Issue 275 | 19 May 2017
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The Indaba is Africa’s top tourism trade show that brings together more than 7 000 delegates that represent the top tourism products in Africa, as well as the world’s leading travel buyers and travel and tourism media.
On 16 May 2016, President Jacob Zuma officially opened the Tourism Indaba 2017 at the Chief Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban.

The Indaba, which took place from 16 to 18 May, again showcased South African products and services in the tourism and hospitality sector. Tourism Indaba 2017 also promoted and supported the ongoing transformation and development of the South African tourism industry, notably the role entrepreneurs and small-business owners play.

The South African Government has targeted tourism as one of the key sectors to stimulate inclusive economic growth and job creation, in line with the National Development Plan, which is government’s blueprint for growth and development aimed at eliminating poverty and reducing inequality in South Africa by 2030.

Government remains committed to creating a fertile environment in which tourism can take root and flourish as well as investing in tourism.

An additional R494 million had been allocated by government over the medium term budget expenditure period to promote tourism over the next three years. This includes an injection of R110 million over three years to help attract more business events and delegates to South Africa, in the form of a Bidding Fund. The fund will enable South Africa to bid more aggressively for international association conferences, meetings, incentives and exhibitions.

While government has committed to supporting tourism, it will continue to enlist the support of the private sector.

Domestic tourism also remains critical for the South African economy, where each South African has a role to play in contributing to the growth of the economy.

In South Africa, more than 10 million international tourists arrived in 2016, 13% more than 2015. This is well over the global average growth rate of 3% for the period.
The visit reaffirmed the strong bonds of friendship that exist between the two countries.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, hosted the Minister of External Relations of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, in Pretoria on 15 May 2017.

South Africa and Brazil enjoy strong relations at bilateral and multilateral levels. At bilateral level, the strategic partnership between the two countries finds expression in a Joint Ministerial Commission and at interregional level, it finds its expression in the form of IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

A Brazil-South Africa Business Seminar, organised by the Embassy of Brazil in Pretoria, took place the morning of 15 May 2017. In attendance was a delegation of Brazilian businesspeople who accompanied the Minister, government agencies as well as South African entrepreneurs. The seminar focused on opportunities in areas such as energy and food production, as well as ways to enhance business relations between both countries.

South Africa and Brazil established diplomatic relations in 1948 and have, since then, concluded many cooperation agreements.

South Africa has historically been a net importer of goods from Brazil. South African exports to Brazil in 2016 accounted for US$336 million while Brazilian exports to South Africa totalled US$1,4 billion.

During 2016, a total of 38 814 Brazilians visited South Africa. In 2015, the total was 29 339, marking a 32,3% increase in arrivals from Brazil.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) has partnered with various institutions of higher education to mark Africa Month through a series of activities, which include symposiums, exhibitions and public lectures. The Organisation of African Unity, which was transformed into the African Union, was formed on 25 May 1963.
The first lecture was presented by Ambassador Mxolisi Nkosi at the University of Venda on 12 May 2017. The lecture gave DIRCO and students studying Political and International Relations a platform to engage on South Africa’s foreign policy in line with international developments.

On 19 and 20 May 2017, DIRCO and the University of the North West will host various activities, starting with a public lecture to be delivered by Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers. The second day will be dedicated to exhibitions of different African cuisines; presentations of career opportunities by DIRCO and other government departments; and exhibitions by African designers and book publishers.

The symposium is expected to bring together a diverse audience comprising students, heads of foreign diplomatic missions accredited to South Africa, university alumni, provincial government departments and community leaders.

The last lectures on 26 of May 2017 in Cape Town will be presented by Deputy Ministers Nomaindiya Mfeketo and Luwellyn Landers under the theme: “Rich Africa, Poor Africans." It will target members of the Diplomatic Corps, Portfolio Committee and Select Committee of International Relations, associations of African countries, youth and student formations, political parties and civil society.
South Africa’s newly launched Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) was intended to contribute to radical economic transformation, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said recently.
Speaking at the launch of the ninth iteration of the IPAP, Minister Davies said the current 2017/18 plan like other iterations in the past was not a vision document.

