Issue 240 |15 September 2016
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The South African Government wishes the rescue and recovery teams every success in their efforts.
President Jacob Zuma has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, extended the country’s deepest condolences to the United Republic of Tanzania following a 5.7 magnitude earthquake that struck north-west Tanzania, close to Lake Victoria and the borders of Uganda and Rwanda, resulting in the deaths and injuries of scores of people.

President Zuma said: “I wish to extend our condolences to President John Magufuli, the Government and the people of Tanzania. The people of South Africa share the pain and loss of the loved ones, their homes and property, and our thoughts and prayers go out to all the affected families. We also wish the injured a speedy recovery.”
On 13 September, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, briefed the media on recent engagements as well as upcoming activities in the implementation of South Africa’s international programme at the OR Tambo Building, Pretoria
Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said that South Africa participated in the 36th Ordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit of Heads of State in Mbabane, Swaziland, from 30 to 31 August 2016 under the theme “Resource Mobilisation for Investment in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure for an Inclusive SADC Industrialisation and for the Prosperity of the Region”.

“The summit elected President Jacob Zuma as the Incoming Chair of SADC for 2017 to 2018.

“On the political and security situation in the region, the Chair of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, Mozambique’s President Filipe Nyusi, presented a report on the political and security developments in the region.

“Within this context, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, the SADC Facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho, presented his report on progress and challenges in that process, which include constitutional, public and security sector reforms.

“On the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): The summit urged DRC stakeholders to participate in the National Inclusive Dialogue, and to agree on a roadmap leading to the elections; and expressed its support to the National Inclusive Dialogue facilitated by the African Union (AU).

“On the Kingdom of Lesotho: The summit urged the Kingdom of Lesotho to ensure all-inclusive processes for the constitutional, public sector and security sector reforms in line with the decisions of the Double Troika, including representatives of civil-society organisations, opposition political parties, academia, media and the private sector. The summit further urged Lesotho to continue and expedite the implementation of the decisions of the Double Troika Summit of 18 January and 28 June 2016, respectively.

“The summit noted that the Republic of Botswana reconfirmed that Dr Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi would still represent the region as a candidate for the position of AU Commission Chairperson at the next elections in January 2017 during the AU Summit in Addis Ababa.“

Addressing the media briefing on South Africa’s participation in the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China, from 4 to 5 September 2016, the Minister said that the outcome of the summit was ambitious and substantive.

“We were also pleased that the B20 Summit, where President Zuma participated as a panellist, complemented the theme of the G20. The recommendations of the B20 therefore will contribute positively to realising our objective of achieving an “Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World.”

“Key outcomes of the summit for South Africa and Africa include:
  • a commitment to multilateralism and the Doha Development Agenda
  • G20 support for development and industrialisation
  • A Blueprint on Innovative Growth
  • illicit financial flows
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance.
“The linkage between peace and development was recognised during the deliberations at the summit. In this regard, global challenges such as terrorism and mass migration also received attention at the summit.”

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane will lead the South African delegation to the 17th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) under the theme “Peace, Sovereignty and Solidarity for Development”, to be held in Margarita Island, Venezuela, on 17 and 18 September 2016. 

The summit is held every three years and the last summit was held in Tehran, Iran, on 30 and 31 August 2012. This year’s summit will be preceded by the NAM Ministerial Meeting to be held on 15 and 16 September 2016.

The NAM Committee on Palestine will also be held parallel to the Preparatory Ministerial Meeting on the afternoon of 15 September 2016.

The President of Venezuela will be elected by acclamation as Chairperson of the XVII Summit.

The General Debate of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA71) will take place in New York from 20 to 26 September 2016 under the theme: “The Sustainable Development Goals: A Universal Push to Transform our World”.

“This year’s general debate takes place in the context of growing interconnected global challenges, which include growing instability brought about by, inter alia, continued conflict; increased cases of terrorism; large-scale movements of refugees and migrants; economic stagnation; and underdevelopment.

