Issue 280 | 15 June 2017
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“Your presence here today signifies our commitment to further strengthen the existing relations that are predicated on the spirit of collaboration and cooperation for mutual benefit.” – President Jacob Zuma
On Thursday, 8 June, President Jacob Zuma received Letters of Credence from Ambassadors and High Commissioners-designate at a credentials ceremony at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in Pretoria.

The following Heads-Designate from nine countries presented their credentials to the President:
The United Arab Emirates, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Poland, Kingdom of Swaziland, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Benin, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
At its recent meeting, Cabinet congratulated the people of Lesotho for the peaceful elections and further congratulated Prime Minister-elect Thomas Thabane and his party on winning the elections.
Southern African Development Community (SADC) Facilitator and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa also welcomed the determination of the SADC and African Union (AU) election observer missions that the elections in the Kingdom of Lesotho were largely peaceful and in line with AU and SADC protocols on elections.

The Facilitator extended his profound congratulations to the people of Lesotho and commended them for conducting peaceful elections.

“The holding of democratic elections in the Kingdom of Lesotho underlines the determination of the people of the region and the continent to ensure good political and economic governance as part of the building blocks towards the renewal of the continent and the achievement of Agenda 2063 as a growth path for the entire continent,” said Deputy President Ramaphosa.

“In line with SADC Summit decisions and agreements with all role players, the SADC facilitation mission with the support of the SADC Oversight Committee will, soon after the formation of the new Government, pay an Official Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho with a view to convening a multistakeholder dialogue forum to build consensus for the implementation of SADC decisions,” continued Deputy President Ramaphosa.

“These will include the implementation of the constitutional and security sector reforms as well as recommendations of the Phumaphi Commission of Inquiry.

“We look forward to working with the new Government and all role players towards the achievement of these goals and to help set the Kingdom on the path of sustainable peace, security, constitutionality and development.” – Source:
The dialogue took place under the theme: “Ensuring Sustainable Development through Trade and Investment".
On 10 June, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, participated in the 16th Africa-Nordic Dialogue of Foreign Ministers in Abuja, Nigeria.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane made a presentation in the meeting under the sub-theme, “Promoting Trade and Investment as Tools for Sustainable Development”, with the Finnish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Timo Soini.

The Dialogue Forum is hosted annually and is aimed at establishing new perspectives for the friendship, cooperation and solidarity that exist between Africa and the Nordic countries.

The meetings focus primarily on pertinent development issues, particularly related to Africa.

The first Africa-Nordic Meeting took place in Sweden in December 2000, and in total 15 meetings have taken place from 2000 to 2016.

African countries that have hosted meetings include Benin (2006 and 2012), Botswana (2008), Mozambique (2003), Senegal (2010) and South Africa (2015).

The Nordic participants are Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark.

As host of the 14th Meeting, held in April 2015 in Mookgopong, Limpopo, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane noted that: “The Nordic states have stood with Africa in solidarity over many decades.”

South Africa regards the Africa-Nordic Ministerial Dialogue as an important platform for solidarity and cooperation, where Nordic and African states can engage as friends in an informal environment in an open and frank manner.
The ABF takes place under the auspices of the South Africa-United States Strategic Dialogue, which was established in 2010 by the former United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane.
The Embassy of the United States of America (USA) hosted the South African Government for the Eighth ABF on 8 June 2017, in Pretoria.

The meeting was co-chaired by the US Chargé d' Affaires, Jessica Lapenn, and the Chief Director: North America and Regional Organisations in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Ambassador Peter Goosen.

The ABF meets annually to review cooperation between the two nations across a range of sectors, covering areas such as education, agriculture, health, economic development, trade and investment, energy, water, protocol and administration, environment, transportation, science and technology, defence, and safety and security.

The various ABF working groups have been streamlined to ensure greater synergy between cross-cutting sectors and to facilitate greater coordination. This annual engagement also provided an opportunity to track progress of the different projects and to ensure maximum alignment of the development support being received from the USA with South Africa’s national priorities.

The meeting noted successes in the areas of health, education, science and technology, water, transport, environment and safety and security, which were highlighted during the engagements.

