Issue 279 | 08 June 2017
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The military plane vanished over the Andaman Sea, west of the town of Dawei, with 122 soldiers, family members and crew on board.
On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has conveyed a message of condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, especially families, friends and colleagues of all the victims, following the disappearance of a military aircraft on 7 June 2017.

“On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, I wish to send my deepest condolences to the Government of Myanmar, particularly the families, friends and colleagues affected by the tragedy. On this very sad and tragic occasion, South Africa stands in solidarity with the people of Myanmar and shares their loss,” said President Zuma.
Terrorism in all its forms and from whichever quarter cannot be condoned. We join the clarion call for the total isolation and eradication of all terror groups. They have no place among the civilised nations of the world.
The South African Government has noted with shock and dismay the news of a twin terrorist attack in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, 7 June 2017. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this cruel act that left 13 innocent people dead and 42 injured.

The South African people join their Iranian brothers and sisters in mourning the violent deaths of their compatriots. Our thoughts are also with the bereaved families that found themselves under this dark cloud while observing the holy month of Ramadan.
The South African Government believes that acts of violence and extremism have no place in society and constitute a threat to peace, security and development.
The South African Government joins the international community in strongly condemning the latest terrorist attack in the UK.

The attack, which took place on the night of 3 June 2017 in the city of London, claimed the lives of several people and left others injured.

The attack in London occurred within a fortnight of the one in Manchester where many civilians, mainly youth and children, lost their lives.

On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has extended his heartfelt condolences to the Government and the people of the UK, in particular the families and loved ones of the deceased and wish the injured speedy recoveries.

The South African Government reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in any form and from whichever quarter.
The flood is the worst to hit the country since the one in May 2003 that killed 250 people and destroyed about 10 000 homes. The island also experienced a landslide last year that killed more than 100 people.  
The Government and people of South Africa have conveyed their deepest sympathies and condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Sri Lanka following a mudslide that killed at least 200 people and left over half a million Sri Lankans displaced.

The South African Government has extended its condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this tragic incident and further wished the injured a speedy recovery.
  The international community regards climate change as the single biggest threat to the well-being, health and socio-economic development facing humanity this century.
South Africa therefore expresses its profound regret over the decision of the USA to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which reflects the multilateral agreement to keep global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

The adoption of the Paris Agreement, 15 years after the withdrawal of the USA from the Kyoto Protocol, is a victory for multilateral efforts to curb climate change. The agreement entered into force far earlier than expected due to the extraordinary speed of ratification by parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the USA, and reflects the scientific consensus on the severity of the crisis.

The Paris Agreement, which will be fully operational by 2020, is premised on contributions determined by countries themselves, towards collectively agreed global goals. These nationally determined contributions are to represent countries' best effort, and to be progressively enhanced over time.

It is further premised on a strong understanding that we all have a common responsibility to act, while noting that nations over time have contributed to the problem differently, and have varied capabilities to respond. The Paris Agreement represents the most flexible and dynamic approach to addressing climate change, and the withdrawal of the USA is not only an abdication of the global responsibility we all have to humankind, but damaging to multilateralism, the rule of law and trust between nations.

Historically, the USA has contributed significantly to global emissions, and therefore has a moral obligation not only to lead in reducing emissions, but to support poorer economies in contributing to the global effort.

South Africa has full confidence in and reiterates its unwavering commitment to the realisation of the goals set out in the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement. The global effort to curb climate change and address its impacts cannot be postponed. There is an urgent need for action, and as such there is no space for renegotiation.

South Africa has full confidence that the momentum of the collective effort to address climate change will only accelerate. We recognise the outstanding contribution made to the fight against climate change in the USA by past administrations, states, cities, scientific organisations, civil society, business and individual citizens. South Africa therefore calls on the USA to reconsider its position and to recommit to the multilateral process.
South Africa is fostering closer trade relations with Mozambique, which is one of the fastest-growing economies in sub-Saharan Africa, says the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies.  
Speaking at the Mozambique Economic and Social Forum Conference in Sandton recently, Minister Davies said stronger trade relations with Mozambique would boost growth and add value to both countries.

