Issue 273 | 04 May 2017
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The WEFA is attended by heads of state and government, and global leaders from business, civil society as well as government to discuss important issues relating to the achievement of inclusive economic growth globally and with specific focus on Africa.
President Jacob Zuma is leading a South African delegation to the WEFA being held from 3 to 5 May 2017 at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, Durban, under the theme “Achieving Inclusive Growth: Responsive and Responsible Leadership”.

“South Africa is honoured to host this illustrious gathering of global leaders on behalf of the African continent and we look forward to sharing our insights and homegrown successes with the rest of the continent and the world.

“As a host country, we look forward to a meaningful dialogue and innovative ideas from stakeholders across the continent and the world on accelerating partnerships and boosting regional integration for Africa’s inclusive and sustainable growth,” said President Zuma.

The President said he was pleased that WEFA 2017 would focus specifically on issues that included education, skills and employment; entrepreneurship; energy; infrastructure and development finance; combating, adapting to and building resilience against climate change; and science, technology and innovation.

The President said the WEFA meeting had come to South Africa at the right time. “As a developing constitutional democracy that is defined by the triple challenges of inequality, poverty and employment, South Africa believes that radical economic transformation is imperative to accelerate inclusive growth and eradicate these long-standing challenges. Our international partners and investors appreciate this historical need as they know it is key to long-term sustainable development for the South African economy,” said President Zuma.

The National Orders are the highest awards that South Africa bestows, through the President of the Republic, upon citizens and members of the international community who have contributed meaningfully towards making the country a free, democratic and successful nation, united in its diversity.



President Jacob Zuma, the Grand Patron of the National Orders, on 28 April, bestowed the 2017 National Orders on distinguished local citizens and eminent foreign nationals who had played a significant role towards building a free democratic South Africa and improving the lives of South Africans in various ways.

During the ceremony, President Zuma bestowed the Order of Ikhamanga, the Order of the Baobab, the Order of Luthuli, and the Order of the Companions of OR Tambo to the following deserving recipients.

The Order of Ikhamanga in Gold

Wayde van Niekerk: For his exceptional contribution to the sporting field of track running. His performance against all odds broke standing records of
international legends and brought immense national pride.

The Order of Ikhamanga In Silver

Matthew Brittain: For his excellent contribution to the field of water sport and winning gold for South Africa in the 2012 Olympic Games. His strong determination is an inspiration to the young people of South Africa.

Khaba Mkhize (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the field of journalism and the liberation struggle. Through his writings as a journalist, he bravely exposed many apartheid injustices and pricked the consciences of the unjust lawmakers of the time.

Sizwe Laurence Ndlovu: For his excellent contribution to the field of water sport and winning gold for South Africa in the 2012 Olympic Games in London. He serves as a role model for the young ones who also aspire towards highest achievements in life.

Zinjiva Winston Nkondo (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the struggle for the liberation of the people of South Africa and the creative use of his art as an orator and poet to prick the conscience of the apartheid government.

John Smith: For his excellent contribution to the field of water sport and winning gold for South Africa in the 2012 Olympic Games. He does not rest on his laurels as he aims for the 2020 Olympic Games on a bigger challenge.

James Thompson: For his excellent contribution to the field of water sport and winning gold for South Africa in the 2012 Olympic Games. He is undoubtedly the pride of the nation by raising South Africa’s international standing.

Prof. Jeff Opland: For his excellent contribution to the field of history and his impressive body of work in literature. His work exhumes stories of the dead and brings them to life so that the living can continue to learn.

The Order Of Ikhamanga In Bronze

Arthur Nuthall Fula (Posthumous): For his contribution to the field of literature and challenging stereotypes by writing in a third language, Afrikaans. His vivid imagination has inspired many readers and broadened the knowledge of our country.

The Order of the Baobab In Gold

Nokutela Dube (Posthumous): For her exceptional contribution to the upliftment of African communities who were faced with oppression and social injustice.

The Order of the Baobab in Silver

Milner Langa Kabane (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the field of education and the upliftment of the black community during the struggle for liberation. He lived by the courage of his conviction in adverse conditions.

Getrude Ntlabathi (Posthumous): For her contribution to the empowerment of women through education. Among others, she produced students who grew to become renowned leaders, such as the late former President Nelson Mandela.

The Order of the Baobab in Bronze

Pfarelo Rebecca Ramugondo: For her outstanding contribution to community service and upliftment.

Prof. Olive Shisana: For her outstanding contribution to the field of science and community service, particularly her tireless work in researching solutions to the scourges of HIV and AIDS.