“The main content of the IPAP is not another vision document or another policy document. It is an implementation plan. It is about time-bound actions that will have to be conducted by different entities of government to give effect to industrial policy over a time frame,” said Minister Davies at the launch, held at the Industrial Development Corporation

Among the key themes of the ninth iteration is the focus on contributing to higher levels of inclusive growth, including working with the private sector.

The Minister added that government was working with all stakeholders in the development of a master plan for the motor industry that would support that industry after the expiry of the current Automotive Production Development Programme in 2020. Localisation is also an area that the IPAP zeroes in on.

“We will have to strengthen efforts to raise aggregate domestic demands, in particular through our localisation of public procurement. Public procurement is one of the key tools of promoting industrial policy,” said the Minister.

In the last few years, government has introduced a number of designations whereby organs of state are required to follow practice notes issued by National Treasury which say that certain proportions of all products have to be sourced from local manufacturers. This, said the Minister, was an important tool, adding that there would be further roll-out of localisation determination.

The document also looks at the importance of South Africa stepping up its export efforts with a focus on key existing exporters and emerging export-ready firms.

“We need to step up our export efforts,” said the Minister, adding that government welcomed the African continent’s ambition to industrialise.

“This export effort will support the development of black-owned enterprises. We have a number of programmes to draw in black industrialists into exporting.”

Among the other 15 key themes of the IPAP is beneficiation with ongoing efforts to secure technology-intensive, value-adding production capabilities to utilise South Africa’s comparative resource-endowment advantage.

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With the signing of the Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment (FICA) Bill, South Africa will be aligned to the international intervention, which seeks to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Briefing the media recently on the outcomes of a Cabinet meeting, in Cape Town, the Minister of Communications, Ayanda Dlodlo, said Cabinet welcomed the recent signing of the Bill into law by President Jacob Zuma.

“This Bill will also contribute in strengthening the transparency and integrity of the South African financial system and make it harder for criminals involved in tax evasion, money laundering and illicit financial flows to hide using the South African financial systems.

“It forms one of the number of instruments we have as a country to fight white collar crime in both the private and public sector,” Minister Dlodlo said.

During the meeting, Cabinet was appraised by the Minister of Finance that consultations with stakeholders on ensuring the process of promulgation of the regulations on the FICA Act, were ongoing and would be finalised soon.

“Cabinet reiterated that it remained committed to the fiscal policy trajectory outlined in Budget 2017, the implementation of reforms to improve governance in state-owned companies, maintain the expenditure ceiling and ensuring stabilisation of government debts,” Minister Dlodlo said.

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The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is in South Africa to audit the country’s aviation safety oversight systems.
The Minister of Transport, Joe Maswanganyi, officially welcomed the ICAO audit team at an event at the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) head office in Midrand, Gauteng.

In his opening remarks at the event, Minister Maswanganyi said even though South Africa was regarded as a developing country, its aviation infrastructure matched that of most of the developed countries.

“This is not only in reference to aviation technology, but also in the way in which we conduct business in this sector,” Minister Maswanganyi said.

Minister Maswanganyi applauded South Africa’s zero fatality rate in relation to scheduled commercial operations. He urged those engaged in private operations to work hard to improve safety levels.

“I am comforted by the fact that statistics indicate that things have been improving lately, particularly in the last four years. The number of accidents has been declining since the 2013/14 financial year, when 144 accidents were reported. Four years later, the number has dropped by a massive 50%, [with] 72 aircraft accidents during the 2016/17 financial year.”

The Minister attributed the decline in aircraft accidents to various safety-promotion interventions at state level, coupled with initiatives by the SACAA and industry.

He urged South Africa’s aviation agencies to continue to participate in international fora so they can learn from and impart skills among peers across the continent and the world.

“South Africa’s participation in these fora has not only provided us with the opportunity to contribute towards the relevant discourse on vital aspects of aviation but it also places our representatives at the cutting-edge of civil aviation development.

“It is this desire to amass knowledge that makes us excited to be part of this ICAO audit. While others may regard audits like these as unpleasant and petrifying exercises, we view this engagement as an opportunity to pause and reflect objectively on our aviation safety and security endeavours,” the Minister said.

Poppy Khoza, who heads SACAA as Director of Civil Aviation, said South Africa’s preparations for the audit started as far back as 2013 when South Africa was subjected to a similar audit.

