Issue 244 | 13 October 2016
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The first by a South African Head of State since the dawn of freedom and democracy, the visit would provide a platform for both countries to review progress on key areas of bilateral cooperation, The Presidency said.
President Jacob Zuma paid a three-day State Visit to Kenya, starting from 10 October 2016. The visit was aimed at deepening economic, political, cultural and social relations with the East African powerhouse.

South Africa shares strong ties with the leading economy in the East African region in various areas such as trade and investment, agriculture, political, cultural, tourism and infrastructure development.

“Kenya is an important partner for South Africa in the advancement of inter- and intra-African trade and investment. South Africa is Kenya’s fourth source of imports, with South African exports amounting to R8,3 billion and imports to R366 million in 2015,” The Presidency said.

Currently, there are over 60 South African companies operating in Kenya. This makes South Africa the sixth-largest investor in Kenya after China, the United Kingdom, United States of America, India and Nigeria, and the largest trading partner on the continent outside the Southern African Development Community region.

The Presidency said economic ties could be strengthened by optimising investment opportunities in the mutually identified areas of energy, infrastructure development, blue economy and retail.

During the State Visit, President Zuma met President Uhuru Kenyatta to exchange views on regional, continental and global issues of mutual concern.

President Zuma also addressed the South Africa-Kenya Business Forum as a platform to further explore investment and trade opportunities between the two countries and to support the interaction between the public and private sectors of South Africa and Kenya.

The two countries were scheduled to sign agreements in the fields of defence, police, home affairs, environment, revenue services and infrastructure development under the Lamu-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor.

“The signing of these instruments is an indication of South Africa’s determination to enhance bilateral relations and serves as confirmation of its desire to forge a strategic partnership with Kenya,” The Presidency said.

President Zuma was accompanied by International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; Public Enterprises Minister, Lynne Brown; Home Affairs Minister, Malusi Gigaba; Police Minister, Nathi Nhleko; Environmental Affairs Minister, Edna Molewa; and Defence and Military Veterans Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. – Source:
“It is in the interest of the region that we work hard to increase intra-regional trade based on the complementarities that exist between our countries,” said President Zuma.
Intra-African trade must become the new economic paradigm for the continent, as it will help stimulate economic growth and improve the continent's capacity to resolve its own challenges.

This was the message from President Jacob Zuma and his Namibian counterpart, President Hage Geingob, who met in Pretoria for the Second Session of the South Africa-Namibia Bi-National Commission (BNC).

The session, among other things, discussed measures to strengthen trade and investment ties in the fields of transport, health, education, science and technology, agriculture, immigration and energy.

In his opening addressing at the start of the session, President Zuma said the two countries needed to prioritise economic cooperation, focussing on projects that were consistent with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) and the Southern African Customs Union transformation agenda.

The RISDP is a comprehensive development and implementation framework guiding the regional integration agenda of SADC until 2020. It is designed to provide clear strategic direction with respect to SADC programmes, projects and activities in line with the SADC common agenda and strategic priorities.

The ultimate objective of the plan is to deepen integration in the region with a view to accelerate poverty eradication and the attainment of other economic and non-economic development goals.

President Hage said the two countries must correct the imbalance in trade relations between the two countries, while developing potential synergies to harness trade with other African states.

South Africa is the source of 66% of Namibia's imports and is responsible for approximately 80% of investments in key industries such as mining, retail, banking, agriculture and insurance. 

Imports from Namibia stood at R6 481 614 826, while exports to Namibia were at R52 862 722 906 in 2015.

“We should not only focus on pursuing win-win relationships with our international partners, but let us pursue and build win-win partnerships among ourselves as neighbours, as friends and as Africans,” said President Hage.
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According to the United Nations (UN), UN agencies and humanitarian partners are working with the Government of Haiti to assess the full scale of the destruction and provide emergency aid. The US$5-million grant from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will kick-start the initial emergency response operations and meet the urgent needs of the most affected populations.
President Jacob Zuma has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, expressed condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Haiti following the destructive Hurricane Matthew that has hit Haiti and claimed the lives of hundreds of people.

