Issue 274 | 10 May 2017
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President Jacob Zuma has congratulated His Excellency, Mr Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, after he won the presidential elections on 9 May 2017.
President Zuma said: "South Africa looks forward to working with the South Korean Government under the leadership of President Moon to consolidate the already strong political, trade and investment cooperation between South Africa and the Republic of Korea".

South Africa and the Republic of Korea commemorate 25 years of diplomatic relations during 2017. Relations between South Africa and the Republic of Korea are structured through a Joint Cooperation Commission at Ministerial Level encompassing political, economic and social spheres. The two countries cooperate in a wide spectrum of sectors: education and training, the environment, health, transport, automotives, energy, science and research, as well as arts and culture.

President Zuma added that: "South Africa will continue to work with the South Korean Government under President Moon to implement existing agreements and explore new areas of cooperation for the mutual benefit of the South African and South Korean people”.
President Jacob Zuma has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, sent a message of condolences to his Tanzanian counterpart, President John Magufuli, following a bus crash in the Arusha region of Tanzania that has claimed more than 30 lives, leaving scores of others injured.
President Zuma said: "The South African Government and people share the grief of the families who have lost their loved ones. On this very sad and tragic occasion, South Africa stands in solidarity with the people of Tanzania and share their loss".

The accident, which took place on 7 May 2017, is reported to have claimed the lives of schoolchildren, two teachers and the bus driver.
President Jacob Zuma will undertake a State Visit to the United Republic of Tanzania from 11 to 12 May 2017.
President Zuma will also co-chair the launch of the South Africa-Tanzania Bi-National Commission (BNC) with the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, John Pemba Magufuli.

The agreement establishing the BNC was signed in July 2011 and will be operationalised and officially launched on 11 May 2017. The BNC is the highest mechanism regulating bilateral relations between two the countries.

During the visit, the two heads of state will hold talks on a wide range of bilateral issues. These will include a review of the status of the bilateral relations; adoption of strategic interventions to further strengthen the relationship to focus on mutually identified priority issues; and a discussion on regional and continental peace and security issues.

South Africa and Tanzania enjoy excellent bilateral relations which date back to the days of the liberation struggle and were formalised by the two governments in 1994.

South Africa and Tanzania’s economic relations continue to grow apace and cooperation encompasses trade and investment, science and technology, agriculture, environment, energy, infrastructure development, and retail, among others.
Trade figures between the two countries in 2016 indicated that South African exports to Tanzania were valued at R6,5 billion, whereas imports from Tanzania amounted to R3,5 billion. There are currently over 150 South African companies operating in Tanzania in areas such as the financial services sector, hospitality and leisure as well as information and communications technology and electronics.

During the visit, President Zuma and his host will also address the South Africa-Tanzania Business Forum, which will be held on the sidelines of the State Visit to strengthen economic relations between the two countries.

President Zuma will be accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor; Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies; Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa; and the Minister of Transport, Joe Maswanganyi; as well as a business delegation.
President Jacob Zuma has congratulated
Mr Emmanuel Macron, President-elect of the Republic of France, following his victory on
7 May 2017 in the French presidential elections.

President Zuma said: "South Africa looks forward to working with the French Government under the leadership of Mr Macron to consolidate the already strong political, economic and trade ties between South Africa and France".

France is also an important source of foreign direct investment and also one of the highest sources of onward tourism for South Africa.

Relations between South Africa and France are structured through a Strategic Partnership encompassing political, economic, social and defence matters. The two countries cooperate in a wide variety of fields, especially in education and training, environment, health, transport, energy, science and research, as well as arts and culture.
President Jacob Zuma has lauded Team South Africa on the success and positive outcomes achieved at the World Economic Forum on Africa (WEFA), held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban from 3 to 5 May 2017.

The WEFA meeting was attended by heads of state and government, and global leaders from business, civil society as well as government to discuss important issues relating to education, skills and employment; entrepreneurship; energy; infrastructure and development finance; combating, adapting to and building resilience against climate change; and science, technology and innovation with specific focus on Africa.

“This 27th Session of WEFA was a tremendous and fruitful success for South Africa as we have collectively made a clear and coherent statement that South Africa and the African continent are ideal investment destinations and they are open for business.

“Government, working together with the business community in particular, has worked hard and marketed the country very well. This is the spirit that should be retained beyond the WEFA to ensure that we achieve the inclusive economic growth to create jobs and eradicate inequality and poverty. When South Africans work together, success is guaranteed,” President Zuma said.

