Issue 285 | 20 July 2017
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The two co-chairs acknowledged the historical ties that existed between the two countries. They noted that these historical ties had over the years resulted in expansive bilateral cooperation covering various areas.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, recently led a South African delegation at the Fourth Session of the Joint Commission for Cooperation (JCC) between South Africa and Angola. The Minister co-chaired the session with her Angolan counterpart, Georges Robelo Chikoti.

The co-chairs highlighted the need to prioritise economic cooperation for the mutual benefit of the peoples of their respective countries and the region.

Bilateral relations between South Africa and Angola were formalised when the JCC Agreement was signed on 20 November 2000. To date, 33 agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) have been signed within the JCC framework, with a view to enhancing cooperation in a number of areas. These include agriculture, health, immigration, investment, defence, energy, trade and industry, transport, arts and culture, education, etc.

While acknowledging the existence of the agreements and MoUs, the co-chairs emphasised the need to prioritise the full implementation of these legal instruments

Angola is one of South Africa’s largest trading partners on the continent. South Africa imports goods worth about R17 billion while exports to Angola are worth about R8 billion. The JCC agreed on the need to increase and expand economic cooperation. The JCC further committed to pursue industrialisation and infrastructure development as a way of boosting inter-regional trade.

The South African delegation wished the Republic of Angola well as the country prepares for its parliamentary and presidential elections on 23 August 2017. South Africa expressed its confidence that the elections would take place in an environment that was peaceful, free and fair and that the outcome would reflect the will of the people of Angola.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane and Minister Chikoti signed the Customs Mutual Administrative Assistance Agreement on the sidelines of the JCC.

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane was joined by the Minister of Energy, Mmamoloko Kubayi; and the deputy ministers of finance, Sifiso Buthelezi; transport, Lydia Chikunga; and trade and industry, Gratitude Magwanishe.
South Africa, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have reaffirmed their commitment to the Tripartite Mechanism, which is a crucial vehicle to regional peace efforts.
The three counties met in Luanda, Angola, for their Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Tripartite Mechanism, which was attended by their foreign affairs ministers. The ministers used the occasion to review regional, continental and international issues.

“The ministers noted with great appreciation the commendable work in the area of peace and security, as evidenced by the successful completion of the first phase of training of army recruits at the Kitona and Mura bases and training in the public order,” the ministers said in a communiqué issued after the meeting on Thursday, 13 July.

The ministers noted that the security situation in the eastern part of the DRC had substantially improved.

“The ministers commended the pivotal role played by the Republic of Angola within the context of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region and the Republic of South Africa in the Force Intervention Brigade in the DRC.”

On regional issues, the Tripartite Mechanism noted with appreciation the ongoing work by the Southern African Development Community regarding regional integration.

The ministers also expressed their commitment to African unity and integration within the framework of the Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU). They committed to the peaceful resolution of conflicts, as well as African renewal, specifically through the implementation of the AU's Agenda 2063.

The Tripartite Mechanism was established in 2013 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the heads of state of the three countries. With the signing of the MoU, the three countries made a commitment to strengthen cooperation in the following areas, namely: politics and diplomacy; security, defence and public order; economy and infrastructure; public order; economy and infrastructure; and public administration and local government.

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The South African Government has extended its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of those who lost their lives and wishes the injured a speedy and full recovery.
South Africa is deeply concerned and saddened to learn about the cowardly attack on the Amarnath Pilgrims in India on 10 July 2017, that has left scores of people dead and others injured.

There can be no justification, whatsoever, of religious intolerance and the targeting of innocent civilians who were exercising their right of worship.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, undertook an Official Visit to Astana, Kazakhstan, from 17 to 20 July 2017.
On 10 June 2017, South Africa became one of 115 countries and 22 international organisations to participate in EXPO 2017, which is hosted in Astana until 10 September 2017. South Africa’s exhibition focuses on achievements with regard to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project.  The SKA exhibition, which is showcasing the largest science project in the world, is illustrating how renewable energy technologies will support this project in the future.

South Africa’s exhibition also has a component focusing on hydrogen energy, which will include the dissemination of information on the work done by Hydrogen South Africa in relation to infrastructure, systems, catalysis as well as public awareness.

