Issue 286 | 27 July 2017
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Among other things, the MCO reviewed the political and security situation in the SADC region and noted that the region remained largely peaceful and stable, notwithstanding some challenges in the Kingdom of Lesotho and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
A South African Government delegation, led by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, recently concluded its successful visit to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where the SADC MCO on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation met from 20 to 21 July 2017.

On the situation in Lesotho, the MCO meeting congratulated the coalition Government following the elections held on 3 June 2017 and urged the Government of Lesotho to expedite the implementation of SADC decisions, particularly in relation to constitutional, parliamentary, judicial and public-sector reforms.

Regarding the situation in the DRC, the MCO meeting received an update from the delegation of the Government of the DRC in relation to preparations for elections. The meeting also took note of a report by the MCO Troika Assessment Mission to the DRC undertaken in April 2017.

The MCO urged all stakeholders in the DRC to refrain from actions that would undermine the political and security situation in the country. The MCO further urged the Government of the DRC and the Independent National Electoral Commission to publicise the revised electoral calendar.

Other members of the South African delegation were Minister Hlengiwe Mkhize (Home Affairs), Minister Michael Masutha (Justice and Correctional Services) and Deputy Minister Ellen Molekane (State Security).
President Jacob Zuma has declared a Special Provincial Official Funeral for the highly regarded government communicator, accomplished public servant and freedom fighter, Ronnie Mamoepa, who passed away in Pretoria on Saturday, 22 July 2017.  
Mr Mamoepa, a liberation struggle activist and former member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, became actively involved in the struggle for freedom and democracy at a very young age, which led to his arrest by apartheid security forces and him being sentenced to five years on Robben Island while still in his teens.

He will fondly and forever be remembered for his humour and humility as well as the sterling work he displayed during his extensive spell in government where he served various government departments and political principals as spokesperson with distinction until his untimely death.

Mr Mamoepa has worked as Head of Communication and Spokesperson for the first Gauteng Premier, Mr Tokyo Sexwale, between 1994 and 1996. He further served as a Chief Director: Communication and Spokesperson to former President Thabo Mbeki and also Spokesperson for then Deputy President Jacob Zuma, prior to his appointment as a Spokesperson to former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, a position that he served with merit and dedication at their then head office at the Union Buildings from 2000 to 2009.

After 2010, Mr Mamoepa also worked as Deputy Director-General: Communication and Spokesperson to Dr Dlamini Zuma in the Department of Home Affairs, where he is credited with the most successful turn-around communication strategy in that department.

He was seconded to The Presidency by the Department of Home Affairs in 2014 to serve as the Spokesperson to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, a position he held until his last day.

Mr Mamoepa's love and passion for communication as well as his affable and engaging nature are legendary both inside and outside government. He has also been credited with mentoring a number of young people as communicators of both government and the ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), of which he was a proud member and Spokesperson in its Department of Information and Publicity after the dawn of freedom in 1994.

"We have lost one of the most outstanding communicators of the work of government and a renowned mediator of information between government and the communities we serve, through the media. I wish to once again convey our heartfelt condolences to the Mamoepa family, friends and relatives as well as comrades in his political home, the ANC. We share their loss deeply. May his soul rest in peace," said President Zuma.

The President has ordered that the National Flag be flown at half-mast at every flag station in the Gauteng province on Saturday, 29 July 2017, the day of the funeral.

The Funeral Service will be held as follows:

Date: Saturday, 29 July 2017
Time: 07h30
Venue: St Alban's (Anglican) Cathedral, Nana Sita Street, Pretoria (Church service)
Cemetery: Zandfontein Cemetery, Pretoria.
The South African Government has expressed concern over the increased political tension due to the security measures imposed by Israel on worshippers at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The security measures led to a deadly incident on Friday, 14 July 2017.  
The heightened security measures with the installation of metal detectors is viewed as a means to change the status quo of the Al Aqsa Compound as it happened in Hebron following the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre. The South African Government notes the decision of the Islamic Endowment's refusal to enter the holy site through the newly installed metal detectors.

The subsequent clashes and opposition to the recent measures have contributed to heightened tension in Palestine, resulting in daily clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinians in Hebron, Bethlehem, Kafr Ein and the suburbs of East Jerusalem.

