Issue 239 | 9 September 2016
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South Africa is a member of the G20, which consists of 19 countries plus the European Union (EU), the 20th member.
President Jacob Zuma travelled to the People’s Republic of China to attend the Group of 20 (G20) Leaders’ Summit, which was held in Hangzhou from 3 to 5 September 2016 under the theme: “Towards an Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy”.

The G20 leaders discussed specific priority areas during the summit, namely:
  • breaking a new path for growth
  • more effective and efficient global economic and financial governance
  • robust international trade and investment
  • inclusive and interconnected development.
G20 members have been meeting regularly since 1999 to discuss global economic policy coordination. The G20 was conceptualised to stabilise and strengthen the global economy, by bringing together the major advanced and emerging market economies.

South Africa’s priorities in the G20 for 2016 included:
  • strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth
  • decent employment
  • efficient and responsive economic infrastructure
  • increased investment in infrastructure
  • reducing illicit financial flows through coordination of international tax
  • coordination of international financial regulatory developments and international coordination on development, which include domestic resource mobilisation and ensuring synergy with United Nations processes on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and financing for development.
An important part of South Africa’s G20 strategy is the outreach to Africa. As the only permanent African member of the G20, South Africa has used its participation to raise issues of concern to Africa with other G20 members.

In addition, development is an important priority for South Africa in the G20. In this regard, South Africa serves as a Co-chair of the G20 Development Working Group.

While in Hangzhou, President Zuma had a bilateral meeting with President Xi Jingping of the People's Republic of China as well as met leaders of the BRICS nations, who annually meet on the margins of the G20 Summit.

Following the conclusion of the G20 Summit, President Zuma travelled to Guangzhou in Guangdong Province, where he attended the "Second Investing in Africa Forum" on 7 September 2016.

President Zuma was accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; and the Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan; to the G20 and was joined by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies; and the Deputy Minister of Transport, Sindisiwe Chikunga; for the second Investing in Africa Forum after the G20.
The leaders extended their appreciation to India as the current BRICS Chairperson for the good pace of implementation and expansion of the BRICS cooperation agenda. They voiced their full support to India for the successful hosting of the upcoming eighth BRICS Summit in Goa from 15 to 16 October 2016.
The Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) leaders met on the margins of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China, on 4 September 2016.

The leaders exchanged views on a wide range of global political, security, economic and global governance issues of importance and mutual concern.

Cognisant of global growth challenges, the leaders recognised that BRICS countries were confronted with new challenges in their respective economic growth. In this regard, they recognised that the economic growth prospects and momentum of BRICS countries would continue to be a critical engine for global economic growth.

The leaders underlined the importance of further strengthening the BRICS strategic partnership guided by the principles of openness, solidarity, equality, mutual understanding, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation.

They underlined the importance of the establishment of a just and equitable international order based on international law.

The leaders held wide-ranging discussions on the G20 Summit Agenda and agreed to pursue issues of global and mutual interest to the BRICS countries at the G20. They reiterated their commitment to enhance dialogue and cooperation with other emerging market economies and developing countries. They stressed the importance to foster an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy to usher in a new era of global growth and sustainable development. They expressed expectations that with the Hangzhou Summit, the G20 would embark on a new journey for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic growth.

The leaders reiterated their commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including through strengthening cooperation among BRICS countries in this process. In this regard, they welcomed the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the G20 Initiative on Supporting Industrialisation in Africa and Least Developed Countries.
The 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress is convened under the theme “Planet at the Crossroads,” which signifies the state of the planet, the difficult choices and sacrifices that humans have to make to halt, among others, biodiversity loss and provide solutions to challenges posed by climate change.
South Africa, through the Department of Environmental Affairs, IUCN members from conservation institutions and NGOs, are participating in the 2016 World Conservation Congress of the IUCN, taking place in Hawaii, United States of America, from 1 to 10 September 2016.

The high-level segment of the congress will focus on, among others, wildlife trafficking, oceans conservation, conservation finance, youth engagement and interface between spirituality and conservation. All these dialogues are relevant to South Africa as a third mega diverse country in the world.

The IUCN World Conservation Congress is held every four years, and brings together thousands of leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, indigenous peoples, business and academia, with the goal of conserving the environment and harnessing the solutions nature offers to global challenges. It provides a platform for different sectors to work together to create good environmental governance, engaging all sectors of society to share both the responsibilities and the benefits of conservation.

The congress aims to improve the management of natural environment for human, social and economic development, while recognising that this cannot be achieved by conservationists alone.