Minister Davies said Mozambique was a strategic and important trading partner for South Africa.

“We are partners in this journey towards continental and developmental integration. As we create a larger regional market, eventually culminating in a continental market, we have to do it in a way that is going to support the economic diversification and industrialisation of our countries,” said the Minister.

Minister Davies said it was important for both countries to move away from being only producers of mineral commodities. “Only by moving away from being proud producers of mineral commodities can we add value, move up the value chain and diversify our economies. It is the only way to raise the living standards of our people and promote greater economic inclusivity,” he said.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is on a journey towards implementing the SADC Industrialisation Strategy. The region has to come up with an implementable industrial action plan.

“As we work on regional integration and diversification of our economies, infrastructure development is critical in areas such as energy, power, transport and the improvement of urban infrastructure. These are all central pillars to us promoting developmental integration,” said Minister Davies.

Both South Africa and Mozambique have been involved in a number of initiatives to promote greater economic contact and joint activities.

South Africa has taken a number of trade missions to Mozambique and regularly exhibits at the Maputo International Trade Fair to facilitate a stronger economic relationship with Mozambique. This is part of the South African Government’s efforts to mobilise outward investments into the African continent by South African companies.

“At this stage, there are 35 foreign direct investment projects by South African companies in Mozambique, totalling an investment value of R122 billion. These investment projects have created over 11 000 jobs in Mozambique,” said Minister Davies.

Both countries have established a number of government-to-government agreements to enhance trade and investment. Some of the ongoing work in this regard pertains to the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Economic Cooperation, which needs to be reviewed and updated. The MoU, in particular, needs to cover new areas in investment, infrastructure and industrial development, said Minister Davies.

Source: –
  The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Bulelani Magwanishe, has hailed the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) as a successful platform to drive and promote Africa’s economic growth.
In a recent statement, the Deputy Minister said the talks and engagements with government officials and businesspeople at SPIEF were a great marketing tool for Africa’s integration.

SPIEF, which began on Thursday, 1 June, is an annual international conference dedicated to economic and business issues facing Russia, Africa and Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). It is held with the direct support of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

“The engagements also focused on accelerating some of the projects identified in our joint efforts with fellow BRICS members to gather impetus and be implemented. Inroads were also made in creating new markets for the agro-processing and mining sectors, especially for emerging exporters and entrepreneurs for the East Asian markets,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

The Deputy Minister said it was important for government to educate potential investors and businesspeople about the African Agenda and the economic activities of the continent.

“Certain countries still do not know much about Africa’s economic activities and projects. The continent needs to do a lot of marketing to show its potential and focus on helping the facets of our economic activities like Russia and China do,” he said.

Deputy Minister Magwanishe said Africa should also move in the direction of creating platforms such as SPIEF in order to capitalise on some of the largest untapped reserves of minerals, oil and gas.

These platforms, he said, draw the attention of the most important economic players to the opportunities of a particular country and its potential.

The Deputy Minister said the value of SPIEF was evidenced by the signing of $35 billion worth of deals during the forum.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister Magwanishe said the South African Government would always advocate for continental development, market integration, regional industrialisation, infrastructure development and investments.

The SPIEF, which concluded on Saturday, 3 June, attracted international participants, including government and business leaders from the emerging economic powers, as well as leading global voices from academia.

The conference programme also included the BRICS Business Forum and Russia-Africa Round Table segments. – Source:
  The Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, says the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) continues to rank South Africa as the top business events destination in Africa and the Middle East.

“We are also one of the world’s top 10 long-haul destinations for hosting international meetings and conferences,” the Minister said.

Speaking at the 2017 Southern Africa Association for the Conference Industry (SAACI) Congress in Pretoria, Minister Xasa said South Africa hosted about one million business delegates every year and that the average business traveller spent seven days in South Africa, with five of the days being spent attending a business event.

“Hosting more major international business conferences will also help develop our intellectual capital and position us as a world-leading knowledge economy,” the Minister said.