Both Chargé d' Affaires Lapenn and Ambassador Goosen accentuated the importance of the ABF as an instrument that provided a demonstration of the good and warm relations that existed between the USA and South Africa.

The centrality and mutual benefit of a strong trade and investment relationship for both countries was also underscored during the meeting.

Both parties look forward to a continuation and further strengthening of the cordial bilateral relations under the new Administration in the USA.
We strongly believe that there can be no substitute for dialogue and we thus call on the parties involved to commit to a peaceful resolution of the situation.
The South African Government has noted the decision of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and several other countries to sever diplomatic and other ties with the State of Qatar. 

The South African Government also notes that the Gulf region is very important for world trade, especially energy as well as regional peace and stability.

The South African Government supports the efforts by the State of Kuwait and other countries that have already initiated a mediation process between the countries involved.

We support all efforts by countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab League that are seeking to mediate a peaceful resolution. 

The South African Government will also throw its weight behind the mediation process.

We call on all sisterly states of the region to resolve their differences through constructive engagement and give dialogue a chance.

South Africa is confident that all parties are keen to ensure that the region is returned to peace, stability and cordial relations as soon as possible.
The Deputy Minister focused on how South Africa used its diplomatic and trade relations to address domestic priorities.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, recently hosted an outreach programme in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, where she interacted with the community on South Africa’s roles and responsibilities in the world.

Deputy Minister Mfeketo highlighted the African Union’s Agenda 2063 aspirations during her address. She also addressed the wave of attacks targeting women.
The discussion forum was attended by Cuban Embassy officials, other members of the Diplomatic Corps, representatives of youth formations, representatives from sister departments and Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) officials. 
DIRCO, in partnership with the Cuban Embassy, hosted a discussion forum with Fernando González, one of the Cuban 5 and the President of the Cuban Institute for Peoples Friendship, on 8 June 2017 at OR Tambo Building.

Mr González was joined on the panel by the CEO of the National Heritage Council of South Africa, Advocate Sonwabile Mancotywa, as well as Dr Oscar Van Heerden, International Relations Specialist and Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection Fellow.

The guests were welcomed by the Deputy Director-General for Americas and Europe, Yolisa Maya. The conversation took place within the context of the commemoration of Youth Month and the celebration of the centenary of the father of South Africa’s diplomacy, Oliver Reginald Tambo.

During his remarks, Mr Gonzales alluded to the fact that the Cuban Revolution Solidarity was prescribed by Cuba’s international outlook, particularly on the African continent, as witnessed through Cuba’s past interventions in the support for Angola against the South African apartheid government, Cuba’s role in the independence of Namibia and more recently in Cuba-Africa cooperation wherein there is an increased Cuban presence in the African medical/health sector,  and Cuban teachers and other professionals who are present and working on the continent.

Accordingly, the rest of the discussion focused on the meaning of solidarity and how to inculcate the values of Patriotism, Loyalty, Dedication, Ubuntu, Equity, Integrity and Batho Pele in young people as espoused by OR Tambo. The preservation of national heritage and the imperative for South-South cooperation and learning from each other as countries of the global South were the broad themes addressed by the speakers as well as during the question and answer session.

Mr González was in South Africa en route to Cuba after attending the Fifth Continental African Conference on Solidarity with Cuba, which took place in Namibia from 5 to 7 June 2017.
The conference, under the theme of “Our Oceans, Our Future: Partnering for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14”, was hosted by the governments of Fiji and Sweden.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, attended the UN Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development (Ocean Conference), from 5 to 9 June in New York.

On 25 September 2015, a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative sustainable development goals (SDGs) and targets, entitled: “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, was adopted. Member states committed to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has 17 SDGs. Among them, SDG 14, the “Oceans Goal,” aims to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”. It includes 10 targets relating to marine pollution, protecting marine and coastal ecosystems, minimising ocean acidification, sustainable management of fisheries and ending harmful fisheries subsidies, conserving costal and marine areas, increasing the economic benefits to the smaIl islands developing states and least developed countries, and means of implementation.

