Issue 241 |23 September 2016
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The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA71) is held under the theme, “The Sustainable Development Goals: A Universal Push to Transform our World”.
President Jacob Zuma is attending the general debate of the 71st Session of the (UNGA71) in New York.

The general debate presents an opportunity for member states to take stock of the effectiveness of the UN. It is expected that member states will use the debate to chart a way forward to improve the organisation’s efficiency and relevance by making it more democratic, responsive and transparent.

“Deliberations are expected to focus on UN reform, including the revitalisation of the UNGA; improvement of the work of the Economic and Social Council; and most importantly, the substantive reform of the UN Security Council to expand its membership in both the permanent and non-permanent categories.

“This will also be the final general debate for the current Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki Moon, whose term ends on 31 December this year,” said The Presidency.

The process of appointing Ban’s successor is underway and is expected to feature in discussions at the general debate.

“South Africa will use the opportunity to communicate progress made towards achieving Africa’s development, including the industrialisation and regional integration drives, with the aim of achieving a better life for South Africans and all on the continent.

“South Africa will also continue to raise concern regarding the strength of the institutions of global governance, including the UN, specifically the Security Council, and to advocate for the urgent reform of these institutions, with the aim of correcting the historical injustice against Africa, reflected on their outdated structures,” said The Presidency.

President Zuma participated in high-level meetings on the margins of the general debate, including the meeting of the Plenary of the General Assembly on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants, on Monday, 19 September; the high-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, on Tuesday, 20 September; and an event to commemorate the five-year anniversary of the Open Government Partnership, hosted by South Africa.

President Zuma also attended the United States-Africa Business Forum hosted by United States President Barak Obama on Wednesday, 21 September.

South Africa participated in the high-level meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance and a segment on the Right to Development on Thursday.

“President Zuma is also expected to hold several bilateral meetings with his counterparts during UNGA71. The President will be accompanied by the ministers of international relations and cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; state security, David Mahlobo; home affairs, Malusi Gigaba; Health, Aaron Motsoaledi; Trade and Industry, Rob Davies; the Minister in The Presidency, Jeff Radebe; and the Deputy Minister of Public Service and Administration, Ayanda Dlodlo,” said The Presidency. – Source:
South Africa assumed the position of Lead Chair of the Partnership at the Mexico Summit in October 2015.
President Jacob Zuma hosted the five-year anniversary event of the OGP on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, on 20 September 2016.

The event also served as a platform for the official handover of the position of Lead Chair of the OGP by South Africa. It was attended by heads of state and government, civil-society leaders and others stakeholders who had been instrumental to the OGP’s success so far.

Since eight heads of state and government partnered with nine civil-society leaders to launch the OGP on the margins of UNGA in 2011, this partnership has grown to 70 governments and thousands of civil-society organisations across the world, with over 3 000 specific commitments to increase transparency and accountability of governments and improve public participation.

During its tenure as Lead Chair of this global partnership, South Africa championed the Open Government Declaration on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will see OGP member countries incorporating sustainable development goals in their OGP country action plans.

South Africa also prioritised legislative openness, open data and broadening civil-society participation to include grassroots organisations and vulnerable groups within the OGP.

The fifth anniversary event included participation of youth representatives who shared their perspectives on the future of the OGP. It reflected on the momentum and scale of achievements and commitments that had been made through the OGP and encouraged participants to address a number of challenges the partnership faces over the next five years.

The anniversary also served as a moment to pay tribute to Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States as the founding countries of the OGP. – Source:
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is the special envoy of President Jacob Zuma to South Sudan.
On 13 September, Deputy President Ramaphosa hosted a meeting of the visiting South Sudanese First Vice President, Taban Deng Gai, at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

First Vice President Deng briefed Deputy President Ramaphosa on the current political situation in the South Sudan, progress in the implementation of the Arusha Peace Agreement and developments regarding the reunification of the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Deputy President Ramaphosa has been working alongside the Secretary General of Tanzania's ruling party, Abdurahman Kinana, in efforts aimed at the reunification of the SPLM, which is critical for the consolidation of peace and stability and a condition for bringing the war in South Sudan to an end and thereby laying the basis for post-conflict reconstruction and development of the country.
The Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) BRICS ministers of foreign affairs held their regular meeting on 20 September 2016 on the margins of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
The ministers underlined the marked progress achieved since the first Meeting of Foreign Ministers on the margins of the 61st Session of the UNGA in September 2006, in deepening the BRICS strategic partnership based on the principles of openness, solidarity, equality and mutual understanding, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation. 

