multi-nation Square Kilometre Array (SKA), which is set to become the world's most powerful radio telescope.
Even operating at a quarter of its eventual capacity, South Africa's MeerKAT radio telescope showed off its phenomenal power recently, revealing 1 300 galaxies in a tiny corner of the universe where only 70 were known before.

The image, released on 16 July, was the first from MeerKAT, where 16 dishes were formally commissioned the same day. The images produced by MeerKAT "are far better that we could have expected", the chief scientist of the SKA in South Africa, Fernando Camilo, said at the site of the dishes near Carnarvon.

This "means that this telescope as is today, only one quarter of the way down [to its full contingent] is already the best radio telescope in the southern hemisphere", Camilo told AFP.

When fully up and running in the 2020s, the SKA will comprise 3 000 dishes scattered around several countries to allow astronomers to peer deeper into space in unparallelled detail. It will have a discovery potential 10 000 times greater than the most advanced modern instruments and will explore exploding stars, black holes, dark energy and traces of the universe's origins some 14 billion years ago.

MeerKAT is being built in an area that offers prime conditions for astronomers. It will serve as one of the two main clusters of SKA. The other will be in Australia.

About 200 scientists, engineers and technicians working in collaboration with industry, local and foreign universities have developed the technologies, hardware and software systems for MeerKAT. South African Science and Technology Minister, Naledi Pandor, told AFP that "this is the first time that an African group of countries will host global science infrastructure of this character".

"It's a first for us as Africa and also it's a first for the world because the world hasn't done this in Africa," said the Minister. "We are building a global infrastructure for the world." More than 20 countries are members of the SKA, including Britain, which hosts the headquarters of the project. – Source: AFP /
The flight was powered by a blend of biofuel made from tobacco and jet fuel.
The first sustainable biofuel flight in Africa landed in Cape Town recently after taking off from Johannesburg.

South African Airways (SAA) teamed up with international partners, Boeing, SkyNRG and Sunchem Chemicals to get the project off the ground.

The flight was powered by a blend of biofuel made from tobacco and jet fuel.

SAA acting Chief Executive Officer, Musa Zwane, says the crop used to make the biofuel is home-grown.

“We are taking something that Dr [Aaron] Motsoaledi is trying to get rid of, tobacco, and we are using it to fly to Cape Town.” – Source:
This is 14th consecutive year that SAA was named Best Airline in Africa.
Proudly South African carriers, South African Airways (SAA), kulula and Mango, are flying the flag on the African continent after being named as the Best in Africa at the Skytrax World Airline Awards for 2016.

SAA was crowned the overall best airline in Africa, while kulula and Mango placed in seventh and eighth places, respectively.

But, after being awarded for having the Best Airline Staff in Africa for the fourth time in 2015, SAA was unseated for this accolade by Ethiopian Airlines in 2016. kulula and Mango also ranked in the Best Airline Staff category, in seventh and eight place, respectively. 

Ethiopian Airlines was also named in ninth place as one of the most improved airlines on the globe.

Back on South African soil, kulula was also named as the overall best low-cost carrier in Africa, followed by Mango in the second position.

Overall, the Emirates took the top laurels as the very best airline on the globe. On the overall Top 100 list, SAA places in the 41st position, down seven places after last year's 34th ranking. This is also 12 places down from 2014's Top 100, when SAA placed 22nd.

kulula currently sits at number 93, after not even making the list in 2015.  But Mango, which placed 96th in 2015, moved down two places to number 98 in 2016.  – Source:
Monday, 18 July, marked the late former President Nelson Mandela's birthday.
Madiba, the first President of the democratic South Africa in 1994, who spent 67 years of his life making a difference, would have turned 98 on Monday.

In recognition of his contributions to democracy, racial justice and reconciliation, and his service to humanity, the United Nations has declared Madiba's birthday on 18 July as International Mandela Day.

The special day calls for all people to devote 67 minutes of their time to help the needy, poor and vulnerable citizens of the world. 

President Jacob Zuma called on South Africans to make a meaningful and fulfilling contribution this International Mandela Day.

"As we remember our beloved Madiba, South Africans will take to the streets and engage in all kinds of meaningful and constructive community work. We wish all our people well as they follow in Tata's footsteps in this manner,” said President Zuma on 17 July.

Whether caring for the sick, orphans and vulnerable children, the aged, cleaning the environment and surroundings, cleaning the schools, President Zuma said all activities contributed to promoting national unity and cohesion in the country.

“We congratulate all who will participate in various programmes, and urge all South Africans to make time and find something meaningful to do, in memory of Madiba,” said President Zuma. – Source:
On 18 July, Mthatha come to a standstill for the official launch of the revamped Nelson Mandela Museum.
The facility was closed down for several years with at least R60 million pumped in by government to give it a major facelift.