In 2016, South Africa hosted 17 more international and regional association conferences than in 2015, bringing the total to 125 ICCA recognised conferences.

“These conferences generate a direct economic benefit for our country, which includes what delegates spend on hotel accommodation, food and beverages, and souvenirs.

"There is an indirect benefit as well. The business event delegates who we host annually return home to sell our country to others by word of mouth, and indeed, many will return here on holiday and some may consider investing in South Africa,” Minister Xasa said.

Minister Xasa said return visits were dependent on the country providing quality services and products to tourists.

“It’s clear that our position as a magnet for business events is certainly strong, but it is a position that we need to vigorously defend and improve on."

The Minister said government would like to see more of South Africa’s smaller towns and cities bidding for smaller meetings, where they can meet the hosting requirements.

“This will help to improve the geographic distribution of tourism beyond the major centres, and spread the wealth generated by these events more equitably.

“Our challenge is to shift more and more of our national and international business events to our smaller towns, so that we spread the benefits geographically across all regions of our country."

Government is firmly committed to growing South Africa’s business events industry, as South Africa aims to attract five million additional tourists within the next five years.

“Equally, we are committed to nurturing the tourism economy in such a way that promotes inclusive growth and industry transformation, so that previously disadvantaged players are empowered and brought into the mix in a meaningful manner.

"As such, we are constantly striving to find creative ways to support sustainable tourism jobs by offering training programmes for chefs, sommeliers and many other entry-level careers in the hospitality sector,” Minister Xasa said.

The National Convention Bureau, in partnership with the Department’s Tourism Incentive Programme, subsidised more than 35 small and medium sized enterprises to exhibit at international trade shows over the past two years.

In 2016, international and regional association meetings were held in Rustenburg, Ladysmith, Mbombela, Phalaborwa, Skukuza, Bloemfontein, Somerset West and Stellenbosch.  – Source:
  The R200-million investment by Lucchini South Africa is a vote of confidence in the South African economy, says Acting Head of Investment South Africa (InvestSA), Yunus Hoosen.

Speaking at the launch of South Africa’s first internationally-owned forged wheel manufacturing facility by the Italian company in Germiston, Johannesburg, Hoosen said it was heartening to see a foreign company investing in South Africa and contributing to job creation and economic growth.

He added that government fully supported Lucchini SA’s commitment to the localisation programme, and recognised the transfer of knowledge and technology to this plant in South Africa.

Hoosen emphasised that this indicated a clear vote of confidence in South Africa’s involvement in industrialisation and skills capabilities.

“More importantly, we need to applaud the skills and supplier development programmes of Lucchini SA. We are aware that this investment has and will continue to create opportunities for skills and supplier development. Continuous programmes to upskill Lucchini’s employees will be creating relevant skills that must be sustained and optimised to lever spill-over effects to other manufacturing sectors,” said Hoosen.

Lucchini Chief Executive Officer, Augusto Mensi, said approximately 45 new jobs would be created through the company’s initial investment with planned local product content of between 30 to 40%.

“A further investment is envisaged as further growth into the regional market is anticipated. We see the investment into Lucchini SA as a first step into our expansion into Africa,” said Mensi. – Source:
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) recently joined the internal community in commemorating the International Day of United Nations (UN) Peacekeepers.


The UN declared 29 May as the International Day of UN Peacekeepers to pay tribute to the professionalism, dedication and courage of all the men and women serving in UN peacekeeping operations, and honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.

The SANDF commemoration was held in Bloemfontein, which also saw a parade to honour the 39 South African soldiers killed since the country became an active troop and equipment supplier to both African Union (AU) and UN continental peacekeeping and peace support missions.

South Africa is revered for being a major contributor to the UN and AU peacekeeping mission efforts, with annual contributions constantly fluctuating between 1 500 and 2 500 members.

“We have grown steadily throughout the years, acquired experience and learnt a lot of lessons. We are still learning and are refining our skills. This has made us highly sought-after among the community of nations,” said the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula.