Among other things, the ministers reiterated their intention to contribute to safeguarding a fair and equitable international order based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. They reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council with a view to making it more representative and efficient.

The ministers reiterated their strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. They strongly condemned the recent attacks, against some BRICS countries, including that in India. The ministers noted the convening of the BRICS National Security Advisers Meeting as well as the constitution of the BRICS Working Group on Counter Terrorism and its first meeting in New Delhi.

The ministers recalled exchanged views on global and regional issues in the economic and political spheres. They are determined to continue to contribute positively to the maintenance of peace, security and stability, including by upholding multilateralism. They also recalled the contribution of BRICS countries in promoting global economic growth.

The ministers recalled the wide range of cooperation in BRICS, and noted with satisfaction, the progress made by the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, and called for the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership.

The ministers appreciated India’s BRICS Chairpersonship for the year 2016 and the expansion in range of activities organised to date. They expressed their commitment to ensure the success of the forthcoming Eighth BRICS Summit in Goa from 15 to 16 October 2016.

They reiterated that BRICS countries would continue with their outreach and expand their cooperation with developing countries and emerging market economies in a spirit of solidarity, inclusiveness, and openness.

The ministers welcomed China’s incoming BRICS Chairpersonship in 2017 and expressed confidence that intra-BRICS cooperation would be further strengthened.
NAM summits are held every three years, and the last summit was held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, in August 2012.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, arrived at the island of Margarita, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on 15 September 2016, where she led the South African delegation at the 17th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the NAM, taking place under the theme “Peace, Sovereignty and Solidarity for Development”.

The President of Venezuela, His Excellency Nicolas Maduro, was elected by acclamation as Chairperson of the XVII Summit.

The NAM, with 120 member countries, is the largest grouping of states outside the United Nations (UN). The NAM represents the common interests and priorities of developing countries, working towards the restructuring of the global political and economic order.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane delivered a statement at the Ministerial Meeting on 16 September, reiterating South Africa's solidarity with the people of Palestine and Western Sahara as they continue their struggles for independence and freedom.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said: "The cause of Palestinian statehood has become our own. As the first President of our non-racist, non-sexist and free South Africa, President Nelson Mandela, said: 'South Africa will not be free as long as Palestine is not free'. The illegal settlement activity and daily violations of human rights of the Palestinians cannot be ignored."

The Minister called on fellow NAM member states not to be indifferent to the plight of those appealing for decolonisation, independence, statehood and human rights. "The cause of the people of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic remains unresolved. Surely the aspirations of an inalienable right for self-determination is not an unreasonable demand".

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane also reiterated South Africa's calls for the reform of global political and financial institutions, saying their undemocratic nature perpetuated inequality and violated the principle of the sovereignty and equality of nations.

On 18 September 2016, the summit concluded with the adoption of the Final Margarita Island Declaration in which member states called for the reform, recovery and strengthening of the UN.

NAM member states called for the reform of the UN Security Council in order to “transform it into a more democratic, effective, efficient, transparent and representative body, in line with contemporary geo-political realities”.
CITES aims to ensure that international trade in listed species of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival in the wild.
South Africa will host the 17th Conference of Parties of the Convention of the CITES at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg from 24 September to 5 October 2016. South Africa was a founding member of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in Wild Fauna and Flora, known as the CITES Treaty.

The Conference of Parties meets every three years to consider amendments to the appendices, make recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the convention and assess the implementation of the convention.

This convention was adopted on 3 March 1973, and came into force on 1 July 1975.

As the third most mega-biodiverse country in the world, South Africa has taken numerous leadership roles in the conservation of biodiversity at all levels by working with different partners at national, regional and global levels. This is one of the reasons why, at this crucial time when the convention is faced with complex trade and conservation issues, South Africa is most suited to hosting the meeting.

CITES regulates international trade in over 35 000 species of plants and animals, including their products and derivatives, ensuring their survival in the wild with benefits for the livelihoods of local people and the global environment.