President Zuma said: "We convey our message of solidarity with the Government and the people of Haiti and other nations in the Caribbean affected by Hurricane Matthew. We particularly mourn with the people of Haiti as they come to terms with the effects of the devastating storm, which has left behind a trail of destruction and death".

South Africa is a member of the CERF Advisory Group, which provides the UN Secretary-General with policy guidance and expert advice on the use and impact of CERF.
Deputy Minister Bokhari is a specialist in terrorism and extremism and is thematically responsible for SCR1325, female mediators, global security threats (including the anti-radicalisation agenda, work on countering violent extremism and terrorism), as well as gender equality and education in development policy.

On Monday, 10 October, Lailai Bokhari, Norwegian State Secretary visited South Africa and held a number of meetings, including with Deputy Minister Nomaindiya Mfeketo.

In addition to the meeting with Deputy Minister Mfeketo, Ms Bokhari requested to meet with South African experts on the above issues to share experiences, ideas and possible policy interventions.

South Africa offered to host CITES CoP17 at the 16th COP that took place in March 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was the fourth to be held on the African continent since 1975, and the first on the continent since 2000.
The 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was held from 24 September to 4 October 2016 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.

CITES CoP 17 entrenched the role of CITES as the mechanism for regulating trade and not an anti-trade movement. A clear message was sent that responsible conservation management goes together with sustainable use and beneficiation; and that those that do well will be rewarded. What was also an important outcome was a recognition of the need to address the underlying causes of species loss being habitat loss, poverty, human wildlife conflicts, lack of enforcement, governance and institutional challenges.

Parties agreed to measures and actions to be implemented within the mandate of the convention to ensure legal international trade remains sustainable and illegal trade is eradicated.

Parties agreed to recognise that people needed to benefit from the sustainable utilisation of its natural resources, including from legal international trade.

An outcome of the conference was that proposals were considered based on the listing criteria and sound scientific information. An example of this was reflected in the decision made relating to the proposed uplisting of African elephant populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe from Appendix II to Appendix I.

These populations do not meet the criteria to be listed in Appendix I. It is important for the credibility of the convention to ensure that the criteria are consistently applied across all the taxa.

A population must meet specific criteria to be included in Appendix I of CITES and these include that the populations must be in decline or the populations must be small and fragmented. South Africa’s elephant population is still growing with a current population of more than 28 000 elephants. The populations of other Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries are also stable or increasing and therefore the criteria were not met.

Another outcome was the adoption of resolutions that would improve the common interpretation of the convention or the application of its provisions. As a Party to CITES, South Africa was satisfied that its expectations were met.
All South Africa’s own proposals were agreed to:
  • having the Cape Mountain Zebra downlisted from Appendix I to Appendix II because it no longer meets the biological criteria for inclusion in Appendix I
  • listing the wild ginger on Appendix II to enable South Africa to regulate international trade more effectively and through the CITES provisions
  • uplisting Temminck’s ground pangolin from Appendix II to Appendix I – in fact all eight species of Pangolin were uplisted.
There were also a number of other issues that attracted public and media attention; notably, the plight of African lions. There was a proposal to uplist African lion populations from Appendix II to Appendix I.

Most SADC countries, including South Africa, did not support this proposal.

Negotiations on this issue led to an amended proposal that was adopted retaining all lion populations in Appendix II, but with a condition to restrict the trade in bone to captive breeding operations in South Africa – with national export quotas.

This means that South African bone trade can continue with government setting an annual quota. This decision is better that the initial proposal to uplist lions to Appendix I. A decision was also adopted to support the conservation and management of lions in Africa.

The African lion populations of the SADC region have increased by 12% over the past 21 years. Other populations outside SADC experienced a decline of more than 60% between 1993 and 2014. Important resolutions relating to illegal trade in wildlife include the following:
  • a resolution on prohibiting, preventing, detecting and countering corruption
  • a resolution aimed at addressing cybercrime.
Important decisions that have been adopted include:
  • decisions to address CITES and livelihoods and engaging rural communities in CITES processes
  • decisions on the conservation and management of the African grey parrot, including decisions to facilitate the registration of breeding operations (South Africa breeds significant numbers of African grey parrots)
  • decisions on compliance and enforcement matters, including the development of guidelines for ivory stockpile management
  • a decision on cycads (document submitted by South Africa) to collaborate on matters relating to illegal trade in cycads
  • decisions relating to rhino matters, including missions to Vietnam and Mozambique by the CITES Secretariat to assist them in terms of activities to be implemented.
Decisions of CITES COP17 will come into force 90 days after adoption by the COP.
South Africa has been named the best country for debt management and sovereign bond issuance in sub-Saharan Africa.