As 18 July was International Nelson Mandela Day, South Africa’s exhibition highlighted the life and legacy of Former President Nelson Mandela as well as the 67 years he devoted to the people of South Africa to the service of oppressed people around the world.

South Africa and Kazakhstan enjoy cordial relations. The two countries share similar views on a number of issues in various multilateral fora.

The visit by the Deputy Minister Mfeketo not only placed emphasis on South Africa’s achievements in the fields of science and renewable energy, but was also utilised to further expand relations in the run-up to the Sixth Round of Bilateral Consultations between South Africa and Kazakhstan, which were expected to take place during the course of 2018 in Pretoria.
Southern Africa’s brightest young minds presented their recommendations on harnessing the potential of young people and the emerging youth demographic in Africa.
From 10 to 12 July, 70 delegates, aged 15 to 23 from across the region, participated in the fifth South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Young Leaders Conference at the Maropeng Conference Centre. During the conference, delegates hosted negotiation sessions under the theme: “African Potential: Creating a Youth Dividend for the Continent”.

The negotiations focused on the role of young people from the Southern African Development Community region in harnessing the emerging youth demographic. Delegates discussed issues ranging from employment to climate change to gender.

The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, hosted the official closing ceremony, during which the delegates handed over the 2017 SAIIA Young Leaders Declaration.

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The South African Government has welcomed the adoption by a United Nations (UN) Conference on 7 July 2017 of a Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons.
“The adoption of this treaty through an inclusive multilateral process in the UN framework, which involved both states and members of civil society, is the culmination of three international conferences held between 2012 and 2014 that considered the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of the use of nuclear weapons and their associated risks.

“We wish to congratulate all participants, the President of the Conference, Ambassador Whyte Gómez of Costa Rica, and the other vice-presidents, on the conclusion of negotiations as mandated by the UN General Assembly (GA),” the South African Government said in a statement on 14 July.

The adoption of the Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons is an historic achievement given that the elimination of weapons of mass destruction has been on the multilateral agenda for more than 70 years since the adoption of the very first resolution by the UNGA in 1946. While biological and chemical weapons have been subjected to global prohibitions, international instruments on nuclear weapons have remained limited in both scope and application.

“South Africa believes that this new treaty will establish a powerful international norm against nuclear weapons and will complement other relevant instruments such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation (NPT), the various nuclear-weapon-free-zone treaties, such as the Pelindaba Treaty, and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, which is yet to enter into force.

“While South Africa notes the concerns and reservations expressed by some of the nuclear-armed states as to the potential effectiveness of such a treaty, the status quo and ongoing impasse in negotiations on nuclear weapons are not sustainable. The danger of a nuclear war regrettably remains a lingering threat to human survival and continued inaction by the international community is inexcusable. It is our hope that these states will accelerate the fulfillment of their nuclear disarmament obligations and related commitments, including the unequivocal undertaking under the NPT towards the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals.  Failure to do so could well undermine the credibility of the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

“Given South Africa’s unique history as the first country to have developed and then eliminated its nuclear arsenal, we are honoured to have been able to make a meaningful contribution towards the process leading up to the negotiations, as well as during the actual negotiations during March and June/July this year. We will continue to engage with all states towards the negotiation of other instruments and measures that will be required to secure a nuclear weapons-free world.”
The Fourth SOM between the Department of International Relations and Cooperation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh was held in Pretoria on 12 July 2017.
The SOM was co-chaired by Ambassador Anil Sooklal, Deputy Director-General: Asia and Middle East; and Kamrul Ahsan, Secretary (Bilateral and Consular), Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

The meeting focused on strengthening the excellent relations that existed between South Africa and Bangladesh that have been forged through bonds of solidarity, friendship and cooperation. Both sides agreed to build on the achievements of the previous SOM, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in August 2015.

In order to strengthen both political and economic relations, the Fourth SOM agreed to continue with their deliberations, through the exchange of official visits, including high-level visits, as well as facilitating engagements and cooperation on all levels. It was noted that trade and economic relations between South Africa and Bangladesh were expanding and agreed that there was still considerable potential to strengthen these relations in order to boost economic growth and to generate much-needed employment opportunities.