“Team South Africa came out tops once again,” said President Zuma.
President Jacob Zuma has informed Parliament that he has extended the employment of members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) for service in fulfilment of the international obligations of the Republic of South Africa towards the United Nations (UN), in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The employment is extended as from of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

A total of 1 371 members of the SANDF were employed to participate in the UN Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) as part of the Force Intervention Brigade.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) is leading a delegation from the country’s eight special economic zones (SEZs) on an investment roadshow to China.
The 25-member delegation, which is drawn from SEZs, is participating in the six-day investment roadshow that kicked off on Saturday, 6 May.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said the roadshow was part of the implementation of the undertakings of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement (CSPA), signed between South Africa and China in 2011.

It is also part of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, which took place in Johannesburg, in 2015.

China agreed to support South Africa and Africa’s initiatives of industrialisation and beneficiation. It is also part of the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement that the dti signed with the Bank of China in March this year.

“The investment roadshow seeks to attract varied potential investors in different sectors to invest in the South African SEZs. As our focus with regard to the SEZ implementation programme is on attracting investments into the SEZs, the ultimate objective of the roadshows of this nature is to bring high-level local and international investors together with a view to entice them to invest in South Africa,” said Minister Davies recently.

The investment roadshow will take place in the form of seminars and business roundtables where the South African delegation will present on the country’s SEZ opportunities. Each seminar will be followed by networking and match-making sessions.

The seminars will provide a platform where the South African SEZ operators will have an opportunity to meet and present their value propositions to potential Chinese investors, finance institutions and government representatives,” says Minister Davies.

The Minister said the dti sought to derive value from the cooperation agreement with China on SEZs, particularly as South Africa embarked on industrialisation and mineral beneficiation programmes.

Currently, there are major flagship investment projects that South Africa is implementing in partnership with the Chinese Government. These include the planning and development of high-tech and science industrial parks, a metallurgical SEZ, and capacity-building programme. 

“China is the second-biggest economy in the world, and the biggest South Africa’s trading partner. China’s market remains a key strategic priority for South Africa’s raw material and value-added products.

“More importantly, the dti has entered into a number of strategic partnerships with the Chinese Government. The main purpose of these strategic partnerships is to foster cooperation in investment promotion and facilitation, infrastructure development, exchange of information and human resource development.” – Source:
South Africa came second out of 35 African economies in the "Africa Competitiveness Report", released recently at the World Economic Forum on Africa.
South Africa’s global ranking for 2016-17 improved with nine places – from 56 in the 2014-15 report to 47 out of 138 countries worldwide. The sectors in which South Africa excelled included financial market development, business sophistication, innovation and technological readiness.

Mauritius, although first on the African competitiveness ranking, has dropped six positions to 39 in the global ranking.

The authors of the Africa Competitiveness Report pointed out at a media conference that sub-Saharan countries specifically needed to urgently implement structural reforms in their economies to generate enough jobs for their growing populations.

“If current policies remain unchanged, these countries will create less than one-quarter of the 450 million new jobs needed in the next 20 years,” the report stated.

The report recommended that African countries prioritised reform in the quality of institutions, infrastructure and skills development. – Source:
Three South African learners recently participated in the International Sustainable World Energy, Engineering and Environment Project Olympiad (I-SWEEEP) in the United States.
I-SWEEEP, which took place in Houston, is the largest science fair event of its kind in the world with this specialty.

“The three learners did exceptionally well in the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists International Finals in October 2016 and therefore had the honour of representing South Africa,” said Eskom.

I-SWEEEP promotes engineering inventions and energy efficiency/management discoveries that will nurture environmentally-friendly technology concepts in secondary education.

It also gives learners the opportunity to position themselves as the scientists and engineers of the future.

The pupils hail from different parts of the country.

Sanele Msizi Hlongwane from Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, presented his project, titled: “Propellant Cheapskates”. The purpose of this project is to determine whether different propellant families used in amateur rockets can be improved so that they can perform nearly as powerful as industrial propellants used in commercial and private rockets.

Cornelis Rautenbach from Pretoria, Gauteng, presented his project, titled: “The El Nino Southern Oscillation and Rainfall in South Africa”. In South Africa, it is a general perception that El Niño seasons are associated with overall droughts, while La Niña seasons are associated with overall wetter conditions.