“Deliberations will include UN reform, within the context of the revitalisation of the UNGA, improvement of the work of the Economic and Social Council and most importantly, the substantive reform of the UN Security Council.

“This year will also be the final general debate under the term of the current Secretary-General, Ban Ki Moon, whose term ends at the end of December."
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed at the second Investment Africa Investment Forum attended by President Jacob Zuma in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, in China. The President stopped over in Guangzhou from Hangzhou, where he participated in the G20 Summit.
The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa and China Communications Construction Company Limited have signed a MoU to explore various infrastructure development initiatives.

Key among them is the Moloto Rail Development Corridor, The Presidency said.

The construction of the Moloto Rail Development Corridor is a direct response by government to excessive traffic congestion, numerous fatal road accidents and general economic underdevelopment in the area.

The Moloto Rail Project’s main objective is to ensure that passenger rail becomes the backbone of an integrated multi-modal transport system, using proven state-of-the-art rolling stock and equipment.

The project would serve as a catalyst for economic development initiatives within and around the corridor, resolving challenges of safety, efficiency, reliability, affordability and overall integration with other public transport services.

Speaking at the investment forum, President Zuma said the project was designed to change the quality of life for people in the area by cutting the long commuting distances from home to work.

He called on the Chinese business community to further explore investment opportunities in South Africa and Africa.

“Our message is clear. Africa is open for business. Africa is open for partnerships with China. A lot of economic interaction is already taking place between China and Africa with good results,” said President Zuma.

He assured the forum that the South African economy was resilient and had the potential to grow even more, despite the significant domestic and global headwinds it faced.

The President was accompanied in Guangzhou at the investment forum by the ministers of international relations and cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; and trade and industry, Rob Davies; and the Deputy Minister of Transport, Sindi Chikunga. – Source:
The Government and the people of South Africa condemn these cowardly, savage attacks in the strongest possible terms. We are convinced that there can never be any justification for such callous acts in pursuit of any political objective.
The South African Government has learnt with dismay of the brutal mass murder of 40 Syrian civilians in separate bombings in Tartous, Homs, Damascus countryside and Hasaka, by the ISIS terror group on Monday, 5 September 2016.

Reports indicate that a suicidal terrorist exploded a car bomb at the entrance of Tartous city, then another detonated his explosive belt amid those that had rushed to help the wounded, claiming the lives of 30 innocent Syrians. Another terrorist detonated his car bomb at the entrance of Homs city, killing four people. Two terrorists detonated their explosive belts in the Damascus countryside, killing four civilians. In Hasaka, another terrorist exploded his motorbike claiming five lives in the process.

The South African Government views the unfolding events in Syria in a very serious light and calls on all Syrians to embrace dialogue, as spearheaded by Dr Steffan De Mistura, the United Nations Special Representative, and other multilateral and bilateral efforts underway aimed at bringing peace in Syria through dialogue.
CoP17 is set to be the largest ever meeting of the Conference of the Parties, with a record number of agenda items, side events and delegates expected to attend.
Media are invited to register for the 17th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP17), or the World Wildlife Conference, to be held in Johannesburg from 24 September to 5 October 2016.

The  South African Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, on 3 March 2016 signed the Host Country Agreement for CITES CoP17 with the Secretary-General of CITES, John E Scanlon, on the margins of an international conference on wildlife crime in The Hague, the Netherlands.

South Africa was one of the first signatories to CITES in 1975 and continues to play an active role in the implementation and enforcement of the convention.

At CoP17, parties will collectively evaluate the progress made since the last meeting of CoP in 2013 and will consider 62 proposals (involving 500 species) to increase or decrease controls on international trade in wildlife animals and plants, submitted by 64 parties from around the world.

Among the species involved are African elephant, white rhinoceros, lion, pangolins, sharks, devil rays, as well as many species of rosewood, crocodiles, birds, frogs, lizards, turtles and other animals and plants.