Speaking at the event, Minister Mapisa-Nqakula called on SANDF members to rededicate themselves to the Code of Conduct and consistently strive to deserve the trust of the people.

“Through your dedicated work and discipline, rise to the challenges before you. Through your achievements, prove to our Commander-in-Chief and the nation that they can truly value your contribution to making Africa a safer, more secure and better place to live in for generations to come."

The Minister called on the SANDF members to carry out their tasks at all times within the framework of the norms and values of the military profession.

“You are entrusted with the responsibility to safeguard our people and bettering the lives of millions on the African continent. Therefore, your professional status is not an inherent right but is granted through a contract with the society within which we operate.” – Source :
  Weighing just 2,5 kg, South Africa's first privately-owned nanosatellite, nSight1, has been successfully sent into orbit from the International Space Station (ISS). Deployed on 24 May, nSight1 will orbit Earth and capture images with a remote sensing camera.
Locally designed and built by SCS Space, a member of the SCS Aerospace Group, nSight1 was constructed over a period of six months using all the available space infrastructure in South Africa. It is the first time a private company in Africa has invested in building and launching a satellite.

"The satellite is an important milestone, demonstrating the outcome of the capability established through the Department of Science and Technology's (DST) ongoing investment in the South African space programme. More than 70% of the satellite is made up of satellite components supplied by enterprises in the South African space industry," said Mmboneni Muofhe, the DST’s Deputy Director-General: Technology Innovation.

The DST has welcomed the deployment of nSight1. South Africa has been involved in space research and technology for 50 years. The first locally designed and manufactured satellite, SUNSAT, was launched in 1999. NSight1's deployment follows the successful launch of South African satellites since the late nineties, including SUNSAT (1999), SumbandilaSat (2009) and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology's ZACUBE-1 satellite (2013).

NSight1 was part of a batch of 28 nanosatellites from 23 different countries, launched on 18 April 2017 from Cape Canaveral in Florida, United States of America. After reaching the ISS, the nanosatellites were unloaded and deployed by the ISS team.

The main objectives of nSight1's mission are to demonstrate a patented coding technique developed at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and to showcase the space capabilities of private companies in South Africa.

Hendrik Burger, CEO for SCS Space, said the company was delighted to be part of an international project that had put South Africa on the international satellite map.
Theologians from across the continent gathered in Sandton‚ Johannesburg‚ recently to celebrate the launch of the first "Africa Study Bible".  
This Bible is unique from all the editions published before as it comprises the New Living Translation of the Bible‚ plus more than 2 600 features written by 350 contributors from 50 African countries. These features place special emphasis on the interpretation of scripture “through African eyes”.

“The idea was to publish a single-volume Bible resource by Africa for Africa that would be a lot closer to the lived experience of Africans than the literature traditionally coming from‚ say‚ the United States or Britain‚” said Dr Matthew Elliott‚ president of publishing company Oasis International‚ who was in the country to celebrate the launch with his South African colleagues.

“Africans from all over the continent were involved from inception to completion. In fact‚ South Africa was already represented at the first meeting in Ghana seven years ago. The result is a Bible that makes Scripture more relevant and applicable‚ and that reclaims the African roots of Christianity. To this end, we have included unique content that highlight the role Africa has played in the Bible‚ and vice versa‚” said Dr Elliott.

The Africa Study Bible contains more than 500 African proverbs and stories that illustrate Biblical principles‚ as well as “touchpoint” notes that celebrate the similarities between Biblical and African culture.

“Since the culture of the ancient Near East is in many respects closer to African culture than it is to Western culture‚ African people have a distinct advantage when it comes to understanding the social dynamics we read about in the Bible. Even so‚ our work in Africa since the mid-1990s showed us that there was a definite need for discipleship resources written from an African perspective‚” said Dr Elliott.

One of the southern Africa contributors‚ Dr Elesinah Chauke‚ said that‚ to her‚ the project was an affirmation that the Bible was God’s message to all people‚ and that it was important that Africans would find themselves as they read and study the Bible.