In the study, this perception was tested by investigating whether the influence of El Niño and La Niña seasons are month and area-dependent instead of being weather-dependent.

Junho Ko from Cape Town in the Western Cape, presented his project, titled: “Decreasing Temperature and Retaining Hot Water in Informal Settlements using Plastic Bottles filled with Water”. Millions of people living in South Africa are forced to live in informal settlements, and the heat induced by these "shacks" can cause many heat-related problems for the people living in the shacks. Junho decided to come up with a cheap, easy-to-use solution for this issue.

Parthy Chetty, Executive Director of the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, said the competition provided a platform for youth from diverse backgrounds to demonstrate their ingenuity in trying to solve the world’s most pressing challenges through science and engineering. – Source:
The fourth annual Attractions Africa Conference will take place at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa in the City of Tshwane from 7 to 8 June 2017.
Founded by the Chief Operations Officer for the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA) and formerly Managing Director of the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway, Sabine Lehmann, "the continent’s only attractions management event is dedicated to advancing the visitor attractions industry in Africa through the sharing of knowledge; collaborating with some of the continent’s top attractions".

These include Table Mountain Aerial Cableway, National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Two Oceans Aquarium, SAB World of Beer and Cape Point.

This year's event will see Velma Corcoran of Airbnb, discussing how the company is improving accommodation experiences. Callum Lumsden, a retail design specialist for the museum and leisure sectors, will elaborate on how the gift shop has evolved into a vital business proposition for attractions.

Attendees can expect a programme detailing trends, benchmarks and best practice, as well as local examples of excellence, case studies and white papers, say the organisers.

"For the first time, the conference will be held in Tshwane in order to make it more accessible and affordable for attractions based in Gauteng. This important educational and networking opportunity is not to be missed," says Attractions Africa.

This year, it is joining forces with the Tshwane Tourism Association (TTA) project team represented by Bronwen Cadle de Ponte.

“TTA is exceptionally excited that the Attractions Africa 2017 Conference, a valuable continuing education experience for our tourism industry, is to be held in the City of Tshwane," says Cadle de Ponte. – Source: Traveller24
South Africa has once again shown it has some special tourism offerings, this time flying the flag higher in the realm of the Muslim Travel Market.

South Africa took fourth position – moving up from last year's fifth position – when it comes to being an appealing destination for Muslim travellers, according to the Mastercard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index 2017, held in Jakarta.

With an index score of 53,6, this placed South Africa behind Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom of Non-Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) markets for the third consecutive year while Malaysia kept the pole position for OIC and overall. Indonesia moved up to third place in the overall rankings.

The index, which covers 130 destinations, showed a number of non-OIC destinations in Asia move up the rankings; a result of the concerted effort to adapt their services to cater to and attract the Muslim travel market.

The rankings saw Hong Kong make up the top five for the non-OIC destinations, with Japan moving up two places to take the sixth spot with Spain entering the top 10 for the first time and Singapore remaining the only non-OIC destination in the overall top 10.

Over and above, Indonesia, Japan and Taiwan saw the biggest improvements in ranking on the overall top 10 list.

The research showed that the Muslim travel market would continue to grow at a fast pace with the sector estimated to grow to US$220 billion (about R2 937 billion at R13.35/$) in 2020 and expected to grow a further US$80 billion (about R73 285 billion at R13.35/$) to reach US$300 billion (about R247 825 billion at R13.35/$) by 2026. – Source: Traveller24
Former zoo lion, Nelson, and confiscated “exotic" pet, Ciam, have started new lives in their ancestral home of Africa recently
Nelson and Ciam travelled from their temporary home in Belgium – via Germany – to Port Elizabeth, in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, where they were introduced into their spacious, safe and enriching accommodation at the award-winning Shamwari Game Reserve.

With them every step of the way on their more than 10 000-km journey was Born Free Foundation Co-Founder and actress, Virginia McKenna OBE, who watched with delight as Nelson and Ciam explored their new surroundings.

Virginia said: “The lyric goes ‘life is worth living when you’re born free’ but for the two lions, Nelson and Ciam, who were not born free and never lived free, life is now, at last, worth living.

“Nelson, after 14 years of imprisonment and about two years at the Natuurhulpcentrum rescue centre in Belgium, and Ciam, bought from a terrible circus by someone who kept him illegally in his backyard, will now have a new life at the Born Free Sanctuary at Shamwari.