“A lot of work has been done behind the scenes and as such, we hope not to attract any adverse findings following this audit,” said Khoza.

The ICAO is a United Nations specialised agency tasked with managing civil-aviation matters across the world in support of a safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible civil aviation sector.

The ICAO member states, which include South Africa, are expected to conform with ICAO standards and recommended practices to ensure that their local civil aviation operations and regulations conform to global norms, which in turn enables the global aviation network to operate safely and reliably.

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Officials from Ghana’s electricity company recently paid a study visit to Eskom.
In a statement, Eskom said officials from the Ashanti Strategic Business Unit (SBU) from the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) were in South Africa recently to study international best practices in the electricity distribution and customer service businesses.

“The visit was on the back of [the] Inter-Governmental Memorandum of Understanding (IGMOU) on Cooperation in the Field of Electricity that South Africa and Ghana entered into on 26 November 2013.

“This IGMOU provides for collaboration between the State electricity companies, as well as approval and support for the creation of partnerships in the various areas of the electricity industry between electricity companies from both countries,” said Eskom Group Executive for Transmission, Thava Govender.

Following the signing of the IGMOU, Eskom and the ECG entered into an Inter-Utility MOU to facilitate and promote cooperation in the field of electricity distribution and all related businesses.

The study tour was aimed at improving the performance of the Ashanti SBU of the ECG.

“The study tour aimed to learn, benchmark and understand the importance of Eskom’s organisational strategy, business planning and sustainable systems and further to understand how the Performance Management System is implemented at Eskom,” said Govender.

The study tour also focused on Eskom’s process management and quality assurance system, shared services concept and the customer network centre business model.

The General Manager for Business Development at ECG, Theophilus Asante-Darko, said the utility had identified Eskom as their training hub.

The delegation also toured the Eskom’s Customer Network Centre in Soweto as well as the Shared Services HUB at Lobedu House in Sunninghill, Johannesburg.

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The Department of Environmental Affairs’ (DEA) “SA Agulhas II” returned from her logistical and scientific voyage from Marion Island on 12 May 2017.
Aboard the ship was the Marion 73 expedition team, as well as a host of researchers and scientists from DEA and tertiary institutions who were conducting research on the ocean and the island.

The sustained oceanographic monitoring and research efforts around the Prince Edward Islands contribute to forming the scientific basis toward a better understanding of the impacts of environmental variability and climate change of the sub-Antarctic Island ecosystem.

This leads to providing improved scientific advice on the future and wise management of the Marine Protected Area and the intended protection of its unique species and their habitats.
An exciting new historic chapter of the Homo Naledi saga has been unveiled at Maropeng in South Africa recently.
Scientists from around the world – who were behind the landmark discovery of the new species, Homo Naledi in 2015 – have announced two major new discoveries from the Rising Star Cave System (which is the richest fossil hominin site in Africa).

For a start, the age of the original Homo Naledi remains from the Dinaledi Chamber has been revealed to be startlingly “young” – alive some time between 335 and 236 000 years ago.

This means that this population of primitive small-brained hominins was around at a time and place that it is likely they lived alongside Homo Sapiens. This is the first time that it has been demonstrated that another species of hominin survived alongside the first humans in Africa.

It was also announced that a second chamber in the Rising Star Cave System had been discovered. The chamber – named Lasedi (which means “light” in Setswana) – contains over 130 additional specimens of Homo Naledi fossils, including a child (about five-years-old) and a partial skeleton of an adult male – nicknamed “Neo” (meaning “gift” in Sesotho) – with a “remarkably well-preserved skull” … one of the most complete skeletons of a hominin ever discovered, and another adult.

The new discovery and research were conducted by a large team of researchers from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) (South Africa), James Cook University (Australia), the University of Wisconsin (Madison, United States), and more than 30 additional international institutions.

The team was led by Professor Lee Berger of the Evolutionary Studies Institute at Wits, and a National Geographic Explorer in Residence.

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Kelt-11b is a new exoplanet discovered by researchers in South Africa, collaborating with others from around the world. The discovery further solidifies South Africa’s reputation as a global leader in astronomy.
A new exoplanet, described as “puffed up”, “bloated”, and “having the density of Styrofoam” has been discovered by researchers at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), working together with others from around the world.