South Africa submitted and is leading on discussion points covering a range of issues pertinent to conservation in response to IUCN’s call for contributions for the forum agenda. These discussion areas form part of the forum, showcasing South Africa’s commitment to nature conservation such as sustainable financing of South Africa's protected areas, ocean economy management effectiveness and biosphere reserve management.
Over the past few years, government has championed the Presidential Infrastructure Championing Initiative (PICI), which includes the North-South Road, Rail and Related Infrastructure Corridor.
Captains of industry have a crucial role to play in the African continent’s construction projects, Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe, says.

Addressing the annual congress of Master Builders SA Conference in Durban on 1 September, Minister Radebe said while construction opportunities were plenty on the continent, challenges persisted.

“What is clear from the data is that South Africa and Africa remain firmly on the construction investment and infrastructure activity radar. But, in the landscape of large-scale infrastructure development, there are challenges. Construction projects face deeply individual complexities and one should not be traversing this space without the necessary know-how, resources and expertise.

“This is why the captains of industry here at this congress have such a crucial intersect and role to play,” said Minister Radebe.

South Africa has registered progress in its 11 PICI projects. It has also submitted an updated North-South Corridor report of progress on 34 infrastructure projects that are mostly in the Southern African Development Community region.

“We are aware, for example, that there are more than 110 infrastructure projects currently on the go on the North-South Corridor alone at various stages of development, implementation and project management.

“A study on infrastructure in Africa noted that Africa has become a megaproject hotspot, with 301 transport, energy, water and mining projects denoting investment of $375 billion. We also have a book of 87 infrastructure projects and a list of 24 New Development Bank projects,” said Minister Radebe.

In addition, the African Development Bank disbursed over $1 billion in 2015 for infrastructure alone.

Minister Radebe said across the continent, investment in infrastructure continued to be exciting with the building of roads, railways, ports, bridges and energy continuing steadily.

Private-sector financiers have ploughed billions of US dollars into Africa-based infrastructure projects – close to $9 billion.

Minister Radebe acknowledged that since the start of 2016, the construction industry had felt two impacts, one being the liquidity limitations as the global economy continued to contract and the second being the commodity crunch.

“What we also know, based on our relatively new experience, is that this infrastructure landscape is a litmus test for national and regional leadership. It is the new ‘circle of influence’ in which heavyweight political and economic support needs to come together.” – Source:
The event was held under the theme, “Acknowledging Past Gains and Crafting Brighter Futures”.
On 31 August, the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, hosted a stakeholder engagement to commemorate Women’s Month in Khayelitsha, Cape Town.

The engagement reflected on the role women play locally and internationally in promoting South Africa’s national interests as well as its importance to disadvantaged communities.
The Sixth JCM focussed on a number of issues, including multilateral cooperation and regional developments. Cooperation in trade and investment was central to the discussions as South Africa is a major foreign investor in Chile.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, co-chaired the Sixth Session of the South Africa-Chile JCM with Edgardo Riveros, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile.

The Sixth Session of JCM concluded with the signing of an Agreement on the Waiver of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic or Official Passports between the two countries.
South Africa’s Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, announced during his budget speech in May this year that from 1 September 2016, South Africa would implement the new WHO guidelines.
From 1 September, the national Department of Health is adopting a “test and treat” approach to HIV/AIDS in line with the World Health Organisation's (WHO) guidelines.

The new guidelines for the treatment of people with HIV were announced by the WHO in December 2015. The guidelines were based on new research that found that getting people diagnosed with HIV on treatment as soon as possible, regardless of CD4 levels, was beneficial.

According to the new guidelines, people that are currently eligible to start treatment at CD4 <500 can now be treated, regardless of their CD4 levels.

“We have, on the basis of research evidence, already removed CD4 count as an eligibility criterion for HIV-positive pregnant women, children under five years of age as well as HIV and TB co-infected patients over the past few years. This new policy extends this to all people living with HIV,” the Health Department said.

The department said the implementation of “test and treat” for HIV would contribute to the National Development Plan goal of increasing life expectancy to at least 70 years by 2030. People diagnosed with HIV can also live long and healthy lives once they are on ARV medication.
– Source:
At its recent meeting, Cabinet approved the hosting of various important health-related events.
Following approval by Cabinet, South Africa’s Department of Health will host the 17th International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities, in cooperation with the World Health Organisation (WHO), from 27 November to 2 December 2016.

This reflects government’s commitment to addressing global health challenges in harmonisation of regulations and improve the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines and medical devices.

This consultative forum for medicine regulatory authorities of the 194 WHO member countries aims to address the regulation of medicines and medical devices and harmonisation of regulatory principles.

Hosting will strengthen the national medicines regulatory authority, the Medicines Control Council, and systems for medical products.

Discussions will also contribute towards informing harmonisation and uplifting regulatory standards in Africa and the Southern African Development Community.

It also gives recognition to South Africa as a global role player in the regulatory oversight of medicines and related products. The country will have an opportunity to participate in the formulation of international drug policies that may become mandatory for WHO member countries.