The Order of Luthuli in Silver

Miltha Mary “Mamou’’ Calata (Posthumous): For her excellent contribution to the fight against apartheid and poverty. She went beyond her call of duty to help alleviate the burden of poverty from the poor by encouraging self-reliance.

David Mbulelo “Spi” Grootboom (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the fight for liberation and dignity for the people of South Africa. He believed in the equality of all citizens and challenged injustices to the hilt.

Prof. Fatima Meer (Posthumous): For her excellent contribution to the struggle for liberation. Her gallant and steadfast opposition to social injustices for decades is commendable.

Collen Monde Mkunqwana (Posthumous): For his contribution to the struggle for the liberation of the people of South Africa. He bravely sacrificed his own safety, waging resistance against a dangerous system that meted out maximum force to repress dissent.

The Order of Luthuli in Bronze

Zodwa Mofokeng (Posthumous): For her relentless fight against government’s oppression in South Africa. She defied oppressive rule and advanced the cause of liberation and justice for all South Africans.

The Order of Luthuli in Silver

“Mr Samson Ndou and 21 others”: For their brave fight against apartheid. They suffered but stood fiercely with the courage of their convictions for their freedom.

Reginald “Reggie” Oliphant (Posthumous): For his contribution to the fight against social injustices meted out against black people in South Africa. His steadfast belief in the equality of all citizens prompted him to confront the tyranny of apartheid.

Neville Rubin: For his contribution to the fight for the rights of workers through involvement in workers’ unions. He gallantly voiced out his opposition in a period when it was risky to one’s life to speak up.

Zweli Lucas Sizani (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the liberation movement and struggle for democracy. He selflessly put his life in danger for the freedom and equality of all South Africans.

The Order of Mapungubwe in Silver

Prof. Fulufhelo Nelwamondo: For his excellent contribution to the field of science, particularly electrical engineering. He serves as an enormous inspiration to young people in South Africa.

Siyabulela Lethuxolo Xuza: For his excellent contribution to scientific innovation at an early stage, proving to himself and others that through determination and hard work, one can achieve new career heights. His brilliance has attracted great international attention to his work.

The Order of The Companions of OR Tambo In Gold

His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao: For his exceptional contribution to the promotion of peace and resistance to social injustices. His selfless service to others bears witness and inspires many in the global community. Former President and Prime Minister of East Timor, His Excellency Gusmao is often referred to as the Mandela of Asia. He remains a voice of reason and moderation in the debate over the future of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste and like former President Mandela, he continues to advocate reconciliation rather than retribution as the best method of healing Timor Leste's wounds inflicted by the Republic of Indonesia during its colonial occupation.

The Order of The Companions of Or Tambo in Silver

Maurice Bogatsu (Posthumous): For his excellent contribution to the fight for liberation, carrying out dangerous missions between South Africa and Botswana with the members of Umkhonto we Sizwe.

Euzhan Palcy: For her excellent contribution to the liberation struggle by exposing South African social injustices through an international film that strengthened the revolution against apartheid.

“This launch and the development of the Maluti-a-Phofung SEZ demonstrates our promotion of industrial development which is key to the nation’s long-term economic success and prosperity,” said President Zuma.


President Jacob Zuma recently launched the much anticipated Maluti-a-Phofung Special Economic Zone (MAP-SEZ), demonstrating government’s promotion of industrial development.

The launch of the SEZ brought the tally of special economic zones in the country to eight. SEZs are geographically designated areas of a country that are set aside for specifically targeted economic activities.

Also speaking at the launch, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said that to date South Africa’s SEZs had collectively attracted over R9,5 billion worth of investments. They have also created over 10 000 direct jobs and 65 000 indirect jobs.

“The Maluti-a-Phofung SEZ information is telling us that this zone is receiving a pipeline of investments to the value of R2,6 billion and I believe around about R1 billion of investment is here already,” said Minister Davies.

The Free State SEZ was once an apartheid era industrial park that was established to provide access to cheap black labour.

The SEZs and Industrial Parks Programme that is run by the Department of Trade and Industry is critical to efforts to radically transform the South African economy.

Through the SEZ Programme, South Africa also continues to play an important role in the attraction of foreign and domestic direct investment into the economy. The eight zones are: Coega and East London industrial development zones (IDZs) in the Eastern Cape; Dube TradePort and Richards Bay IDZs in KwaZulu-Natal; OR Tambo IDZ in Gauteng; Saldanha Bay IDZ in the Western Cape; Maluti-a-Phofung IDZ in the Free State; and Musina-Makhado SEZ in Limpopo.