CoP17 will also take decisions concerning the CITES budget, livelihoods, traceability and sustainability of trade, combating illegal trade, including fighting corruption and cybercrime, demand reduction strategies, national laws and compliance. These will guide the work of the parties and the Secretariat until CoP18 in 2019. The CoP will be preceded by a high-level Ministerial Lekgotla on CITES and the United Nations sustainable development goals, hosted by South Africa.

Media wishing to register to cover CITES CoP17, may do so by visiting:
Media are required to register online at least four days prior to arrival at the conference to meet security screening requirements. Media will not be able to register on arrival at the venue.

Further CITES CoP17 information can be accessed by visiting
The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation has extended the deadline for written submissions on the Foreign Services Bill of 2016.
The Chairperson of the committee, Siphosezwe Masango, said the committee would continue to receive input from the public and stakeholders on the Bill until it was satisfied that the voice of South Africans was reflected.

He called on the public to make submissions, as it was part of Parliament’s mandate to involve the public in the legislative process.

“Foreign service should not be about protocol and compliance, but about how people understand and relate to it.

The field of diplomacy is a discipline that ordinary people do not take a keen interest in and yet it impacts on their everyday lives,” Mr Masango said.

He said South Africans should be given enough time to make input on the Bill, as it was about how the country was best projected in the world.

The Foreign Services Bill seeks to regulate officials working in South African embassies and the conditions for the Foreign Service, while aligning it more broadly with policy within the Public Service and South African legislation.

Mr Masango said the Bill would harmonise the Foreign Service and brought certainty into the scope of work for the Department of International Relations and Cooperation abroad.

He said this was a preparatory ground for the country to deploy ambassadors, high commissioners and trade attachés, among others, who would best represent the country abroad and who were well versed in all kinds of diplomacy.
The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has been awarded a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) International Literacy Award for its Kha Ri Gude mass literacy campaign.
The department received the 2016 UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy at a ceremony held in Paris on Thursday, 8 September.

The Kha Ri Gude mass literacy campaign was launched in 2008 to fulfil the ambitions of the Freedom Charter.

“The campaign recruits volunteers, who make up the thousands of community-based coordinators, supervisors and educators who have been running literacy courses every year since the inception of the campaign.

“The volunteers teach at community-based learning centres across the country as well as at informal venues such as backyards, local churches and even bus shelters,” said the department.

To date, the campaign has touched 4,7 million people across the country. Its main focus is basic literacy and numeracy skills for people who never had the opportunity to learn to read and write.

“The UNESCO Jury appreciated the Kha Ri Gude programme for its well-developed mass literacy campaign that applied scientific research on how illiterate adults read.

"The panel found it impressive that since its inception in 2008, the programme had taught urban-and rural-based adults in 11 official languages, including Braille,” said the department.

Since 1967, UNESCO has awarded international literacy prizes to outstanding and innovative programmes that promote literacy. This year, the awards were held under the theme, “Innovation in Literacy”.

The department said its Minister Angie Motshekga was represented by the South African Ambassador to France and Permanent Representative to UNESCO, Rapulane Molekane, who received the award on behalf of the department and country.
Medupi’s Unit 5 was synchronised to the national power grid recently, becoming the second of the power station’s six units to come on stream.
This means the generator in the unit is connected into the power grid so that it is aligned with all other generators on the national grid. It then starts to generate and deliver electricity into the grid over several months.

Once completed, Medupi will be the fourth-largest coal-fired power plant, and the largest dry-cooled power station in the world. It will consist of six units with an installed capacity of 4 800 MW. The planned operational life of the power station is 50 years.

The synchronisation of Unit 5 also marks a key milestone towards the full commercial operation of the unit ahead of its scheduled commercial operation in March 2018.

Eskom Group Chief Executive, Brian Molefe, said, “Medupi Unit 5 synchronisation is a clear indication that we are on track on delivering the entire New Build Programme to the country. This milestone further strengthens our position that loadshedding is becoming a thing of the past. I am thrilled by this achievement. Eskom has turned the corner.”

The Medupi power station uses direct dry-cooling systems due to the water scarcity in the Lephalale area.