Minister Molewa led the South African delegation during eight plenary meetings over the conference period and participated in several partnership dialogues that addressed, among others, marine pollution; managing, protecting, conserving and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems; minimising and addressing ocean acidification; increasing scientific knowledge; and developing research capacity and transfer of marine technology.

Minister Molewa also participated in the special event commemorating World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2017.
The nomination of Public Service and Administration Minister, Faith Muthambi, to serve on the WCF Programme Board for 2018 will make South Africa to remain an influential member in the global communication space.
The forum recently announced that for the next calendar year, the WCF would be led by 27 communication professionals representing 20 countries all over the world, including South Africa, Russia, India, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, turkey, the United States of America, Brazil, Armenia, Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Canada, United Kingdom and Holland.

Upon receiving the good news from the WCF, Minister Muthambi said: “I am welcoming the nomination …I am equally delighted and ready to serve the people of the world. Indeed, I will make sure that South Africa continues to add value in the global communication space”.

In the past two years, Minister Muthambi served as the Co-Chairperson of the WCF.

The WCF aims to contribute actively to the development of modern public communication worldwide.
The Clean Energy Ministerial Conference brought together 25 countries with the purpose of deliberation over matters of common interest on areas of clean energy development. South Africa is one of the countries constituting the Clean Energy Ministerial.


The Minister of Energy, Mmamoloko Kubayi, participated in the CEM8 in Beijing from 6 to 8 June 2017. 

The purpose of the CEM8 is for the various participating countries to share their experiences, lobbying, initiatives and programmes in the renewable energy sector and energy efficiency space, in line with their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to make the transition to a low-carbon economy.

On the sidelines of CEM8, the BRICS Energy Ministers Meeting was convened. The BRICS energy ministers reiterated their belief that renewable and clean energy, research and development of new technologies and energy efficiency could constitute an important driver to promote sustainable development, create new economic growth and reduce energy costs. The ministers agreed to explore the feasibility of establishing a BRICS Energy Research Cooperation Platform where member countries can carry out joint studies on the energy cooperation potential and fully take advantage of each country’s strength in resources, markets, funds, technologies and capabilities. The next BRICS Energy Ministerial Meeting will be held in South Africa in 2018.
The Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, has thanked the tourism industry for responding swiftly to the needs of tourists who were affected by the Knysna fires and storms disaster in the Western Cape.
The Southern Africa Tourism Services Association has established an operations centre for medical emergencies, reporting missing people, lost passports and repatriation requests.

The centre also offers trauma counselling services. The emergency number is +27 1000 70230.

Minister Xasa said the immediate priority was to provide for the homeless and destitute, to restore essential services in the areas and to ensure that tourists are safe and accommodated.

Tourists who need emergency accommodation can contact the Sedgefield Tourism Offices on +2744 343 2007.

The popular tourism destination of Knysna has been declared a disaster area after 20 suburbs and informal settlements were devastated by the most destructive fires in recent history.

“Once the situation has been stabilised and these urgent priorities have been addressed, we will need to assess the full impact on tourism facilities and attractions in the region, as tourism is a key contributor to our economy.

“We will work together with our sister government departments to consider what relief measures can be implemented in the medium term, so that the tourism economy can be revived as soon as possible, and incomes will be restored for the people who depend on tourism for a living,” said Minister Xasa.

An estimated 8 000 people were evacuated, and hundreds of homes have been completely destroyed by the runaway fires and exceptionally high winds.

The minister also offered her condolences to the families and friends of the eight people who have died in the fires and storms that hit Cape Town and Knysna in the Western Cape.

“We send our condolences to people who have been bereaved by this terrible disaster. We also sympathise with all those who have lost their homes and belongings, especially those who have lost their homes in informal settlements.

“Our government has sent South African National Defence Force troops into the area and is coordinating humanitarian support for the residents who have been left homeless. We appeal to people throughout South Africa to support our compatriots in need, and to contribute to the various relief initiatives that are underway in whatever way they can, said Minister Xasa. – Source:
Building a network of African women leaders in fields ranging from business to politics could galvanise female leadership across the continent and boost peacebuilding efforts and good governance, the head of UN Women said recently.
The African Women Leaders Network, which was launched recently in New York by the United Nations (UN) and the African Union Commission, hopes to drive more women into leadership roles, through mentoring, peer learning and harnessing contacts.

