Issue 233 | 29 July 2016
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Minister Nkoana-Mashabane used the events to reiterate South Africa’s role in Africa and the world, and to reflect on former President Mandela’s legacy of inspiring South Africa’s foreign policy vision of an African continent that is prosperous, peaceful, democratic, non-racial, non-sexist and united and which aspires to a world that is just and equitable.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, visited the North West province from 21 to 22 July to participate in two events. On 21 July, the Minister hosted the Diplomatic Corps for a Mandela Day event at the Emmanuel Disability and Old-Age Centre in Jouberton, under the City of Matlosana Local Municipality. On 22 July, the Minister delivered a public lecture at the North-West University’s (NWU) Potchefstroom Campus under the theme: “Reflections on the Value of Patriotism in Diplomacy”.

In line with the spirit of Mandela Day, the minister visited the Emmanuel Disability and Old-Age Care Centre to give 67 minutes of her time in service to humankind and also to give hope to the centre in its endeavour to provide quality service to the vulnerable people of the Jouberton community.

The Minister and the Diplomatic Corps, supported by DIRCO volunteers, participated in an array of activities, which included cleaning, food preparation, and gardening and laundry activities. Donations, which included a stove, washing machine, television sets, and blankets, among others, were handed over to the centre.

On 22 July, the minister addressed around 200 guests, who included the Diplomatic Corps, academics and International Relations students, during a lecture at NWU. The Potchefstroom Campus has over 22 000 students and 3 000 of those are international students from 60 countries around the world. This event is targeted at students studying towards International Relations, Political Science and Academics.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said South Africa’s future was inextricably linked to the future of the continent. She said the overarching principle of South Africa’s foreign policy remained predicated on the pursuit of a peaceful, stable and prosperous continent.

“We have also utilised the South African experience of peaceful transition to assist fellow African countries to resolve their conflicts through negotiation. In this context, our definition of patriotism goes beyond the love of South Africa and takes into cognisance the aspirations and the needs of Africans. Similarly, our national interests are also defined in consideration of the aspirations of the general African populace.”

She said the late, former President Nelson Mandela taught all to dispel revenge and hatred in order to work towards a shared prosperity.

The Minister outlined that the National Development Plan Vision 2030 and its trajectory required South Africans to build a resilient economy which would enable them to address the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment.

“We have throughout the epochs of our democratic history utilised foreign policy to contribute towards Madiba’s vision of creating a better life for all. It is against this background that we have continued to revise and realign our economic diplomacy strategies in order to leverage trade and investment opportunities for the betterment of the lives of our people.

“Our missions abroad are at the forefront of promoting trade and investment with particular focus on areas that support Operation Phakisa programmes and the government’s Nine-Point Plan,” said the Minister. After the lecture, the Minister engaged in a question-and-answer session with the students.



The award seeks to recognise best practice in IPAs or association of IPAs in forging partnerships to promote foreign direct investment that contributes to sustainable development.


The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, says investors recognise South Africa as a regional hub and gateway into the African continent and government is strengthening its investment strategy to provide a one-stop service to all investors.

The Minister said this when he received the Global Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) Award at the World Investment Forum and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 14 Conference on behalf of InvestSA in Nairobi, Kenya, recently.

Since 2002, UNCTAD has been presenting investment promotion awards, recognising best practices and achievements of IPAs. The 2016 award was in terms of excellence in partnering for investment promotion.

Minister Davies said that with the establishment of InvestSA, government had enhanced intergovernmental coordination and facilitation to fast-track, unblock and reduce red tape. He said that InvestSA was supported by an Inter-Ministerial Committee on Investment and this approach was beginning to yield results.

“This was a proud moment for South Africa and significant achievement for InvestSA to be declared the winner from 51 IPAs.”

Minister Davies commented that InvestSA was now leading the investment promotion and facilitation efforts in government.

