Issue 245 | 20 October 2016
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The conference also serves as a platform for South Africa’s diplomats to be briefed about progress vis-à-vis government’s programmes and plans.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, is hosting the biennial Heads of Mission Conference from 17 to 21 October 2016 in Pretoria.

The Heads of Mission Conference brings together the heads of South Africa’s diplomatic missions abroad to assess national, regional, continental and global trends and dynamics and determine a strategy to be implemented in line with South Africa’s foreign policy vision and mission.

President Jacob Zuma delivered a keynote address at the conference.

The conference’s programme is divided into various themes looking into the role of our diplomatic missions in the promotion and implementation of government's priorities and programmes, in particular the National Development Plan; the implementation of the African Union’s Agenda 2063; and the full realisation of the United Nations sustainable development goals.
President Jacob Zuma has returned to Pretoria after concluding a successful Working Visit to Goa in India, where together with leaders at the Eighth BRICS Summit, South Africa committed to building responsive, inclusive and collective solutions to the world's economic challenges.
The Eighth BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit took place from 15 to 16 October 2016.

During the two-day summit, President Zuma held bilateral meetings with all four BRICS leaders, namely: President Xi Jingping of the People's Republic of China; President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation; Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India; and President Michel Temer of Brazil.

The leaders discussed bilateral, regional and multilateral issues of mutual concern aimed at achieving development, economic growth and prosperity, as well as peace and security.

Under the theme of the summit, the BRICS leaders held interactive round-table discussions on strengthening intra-BRICS cooperation and reflected on global issues such as international conflicts, the fight against terrorism and reform of the global system of governance, notably the democratisation of the United Nations and the Bretton Woods Institutions.

The BRICS leaders met with the BRICS Business Council where they received the council's Annual Report on salient economic developments and projects, including the various initiatives undertaken by its working groups. The leaders further directed the council to accelerate the development and realisation of joint projects which, on a mutually beneficial basis, should contribute to the economic objectives of BRICS.

The BRICS Business Council, which consists of five members of each country, focusses, among others, on areas of infrastructure, manufacturing, financial services, energy and the green economy, skills development, agribusiness and deregulation. The five members of the South African BRICS Business Council are: Brian Molefe (ESKOM), Iqbal Surve (Sekunjalo), Danisa Baloyi (Black Business Council), Khanyisile Kweyama (BUSA) and Stavros Nicolaou (BRICS Information Sharing and Exchanging Platform).

BRICS leaders also engaged in an Outreach Summit, together with the leaders of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) which comprises Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The regional organisation brings together 1,5 billion people in the region with a combined gross domestic product of over US$2,5 trillion.

President Zuma stated that: "South Africa welcomes India's outreach initiative to the BIMSTEC countries and supports the regional development and integration initiatives of BRICS members."

The summit concluded with the adoption of the Goa Declaration and Action Plan, which highlighted the strong foundation that BRICS had made in terms of establishing institutional mechanisms for tangible cooperation.

In this regard, the BRICS leaders noted with satisfaction the operationalisation of the New Development Bank (NDB) and of the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA), which contributes greatly to the global economy and the strengthening of the international financial architecture. The BRICS leaders also welcomed the report presented by NDB President on the work of the bank during the first year of its operations and progress made in operationalising the Africa Regional Centre of the NDB.

The BRICS leaders further welcomed the possibility of setting up an independent BRICS Rating Agency based on market-oriented principles, in order to further strengthen the global governance architecture.

A Memorandum of Understanding on Establishment of BRICS Agriculture Research Platform was signed at the conclusion of the summit, as part of the expanding BRICS institution-building agenda and sectoral cooperation initiatives.

The BRICS leaders again welcomed the African Union's (AU) vision, aspirations, goals and priorities for Africa's development enshrined in Agenda 2063, which is complementary with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The leaders reaffirmed their support for Africa's implementation of its various programmes in pursuit of its continental agenda for peace, socio-economic development, sustainable development and regional integration.

The incoming Chair of BRICS, China, will host the Ninth BRICS Summit in 2017.
This year’s anniversary, organised under the theme, "Commemorating life-long dedication to the people of Southern African people, We remember them!,” took place at Mbuzini, in Mpumalanga.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, on behalf of President Jacob Zuma, attended and addressed the 30th Anniversary service of the late Mozambican President Samora Machel on 17 October 2016.

