Issue 290 | 24 August 2017
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The 37th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit ended in Pretoria on Sunday, 20 August, with a commitment to use the region's natural resources to drive projects that will have economic development benefits for citizens.

"The summit emphasised the need to have concrete outcomes so as to leverage our natural endowments to change the structure of our economies and promote value-addition, with the focus on agro-processing, mineral beneficiation and pharmaceuticals," said President Zuma, who assumed the chair of the regional bloc.

These projects, the leaders say, must boost skills, enhance regional integration and create mechanisms for the involvement of the private sector.

"Member states must operationalise the outcomes by partnering with the private sector in developing industry and regional value chains," says the communiqué issued at the end of the summit.

The region has recently discovered natural gas, which could constitute the backbone of regional economic integration. The summit has directed the SADC Secretariat to facilitate the establishment of a regional Natural Gas Committee to promote the inclusion of gas in the regional energy mix.

"There is convergence among member states on the importance of working with the private sector in this regard. Energy security is a critical input to industrial development," said President Zuma.

In order to address the constraints of financing, the summit emphasised the need for resource mobilisation, including the operationalisation of the Regional Development Fund, which will support and drive the industrialisation agenda.

"We all remain collectively engaged with working on improving the prosperity and development of our people. In this regard, the SADC Integration Agenda is important for our family of nations," said President Zuma.

The summit also concluded that the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) should find expression in the work of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA). The FTA between SADC, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and East AFrican Community (EAC) would open up a market of US$1,3 trillion in terms of gross domestic product, while also improving the movement of goods and people.

"We need to move forward with the plethora of issues on our agenda. We also welcome the solidarity displayed by our distinguished guests from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, as well as the African Development Bank's commitment to support our programme of action," said President Zuma.

Other decisions the summit made was the direction to urgently develop a comprehensive regional strategy to deal with drug abuse and cybercrime.

The summit commended member states that had reached 50:50 gender representation in political and decision-making positions and urged those who had not to strive towards reaching the targets. – Source:

Minister Nkoana-Mashabane briefs media ON Sierra Leone relief efforts
  On 23 August, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, briefed the media on steps to be taken by South Africa to provide relief to the Republic of Sierra Leone following the recent disaster caused by floods and mudslides.

The Minister said that the South African Government would like to once again express its deepest and heartfelt condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Sierra Leone following one of the worst floods on our continent.

"This natural disaster has devastated significant parts of Sierra Leone's capital, resulting in massive loss of life, destruction of property and leaving behind a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

"The President of Sierra Leone, President Ernest Bai Koroma, has made an appeal for urgent help to support the thousands of people affected by the disaster. The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, has also appealed to all Africans and the Diaspora, as well as to international partners, to support Sierra Leone and its public health system to respond to this disaster, which occurred only two years after the country successfully dealt with the deadliest Ebola outbreak in living memory."In line with the spirit of solidarity underpinned by Ubuntu, the South African Government has decided to respond positively to Sierra Leone's appeal for humanitarian assistance.

"South Africa's initial plan was to send a search, rescue and recovery operation team under its Urban Search and Rescue team (USAR-South Africa). This team has a classified recognition status from the United Nation's International Search and Rescue Advisory Group.

"This means the team is now officially recognised by the international community as being equipped and skilled to respond to major emergency incidents and disasters, both locally and internationally, in order to provide assistance to victims.

"However, on 22 August 2017, the President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma, made a declaration suspending the search, rescue and recovery operation. This is due to difficulties and constraints relating to weather conditions and the state of bodies recovered. Therefore, the South African Government will not be dispatching a Humanitarian Response Team for Search, Rescue and Recovery Operation. Instead, we are announcing an initial financial contribution of R8 million for humanitarian assistance through the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). This contribution is for the provision of materials for temporary shelters, medical supplies and food aid. The WFP is already on the ground in Sierra Leone and has been identified for this purpose as it has the requisite expertise and experience to execute this function.