The Africa Study Bible is distributed to the South African book trade by Christian Media Publishing‚ and is available to the public through CNA‚ other leading retailers‚ and online. – Source:
The premier entertainment destination in the south of Johannesburg, has just clinched two awards: namely, The Star’s annual Readers’ Choice as well as the TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award.


Gold Reef City issued a statement saying it has been awarded as the “Best Local Tourist Attraction” category in The Star’s annual Readers’ Choice supplement, and first place for the “Top 25 Hotels for families - Africa and South Africa” in the Traveller’s Choice Awards.

"Located just 8 km from Joburg’s city centre, Gold Reef City is as accessible as it is unique in its appeal. A favourite among thrill seekers, entertainment junkies and keen adventurers alike, the property is a significant contributor to the City of Gold’s tourism industry, offering local and international visitors a world-class, African experience like no other."

“What makes Gold Reef City a firm favourite among South Africans and international guests alike, is the unique way in which we have managed to maintain and preserve the charm and nostalgia of an old mining town, while offering our guests unprecedented entertainment and every other world-class amenity that they could think of,” says Gareth Kaschula, Gold Reef City’s Marketing Manager.

“We congratulate the properties that have won Travellers’ Choice Hotel awards,” says Barbara Messing, Chief Marketing Officer for TripAdvisor. “As travellers consider where to book their next trip, they should be sure to check out our latest award winners who have delighted millions of members of the TripAdvisor community.”

At the end of 2015, Gold Reef City relaunched following a multi-million Rand refurbishment by Tsogo Sun.

Apart from giving visitors access to a world-class theme park and casino, Gold Reef City also boasts conferencing facilities, the historical Apartheid Museum, an opulent theatre, movies, 10-pin bowling, a games arcade and a diverse selection of restaurants. – Source: Traveller24
  All wines produced in the wine wards of Constantia, Durbanville, Philadelphia and Hout Bay will now officially be marketed as Wine of Origin Cape Town.

In a move set to boost the profile of South African wine in markets across the world, wines produced in the surrounds of the city will now be promoted under the new wine district banner. A new destination marketing organisation representing the Wine of Origin Cape Town is also expected to be rolled out over the next few months.

The announcement of the demarcation, which was approved by the South African Wine and Spirit Board, was made in the Company Gardens in Cape Town recently, with Minister of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, in attendance. 

Minister Winde says the new Cape Town Wine of Origin demarcation will increase global awareness of South African wine.

“This is exciting news for our wine industry. Cape Town’s brand as a leading, quality tourism and investment destination is already well established. Bringing our wine offering under this same banner is a natural fit, and one which will dramatically accelerate global market recognition of our produce," says Winde.

A total of 29 wineries, including some of South Africa’s leading brands, will form part of the initiative.

– Source: Traveller24
Johannesburg is the top destination for South African business travellers‚ with one in five travelling to South Africa’s economic capital‚ followed by Cape Town with 15% of business travellers.  
Durban attracts just over one in 10 travellers while Port Elizabeth comes in a steady fourth. Together, these four destinations account for almost half of all South Africa’s business travellers.

This is according to statistics from Flight Centre Business Travel (FCBT), the corporate travel division of Flight Centre Travel Group which caters for small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs).

According to FCBT’s statistics‚ London is the top international business destination for South Africans. Windhoek‚ Algiers and Nairobi are also among the top 10 cities that SMME businesses are travelling to.

Business traffic to Johannesburg (through OR Tambo and Lanseria airports) grew by 27% over the past year. But the surprise was Durban‚ which increased by 37% year-on-year.

FCBT has identified other fast-growing business hubs: Polokwane‚ where arrivals grew 134%; Mthatha, which saw business traffic rise by 69%; and Nelspruit and Hoedspruit‚ which both registered increases of 39%.

Ryan Potgieter‚ FCBT General Manager‚ said: “While the top cities are not a surprise as most people who travel for business do so locally‚ what is interesting is the increase in South Africans travelling for business locally and into Africa”.
– Source:
  While whale watching has already begun in the Western Cape, with False Bay seeing the early arrival of whales, the east coast of South Africa has much to get excited about for this year’s whale season too.
The World Cetacean Alliance (WCA) will hold the World Whale Conference for the first time ever on the African continent, and Durban is the host city for the first Welcoming of The Whales Festival in June.