The South African Government calls on the Israeli Government to adhere to the agreement it entered into with the Jordanian Government and the Islamic Endowment who in principle are responsible for the security within the Al Aqsa Compound.

All parties are encouraged to refrain from action that will create more tension in an already volatile environment.

The South African Government calls on both the governments of Israel and Palestine to resume final status negotiations in order for the two nations to live side by side, in peace, and within secure and recognised borders.
The arrest was subsequently followed by a six-month administrative detention order on 12 July 2017 without charge or trial.  
The South African Government notes with concern the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Palestinian Legislative Council member, Khalida Jarrar, who was arrested in Ramallah (Area A and under Control of the Palestinian Authority) on 2 July 2017 by the occupying Israeli military.

Ms Jarrar, in addition to being a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, is also a civil-society leader and one of approximately 500 Palestinians currently in Israeli jails under administrative detention measure.

South Africans are too familiar with the administrative detention measure which is similar to "detention without trial" under which political leaders could be imprisoned for days without due process at the behest of the apartheid security forces.

Israel is a signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention, which embodies fair trail and the right of an accused to defend him or herself. The South African Government calls upon Israel to abide and respect the provisions of this convention as an occupying force.

South Africa calls for Ms Jarrar, Vice-President of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a respected leader of her people, to be accorded the space to play her rightful role in the development of the State of Palestine.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, has called on leaders of the world – in government, business and civil society – to work together to eradicate poverty and achieve all the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030.
The SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

"It is my sincere hope and wish that as we now focus on the implementation of the SDGs, we need all the available developmental tools and means of implementation at our disposal," Minister Molewa said.

She was addressing the United Nations (UN) High-Level Political Forum 2017 in New York, United States of America.

"We must work together in mobilising sufficient, adequate and predictable financial resources for the implementation of the SDGs. Developed countries must continue to honour their historic obligations and responsibilities, as part of the commitments made in the context of the global partnership for development. Without the means of implementation, we will not be able to achieve much," Minister Molewa said.

She said food security and nutrition were essential for sustainable development and strongly linked to the presence of sustainable agriculture, healthy and productive oceans and terrestrial ecosystems, all of which were vastly threatened by the impacts of climate change and as such, adversely affected food production.

"In this regard, our commitment to and the full implementation of all elements of the Paris Agreement … in its entirety, and not merely disaster risk management, and early warning becomes absolutely vital," Minister Molewa said.

The meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development was convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council. The theme was "Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World". – Source:
South Africa is committed to increasing trade and addressing the trade imbalance with Zambia. This was said by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, ahead of a two-day Outward Trade and Investment Mission to Lusaka, Zambia from 24 to 25 July 2017.  
Twenty South African companies funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) participated in the mission.

According to Minister Davies, this mission would assist the department with contributing towards South African's objectives of regional integration by strengthening economic relations between the two countries. The mission also aimed to advance the commitments made in December last year by the heads of state of both countries during the State Visit to South Africa by President Edgar Lungu of Zambia, during which both countries agreed to deepen bilateral trade and investment relations. Zambia is one of South Africa's top five trade partners in the Southern African Development Community region with total bilateral trade amounting to R33 billion in 2016.

"Platforms of this nature afford us the opportunity to not only consolidate political ties but also to create the much-needed value chains, skills and technology transfer and employment generation required to give effect to our economic ambitions, both in South Africa and Zambia," added Minister Davies.

According to Minister Davies, the mission would further enable South African companies to interact with leading private-sector entities from agro-processing, agribusiness, infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, energy, services, tourism infrastructure development, mining and capital equipment.

"The mission will also present an ideal platform for South African companies who would like to export value-added products and services as well as companies which are looking for joint-venture partnerships in Zambia," adds Minister Davies.
  South Africa and Indonesia have agreed to identify sectors to exploit investment opportunities.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, and his Indonesian counterpart, Enggartiasto Lukita, met on Friday, 21 July, during the Third Joint Trade Committee Meeting, which was followed by the South Africa-Indonesia Business Forum.

At the meeting held in Midrand, Johannesburg, the two countries exchanged a study on trade complementarities in order to identify potential tradeable sectors and goods.