It was attended by the Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Mozambique, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário; Arts and Culture Minister, Nathi Mthethwa; Premier David Mabuza; representatives of the Russian Federation; as well as families of those who perished alongside President Machel in the plane crash in 1986 in Mbuzini.

The 30th Anniversary was organised, among others, to:
  • commemorate the lives of President Machel and the 34 others who died during the plane crash at Mbuzini
  • highlight the role played by the people of Mozambique towards the liberation of South Africa and other countries in the subcontinent
  • promote Liberation Heritage as a vehicle to foster social cohesion, nation-building, economic development and inclusive citizenship.
As a consequence of the sacrifices made by the people of Mozambique, including the late President Machel, in the struggle against apartheid and towards the creation of a non-racial, democratic and non-sexist society, the two countries today enjoy strategic bilateral political, economic, trade and cultural relations.

These bilateral relations are conducted through the Heads of State Economic Bilateral Forum established in 1997 and the Joint Commission of Cooperation.

To date, over 70 sectoral agreements have been signed between the two countries, demonstrating the strength and the depth of the bilateral relations. – Source:
Mr Guterres brings with him a wealth of experience. He served as Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees from June 2005 to December 2015.
The South African Government recently extended its warm congratulations to António Guterres from Portugal following his appointment by the UN General Assembly as the organisation’s ninth Secretary-General. Mr Guterres will serve a five-year term from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021.

South Africa believes it was due to the concerted efforts by the membership of the General Assembly to regain its Charter-mandated role in the selection and appointment of the Secretary-General that enabled the appointment of such an exceptional candidate.

In his vision statement to the General Assembly, Mr Guterres highlighted a number of priority issues that were aligned with South Africa’s foreign policy objectives, including:
  • viewing security and development as a continuum not to be pursued separately
  • emphasising the importance of preventive diplomacy aimed at achieving political solutions based on inclusive engagement
  • increased cooperation with regional organisations.
The South African Government looks forward to establishing a close working relationship with Mr Guterres and wishes him well in shouldering the momentous responsibility that comes with leading the world’s foremost international organisation.

South Africa thanks the outgoing Secretary-General of the UN, Mr Ban Ki-moon, for his unselfish service to the organisation and its member states over the past decade.

In congratulating Mr Guterres upon his appointment, President Jacob Zuma said: “We are pleased that a friend of South Africa, and our continent, has been appointed to such an important position. Mr Guterres brings with him a lifetime of service to humanity, and he can be assured of South Africa’s strong support for the work that lies ahead”.
In all the 70 years as King of Thailand, His Majesty King Bhumibol worked to serve his people, and was regarded as close to divine by the Thais.
President Jacob Zuma recently, on behalf of the South African Government and the people of South Africa, extended the country’s deepest condolences to the people of the Kingdom of Thailand following the passing of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was born in December 1927, in Massachusetts in the United States, was the youngest son of His Royal Highness, Prince Mahidol Adulyadej, and Prince of Songkla. His Majesty the King ascended the throne on 9 June 1946 at the age of 18.

The King’s passing at the age of 88, has ended his seven decades on the throne during which he became a unifying father figure and rare source of stability in a country that has weathered more than a dozen coups since he came to power in 1946. The South African Government extended its most sincere condolences to the Government and People of the Kingdom of Thailand in this moment of sadness and grief.
The high-level segment engaged in the negotiations of the proposal to amend the Montreal Protocol to phase down the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, participated in the high-level segment of the 28th Session of Meeting of the Parties (MOP28) of the Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from 13 to 14 October 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda.

South Africa is a Party to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer. The protocol now has 196 parties, which is a universal membership. The protocol is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. It aims to reduce the production and consumption of ODS in order to reduce their abundance in the atmosphere, thereby protecting the Earth’s fragile ozone layer.

HFCs are a group of man-made chemicals containing the elements carbon, hydrogen and fluorine. They are colourless, odourless and unreactive gases. The amendment, agreed upon by the Parties, will achieve significant benefits in addressing climate change impacts, thereby implementing the Parties Agreement.