The two countries also agreed to forge closer cooperation in the fields of education and skills and technology transfer in the blue economy. It was furthermore agreed that cooperation in these sectors be reviewed on a regular basis to allow for expansion in the identified priority areas that will be to the mutual benefit of both countries.

The two countries underscored the need for consultation and the exchange of views between South Africa and Bangladesh in order to build partnerships in multilateral fora and to ensure that the agenda of the South is prioritised.

The meeting also reflected on South Africa assuming the Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association in October 2017 and both chairs noted the importance of the Indian Ocean in the advancement of the developmental agenda. The meeting further exchanged views and positions on developments in regional, continental and international fora.
South Africa has signed an agreement with European Union (EU) and Brazil to boost investment in research and expand scientific knowledge of marine ecosystems.
The agreement was signed in Portugal, where the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, attended a three-day high-level ministerial meeting on Atlantic research and innovation cooperation, from 12 to 14 July.

Minister Pandor signed the agreement with Gilberto Kassab, Brazil's Minister of State for Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication; and Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science.

Known as the Belém Statement, the agreement outlines ways in which countries can deepen scientific knowledge of marine ecosystems and the interrelations between oceans and climate change, oceans and food, and oceans and energy systems, as well as the dynamics of the Atlantic Ocean and its interconnected circulation systems from Antarctica to the Arctic.

The statement build on previous agreements, such as the signing of bilateral declarations of intent on marine research and innovation cooperation between the EU and Brazil, and the EU and South Africa, and the development of the South-South Framework for Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the South and Tropical Atlantic and Southern Oceans.

Speaking at the signing in Portugal, Minister Pandor said that shared global challenges like climate change, food security, poverty, and inequality demanded a united global response. She emphasised that international cooperation was imperative for science to advance and to improve the quality of living of all on our planet.

The minister said South Africa was well equipped to contribute to the partnership and to add significant value to the investments of our partners.
The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, was honoured for the role she had played in the promotion of science in Africa and globally.
Science and Technology Minister, Naledi Pandor, has received an honorary doctorate from NOVA University in Portugal. According to the Rector of NOVA University, Prof. António Rendas, Minister Pandor received the unanimous favourable vote of the university’s Council of Deans.

Minister Pandor said she was grateful for the recognition.

Her spokesperson, Lunga Ngqengelele, says: “In her acceptance speech, the minister expressed her humble and sincere gratitude to the university for choosing her for this honour. She said there were no words to describe her feelings, pride and excitement in being honoured this way”.

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Mlambo-Ngcuka joined the organisation, which is tasked with empowering women and encouraging gender equality, four years ago.
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, António Guiterres, says that Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka will stay on for a second term as executive director of UN Women.

Under her, UN Women established the much-publicised HeForShe Campaign, that engages men and boys on issues of gender equality.

UN Women has played a significant role in ensuring that women are put front and centre of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and that the responsibility of ending gender inequality becomes everyone’s responsibility.

She said she wanted to use the next four years to build on the momentum already achieved to put the new Strategic Plan for 2018-2021 into practice, as well as work towards implementing the 2030 Agenda with gender equality and women's empowerment at its heart.

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Brand South Africa recently commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Dakar 1987 Talks, which played a significant role in the road towards democracy.
Celebration activities around the twinning of Robben and Gorée Islands also took place in partnership with the Department of Arts and Culture, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, National Arts Council, South Africa Embassy in Senegal and the Senegalese Ministry of Arts and Culture.

Political dialogue played a massive role in South Africa’s transition to democracy. The 1987 meeting in Dakar between the African National Congress and an Institute for Democratic Alternatives in South Africa (IDASA) delegation stands out as a significant moment in the history of South Africa’s journey towards democracy.

“The Dakar conference would not have been possible were it not for the assistance of countries like Senegal and then President Abdou Diouf, who paved the way for delegates to meet during a period when liberation movements were still banned internally, and the apartheid regime still presided over a pariah state sanctioned and internationally isolated.

“Likewise, the assistance that came from governments and individuals who contributed material resources to make the conference possible further attests to the fact that the liberation movement was not alone in its struggle against apartheid South Africa,” Brand South Africa’s Dr Kingsley Makhubela, said.

Brand South Africa said contemporary developments in South Africa and elsewhere on the continent indicated that political dialogue was not a once-off.