“This Global Award follows similar accolades that InvestSA has garnered in a short time. The InvestSA approach is a public-private sector initiative of President Zuma that allows for business and the public sector to work together in facilitating increased investment. InvestSA is leading the overall coordination and facilitation of unblocking, fast-tracking and reducing red tape in government,” added the Minister.

The South African delegation was party to discussions on the bank’s five-year strategy, the role and scope of the Africa Regional Centre, as well as preliminary discussions on the expansion of the New Development Bank’s (NDB) membership.
From 20 to 21 July, the Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, and a South African government delegation attended the first annual meetings of the NDB in Shanghai, China.

“The BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa] led institution utilised this event to take stock of its first year of operations, celebrating its achievements, while charting a course for the future,” said National Treasury in a statement.

The bank’s Board of Governors, where South Africa is represented by Minister Gordhan, considered member countries’ development aspirations against the backdrop of an increasingly challenging global economic context.

The bank was established in 2014 and became operational in July 2015. The bank, which lends money to developing countries to help finance infrastructure projects, is seen as an alternative to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

The NDB has moved at an unprecedented rate in pursuit of its mandate to “mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, complementing the existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development”.

In its first year since its establishment, the bank has appointed an executive management team led by internationally renowned banker, KV Kamath. The bank has also finalised its core operational policies and processed its first set of loans, which includes a US$-180 million facility for Eskom. – Source:
“There can be no solution to HIV if we continue to be complacent,” the Minister
said at the closing ceremony.
Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi closed the International AIDS Conference in Durban on 22 July by calling on delegates, who had gathered at the International Converntion Centre from 18 July, not to be complacent in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

He urged the world to be determined in protecting children, young girls and adolescents in the fight against the virus.
“Adolescents and young girls continue to bear the brunt of HIV. We call on men to be part of the solution in the fight against HIV and not just be part of the problem,” Minister Motsoaledi said.

He added that a fully supported global fund for HIV was needed to fight the disease.

The Minister went on to thank civil society for the role it had played, adding that without civil society’s contribution, “we will not win the fight against AIDS”.

South Africa hosted the 21st AIDS Conference last week for the second time. The country hosted the gathering in 2000.

While the biggest struggle during the first AIDS conference in 2000 was access to treatment, the battle in 2016 and going forward should be finding a vaccine that would eventually lead to an end to the disease, organisers said.

The official attendance figures for the conference were put at just more than 15 000 delegates from 153 countries. The largest number of participants came from South Africa followed by the United States, Zimbabwe, Kenya and the United Kingdom.

It was confirmed that Director of the Desmond Tutu HIV Institute, Linda Gail Bekker, would be the new President of the International AIDS Society for the next two years. She becomes the first woman from Africa to lead the organisation. – Source:
Government and Huawei have signed an agreement that will see 1 000 young South Africans trained in information and communications technology (ICT) in China over the next five years.
“The cooperation on capacity-building is aimed at sharing information, expertise, experience and technical assistance among the different structures operating in the field of telecommunications,” said Telecommunications and Postal Services Minister, Siyabonga Cwele.

Addressing the signing ceremony in Johannesburg recently, Minister Cwele said the youth would be trained in areas, such as telecommunications network security and optimisation as well as telecommunications administration. Other areas comprise new technology for satellite navigation, the next generation network construction, cloud computing and big data network construction.

“This is expected to help enhance the department’s strategies to implement our programmes, including the roll-out of broadband and lowering the cost to communicate,” he said.

Another programme that is expected to benefit from this cooperation is the department’s e-Strategy, which will provide the framework for how South Africa will include youth, women, people with disabilities and small and medium sized business in the ICT sector.

Minister Cwele said the ICT talent training component of the agreement was expected to help the department promote ICT literacy and awareness in the country.

He urged the youth who will be participating in the training in China, to use the opportunity wisely.

The Minister also launched an innovation centre that will create 40 permanent jobs in addition to the 1 200 people already employed by Huawei in South Africa.

“This innovation centre is a R72-million customer experience centre that boasts cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure such as 4.5G and 5G wireless communications technologies.