By supporting women's leadership in Africa, the platform aims to galvanise their contributions to building and sustaining peace, improving political processes and driving social change, and realising the UN global goals, according to UN Women.

The 17 sustainable development goals (SDG), adopted in 2015, include targets on eliminating extreme poverty, providing clean energy, and tackling economic and gender inequality by 2030.

"Peace and governance are big issues in Africa ... so we plan to harness women's leadership, experience and capacity to convince, mediate and make a difference in tough situations," said Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, executive director of UN Women.

"We invited women from opposing political parties within countries like Zimbabwe, to work on gender issues like violence against women in a united way that goes beyond party politics," Mlambo-Ngcuka told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone.

While Liberia and Mauritius are the only two African countries led by women, the continent accounts for seven of the world's 20 countries with the highest proportion of women in Parliament, according to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Rwanda has the highest number of women in Parliament in the world (at 61%) while the share of female parliamentarians in sub-Saharan Africa increased to almost a quarter last year, from one in 10 in 1995, the IPU said.

Yet in several African countries, recent elections saw a regression in the number of women elected to Parliament, especially in those where there were no temporary special measures for gender equality, like quotas, UN Women said.

"We will help women to participate in politics, to put themselves forward as candidates at local and national level, and support them in the face of intimidation and violence," said Ms Mlambo-Ngcuka, the former Deputy President of South Africa. – Source: Reuters
The 69th World News Media Congress, which provided a platform for international press to reaffirm its commitment to defend and promote freedom of expression, was recently held in Durban.

The annual congress, which is organised by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), is a forum which brings together more than 1 000 newspaper publishers and chief editors from over 80 countries to discuss issues and challenges facing the media sector.

The conference started with two sessions on gender, focusing on women and men in the news.

The objectives of these sessions were to discuss challenges faced by both women and men in forming strong working relations, and accessing equal opportunities.

The conference also discussed topics related to conflict reporting in war zones and war-torn countries, and how to manage the media business in a constantly changing technology landscape.

The South African National Editors Forum (SANEF) said it would use this congress to address issues around fake news and the protection of rights to freedom of expression and access to information in South Africa.

“There will be a discussion around how to fight fake news which is one of the problems we are faced with in South Africa. There is also opportunities to talk about some of the real issues within the industry, for example, there is a whole session around women in the newsroom, challenges of sexual harassment and lack of promoting women in senior position roles,” said SANEF chairperson, and political editor of News24, Mahlatse Gallens. – Source:
The Department of Home Affairs has welcomed the passing of the Border Management Authority (BMA) Bill by the National Assembly on Friday, 9 June.
The Bill will now go to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) for processing. Once the legislative process is completed, South Africa will be ready to establish an integrated BMA.

“The establishment of a BMA will represent a radical shift from the colonial and apartheid systems that were informed by a desire and mission to create and sustain racism, hostilities and hatred among the people rather than dignified migration,” the department said in a statement.

Cabinet took a decision in June 2013 to establish a BMA to improve management of ports of entry and the borderline.

It subsequently endorsed a vision for the BMA in 2014. The BMA Bill has been through an extensive consultation process.

“As a Section 75 Bill, it will be submitted to the NCOP for processing before it is returned to the house for final consideration.

“When fully established, the BMA will play an important role at the frontline of South Africa’s borders,” the department said.

It will facilitate legitimate movement of people and goods in line with the country’s socio-economic objectives.

Over 40 million people enter and leave the country on an annual basis for various reasons, including asylum, economic, educational and training opportunities, tourism and leisure, thus the need for an effective and efficient BMA.

The BMA Bill is underpinned by imperatives ranging from giving South Africa a new policy paradigm of integrated border management to a determination to facilitate legal and secure movement of people and goods across South Africa’s borders.

The BMA will help in preventing, among others, drug-related crimes, human trafficking, illegitimate movement of goods and unauthorised movement of persons. – Source:
The University of Johannesburg (UJ) has advanced to the top 2,3% of universities globally, according to a world university ranking released recently.