South Africa and Indonesia agreed to work closely to facilitate the business-to-business contact and also support each other's endeavours towards diversity exports, as well as to improve the structure of trade further.

"As South Africa, we are looking for productive activities and investments interests. It is therefore paramount to interrogate the study that was done by the two to identify the challenges pertaining to investments," said Minister Davies.

Both ministers also agreed that identifying these sectors will ensure that business communities from both countries optimised benefits from the existing complementarities in terms of the investments. Currently, investments between the two countries are non-existent and this is an opportunity for both countries to explore areas of investments and trade.

Minister Davies said trade between the two countries had seen a steady increase over the last two years and had potential to grow.

Two-way trade between South Africa and Indonesia experienced a relative upward trend since 2012. Total trade between the two countries grew from R12 billion in 2012 to R13 billion in 2016.

He added that Indonesia was pleased that South Africa was paying greater attention to it as one of its strategic trade partners between Asian and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

The dti will lead a business delegation to participate at the Trade Expo Indonesia in October 2017. – Source:
The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) trade ministers have welcomed a commitment by the United Kingdom (UK) to avoid disruptions as it withdraws from the European Union (EU).  
"SACU ministers have welcomed the UK's intention to avoid disruption for its trading partners as it withdraws from the EU.

"The UK reaffirmed its commitment to the trade arrangement under the current EU-Southern African Development Community (SADC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), to maintain current market access to the UK following its withdrawal from the EU, [as well as] to ensure continuity of the effects of the EU-SADC EPA," said the SACU trade ministers in a joint statement.

The ministers met to discuss the trade relationship between the UK and SACU countries post-Brexit.

The agreement between the SADC EPA countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland) and the EU was signed on 10 June 2016 in Kasane, Botswana.

The EU-SADC EPA, under which the EU guarantees Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and Swaziland 100% free access to its market,  provisionally entered into force between the SACU countries and the EU on 10 October 2016.

While the UK remains a member of the EU, the EU-SADC EPA will continue to apply to trade between the SADC EPA countries and the UK.
The two sides agreed to continue discussions to explore ways to ensure that the existing trade arrangement between the UK and SACU, currently governed by the EU-SADC EPA, will not be disrupted by the UK's departure from the EU.

"Talks are likely to focus on steps to agree to an arrangement that replicates the effects of the EPA once the UK has left the EU. This would be a technical exercise to ensure continuity in the trading relationship, rather than an opportunity to renegotiate existing terms," the SACU ministers said.

Given Mozambique's participation in the SADC EPA, the ministers have agreed to continue discussions on how best to work with that country to ensure continuity of the EPA for all partners. – Source:
The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) has invested R30 million in nine small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in the Eastern Cape to complete various construction projects in the Coega Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
SMMEs benefiting from Coega projects include Nandi Mpofu, Agnew Cabinets; Nolan Mathura, Ascon Civil Engineering; Laeeq Dolley, Rulasaqa Plumbing; Shaheed Nordien, YKW Projects; Thembisa Doda, Mothiscore; Luleka Ncomanzi, Ingakuhle Trading Enterprise; and Nonyameko Maya, Ibhayi Achuma Trading.

"As an empowerment-driven organisation, the CDC is conscious of the important role that the small business sector plays in unlocking economic growth in Nelson Mandela Bay and South Africa. Our dedicated SMME Unit was specifically established to support SMMEs, in line with our vision to be a catalyst for championing socio-economic development," says Dr Ayanda Vilakazi, Head of Marketing and Communications at CDC.

The contracts to SMMEs from the Nelson Mandela Bay metro were awarded over a time period of 12 months and include three projects, namely CCA Fencing, MM Engineering and Custom Control Area - building in zone one. The construction work on these projects includes brickwork, electrical, structural steel, civil works and landscaping, among others. – Source:
The Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, has welcomed the launch of the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy by the Department of Transport in Durban recently.
"Our National Tourism Sector Strategy identifies transport as an enabler of tourism growth and underlines the significance of collaboration between the departments of transport and tourism in removing barriers to tourism growth. We therefore, take this opportunity to pledge our support to the launch of the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy," said Minister Xasa.

The Department of Tourism appreciates the emphasis of the policy on the promotion of ship ownership through various finance mechanisms; maritime culture, heritage and tourism; safety and security of people, vessels and cargo; investigations of marine accidents and incidents; small vessels; and inland waters.