"This will not be the only contribution we are making. Accordingly, we would like to this take this opportunity to humbly make an appeal to the South African people, in their personal capacities and as members of organisations, to join the efforts to assist the sisterly people of Sierra Leone in this hour of need. The donations can be made in the following manner:
SMS the Word Relief to this number 38510. All SMS will be at the cost of R10. 
We are supporting efforts of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent who are already on the ground in Sierra Leone through the South African Red Cross Society.
Make your donations by using the following banking details:
Account name: The South African Red Cross
Bank name: Standard Bank
Account number: 001 35 5929
Branch code: 051001
Reference: Sierra Leone Relief.

"Allow me to thank all the stakeholders who have generously agreed to play a part in this campaign. The South African Broadcasting Corporation, through its foundation, has availed its radio, online and television platforms to publicise this drive. Our gratitude also go to MTN for assisting us at short notice to set up the facility to allow the public to make contributions. We call upon other corporates to get involved.

"In conclusion, it is important to say that the disaster in Sierra Leone is yet another indication that the effects of climate change come at a devastating cost, and the international community must work collectively and with the requisite urgency to implement multilateral decisions agreed to, in particular, the Durban Climate Change Conference outcomes that resulted in the historic Paris Climate Change Conference agreement.

"The costs of avoiding to take responsibility are very high, and the people in developing countries are mostly exposed to the catastrophic effects of climate change."
Acts of violence and extremism have no place in society and constitute a threat to development, peace and security.
The South African Government joins the international community in strongly condemning the cowardly terrorist attack in Barcelona and Cambrils on 17 August 2017, which caused the death of 13 innocent people, including children and injuries to at least 100 others.

On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has extended his heartfelt condolence to the Government and the people of the Kingdom of Spain, in particular the families and loved ones of the deceased, and wished the injured a speedy recovery.
South Africa sends condolences to the Republic of Portugal following the death of 13 people in Madeira
South Africa and Portugal have deep-seated historical ties with a large Portuguese community living in South Africa, many who have emigrated from Madeira to South Africa.
The South African Government is saddened by the loss of life suffered when 13 people were killed and 49 injured (at least seven very seriously, including two children) when a tree collapsed on participants attending the Festa de Nossa Senhora do Monte religious festival in Madeira on 15 August 2017.

The South African Government extends its sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of those who lost their lives and wishes the injured a speedy and full recovery.

The department has confirmed with the Honorary Consulate in Madeira that no South Africans have been directly affected by the tragic event.
On 17 August, President Jacob Zuma presided over the official launch of the African Regional Centre (ARC) of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) New Development Bank (NDB) in Sandton, Johannesburg.
  The President described the launch as a major milestone for Africa as a whole. It marks the strengthening of the BRICS formation and also underlines the BRICS commitment to the development of the African continent and emerging markets.

"This is a critical milestone not only for South Africa, but for the African continent as a whole. We are thus celebrating it as a shared achievement," said the President.

The idea of establishing a new bank with a new mission and orientation was first discussed in Durban in 2013, when South Africa hosted the BRICS Forum, after which it was agreed to establish a centre in Africa to take care of the developmental needs of the continent.

President Zuma said he was pleased with the progress the bank had made in two years of existence. These included the signing of the founding agreement of the NDB, which paved the way for the opening of the bank's head office in Shanghai, China. The issuance of the first set of loans – amounting to US$1,5 billion dollars (approximately R20 billion) in total – to fund renewable energy projects in member countries is also a significant step forward.

President Zuma said government was confident that the NDB would build on these achievements and grow from strength to strength.

The NDB is a multilateral development bank to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects. The bank will start the process of considering new members and finalise the project pipeline for the second batch of loans to be offered in the 2017/18 financial year.

In his comments at the launch, NDB President, Kundapur Kamath, said the ARC would be the face of the NDB in Africa. The bank's headquarters are located in Shanghai, China.