Cabinet also approved the co-hosting of the Second World Breastfeeding Conference by the Department of Health and the International Baby Food Action Network, from 11 to 14 December 2016, under the theme “Let’s Invest in Creating an Enabling Environment for Mothers and Babies”.

This signals South Africa’s commitment to strengthen the call to protect, promote and support breastfeeding and further enhance the infant and young child nutrition agenda.

This contributes to achieving one of the nine long-term health goals set out in the National Development Plan: reducing maternal, infant and child mortality. The sustainable development goals also place emphasis on improving nutrition. The Comprehensive Implementation Plan on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition has one of six global targets for nutrition to increase the rates of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months to at least 50% by 2025.
Observed from 28 August – 2 September 2016, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) World Water Week is an annual focal point for the globe’s water issues.
The Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane, recently officially opened the South African water sector exhibition stand at the 2016 SIWI World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden.

Held under the theme “Water for Sustainable Growth”, the week brought together experts, practitioners, decision-makers, business innovators and young professionals from a range of sectors and countries to network, exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions to the most pressing water-related challenges of today.

Welcoming the South African delegation, Minister Mokonyane, accompanied by Ambassador Faith Doreen Radebe from the South African Embassy in Sweden, told delegates that over the week, the focus was on sustainability.

“We also need to focus on reliability of alternative services, provision of resources, funding and information we use. That will enable us to speak on matters of growth and sustainability, which require human capital,” said Minister Mokonyane.

The Minister also echoed the importance of South Africa’s involvement in the High-Level Panel on Water (HLPoW) and told South Africans not to sell themselves short.

“The very fact that we are part of the HLPoW should be an indication that even though we are a developmental state, we are still capable of making contributions to … sustainable development, inclusive growth and knowledge-based solutions that are driven through research to be able to adapt to the realities of climate change,” the Minister said.

SIWI World Water Week saw a number of sessions being held and papers by the South African delegation presented to share the lessons learnt, and also to take from other countries their best practices. – Source:
The congress aimed to contribute to the advancement of fundamental and applied research in the geological sciences.
South Africa hosted the 35th International Geological Congress at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 27 August to 4 September 2016.

The event showcased the region’s world-famous geology and geoheritage together with its geological and scenic sites.

Geological challenges in the field were also be examined.
The appointment of a Bundesbank representative came after the two central banks signed a cooperation agreement in February this year aimed at enhancing collaboration between the two central banks. This will be done through joint research on and project cooperation in central banking issues.
Cooperation between the Deutsche Bundesbank (Bundesbank) and the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) reached a major milestone recently when the Bundesbank announced its representative to be based in Pretoria, its first on the African continent.

The cooperation agreement was signed on the sidelines of the G20 meetings in Shanghai in February 2016 as an annexure to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2015. The MoU provides a framework for regular exchange of information, policy dialogue and technical cooperation between the two central banks.

Speaking at a media briefing in Pretoria, Dr Andreas Dombret, a member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, said the expansion of the Bundesbank’s network of representatives enabled the Bundesbank to track developments in almost all of the G20 countries, directly or indirectly.

“Given the growing role that the African continent at large and South Africa in particular is playing in the sphere of international and financial policy, the African continent has up till now been a blank spot on the map of the Bundesbank’s representative network,” Dr Dombret said.

Dr Dombret said the two central banks would start by jointly undertaking two research projects:
  • exchanging best practices in bank stress testing
  • exploring how to cooperate more closely in G20 issues.
Germany will take over the 2017 presidency of the G20 on 1 December this year, which culminates in the hosting of the G20 summit.

SARB Deputy Governor, Daniel Mminele, told the media briefing that the representative would facilitate collaborative research projects between the two central banks in monetary policy and financial stability. The opening of the representative office also highlighted the importance the Bundesbank placed on the relationship with the SARB and the German presence in South African society, including in the business, diplomatic and social spheres.
In August, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, announced the successful contractual conclusion between BAIC and the CDC to establish a completely knocked down automotive manufacturing plant in the Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ).
The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) recently hosted a sod-turning ceremony to mark the R11-billion investment by the Beijing Automobile International Corporation (BAIC) at the Coega IDZ.

The BAIC investment is an outcome of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation that was held in Johannesburg in December 2015, where President Jacob Zuma and Chinese Prime Minister Xi Jinping signed no less than 26 bilateral agreements valued at approximately R100 billion.

According to Dr Ayanda Vilakazi, CDC Unit Head of marketing and communication, the 85 000-m² plant will occupy 54 hectares of land in Zone 1 of the Coega IDZ.

It is expected to create 2 500 jobs directly and more than 10 600 jobs indirectly.