“It also brings to life the fourth industrial revolution by showcasing the Internet of Things (IoT) with solutions for smart homes and safe cities,” Minister Cwele said.

The IoT is a network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data. – Source:
The MoU will seek to safeguard the rights of workers by ensuring that South African companies operating in Zambia, and vice versa, treat their workers equally and with dignity.
The Minister of Labour, Mildred Oliphant, says the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will help South Africa and Zambia to ensure that migrant workers’ rights are protected in the two countries.

The Minister said this when she, along with her Zambian counterpart, recently signed an MoU across several areas of cooperation in Cape Town recently.

Minister Oliphant said the memorandum would also pave the way for officials from both countries to work together to ensure that migrant workers were assisted to claim from the respective unemployment insurance funds that were due to them without hassles, should they found themselves out of work.

Areas of cooperation include collective bargaining; dispute-resolution systems; labour inspections; social dialogue; labour market information; occupational health and safety; HIV, AIDS and wellness in the workplace; international labour cooperation issues; social security issues relating to unemployment insurance and compensation; and productivity issues.

Zambia’s Minister of Labour and Social Security, Fackson Shamenda, said the fact that a lot of South Africans were currently working in Zambia and that South Africa also hosted a lot of Zambian migrant workers, showed that there was mutual interest for the two countries to tackle these challenges. – Source:
Tourist arrivals in South Africa are continuing on their growth trajectory, according to the latest release from Statistics SA.
More than 760 000 tourists arrived in the country in May this year, 11% more than in May 2015. This brings the total tourist arrivals for January to May 2016 to over 4,2 million, which is an increase of 15,7% compared to the same period last year – more than three times the average annual global growth rates experienced in international tourism.

“The continuing growth in international tourist arrivals is wonderful news for the tourism sector,” says Minister Hanekom. “It will have a multiplier effect on the many industries that support tourism, so it’s good news for the wider economy as well.

“The growth from overseas markets in the first five months of this year, compared to the same period last year, at 18,5%, shows that our enduring tourism assets and our diverse products and offerings are making South Africa a great value-for-money destination. All our major overseas markets are performing well. Among our traditional overseas markets, the United States of America has grown impressively at 18% this year, while Germany is a top performer with 21% growth. The United Kingdom, our leading overseas market, has grown at a solid 13,7%.

“The positive performance of non-traditional source markets like India and China has also been sustained in May, and these two countries are moving up the rankings as source markets for South Africa. The spectacular growth in tourist numbers from China continues, with a 50% year-on-year increase. This is in keeping with the overall growth trend this year from that market. Indian tourist numbers, at 14 237, showed a growth of 37% on last May, and India became the third-biggest overseas source market to South Africa in May. May is traditionally the month in which we receive the most tourists from that country.

“Also of note is that tourists from Saudi Arabia numbered more than 1 000 in May, an exciting new development. We will watch with interest to see if these numbers are sustained from this relatively small, but high-spending market.

“I am delighted with the impressive growth in tourist numbers so far this year. Continued investment in creative and effective joint marketing, infrastructure, tourism experiences and human resources will allow the destination to both capitalise and continue with this trend,” says Minister Hanekom.
The IAS said supporting talented researchers across a variety of scientific disciplines was a key component of the organisation’s mission.
A young South African scientist walked away with a prestigious HIV/AIDS research award when five scientific awards to recognise exceptional research were presented at the 21st International AIDS Conference, which ended in Durban recently.

Dr Sinaye Ngcapu was awarded the AIDS 2016 Women, Girls and HIV Investigator's Prize for his winning abstract, entitled: The Effect of Injectable Hormonal Contraceptives on Vaginal Epithelium Thickness and Genital HIV Target Cell Density in Women recently Infected with HIV. The announcement was made at the Symposium Session at the AIDS 2016 Conference.

Ngcapu works for the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA).

The honours were presented to 10 recipients by the International AIDS Society (IAS), the organiser of the AIDS Conference. IAS said this prize highlighted the impact of HIV on women and girls and sought to encourage investigators from low-and middle-income countries to pursue research in this area. Ngcapu won himself R28 000 for his efforts.