"We are excited about the inclusion of small harbours towards developing the South African Maritime Transport Global Brand as part of maritime tourism. The use of small vessels and inland waters for tourism and recreational purposes is an area which can benefit from the harmonisation of mandates, monitoring and support," added Minister Xasa. 

The policy also focuses on the cruise tourism market, which has the potential to attract more tourists to South Africa, thereby contributing to economic growth and job creation.

"We remain committed to cooperation with the Department of Transport in the implementation of this Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy, as it also supports our Coastal and Marine Tourism Implementation Plan." the Minister concluded.
  A beautiful mural of former South African President Nelson Mandela has been painted on the side of The Centro Building … on Mandela Street, in London's Camden Town.
Artists from Global Street Art took 12 days, 150 cans of paint, 40 litres of liquid paint and a 15-ton lift to complete the 13-metre tall mural.

This stunning mural – which captures the heart and spirit of Mandela (as well as South Africa's national flower – the Protea) – was painted on behalf of Brockton Capital, they said.

The location was chosen because of its historical significance – Mandela Street was where the African National Congress had its headquarters in the 1980s. –
The South African Internet-user population passed the 20-million mark for the first time last year, reaching 21 million, and is expected to grow to at least 22,5 million users this year.  
The Internet Access in South Africa 2017 study, released recently by World Wide Worx, shows that South Africa will reach the 40% Internet penetration mark this year.

"Reaching the point at which we can say every second adult South African is connected to the Internet is a major landmark because Internet access is becoming synonymous with economic access," said Reshaad Sha, chief strategy officer and executive director of Dark Fibre Africa, a fibre connectivity provider that supported the study.

The results contrast with a United Nations report last year, which found that almost 75% of people in Africa were "non-users''.

The report reveals that the single most common use of the Internet among South African adults was for communication (31%), followed by social networking (24,9%), information (23,7%) and entertainment at 22,1%.

E-mail is reported by only 16% of respondents, "indicating that it is becoming a less important element of the communications mix as social media becomes a default channel", the report said.

Shopping and finance were cited by only 15% of respondents, confirming previous World Wide Worx research that showed e-commerce was still not a major element of South African retail in general.

"The findings emphasise the potential of the Internet to enhance lives when we have greater penetration across all segments and demographics," said Arthur Goldstuck, managing director of World Wide Worx. "Over time, we will see higher proportions of people engaging in a wider range of activity, but the barriers to more active use will first have to come down."  – Source:
Nina Freysen-Pretorius has been included in the United States-based "Successful Meetings" magazine's annual list of 25 outstanding professionals who have had a significant impact on the meetings industry.
Freysen-Pretorius is the chief executive officer of The Conference Company, which has offices in Cape Town and Johannesburg and celebrates 20 years in business this year.

Vince Alonzo, Editor-in-Chief of Successful Meetings, says the 25 individuals have been chosen because they have either contributed to the business of meetings, made it easier for meetings professionals to do their jobs, helped raise awareness of the industry, or, through their actions, have had a significant impact on meetings professionals.

Potential honorees were suggested by key members of the meeting industry, recipients from previous years and through open nominations.

Named one of the top strategists in the meetings industry, Freysen-Pretorius is serving a second term as president of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), the first South African to fill the position.

Arnaldo Nardone, immediate past president of ICCA, says Freysen-Pretorius has a vision for the international meetings industry. "She is a strategist. She is work-focused and is hyper-engaged with the meetings industry community. She is a game-changer and shifts paradigms."

Sisa Ntshona, CEO of South African Tourism, says this is a huge achievement – not only for Freysen-Pretorius as an individual but for the South African meetings industry as a whole. "Thank you, Nina, for making a real contribution to the industry on a global level and for being an outstanding ambassador for South Africa at the same time. Congratulations from South African Tourism and the entire industry."

"Being included in this list of industry achievers is truly humbling. I believe in the meetings industry and how it can contribute to successful economies across the world, including South Africa," says Freysen-Pretorius. – Source:
Xolile Xaba explores problems in his community and then devises ways to solve them using technology. He is heading for the One Young World Summit in Colombia, taking place in October, to show off his work.
A young South African who developed an app for his grandmother to help her find her car, has been invited to the One Young World Summit, to be held in Bogotá, Colombia, from 4 to 7 October, to display his innovations.