“It remains a crucial feature of societies transitioning towards democracy and transforming an unequal socio-economic environment.

“In global terms, and particularly on the African continent, the success of conflict management and mediation, conflict prevention, resolution as well as intervention, are all linked to the ability and capability of political rivals to engage in constructive political dialogue,” Brand South Africa said.

As part of the week-long activities, Brand South Africa, in partnership with the Dakar-based CODESRIA, hosted a colloquium in Senegal on Thursday, 13 July, under the theme, “The Power of Dialogue – Past, Present and Future”.

During the week, the two countries also signed a twinning agreement between Robben and Gorée Islands.

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The Department of Water and Sanitation recently hosted the Sixth IHP Africa National Committees Meeting – a United Nations (UN) sanctioned programme.
“As we converge here today, we are mindful of the global issues in relation to water challenges facing most parts of the world caused by the effects of climate change. South Africa in particular is still grappling and recovering from the devastating drought effects that were experienced in most parts of the country two years ago”, the department said in a statement..

“The delegates gathered here today, are here to fulfil the agreed-to ambit of the UN that established the IHP in 1975. The IHP was established as the single intergovernmental cooperative programme devoted to the scientific study of freshwater and to formulate strategies and policy for sustainable management of water resources globally.

“Specific objectives of the IHP include enhancing water resource management, promoting water resource governance and supporting integrated programmes that facilitate capacity-building.

“It also provides opportunities for member states and cooperating professional and scientific organisations to enhance their understanding of the water cycle, thereby increasing their capacities to manage and develop their water resources better.

“Water is a catalyst for world peace and economic development, and we need to value this resource as it is our livelihood.”
The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and United States (US) troops are conducting a bilateral peace-support operation exercise.
Known as Exercise Shared Accord, the drill is taking place at the SA Army Combat Training Centre (CTC), Lohathla, in the Northern Cape from 17 July to 4 August.

The exercise will be based on a scenario where a combined task group from the two countries will conduct a peace-support operation and intervention operations under a United Nations (UN) Chapter 7 mandate.

An important component of the exercise is logistics, with the deployment and redeployment of both equipment and personnel supporting the training objectives of both American and South African forces.

“The exercise will also focus on interoperability during military actions on various subjects. These will include shared interest in tactics, techniques and procedures between South Africa and US forces, individual skills training, bush craft, counter improvised explosive devices drills and night operations, as well as a UN peacekeeping scenario that incorporates elements of US/South Africa recent experience such as strong point defence, direct action and targeted offensive operations,” spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Piet Paxton, said.

The two countries held a similar exercise in 2011 and 2013.

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The Annual Delville Wood Memorial Service and Wreath-Laying Ceremony was held on Sunday, 16 July 2017, at Burgers Park, Pretoria.
The service is annually hosted by the Pretoria Memorial Services Council. The aim of this service is to commemorate the death of all South Africans who lost their lives during the battle of Delville Wood in 1916.

Dignitaries such as senior officials in the South African National Defence Force were in attendance. Various organisations also laid wreaths and crosses during the wreath-laying ceremony.

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At its 41st Session taking place in Krakow, Poland, from 2 to 12 July 2017, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee has inscribed on its prestigious world heritage list, the ‡Khomani Cultural Landscape.
This landmark inscription amplifies the ‡Khomani San's unique cultural heritage and adds to the other eight South African world heritage sites: Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa, Maloti-Drakensberg Park (Transboundary with Lesotho), Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape, Vredefort Dome, Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape, Robben Island Museum, iSimangaliso Wetland Park and the Cape Floral Region Protected Areas.

The ‡Khomani and related San people are unique in that they descend directly from an ancient population that existed in southern Africa some 150 000 years ago.

The landscape, which covers an area of 959100 ha in Dawid Kruiper District Municipality, covers the entire Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and forms part of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, which is bordered by Botswana and Namibia in the east and west respectively.

The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, welcomed the recognition of the ‡Khomani cultural traditions at a global level and acknowledged the significant role played by the ‡Khomani community. The Minister has committed that government will ensure its protection and transmission to future generations. The South African National Parks, which already manages the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, will also ensure that the integrity of the outstanding universal value of the property is sustained and that the ‡Khomani community will continue to be involved and benefit from their cultural heritage, she said.
Three learners from Limpopo, who won the South African Youth Water Prize (SAYWP) competition, will be jetting off to Stockholm, Sweden, to represent South Africa at the annual World Water Week.
The SAYWP is one of the projects that the Department of Water and Sanitation is implementing in its 2020 Vision for Water Education Programme.