Emerging Markets Newspaper, an affiliate of the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings, named South Africa the best country for debt management/sovereign bond Issuance in sub-Saharan Africa. This comes just after the World Bank also acknowledged South Africa's excellence in debt dynamics/composition,” said National Treasury in a statement recently.

Speaking after receiving the award in Washington on Saturday, 8 October, Deputy Director-General of Assets and Liability Management at National Treasury, Anthony Julies, said the endorsement by the paper was testament to the success the country continued to enjoy in global capital markets.

Julies said South Africa’s deep capital market system, credible judiciary and strong banking system built confidence in investors.

“This is partly the results of the regular engagements that investors have with senior policy-makers, which ensures that there is constant communication on key policy issues which are pertinent to investors.

“The country is not only recognised for the ‘quality of the deal’ (price and duration) but also National Treasury’s professionalism in debt-management operations (operational, and sustainable composition of the sovereign debt portfolio), a continuance of its debt-management commitment, given the challenging political and economic environment globally and domestically,” said Julies.

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A new economic agreement between the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the European Union (EU) will soon come into effect, giving agricultural products from the region improved access to the EU.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) recently said the SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) group had submitted the necessary instruments required to bring the agreement into effect.

The SADC group is made up of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland.

“The agreement will provisionally enter into force between SACU [Southern African Customs Union] member states and the EU on 10 October 2016 for all provisions of the agreement, except for the new agriculture market access that requires an exchange of letters between the EU and South Africa to confirm the protection of each other’s Geographical Indications (GIs) names.

“It is expected that the new agricultural market access will enter into force on 1 November 2016. The agreement will provisionally enter into force between the EU and Mozambique once the latter has finalised their ratification process,” said the dti.

For South Africa and the EU, the EPA will replace the trade chapter in the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA).

Under the EPA, South Africa gains improved access into the EU for wine, sugar, ethanol, flowers, some dairy products, fresh fruit, canned fruit, fruit juice and yeast.

 “The EPA also provides significant benefits to South Africa and the EU on the protection of GI names. The EU will protect 105 South African GIs, which consist of 102 wine names and three agricultural product names (Rooibos, Honeybush and Karoo Lamb), while South Africa will protect 253 EU GIs, which consist of 120 wine names, seven beers, 22 spirits and 104 agricultural product names (special meats, cheeses and olives),” said the dti.

The fisheries sector will be liberalised for the first time under the EPA, as it was not the case under TDCA. The liberalisation schedule will be phased in stages over a period not exceeding nine years.

Preparations for the smooth implementation of the agreement are underway. The agreement will be administered by the South African Revenue Service (SARS) once the legislation has been approved and published in the Government Gazette, and will be applied on a retrospective basis. 

“Traders making use of the tariff preferences under the TDCA and with goods already shipped are advised to pre-clear these goods before 10 October 2016 to avoid unintended consequences in the change of the trading regime between SA and the EU from the TDCA to the EPA,” said the department. For any enquiries on pre-clearance procedures, traders can contact SARS at 0800 007277 or e-mail: –
With the signing of the loan facility, Eskom can continue to focus on empowering its people through build site projects such as the Medupi and Kusile power stations.
Eskom and the China Development Bank (CBD) have signed an inaugural US$500-million (R7 billion) credit facility agreement that will go towards the parastatal’s capital expenditure programme.

“The successful execution of this credit facility increases the funding secured for financial year 2016/17 to R51 billion, meaning we have secured 75% of our R69-billion funding requirement,” said Eskom’s Group Chief Executive, Brian Molefe.