In earlier meetings, the parties agreed to language on finance, intellectual property, and linkages to HCFCs – ODS are already being phased out under the protocol. Progress was later made on narrowing the range of baseline and consumption freeze dates for developing countries; however, there remains significant divergence between countries on the climate ambition of the agreement.

In the pursuit of sustainable development and the National Development Plan, South Africa maintains it is imperative to explore all the options in addressing the impacts of HFCs. Since HFCs were introduced by the Montreal Protocol as an alternative for HCFCs, there is a moral obligation to address these substances under the auspices of the Montreal Protocol, which presents a step closer in achieving this objective.
IMEX America is a trade show that sets the pace for doing business on an international scale, attracting thousands of buyers and exhibitors from the United States of America and around the world.
The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, is heading the South African Tourism (SAT) delegation to participate at IMEX America 2016 in Las Vegas.

South Africa is an exceptionally capable, infrastructure-rich, experienced, cost-effective, welcoming and globally competitive business event destination. The country’s participation demonstrates that South Africa remains open for business and that we are determined to increase our business event arrivals and to put the business event sector to work to create jobs and contribute substantially to economic growth.

The Deputy Minister is also using this visit to engage with the trade in New York and Washington to further position South Africa as a destination of choice and leverage economic growth.
These elections of Adv Joyini are a demonstration that South Africa is making a positive impact at the United Nations (UN), more especially on international law matters, including oceans and the law of the sea issues.
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of South Africa to the UN recently congratulated Adv Thembile Joyini on his election as Chair of the Working Group on Diplomatic Protection on 3 October 2016 by the Sixth Committee which deals with international law issues. Participation in the meetings of the Sixth Committee serves as an important tool for contributing to the progressive development of international law and its codification.

Adv Joyini’s election follows after his recent election as a Coordinator of the Omnibus Resolution on Oceans and the Law of the Sea. He successfully led the first round of negotiations from 26 to 30 September 2016 and the second round will be from 16 to 22 November 2016. He will thereafter introduce the Omnibus Resolution to the UN General Assembly in the first week of December 2016 for adoption, hopefully, without a vote. Developing countries are fully cognisant of the contribution of oceans and seas to their development. This is well understood and appreciated even more, now that we are standing at a juncture where ocean-based economic development is at the top of the agenda for many governments.
Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba has, on the request of the Lesotho Government, agreed to extend the due date for the application of the Lesotho Special Permit to 31 December 2016.
The initial due date was in September.

According to the Minister, a total of 102 316 Lesotho nationals submitted online applications. Of these, 64 427 applicants made the necessary payment and scheduled appointments at Visa Facilitation Services (VFS).

Addressing the media in Pretoria recently, Minister Gigaba called on the Basotho nationals intending to continue working, doing business or studying in South Africa to ensure they apply for their special permits.

Minister Gigaba said having looked at the request for an extension, he had come to the determination that it would be best to grant more time in the interest of all parties concerned.

“This extension applies to all LSP applications and payments, meaning that people must have applied and paid by 31 December 2016 to avoid consequences,” said Minister Gigaba.

He warned that beyond the deadline, money would be refunded where the application process was incomplete and that deportations would kick in for those found in the country without enabling documents that legalised their stay.

The Minister also called on Lesotho nationals who had applied to call the VFS call centre to check if their permits were ready for collection and collected them if they were ready.

“Basotho nationals who produced Lesotho IDs cards when applying without valid passports are to provide their passports latest 31 December 2016,” Minister Gigaba said.

From 1 January 2017, all those who have paid but have not completed the application process by end of March 2017 will face deportation.

Minister Gigaba said between now and the end of December, extra effort would be made to encourage more people to apply, to complete the process and to collect their special permits.

“Our teams will go out to where people are and also streamline the application and payment process to make it easier for the applicants,” the Minister said.

In December, the teams will focus on the main ports of entry.

“For better deployment of resources, Basotho are advised to visit Home Affairs offices to confirm their readiness to apply.

“We have the names of those who filled the forms but still have not completed the process. Their names will be referred to the ports of entry for listing,” Minister Gigaba said.