In 2017, the bank expects to approve loans aggregating between US$2,5 billion and US$3 billion for about 10 projects.

"In 2018, we expect to present total lending of about US$4 billion. The target is to end 2018 with a loan book of about US$8 billion for projects," Kamath said. – Source:

President Jacob Zuma has appointed an IMC, which will plan and coordinate the historic Centenary celebrations of the late international statesman and first President of a free and democratic South Africa, President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, that will take place next year.

President Nelson Mandela would turn 100 years old on 18 July 2018, had he lived.

The IMC will coordinate the country's commemoration programme to ensure that the legacy and heritage of the great statesman is celebrated in a befitting manner in 2018.
The Minister of Finance, Malusi Gigaba, and the President of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), Dr Akinwumi Adesina, signed the Host Country Agreement (HCA) of the Southern African Resource Centre on Friday, 18 August, 2017.
In 2011, the AfDB indicated its desire to upgrade its regional office in Pretoria to a Regional Resource Centre (Regional Hub) to enhance its activities in the southern African region with a key objective of bringing the bank's expertise and responsibility for decision-making closer to its clients. The number of southern African countries serviced by the AfDB regional office increased from six to 12 countries, including Sȃo Tomé and Principe.

The upgrade of the bank's regional office required that certain amendments be made to the current HCA. The completion of the new HCA will pave the way for the official launch of the Regional Resource Centre in Pretoria by the President of the AfDB and the Minister of Finance as the Governor representing South Africa at the bank, soon. Other governors represented in the regional office will also be invited.
FACIM is an international multisectoral trade fair held annually to showcase Mozambique as an attractive destination for trade and investment.
A group of 20 South African companies will exhibit their products and services at the 53rd edition of the Maputo International Trade Fair, commonly known as FACIM, which is taking place in Mozambique from 27 August to 3 September 2017.

The participation of South African companies in the popular exhibition has been made possible by the Department of Trade and Industry through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme with the aim of increasing exports of South African manufactured products to Mozambique. The objective of the scheme is to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country.

According to the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, FACIM will expose South African companies to trade and investment opportunities available in Mozambique and other countries participating in the exhibition.

The popularity and reputation of the trade fair have grown significantly over the past years. The number of foreign companies that participated in the fair increased from 470 in 2011 to 700 in 2016, while Mozambican companies increased from 1 000 to 3 200 in the same period, while 33 countries participated in the trade fair last year as compared to 17 countries in 2011. More than 90 000 visitors passed through the fair's turnstiles last year compared to 60 000 in 2011.

Mozambique is South Africa's third-largest trade partner in the Southern African Development Community region after Botswana and Namibia. Trade between the two countries increased from R29 billion in 2012 to R43 billion in 2016.
Cabinet has approved the Coastal and Marine Tourism Implementation Plan, which is set to grow the economy and boost tourism.
  Developed under the auspices of the Operation Phakisa Ocean Economy, the plan will also seek to integrate coastal developments with existing inland experiences, with the view to maximise participation opportunities.

"The plan will uplift tourism in the Ocean Economy. It will grow a world-class and sustainable coastal and marine tourism destination that leverages South Africa's competitive advantages in nature, culture and heritage," said the Minister of Communications, Ayanda Dlodlo, who briefed the media on Thursday, 17 August, on Cabinet decisions.

The South African Maritime Safety Authority says marine tourism ranks among the top four subsectors of the country's maritime economic sector projected for phenomenal growth in the next two decades. According to the authority, it contributed R19 billion to the country's gross domestic product in 2013, with projections currently indicating yields as high as R44 billion in 2020 and rising rapidly to R134 billion in 2033, generating between 800 000 and one million jobs.

Cabinet has also approved South Africa's participation in the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition for 2017 – 2020.

The participation will support South Africa's chairpersonship of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in 2017/18.

South Africa plays a strategic role as one of seven founding members of the IORA. This opens opportunities beyond South Africa's coastal marine and tourism, and extends opportunities to one third of the world's coastline.