Speaking at the signing ceremony recently, Molefe said the power utility was pleased to see the conclusion of the first agreement with the CBD as this would lay the platform for future cooperation between the two parties.

“The conclusion of this agreement continues to demonstrate investor confidence in Eskom and South Africa, notwithstanding the recent volatility experienced in the local debt capital markets. We are confident that the agreement will cement Eskom’s relationship with the bank. This loan will also aide us in ensuring that we complete the current capital expansion programme and further stabilise Eskom’s liquidity position,” said Molefe.

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South Africa was the first country outside Europe to be granted Blue Flag accreditation for its beaches.
The Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, in partnership with the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA), launched the National Blue Flag Project on 7 October 2016, which will create youth employment opportunities while improving the quality of local Blue Flag beaches.

The three-year project, which started on 1 October 2016, will train 200 unemployed youths from low-income households to improve tourism facilities and services offered at 50 mostly Blue Flag beaches in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and Western Cape.

The local Blue Flag programme is managed by WESSA in partnership with participating coastal municipalities. The strict criteria of the programme – in the areas of safety, amenities, cleanliness, environmental information and environmental management – are set by the international coordinators of the Blue Flag campaign in Europe, the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education).

Fifty-eight Blue Flags will be proudly flown at coastal sites around South Africa over the forthcoming 2016/17 South African Blue Flag season, which opens officially on 1 November. This was announced by the WESSA at the national Blue Flag launch event that was held at Marina Beach on KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) South Coast.

Earlier this year applications for the prestigious Blue Flag eco-label were reviewed by a rigorous multi-stage approval process involving both national and international assessments. The announcement of the 2016 International Blue Flag Jury results revealed that a total of 45 South African beaches had been awarded Blue Flag status this year, along with five marinas and eight sustainable tourism boats.

The Western Cape has achieved the highest number of Blue Flag sites, with 29 of the beaches, all eight boats and four of the five Blue Flag marinas falling in the province. KZN has nine Blue Flag beaches for the 2016/2017 season.

Seven beaches and one marina have been awarded this eco-label in the Eastern Cape. An additional 22 beaches across the three provinces have been given Pilot Blue Flag status – an important developmental stage for potential Blue Flag sites, during which WESSA works with beach managers towards the longer-term goal of achieving Full Status. Internationally, almost 4 300 beaches, boats and marinas have been awarded Blue Flag status for the 2016/17 season.
The European Union (EU) and South Africa have signed a declaration to cooperate in marine research and innovation, further cementing their 20-year-old collaboration in science and technology.
The Declaration of Intent was signed in Cape Town on Monday, 3 October, on the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Science and Technology (S&T) Agreement between the two parties.

The celebration took place on the margins of the Third International Conferences on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2016).

The declaration aims to further develop a common understanding and deepen scientific knowledge of marine ecosystems and the link between oceans and climate; encourage and support research collaboration and the development of relevant technologies; facilitate human capital development and scientific exchange; and explore regional opportunities for sustainable marine cooperation.

This cooperation is expected to contribute to South Africa's implementation of Operation Phakisa, launched by government two years ago to, among others, exploit the country's oceans economy towards the country’s economic growth.

Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said the two partners’ joint research and innovation efforts over the past 20 years had resulted in many great achievements in fields such as health, food and agriculture, research infrastructure and earth observations.

“The new declaration on marine research confirms that we in the EU as well as our South African partners want to expand our mutually beneficial cooperation much further,” said Commissioner Moedas.

Minister Pandor said the Blue Economy within the South African context was a national priority.

“The signing of this declaration facilitates research cooperation that will be of benefit to South Africa as well as the region. I am also pleased that researchers from both South Africa and the European Union are already collaborating in this area, and will be meeting today to share some of the highlights of their research,” said Minister Pandor.
Elon Musk's industrial and technical empire, Tesla, has made it onto the 2016 Best Global Brands Report by Interbrand.
The Pretoria-born entrepreneur now has 50 000 electric vehicles on the road worldwide‚ according to the Tesla website‚ and has become famous for his inventions aimed at bringing customer-friendly products to the market in addition to his SpaceX plan to get humans onto Mars.