Next month, the MAP-SEZ will begin with its bulk services upgrades project. The project will focus on upgrading existing infrastructure in order to accommodate new investors. The project will include bulk water and sanitation, bulk electricity, major roadworks and site platforms for new and existing tenants.

– Source:
President Jacob Zuma has congratulated Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, following his election recently as the President of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) in Cape Town.
The Chief Justice was elected during the CCJA Fourth Congress hosted at the Cape Town International Convention Centre under the theme: "Strengthening the Independence of the Judiciary and Respect for the Rule of Law".

“We wish to heartily congratulate the Chief Justice on his election and wish him all the best in his new responsibilities. This election to such a key continental position demonstrates confidence and high regard for South Africa’s judiciary on the continent. This is a great honour for our country, which happened on the eve of Freedom Day and just a few days before the beginning of Africa Month,” said President Zuma.
The celebration of Africa Month contributes to the decolonisation of the African continent through a variety of government and civil-society projects under the theme: “A Year of OR Tambo: Building a Better Africa and a Better World”.
The Department of Arts and Culture will host a third edition of Africa Month in May 2017. This forms part of South Africa’s contribution to the continent’s celebration of the transition from the Organisation of African Unity, which was established on 25 May 1963, to the current African Union (AU), and its related institutions and programmes.

Africa Month contributes to the Pan-African call for African unity and cooperation, and is used as a platform by all AU member states to take stock of progress made towards realising Agenda 2063.

The Government-wide month-long programme, which will be available on , goes beyond the arts and culture sector to embrace the contributions of the South African Government through economic, political and social factors impacting on the development of the continent. Activities and dialogues are celebratory and educational. All have political and socio-economic benefits for the people of South Africa and the rest of the continent to celebrate their Africaness and recommit to building communities grounded on positive shared African values and principles.
The Minister for Public Service and Administration, Faith Muthambi, has conveyed South Africa's appreciation to the African Peer Review Forum of Ministers for the sterling work achieved in revitalisation of the mechanism.
"I am proud to proclaim, with conviction and without fear of contradiction, that this committee, the APR Forum, and the entire APRM family, including our strategic partners, continue to play a positive and significant role in ensuring that we achieve an Africa characterised by good governance" said the Minister.

The Minister was speaking at an APRM Focal Points meeting in Midrand on 26 April. The APRM Focal Points meeting is a gathering of ministers or high-level government officials who report directly to their respective heads of state or government.

The APRM is a self-assessment tool to deepen democracy and foster good governance and accountability in participating countries.

"This committee has ensured that the APRM rise to expectations of the founding fathers in playing a role as a catalyst for sustainable development for the people of our continent.

"As servants of our people, we should always seek to ensure that we let nothing stand in the way of achieving the dream of a better Africa for our children and future generations", said the Minister.

Minister Muthambi also took the opportunity, on behalf of President Jacob Zuma, to welcome all delegates to the country: "We hope that although you will surely be focused on the core business delegated to you, you will also find time to visit some of our tourist attractions and experience the warmth of our people" Minister Muthambi concluded.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) took home the Best Foreign Exhibitor Award at the 58th Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF).

The dti stand was voted as best foreign exhibitor among a total of 13 international exhibitors that were participating in the 58th ZITF, which took place in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, recently.

Reflecting on the award, the Director of Export Promotion at the dti, Seema Sardha, said that achieving the accolade of the best exhibitor was indeed rewarding. The award, she said, acknowledged the outstanding efforts that were put in by Team South Africa towards ensuring that the country’s commitment to building partnerships with Zimbabwe yielded the desired economic gains.

“Our exhibition stand was pitted against the best from Africa and the rest of the world. We will indeed strive to ensure we sustain the momentum that has been established from our participation and create an enabling environment for trade for both our South African and business sectors,” said Sardha.

The ZITF, which took place from 25 to 30 April 2017, is one of the largest annual intra-regional trade fair shows in sub-Saharan Africa that provide the most convenient trade hub in the region.

The department hosted an exhibition consisting of local businesses as part of its strategic objective to strengthen bilateral trade between South Africa and Zimbabwe and promote Intra-Africa trade as well as economic integration of the continent.

The South African stand at the fair attracted significant interest during the course of the ZITF.