Xolile Xaba, 22, grew up in Newcastle in northern KwaZulu-Natal. Along with Car-Park, he has also designed BizzPort, an app that connects African entrepreneurs with each other and with events near to them. The business news app also has an online boardroom.

Xaba represented South Africa at the same summit in Ottawa, Canada, in 2016. He was one of 2 500 young leaders and innovators from around the world, invited to attend. This year, he will be attending the summit to showcase his apps on the world stage.

The summit, according to online entrepreneur news platform SME South Africa, is geared towards empowering promising and creative young leaders from around the world, aged between 18 and 30, who have a passion for global issues and who possess a track record of having a significant impact in their communities.

Young leaders are also introduced to mentors at the summit. Previous mentors include Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan, Sir Richard Branson, Professor Muhammad Yunus, Emma Watson and Arianna Huffington, as well as Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu.

In 2015, Xaba founded Prefect Communications and Developments Inc, after he had created BizzPort. "The company is currently focused on developing BizzPort as a product that will be distributed throughout the continent," he said.

Following BizzPort, Xaba created the car park app as a gift for his grandmother. "It wasn't created for commercial purposes. I was just trying to solve a problem that we have been facing for ages; we even forget it's a problem and that it needs to be solved.

"I realised that a lot of people who owned cars struggled with locating their cars in huge parking lots, whether it was in a shopping mall or at a festival. My granny is part of the statistic," he explained.

"I was just looking at creating a quick solution for the problem, specifically for her. I showed my friends the app and they were so excited about it.

"Basically with everything I build, I aim to solve a particular problem. Even though it was just a hobby it has taught me a lot about how people of different ages react to different technologies. – Sources: SME South Africa and Channel Africa: Change your game.
"District Six Huis Kombuis Food and Memory" is a cookbook that combines people's stories with food, a binding force in the community.  
District Six Huis Kombuis Food and Memory, a cookbook that's come from District Six in Cape Town, weaves together recipes from the past and a deep sense of culture with fond memories from the people who made and ate the dishes.

The Afrikaans part of the title, "huis kombuis" means "house kitchen", and the creations contained in the book come from people who lived in District Six and recipes that have been in families for many a generation.

"[The title] was inspired by descriptions of kitchens in participants' homes as being the heart of the home, its central social space," said Tina Smith, curator of the District Six Museum and lead author of the book.

"We are not just presenting a book, it's our culture. Everything in this cookbook is part of our past. This is not gourmet cuisine, it's afval [offal], it's what people had to make from what they had and it became a celebration," she told news website IOL.

"We are celebrating our past, and this book reminds us of our past."

People of all races and religions lived together in District Six, on the doorstep of Cape Town's city bowl. From the 1800s, it became home to freed slaves, merchants, artisans, labourers and immigrants. But with the advent of the Group Areas Act in 1966, it was declared a whites-only area. Residents were removed and relocated, their houses razed and the vibrant culture of the area destroyed.

The launch of the cookbook marked the 50th anniversary of the declaration. – Source: IOL
  Ultra South Africa, Africa's largest electronic music festival, announced its return to Cape Town and Johannesburg for the fifth consecutive year.
Boasting state-of-the-art stage setups, the world's best DJs and an unforgettable festival experience, Ultra South Africa has become a firm favourite of the South African music landscape over the last four years.

Globally, Ultra Music Festival is gearing up to celebrate its 20th anniversary at the flagship event in Miami in 2018, making next year a momentous one for the brand, with South Africa celebrating the fifth year of the local event in the same year, meaning that the organisers will be making the 2018 festivals bigger than ever before.

The Cape Town event takes place on Friday, 9 February 2018 at the Cape Town Stadium while the Joburg event will be taking place at Nasrec on Saturday, 10 February 2018. – Source:
The internationally acclaimed Kearsney College choir has done it again.
The choir won the Folklore Category at the 10th Orientale Concentus International Choral Festival in Singapore recently. The choir achieved a score of 92,2, with no other choir having yet earned a Grade 1 Gold in any category at this year's competition. They came second in the Equal Voices — Youth Category with a score of 81,3, earning their second gold at the event.