An exoplanet, or extrasolar planet, is a planet that orbits a star outside our solar system.

The newly discovered exoplanet, named Kelt-11b, is orbiting a star 320 light years away and shares some similarities with Jupiter and Saturn because it is also a gas giant. However there are differences too.

“The new exoplanet orbits its host star – called Kelt-11 – so closely that it completes an orbit in less than five days,” said the SAAO. “Kelt-11b has only a fifth of Jupiter’s mass, but is 40% larger in radius. This means that this new bloated planet has about the same density as Styrofoam.”

The SAAO’s Dr Rudi Kuhn said it was an exciting discovery. “The planet Kelt-11b orbits one of the brightest stars known to host an exoplanet and is one of the most inflated planets ever discovered.”

This would enable researchers to make detailed observations of the atmospheric composition of the exoplanet using much larger telescopes such as the Southern African Large Telescope, Kuhn said.

“This will help us understand how these giant planets are formed, why they have such small orbits as well as what might happen to them in the future.”

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Hailing from a township in Pretoria, Phumlani Ntloko has developed a mobile Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine to test prototypes – which can also do 3D printing – at less than a third of the cost of an imported unit.
Phumlani, who has no formal training, says that his CNC machine was created out of frustration brewed from the high cost of testing prototype circuit boards and the arduous process involved in tests (testing a prototype circuit in any unit from a mobile phone to a computer can cost up to R200 000). “We’ve completely simplified the process. We wanted to create a CNC machine that everyone can use,” Ntloko said.

The technology is so user-friendly that Ntloko says a person with no knowledge of computing can have a basic understanding of how to test a prototype using his mobile CNC machine in less than a day.

But the machine’s simplicity is just one of its benefits. Ntloko and his company, Adia Engineering Systems, have managed to reduce the cost of a CNC machine from the R150 000 to R200 000 price tag for an imported unit to just over R60 000.

After developing the first mobile CNC machine prototype, Ntloko found there was a massive demand for testing the viability of prototypes within communities.

“Our system works with the developer inputting his prototype system into a computer which can print the tracks for a circuit board and test the board as a prototype,” Ntloko said.

Ntloko’s idea caught the attention of the Grassroots Innovation Programme, an initiative of the Department of Science and Techonology, and was implemented by the Technology Localisation Implementation Unit of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

The programme has now incubated Ntloko's company to produce more CNC machines.

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Action against Poverty is this year’s theme for Nelson Mandela International Day and South Africans are being encouraged to work together to uproot poverty.
For this year’s Nelson Mandela International Day, South Africans are being called to work together to uproot poverty in the country. This was the main message at the Mandela Day launch held at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, on Wednesday, 10 May. The launch fell on the same date as Madiba’s presidential inauguration in 1994.

By launching with the theme “Action against Poverty” for this year’s Mandela Day, the Nelson Mandela Foundation firmly believes it is possible to rid the country of this scourge.

According to the foundation’s chief executive, Sello Hatang, Mandela Day has grown quickly since its first year. In 2009, it was launched in two cities – Johannesburg and New York. “We had about 10 activations then. Now, we have 146 countries participating in Nelson Mandela International Day and we have over a million activations all over the world.”

In November 2009, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly declared 18 July – the day Madiba was born – Nelson Mandela International Day. This was in recognition of the former statesman’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.

On this day every year, people all over the world join the call to devote 67 minutes of time to helping others.

“For 67 years Nelson Mandela devoted his life to the service of humanity – as a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, an international peacemaker and the first democratically elected President of South Africa,” says the UN on their official website.

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“We hope to bring people from various countries together as ambassadors of goodwill to express our deepest concern in a way we know best – swimming. Ignoring human suffering is something that those of us in privileged societies should not allow.”
The Pan-American Colibrí Swimmers (PACS) cast their stone across the waters when they conducted a cross-border swim from the United States of America (USA) to Mexico on 5 May to raise awareness and money for the Colibrí Centre for Human Rights. The organisation serves to alleviate the suffering of individuals whose family members have died while crossing the USA-Mexican border.

The expected legacy of the swim is to enable the Colibrí Centre to continue its work on a larger scale and inspire swimmers from all walks of life to understand, appreciate and attempt to resolve political, cultural and social differences that may separate them from others.