The technology enables the power plant to operate with greater efficiency, resulting in better use of natural resources such as water and coal, and will have improved environmental performance. – Source:
Harmony Gold Mining and White Rivers Exploration said they found a major gold deposit in South Africa’s Free State that could lead to one of the country’s first new mines for the metal in the last 25 years.
The resource contains 11,5 million ounces of gold at a grade of 8,9 grams per tonne of ore, White Rivers said in a statement. Mining would take place 1,1 km to 2,2 kilometers below ground, next to Harmony’s Target mine, it said. The project is 65% owned by White Rivers and 35% by Harmony.

“The joint venture project’s close proximity to Harmony Gold’s Target mine provides direct access to existing infrastructure, thereby limiting capital funding required and facilitating a fast-track development, resulting in a payback of under four years,” White Rivers said.

The companies plan to conduct a full prefeasibility study to examine the economic merits of the project, which would be one of the first new gold mines to open in South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin since the South Deep mine began in 1990. It is now owned by Gold Fields.

Producers have extensively mined the Witwatersrand gold basin since it was discovered in 1886. South Africa was the world’s top bullion producer for more than 100 years until 2007, and dropped to the sixth-largest in 2015, according to the World Gold Council.

Once up and running, the White Rivers-Harmony project could produce 250 000 ounces to 300 000 ounces of gold a year for more than 30 years, White Rivers said. The area is also “highly prospective” for uranium, it said. – Source:
The “Tourism for All” theme gives everyone an opportunity to promote universal accessibility while encouraging the tourism industry to cater for all South Africans.
Tourism Month is an annual celebration held in September to focus on the importance of tourism to the economy of South Africa under the theme: “Tourism for All”. The theme is in line with the World Tourism Day theme: “Tourism for All – Promoting Universal Accessibility".

Tourism Month provides the tourism industry with the opportunity for a heightened focus on the importance of tourism to the local economy. It also serves as an opportunity to promote domestic tourism and create a culture of travel among South Africans.

Tourism Month aims to encourage South Africans to travel domestically to get a better understanding of the affordable, exciting and world-class attractions that are available on their own doorstep.

This dedicated month normally takes place in lesser visited provinces to give them an opportunity to showcase their tourism facilities and attractions. This year, the focus will be on the Free State with activities planned at Gariep Dam, Bloemfontein and Parys.

Tourism Month also aims to generate awareness on the enormous contribution that the tourism industry makes to provincial and national economic growth and job creation.

A crucial part of Tourism Month is to educate South Africans on the importance of this industry to the economy. According to Statistics South Africa, its direct gross domestic product contribution was R103,6 billion in 2013, rising from R93,5 billion in 2012.
The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, launched Heritage Month 2016 under the theme, “Celebrating Human Treasures by Asserting our African Identity” on Friday, 2 September 2016, at the Trevor Huddleston Memorial Centre in Sophiatown, Gauteng.
This year’s celebrations are aimed at highlighting the role played by the Living Human Treasures, our living legends, the custodians of the cultural heritage and indigenous knowledge for their immense contribution to the arts, culture and heritage sector. It was through the works of these icons that South Africa was able to get international organisations, civil-society movements and different nations across the globe to pledge solidarity and support the world-wide anti-apartheid movement.

"It is significant to launch this month in Sophiatown, an area which played such a pivotal role in the political and cultural struggle of our people and was forging a non-racialism that in 1955 earned the wrath of the apartheid government and was mercilessly demolished and its people forcibly removed to far-flung places.

“Indeed, we therefore meet today at a centre which is of great historical importance, as the Trevor Huddleston Centre commemorates the life of Rev. Huddleston and tells the story of the remarkable life and important contribution that this priest and activist made to the political life of Sophiatown in particular and our country as a whole”, said Minister Mthethwa.