Makhahliso Jubilee from Lesotho was awarded a prize for Excellence in HIV Research Related to Children. The prize supports investigators demonstrating excellence in research that is likely to lead to improved services for children affected by HIV in low- or middle-income countries.

Munyaradzi Pasipamire from Swaziland was recognised for her research: Evaluating the Incremental Value of Using the TB LAM Test in Intensified Case Finding for TB in People Living with HIV.

“These prizes encourage outstanding researchers to focus on some of the greatest scientific challenges associated with the HIV epidemic, to put forth their best efforts to improve our understanding of HIV, and develop the knowledge and tools that can have a global impact on this epidemic,” said IAS President, Chris Beyrer. – Source:
Starting with an initial total intake of 50, the numbers will grow incrementally to 200 undergraduate students, as well as starting to introduce medical specialist training programmes.
South Africa’s 10th medical school will be opened at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) in Port Elizabeth, the university announced recently. The announcement was made by NMMU Vice Chancellor, Professor Derrick Swartz, following the Government's approval.

The decision was made on 6 July when the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande, requested NMMU to proceed with creating a new medical school by 2020 and to expand its existing portfolio of health sciences programmes in 10 different health professional categories.

According to NMMU spokesperson, Debbie Derry, the university has been campaigning for years to establish the second medical school in the Eastern Cape.

“The momentous decision comes after years of campaigning by the university for the creation of a second medical school in the Eastern Cape province, in addition to the existing one based at Walter Sisulu University in Mthatha,” Derry said in a statement.

The Department of Higher Education provided R72,3 million over three years to NMMU, starting in 2014, to set up, among other things, new pre-medical programmes to allow for multi-entry options towards the MBChB degree.

These students may then qualify for third-year MBChB enrolment in 2020, which is also the target year for intake of NMMU’s first-year school-leavers for the same degree. – Source:
An international jury‚ including former United States Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright‚ Ugandan politician and diplomat, Olara Otunnu‚ and international development expert, Brizio Biondi-Morra‚ will select the winner‚ who will be announced in November 2016 in New York City.
Andrew Zaloumis‚ the CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park‚ has been named as one of four John P McNulty Prize Laureates by the Aspen Institute‚ for his work in bridging conservation and inclusive development to drive job creation in rural South Africa.

The other laureates in line for the global US$-100‚000 award in social impact come from India‚ Panama and the United States.

"These leaders have realised that the true power of their entrepreneurial and organisational expertise goes beyond advancing their careers‚ to mobilising partners and resources across sectors to relentlessly tackle problems and effect positive social change‚" said trustee Anne Welsh McNulty.

The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organisation based in Washington‚ DC. – Source:
The solar plant, a clean energy source, will supply the airport with a viable alternative source of electricity.
The Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, has unveiled a solar plant at Upington International Airport in the Northern Cape recently – marking the third green energy airport in South Africa.

It was built by the agency of the national Department of Transport, Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), which is committed to reduce load shedding on the country’s constrained power grid.

Upington International Airport Solar Plant is the second of its kind in the Northern Cape. The first solar plant in the province was launched by Minister Peters at Kimberly Airport in May this year after launching another one at the George Airport in the Western Cape in February.

In total, South Africa now has three solar-powered airports.
Cape Town International Airport, which is managed by the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), is the third-largest airport
in Africa.
Cape Town International Airport has been recognised as the best in Africa for its network development initiatives in the Western Cape.

Named the overall winner of the Routes Africa edition of the Routes Marketing Awards, Cape Town International Airport is now automatically shortlisted for their category at the World Routes Awards in Chengdu, China, on 26 September 2016.

In 2015, approximately 9,7 million passengers passed through its premises, up from just over 8,7 million in 2014 – a growth in overall passenger numbers of nearly one million passengers in a single year, making it the second-busiest airport in South Africa and third-busiest in Africa. This growth is expected to continue at a similar rate and will bring the airport through the 10 million passengers per year milestone.