Minister Dlodlo said South Africa would use its research vessel, SA Agulhas II, to conduct marine research, while training and building scientific capacity for South Africa and East Africa.

"The gathering of basic long-term environmental data and information will place the developing countries of the Indian Ocean Rim in a better position to conserve the integrity of its ocean and to find ways to unlock their respective potential ocean economies to improve the lives of their citizens."

Cabinet was also apprised by the Chemicals and Waste Economy Phakisa Labs, which are scheduled to commence this month.

These labs form part of the country's intervention to manage the threats to the environment and human health caused by chemicals and waste.

Minister Dloldo said they would provide a further opportunity for the South African chemical industry to identify manufacturing niches that are associated with Green Chemistry – the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous substances. – Source:
Cabinet has approved South Africa's participation in the IIOE-2 taking place between 2017 and 2020. The IIOE-2 is a multi-national programme related to the collection of basic long-term marine environmental data in the Indian Ocean for the period 2016 – 2020.
The gathering of basic long-term marine data and information will place the developing nations of the Indian Ocean Rim in a better position to conserve the integrity of its ocean and to find ways to unlock their potential ocean economies.

As part of this marine expedition, South Africa will be deploying the SA Agulhas II to conduct marine research while training and building scientific capacity for South Africa and East Africa. This science cruise will be led by scientists based in the Department of Environmental Affairs, who will coordinate research activities with other national departments and East African countries.

In 2015, during its Assembly, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission adopted a resolution to undertake the IIOE-2.

The first version of the IIOE occurred from 1960 to 1965 and benefitted only a few countries, hence the main objective for South Africa's participation is to ensure that the African continent and the region at large benefit from various proposed initiatives.

In order to get a buy-in from all interested stakeholders such as research agencies, NGOs, universities and government departments, the Department of Environmental Affairs-led National Planning Committee was established to consolidate a proposal for South Africa's participation.

Cabinet's endorsement allows South Africa to participate in the IIOE-2 between 2017 and 2020 through availing research vessels, namely the SA Agulhas II and RV Algoa, as well as other platforms to conduct oceanic research and collect relevant data and information of national and regional socio-economic interest.

Proposed IIOE-2 activities include:
  • two scientific cruises on board the SA Agulhas II and/or RV Algoa in 2017 and 2018
  • a high-level delegation of ministers from the IORA region, who will launch the first regional IIOE-2 cruise in Durban, as well as to support South Africa's Chair of the IORA
  • three Centres of Competency will be established by the end of IIOE-2 in various countries across the Indian Ocean, and the proposed centres include one on Operational Oceanography in South Africa; Marine Biodiversity in Tanzania; and Marine Remote Sensing in Mauritius
  • the SA Agulhas II will dock in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in November 2017 in time for the 10th Conference of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, to be held between 30 October and 4 November 2017.
On 21 August, the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Dr Edna Molewa, and Minister President of Flanders, Mr Geert Bourgeois, jointly signed the Declaration of Intent for the implementation of the Third Country Strategy Paper (CSP III) on Development Cooperation between the governments of Flanders and South Africa.
  The third country strategy paper is the product of a joint consultation process between the governments of South Africa and Flanders, which resulted in an agreement that the CSP III would focus on climate change adaptation.

With a funding allocation of 25 million Euros by the Government of Flanders, it is envisaged that the strategy will also contribute to much-needed jobs opportunities in the green economy space. The strategy will be implemented over a period of five years (2017 – 2021).

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Minister Molewa expressed appreciation for the funding, saying it will make a contribution to South Africa's transition to an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, low-carbon development pathway and a just society as envisioned in the National Development (NDP).

"We are certainly excited about this funding, and believe that over and above the job opportunities to be created in the green economy space, the funding will make a contribution towards the implementation of the National Climate Change Response Policy. Furthermore, the funding will undoubtedly propel the implementation of the NDP, particularly on matters relating to climate change and sustainability."