The Kearsney choir is the world's second-most highly decorated choir. They have been awarded 13 gold and six silver medals at the World Choir Games between 2000 and 2014, the Prize of the City of Vienna at the 33rd International Youth and Music Festival and were invited to represent Africa at the "Rhythms of One World" Music Festival in New York and Geneva. The choir has garnered a large international following as a result of their lively, polished performances of pop, classical and indigenous music. They have a distinctly African element in each performance and the multicultural group work cohesively, producing an award-winning sound.

Commenting on the victory, headmaster Elwyn van den Aardweg said, "We're extremely proud of the choir's achievements in Singapore. The boys' colourful exuberance, energy and vigour, matched with top-notch musical performances, highlight all that can be achieved if differences are put aside and a common goal is sought. The pride in African culture, the passion with which it is presented and the obvious teamwork are inspiring. Their unity and harmony are shown in and out of performance". – Source:
  Tickets for the highly anticipated Cape Town Sevens tournament will go on sale to the public on Friday, July 28, ranging in price from R150 to R300 for a full day's rugby action.
Sales will open Friday, 28 July, at 09h00 through Computicket and all participating Shoprite and Checkers outlets for the third edition of this sell-out tournament, which takes place on Saturday and Sunday, 9 to 10 December 2017.

Tickets can also be purchased through the Computicket App and website.

A restriction of a maximum of 10 tickets has been placed on the number of tickets to be purchased by any one individual, company or institution.

The 2016 Cape Town Sevens was named as Best Live Sports Experience in South Africa at the prestigious iscovery Sport Industry Awards in Johannesburg earlier this year and is again expected to thrill a sell-out crowd over the two days of world-class action and uniquely South African entertainment and fun.

The Cape Town Sevens tournament is the second of 10 global destinations that will comprise the 2017/18 HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series.

The Springbok Sevens team is the current Sevens Series champions. – Source:
Branden Grace made history on Saturday, 22 July, when he became the first man to shoot a round of 62 in a major in the third round of the British Open at Royal Birkdale.
There had been 31 rounds of 63 in the previous 441 major championships, with 10 coming in the British Open, including Phil Mickelson and Henrik Stenson last year at Troon, but never a 62.

The South African's eight-under-par round, featuring eight birdies and no dropped shots, saw him rocket up the leaderboard to four under par overall.

Grace, who narrowly made the cut as he sat at four over par at the tournament's halfway stage, also broke Jodie Mudd's course record of 63, set in the final round of the Open in 1991.

But remarkably, Grace insisted he had no idea of what he was about to achieve as he was heading down the 18th.

"I honestly didn't. You know, I was just so in the zone of playing, hole after hole," he said at the end of his round.

"I knew I was obviously playing really well, and making the turn in five-under was pretty special. And I thought if I could make a couple more on the back nine, then it's going to be a great score.

"I had no idea that 62 was the lowest ever."

The 29-year-old from Pretoria, ranked 35th in the world, has previously had four top-five finishes at majors, including a third place at the PGA Championship in 2015.

He equalled the record for the lowest-ever round on the European Tour when he shot a 12-under-par 60 at Kingsbarns in his 2012 victory at the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship. – Source:
  A 24-member national team has been announced by Athletics South Africa for the IAAF World Championships in London to be held from 4 to 13 August 2017.
The final team includes all four track and field medallists from last year's Rio Olympic Games.

World 400-m record holder Wayde van Niekerk will compete in the 200-m and 400-m sprints; Luvo Manyonga will turn out in the long jump; Caster Semenya will line up in the 800 m; and Sunette Viljoen is in the javelin.

The national squad, which consists of 18 men and six women, will be led by ASA Track and Field chairperson, Pieter Lourens.

With a strong team leading the charge, the team will aim to improve on their impressive medal haul at the 2015 edition of the biennial showpiece in Beijing, China, where the nation bagged three medals (one gold and two bronze).

"We believe this is one of the strongest teams ever selected for the IAAF World Championships, and we are confident they will return home with a bag full of medals," said ASA president, Aleck Skhosana.