“The plant is the single largest investment in the whole of Africa and is expected to start with construction before the end of the year, lasting little over 18 months with production commencement by the end of 2017.

“Furthermore, the plant will have a maximum annual production capacity of 100 000 units,” said Vilakazi. – Source:
The three units of the scheme, which is located on the cross-border of the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal, have been contributing 333MW each towards Eskom’s daily power needs during a testing phase.
A third unit of Eskom’s Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme came into commercial operation on 30 August, said the power utility.

“Eskom’s Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme brought Unit 1, which is the third unit out of four, into commercial operation, thus effectively pumping close to a 1000MW into the South African power grid,” said Eskom in a statement.

“The commercial operation of these three units marks a key milestone towards the full commercial operation of the entire Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme ahead of the scheduled deadline of mid-2017,” said Eskom Chief Executive, Brian Molefe.

The commercial operation of the unit is further proof that the utility is on its way to ensure security of supply.

“The commercial operation of Unit 1 is further proof that we are well on our way to ensure security of power supply to South African homes and businesses. I am truly excited that we are on track to deliver on our commitment to bring all New Build projects on line timeously.”

The remaining unit (Unit 3) has already been synchronised to the national grid and is currently undergoing repairs after experiencing problems during the testing phase. – Source:
The device was developed in the Maker Lab at IBM’s second Research Lab in Africa, which is situated at the Wits Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.
A simple tag pioneered in South Africa could soon be used to curb the spread of tuberculosis in Africa.

In efforts to better understand how the disease is spread, IBM engineer, Toby Kurien, and research scientist, Darlington Mapiye, have developed the concept of a tracking device which measures the proximity of TB patients.

“We had to look at what we could do to collect data about patients and how we can track infection,” Kurien said.

“The solution was to create a cheap sensor that could track when someone who has the disease comes into contact with a person who is not infected," he added.

Mapiye said that there was a stigma attached to people who had TB and that the device was developed to destigmatise the disease as well as further understand what kind of treatment patients needed.

“With the kind of data that is collected by the tags, we are able to optimise what strategies are put in place and better understand how people come into contact with one another to contract the disease,” he said.

Mapiye added that from the information collected, which is then uploaded to a cloud server, they could then analyse the data to know what kind of treatment people need. 

While the project is still in its research phase, the team is hoping to conduct trials in Johannesburg soon and thereafter in Kenya, where IBM’s other African research lab is based. – Source:
The public can nominate persons from all walks of life who they believe deserve to receive the country's highest honours in April next year.
The Presidency has reminded members of the public that they have until 15 September 2016 to submit their nominations for the National Orders.

The National Orders awards will honour South Africans and eminent foreign nationals who have contributed to the achievement of a free, united, non-racial, democratic, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa in various ways.

“Also honoured are citizens who have sacrificed life and limb to save others and those who have excelled in various fields. The ceremony contributes towards unity, reconciliation and nation-building,” The Presidency said.

The selection process of the awards will be processed and administered by the National Orders Advisory Council appointed by the President of the Republic.

There are six orders that are bestowed to deserving recipients. They include:
  • The Order of Mendi for Bravery recognises South African citizens who have performed acts of bravery.
  • The Order of Ikhamanga recognises South African citizens who have excelled in the fields of arts, culture, literature, music, journalism and sport.
  • The Order of the Baobab recognises South African citizens who have contributed to community service, business and economy, science, medicine and technological innovation.
  • The Order of Luthuli recognises South African citizens who have contributed to the struggle for democracy, nation-building, building democracy and human rights, justice and peace as well as for the resolution of conflict.
  • The Order of Mapungubwe recognises South Africans who have excelled and attained exceptional achievement to the benefit of South Africa and beyond.
  • The Order of the Companions of OR Tambo recognises eminent foreign nationals for friendship shown to South Africa. It is therefore an Order of peace, cooperation and active expression of solidarity and support.
Nominations forms are available on The Presidency's website at  Members of the public are urged to attach a short motivation on the person nominated. 

Self-nomination or the nomination of public servants is not permissible. – Source:
The short black-and-white clip shows a smartly-dressed Mandela answering questions at the Old Synagogue in Pretoria.
New footage has emerged of the late President Nelson Mandela speaking with a journalist in 1956, five years earlier than what was thought to have been his first television interview.

It was previously believed that his first televised interview was with British journalist, Brian Widlake, while he was underground in May 1961.

Challenging this is footage believed to have been filmed during a break at the 1956 Treason Trial.

Mandela told the camera, "From the very beginning, the African National Congress set itself the task of fighting against white supremacy. We have always regarded it as wrong for one racial group to dominate another racial group," he said.

"And from the very beginning, the African National Congress has fought without hesitation against all forms of racial discrimination and we shall continue to do so until freedom is achieved."