“The South African jazz movement was vibrant through the Jazz Epistles, including Hugh Masekela, Kippie Moeketsi and Johnny Gertze, who played their music there and women artists, Miriam Makeka and Dolly Rathebe, who played to enthusiastic audiences. This is the area that produced some of the pioneering minds of “black journalism” in South Africa. The likes of Henry Nxumalo, Es’kia Mphahlele and Nat Nakasa used to traverse these streets. It was also here that Can Themba opened his home, which he fondly called the House of Truth, as a place of great ideas, intellectual engagement and robust debate.

"We know about the history of Sophiatown because legendary writers such as Bloke Modisane, Don Mattera and Lewis Nkosi took a conscious decision to record their experiences.

“We need to continue to embrace and celebrate our African identity in its entirety. In the clothing that we dress, in the cuisine that we eat, in the hairstyles we adorn ourselves with, in the languages we speak in our daily lives, in our idiomatic expressions and in the content of our conversations, in our embrace of Ubuntu, in the plans and dreams we have for this country together, in the multilateralism that we hold dear in our global relations, we are African and we proudly assert our African identity,”emphasised Minister Mthethwa.
Buddy Bear is the German capital's symbol for international friendship.
The German Consulate in Cape Town is looking for a local artist to paint its nearly life-size statue of the Berlin "Buddy Bear".

According to Adrian Raiser of the Consulate's cultural department, the Consulate in Cape Town has received its own unpainted Buddy Bear and is inviting local artists to tender to paint it.

A similar project was completed in Miami in the United States of America earlier this year, for instance. The winning artist in Miami incorporated symbols of both Berlin and Miami in her unique colours and design when painting the bear.

Local artists interested to tender for the project, can contact Raiser on – Source:
Rhino poaching in South Africa is on the decline while elephant poaching has shown an increase in 2016, Environmental Affairs Minister, Edna Molewa, has announced.
In the period from January until August 31, a total of 458 poached rhino carcasses were found in the Kruger National Park, compared to 557 in the same period last year. This is a decline of 17,8%.

"We are pleased to announce yet again, as we did in January and May, that poaching is on the decline in the Kruger National Park – the area hardest hit," Molewa said.

Nationally, 702 rhino were poached since the beginning of 2016 whereas between January and July 2015, a total of 796 rhino were poached.

According to the review, poaching rates (the number of carcasses as a percentage of the number of live rhinos estimated the previous September for each year) decreased by 15,5% compared to 2015's 9,6%.

These figures come amid a 27,87% increase in the number of illegal incursions into the Kruger National Park – a worrying 2 115 from January to August this year.

The number of rhino poached has, however, increased in KwaZulu-Natal, Free State and the Northern Cape, but the total number still adds up to a national decline.

Although rhino poaching shows a decline, 36 elephants have been poached in the Kruger National Park since January. 

A total of 414 alleged poachers have been arrested in South Africa since January. Of these, 177 were made in Kruger and 237 in the rest of the country. A total of 94 firearms have been seized inside the park. – Source:
In commemoration of the 39th Anniversary of the murder in detention of Black Consciousness leader, Bantu Stephen Biko, Angela Davis, the distinguished United States author, activist and public intellectual, delivered the keynote address at the 17th Annual Steve Biko Memorial Lecture on Friday, 9 September, at the ZK Matthews Hall at Unisa.
Davis has long been outspoken about social and political ills and was for many years a professor in the History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Davis first became politically active in the civil rights struggles of the 1960, aligning herself with the more radical Black Panthers and Communist Party.

She became one of the FBI’s 10 most-wanted individuals at one stage, after her gun was used in a murder, and was jailed, but was later acquitted. Davis has written widely on women's rights and racial justice, including the book "Women, Race and Class".
The Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg was a hive of activity recently as members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) treated the public to a spectacular music and drill display.
The military musical display, the Johannesburg Military Tattoo, took place from 7 to 10 September under the theme “Honouring Great South Africans”.

“This year's event is meant to celebrate and honour our great South Africans who laid down their lives in the discovery of the City of Johannesburg – Africa's economic powerhouse,” the SANDF’s Major Hammilton Ngubane Ngubane told SAnews.