South Africa has a proud and long successful conservation record. Central to South Africa’s conservation model, is an undisputed record of having brought numerous species of wild plants and animals to a healthy population level. Among these, are the white and black rhino, which had come close to extinction almost a century ago.

South Africa’s participation at CITES is supported by the Government’s policy of sustainable utilisation of natural resources as a biodiversity conservation tool.

Follow the conversation on Twitter via #CITESCoP17
“We join the vast majority of United Nations (UN) member states and the UN Secretary General in calling for urgent action to eradicate all nuclear weapons, once and for all.”
In a recent media statement, the South African Government noted with serious concern the reported nuclear weapons test conducted by the DPRK. This followed the nuclear weapons test conducted by the DPRK on 6 January 2016 and subsequent missile launches in flagrant violation of the DPRK’s obligations under various United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, including the measures adopted by the UNSC on 2 March 2016 through Resolution 2270 (2016).

“South Africa shares the concerns of the international community regarding the nuclear weapon- and delivery system-related activities of the DPRK. We therefore urge the DPRK to adhere fully to its Security Council-mandated obligations, to return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to fulfil its safeguards obligations with the International Atomic Energy Agency.

“South Africa supports a negotiated solution that addresses the issues of the Korean Peninsula in a holistic manner and urges the DPRK to fulfil its commitments under the Six-Party Talks with a view to achieving the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.

“We strongly urge the DPRK and all states involved to refrain from any further acts of provocation, which may undermine the pursuit of such a negotiated solution or that could further increase tensions in the North East Asian region and beyond.

“The latest events reinforce South Africa’s conviction that nuclear weapons continue to constitute a grave threat to international peace and security. The latest test also emphasises the urgency for those states that have not yet done so, particularly those that possess nuclear weapons, to join the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty so as to facilitate its entry-into-force without any further delay.
This year’s meeting evaluated and reviewed present strategies and decided on future course of action to enhance the use of broadband for sustainable development.
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele, led a South African delegation to the United Nations (UN) Broadband Commission meeting that was held in New York on 18 September 2016.

The commission is tasked with looking into strategies of connecting the four billion people who are presently not connected to broadband or fast Internet, in a cost-efficient manner.

Minister Cwele is also leading a delegation to the 26th World Postal Congress of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 20 September to 7 October 2016. The UPU is a specialised agency within the UN that focusses on modernising the postal sector and diversifying postal products to sustain a universal postal territory that meets the needs of the 21st century. This congress is critical for South Africa, as the SA Post Office is a key player of government service delivery and is aligned to the National Development Plan, through the national addressing and roll-out of financial and government services to rural and underserved communities.
The Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) high representatives responsible for security held their sixth meeting at New Delhi on Thursday, 15 September 2016. Shri Ajit Doval, National Security Adviser, Government of the Republic of India, presided over the meeting.
The delegation from Brazil was led by General Sergio Westphalen Etchegoyen, Minister of State, Head of the Cabinet for Institutional Security of The Presidency of the Republic of Brazil; Russia by Nikolai P Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation; China by Yang Jiechi, State Councillor, People’s Republic of China; and South Africa by David Mahlobo, Minister of State Security.

Acknowledging the positive contribution of the BRICS grouping to important global issues, they deliberated on security issues such as counter terrorism, cyber security and energy security. They also exchanged assessments of recent developments in the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region.

In the area of cyber security/information security, they agreed to strengthen joint efforts on enhancing cyber security by sharing information and best practices, combating cyber crimes, improving cooperation between technical and law-enforcement agencies, including joint cyber security research and development and capacity-building.

The high representatives encouraged cooperation and exchanging of best practices, expertise, information and knowledge on counter-terrorism issues. In this context, they welcomed the first meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Counter Terrorism that was held a day before.

They also agreed to expand BRICS counter-terrorism cooperation further to include measures for denying terrorists access to finance and terror-hardware such as equipment, arms and ammunition. They underscored the need for a global legal regime to deal with the global menace of terrorism.

They also agreed to explore regular energy dialogue between BRICS countries to discuss long-term and medium-term energy security issues.

While highlighting the need for resolution of outstanding disputes in the WANA region through dialogue peaceful means and in accordance with international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter, the BRICS high representatives also agreed to pool BRICS’ efforts to counter terrorism and violent extremism emanating from the region.