The PACS team included 12 people from New Zealand, South Africa, Israel, Mexico and the USA. Among them, they have completed a number of cross-border swims (England-France, Scotland-Northern Ireland, Israel-Jordan, Cyprus-Israel, USA-Canada, Spain-Morocco), swum across many of the world's major channels, and have achieved the Oceans Seven, Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming, and the highest swim in the world during their myriad aquatic acts.
By hosting the continental leg of the Arnold Sports Festival series, South Africa has been able to retain its place among the leading health and fitness nations in Africa, according to series founder and world-renowned personality, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Speaking at a seminar held on the final day of the Arnold Classic Africa at Sandton Convention Centre recently, Schwarzenegger said he was pleased to see the progress South Africa had made in the health and fitness sector since he first visited the country in the 1960s.

"There are really great health clubs in South Africa now, and you have some of the most sophisticated regimens and health plans," he said.

"You have everything here that we have in the United States, and that is what this expo has been all about; having everyone in South Africa seeing what is going on internationally with regard to dietary supplements, equipment and various other things.

"With this series, we can also learn from the people of South Africa, and the people of South Africa can learn from others around the world, so we're all able to learn from one another."

There was plenty of action throughout the third and final day of the second annual Arnold Classic Africa multisport festival.

In the morning, Schwarzenegger started the fun run, which attracted hundreds of runners, before going on another walkabout.

Interacting with fans and exhibitors at the health and fitness trade expo, the popular actor, politician and seven-time Mr Olympia also gave support to the competitors in various codes, including athletes competing in the strongman contest, which delivered spectacular results.

The sports festival, which attracted thousands of competitors in 58 codes, came to an exciting close when the World Wrestling Professionals stars dazzled spectators with their high-flying acrobatic moves in the ring.

One of six events in the global Arnold Classic series, the Arnold Classic Africa was held in partnership with the Gauteng Provincial Government, the City of Joburg and the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee.

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The City of Cape Town is delighted by the latest rankings released by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), which once again placed Cape Town as the number one city in Africa for business tourism events.
The city made a positive leap of 15 places to be ranked in the Top 40 destinations for business tourism in the world, on its previous performance.

Cape Town was followed by Marrakech, Kigali, Durban and Joburg as the top five African cities in the 2016 Business Tourism events performance list.

While South Africa is the top country overall in Africa for events hosted, it failed to make the top 10 worldwide list of top destinations for business travel.

Top cities for events hosted in 2016 overall, saw Paris clinching the top spot, followed by Vienna, Barcelona and Berlin in second, third and fourth position, as London rounded off the top five.

The top 10 country rankings are made up of the same countries as last year, with some minor shift and one newcomer, Portugal, in a 10th place. The United States was in top spot, followed by Germany and the United Kingdom.

ICCA evaluated 12 212 rotating international association meetings which took place in 2016. The organisation represents the main specialists in organising, transporting and accommodating international meetings and events, and comprises over 1 000 member companies and organisations in almost 100 countries worldwide

In a statement issued by the city on Wednesday, 10 May, Executive Mayor, Patricia De Lille, says, "Cape Town has year-on-year been confirmed as the events capital of Africa and the latest rankings are further proof that our efforts to become the business events capital on the continent are paying off".

"Cape Town boasts a diverse annual events calendar and we provide city funding to make sure we bring events that position Cape Town globally as a competitive business destination," says De Lille.

Some of the key gatherings hosted and supported by the city in 2016 included the South African Innovation Summit; the Mining Indaba; the Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation International Conference; and the World Energy Cities Partnership Annual General Meeting.

Total funding to all major business events amounted to approximately R8 million.

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Comedian Kagiso Lediga will make his directorial debut at the LA Film Festival.

The film “Catching Feelings”, which stars Pearl Thusi, will have its world premiere at the festival in June. It will screen in competition in the World Fiction Category.

Kagiso shared the exciting news on Twitter.

Set in a chic and middle class Johannesburg, the story is a tale of how life, love and art intersect in uncontrollable ways. The film follows a jaded academic (Lediga) and his journalist wife (Thusi), who have their lives turned upside down when a celebrated and hedonistic older writer unexpectedly moves into their urban Johannesburg home with them.