The performers included SANDF military bands, as well as other civilian bands, drill/cadet teams and dancers.

“SANDF iconic lyrical musical voices and singing sensations will be showcasing their music talents. Their experience drawn from various international tattoos they partook in over past 10 years, which includes Edinburg in Scotland, Norfolk and Virginia in USA and Moscow in Russia, will be evident at the event,” he said.

The SANDF also shared the stage with upcoming local musicians from the city as a way of transferring music skills.

Proceedings from the concert will be donated to a charity in the City of Johanesburg. – Source:
Twenty-five years ago, Esther Mahlangu, a South African artist, was the first woman to create artwork based on a BMW 525i sedan.
Its bodywork was adorned with the bright colours and unique ornamental shapes, typical of Ndebele art, thus turning it into a BMW Art Car.

Mahlangu has now, for the second time in 2016, joined forces with BMW and the automaker's 7-Series. In collaboration with BMW, Mahlangu transformed a luxury sedan into a dynamic work of art by painting her characteristic motifs on the real wood interior trims.

To facilitate this, the specialists at BMW Individual Manufaktur oversaw the full manufacturing process. It developed a special, white-coloured fine-wood trim to be painted with Esther’s images before sealing and installing them within the equally remarkable vehicle.

The one-of-a-kind vehicle will be shown to the public for the first time at the 2016 Frieze Art Fair (5 to 9 October) in Regent’s Park, London.

The vehicle will be offered during a silent auction. Proceeds from the sale of the vehicle will be donated to charity.

Ester said: "To paint is in my heart and it's in my blood. The way I paint was taught to me by my mother and my grandmother. The images and colours have changed and I have painted on many different surfaces and objects but I still love to paint. The patterns I have used on the BMW parts marry tradition to the essence of BMW.

"When BMW sent me the panels to paint, I could see the design in my head and I just wanted to get started! I start by painting the small ones first to get the feel of the surface and then it was easy as the design follows the lines of the panels.

"My art has taken me all over the world and I have seen many places, I have painted many walls and objects and my work is in many museums. But I am still Esther Mahlangu from Mpumalanga in South Africa. My heart was full of joy when BMW asked me again to paint for them.”

Ian Robertson, Member of the Board of the BMW AG, explained: “Within the framework of the long-term partnership with Frieze and Frieze Masters, we are combining our cultural engagement with BMW Individual for the very first time.

"I am delighted that we have been able to work again with Esther Mahlangu, an exceptional artist and someone I remember well from my time in South Africa. Together with experts from BMW Individual Manufaktur and BMW Group Design, Esther has created a unique work of art – a BMW Individual 7 Series that forms an extraordinary relationship between craftsmanship and Ndebele art." – Source:
The South African delegation is attending the TIFF, which takes place from the 8 to 18 September 2016. The delegation is led by the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) to support and increase audience access to South African films.
TIFF has become the launching pad for the best of international, Hollywood and Canadian films, and is recognised as the most important publicly attended film festival.

The NFVF screenings consist of South African box office hit, Happiness is a Four Letter Word, a romantic drama film directed by Thabang Moleya and written by Busisiwe Ntintili. The film is about a perfectionist, Nandi, who seems to have the new South African dream life within her grasp – but it all goes up in flames a few months before the wedding. With her friends, Nandi will have to find out what truly makes her happy and then fight to get it.

Mrs Right Guy, a film directed by Adze Ugah and written by Pusetso Thibedi and Cati Weinek, is a comedy about Gugu, the walking wounded, who rejects men long before they can get too close to rock her self-imposed exile from love. But to find bliss with the right guy, she must first realise nice guys not only have staying power but can be just right too.

The NFVF will also be screening the must-see, Kalushi – The Story of Solomon Mahlangu, a film directed by Mandla Dube.  A true story of the unlikiest hero, who, after the events of 16 June, joins the military to fight against the brutal oppression of the apartheid regime and ends up becoming an icon of South Africa's liberation movement.