The three most valuable brands on the 2016 list are Apple‚ Google and Coca-Cola.

Apple’s brand value grew by 5% to US$178‚119 million‚ while Google’s brand value rose 11% to US$133‚252 million. Coca-Cola‚ Microsoft‚ Toyota‚ IBM‚ Samsung‚ Amazon‚ Mercedes-Benz and GE round out the Top 10. Dior and Tesla enter the Best Global Brands report for the first time‚ at #89 and #100 respectively.

With a combined 29 positions‚ automotive and technology brands dominate this year’s report.

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Activist Josina Machel, the daughter of South Africa’s former first lady Graca Machel and wife of former President Nelson Mandela, has been awarded the 2016 Trailbrazer Award in recognition of her activism against domestic violence and women abuse.
The Saving Orphans through Healthcare and Outreach (SOHO) honoured her at a gala dinner at the Ritz Charles Hotel in Carmel, Indiana, United States of America, for being a “global change agent” who used her personal life experiences to address most pressing social issues such as violence against women and girls using media platforms such as newspapers.

Few weeks ago, South Africa’s former first lady, Graca, and her daughter, Josina, recounted their horrific experience to City Press about the trauma she suffered at the hands of her abusive partner and that she was motivated to take action against gender-based violence by initiating an advocacy organisation, Kuhluka Movement.

She set it up in order to “stand for all women across the world”. Kuhluka seeks to empower and engage thought leaders to take the responsibility to change the game on gender based-abuse.

“The organisation focusses on building and improving shelters for survivors of domestic violence,” said Josina, adding that despite her ordeal, she thought that what happened to her was probably meant to help her “understand exactly what other women are going through and do something about it”.

SOHO selects candidates with international impact through their contributions, who have helped to improve the lives of people marginalised by poverty, disease, ethnic or gender discrimination and who stand for equality for women and girls in society.

The organisation has honoured the likes of 2009 World Food Prize Laurete, Dr Gebisa Ejeta; entrepreneur Wendy Luhabe; author and advocate for trafficking victims, Gail Masondo; founder of Mustard Seed Africa, Gail Mawocha; and Idaho Senator, Dr Cherie Buckner Webb.

SOHO described Josina Machel’s Kuhluka Movement – a non-profit civil-society mass organisation directed at combating the violation of rights of women – as “bridging the gap between giving a voice to women survivors through education and rehabilitation, while providing them with a safe haven in their time of need”. – Source: City Press
The V&A Waterfront in Cape Town was recently a scene of celebration as 11 teams from all over the world crossed the finish line after successfully driving more than 27 000 km collectively on public roads on solar power alone.
Dutch team Nuon won the Challenger class after completing 4 716 m, breaking the four-year record of 4 630 km and beating Japanese team Tokai by 172 km.

Sarah Bennink Bolt from the Nuon team said: “We’re really excited – we already started celebrating in traffic as we came into Cape Town when we suddenly realised that we’d won. The team that is here has been working on the car for years, so they were very emotional."

“Tokai was really good last year in Australia at the World Solar Challenge, and while a lot of people thought we were a shoe-in for the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa, it wasn’t obvious to us. We had to work incredibly hard to beat them – they came out strong this year.”

With new regulations set for the global competition, all the teams will use the South African event to build completely new vehicles for the 2017 challenge in Australia, which is shorter than the Sasol Solar Challenge.

In South Africa, five teams held their own against the tough international competition. North-West University came in fourth position with 3 524 km under their belt, and high school team Maragon Olympus managed to beat the University of Johannesburg by just 40 km. – Source:
With just under a month until the global release of his first book, Trevor Noah has announced that he has a special surprise for fans interested in grabbing it in southern Africa.
The comedian's book Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood will be released on 15 November.

Fans who buy the book in southern Africa are said to be in for a treat: an exclusive cover that is not available anywhere else in the world.

The new cover is simpler than the artistic one that will be used in the United States of America and international editions, and it features a casually dressed Trevor.

Born a Crime tells the story of his childhood and journey as the child of an illegal mixed-race relationship during the apartheid era.