Neither the interviewer, nor the exact date of the interview, was known at this stage.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation said on 1 September that a Netherlands broadcaster, AVRO, transmitted the video on 31 January 1961.

The rights holder, AVROTROS, waived its licence fee for the foundation and authorised that it could use it for a year.

Zanele Riba, the foundation's archivist, said they were excited to have in their hands such historical material.

The footage was included in a programme on apartheid South Africa, called Boeren en Bantoes. Among those interviewed were anti-apartheid activists Ahmed Kathrada and Helen Joseph.
Speaking recently at the unveiling ceremony in Upington, Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi said Jantjies played an important role in South Africa’s socio-cultural environment.
The Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, has unveiled a memorial in honour of Magrieta Jantjies who played a significant role in preserving the Nuu language. “She deserves this honour and our department has therefore erected a memorial for her so that the next generation will learn about this heroine,” she said.

Ouma Griet, as she was known, was Khoisan and one of the last to speak the language fluently. Nuu has been displaced with Afrikaans and Nama by the current Khoisan generation. The late Jantjies lived in Rosedale, in Upington in the Northern Cape, and she passed away on 31 December 2015. The Nuu language is listed as one of the critically endangered languages in the world by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

The language has 112 distinct sounds, which were passed on orally down the generations, but was never written down. It has one of the biggest speech sound inventories in the world, with more than 45 click sounds, 30 non-click consonants and 37 vowels. When the apartheid government took over in 1948, those who spoke the Nuu language, around the farms, were compelled to speak Afrikaans. Gradually, the language began to recede and decline with some of the words becoming completely extinct.

Jantjies' grave was identified as a grave of cultural significance in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999. “Today, we should all be celebrating and, if it was possible, having our conversation in Nuu. It is these languages that are a masterpiece of our diverse and unique cultural heritage,” Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi said. “Let us be proud of our languages, a cultural heritage which is enshrined and protected by our Constitution. – Source:
Batswana have now made the North West their second home as they visit and spend time in the province on holidays.
A venture by the North West Department of Tourism to market the province in neighbouring Botswana has grown enormously in the past eight years. The venture has injected millions of rands, spent by Botswana tourists, into the province.

North West Tourism MEC, Desbo Mohono, led a campaign to Gaborone recently to further promote the North West province as a preferred tourism destination. The department, together with its agency, the North West Tourism Board, took the opportunity to promote the provincial programme of villages, townships and small dorpies (VTSD).

Patrons attending the events were introduced to guesthouses and other tourism products based in the VTSD areas. Some were even offered free weekends away at these destinations. 

Speaking at the event, the chairperson of the North West Tourism Board, David Mogashoa, hailed the support and the humility displayed by the people of Botswana when visiting the North West province.

“For the past eight years since the commencement of this venture, many people from Botswana have had the opportunity of visiting our province.

“We are also in the process of negotiating with Botswana Tourism, which wants to send 40 young people to study in our hotel schools. That simply signals great partnership between the two tourism entities,” said Mogashoa.

Deputy High Commissioner in Botswana, Bulelwa Kiva, also endorsed how the tourism venture had contributed to the South African economy. She assured the people of Botswana of the good relations between the two countries.

“The people of Botswana and most of the North West are one people. They share the same culture, language and relate well,” said Kiva. – Source:
The primary aim of the month-long event is to promote South African musical heritage to a wider audience, from an academic, historical and visual perspective.
The September Jive art exhibition and music seminar series is celebrating Heritage Month with a tribute to the musical heritage of South Africa.

Curated by former Gallo Music archivist, Rob Allingham, with support from the Southern African Music Right Organisation and the French Institute of South Africa, it is being held at Alliance Française in Parkview, Johannesburg, from 1 to 30 September 2016.

A series of events is providing a platform to meet, discuss and engage with the undeniable diversity and fertile history of South African music. It will comprise two art exhibitions, as well as panel discussions and screenings of music documentaries and music-themed films.

Entrance to the exhibits, discussions and viewings is free throughout the month.

For more information, visit the September Jive Facebook page. – Source: Alliance Française of Johannesburg and
The annual Travel Awards asked its readers to rate their favourite countries based on various criteria, including food, accommodation, scenery and value for money.
Condé Nast Traveller readers have had their say and the fourth best country on the planet to travel to, according to these seasoned travellers, is South Africa.

The readers – from around the globe – voted Greece as the number one spot in the 2016 Readers’ Awards, Italy as the second (with the best food), United States of America third (with the best places to stay) and South Africa as fourth, offering the greatest value for money. France came fifth. Australia came eighth but won the best scenery category for its “vast open spaces and dramatic coastlines”.

In the Ultimate Travel Top 20 Category – which lists the very best of the best travel experiences around the world (be it a country, island or hotel) – a South African luxury lodge –  Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve & Wellness Retreat – was featured in 20th position.