“Seeing them take their first steps into their huge natural enclosures was utterly joyful. At last, they are free to live where lions belong and will be treated with the care and respect they deserve. How lucky I was to be there to share the moment.”

The two lions started their journey from Natuurhulpcentrum rescue centre, Belgium, on Thursday, 4 May. Born Free Celebrity Patrons, comedian Jim Moir (Vic Reeves) and his wife – model and actress Nancy Sorrell – helped carefully prepare Nelson and Ciam for their journey and have been closely following their progress.

They said: “It was wonderful to meet the magnificent Nelson and Ciam at Natuurhulpcentrum and to help the Born Free team prepare them for their journey to Shamwari Game Reserve. Nelson and Ciam highlight the plight of captive wild animals worldwide that are still kept in zoos and circuses or as ‘exotic pets’ just for the entertainment of humans. We are so happy to hear they are settling into their new homes and know they will be in the best of hands.”

Nelson is now living at Born Free’s Julie Ward Animal Rescue and Education Centre, while Ciam’s new home is at the Jean Byrd Centre.

Joe Cloete, Shamwari Group General Manager, said: “We, here at Shamwari Game Reserve are very proud to continue our close working relationship with Born Free, which now marks 20 years, and to be a part of not only supporting this great work, but also raising awareness of the plight of many big cats worldwide.”

– Source:
South African comedian Trevor Noah continues to shine.

This time he's bagged an MTV Award for the best host for The Daily Show. After accepting the popcorn trophy, Noah thanked his mother, saying she inspires him daily.

The 2017 MTV Movie and TV Awards were held in Los Angeles on Sunday night. –
South African actress Pearl Thusi and director Akin Omotoso recently stepped out onto the red carpet on the opening night of the 24th African Film Festival in New York and the American premiere of Omotoso’s South African drama, "Vaya".



The stars formed part of a hefty contingent representing South Africa at the festival. Other South African productions include the documentary Uprize! that tells the story of the Soweto Uprising in 1976, as well as the Afrikaans story of the lawless street life in Cape Town in Noem My Skollie (Call Me Thief) from director Daryne Joshua.

After a starring role in the action-packed FBI thriller series, Quantico, Thusi has become a familiar face on American TV screens, but warded off media attention shortly before Vaya’s screening, saying "I'm just an actress from South Africa, here to support the movie (Vaya). Don't worry about me!" But the cameras stayed on her as reporters waited to have a moment with the starlet, who has a role in the moving portrait of anti-apartheid activist Solomon Mahlangu, Kalushi,that was also screened as part of the festival.

The festival presented a proud moment for Thusi, who said the African film industry was not taken as seriously as it should be. “The idea of Africans coming together and showcasing what they have available to them and celebrating each other … I'm really proud. That the world has allowed us a stage on foreign soil is very special. We can contribute to the world in a bigger way than we think,” she said. “It shows that our industry is growing and for me I'm very passionate about it.”

The prolific 1988 South African film, Mapantsula, known as the first film made by and about black South Africans, was also screen during the festival. – Source: Channel24
Global superstar Justin Bieber will be in South Africa for his Purpose World Tour in May 2017 and will feature prominent local producer and DJ Sketchy Bongo as the supporting act.
Justin will be performing in Johannesburg on Sunday, 14 May 2017, at FNB Stadium followed by Cape Town on Wednesday, 17 May 2017, at Cape Town Stadium.

Sketchy Bongo is one of the most popular music producers and DJs in South Africa at the moment. He has several hits getting major play on South African and international TV and radio. Having recently signed to mega dance label, Ultra Music in New York, he has gained substantial international exposure from his single with Shekhinah, Let You Know.

He has worked with and has hit singles with Aewon Wolf, Locnville, Shekhinah, Kyle Deutch, Danny K, Nasty C, Tresor, Jimmy Nevis and AKA. Sketchy Bongo is also the only producer in South Africa to have his own feature on MTV Base, which playlisted all tracks produced by him.

With worldwide album sales in excess of 100 million units, Bieber has dominated pop culture and social media. With 3,1 million sales worldwide for his latest album, Purpose, Justin Bieber’s current global tour has smashed box office records. – Source: Channel24
Filmmakers around the world made powerful public service announcement (PSA) movies on human trafficking and modern day slavery for the HeardPSA campaign. The South African team impressed judges with their offering.