UJ was among the top 650 global institutions for 2017/18, according to the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings.

The institution's high overall score was achieved, in part, by its improvement in employer reputation and its increased complement of international staff and students, UJ said in a statement.

The QS World University Rankings are based on six performance indicators, related to global reputation, research output and quality, internationalisation, and teaching and learning.

The 12-year-old UJ was the youngest of all ranked universities in South Africa and had moved into fifth position nationally. It is the only one of these top five universities in South Africa that achieved the distinction without the benefit of a medical school.

"UJ outperformed the South African average for participating universities in four of the six indicators, namely: employer reputation, staff-to-student ratio, international staff and international students."

The university said the scores for international students and employer reputation showed the highest improvement for UJ between 2016 and 2017. – Source:
At the age of 29, Mthatha-born Dr Ncumisa Jilata has become Africa’s youngest neurosurgeon following her Fellowship graduation in Durban on 18 May 2017. Her milestone achievement was highlighted by Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa in an address to the National Assembly on 31 May.
Dr Ncumisa Jilata completed her Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree at Mthatha’s Walter Sisulu University (WSU) in 2009. Her completed fellowship for the Council of Neurosurgeons of South Africa in 2017 means she is now the youngest neurosurgeon in Africa, and one of only five black female brain surgeons in South Africa.

Jilata joins 150 other female doctors and medical residents working in the neurosurgical field across Africa, according to the most recent survey by the World Federation of Neurological Societies.

She hopes that her landmark achievement will inspire more female medical students to add to much-needed surgical expertise on the continent. Jilata was inspired while still in high school to follow her dream of becoming a brain surgeon.

“I was already in Grade 11 [at Mthatha High School] when I decided I wanted to be a doctor, but at the time I wasn’t doing Biology, so when I got to Matric I had to do three years of Biology in one year, in addition to the subjects I had already selected from Grade 10,” Jilata told the Eastern Cape Daily Dispatch newspaper following her graduation.

“During that period, I discovered the concept of a neuron, which is amazing. The fact that society as a whole was influenced and controlled solely by the existence of this structure, intrigued me … that’s when I knew I wanted to be a neurosurgeon.”

Another pioneering female and Eastern Cape-born neurosurgeon, Dr Coceka Mfundisi, inspired Jilata. “[My mentor] Dr Mfundisi … broke most of the barriers for me [to get where I am today].”

Born in rural Engcobo, Mfundisi was one of the first black South African women to qualify in the neurology field.

WSU spokesperson, Yonela Tukwayo, said the university was proud of Jilata’s accomplishment. “She and many other WSU alumni, who are leaders across different fields of medicine and other professions, represent the true spirit of our university namesake, Walter Sisulu.”

During his address at The Presidency Budget Vote in Parliament’s National Assembly on 31 May 2017, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa made special mention of Jilata’s achievement. Including her story in an overview of several South African women breaking barriers in a number of social development and medical fields, Ramaphosa thanked Jilata “for inspiring us, motivating us and challenging us with your [life] and your determination … demonstrating what is possible with perseverance, courage, collaboration and partnership”. –
Source: Daily Dispatch, South African Government website
Africa’s largest healthcare exhibition, the Africa Health Exhibition and Conference, took place at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, from 7 to 9 June. It was the seventh annual edition of the event.
While scientific and technological breakthroughs are changing the way doctors treat and manage diseases, many developing nations across Africa still lack basic resources and infrastructure to provide quality healthcare – challenges the conference aimed to address.

Alongside the exhibition, which was free to the public, there were also discussions at 13 accredited conferences covering Africa’s key healthcare issues, focusing on the continent’s response to emerging health threats, managing health technology and building sustainable hospital infrastructure, among others.

Discussions included a ministerial panel on cross-border cooperation and governance in healthcare investment, as well a strong focus on policy-making and the support environment for greater access to medicine and health technology in Africa.