According to the publishers, Pan Macmillan South Africa, the book will also cover Trevor's battles growing up in extreme poverty, his time in jail, facing gangsters and trying to find teenage romance.

"The experiences covered in this book will shock and amaze, even as they leave you rolling on the floor with laughter," reads the publisher's statement.

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Rapper Tumi Molekane has become the first South African entertainer to represent prestigious international whiskey brand, Chivas Regal, the company announced recently.
Tumi was unveiled as the new face of the global whiskey brand, becoming one of its official African ambassadors.

The artist joins Hollywood actor Don Cheadle, who currently represents the company on the continent.

Tumi says that he is excited at the opportunity to work with Chivas Regal.

"To me, success is really kicking the door wide open for the next person. I myself am a product of winning the right way, of favours by some good people. It is not just about a name, but putting action behind what you stand for. Chivas Regal does that," Tumi said in a statement.

The deal comes as Tumi seeks to re-invent his music career, under a new stage name Stogie T.
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South African actor Sello Motloung visited the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg to prepare for his role as Nelson Mandela in an upcoming movie, "An Act of Defiance". The focus of the movie is Bram Fischer, the lead attorney for the Rivonia trialists in the 1960s.
"There's no better place to visit for in-depth research on the man and his journey," said Motloung, following his visit.

The foundation gave Motloung access to the audio records of "Speech from the Dock", which Mandela delivered on 20 April 1964 during the Rivonia Trial. "Mandela's 176-minute speech opened the defence case in the trial," said the foundation.

The movie is a co-production between South Africa and The Netherlands and is directed by Jean van de Velde. Peter Paul Muller takes the role of Fischer.

Motloung said he wanted to immerse himself entirely in Mandela's journey. In doing this, he toured the foundation's archives and permanent exhibition. It felt like he had visited Mandela himself, said the actor.

"I had to suit the images and my dialogue with the life and energy that oozed through the recordings. Clearly, the man was way bigger than what one encounters in the media."

"Bram Fischer, a white Afrikaner from powerful Afrikaner parentage, is one of the unsung heroes of the struggle for freedom in South Africa," said Michael Auret, from production company Spier Films, speaking to movie news website, Screen Daily.

"His work at the Rivonia Trial ensured that the leaders of the ANC of the time, including Nelson Mandela, lived to fight another day and ultimately lead a new South Africa."

After the Rivonia Trial, Fischer was also arrested and tried for conspiracy to overthrow the apartheid government. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

 An Act of Defiance is scheduled for release in March 2017.

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Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o has been travelling the continent to promote her latest film "Queen of Katwe".
On Wednesday, 5 October, she attended the South Africa premiere in Johannesburg at Montecasino.

She was joined by Robert Katende and Phiona Mutesi on whom the story is based.

Zohran Mamdani, Akin Osamoto (Rwabushenyi President), Rori Motuba (Christine) and director, Mira Nair were also in attendance.

The film, which was shot in Katwe, Kampala and Johannesburg is based on the vibrant and true story of a young girl from the streets of Uganda whose world rapidly changes when she is introduced to the game of chess.

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Sixteen-year-old Taahirah Zungu from Mahikeng in the North West province in South Africa, was crowned as Miss Teen Universe 2016 in Turkey.
Taahirah was crowned at a ceremony in Bodrum. She also walked away with the titles of Miss Sympathy, Photomodel of the Universe and Best Talent in the Teen Category.

Taahirah competed against 19 girls from around the world and judging consisted of talent performance, TV Star production, general behaviour on a daily basis, interaction with other contestants and finally three ramp judging rounds in National Costume, Fashion Casual Wear and Evening Wear.

According to Pageants SA, Taahirah’s “sparkling personality, friendliness, compassion towards her fellow contestants, ability to communicate across language barriers and general interaction with everyone she came into contact with during the competition” earned her the internationally acclaimed Miss Teen Universe title for 2016.

The duties awaiting Taahirah will include her active involvement in keeping children in school by supplying DeskBags to children in areas where schools do not have desks, and also distributing Mimi Sanitary wear to girls from disadvantaged communities.