The high representatives concurred on a BRICS Forum to progressively consolidate cooperation and exchanges among respective agencies in security related fields.
The Strategic Dialogue Mechanism forms part of the South Africa-China Bi-National Commission (BNC) and reports to the Foreign Affairs/International Relations Sectoral Committee, which provides the overall political framework for the implementation of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP).
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, co-chaired the Eighth South Africa-China Strategic Dialogue Mechanism with her counterpart, Vice Foreign Minister ZHANG Ming, on Wednesday, 14 September, in Beijing in the People’s Republic of China.

South Africa’s relations with China are at the level of a CSP. The Beijing Declaration on the Establishment of a CSP was signed in 2010 and encapsulates all facets of South Africa’s relations with China. 

During the State Visit of President Jacob Zuma to China in December 2014, the two countries concluded the Five-to-Ten Year Strategic Programme for Cooperation between the Republic of South Africa and the People’s Republic of China, which was a further mechanism to enhance the successful implementation of the CSP.

The Strategic Dialogue reviewed the status of bilateral relations, progress on the outcomes of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation Summit, cooperation in the Ocean Economy, discussions on the High-Level Cultural People-to-People Exchange Mechanism, preparations for the Second Joint Working Group Ministerial and preparations for the Sixth BNC.
The engagement reflected on how the department was implementing South Africa’s foreign policy objectives to realise domestic priorities through international cooperation.
On 14 September, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, together with Rhodes University, hosted a public lecture by the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, under the theme: “Fostering Democracy and Development through International Cooperation”.

Deputy Minister Landers said that cooperation for democracy and development could only be achieved within the spirit of mutual respect and friendship within an environment that promoted peaceful coexistence in the world.

“It should never be forced or imposed. Furthermore, as an African country, cooperation between ourselves, Africa and the world should be based on these values. Our pathfinders were not mistaken when 61 years ago, through the Freedom Charter, they made the call: ‘The right of all the peoples of Africa to independence and self-government shall be recognised, and shall be the basis of close cooperation'."

For the full speech, visit:
Radio astronomy in Karoo is set for a boost with a substantial capital injection.
The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionisation Array (Hera) will be granted a cash injection of $9,5 million to boost its 19 radio dishes to 220 by 2018.

Hera is located in the same Radio Astronomy Advantage Area in the Northern Cape Karoo as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), which will examine the early formation of the universe.

Unlike its sophisticated cousin, Hera will allow astronomers to detect the key signatures of early stars and galaxies in the universe.

“Hera is a truly Karoo-based instrument. Construction materials are sourced and fabricated from within South Africa – predominantly from the Carnarvon area,” said Project Engineer Kathryn Rosie.

Local small businesses are benefiting from the construction of the instrument.

“Because the bulk materials of construction are light industry materials such as wood and PVC pipe, there is opportunity for local businesses, which don't necessarily have a ‘high technology’ customer base, to be a part of this awesome science instrument,” Rosie added.

Hera will give astronomers a glimpse into when stars and galaxies formed in the early universe.

"The universe was formed in a Hot Big Bang of particles and radiation 14 billion years ago, but soon cooled down and was dark for hundreds of millions of years, before any stars formed. Nobody yet knows when these stars formed,” said SKA South Africa Chief Scientist, Dr Fernando Camilo.

“Today's announcement increases the chances that signs of the first stars and galaxies ever to be created will soon be detected – in South Africa's Northern Cape."

Unlike the SKA, the Hera has no moving parts, lowering the cost of the instrument.

The science project has also given opportunity to young SKA interns to gain valuable experience working on the telescopes.

Constructing Hera in the dedicated area validates the decision to situate the precursor MeerKAT and SKA in the Northern Cape.

The University of California, Berkeley, leads the Hera project in collaboration with South African institutions, including Rhodes University, the University of KwaZulu-Natal, the University of the Western Cape, the University of Witwatersrand and SKA South Africa.

“Among other investigations, MeerKAT will study evolved galaxies in the later universe, while Hera will peer back nearer to the dawn of time, when the first stars and galaxies were being formed. In this way, they address complementary scientific questions," said Dr Rob Adam, SKA South Africa Managing Director. – Source:
Research group, Brand Finance, along with Brand South Africa, has released the top 50 brands in the country for 2016.
The list showed that mobile operator, MTN, was still the country’s most valuable brand, valued at R37 billion. This is down significantly from its 2015 level of R54 billion.