The opening of the museum formed part of the International Mandela Day celebrations to celebrate former President Nelson Mandela's birthday on July 18.

The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, gave the keynote address. – Sources: TMG Digital/Daily Dispatch
“Let us do everything within our power to help build a future Nelson Mandela dreamed of and a future we can achieve together.”
Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist, Bill Gates, said that obstacles in the path of Africa’s youth needed to be cleared so that they could drive the future of the continent. He was delivering the Nelson Mandela Memorial Lecture at the University of Pretoria on Sunday, 17 July. 

The theme of the lecture was “Living Together”.

Gates said that the elder statesman’s life embodied the theme of living together.

“Today, South Africans are still striving to live together in the fullest sense, so much closer because Nelson Mandela and many others believed in the promise of one South Africa,” he said.

“As a boy, I learned about him [Mandela] in school. The first time I got to speak to him in 1994 when he called me to help fund SA’s election. I admired him so much and I knew the election was historic so I did what I could to help.”

He said a subsequent trip to Johannesburg, specifically to Soweto, prompted the founding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“Melinda and I had always known that we would give our wealth to philanthropy eventually. The sense of urgency was spurred on by a trip in 1997 when I came to Johannesburg. I spent most of the time in business meetings in the richer part of the city but I also went to Soweto. My visit taught me how much I had to learn outside the world outside the bubble I lived in all my life,” he said. 

Gates added that Nelson Mandela was concerned about the future and he believed that people could make it better than the past.

“One topic with Nelson Mandela that came back to was the power of the youth … that is one reason why I am optimistic about the future of this continent. The youth are special source of dynamism,” he said. 

“We must clear the obstacles for young people … if we invest in the right things and ensure that the basic needs of Africa’s young people are taken care of, they will have the ability to change the future,” he said. – Source:
The artefacts are destined for display as part of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture's inaugural exhibition entitled, "Slavery and Freedom" when the museum opens its doors in Washington DC on 24 September 2016 to coincide with National Heritage Day.
In honour of international collaboration, the South African Embassy in Washington DC on 13 July, hosted a celebration of the international research partnership between Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko), an institute of the Department of Arts and Culture, the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, and George Washington University. These institutions are part of a broader global partnership, the Slave Wreck Project, which spearheaded the historic discovery of the Sȃo José wreck.

The Portuguese slave ship, Sȃo José, set sail in 1794, travelling from Lisbon to Mozambique to buy slaves to take to Brazil. The ship, which made its ill-fated journey relatively early in the history of the slave trade between East Africa and the Americans, was carrying over 400 enslaved Africans when it hit a rock off the coast of South Africa. Some of those on board were able to make it to shore but the ship sank and about half of the slaves it carried perished at sea. 

The Slave Wreck Project has been investigating the impact of the slave trade on world history for nearly a decade and the ongoing documentation, retrieval and conservation of select artefacts.

The discovery of the shipwreck of the Portuguese slavery, Sȃo José Paquete de Africa was the first successful effort ever, to bring to light the archaelogical vestiges of one of thousands of vessels that brought over 10 million Africans in chains to the Americas.
QS evaluated 420 universities from the five nations for this year’s ranking. In total, 11 of the 14 South African universities analysed by QS are included among the top 250.
Each year, QS Quacquarelli Symonds, global higher education analysts compile the QS World University Rankings. This year's expanded ranking, released recently, now measures performance of the top 250 universities in five nations that exert significant regional influence, and that cumulatively account for 42% of the world’s population.

Competing with the best universities from other Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) nations, the University of Cape Town came in 14th position, the same as last year. All of the top five positions were filled by Chinese universities.

Three South African universities moved up the tables. The University of the Witwatersrand rose from 28th to 26th position.

This was caused mainly by improvements to its reputation among employers, its relative improvement in hiring PhD-qualified staff and its performance in QS’s research metrics. The other two were the University of Johannesburg (67th to 66th) and Rhodes University (79th to 75th). Rhodes University improved its score in four of QS’s eight indicators, including large improvements for employer reputation and research indicators.

Research output was the strongest aspect of South Africa’s university performance in this year’s BRICS ranking. Nine of South Africa’s 11 universities improved their scores for Papers Per Faculty, while three of the best 40 universities among the BRICS ranking for this metric were South African. – Source:
This event marked the first time, in the history of the bilateral relations, that a Chancellor from Mexico’s leading university visited South Africa. The visit served the advancement of academic cooperation between South African universities and Mexican higher education institutions.
The Chancellor (Rector) of Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM), Enrique Graue, visited South Africa from 6 to 10 July 2016.