Pageants SA said that under the guidance of its CEO Carolyn Botha, “we are sure that Taahirah will have a wonderful and incredible year.” –  Source:
A dog called Giant, who works on the “frontline” of the war against poachers in Africa, has become the first four-legged anti-poaching teammate to sky-dive.
His sky-diving skills are necessary to enable him to get to a scene as quickly as possible if poachers have been spotted, so he can follow their trail.

Poaching has become a billion-dollar industry run by international criminal networks. And as their methods have become increasingly sophisticated, so too has the response … with highly-trained dogs like Giant now working with anti-poaching teams.

And the success rate is excellent with Giant’s brother Killer having caught 115 groups of poachers in 18 months!

The BBC visited Paramount Group’s Anti-Poaching and Canine Training Academy in South Arica to see what they’re capable of.

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South African swimmer, Chad le Clos, recently made swimming history by becoming the first person to claim 100 wins in the World Cup swimming series.
Le Clos managed the feat when he won the men's 100-m butterfly event at the FINA World Cup event in Dubai.

Earlier, Le Clos delivered gold-winning performances in the 50-m and 200-m butterfly events on day one of the Dubai leg of the Fina Swimming World Cup.

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World Rugby has confirmed France, Ireland and South Africa as Rugby World Cup 2023 host candidates.
Each union demonstrated within its application that it could meet key criteria critical to a viable Rugby World Cup hosting bid by the first of September deadline.

Italy formally withdrew from the process last week after the union confirmed it could not guarantee government support with its bid being linked to the Rome 2024 Olympics.

World Rugby Chairpersson Bill Beaumont said: "We are delighted by the strong level of serious interest from unions and governments, which is clearly reflected in three strong and impressive applications."

"I would like to congratulate the unions for successfully progressing to candidate status and we welcome further dialogue with all parties as momentum builds towards the selection of the Rugby World Cup 2023 host."

The application phase was the second stage of a detailed three-phase host selection process following an initial education phase, designed to provide prospective bid unions and governments with all the information required to determine to proceed with a bid.

The candidate process officially opens on 1 November and the Rugby World Cup 2023 host union will be selected by the World Rugby Council in November 2017.

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South Africa made history on Wednesday, 12 October, at Newlands Stadium, in Cape Town, as the first team in history to inflict a whitewash against Australia in a five-match One Day International (ODI) series.


Kangaroos’ captain Steve Smith said: “It’s been a tough series, we’ve been outplayed”.

Rilee Rossouw, with his maiden ODI century against Australia, and JP Duminy set up the Proteas for their 31-run win over Australia in the final Momentum ODI at PPC Newlands on Wednesday.

The Proteas thus clinched the series with a 5-0 whitewash, the first time they or anybody else has inflicted that statistic on the current world champions and puts some breathing space between themselves at No. 2 on the ICC ODI ratings and third-placed New Zealand.

Australia remains No. 1 and would have retained that status even if they had lost the ODI they played here against Ireland.

Rossouw (122 off 118 balls, 14 fours and 2 sixes) and Duminy (73 off 75 balls, 8 fours) set up the Proteas total of 327/8 after three wickets had fallen up front for 52 with their fourth wicket stand of 178.

This improved on the South African record against Australia of 121 set up by Jacques Kallis and Jonty Rhodes and on the ground record of 150 established by Roger Twose and Chris Cairns for New Zealand.

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On 8 October, Scott Bouverie from KwaZulu-Natal flew the flag for South Africa in Turkey where he secured third place in an intense three-day international Extreme Enduro “Sea to Sky” race.
Scott beat some of the best riders in the world in Kemer, Turkey, to clinch podium position at Mount Olympus, behind Lars Enockl from Austria in first and Andreas Lettenbichler from Germany in second.

Sea to Sky is a unique concept in which the riders literally race from the Turkish Riviera sea up the mountain to the sky; racing along the beach, over rocks and through forest … from sea level to the top of the mountain at 2,365 m.

Twenty-three-year-old Scott has been racing since he was nine, achieving his Protea colours for motorsport in 2012.

Other accomplishments from the professional Extreme Enduro rider, sponsored by Brother leadertread KTM SA, include third place in the Roof of Africa and fifth in Red Bull Romaniacs.

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