The overall top 50 companies increased their cumulative brand value by 3%, from R373 billion in 2015, to R384 billion in 2016.

The top 10 brands have showed little movement from 2015, with Woolworths overtaking FNB to be ranked fifth (FNB is now sixth), and Absa pushing past Nedbank to be ranked seventh (Nedbank is now eighth).

The rest of the top 10 are exactly the same as last year. According to the rankings, there are two new brands which have entered the top 50
in 2016 – the first is Woolworths brand, Country Road, ranked 31st with a value of R4,64 billion; and the second is Growthpoint Properties, which ranks 50th, with a value of R1,47 billion.

These are the top 50 brands in South Africa:
  1. MTN
  2. Vodacom
  3. Sasol
  4. Standard Bank
  5. Woolworths
  6. FNB
  7. Absa
  8. Nedbank
  9. Investec
  10. Mediclinic.
– Source:
The theme for the 2016 celebrations was: “Ozone and Climate: Restored by a World United” and was supported by the slogan, “Working towards reducing global-warming HFCs under the Montreal Protocol”.
On 21 September, the Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs, Barbara Thomson, hosted the International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer in Upington, Northern Cape.

This day has been marked annually by the United Nations (UN) Environmental Programme since the proclamation of the day by the UN General Assembly on 19 December 1994 to commemorate the date in 1987 when the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed.

The Department of Environmental Affairs, as the focal point for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, has a constitutional responsibility to protect the right of all South Africans to an environment that is not harmful to their health and well-being, and to protect the environment through legislative and other measures that prevent, among others, air pollution and ecological degradation.

On this day, the department raised awareness on the effects of the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight on human health and the need to consider not just environmental factors, like the ozone layer, but also to encourage, inform and prepare the learners and the community to undertake protection from harmful UV radiation from the sun.


Annually, on the third Saturday of September, volunteers around the world take part in the world’s biggest coastal clean-up event.
South Africa, under the leadership of the Department of Environmental Affairs, on Saturday, 17 September 2016, joined the global community in observing the International Coastal Clean-up Day 2016.

The information generated during the various coastal clean-up initiatives taking place around the country, will assist the relevant departments and municipalities in identifying the kinds of litter found on the coastline and how they can better manage its sources on land. This emphasises the importance of efficient waste management systems.

As South Africa seeks to rapidly grow its ocean economy, through Operation Phakisa, it has also become critical to strengthen management efforts and control negative human impacts on our ocean resources. One of these human impacts, is plastic marine pollution. Studies published in the Science Journal in 2015, show that the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean from terrestrial sources land, exceed 4,8 million tons on an annual basis.

Plastic marine litter is not only unsightly, thus impacting on tourism, but can also have a devastating impact on marine life through entanglement and ingestion. It has the potential to spread throughout the food web as marine animals consume each other. Research also shows that the presence of plastics can affect both the number and type of marine organisms that inhabit a particular area.

Given the challenges, there is an absolute need to raise awareness of both the impacts of marine litter on ocean health as well as the potential revenue recyclables can generate. In 2015,  South Africa showed a 3% increase in mechanically recycled plastics (that is 292 917 tons of plastic was recycled), meaning that 20,8% of all plastic waste was diverted from landfill.
South Africa's very first world heritage site is aiming to bring lions back, after a 44-year absence.
On Friday, 9 September, three male lions arrived at their new home in the uMkhuze section of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.

The lions, from the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve, are genetically distinct from the pride of 13 lions presently residing in iSimangaliso, all of which are from the same blood line and will remain in the bomas for several weeks and then be released into the wild during October to acquaint themselves with the existing pride.

This introduction is part of the plan to bring lions back to iSimangaliso after 44 years of absence. Forty-seven years ago, the last lion was shot by conservation for going “rogue” from what was then an unfenced park. The first introductions took place in December 2013 and 2014 respectively. 

The first family of four lions – translocated from Tembe Elephant Park – were released in December 2013 and comprised an adult female and three sub-adult offspring. Their arrival catapulted iSimangaliso to “Big 7” status. This was followed by the coalition of two males (brothers) and three females during the course of 2014.