The project is aimed at educating Grade 9 to 11 learners about efficient use of water and protection of water resources.

During this year’s SAYWP competition, held in Pretoria on 2 June 2017, the 16-year-old learners, Mokgotho Temogelo Thami, Mmola Desmond Kutullo and Nkwane Wayne Luka, who are in Grade 11 at Lebeko Senior Secondary School in Phalaborwa, produced a water-conservation device that will help schools and communities to save water.

The devise uses two aspects, a sensor and a timer. The sensor senses a hand/s to turn the system on to discharge water, and subsequently, the timer is set to discharge water for a certain period/volume.

In addition, a soak-away material is added to the system to absorb leaking water from the tap. The system also recharges the groundwater and refills the water table/tank underneath.

Most of the materials used to build this system were donated, while other items were collected from rubbish bins.

As part of celebrating the learners’ achievement, the Department of Water and Sanitation together with the Limpopo Department of Education will on 25 July 2017 hold a farewell function at Protea Hotel, The Ranch in Polokwane, as the learners will not only represent the province of Limpopo in Sweden, but the entire country.

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South Africa's Mother City is the most popular hot spot for rich Africans who buy property, according to the latest “African Wealth Report”.
Africa is home to approximately 145 000 high net-worth individuals with a combined wealth holdings of close to US$800 billion.

A large number of African high net-worth individuals, the bulk from Angola, Ghana and Nigeria, buy homes in other African countries – most notably, Cape Town in South Africa.

The most expensive suburb for prime property in Africa is Clifton and Bantry Bay in Cape Town with property prices fetching US$5 800 per square metre.

Wealthy Africans are also interested in Cape Town’s City Bowl and Greenpoint and Atlantic Seaboard areas Fresnaye, Llandudno and Camps Bay.

Sandton in Johannesburg featured third on the list of property destinations and high net-worth individuals from Africa prefer neighbourhoods in Sandhurst, Hyde Park and Houghton.

According to the report, compiled by Afrasia Bank and global market research group New World Wealth, there are a number of factors that African investors find appealing about South Africa, including:
  • good private healthcare
  • top-class private schools
  • luxury residential estates
  • nature, pleasant weather and scenery
  • exclusive shopping centres
  • luxury holiday destinations 
  • high-end food stores.
Besides from being a popular destination for property investments, South Africa also ranked tops as a holiday destination for the continent’s super rich with approximately 15 000 multimillionaires visiting in 2016.

Cape Town, Johannesburg, the Garden Route, Umhlanga, Durban, Paarl, Franschhoek and Sabi Sands in the Kruger National Park count among the most popular destinations.

The 12 Apostles Hotel and Spa in Cape Town was the top-rated hotel among Africa’s rich, while Lost City and Sun City in the North West province ranked third on the most visited hotels.

Other favoured destinations on the continent include Cairo in Egypt, the Serengeti in Tanzania, Masai Mara in Kenya and the Okavango Swamps in Botswana.

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Cape Town, home to the most incredible sights and landmarks on Earth, is doing South Africa proud, flying the flag higher once again
This time, for being voted by Travel and Leisure's readers in their World’s Best Awards as the eighth top city in the World for 2017.

The readers, globally, rated the cities for their sights and landmarks, culture, cuisine, friendliness, shopping and overall value as well as shared their opinions on the top cities, islands, cruise ships, spas and airlines, to name a few.

Mexico's San Miguel de Allende, according to Travel and Leisure readers, takes the crown jewels this year for the first time ever in the World’s Best Awards’ 22-year history.

Charleston, South Carolina, comes in second place while Hoi An in Vietnam surpasses South Africa with just one spot to claim the seventh spot.

The Mother City, officially home to one of the New 7 Wonder of Nature, continues to fly the SA flag in a big way.

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Award-winning South African poet, Athol Williams, has received a distinction for his thesis at Oxford University in the United Kingdom (UK).
Athol – who hails from Westridge, Mitchell’s Plain – was the first person to earn Master’s degrees from five of the top universities in the world (including Harvard, the London School of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of the Witwatersrand).