“This award is a testament to the growth initiatives at Cape Town International Airport and its association with Cape Town Air Access, a collaborative, multi-stakeholder team which has put strategic initiatives in place to promote, develop and maintain air routes in and out of Cape Town International Airport,” says General Manager, Cape Town International, Deon Cloete. – Traveller24
In total, more than five million hours of content have been viewed, the equivalent of more than 500 years if played back-to-back.
Launched in August 2015, the Internet TV service ShowMax has the largest subscription video catalogue in Africa. Earlier in July, the cumulative number of TV shows and movies watched by ShowMax customers exceeded 10 million.

“We knew we had a good product and an incredible engineering team when we launched ShowMax, but hitting this milestone in under a year is tangible proof that we’re on the right track,” says Barron Ernst, Chief Product Officer for ShowMax.

ShowMax is available in 37 countries in Africa, and supplies services to another 28 countries outside the continent.

For customers on the move, ShowMax has apps for Android and Apple smartphones and tablets. For home viewing, ShowMax has apps for Samsung and LG smart TVs, Apple TV (4th generation) and most web browsers. ShowMax is also available via the DStv Explora. – Source: Channel24
The series features an all-star cast of both international and local actors, including Laurence Fishburne (best known as Morpheus in the "Matrix" films) in the role of Mandela.
Madiba, a Black Entertainment Television (BET) produced miniseries currently being filmed in South Africa, not only tells the life story of Nelson Mandela, but the series will also look at length at the iconic activists and the ordinary people involved in the anti-apartheid struggle.

Renowned South African actors Terry Pheto (Tsotsi) and Hlomla Dandala (Isidingo) also have roles in the production. Pheto plays Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and Dandala plays stalwart Govan Mbeki.

Other South Africans in the production include another Isidingo actor, Grant Swanby as Afrikaner anti-activist, Bram Fischer, and Mark Elderkin (Black Sails) as Anglican bishop and human rights activist, Trevor Huddleston.

American Orlando Jones, best known for his character acting in cult films such as Evolution and Office Space, portrays long-serving African National Congress President, Oliver Tambo. British actor David Harewood (Homeland, Supergirl) portrays Walter Sisulu. – Source:
The lineup will play across six iconic music venues in and around downtown Johannesburg, including Bassline, 1 Fox, And Club, Kitcheners, Carfaxx, Great Dane and Zone 6. Each event, from day to night, will offer a mix of sounds and festival-goers can expect to be taken on different musical journeys over the four days.
Having travelled the world for nearly 20 years and collaborated with more than 1 500 musical luminaries, the Red Bull Music Academy Weekender (RBMAW) comes to South Africa – and Africa – for the very first time.

Taking place from 1 until 4 September, the South African RBMA Weekender will host no less than 60 acts from across the country, continent and world, covering a range of genres from hip-hop and ragga to electronica and house music. 

On 4 September, the RBMA Weekender moves to Zone 6 in Soweto, where audiences can look forward to live performances from Black Coffee, Culoe De Song, Riky Rick, Oskido, King Bruce and Mafia Boyz.

Chopper Reeds, aka Scott Towers, of Fat Freddy’s Drop says he and the band are excited to be playing in South Africa for the first time. – Source:
Tomorrowland Unite, Belgium's biggest music festival, crossed live to the event in South Africa for the first time, together with Mexico, Colombia, Germany, Israel, Japan and India.
On 23 July, South Africans joined Tomorrowland, one of the biggest electronic music festivals in the world, from the Dome in Johannesburg.

In its 12th year, Tomorrowland brought the top DJs together for memorable musical extravaganzas.

Thousands flocked from all over the country to the Johannesburg danceathon.

"Tomorrowland is all about love peace, unity and madness. That's what's happening right now. People are coming together to celebrate and just have the biggest dance party of their lives," marketing manager Onika van de Standt said at the Dome.

"The stage in itself is massive. The stage design is something phenomenal. It's something that has been built for months now. It's also got the magic and the taste of what the big stage in Belgium looks like. People are having the time of their lives and that's all that we ever wanted,” she said.