“This historic introduction brings iSimangaliso closer to achieving its conservation vision: the full restoration of eco-systems functioning, and the re-establishment of the migratory patterns of historically occurring animal populations – from the top of the Lebombo mountains to the sea – as they occurred in the times of Shaka and before fencing fragmented the landscape and constrained animal movements.  It is a reversal of the historic decimation of game for apartheid military bases, commercial plantations and other agriculture,” says iSimangaliso CEO, Andrew Zaloumis.
The list was named as a part of TripAdvisor's 2016 Travelers' Choice Awards.
TripAdvisor has named South Africa's top-rated museums – those rated the best by its users.

The title of best museum in South Africa went to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg – a place which documents the rise and fall of the apartheid system in South Africa.

"Sombre, moving, intelligent. The exhibits are thorough and hold nothing back. I was shaken by the experience, but honoured to have been there, as a witness to all that happened," one reviewer said of the museum.

In second place was the Franschhoek Motor Museum, a gem for motoring enthusiasts. The museum encompasses over 100 years of motoring history.

In third place was The Heart of Cape Town Museum, Cape Town.

Other properties which made it into the top 10 include the Rupert Museum in Stellenbosch, the Springbok Experience Rugby Museum in Cape Town and the Talana Museum in Dundee.

The top 10 museums in South Africa are listed below:
  1. Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg
  2. The Franschhoek Motor Museum, Franschhoek
  3. The Heart of Cape Town Museum, Cape Town
  4. Liliesleaf Farm and Museum, Rivonia
  5. Rupert Museum, Stellenbosch
  6. Springbok Experience Rugby Museum, Cape Town
  7. Oliewenhuis Art Museum, Bloemfontein
  8. South African Jewish Museum, Cape Town
  9. Talana Museum, Dundee
  10. Cape Town Diamond Museum, Cape Town.
– Source:
Local Kwaito star Mandoza lost his battle to cancer on Sunday, 18 September. He was 38.
Mandoza, whose real name was Mduduzi Tshabalala, was diagnosed with a brain tumour in May of last year.

President Jacob Zuma has extended his deep-felt condolences on the sad passing of the South African music legend and one of the pioneers of the Kwaito music genre.

"South Africa has lost one of its pioneers whose music appealed to a cross section of our people, young and old and was known to have achieved the unique crossover culturally to be enjoyed by both black and white South Africans. It is a great loss to the nation and we wish to extend our deepest condolences to his wife Mpho, his family and hordes of fans. Mandoza will be sorely missed. May his soul rest in peace," said President Zuma.
Seven-time Paralympian Ernst van Dyk wrapped up Team South Africa’s 2016 Paralympics with a sixth-spot finish in the wheelchair marathon on Sunday, 18 September. Fellow “veteran” Fanie van der Merwe was honoured as the team’s flag bearer at the closing ceremony later in
the day.
Van Dyk, 43, who earlier won gold in the road race, ended with a time of 1hr 30min 11sec, the only South African competitor in action. Switzerland’s Marcel Hug won in 1:26.16.

Sunday’s results saw Team South African end their 2016 Games with 17 medals – seven gold, six silver and four bronze.

That put them 22nd on the medals table. Four years ago in London, Team SA won 29 medals (eight gold, 12 silver and nine bronze), which put them 18th on the rankings.

South Africa’s Gold Winners, Paralympics 2016 (seven)
  • Charl du Toit: Athletics Men’s 100m and T37 And Athletics Men’s 400m – T37
  • Dyan Neille Buis: Athletics Men’s 400m – T38
  • Reinhardt Hamman: Athletics Men’s Javelin Throw – F38
  • Hilton Langenhoven: Athletics Men’s Long Jump – T12
  • Ernst van Dyk: Cycling Road Men’s Road Race H5
  • Kevin Paul: Swimming Men’s 100m Breaststroke – Sb9.
Silver Medal Winners (six)
  • Ndodomzi Jonathan Ntutu: Athletics Men’s 100m – T12
  • Hilton Langenhoven: Athletics Men’s 200m – T12
  • Ntando Mahlangu: Athletics Men’s 200m – T42
  • Ilse Hayes: Athletics Women’s 100m – T13
  • Ilse Hayes: Athletics Women’s 400m – T13
  • Anrune Liebenberg: Athletics Women’s 400m – T45/46/47.
 Bronze Winners (four)
  • Fanie van der Merwe: Athletics Men’s 100m – T37
  • Dyan Neille Buys: Athletics Men’s Long Jump – T38
  • Tyrone Pillay: Athletics Men’s Shot Put – F42
  • Ntombizanele Situ: Athletics Women’s Javelin Throw – F53/54.
On 20 September, hundreds of fans gathered at OT Tambo International Airport to welcome home their heroes. South Africa's first medal winner, swimmer Kevin Paul, was among the first athletes to emerge from the arrivals hall.