In a statement, Jamie Hill, Director at Informa Life Sciences Group Africa, said: “Rapid advancements in medical technology are shaping the healthcare landscape of the future, but the overriding challenge is determining how these advancements can be made accessible to developing countries on the continent”.
A South African inventor has scored one of the top honours in a continent-wide engineering competition held by the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Andre Nel was one of three runners-up for the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation. The ceremony was held in Nairobi‚ Kenya‚ recently.

Nel was beaten by 27-year-old Nigerian inventor Godwin Benson‚ whose Tuteria online platform links students to qualified tutors in their area and within their budgets.

The 55-year-old Nel was inspired by his pensioner father when he told him he couldn't afford to take a bath anymore. "It started when my father‚ who is a pensioner‚ told me that he couldn't really afford to take a bath anymore‚" Nel told TimesLIVE.

"I realised it was a major problem in South Africa and on the continent. It was shocking for me‚ but also a huge inspiration to start working on a solution‚" he said.

Nel's invention is the GreenTower Microgrid‚ a hybrid solar microgrid‚ which uses 90% less energy to heat water than a geyser.

Benson pocketed £25 000 (R425 285) for winning the competition‚ while Nel and the other finalists each received £10 000 (R170 157) for making it so far in the competition.

The other two runners-up in the competition were Uganda's Hindu Nabulumba for his Yaaka Digital Learning Network‚ which teachers and students can use to share academic knowledge and materials‚ while Kenya's Kelvin Gacheru's Mobi-Water allows users to save more than 30% of their water by allowing them to monitor and control water in their water tanks using a mobile phone. – Source: TMG Digital/TimesLIVE
Considering it is a place of refuge to some of the globe's most endangered species as well as one of the largest game reserves in Africa, it's no wonder Kruger National Park (KNP) is among the world's most spectacular, according to CNN.
Established as a game reserve in 1898, the park is home to a vast number of species, including more than 500 types of bird and more than 100 reptiles.

With nearly two million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fusing with historical and archaeological sights, the world-renowned KNP offers a wildlife experience that ranks with the best in Africa.

The park also forms part of the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere, an area designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation as an International Man and Biosphere Reserve.

According to CNN, more and more visitors flock to the park each year, bearing witness to nature on a grand scale which plays a vital role in generating tourism income.

Added to this, the park is also a major attraction among millennial travellers, recently ranked as the one of the “Most Instagrammed Tourist Attractions” in the world, surpassing other parks around the world such as Zion National Park and Glacier National Park, to name a few. – Source: Traveller24
An “impossibly cute” BMW Isetta has been painted in a striking Ndebele motif by internationally acclaimed artist, Esther Mahlangu. The classic BMW microcar from the 1950s will be a star exhibit at the Concours South Africa at Sun City in August 2017.
For Concours South Africa 2017, Esther was commissioned to paint the late 1950s BMW Isetta 300 by KZN businesswoman Manana Nhlanhla. Manana had the honour of winning the Show and Shine Category at the inaugural Concours South Africa in September 2016, with her 1958 Mercedes-Benz 190 SL.

Manana said: “We wanted to do something really special for this year’s Concours South Africa. The BMW Isetta was actually chosen as a theme car by my business partner, Sithembiso Mthethwa, as he has a vast knowledge of all things to do with classic cars.

“However, we should stress that the little Isetta is not being presented as a concours car. It will be at Sun City only for display purposes. We wanted this year’s beautiful Concours South Africa to have a distinct African keynote, and the Isetta fills that role perfectly.”

Manana said she was amazed to see Esther at work on the project: “Esther uses a chicken feather as her brush to paint these cars freehand, and although her designs feature lots of straight lines, she never uses a ruler. That is quite remarkable for a woman who is 81-years-old!”

Esther, rocketed to international fame some 26 years ago when she was the first African artist to paint a BMW Art Car, thus following in the brushstrokes of artists such as Andy Warhol, David Hockney and Frank Stella. – Source:   
Yvonne Chaka Chaka is to be honoured with the 2017 BET International Global Good Star and Power award.
BET announced recently that South Africa's very own “princess of Africa” would be honoured with the 2017 BET International Global Good Star and Power Award.

Yvonne told TshisaLIVE that she was initially shocked when she heard the news but is "deeply humbled" to be recognised by a brand that she loves.