Bushmans is nestled in the foothills of the Cederberg Mountains, offering a “distinctive wilderness experience among open plains and ancient sandstone formations, including over 130 sites of bush art paintings”, according to its website.

The only other African destination on the list was Singita Grumeti in Tanzania, at fifth. – Source:
South African shoppers’ faith in large retail centres is unabated, and many people are choosing to visit malls once or twice a month, doing all of their shopping, as opposed to visiting many small malls many times in a month.
Menlyn Park, Pretoria, is quietly becoming the largest shopping centre in Africa, usurping Durban’s Gateway Theatre of Shopping. It is also set to be larger than the iconic shopping centre, Sandton City in Gauteng, and the recently opened Mall of Africa, also in Gauteng.

Menlyn Park, which is owned by private company Pareto, is being extended by 50 000 m² through a project that costs about R2 billion. The super regional mall will be 169 253 m² in size by November 2016, and contain about 500 stores. Certain parts of the mall are also being refurbished.

Twelve concierge ambassadors have been appointed to help shoppers and minimise inconvenience.

Gateway is now South Africa’s second-largest mall, at 166 636 m² and contains 362 stores. Sandton City follows next: it is 146 803 m² and has about 300 stores. Canal Walk is the largest shopping centre in the Western Cape, at 140 567 m², with 412 stores.

Mall of Africa, located in the recently constructed Waterfall City in Midrand is 130 000 m². It has about 300 stores. It is, nevertheless, the largest mall to be built within a single phase. – Source:
Proudly South Africa has launched a #MeetTheLocals campaign as part of their “buy local”
drive … and one of the first companies to be introduced is BMW.
In a series of #MeetTheLocals tweets, Proudly SA has introduced BMW, and applauded the company for:
  • being the first @BMWGroup plant to be established outside of Germany
  • recently producing its one millionth 3 Series sedan at the Rosslyn plant
  • investing R6 billion to start building the @BMW_SA X3 in South Africa and phase out the 3 Series by 2019 … which leads to #JobCreation
  • creating over 3 600 direct jobs and about 12 000 more through supporting of suppliers of vehicle parts.
BMW was founded in Munich, Germany, 100 years ago on 7 March 1916, and celebrates its centenary this year. – Source:
The opening night, on 1 September 2016, was a huge success with a crowd of over 300 art fans and several fantastic sales.
An exhibition by South African artist Portchie has opened to great enthusiasm at La Galleria Pall Mall in London, United Kingdom.

Portchie, who grew up in the Free State, reported on Facebook that “people loved the layout of the exhibition and all the different things like the paintings, cushions, trays, handbags, postcards and sculptures which were for sale. There was such a lively atmosphere and everybody talked loud and laughed a lot”.

Portchie’s work is varied – from cloth to jewellery, sculptures to paintings. He says on his website that “I see joy in most things …

“For me, joy doesn’t come in black and brown, it comes in all different colours. My whole being is made up of beautiful people around me who make me smile. I think about what I can do to make them smile.”

The exhibition runs until 14 September 2016. – Source:
The festival promises a week of world-class entertainment that will enthral audiences expected to descend on the City of Mangaung from beyond the borders of the Free State and even South Africa.
The Free State Provincial Government, through the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, is proud to host the 2016 MACUFE, which is now in its 19th year.

Building towards its 20th Anniversary in 2017, the festival promises to continue to provide world-class entertainment to its solid patrons who have grown astronomically in numbers over the years.

Still guided by its pay-off-line, “When Your Heart and Soul is African”, the 2016 MACUFE edition will be rolled out from 30 September to 9 October. On the international front, international artists of note will continue to feature as part of the programme. For the 2016 edition, music lovers can expect to be enthralled by the likes of Karyn White (USA), Andy Narell (USA) and Romeo Mputu (DRC).

The 2016 edition will again feature a very exiting MACUFE theatre programme. Due to incredible popular demand, Richard Loring's multi-award winning musical, African Footprint, will be returning to the MACUFE Festival from 3 to 7 October 2016.

African Footprint continues to be South Africa's longest-running musical, and the cast are thrilled to be able to perform in front of local audiences once again, this time in Bloemfontein at the Civic Theatre.

For the nourishment and revival of the soul, the following gospel singers will be at hand during the MACUFE Gospel Show: Solly Mahlangu, Deborah Frazer, Sello Malete, Siphokazi, Lesego, Rofhiwa, Dr Tumi, Teboho, Thoko, Paul Lechalaba and Free State Extravaganza.
Fifty per cent of the proceeds from the sale of those bottles will go towards fighting AIDS.
South African artist, Esther Mahlangu, and American recording artist, John Legend, have joined forces with Belvedere Vodka to help fight AIDS in Africa.