"We wish them all well with their final preparations and we trust they will arrive in London in their best form and ready to carry the South African flag with pride." – Source:
  Sprint king Usain Bolt and his self-proclaimed successor Wayde van Niekerk stole the limelight at the recent Diamond League meet in Monaco.

Bolt produced a strong second half in the 100 m, easing up over the line in a welcome season's best of 9.95 seconds.

Bolt, winner of eight Olympic and 11 world gold medals, will bring down the curtain on his glittering career at next month's world championships in London, where he will compete in the 100 m and 4x100-m relay.

Van Niekerk was made to work in the 400 m, fighting off a late surge from Botswanan rival, Isaac Makwala.

The world and Olympic champion, also the world record holder in the event, hared off down the back stretch in lane five and looked dead set for another straightforward victory.

But Makwala, in the lane outside, battled back around the final bend into the home strait.

Van Niekerk, however, dug deep and surged home in a meeting record of 43.73, Makwala setting a personal best of 43.84 in second.

"It was a great performance," said the South African.

"I'm feeling positive about it. My body feels to be in great shape and this win from behind gives me confidence.

"We still are not peaking, we trained hard last week and all should be okay for London and my double (200, 400 m).

"I'm ready for the big plan!"

Van Niekerk's teammate, Caster Semenya, put in another fine performance in the women's 800 m, timing a personal, meet and Diamond League record of 1:55.27 in a race where four national records were set.

Semenya, the current Olympic champion and a two-time world gold medallist, turned the screws in the final 50 m to beat out Burundi's Francine Niyonsaba by 0.20, with American Ajee Wilson rounding out the podium.

"I showed my strength, it was a hard fight until the end," said Semenya, whose world golds came in Berlin in 2009 and Daegu in 2011. "The girls surprised me how good they ran.

"I think I can run really fast, we are training for that. Now we must decide, maybe tonight, what I'll do in London, if it's only the 800 m, or also the 400 m or 1 500 m.

"The main thing is to stay healthy and a top result will come." – Source:
South Africa's rowers proved they could hold their own against the world's best by winning two medals at the World Under-23 Championships in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
According to the SuperSport website, Kyle Schoonbee was brilliant with the way he fought back to win the silver medal in the men's single sculls final.

With a third place in the lightweight women's single sculls, it would seem as if Nicole van Wyk is making a habit of winning medals at the World Rowing Championships.

Last year, she won a silver medal at the same championships.

The next generation of South African rowers can justly feel proud of the way they performed. Six crews competed and four qualified for the A-finals, winning two medals. – Source:
SA captain Van Niekerk top wicket-taker at Women's World Cup
South Africa captain, Dane van Niekerk, finished as the leading wicket-taker in the Women's World Cup, which ended on Sunday, 23 July.
While England beat India by nine runs to claim the World Cup title on Sunday at Lord's, it was the performance of legspinner Van Niekerk who claimed 15 wickets at an astounding average of 10 which really stood out.

The SA captain was part of the Proteas team that suffered a heartbreaking two-wicket semi-final loss to England on 18 July in Bristol.

Though the 24-year-old was unable to weave her magic against England in the knock-out encounter with 0/25 from five overs, it was her performances throughout the tournament that led her side to the last four.

Van Niekerk claimed four scalps on two occasions with 4/22 against India before returning 4/24 against Sri Lanka, which helped South Africa qualify for the semi-finals with a match to spare.

Van Niekerk though, was ably-assisted by her teammates who boasted arguably the most impressive bowling attack in the World Cup. Marizanne Kapp was just behind Van Niekerk in the wicket-taking charts with 13 scalps at an average of 19.4.

Shabnim Ismail ended 11th with 10 wickets for an average of 26.4, and was closely followed by Sune Luus also with 10 wickets in 13th position with a bowling average of 17.4. Opening batters Laura Wolvaardt and Lizelle Lee were the standout performers for South Africa with the willow.

Wolvaardt plundered 324 runs in seven innings at an average of 46.2, boasting a top score of 67 against England in the group stage. The hugely talented 18-year-old scored four half-centuries in seven games, which bodes well for the future of South African cricket. Wolvaardt ended 11th on the run-scoring table.

Lee scored 269 runs in seven knocks at an average of 38.4 with a highest score of 92 against India. Lee for her efforts, ended 13th in the run-scoring department. – Source: African News Agency
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