Lastly, Pop Lock and Roll, by director Ziggy Hofmeyr and writer Steven Pillemer, is about an ambitious street style, hip hop dancer from a poor neighborhood who believes that money is everything. He gets a lucky break and rises as a professional entertainer, but when he falls in love with the beautiful Brazilian wife of the gangster-come-producer who is making his career, he'll have to risk career and life to find true happiness.
Thabo Rametsi's portrayal of anti-apartheid leader Solomon Mahlungu has seen the South African actor awarded top honours at the inaugural BRICS Film Festival in India recently.
Thabo was awarded the Best Actor accolade at an award ceremony for the international film festival, held recently.

Thabo plays the role of Solomon in a biopic about the activist's life, called Kalushi. The film also stars the likes of Jafta Mamabolo, Thabo Malema and Pearl Thusi.

The film was one of several South African films which were screened at the festival, including Free State, Tess and the box office hit, Mrs Right Guy.

Mrs Right Guy actor, Thapelo Mokoena, took to Instagram after the festival to congratulate Thabo and Kalushi on the award, and thank them for representing South Africa.

"Now, this film has not been released yet, but I can safely say (director) Mandla Dube and team have outdone themselves with this one. South Africa, we should embrace these talents and support them to continue telling our stories and inspire the world. I am so proud right now," he wrote. Take a look at the film's trailer below. – Source:
Since the commencement of extensive refurbishments and upgrades to the Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit in May 2015, the facility has seen a dramatic transformation.
The new 4,522-km Grand Prix circuit has been certified by the Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA) as a Grade 2 race track, conforming to stringent international safety and quality standards. Kyalami is the only current motor racing facility on the African continent to have been bestowed with such prestigious accreditation.

In his track report, FIA Formula One Safety Delegate, Charlie Whiting, wrote: "The track looked amazing and the attention to detail during the total refurbishment is second to none. I therefore have no hesitation in recommending that a Grade 2 circuit license is issued for the track". 

The new Kyalami International Convention Centre and pits complex are also complete. This multi-functional venue serves as a hub for the entire facility.

The 18 000-m² Dynamic Driver Training area, covered with low-friction asphalt, is now fully functional. Powerful irrigation systems afford "wet condition’ training in a safe and controlled environment. The 1,1-km Dynamic Handling Circuit is also complete, featuring irrigation on the lower portion of the circuit, for equally challenging driver training simulation. 

Kyalami stands proud as the preferred destination for a wide variety of public as well as private events, in the growing metropolis between Johannesburg and Pretoria.

While Kyalami has successfully hosted many events during the building phases, the first race meeting under the banner “Motorsport Festival” will be hosted from 21 to 23 October. – Source:
Olympian Ashleigh Moolman-Pasio will lead a 15-member national team at the Road World Championships in Doha next month, Cycling South Africa (CSA) confirmed recently.  
Moolman-Pasio, who was 10th in the road race at the recent Rio Games, would spearhead a group of six South African women in the elite division, while Reinardt Janse van Rensburg would lead a trio of men in the absence of Olympic riders Louis Meintjes, who was seventh in Rio, and Daryl Impey, reported The Citizen.

“This is the first year that we have sent such a large women’s team to the world champs,” said CSA road cycling commission director, Bosseau Boshoff. “To have the two junior ladies in the team as well (Nicolene Marais and Lynette Benson) will provide such great experience for them, and help us even more to grow and develop women’s cycling in the country.” – Source: Caxton News Service
Wayde van Niekerk, the golden boy of South African athletics who broke the 400-m world record at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games was presented with an Audi R8 on his arrival at OR Tambo International Airport recently.
The 24-year-old will be loaned a V10 Plus model for one year according to Audi South Africa. Van Niekerk was named as an Audi Sport Ambassador ahead of the Games in August.