And now he’s added to this incredible achievement! No wonder his autobiography is called Pushing Boulders.

His wife – Taryn Lock – recently announced on Facebook: “My amazing and inspirational husband has done it yet again. Athol passed and even got a distinction for his thesis at Oxford! Congrats, am so proud :)”

She said it had been a tough two years, but that “he continues to amaze me”.

During his political philosophy studies at Oxford, Athol was based between the UK and his home in Cape Town … and “still managed to also publish his autobiography, win the Sol Plaatje Poetry Prize twice, publish two more Oaky books, to name a few …

Athol is also the co-founder of the Read to Rise literacy project (which has distributed new books to over 40 000 learners), and is renowned in Cape Town for his charitable endeavours to empower and inspire communities to rise.

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South Africa – represented by St John’s Preparatory – won the Kids’ Lit Quiz (KLQ) World Final 2017 in Canada this month … crowned the best from over 1 000 schools around the world which competed in the annual competition.
The National Champion teams, all keen readers between the ages of 10 and 13, hail from eight countries: Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA). The winning team from each country met for the international finals in the Sport of Reading in Oakville on 3 July.

South Africa’s St John’s College won with 40 points, with the USA (Woodrow Wilson Middle School) trailing in second position with 27 points, and the UK (Kingston Grammar School) third.

The four St John’s Prep boys – Khelan Desai, Hongjae Noh, Sahaj Mooji and Joshua Bruwer – led the competition from rounds one to 10 before being crowned world champions for 2017.

Teams answer 100 questions over 10 categories, based on any children’s book published in English. The last time South Africa won was in 2013.

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The Deputy Minister of Communications, Tandi Mahambehlala, has challenged film producers and directors to use local talent when telling stories of South Africa and Africa.
“We have young emerging actors and actresses. We have a crop of actors and actresses that are experienced in South Africa, and now someone has to come and convince me why do you want to go to America and get a Winnie Mandela of South Africa, whereas we have people who would make us proud in ensuring that they play that role,” said Deputy Minister Mahambehlala.

The Deputy Minister was speaking to SAnews during the screening of the movie Kalushi at Nu Metro Cinema in Menlyn Mall recently, as part of Solomon Mahlangu’s birthday celebration.

Kalushi is a South African film which narrates the life of Solomon Mahlangu and tells the story of the martyr through South African voices.

“We have a responsibility to ensure that these kids who are at Varsity College studying drama and creatives are encouraged ... by people who would mentor you, make you flourish and ensure that at some point you portray one of the prominent people of South Africa,” the Deputy Minister said.

She commended the Director of Kalushi, Mandla Dube, for using local talent in telling Mahlangu’s story.

“He did a sterling job in ensuring that he is showcasing not only the story of our country and liberation stalwart, but also the talent that we have as South Africans and the experience that is there from our own. We need to promote our own brand and be proud of South Africa. We hope that all producers and directors will stick to that so that we are a better country that tells its own stories, through its own people.”

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The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) will use the 38th Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) to market its South African Emerging Black Filmmakers Incentive and target relevant producers who qualify for the incentive.
“The incentive's objective is to create an environment that takes advantage of the country’s diverse and unique locations, as well as low production costs and favourable exchange rates, which makes it significantly more cost-effective to produce a movie in South Africa than in Europe, the United States or Australia,” Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies, said.

Minister Davies said the sector had enormous potential in bringing the necessary currency into the economy and could act as an important vehicle through which technology was transferred and South African skills base was upgraded.

The dti is participating in the 38th DIFF, which will run till 23 July.

The DIFF is an annual film festival that takes place in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of the oldest and largest film festivals in southern Africa and presents over 200 screenings celebrating the best in South Africa, African and international cinema.

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Over a half a century since the original production, “King Kong”, the musical is making a comeback. The legendary South African performances made history back in the late fifties in more ways than one.
King Kong, based on a true story of the rise and fall of one of the greatest heavyweight boxing champions of that time, Ezekiel Dlamini, played to record-breaking audiences.

It later moved to London's West End for a 200-performance run.

The production runs in Cape Town from 25 July and heads to Johannesburg in September.