In response, Mr Gourgeois said: "Now more than ever, the whole society is being mobilised to work for a more sustainable world. Climate change is a huge challenge, especially to our partnering country South Africa. That is why we want to use our Flemish knowledge, research and development to cooperate in different fields such as innovation, social economy and circular economy in order to align with the new Agenda 2030 on sustainable development".
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has honoured journalists in the region during an awards ceremony to recognise those who excel in the profession.
  Zambian journalist Patson Phiri won the top prize in the Print Category at the SADC Media Awards in Pretoria on Saturday, 19 August. The ceremony was part of the 37th SADC Summit, hosted by South Africa as the incoming Chair of the regional body.

Phiri walked away with a prize of US$2 000 for his entry on cascading energy and how challenges are being addressed to put the region back on the industrial revolution rails.

Flying the South African flag high at the award ceremony, South Africans, Msibi Nkosini Samuel and Dennis Tshetlhane, both won a prize of US$2 000 for the Television Category for their entry on a story which looked at the illicit trade of minerals in the SADC region and the growing number of illegal miners operating in South Africa.

Other winners of the day included Aristides Kito Afonso Jorge from the Republic of Angola, who won about US$2 000 in the Radio Category for his entry, which highlighted the importance of conservation and protection of cultural heritage in southern Africa as a factor for regional integration.

The Photography Category was won by Gasietsiwe Moruakgomo from the Republic of Botswana for his entry on ferry transport linking Botswana and Zambia in Kasane.

The awards were conferred by the outgoing Chair of SADC, King Mswati III of Swaziland, during the opening ceremony of the 37th SADC Summit.

Minister Dlodlo said the awards served as a link for coordination and synchronisation between the formal structures of SADC member states and the media.

"These awards further seek to bring and enhance partnerships between media and government institutions in advancing the achievements and good stories of this region in bettering the lives of its citizens."

Minister Dlodlo said there was a need to work together with SADC countries to popularise the projects underway in the SADC region.

"It is through the media that the work of SADC can be visible. We need more African voices to tell SADC stories. Africa is rising and we need to tell that story of Africa rising." – Source:
The University of Johannesburg (UJ) has made its debut entry into the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), released by the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy recently.  
ARWU is the most prestigious global ranking system in the world, which uses only externally accessed, objective measures in its assessment of university performance. It is a ranking system that is heavily focused on research quality and impact.

Not only was this UJ's first appearance in the top 500 universities in the ARWU, the university has been placed fourth in South Africa between Stellenbosch University in third place and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in fifth place, all in the 401-500 band.

Wits University heads the list in the 201-300 band, followed by the University of Cape Town in the 301-400 ranking band.

The University of Pretoria falls in the 501-600 ranking band, followed by North West University in the 601-700 band, and the University of South Africa in the 701-800 band.

UJ Principal and Vice Chancellor, Professor Ihron Rensburg, said that this was a tremendous accomplishment and recognition for UJ, and "it has been accomplished on our own terms of substantial access and success for the poorest in our nation, significant transformation of our academic community, alongside the active pursuit of global teaching and research excellence".

Rensburg said UJ had adopted a vigorous transformation agenda since its establishment in 2005, in order for staff and students to appropriately reflect the national and regional demographics, and is recording good progress in this respect. – Source:

Esther Mahlangu's uniquely South-African flavoured BMW 7 Series is back in South Africa and will be used to preserve the Ndebele cultural heritage of her people.
Mahlangu (aged 82) is a South African Ndebele artist and was the first woman to create artwork on a BMW 525i Sedan, turning it into a unique and colourful BMW Art Car. In 2016, Esther was once again commissioned by the BMW Group to refine a BMW 7 Series.