Sports Minister, Fikile Mbalula, who was in Rio, was among the dignitaries in Johannesburg to welcome the team back.
The Grand to Grand Ultra is a six-stage, 273- km race held in vicinity of one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, the Grand Canyon, in the United States.
On 25 September 2016, David Barnard will take on the Grand to Grand Ultra in honour of the END Fund and the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Africa. By participating in this extreme multi-stage race, David has committed himself to raising awareness and funds to help the over 1,6 billion people worldwide whose lives are affected by NTDs.

David, a well-known South African tech and development activist and Africa Policy Advisory Board member of the ONE Campaign, is no stranger to extreme multi-stage races of this nature. He has already completed races in the Kalahari, Namib, Sahara, Gobi and Atacama deserts, as well as Antarctica. This will be his first race in North America and the fifth leg of his quest to complete a desert race on all seven continents.

"Running the Grand to Grand Ultra is more than just trying to finish another desert race. My participation in these races provides me with an opportunity to support causes and campaigns dedicated to development issues in Africa and making a difference in society," David said. "For this adventure, my aim is to raise funds for the END Fund, promote its work, and contribute to increased public understanding of NTDs and their devastating impact, especially in Africa." – Source:
Durban surfer Jordy Smith has won the world tour surf event at Lower Trestles, San Clemente, California, United States of America.
After knocking out Brazil’s Filipe Toledo in the semi-finals, Jordy took on Joel Parkinson from the Gold Coast, Australia, and emerged victorious!

It’s a fantastic achievement for Jordy who spent the previous year or so suffering from injury.

He thanked his mom and dad, friends and “the whole of South Africa”… and said “I’m just frothing and on top of the moon!” – Source:
Hank McGregor bagged a seventh world title when he mastered a powerful field and tough weather conditions to win the Men’s K1 crown at the ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships, with compatriot Andy Birkett grabbing his first senior medal to complete a historic South African one:two.
It was McGregor’s sixth K1 title, defending the K1 crown the  Euro Steel athlete won in Gyor last year, to go with the K2 crown that he won with Jasper Mocké in Oklahoma in 2014.

“Racing against some of the best paddlers, if not the best paddlers, and I managed to pull it off when it really counted,” said McGregor.

“I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a totally different type of racing, with sometimes 15 guys on the front bunch. But that’s the World Championships, against the best of the best.

“To have my countryman working together with me was great. I am really happy,” he said after the race.

The silver medal is a massive result for Birkett, who won the Under 23 K1 world title in Copenhagen.

“To come second, I feel like I have just won the race. – Source:
It was the first time a national sports team played a match on Robben Island.
Four of South Africa’s Rio 2016 Sevens Rugby bronze medalists – Seabelo Senatla‚ Roscko Speckman‚ Justin Geduld and Dylan Sage – played a friendly touch rugby game in aid of charity against well-known personalities such as television presenter Siv Ngesi and comedian Jason Goliath.

And on the day, South Africa’s 2016 Championship Boerewors winner was crowned in time for Braai Day.

SA Sevens winger, Roscko Speckman, kicked a special golden rugby ball over the posts as a banner dropped to reveal the winner's name: Olivier Kritzinger‚ 63‚ from Joubertina in the Eastern Cape.

“I have a great passion for boerewors. It is a part of our heritage – boerewors was first made in South Africa‚ so it gives me great pleasure to be able to make a positive contribution to this age-old tradition‚” said Kritzinger.

The other two Championship Boerewors finalists were Vukile Vincent Cele from Durban and Winter Reaobaka Letlhogile from Kimberley.

Kritzinger's winning recipe has been on sale in all Shoprite‚ Checkers and Checkers Hyper stores nationwide from Friday‚ 16 September 2016 – just in time for Heritage Day on 24 September‚ also dubbed Braai Day. – Source:
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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
Design and layout: Kamogelo Lekganyane

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