Africa’s first World Whale Conference takes place from 24 June to 29 June, while Durban will host its first Welcoming of The Whales Festival on 24 June, with the theme “Towards Responsible Tourism for Cetaceans” in support of the United Nations’ International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

The conference provides an opportunity for individuals and organisations involved with cetaceans – including whales, dolphins and porpoises – to join in, share knowledge, set new standards and learn through collaborating with others, ranging from marine mammal experts, whale-watching companies, NPOs, the travel industry and other interested organisations.

According to WCA, the conference aims to set new whale watching and tourism guidelines and to establish objectives in protecting all cetaceans. – Source: Traveller24
DJ Black Coffee has teamed up with global music icons Pete Tong, Louie Vega, Paul Van Dyk and Armin Van Buuren in the fight to save global electronic music.  
The Durban-born musician was recently recognised by the Association for Electronic Music (AFEM) for his work in helping to fight the challenges faced by the genre.

He was chosen by the organisation as one of its official ambassadors for upcoming campaigns.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE from the organisation’s headquarters in the United Kingdom, AFEM CEO Mark Lawrence said that Black Coffee was the right man to save global house music.

"As we developed the list of ambassadors, we wanted to ensure that the core values of electronic music were represented diversity, creativity and unity. Black Coffee is among electronic music’s most respected global artists and represent these things for us. He has his own unique and inspiring story to tell," Mark said.

Black Coffee will represent the organisation free of charge and, as part of his responsibilities, will raise awareness of issues facing the genre, such as diversity, anti-piracy, mental and physical health support and royalty transparency.

"The challenges we face impact DJs, musicians, songwriters and fans. Our ambassadors will help us become the global voice of the electronic music genre, from those who create our music right through to those who listen to it," Mark explained.
– Source:
South African composers Xander Kritzinger and Andrew-John Bethke will travel to South America with two male choirs to share their uniquely South African blend of sacred, classical and jazz choral works.
Two accomplished South African male choirs are preparing for a tour of South America in July, where they will perform award-winning compositions by two of South Africa’s leading choral composers.

While in South America, the two choirs will showcase the best of the South African choral tradition, performing unique blends of sacred, classical and jazz works in a number of South African languages as well as French, Italian, Hebrew, Spanish and Latin.

Composers Xander Kritzinger and Andrew-John Bethke took top honours at the Choral Composition Competition facilitated by Ekurhuleni’s Cenestra Male Choir and the Cape Town Male Voice Choir (CTMVC), sponsored by the National Lottery.

Along with a chance to perform in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay, the two composers each received R10 000 and the respect of South Africa’s choral community. Kritzinger and Bethke received the recognition for their original compositions In Die Skadus van my Siel and A Prayer for Africa, respectively.

Michael Dingaan, conductor of the Rand Afrikaans University Chorale Choir, and German choral conductor and lecturer Professor Martin Berger were the judges, together with the musical directors of Cenestra and the CTMVC.

“The aim of the competition was to unearth talented South African composers and bring back a focus to male choir singing,” said Lewis Rabkin, chairperson of the CTMVC. – Source:
Resident Expresso chef, Zola Nene, has proven her skills as a world renowned cook, walking away with two awards from the Gourmand World Cook Book Awards held in China.


The star took home first prize for TV (English) Celebrity Chef, with her book, Simply Delicous, coming second in the Best TV Chef Book in English category.

Speaking about the experience, Zola said, “It was all very dramatic, but so very exciting. I’m ecstatic with the results; and to think that I came to China to represent South Africa in one category and ended up receiving two awards. I can’t say it enough: I’m just thrilled!” – Source:
  Bongmusa Mthembu of South Africa won the 2017 Comrades Marathon, completing the “up” run from Durban to Pietermaritzburg in 5:35:34.