According to the Minister, the moratorium not to deport will be lifted on 31 March 2017.

From 1 to 30 November 2016, Home Affairs teams and eight mobile units from VFS will go out to the provinces to assist people who cannot travel to VFS centres. – Source:
South Africa and Namibia have signed a Bilateral Air Services Agreement (BASA) to strengthen the already existing civil aviation relations between the two countries.
Transport Minister Dipuo Peters and Namibia’s Minister of Works and Transport, Alpheus ! Naruseb, recently signed the agreement in Pretoria.

“Our air service arrangements are liberal, with our designated airlines allowed to, among others, operate an unlimited number of flights per week per side for passenger services, unlimited overnight express cargo with an aircraft weight that does not exceed 5 700kg and the exercise of fifth freedom traffic rights at intra-African points,” Minister Peters said.

The fifth freedom allows an airline to carry revenue traffic between foreign countries as a part of services connecting the airline's own country.

The designated airlines for South Africa include South African Airways (SAA), South African Express, South African Airlink, Comair and Fly Blue Crane. The designated airlines for Namibia are Air Namibia, Nomad Aviation and Westair Aviation.

“Our bilateral relationship is strategic for both our countries from a fiscal and import/export perspective and the economic nature of our relationship is interdependence, which is the reason that as South Africa, we value our relations.

“It is South Africa’s position that Africa needs to consolidate its own air transport market and industry in order to remain relevant and the individual African member states need to support the regional economic communities’ initiatives,” Minister Peters said.

SAA operates 20 flights per week on the Johannesburg-Windhoek route, making it three flights a day. South African Express operates nine flights per week on the Johannesburg-Walvis Bay route and six flights per week on the Cape Town-Walvis Bay route.

South African Airlink operates 11 flights per week on the Cape Town-Windhoek route, while Comair operates seven flights on the Johannesburg-Windhoek route.

Air Namibia operates 21 flights per week on the Windhoek-Johannesburg route, 14 flights on the Windhoek-Cape Town route and seven flights per week on the Walvis Bay-Cape Town route. – Source:
Chinese and South African high-tech companies showcased advanced new technologies in the life sciences, new energy, environmental protection, electronic information, communication and automation technologies, as well as equipment manufacturing.
The South Africa-China Exhibition took place at the Sandton International Convention Centre from 13 to15 October.

The three-day event also featured research and development topics discussed during panel discussions and parallel sessions.

The exhibition created a platform for South African and Chinese science councils and industry players to exchange information on new technological trends and foster collaborative linkages.

The Department of Science and Technology has enjoyed good relations with China's Ministry of Science and Technology since South Africa signed a Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement with China in March 1999.
Johannesburg’s former Mayor, Parks Tau, has been appointed President of world body United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the umbrella body of local governments around the world.
UCLG, which has its headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, is the equivalent of the United Nations (UN) for local government. It represents over 240 000 towns and regions, 175 local government associations and five billion people in the world.

Tau clinched the three-year global job after beating the Mayor of Kazan by 103 votes to 42. The election took place in Bogota, Colombia, where Tau’s nomination was supported by a cross-section of regions, including Africa, South America, North America and Europe.

Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, said before the elections: “It is just appropriate for UCLG to be led by someone who comes from the fastest urbanising region of the world. Parks Tau is my choice for UCLG President”.

Paris Mayor, Anne Hidalgo, added “Mpho Parks Tau has all of my trust to speak on our behalf and make UCLG an open, modern and inclusive organisation”.

The appointment to this prestigious position – becoming the voice of 240 000 local governments worldwide – came just a week after Tau was made interim chairperson of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).

SALGA said the UCLG Presidency was a milestone for the African continent and South Africa, providing a platform for them to drive the sustainable development goals.

Tau said: “We are ready. We have demonstrated our cohesion and that we can work together as a continent” and that “It is not somebody doing us a favour. We are active and leading members of the world body UCLG”.

– Source:
American coffee and baked good brands, Dunkin’ Donuts, recently opened its first restaurant in South Africa, making it the the 45th country to join the franchise family.
Enthusiastic customers queued outside the restaurant in Goodwood, Cape Town, to get a taste of the famous coffee and donuts.