Mahlangu’s ndebele artwork will be displayed on the beverage maker’s bottles marked with the (Red) logo.

John Legend is the brand ambassador for the Belvedere (Red) brand. – Source:
Ultra South Africa will be taking place on Friday, 24 February 2017, at the Cape Town Stadium (new venue) and Saturday, 25 February 2017, at its Jo'burg home, the Nasrec Expo Centre.
Ultra South Africa announced recently that two of the world's biggest names in dance music, David Guetta and Martin Garrix, will be headlining the 2017 festival.

David Guetta, the French DJ who hasn’t performed in South Africa in over five years, and who has since achieved such career highlights as opening and closing Euro 2016, is no stranger to the Ultra family. Already this year, he has rocked the masses, having played at the Ultra Music Festival Miami in March and Ultra Europe in July.

Martin Garrix returns to Ultra South Africa after having been one of the first international Ultra South Africa DJs that played in year one (2014), and also in year two (2015), and with local fans having begged for his return ever since. Known as "EDM's youngest superstar", Martin continues to top global charts, sell multi-platinum records, and headline festival main stages worldwide. – Source:
The spotlight is now on the SA Paralympics team at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio.
The event is being held in Rio from 7 to 18 September and the South Africans have the tough task of surpassing the haul of 29 medals – eight gold‚ 12 silver and nine bronze – they managed at the London Games four years ago.

The spectacular opening ceremony on 7 September was held at the iconic Maracana Stadium, the same stadium used for the Olympic Games last month. Numbering 45 in total, Team SA are smaller team than 2012 in London, but just as proud of heart and with heaps of spirit, were the second team into the stadium. In an unusual and very real aspect to the ceremony, bright lights were used to temporarily "blind" the crowd in an attempt to drum home to spectators the reality that Paralympic athletes face, forcing them to rely on other senses such as hearing.

Javelin thrower Zanele Situ carried the South African flag at the opening ceremony. – Source:
The event draws riders from all around Africa, throwing tough competition at our local BMX heroes.
October’s 2016 African Continental BMX Championships will be proudly hosted by Giba Gorge Park in KwaZulu-Natal.

Sunday, 2 October, will welcome the African Continental Championships, which attracts not only riders as young as five years old, but also riders all the way up to 50 years of age. This event will draw competitors of all ages from all around Africa.

Neighbouring country and regular friend of the South African BMX community, Zimbabwe, has confirmed their entry to the event, and race organisers expect keen interest from other African countries as well.

South African BMX superstars Alex Limberg, Dylan Eggar, Manqoba Madida and Tyler Klumper, along with Rio Olympian Kyle Dodd (to name a few), are also in the mix to battle it out for their respective continental titles.

The venue, Giba Gorge in sunny KwaZulu-Natal, will not only be hosting the African Continental BMX Championships on the Sunday, but also the South African National BMX Championships and the last two rounds of the National Age Group Series on the Saturday.

Giba Gorge is a favourite among many South African BMX enthusiasts, and the only track in Africa with a BMX Supercross track. There is also a 8-metre and 5-m start hill. The venue hosted both the African Continental and South African National BMX Championships two years ago. – Source:
His move to the top spot came after producing a match-winning performance in the Centurion Test that helped South Africa complete a 204-run victory over New Zealand recently.
South African cricketer Dale Steyn has stormed back to the number one spot in the ICC (International Cricket Council) Player Rankings for Test Bowlers.

Steyn, who grabbed five for 33 in the second innings in what was his 26th five-wicket haul, finished with match figures of eight for 99 to regain the top slot.

After reclaiming the number one ranking in February 2014 against Australia at Centurion, the 33-year-old had enjoyed the top spot until a shoulder injury in the Durban Test against England in December 2015 limited his bowling.

India off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin took advantage of Steyn’s absence and backed up by some strong individual performances, finished the year as the top-ranked bowler.

Steyn has leapfrogged Ashwin and top-ranked England pace bowler James Anderson to take the top slot, which he first occupied jointly with retired Sri Lanka off-spinner, Muttiah Muralidaran, in April 2008.

Steyn has now been number-one for a record 263 tests with Muralidaran coming second in the list at 214 weeks. In terms of days, Steyn has spent 2 320 days at the top, the most by any bowler since World War II. – Source:
This is Africa’s biggest kite festival. Kiters from Canada, China, Germany, England, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore and
all over South Africa are expected to attend.
Born To Fly is the theme of the 22nd Cape Town International Kite Festival, which will fill the sky with incredible kites on 29 and 30 October 2016 in Muizenberg.