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Rapper Tabure Thabo Bogopa Junior, also known as JR, is heading to Europe.
Local musician JR is set to fly the South African flag high abroad when he jets off to Europe for a massive 11-country tour in a few weeks to launch his latest album.

The Show Dem hitmaker kicks off his tour in Sweden, before heading to Denmark, Norway, England, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland and even Russia.

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, JR said the tour formed part of a global music deal he had recently signed.

"We signed my new album,, for international release with a Europe-based record label recently. As part of the promotional strategy for the album, we had to do an 11-city European tour, simply because I know my music will resonate well with a European audience.

"My music is very much appreciated locally, but I also think once the overseas audience catches on, then they will also appreciate it as much or even more because the sound is new and unique to their ears," JR said.

He said that he was excited about the tour and believed that it would be an inspiration to other artists to "get out the comfort zone" and start thinking global.

"Artists have to work extra hard, get out of the comfort zone and create strategic alliances with other artists or labels if they are going to succeed," he added.

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A 22-member preliminary team has been announced by Athletics South Africa (ASA) for next month's IAAF World Championships in London.

The squad includes all four of the country's track and field medallists at last year's Rio Olympic Games in Brazil, with 400-m world record holder Wayde van Niekerk, long jumper Luvo Manyonga, 800-m runner Caster Semenya and javelin’s Sunette Viljoen spearheading the team.

They will be joined by a number of other medal contenders, including in-form sprinter Akani Simbine, long jump’s Ruswahl Samaai and Antonio Alkana in the 110-m hurdles.

Athletes who have not been included in the squad will have until the end of the qualifying window of 23 July to achieve the ASA A-standard in their respective disciplines to book themselves a place in the final team.

The 16th edition of the biennial IAAF World Championships will be held in the English capital from 4 to 13 August 2017.

South Africa is currently hosting the Federation of International Hockey (FIH) World League Semi-Finals, featuring the world’s best men’s and women’s teams, including South Africa.
This important qualifying tournament that will determine which teams compete at the World Cup and the Olympics, is being held at the University of the Witwatersrand until 23 July 2017.

Brand South Africa/Play Your Part (PYP) is an event partner of the tournament, with the country’s men’s national side selected as PYP ambassadors.

The South African teams will be looking to use their home team advantage to qualify for the 2018 World Cup; the women’s tournament will be held in London and the men’s in India.

– Source: SuperSport, FIH, Brand South Africa
Former Springbok captain Corné Krige has been named the latest Laureus Sport for Good Foundation Ambassador, joining an illustrious list of sports icons who are part of the Laureus family.
The announcement was made during a special Laureus surfing-themed road show at the new Laureus-funded Waves for Change Project in East London.

Krige made his Western Province debut in 1996 and eventually went on to captain the side, leading the team to back-to-back Currie Cup titles in 2000 and 2001. He was clearly a man destined to lead, as he captained his high school First XV, every single WP representative side from Under-13 to senior level, as well as the Stormers and finally the pinnacle of his career, the Springboks.

Nicknamed “Captain Courageous”’ for his ability to play on despite looking like he’d just walked off a battlefield, Krige's Test debut came in 1999 after recovering from career-threatening knee and hand injuries. He captained the Springboks on his test debut in a 101-0 victory over Italy in Durban. Krige appeared in 39 tests for South Africa, became the full-time captain in 2002 and captained the Boks 18 times in all, before his international retirement in January 2004.

Chairperson of the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation SA, Morné du Plessis, said: “We are really excited to welcome Corné to the Laureus stable. Corné showcases the characteristics of a true sportsman both on and off the field, which is what we at Laureus aim to teach in communities across South Africa. He a leader through and through and I am certain that his knowledge and leadership traits will be a valuable asset not only to Laureus but to the youth that we strive to uplift on a daily basis. Welcome, Corné, we look forward to a long and promising partnership!”

“It’s a massive honour for me to join the Laureus family. I look forward to assisting them in the great work they do to uplift the youth in South Africa and around the world. I am truly humbled that they have chosen me to join such an illustrious group of ambassadors,” said an elated Krige.

Krige joins a remarkable list of current and former sportsmen and women around the world who support and promote the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation.