Chancellor Graue signed general collaboration agreements between UNAM and the universities of Pretoria, South Africa, Witwatersrand and Cape Town and met with the vice-chancellors of the aforementioned universities: Cheryl de la Rey, Mandla Makhanya, Adam Habib and Max Price, respectively.

The agreements signed during the visit will serve to provide a general framework for cooperation in joint research and academic mobility between these higher education institutions. Moreover, based on the priorities and strengths of these universities, specific areas of cooperation will be identified for the implementation of such agreements.

The academic collaboration between Mexican and South African higher education institutions will play a significant role in strengthening and deepening the ties of friendship and cooperation between Mexico and South Africa. – Source: Embassy of Mexico in South Africa / www.diplomatic
The announcement of Tshwane as the official host city was made in June by Interkultur, the organising body of the games. The World Choir Games, held every two years, is the largest choir competition on the international calendar.
The World Choir Games, the “Olympic Games” of the global choral community, will be hosted by the City of Tshwane in 2018.

According to the organisers, this is a prestigious event not only for the capital city but for South Africa and the continent. This is the first time an African country will host the games.

“Since its beginning, choirs from South Africa have been fascinating the audience and singers from all over the world at the Interkultur events ... South Africa is a land of choirs, a land of singing,” said Interkultur President, Günter Titsch, announcing the City of Tshwane as the 2018 host city.

This is a perfect fit with the National Development Plan and Tshwane Vision 2055, which talk of creating spaces that are liveable, resilient and inclusive. The capital city has set out a long-term path, Vision 2055, which emphasises the building of a strong, socially cohesive community and ensuring that all citizens are included in all facets of life in the city.

The City of Tshwane believes this international event, starting from 4 to 14 July 2018, will play an invaluable role in providing opportunities to celebrate arts and culture in the city, nationally and across the continent.

With some 20 000 visitors attending the games, the City of Tshwane expects a boost to its national and local economy and the opening up of opportunities for job creation. – Source:
With this achievement, the SU Choir keeps its first place on the Interkultur list as best international non-professional choir – a position the choir has been holding since 2012.
The University Choir of Stellenbosch under the baton of André van der Merwe, was the biggest winner at the eighth International Choir Games held in Sochi, Russia, recently.

The choir won first places and gold medals in three categories. In the category for Sacred á Capella, it got 92%; in the category for Spirituals, 94%; and in the category for Contemporary Music, it got 98%. This is the highest point given in any of the 27 categories in which choirs competed.

A further bonus was the special CD contract for the coveted Choirs of the World series.

The International Choir Games are held biannually and this year more than 300 choirs from 36 countries competed. This is the biggest choir competition in the world.

The SU Choir consists of 120 students and André van der Merwe has been leading the choir for 12 years. – Source:
The Miss and Mister Deaf World 2016 contest is held annually and aims to integrate hearing impaired young people into society. This year, the contest attracted 75 hearing impaired contestants from around the world.
South Africa’s Janie Erasmus was crowned Miss Deaf World 2016 at a ceremony in Prague, Czech Republic, recently.

Hours before the ceremony, Janie wrote the following message on social media:

"To all my Rainbow-supporters in South Africa and new international friends – thank you for your support, kind words and messages of encouragement for my participation in the Miss Deaf World Pageant tonight.”

She also posted a video that was broadcast at the ceremony.

Second and third place went to Senegal and Canada. – Source:
KWV is the only producer to ever win the coveted Best Producer title twice and with its additional four ISC gold medal wins, makes KWV the best performing brandy producer overall at this year’s competition.
KWV won the prestigious title of World’s Best Brandy/Cognac Producer for the second year and World’s Best Brandy for its KWV15, beating cognacs and brandies from 70 countries at the 2016 International Spirit Challenge (ISC) awards function in London recently.

The ISC is recognised as the most influential spirits competition in the world and involves days of intense blind tastings by a panel of more than 50 respected industry professionals.

On receiving these accolades, KWV Master Distiller, Pieter de Bod, says that winning an ISC medal is an outstanding achievement and underlines KWV’s commitment to quality and innovation.

He adds: "This reaffirms that KWV produces consistently the best brandies in the world and to win this for a second time, beating the best Cognac producers, is a huge accolade not only for KWV, but also shows that South African potstill brandies are as good as and even better than Cognac."

KWV also received four gold medals for KWV20, KWV15, KWV Imoya and KWV Laborie Alambic brandies. This makes KWV the best performing brandy producer overall in this year’s competition. – Source:
The new agreement, which forms part of an existing treaty between the two countries, will strengthen ties, share knowledge and ideas and stimulate economic growth through co-production in the television industry.
South Africa and the United Kingdom (UK) have signed a lucrative new television deal.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the treaty was negotiated by Britain’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the British Film Institute and South Africa’s Department for Arts and Culture.