The vehicle was on display at the Frieze Art Fair, which took place in London in 2016. Simultaneously, the original BMW 525i Art Car was part of the exhibition, "South Africa: The Art of a Nation", at the British Museum, functioning as a significant piece and highlighting Mahlangu's key role in South African art.
  BWW Group South Africa is now the owner of Esther's specially commissioned BMW panels painted in Ndebele art, which have been installed into a new BMW 750Li Individual. The vehicle will form part of BMW Group South Africa's Heritage Collection and will be utilised as a display vehicle at various arts and cultural events with the blessing of Mahlangu in order to preserve her cultural heritage for the people of South Africa.

"I am so glad that BMW brought my art back to South Africa, it is a beautiful car to be shared with the people of South Africa for many years to come," says Mahlangu.

"The patterns I have used on the BMW panels marry tradition to the essence of BMW. When BMW sent me the panels to paint, I could see the design in my head and I just wanted to get started! I started by painting the small ones first to get the feel of the surface and then it was easy as the design follows the lines of the panels," she adds.

Tim Abbott, CEO of BMW Group South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, is proud that Esther's work will now be preserved in her home country. "We are delighted to share Esther's legacy with the people of South Africa. Esther embraces her traditional heritage passionately and has dedicated her entire life to the development and promotion of Ndebele art". – Source:
Youth from 18 African countries working towards conservation and protection of biodiversity recently attended the first Global Youth in Biodiversity Network (GYBN) in Africa workshop in Muldersdrift, Gauteng, to exchange ideas and find possible solutions to preventing biodiversity loss.
Established in 2010, the GYBN is an international network of youth organisations and individuals, representing 343 000 members from 107 countries worldwide.

The network, which is the official youth coordination platform in the negotiations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, "raises awareness among young people on the values of biodiversity," says the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). The network "connects individuals and youth organisations to build a global coalition to halt the effects of climate change on the environment", adds the DEA.

Co-founder of the GYBN, Christian Schwarzer, says: "I hope that this workshop will help the youth to go back to their communities and to become the agents of change that we need in support of the conservation of biodiversity."

"We hope that we show to governments that young people can make a difference and can become partners for biodiversity conservation," adds Schwarzer.

The week-long workshop brought together youth from Morocco, Sudan, Kenya, Ghana, Togo and South Africa, and aimed to empower young people to become "change agents in support of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the mainstreaming of biodiversity".  

"The choice of South Africa as the venue for the first GYBN in Africa underscores the country's position among the most biodiverse in the world, as is the case in most countries in Africa," says the DEA. 
South Africans can look forward to entering most national parks for free when SA National Parks (SANParks) launches its annual week on 17 September.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, will officially launch the week at the Golden Gate Highlands National Park (GGHNP) in the eastern Free State.

Since its inception in 2006, National Parks Week has seen an influx of over 220 000 day visitors in all participating national parks. The concept of National Parks Week was established in a bid to cultivate a sense of pride in South Africa's natural, cultural and historical heritage, protected by the National Parks system.

After the official opening, people can start making their way to a national park of their choice, including Mapungubwe, Marakele and Kruger in Limpopo.

GGHNP, Mapungubwe and Marakele will extend the week to Sunday, 24 September, while Kruger will allow free visits only until Friday, 22 September.

"We are hoping to see an influx of people at all our parks, especially because Sunday the 24th is Heritage Day, which is all about celebrating our heritage and culture and what a better way to celebrate that if not spending a day in a national park," said Lombard Shirindzi, General Manager of the Northern Region Parks.

"Our theme for this year is still 'Know your National Parks' and we encourage one and all to visit these parks that are full of rich history and heritage," Shirindzi said. – Source:
A beautiful new short film for iconic South African salt brand, Cerebos, has been featured on the top advertising sites around the world, including Shots and Adforum, and was named World's Best Ad of the Day by the prestigious AdWeek.
Durban ad agency FCB's animated spot for Cerebos – their first commercial in 20 years – was touted by Shots as just the ticket for "something to get you over hump day".

The animated short film is called Snow and tells the story of Mpho, a little girl who dreams of snow, despite living in the Karoo. Her grandparents intervene to help her dream come true – with a little help from South Africa's favourite salt brand, who sponsored the short film through agency FCB Durban.