"We believe everyone is born with potential to fly beyond life’s circumstances," says Ingrid Daniels, director of Cape Mental Health, the organiser of the annual kiting extravaganza. "Our mission is to help people realise their potential and overcome mental health challenges they may encounter. Kites are one of the tools we use. Almost everyone feels lighter when they simply lift their heads and look up."

It is South Africa’s biggest mental health awareness event, with 100% of the profit going to help provide vital mental health services to children and adults in Cape Town and beyond.

The festival offers affordable, feel-good, family fun with free kite-making workshops daily, including specialist sessions with master kite-maker, Ebrahim Sambo (from Athlone), who will be showing how to create a traditional Cape Swaeltjie (Swallow) kite. With a market, food trucks and tea garden, there are plenty of food options, or bring along a picnic and let your spirit soar as you watch some of the world’s most amazing kites embrace African skies.

The Cape Town International Kite Festival will happen on (and above) the lawns of Zandvlei Nature Reserve, Muizenberg.
In replicating the finishing order from Rio, Burundi's Francine Niyonsaba was second in 1:56.76 while Kenya's Margaret Wambui claimed bronze in 1:57.04.
Caster Semenya won the women's 800m event at the IAAF Diamond League meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, recently.

Semenya, the Rio Olympic champion over the distance, won in a time of 1:56.44 after her customary burst down the final straight.

In winning, Semenya also captured the Diamond Race in the event, for which she picked up US$40 000 (R585 000). In the men's 100-m event, Akani Simbine finished second in a time of 9.99 behind Asafa Powell of Jamaica who stopped the clock in 9.94.

In the men's 400-m, LJ van Zyl finished third in a time 48.80 behind Javier Culson (48.79) and Olympic champion, Kerron Clement who crossed the line in 48.72. – Source:
Hougaard was a reserve for the SA Sevens team at the recent Rio Olympics where rugby made its return to the gathering for the first time in 92 years.
Springbok utility back Francois Hougaard was recently presented with an Olympic bronze medal to replace the one he gave away to teammate Seabelo Senatla.

Hougaard only appeared in the semi-final against Great Britain and the third/fourth match against Japan‚ having replaced the injured Senatla‚ but found himself on the podium when South Africa took bronze.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) only allocated 12 medals per squad for the event‚ and Hougaard was the 13th player.

Although he was the recipient of the medal on the podium‚ Hougaard later gave it to Senatla‚ who had played in the first four matches at the Olympics‚ as well as starring for the Blitzboks the entire season. It was a selfless act by Hougaard and one that rightly earned him praise.

But behind the scenes, several officials worked to convince the IOC to award Hougaard a medal for what was essentially the most Olympian of gestures.

As the Boks departed for the Australasian leg of the Rugby Championship from Johannesburg recently, Hougaard was surprised when fellow Blitzbok and Bok teammate, Juan de Jongh, presented him with a new Rio bronze medal.

“This is a wonderful surprise and something I really didn’t expect‚” said Hougaard.

“When I gave the medal the Seabelo‚ I felt he deserved it more than I did‚ and I still feel so‚ but having played a part in Rio‚ I’m very grateful to have received this medal and I would like to thank everyone involved in making it possible. It’s something I will cherish for many years as one of the best moments of my rugby career.” – Source:
Binder holds a massive 86-point lead over Navarro – 204 points to 118 – with six races remaining.
South African rider, Brad Binder (KTM), looks unstoppable in his pursuit of the Moto3 title after he won the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on 4 September.

The 21-year-old, who had suffered a rare hiccough when he fell in the Czech Grand Prix last time out, came home ahead of Francesco Bagnaia with Bo Bendsneyder claiming third for his first-ever podium finish.

Binder's task in winning the title became markedly easier when closest rival Jorge Navarro came to grief with just two laps remaining. – Source:
Le Clos won his third gold with the 100-m butterfly in a time of 49.01; and silver in the 50-m freestyle in a time of 21.05, just behind Vladimir Morozov of Russia’s 20.98.
South Africa’s Chad le Clos and Russia’s Yulia Efimova were honoured on 4 September as the best swimmers of the FINA Moscow meet, with Le Clos now in possession of nine gold, two silver and one bronze in the Swimming World Cup series 2016 at the end of Cluster 1 (Paris, Berlin, Moscow).

Although Le Clos won the Moscow competition, Morozov was awarded US$50,000 as overall male winner of Cluster 1.

He was runner-up to Le Clos in 2013. “Now I’m in the lead with some advantage,” he said. “But Chad has a great potential. He is able to beat his fly records.”

South Africa’s Cameron van der Burgh scooped his eighth gold medal for Cluster 1, winning the men’s 100-m breaststroke event in 56.64.

It’s been an awesome effort by Van der Burgh and Le Clos, dominating the first three legs of the Final World Cup Series … with 18 golds between them! – Source:
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