The master franchise agreement between Dunkin’ Brands and the JSE-listed Grand Parade Investments (GPI) allows for the development of more than 250 Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants and more than 70 Baskin-Robbins shops in the country over the coming years.

President of Dunkin’ Brands International, Bill Mitchell, said they were pleased to work with GPI to bring Dunkin’ Donuts’ range of espresso beverages, coffees, sandwiches and baked goods to South Africa.

“GPI has a wealth of experience in the local restaurant and retail industry, and a strong focus on operational excellence,” Mitchell said.

“We look forward to supporting GPI in their efforts to make Dunkin’ Donuts, as well as its sister brand Baskin-Robbins, available to a growing number of guests in South Africa in the years ahead.”

Chairman of GPI, Hassen Adams, said diversifying the local quick service restaurant industry with premium brands that resonated with South Africans remained a focus for the Group.

“Dunkin’ Brands and GPI have shared values, and are committed to maintaining the product and brand excellence Dunkin’ Donuts is known for in other markets around the world,” Adams said.

An extensive variety of coffee would be available in South Africa, including the original Blend, lattes and cappuccinos, as well as a selection of cold beverages.

– Source: Africa News Agency
South African journalists recently claimed recognition at the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards.
Ancillar Mangena of Forbes Africa won the Maggie Eales Wales Young Journalist Award at the ceremony at Gallagher Estate on Saturday, 15 October. Introduced this year, the award is in memory of the late CNN executive and former journalist, Eales, who died in 2015.

Jay Caboz, also from Forbes Africa, won the Energy and Infrastructure Award, while the Economic and Business Award was jointly won by Diana Neille, Richard Poplak, Shaun Swingler and Sumeya Gasa of the Daily Maverick Chronicle.

Mail & Guardian’s Mia Malan won the Features Award Category, while Sunday Times photographer James Oatway won the Mohammed Amin Photography Award.

“We salute and congratulate our South African journalists, who won CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards for their praiseworthy journalism … Indeed, they are excellent journalists most worthy of this high honour”, said the Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi.

“We want to urge our South African journalists to participate in these prestigious awards, since we boast some of the best journalists, who can compete at this level and win all the categories at stake,” she said.

The CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards recognise the importance of the role of journalists in Africa’s development and serve to encourage journalistic talent across all media disciplines.

There are more than 11 categories, including business, environment, press freedom, and French and Portuguese language.

However, it was two Kenyans, Asha Ahmed Nwilu and Rashid Idi of Kenya Television Network, who dominated the glittering award ceremony.

They also won the News Impact Award and Culture Award jointly with John Grobler from Namibia and Fiona Macleod, and Ati Metwaly from Egypt’s Al Ahram Weekly, respectively.

Kenya also emerged as the overall winners of the 2016 CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards.

– Source:
Michelle’s self-published book, "Waiting for the Waves", is about a girl overcoming her fear of the sea. It’s a book about hope and self-confidence – something Michelle has in abundance.
South African seven-year-old, Michelle Nkamankeng – who recently made history as the youngest author from Africa to be included in the list of Top 10 youngest writers in the world – has shared her tips with BBC World Service, as well as several other international media outlets.

At the young age of seven, Michelle is already focussed on inspiring other young children. Her tips, as told to several interviewers, including BBC World, are:
  • reading is fun
  • always follow your dreams
  • don’t let anybody get in your way
  • if you can’t read, you can’t write!
Michelle was born in South Africa to Cameroonian parents. Mom Lolo said she is the “happiest mom” although it’s important that Michelle stay focussed on her education.

Her sister Sheena said Michelle kept the book a secret although she and her siblings knew, and she helped with the illustrations.

Michelle’s father Paul told Destiny Connect that the idea for the book came when Michelle was just five. “We took her to the beach for the first time and she asked me why everyone was looking at the ocean, and I told her they were waiting for the waves,” he said.

Waiting for the Waves is the first in a four-part series.

On her Facebook page, Michelle describes herself as “a humble little girl who is an author. I am confident in myself and inspiring young children to follow their dreams. Stay tuned for more books …”

– Source:
Athol Williams has been awarded the Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Award for the second year running, becoming the first person to win it twice!
It’s been an incredible week for Williams in which he not only won this award but also launched his autobiography – Pushing Boulders – and was selected as one of 10 winners of a major poetry competition, Parallel Universe, in Oxford, England.