He was followed home by Hatiwande Nyamande from Zimbabwe (5:38.48) and Gift Kelehe, also from South Africa (5:41.48).

Mthembu won the race in 2014 and finished third in 2016.

He also took silver at the 100-km World Championship in Spain last year where he beat Bruce Fordyce's long-standing record by almost a minute.

Camille Herron from the United States of America won the ladies title in a time of 6:27:35. She was followed home by Alexandra Morozova in second while South Africa’s Charne Bosman came third. – Source:
  Christiaan Greyling, from the Jeep Team SA, won the extreme Faial Coast to Coast 47-km Ultra Trail Race, which took place on Faial Island in Azores, an archipelago in the mid-Atlantic, on Saturday, 27 May, fighting the worst weather conditions imaginable.
Portugal’s Faial Coast to Coast Ultra Trail traverses some 47 km, with a cumulative elevation gain of 2,385 metres, from the village of Ribeirinha, near Boca da Ribeira Port on the east coast at 0m altitude, to Capelinhos on the west coast, at 2,385m altitude.

Greyling, who only took the lead in the last 6 km of the race, crossed the finish line in first place in a time of 03:54:07. Second place went to island local, Dário Moitoso, in a time of 04:02:36, and third place to Nuno Silva, in a time of 04:04:00.

Speaking about the race, Greyling said, “This race was significant as it marked my first race as a full-time athlete. It was amazing to run on this land mass caused by the 1957 Volcanic action in the Azores. It looked like Mars, while the rest of the course was lush green”.

Landie Greyling, Christiaan’s wife, and a renowned Trail Champion, won the female overall category, an hour ahead of second placed runner, Raquel Andrade. – Source:
SA Rugby recently delivered what it believed was a winning bid to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup at World Rugby headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.


Jurie Roux, CEO of SA Rugby, handed in the 827-page, 8,2-kg document, detailing South Africa’s compelling case to host the tournament.

“This is a momentous day for South African rugby and in November, when the decision is made, we hope it will ignite the beginning of a six-year journey to a climatic conclusion at the National Stadium in Johannesburg in front of 84 373 spectators in the biggest and most spectacular Rugby World Cup final there has ever been,” said Roux.

“South Africa has the hunger and capacity to host this tournament like no other country on earth. We bid for the 2011, 2015 and 2019 tournaments and here we are again for 2023, proving that for our sport and country this is not just a desire it is an obsession.

“But our bid is far from being just about what it means to rugby in South Africa; it is all about what South Africa can do for world rugby."

Roux said that the combination of infrastructure, environment and climate would allow the sport to showcase the very best it has to offer, inspiring South Africa, Africa and the world.

Ireland and France are also bidding to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

World Rugby is set to announce the successful applicant on 15 November. – Source:
Proteas star speedster Kagiso Rabada has replaced his team-mate, Imran Tahir, as the world's top ranked ranked ODI bowler.
Rabada moved up four places to take the top spot after his impressive performance at Lord's in the third ODI on Monday, according to the ICC's website.

Rabada, 22, is the youngest No 1 bowler since Pakistan's Saqlain Mushtaq in 1998.

Proteas skipper AB de Villiers remains the top-ranked ODI batsman, while team-mate Quinton de Kock moved up two places to fourth. – Source:
  South Africa's Greg Minnaar has made his intentions for this UCI Mountain Bike World Cup season very clear with victory in Fort William, Scotland, on Sunday, 4 June.

Now 35-years-old, Minnaar is showing no signs of winding down and he finished in a time of 4:40.344, a full 2.979 seconds ahead of Australia's Jack Moir.

Minnaar's long-time rival, America's Aaron Gwin, finished third and 3.799 seconds behind the Pietermaritzburg-born superstar.

It is the seventh time that Minnaar has won at Fort William (nobody has won more) and he takes his overall World Cup win tally to 20, solidifying his status as the most decorated downhill rider of all time.

Minnaar finished 59th in round one of the 2017 season at Lourdes in France, but this past weekend's win sets him up nicely for the rest of the season. – Source:
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