It took a team of three four weeks to put together the miniature set, as just building the lounge required 24 different types of material and 31 loose items were created just to dress the kitchen.

Director Ree Treweek says they particularly enjoyed coming up with the touches for the set that were truly South African, like pumpkins drying out on the red roof of the Karoo farm house; dishwashing liquid in the kitchen reminiscent of Sunlight; old ginger beer bottles typically found in farmsteads; and a coat hanger being used as the TV aerial.

Ree says they also had a lot of fun set-decorating the exterior shots. "The textured ground was a mixture of sand, tiny pebbles and tea! We then added hundreds of tiny sprigs of rosemary that lead up to the larger bushes that were created with moss died different colours."

"We couldn't be happier with the result," says FCB Durban creative director, Brandon Govender. In a social media update this week, FCB Durban shared a post about their ad from "Best Ads on TV" and said: "Our little African story is making a name for itself overseas." – Source:
South African professional triathlete, James Cunnama, has won the prestigious Iron Man Triathlon, held for the first time in Hamburg, Germany, on Sunday 13 August 2017.
  Known as the "toughest triathlon in the world", James (34) completed the race in eight hours and 36 seconds … 22 minutes ahead of the closest contender, Horst Reichel from Darmstadt.

The race included 3.86 km of swimming, 180 km of cycling and a marathon (42 km).

The 34-year-old professional triathlete has competed in other Ironman competitions before, and his British wife, Jodie, is Ironman 70.3 World Champion, winning her seventh consecutive Ironman South Africa in January. The couple live in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape.
South Africa's Jordy Smith has moved to the top of the World Surf League (WSL) Championship Tour (CT) rankings after posting a career-best third-place finish in the Billabong Pro Tahiti recently.

The 28-year-old Durbanite, who started the event ranked No 3, recorded hard-fought victories over Conner Coffin (United States) and reigning WSL champion, John John Florence of Hawaii, on the final day before losing out to eventual winner, Julian Wilson of Australia, in their semifinal encounter.

"I'm still learning a lot and I wish I had figured it out earlier in the event," Smith said. "I am stoked to be in the top spot."

"Obviously, it's a long way to go, but it's sick to be in the front there. This is a new year and I just want to bring something new, something fresh, and keep trying my hardest."

Smith will be eager to keep his lead over the world's best surfers and improve his World Title campaign at the next event, the Hurley Pro at Trestles, which is close to his adopted home town of San Clemente in California and where he's also the defending event winner.

The Billabong Pro Tahiti was won by Wilson who defeated Brazil's Gabriel Medina in the final held in 1,5 to 2-m waves at the fabled break of Teahupo'o to clinch his third CT victory and best result in Tahiti. – Source:
Ruswahl Samaai produced another impressive performance on Sunday, 20 August, taking second place in the long jump at the 12th leg of the IAAF Diamond League series in Birmingham, England.
Samaai, the World Championships Bronze medallist, landed at 8.03 m with his best attempt, in a contest which saw only three men sailing beyond the eight-metre mark.

Former Olympic Silver medallist Khotso Mokoena ended eighth with a leap of 7.70m, with Jarrion Lawson of the United States securing victory (8.19m).

Disabled sprinter, Ntando Mahlangu, meanwhile, charged across the line in a personal best of 23.16 seconds in the T42 200-m men dash.

The teenager, who pocketed Silver at last year's Paralympic Games in London, was well ahead of American Regas Woods who took second place in 26.60.

The two-leg Diamond League final will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, on 24 August and in Brussels, Belgium, on 1 September. – Source:
On 19 August, the Springboks outscored the Pumas four tries to two, with five pointers from Courtnall Skosan, Raymond Rhule, Siya Kolisi and Peter Steph Du Toit.
Elton Jantjies converted all four tries and kicked three penalties.

The national team will meet Argentina again next weekend in the South American country. – Source:
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