"I love BET, I watch their channels but I always thought it was more for the young people. So, when I was told that I am nominated, I was deeply humbled because they are recognising me for respecting my talent and the responsibility it comes with it," she said.

Yvonne added that she remembered watching United States musician Chaka Khan being honoured in 2013 and that she never imagined she would one day join that list.

"Knowing the power of my talent helped me to be able to help people. Most of my work to advocate for education and good health has been done on the continent, but it was only because people already knew who Yvonne Chaka Chaka was that I got the opportunity," she said.

The musician said she hoped young artists learned that pursuing your dreams and knowing that your talent can help change other people's lives was rewarding.

Yvonne, who has been in studio for the past 18 months recording her album, will be jetting off to Los Angeles on 20 June, ahead of the swanky awards ceremony on 29 June. 

The BET International Global Good Star and Power Award aims to honour individuals whose efforts help make a positive change in different parts of the world. – Source:
Olympic 110-m hurdles semi-finalist Antonio, Alkana, broke the African and South African records in his specialist discipline recently.
Alkana took the win in the men's 110-m race in 13.11 at a European Classic Permit Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, to improve the continental and national mark of 13.24 set by Lehann Fourie in Brussels in September 2012.

Alkana finished 0.13 ahead of Hungarian athlete, Balazs Baji, the European Championships silver medallist, who took second position.

In the women's 400-m hurdles, Wenda Nel gave a clear indication she was approaching her best form, taking a convincing win in 54.66 to clock an “A” standard IAAF qualifying time for the IAAF World Championships in August.

She completed the race 0.76 clear of her nearest competitor, World Student Games champion, Joanna Linkiewicz, of Poland.

Sprinter Thando Roto grabbed third spot in the men's 100-m in 10.15, just behind Mosito Lehata who equalled his own Lesotho national record of 10.11 to triumph in a blanket finish.

Cornel Fredericks also took third place in the men's 400-m hurdles in 49.42, and Lindsay Hanekom – who missed the domestic track and field season because of recurring injury – was fifth, setting a season's best of 50.63.

Elsewhere on the same day, Pieter Conradie earned second place in the men's 400-m race in 45.88 at the International Track & Field Meeting in Rehlingen, Germany, which was won by Botswana’s Nkobolo Onkabetse in 45.62.

Middle-distance runner Rynardt van Rensburg finished third in a tactical 800-m battle at the same meeting in 1:47.66.

National 200-m record holder Anaso Jobodwana was fourth in the 100-m contest in 10.28 with the benefit of a +2.2 metres per second tailwind. – Source:
Athletics South Africa (ASA) has announced the names of the athletes who will represent the country at junior and youth level at upcoming international events.
The 14-member junior squad, which is made up of nine boys and five girls, will fly the South African flag at the CAA African Junior Championships in Tlemcen, Algeria, later this month. 

Eleven youth athletes, eight boys and three girls, will be heading to Nairobi, Kenya next month for the IAAF World Youth Championships. 

ASA president, Aleck Skhosana, congratulated the youngsters on their selection and wished them well at their respective meets. 

“Congratulations to all athletes for being selected to represent your country at the highest level! We wish both teams the best of luck. These may be small teams, but they are both strong, and we believe these athletes will be able to carry the SA flag with pride,” said Skhosana.

The CAA African Junior Championships will take place from 29 June to 2 July, while the IAAF World Youth Championships is scheduled for 12 to 16 July.   

CAA African Junior Championships

Clarence Munyai, Mthembu Monareng, George Kusche, Kayle Bligaut, Patrick Duvenhage, Carel Haasbroek, Werna Vissar, Hernu van Vuuren, Werner Dames, Simoney Weitsz, Taylon Beildt, Yvonne Robson, Janna Steinman, Yolandi Stander

IAAF World Youth Championships

Retsheiditswe Mlenga, Tshenolo Lemao, Julian Bogner, Sokwakhana Zazini, Breyten Poole, Valco van Wyk, Brandon Morne, Joshua Maas, Zeney van der Walt, Gontse Morake, Tharina van der Walt.
At its recent meeting, Cabinet has congratulated our athletes and sportsmen and women for being nominated in eight categories of the 2017 Regional Annual Sport Awards, which was hosted by South Africa.