Those who performed at the local Tomorrowland said this was a start of better things to come.

Tomorrowlanders came from all over South Africa. With international acts like Nicky Romero and Afrojack together with local talents like DJ Fresh and Time ODV, it’s no wonder Tomorrowland tickets sold out in minutes. – Source:
Vines asked top international chefs from famed restaurants like Fat Duck in England to “reveal their favourite fast food chains”. South Africa’s popular peri-peri chicken restaurant chain, Nando’s, is featured as one of the top fast food chains in the world favoured by celebrity chefs, according to an article by Bloomberg’s chief food critic Richard Vines.
Tom Sellers from Restaurant Story in London selected Nando’s, which was founded in South Africa and now has 1 000 restaurants globally (all proudly decked out in South African art). Sellers told Bloomberg: “I go because they serve a tasty product. It’s simple but you can build your own meal. And everyone loves chicken”.

Chicken fast food chains were popular with the chefs with KFC and Popeyes, an American chain serving Louisiana fried chicken, also featuring.

The most recommendations went to Shake Shack, an international burger chain. Others on the list included hamburger chain Five Guys, Pizza Express, Brussels bakery Le Pain Quotidien.

On their website, Nando’s says: “It’s our love of South Africans and making them smile that drives us to give you, your family and friends a warm welcome and your daily fix of PERi-PERi. We’re proud to be the home-away-from-home for so many of you; our relaxed atmosphere, friendly service and great food awaits”. –  Source:
The popular United Kingdom-based Italian restaurant is making its way to Joburg.
Jamie Oliver is one of the most iconic celebrity chefs in UK history and his restaurant brand, Jamie's Italian, is coming to South Africa.

Melrose Arch has been confirmed and it will open this spring at Shop 00513, Building 13 according to Jamie Oliver's official website.

The restaurant has over 40 branches around the world and is a household name across the UK, starting out in Oxford in 2008. The idea for Jamie was obvious always holding a secure spot in his heart and soul for Italian cooking, and you'll see this in many if his recipes. His passion for Italian cooking and the culture that goes with it has been with him since his early days of becoming a chef, and he refined this with the guidance of Italian chef Gennaro Contaldo.

Each restaurant is designed uniquely depending on the building its sits in. – Source:
Van Niekerk, the 400-m world champion, will carry the South African flag at the Olympics starting on 5 August while Situ, discus and javelin athlete, will hold the flag aloft at the Paralympics starting on 7 September.
Wayde van Niekerk and Zanele Situ were named as the official flag-bearers for South Africa in the Olympics and Paralympics in Rio.

Situ told Road to Rio 2016: “This is such a big thing for me. To be given this honour in front of the whole team.

“It honestly hasn’t really sunk in yet, and will probably take a few days. What a great honour. My 10-year-old daughter Azamazi will definitely have something to tell her friends at school now.”

Team South Africa’s Rio Olympic and Paralympic teams enjoyed a gala farewell dinner in Gauteng recently.

Former Robben Island prisoner and political activist, Ahmed Kathrada, reminded teams of the privilege they now enjoyed.

“The most deprivation in jail is the freedom of speech although on Robben Island there were still leagues of rugby, soccer, tennis and volleyball. The greatest unifying factor is sport.

“May our Olympic and Paralympic teams celebrate success and victory after victory.” Adding inspiration was SASCOC president, Gideon Sam.

“Support lifts a team to perform. Just imagine Wayde van Niekerk, Chad le Clos and Hilton Langenhoven being able to look up into the stands and seeing South African support with huge SA flags.

“In Rio, no SA athlete should be without support. Our South African athletes mustn’t be drops in Rio; they must be an ocean.