Williams currently splits his time between his home in Cape Town and the United Kingdom, where he is studying political philosophy at Oxford University.

He also received news that he had been shortlisted for the South African Literary Award for Poetry.

The South African poet told SAPeople it had been “an amazing week”.

He said: “This recognition of my poetry is extremely rewarding. I have been writing poetry for 25 years and only recently have I enjoyed some recognition. My first poem was published at Wits University in 1991”.

He says “the awards have raised awareness of my poems which focus on social and political challenges and possibilities” and he is therefore “pleased that through the recognition of my work, these issues will receive greater attention”.

– Source:
After being voted as one of the world’s most beautiful countries, South Africa made yet another list, but this time it fell right into the lap of world-class luxury.
The Travel Leaders Group released its Fall Luxury Travel Trends, which named Italy as the top destination in luxury travel, with a European river cruise coming in second and the United States in third place.

The results came in after 785 of the company’s luxury travel agents filled out a survey based on the choices of their affluent clientele; and if you think the world is spiraling down economically, think again, because 84% of the agents stated that their luxury booking were much higher than what it was last year.

The survey also indicated what luxury travellers expected in terms of resort amenities and experiences like fine-dining, spas, personalised and private concierge-level access came out as the cream of the crop.

South Africa’s unique and stylish flair made the list and ranks at number 11 while upwardly-trending destinations such as Jamaica and Cuba also made the Travel Leaders Group’s list of luxury travel destinations.
Mamelodi Sundowns won Egyptian powerhouse Zamalek in an action-packed match at Lucas Moripe Stadium in Pretoria on 15 October. They’re one step closer to being crowned African club champions!
The home team thrashed Zamalek in the CAF Champions League final first leg with a score of 3-0. It was a champion’s performance, delivering awesome atmosphere, goosebumps and an undisputed victory over one of Africa’s top football clubs.

Earlier, South African Football Association (SAFA) President, Dr Danny Jordaan, reminded Sundowns that they stood on the brink of greatness if they overcame the Egyptians; a triumph that would open many other great opportunities in the world of football …

And they pulled it off Saturday in front of a jubilant crowd!

The SAFA President said Sundowns was on the threshold of unimagined history and achievement for South African football because, not only would they become the best side on the African continent, but would automatically qualify for the FIFA Club World Cup, which will be played from 8 to 18 December 2016 in Tokyo, Japan.

If Mamelodi Sundowns win the hotly contested championship, they would be the first South African team to win the League title since Orlando Pirates did it in 1995.

Jordaan said: “The draw for the FIFA Club World Cup has already been conducted and if Sundowns win the two legs against Zamalek, they will meet New Zealand’s Auckland City and next Champions of Japan in the FIFA Club World Cup.”

The second leg will take place in Alexandria in Egypt on 21 October 2016.

– Source:
The little known but ancient sport of fistball is gaining popularity among South Africans looking for an active pastime that is a little different and a lot of fun. Their passion for the sport culminated in the hosting of the fistball World Cup in Cape Town on 14 and 15 October 2016.
Described as a faster, more aggressive version of volleyball, fistball dates back to 240AD. The sport became popular again in 16th century Italy, where the rules of the game were first officially devised and recorded.

The first South African team, and later the Fistball Association of South Africa (Fasa), was started in 2014 by Capetonian Leif Petersen, who was looking for an alternative sport to play as a way to make his mark representing his country.

At the end of 2015, Petersen received approval from the fistball world governing body in Germany to hold a World Cup tournament, bringing the best fistball club teams in the world to compete in Cape Town on 14 and 15 October 2016.

The event was held at the Vygieskraal Sports Ground, Belgravia, Cape Town, and featured visiting clubs from Germany, Brazil and Argentina. The tournament also introduced the long-awaited documentary on the unconventional story of fistball in South Africa, featuring interviews with players and highlights of all the local teams in action.

For more information, visit the Fistball Association of South Africa Facebook page.

– Source:
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