The African Union (AU) Sports Council Region 5 is one of the five regions entrusted with the responsibility to develop sport under the AU. Members of the region are: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The winners were:

  • Wayde van Niekerk: Sportsman of the Year
  • Caster Semenya: Sportswoman of Year
  • Anna Botha: Coach of Year
  • Mamelodi Sundowns: Team of the Year.
South Africa's Dylan Frittelli won his maiden European Tour title on Sunday, 11 June; a final round of five-under-par 67 allowing him to triumph by one shot at the Austrian Open.
Frittelli, 27, carded six birdies and one bogey to finish 12 under par, one stroke clear of England's David Horsey, Finland's Mikko Korhonen and his fellow South African, Jbe Kruger.

Once a playing partner of Jordan Spieth while at college in the United States, Frittelli lost in a play-off in the China Open in April and now has a Tour victory to his name.

He almost found himself in another play-off this time, but Kruger's own fine round was tarnished by a bogey at the last, a 67 seeing him fall one shot shy.

"I'm really happy with the way the week went – super stoked to get my first win on the European Tour – I think it's been a long time coming and I am glad to be inside the winner's circle," Frittelli told

Sitting 17th in the Race to Dubai, the win boosts his chances of qualifying for next month's British Open at Royal Birkdale.

"Hopefully I get into The Open with this performance and it should move me up the Race to Dubai and open up some more doors down the road," he added. – Source:
Sprint sensation Wayde van Niekerk delivered another superb performance on Saturday, 10 June, to smash the national 200-m record at a meeting in Kingston, Jamaica.
The versatile speedster, who holds the 400-m world record of 43.03, took the half-lap win at the Racers Grand Prix in 19.84 to break the two-year-old mark of 19.87 held by Anaso Jobodwana.

Van Niekerk shattered his Personal Best of 19.90, which he set when he won the South Africa title in Potchefstroom in April, by 0.06.

He finished well ahead of Commonwealth champion, Rasheed Dwyer, who grabbed second spot in 20.11.

Earlier, SA 100-m record holder, Akani Simbine, took second place in 10.00 in the short dash.

Former world champion, Yohan Blake of Jamaica, won the race in 9.97.

“What a wonderful performance!” was the happy reaction of Aleck Skhosana, the president of Athletics South Africa.

“Looks like Wade is on the roll here.

“Since announcing that he wants to contest the short sprints seriously this year, he has been on an onslaught. Clearly, he is not where we all want him to be, but he is really doing very well.

“The exploits of Simbine cannot go unnoticed. His consistency has made everyone sit up and worry about what’s coming at the IAAF World Championships in August. Congratulations to all athletes and their coaches! Your hard work is coming together." – Source:
The Springbok class of 2017 are off to a winning start after beating France 37-14 in the first Test of a three match series at Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria.
It was the home side who came out all guns blazing from the start. The Springboks showed a willingness to move the ball quickly with a number of players featuring prominently, particularly hooker Malcolm Marx.

The stand-out feature of the Bok performance was their impressive defensive display – they were put under serious pressure at times and stood up well.

Raymond Rhule was excellent throughout in this department, while the exit kicking by Jantjies was also a feature of the performance.

The two teams meet for the second Test in Durban on Saturday. – Source:
Stuart Baxter could not have gotten off to a better start than a resounding first-ever competitive victory for Bafana Bafana against Nigeria at Godswill Akpabio International Stadium in Uyo on Saturday, 10 June.
Nigeria's tormentor-in-chief, Tokelo Rantie, put Bafana Bafana ahead in the 56th minute, with Percy Tau making it 2-0 in the 80th, in the shock result of the opening round of the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers.

It could have been more: the unfortunate Themba Zwane somehow struck the upright twice.

Baxter, on his return to coach Bafana, oversaw the end to the drought against the team South Africa could never beat.

Bafana is now in poll position to qualify for Cameroon 2018. – Source:
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Picture Editor: Jacoline Schoonees
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