The South African film, Open Your Eyes, which shows the harsh realities of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, has been placed second in the international HeardPSA campaign.

HeardPSA took place to highlight “My Freedom Day” for 2017, in partnership with CNN and the Global Sustainability Network. Filmmakers around the world were tasked to submit powerful PSAs relating to human trafficking and modern-day slavery. HeardPSA raises awareness of the issue.

It says 49% of trafficking victims are women and 33% are children. “There are an estimated 45,8 million people in bondage today, more than at any time in human history. More than half of all cases of exploitation involve the sex trade,” reads the HeardPSA website.

Human trafficking is the act of taking people from their homes under false pretences or by force, according to Tsireledzani!, the South African Government initiative to combat the crime. The term “Tsireledzani” means “Protect” in Tshivenda, one of the South Africa’s 11 official languages.

The programme is headed by the National Prosecuting Authority and involves government departments, international organisations and civil-society partners. – Source:
South African visual artist William Kentridge, best known for his animated films of shape-shifting charcoal drawings, recently won Spain's top arts prize, the Princess of Asturias Award.
The prize jury hailed Kentridge, 62, as "one of the most multifaceted innovative artists on the international scene" in its citation for the 50 000 euros (US$57 000) award.

His work "has expressed emotions and metaphors related to the history and reality of his country which nonetheless transcend the latter and raise essential questions regarding the human condition," it added.

Born in Johannesburg in 1955, Kentridge's parents were both lawyers specialised in defending the victims of the apartheid white minority rule in South Africa.

His roughly hewn animations, which he calls "drawings in motion" that he began sketching from charcoals in the 1980s, bring to life South Africa's post-colonial history.

Kentridge has also made engravings, sculptures and collages as well as video installations. His works have been featured in exhibitions in the Louvre in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The art award is one of eight prizes handed out yearly by a foundation named for Spain's Crown Princess Leanor. Other categories include sport, literature and scientific research.

The awards will be given out at a ceremony presided over by Spanish King Felipe and broadcast live on television around October.

Past winners of the arts prize include US filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola, Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke and US singer Bob Dylan, the winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature.  – Source: Channel24
A Blikkiesdorp teenager has secured a chance of a lifetime.
Aspiring professional soccer player, Jayde Van Der Byl, 16, is heading to Germany for the City Mission Educational Service’s seventh international soccer tour. The Grade 9 pupil from City Mission Secondary School in Bridgetown will represent his school in September.

Jayde stays at the school's hostel during the week and returns home on weekends. Balancing school and sport was a challenge for him, he said.

“It was very hard because we would have soccer practice after school, and then have other extra activities as well straight after,” Jayde said.

He was initially coached by his father, Errol, who said that soccer kept teenagers in areas like Blikkiesdorp away from criminal activity.

Jayde’s coach, Ian Pakoe, said that he deserved this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “He worked hard, he's a dedicated player, and that’s what they looking for,” Pakoe said.

He added that the overseas trip would also be a great educational experience for Jayde. – Source:
Akani Simbine and Caster Semenya opened their international campaigns in fine style in Doha, Qatar, on Friday, 5 May, earning convincing victories at the first leg of the IAAF Diamond League series.
Simbine secured his maiden Diamond League win against a quality men's 100-m line-up, charging across the line in 9.99 seconds.

Former world record holder, Asafa Powell, finished second in 10.08, while pre-race favourites, Justin Gatlin of the United States and Andre de Grasse of Canada, both missed the podium.

Semenya was also in good form, proving she would again be the athlete to beat in her specialist 800-m event this year.

The Olympic champion and national record holder, took control of the race on the final bend and drew ahead to win in 1:56.61, breaking the meeting record and shattering her Season's Best by more than four seconds.

Margaret Wambui of Kenya took second position in 1:57.03.

“Simbine’s performance signifies the hard and quality work that his coach has been doing behind the scenes in preparation for the international season," said Aleck Skhosana, the President of Athletics South Africa.

“We also strongly believe that Caster's steady performance is aimed at breaking the long-standing 800-m world record this year. So, we wish all the coaches, athletes and their support teams a very successful season ahead.

“Let their success be used as a measurement of work done thus far and work that still needs to be done in order to secure podium position at the London 2017 IAAF World Championships.”

The second of 14 legs of the annual IAAF Diamond League series will be held in Shanghai, China, on 13 May. – Source:
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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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