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The South African youth team closed out their campaign in fine style on Sunday, 16 July, bagging three more medals on the final day of the IAAF World U18 Championships in Nairobi, Kenya.
The squad achieved the nation's best-ever medal haul at a major global athletics championship, earning 11 podium places to finish top of the table. They returned home with five gold, three silver and three bronze.

In the boys 200-m final, Retshidisitswe Mlenga (21.03) and Tshenolo Lemao (21.12) charged to another one-two finish, swapping places after they had also earned gold and silver in the 100-m contest earlier in the week.

"I came in very focused, having made a mistake in the 100-m final, which is my favourite race," Mlenga said. "I followed my coach's instructions and I'm very happy to have won a gold medal."

Lemao was also pleased with his performance, despite playing second fiddle to his compatriot over the half-lap distance.

"I am in good form and I went into the race knowing that," he said. "I am happy we took both gold and silver again."

In the last event of the five-day championships, the SA Mixed 4x400m Relay Team scooped the bronze medal, with Mlenga, Gontse Morake, and 400-m Hurdles champions Soks Zazini and Zeney van der Walt completing the race in 3:24.45.

In other disciplines, Valco van Wyk finished fifth in the Boys Pole Vault final after clearing 4.55m, Robert de Villiers ended 11th in the boys 2 000-m Steeplechase in 6:05.23 and Jana van Schalkwyk was 12th in the Girls Javelin Throw with a best attempt of 47.64m.

High jumper Breyton Poole made South Africa proud this weekend as he clinched the gold medal in the boys' high jump final at the IAAF World U18 Championships in Nairobi.

Despite being a full head shorter than his opponents at just 1.72m, the 17-year-old Capetonian cleared an impressive 2.24m to win gold.

He cleared 2.20m with his second attempt, 2.22m with his first jump and 2.24m with his third, according to the IAAF. "What we have achieved is beyond expression. We are very much excited with what our youth team has achieved,” said Athletics South Africa president Aleck Skhosana. ”It’s not every day you top the world.

“We are world champions and if feels to be perched at the top. We would like to get used to this going forward.

“South African coaches are climbing the ladder and proving to the world nothing is impossible. Well done to all athletes and the rest of the support team who work behind the scenes."

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South African women's leading wheelchair tennis ace Kgothatso Montjane put up a sizzling performance en route to claiming her third Swiss Open title after beating Germany's Katharina Kruger in the women's final in Geneva, Switzerland, on Saturday, 15 July.
Montjane, the world No 8 who had clinched the title in 2013 and 2015, eased past world No 9 Kruger in a stunning 6-2 6-3 victory to record her third singles title of 2017.

Montjane's victory extended her lead in the head-to-head series against the German 12-5, including a straight set victory earlier this year in the final of the Busan Open in Korea Republic.

Following her victory, the 31-year-old from Limpopo said she was very pleased with her performance but was all praise for the support from her family and friends.

"I'm so excited about my performance," she said.

"This is magical. It was everything coming together like magic, the whole week was fantastic and hoping to do better for the rest of my upcoming tournaments in Europe.

"Just last week, I won the Joburg Open and here I have another Swiss Open title in the bag, it always feels great to finish a winner," commented Montjane.

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Cricket South Africa (CSA) has congratulated the Proteas women’s team on their memorable and historic ICC Women’s World Cup (WC) campaign that came to a nail-biting conclusion in Bristol when they lost their semi-final to hosts England by two wickets off the third last ball of the game.
“A few years ago, we would not have dreamt of getting this close, but having done so it is a heart-breaking defeat for the team and everybody who supported them throughout the campaign,” commented CSA Chief Executive, Haroon Lorgat.

“But, we are immensely proud of what this team has achieved over the last few years and especially at the WC. They have gripped the imagination of fans across the globe and this is reflected in the positive media reports they receive.

“The growth in our Proteas squad during the WC means they can return home very proud and they can now aim to become one of the top teams in the world.  A lot of our players are still very young, which means we can look forward to an exciting future.

“Our young captain, Dane van Niekerk, our head coach, Hilton Moreeng, and all the players and the management team deserve full praise. The great strides over the past two years has bordered on being sensational and is great reward for the work done to make our team successful. The support of our team sponsors, Momentum, must be acknowledged."

– Source:
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