Van Niekerk's time of 43.03 in the 400-m final broke a record that stood since 1999 by United States great Michael Johnson.
The Cape Town-born athlete was initially given an Audi RS3, but it seems his exploits in Brazil garnered him an upgrade. – Source:
South Africa’s Paralympic team is making the country proud in Rio.
Anrune Liebenberg took silver for South Africa in the women's T47 400 m in a time of 58.88 at the Rio Paralympic Games on Wednesday, 14 September (Thursday morning SA time). This is Liebenberg’s third Paralympic medal, as she won silver and bronze at the 2012 London Games. The 23-year-old took South Africa’s medal tally to nine overall.

Team South Africa won its first gold at the Paralympics after Kevin Paul took the 100-m breaststroke title in in the SB9 category.  The 25-year-old won gold at the Beijing games in 2008 and said after years of hard work he was able to replicate that achievement.

Hilton Langenhoven captured the second gold medal for South Africa when he won the men's long jump with his leap of 7,07 metres.

South Africa’s tally was increased when Charl du Toit and Fanie van der Merwe ran to first and third place respectively in the T37 100-metre track final.

Shortly after their gold-bronze sprint final, Stellenbosch training partner, Ilse Hayes, scorched to silver in the women’s T13 100m final.

This was followed by a silver for the 14-year-old Ntando Mahlangu in the 200m for above-the-knee amputees men's 200m T42 and Fanie van der Merwe winning a bronze medal in the men’s T37 100-me track.

In congratulating the medallists, President Jacob Zuma said: “We are immensely proud of Team South Africa for their remarkable performance and achievements at the Rio games as they continue to fly the South African flag high. South Africa continues to rally behind the Paralympic athletes and we are also encouraged by their fighting spirit in rising above challenging circumstances”.

The Paralympic Games concludes on 18 September.  
In a classic race, described as a “two-man game of chess”, South African rider Brad Binder duelled it out with Enea Bastianini at Misano World Circuit to clinch his fifth Moto3™ victory of the season.
The 21-year-old from Potchefstroom was racing for Red Bull KTM Ajo under a brilliantly blue sky on the Riviera di Rimini in San Marino.

The last 10 laps were the most exciting with Bastianini at the front at the beginning of the final lap … but Binder waited till that last lap to give it his all, and raced to victory.

The South African is now an incredible 106 points ahead of the rest on the leaderboard, which means the Championship title is within his grasp at MotorLand Aragon, Spain, where he will only need a lead of more than 100 points to win the trophy.

Binder’s incredible season began back in April when he blew away sports’ fans with his win at the Spanish Moto3 Grand Prix … after he started stone last. The victory was the first by a South African in the lightweight class, and the first time a South African had won in any class since Jon Ekerold won the 350cc race at Monza in 1981. – Source:
As South Africans tweeted their congratulations to Caster Semenya, who pulled off an extraordinary victory in the women’s 400 m at the Brussels’ Diamond League meeting recently, the Olympic 800-m gold medallist said now it’s time to “eat, sleep and study”.
Semenya finished her season recording a personal best of 50.40 for the win that looked completely out of question after the first half of the race.

“It’s fantastic!” said Semenya. “This is suicide! The 800 m is much better, the 400 m I do for speed.”

The South African judged her finish to perfection to see off Courtney Okolo and a threatening pack of Rio finalists led by Jamaica’s Olympic bronze medallist Shericka Jackson.

Outgoing Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, said: “Congratulations @caster800m on winning spectacularly in the #DiamondLeague. You carry the hopes of many young people”.

Fellow Olympic Gold athlete Wayde van Niekerk tweeted: “How dope was that 400m of @caster800m? That was insane … great season homie”

South African Minister of Sport, Fikile Mbalula, said: “Caster continues to make us very proud. @caster800m congratulations on yet another win.”

Semenya herself tweeted: “Officially off season. Thank you SOUTH AFRICA, AFRICA, THE WORLD, NIKE AND WIPHOLD, MY TEAM. I SULUTE YOU ALL MUCH LOVE #COBRA  YOU THE BEST.”

Semenya is now off to eat, sleep and study at the University of Pretoria, where she is a Sports Science student. – Source:
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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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