“The South African products on display attracted keen interest from both small-scale companies and big business and we look forward to positive leads towards intensifying the current bilateral relationship,” she said. – Source:
The China Overseas Infrastructure Development and Investment Corporation (COIDIC) recently opened its first African headquarters in Johannesburg, marking an important milestone in China-Africa relations.
COIDIC Director, Zhou Chao, said the corporation recognised the challenges of building infrastructure in Africa. “We will develop in a very short time and provide mature projects in Africa, thereby attracting more funds to invest in African infrastructure.”

COIDIC, with a US$500-million capital base, is the first infrastructure development and investment corporation that focuses on overseas early-stage projects, especially those in Africa. Zhou said the establishment of COIDIC reflected the China-African Fund and China Development Bank’s fulfilment of the 10 major cooperation programmes announced by the Chinese Government at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. – Source:
At its recent meeting, Cabinet approved the county’s hosting of some important international events.
Cabinet approved for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to co-host the World Aquaculture Society Conference in Cape Town from 26 to 30 June 2017.

This contributes to Operation Phakisa Aquaculture Lab, which aims to increase aquaculture growth by five-fold in the next five years from 4 000 tons to 20 000 tons, to create 15 000 jobs and increase the contribution of aquaculture towards the gross domestic product.

Aquaculture presents a good opportunity to diversify fish production to satisfy local demand, food security, export opportunities and create jobs. Hosting the conference will promote the sector, enhance investment by private sector and donors, and assist in fast-tracking aquaculture development locally through insights from aquaculture strategies from other nations.

Cabinet approved the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Committee to oversee and provide strategic direction during the preparations for and hosting of the 37th Ordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in August 2017.

The SADC Summit will take place under the theme “Partnering with the Private Sector in Developing Industry and Regional Value Chains”, emphasising the need to address critical factors to implement and achieve SADC’s Industrial Strategy and Action Plan.

South Africa will utilise its position as Chair of SADC to strategically advance the country’s national interests as outlined in the National Development Plan and strengthen regional economic opportunities and security-related matters.
Habitat III is a programme adopted by the UN to "reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanisation".
Former City of Johannesburg Mayor and South African Local Government Association (SALGA) chairperson, Parks Tau, was appointed as a co-chair of the UN High-Level Independent Panel recently to oversee the effectiveness of the Habitat III.

SALGA in a statement said Tau was appointed together with Mexican Secretary of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development, Rosario Robles, as co-chair during a sitting of the UN in New York.

In the statement, Tau described his new role on the panel as an instrument to advance the interests of local government both on the local and international scale.

"Having committed to advocate for the location of local government at the centre of a changing world, the panel presents an opportunity to lead this agenda," he said.

The panel is expected to write an assessment report of the progress of Habitat III, which will serve as an input to a meeting of the UN General Assembly in September. – Source:
South Africa's national carrier South African Airways (SAA) recently entered into a partnership with Hawaii’s largest and longest-serving carrier, Hawaii Airlines.
SAA announced in a statement that the partnership would be providing a new and convenient flight route option for both SAA and United States (US) customers travelling between the Hawaiian Islands and southern Africa.

According to SAA, this new partnership will offer increased convenience to customers by allowing travel on one single electronic ticket and through interline baggage transfer upon check-in with either SAA or Hawaiian Airlines in the USA or southern Africa.

"This new interline partnership enables SAA and Hawaiian Airlines to broaden their route networks to provide some of the fastest connections between Hawaii and destinations throughout Africa,” says Aaron Munetsi, SAA acting general manager, commercial. “Our mutual customers will enjoy the warm traditional South African and Hawaiian Island hospitality throughout their journey from two award-winning airlines.”

With immediate effect, customers will be able to buy a single itinerary for travel on flights of both carriers in one transaction.

Connections between the Hawaiian Island network and more than 75 destinations in Africa served by SAA will be made via New York’s John F Kennedy Airport, a primary gateway for SAA in North America, with the only daily non-stop service to South Africa. – Source: Traveller24
The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) recently joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Penguin Day.

The department, along with its partners, has worked to improve the status of the African Penguin and to safeguard the long-term survival of this species in the wild.

Eighteen penguin species have been recorded globally and were found to occur only in the Southern Hemisphere, with the most notable in southern Africa being the African Penguin.

The African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) is Africa’s only extinct penguin and is also endemic as a breeding species to both South Africa and Namibia.

This seabird was once South Africa’s most abundant seabird, with pairs of over one million in the 1910s, to the present population recorded at less than 25 000 pairs globally.

This led to the status of the African Penguin being reassessed according to the International Union for Conservation for Nature criteria in 2010, where it was uplisted from Vulnerable to Endangered. Again in 2016, the status for this species was maintained as Endangered.