TV co-productions that qualify under the terms will have access to home-grown productions in each country.

In South Africa, it will include a higher-rate production repayment and in the UK, access to Britain's High-End Television Tax Relief, the Animation Television Tax Relief or the Children’s Television Tax Relief.

Co-productions that have already qualified under the treaty include: The Salvation, starring Mads Mikkelsen and Eva Green; Africa United; Tiger House; and Dredd 3D, starring Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby.

“This new agreement enhances our already strong relationship with South Africa and will help television production companies in both countries realise the benefits that come with co-production,” says UK Culture Minister, Ed Vaizey.

The South African film industry has received massive praise for its excellent skilled crews and affordable locations. – Source:
Set to debut on 25 July, the 12-part reality show will follow fighters from various martial art disciplines around the country in their quest to be crowned the Last Fighter Standing South African Champion 2016 – and win their share
of R1 million.
Hollywood actor and martial artist Michael Jai White has been signed as the lead presenter for’s upcoming new reality show, Last Fight Standing (LFS).

"It’s exciting to be a part of something new and fresh to thrill our viewers. Prepare to be thoroughly entertained because there is absolutely nothing like this on TV," said local billionaire, founder and CEO of Burgh Group Holdings, Quinton van der Burgh, in a press statement.

Joining Michael, who is better known to South Africans for his numerous acting roles, to host the show is local model and celebrity K. Naomi.

In addition to being a critically acclaimed actor, Michael is also a black belt holder in eight different styles. 

Commenting on the show, Michael explained: "Martial arts is not just a battle of brute strength, it's an often underrated art and discipline. Through this show, we hope that audiences will soon discover that it’s as much about will and strategy as it is about physical prowess".

LFS premieres on on Monday, 25 July at 22:30. – Source:
Under an annual collaboration partnership with Comedy Central, Robbie is making his festival debut, while David Kau is performing at Club Soda, one of the festival's premiere club shows.
Popular South African comedians, Robbie Collins and David Kau, are flying the flag for South African comedy, performing at the Just For Laughs comedy festival in Montreal, Canada, taking place from 13 July 13 to 1 August.

David Kau's performance is being taped as part of the Just For Laughs: All Access television series, and will air on Comedy Central later in 2017.

"Just For Laughs is such a great shop window for African comedy and we are delighted that Robbie and David will have this opportunity to show off their comedy wares at the biggest comedy festival in the world," said Evert van der Veer, Vice President at Comedy Central Africa, in a statement.

Robbie expressed his excitement, saying: "I'm very grateful to have this opportunity to represent my country and craft at the biggest comedy festival in the world." – Source:
Team SA also has three team sports: the rugby sevens, the Banyana Banyana women's football side and the under-23 men's football team. Other sports represented include badminton, equestrian events, golf, judo, rowing and triathlon.
The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) has officially announced the 137 athletes, from a range of sporting disciplines, who will fly the nation's flag high at the 2016 Olympic Games from 5 to 21 August 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The stars of Team SA include athletes Caster Semenya, Wenda Nel, Wayde van Niekerk and Stephen Mokoka. All have qualified for more than one event but will concentrate only on their speciality distances.

In congratulating members of the squad, Sascoc president, Gideon Sam, told the athletes they had "all earned the ultimate honour of representing your country. We have every faith in you excelling at your various events. Attending the Olympics is the pinnacle of a sportsman's dream. Go and showcase the rainbow nation to the best of your ability".

Tubby Reddy, Sascoc CEO and chef de mission, wished the team well in their final preparation for the games. Sascoc, he said, "is confident that the team is the crème de la crème of sporting talent, with most of them having represented the country in international sporting events previously. We therefore wish them well and as the Olympic body we will rally behind you all the way. Do the country proud and go well." – Source: News24 /
“You have to believe in yourself, and that’s what I did today.”
Caster Semenya is an unstoppable force in the women’s 800m, and so she proved again at the Meeting Herculis in Monaco on Friday, 15 July, the ninth stop of this year’s IAAF Diamond League.

Semenya held the world lead coming into the race, and with a field also containing Margaret Wambui and Francine Niyonsaba, the second- and third-fastest women in the world in 2016, the pace was likely to be fast.

And it was. Katsiaryna Belanovich led them through 400m in 56.04 before wisely stepping aside to allow the race to kick off. Semenya had stuck to the pace from the start, and running at the front ratcheted it up even further to establish a solid lead over world indoor champion Niyonsaba.

The powerful South African stepped on the gas through the final straight, accelerating through the line to post a world-leading IAAF Diamond League record of 1:55.33, also breaking her own national record.

“I was expecting to run under 1:56, I am looking forward to gold in Rio,” said a buoyant Semenya. – Source:
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