Other cast members include Akin Omotoso and Andrew Buckland. The LA Fim Festival is in its 23rd year and takes place from 14 to 22 June 2017. 

The film is set to be released in South Africa later this year.

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Local film, “Krotoa”, is conquering the hearts of international film lovers and critics.
The film added to its growing list of accolades recently by claiming its eighth award for the coveted title of Best Film at the Harlem International Film Festival held in New York.

It has already received six official selections at international film festivals around the globe, including the International Film Festival for Environment, Health and Culture; World Film Awards; Artemis Women in Action Film Festival; and the Nashville Film Festival. 

The film is inspired by the story of a feisty, bright, young 11-year-old girl, who is removed from her close-knit Khoi tribe to serve Jan van Riebeeck (Armand Aucamp), her uncle’s trading partner. She is brought into the first fort, established by the Dutch East India Company in 1652. There she grows into a visionary young woman, who assimilates the Dutch language and culture so well that she rises to become an influential interpreter for Van Riebeeck, who became the first Governor of the Cape Colony. Krotoa (Crystal Donna Roberts) ends up being rejected by her own Khoi people and destroyed by the Dutch, when she tries to find the middle way between the two cultures.

"In comparison to men, very few women have been acknowledged for having an impact on South African history. During the struggle, women like Ruth First, Lillian Ngoyi, Bettie du Toit and Sophia Williams-du Bruyn stood their ground in the fight against the apartheid government. However, if we dig into South Africa’s rich history, we discover that there were other indigenous females – who contributed to the change and development of our great nation – even before the sisters who were involved in the struggle," says director, Roberta Durrant.

The other awards include:
  • Award of Excellence at the International Film Festival for Women, Social Issues and Zero Discrimination
  • Best of Show at the Depth of Field International Film Festival
  • Platinum Award at the International Movie Awards
  • Diamond Award at the Filmmakers World Festival
  • Best of Show at the IndieFEST Film Awards
  • Award of Excellence Special Mention: Women Filmmakers at the Accolade Global Film Competition
  • World Platinum Award at the World Woman Awards.
The film will release in cinemas nationwide later this year. – Source:
Four young South Africans have won top titles at the International Pageantry stage in Turkey.
Pageants SA CEO, Carolyn Baldwin Botha‎, said she was proud to announce the following achievements for “our incredible young girls”:

  • Eldunique Du Plessis won Little Miss Universe 2017 and Little Miss Sympathy
  • Neo Nkhumane won Miss Teen Universe 2017 and Junior Top Model of the World
  • Wandile Msibi won Miss World Junior and Best of the Best
  • Shikirah Roth won Miss Teen World 2017 and Jnr Top Model of the Universe.
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The Springbok Sevens team won their fifth title of the season and took an unassailable lead in the 2016/17 HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series in Paris on Sunday, 14 May, and will be crowned champions when the series concludes with the HSBC London Sevens at Twickenham.
The Blitzboks outplayed Scotland 15-5 in the final of the HSBC Paris Sevens tournament on Sunday, 14 May, and increased their lead over their rivals at the Stade Jean Bouin to wrap up the series with one tournament to go after winning in France.

They held a lead of 25 points over Fiji and 27 points over England coming into the HSBC Paris Sevens, but cannot be overhauled any more after collecting another full house in Paris.

Earlier, Scotland knocked out Fiji in the Cup quarter-finals, and England in the semi-finals, while South Africa beat Samoa and New Zealand to progress to an eighth final in nine tournaments and confirmed their standing as the world’s top team.

Blitzboks coach, Neil Powell, praised his players, management and support back home and said they were grateful for this victory, which they had worked for three years.

“We are extremely grateful and blessed, the team worked for this for three seasons. Last year, we came close, but this time we managed to do it,” Powell said. “I have to give the guys credit, they are an incredible group that never feared hard work and they deserve this.

“We are also lucky to have management members back home and on tour who work incredibly hard for the team and I want to thank all for that. The support we get from SA Rugby is also instrumental in our success.”

Powell also thanked the supporters of the team, saying that they are trying to be a team for all the people in South Africa.

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Picture Editor: Delien Burger
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