In total, the species has declined by over 60% in the last 30 years and by over 50% in the three most recent generations, with continuing declines.

The DEA gazetted the African Penguin Biodiversity Management Plan in 2013, which became the first National Biodiversity Management Plan in the country.

The African Penguin Biodiversity Management Plan aims to address various threats to the African Penguin through an action plan. These threats range from the legislative framework, anthropogenic impacts, fish and fishing, natural threats, catastrophic events, insufficient research as well as insufficient education and awareness.

Like other seabirds, African Penguins have a valuable role to play in the ecosystem. They are sensitive to ecosystem changes and vulnerable to threats around their breeding colonies. They also have the ability to provide an index of the health of marine ecosystems and can be used as indicators of marine resources, including the distribution of such resources necessary for human consumption. – Source:
International rugby will return to Soweto’s Orlando Stadium and debut at Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban in June when the South African ‘A’ team take on the French Barbarians in two exciting encounters.
These matches are being hosted in Durban and Soweto with the assistance of the Gauteng Provincial Government and the eThekwini Municipality - Moses Mabhida Stadium, on the eve of the second and third tests between the Springboks and France, respectively.

The opening clash in Durban, on Friday, 16 June, will be the first-ever senior rugby match staged at Moses Mabhida, the iconic stadium which was built for the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa.

The second match will see rugby return to Orlando Stadium for the first time since the 2010 Super Rugby final, in which the Bulls beat the Stormers in an epic local encounter.

In fact, for two weeks in May 2010, nearly 80 000 rugby supporters flocked to Orlando Stadium for the Bulls’ semi-final against the Crusaders and final against the Stormers, as Loftus Versfeld was not available due to the Soccer World Cup that year.

“The hosting of these matches at two iconic venues will not only make for superb weekends of top-class international rugby between South Africa and France, but are also hugely exciting as we’ll be playing at non-traditional rugby venues,” said SA Rugby CEO Jurie Roux.

“We would not have been able to do this without the assistance of the Gauteng Provincial Government and eThekwini Municipality - Moses Mabhida Stadium and we would like to thank them for their commitment to bringing rugby to new audiences. – Source:
On 25 April, Mdantsane boxing sensation and newly crowned World Boxing Organisation (WBO) bantamweight champion Zolani Tete, returned home to a hero’s welcome.

This after his weekend historic victory that saw him winning his second major world championship in a convincing points victory over the Philippine’s Arthur Villanueva in England’s Leicester City Arena.

Scores of supporters, government officials and sport personalities were waiting at the East London Airport when the Mdantsane champion touched down.

Speaking to the Daily Dispatch, Tete said: “I’m over the moon. I would not have made it without the prayers of my family and supporters back home.”

He was looking to do unification bouts with other champions in the same bantamweight division. “My next step is to conquer the World Boxing Association and the International Boxing Federation.

“I want to be an undisputed champion in the bantamweight division in all the federations and associations of the world,” he said.

He was fighting in a eliminator bout, which was eventually elevated into a full world championship after the champion, Marlon Tapales of Philippines, who also fought elsewhere on the weekend, failed to make weight for his bout.

By winning the WBO, Tete becomes the only South African boxer to currently hold a major world title.

The judges scored his fight 120-109 and 119-108 twice, giving the Mdantsane maestro a unanimous points victory to take his record to 27 wins and three losses. – Source:
Gift Ngoepe was aware of the significance of the moment when he put on his Pittsburgh Pirates uniform for the first time in the regular season.

The Pirates recalled the infielder from Triple-A Indianapolis recently, making him the first player from Africa to reach the major leagues, according to the team.

"It's a dream come true for me because it's been my dream since I was a 10-year-old boy, but it also means so much to the people of South Africa and baseball in Africa," Ngoepe said before the Pirates played the Chicago Cubs. "I've gotten plenty from people back home who are so excited. Baseball is still very much in the development stages (in Africa) and hopefully this gets more people interested."

The 27-year-old Ngoepe was born in Polokwane, South Africa, and attended high school in the suburbs of Johannesburg. Ngoepe signed with Pittsburgh in 2008 and was batting .241 in Triple-A when he was promoted.

"It's a great win for the organisation and great accomplishment by Gift," Pirates manager Clint Hurdle said of Ngoepe's promotion. "I first saw him 6 ½ years ago in instructional league and he's completely changed.

"I'm sure a lot of people have told him over the years that he would never make the major leagues: professional scouts, people in uniform, people out of uniform. But he didn't listen, and persevered until he got here." – Source:
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