“Let us be unstoppable in Rio and remember whenever our sports perform, the nation is happy. Go to Rio knowing that people are behind you and love you. Whether it’s on TV or radio or social media, we will be following you. – Source: African News Agency
The squad will be spread over 10 different codes, namely: archery, athletics, canoeing, cycling, equestrian, powerlifting, rowing, swimming, shooting and
wheelchair tennis.
The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) has announced a star-studded team to represent South Africa at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro from 7 to 18 September.

The announcement was made at the Nedbank Head Office in Johannesburg on 19 July, at a glittering occasion where the names of the honoured 45 athletes were revealed to the nation.

As was the case at the previous Paralympic Games in London, where Team South Africa was represented by seven codes, the athletics code will have the strongest representation of 19 athletes, followed by swimming and cycling, both with six competitors.

The team is a blend of stars who have medalled in various international events and have done South Africa proud on the international scenes as well.

SASCOC CEO, Tubby Reddy, commented: “Our Paralympians have always done us proud at previous games and South Africa has a track record of excellent results evidenced by obtaining a total of 29 medals in London in 2012. I have no doubt that this team will maintain this standard and even do better in Rio.”

Congratulating the team, SASCOC president, Gideon Sam, added: 'When it comes to delivery for South African sporting glory our Paralympic aces have always put their hands up. I see Rio as being no different and we will be building on an amazing legacy left by the previous generation. Since readmission to international sport our Paralympians have only once failed to bring back less than a double-figure medal tally and that was way back in 1992.

"We will once again be looking to this excellent blend of experience and youth to bring back more honour to South Africa. Go and represent your country to the very best of your ability and be the best ambassadors possible."
Simbine recorded the fifth-fastest time of the year (9.89 seconds) to win the 100-m race in Hungary.
Akani Simbine has set a new South African record recently after running 9.89 seconds in the 100-m race at the Gyulai István Memorial in Budapest, Hungary.

The athlete, who is set to compete in the 100-m race in the Olympics next month, set the tone by beating former fastest man Asafa Powell by 0.03 seconds.

His time is the fifth-fastest this year, with American Justin Gatlin being the fastest after running 9.80 seconds in the American trials earlier this month.

The 22-year-old has been the man to beat of late and if he can maintain his form, he will definitely be one to watch.

The local speedster has been impressive lately with strong finishes in the Diamond League in Rome, and just a month ago, he and another South African sprinter, Wayde van Niekerk, were invited to join Olympic champion Usain Bolt for a training camp under the watch of legendary coach Glen Mills in Jamaica.

In March, Simbine produced a record-breaking performance when he won the 100-m in 9.96 seconds at the ASA Night Series Meeting at Pilditch Stadium, Pretoria.

With that win, he become the fastest 100m sprinter ever in South Africa. – Source: Caxton News Service
Rising javelin throw star Jo-Ane van Dyk bagged South Africa's first medal at the IAAF World U-20 Championships on 20 July, launching a personal best heave of 57.32m to secure silver on the second day of competition in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Van Dyk narrowly missed out on gold, with Klaudia Maruszewska taking the global junior title after delivering a best effort of 57.59m.

Gift Leotlela capped his magnificent campaign at the IAAF World Junior Championships in fine style on 22 July, earning the silver medal in the men's 200-m final.

Having finished fourth in the 100-m final earlier in the week, Leotlela made up for that near miss by charging across the line in 20.59.

Compatriot Clarence Munyai, who had set the fastest times in the heats and the semifinals, took fourth place in the half-lap dash in 20.77, with American athlete Michael Norman winning the race in 20.17.

Leotlela and Munyai will represent South Africa in the 200-m sprint at next month's Rio Olympic Games.

Johan Grobler produced the form of his life on Saturday, 23 July, smashing his Personal Best to earn South Africa's third medal at the IAAF World U-20 Championships, on the penultimate day of the competition. Launching a career record of 80.59m, Grobler shattered his previous javeline best mark by nearly six metres.

Taylon Bieldt smashed the SA U-20 record in the women's 100-m hurdles semifinals.

The 17-year-old athlete clocked 13.35 to better the previous national mark of 13.47 which had been set by Arnell Jacobs in Bloemfontein in April 1997.
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