Issue 291 | 31 August 2017
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The BNC is the highest mechanism governing bilateral relations between the two countries. The agreement establishing the BNC was signed on 13 December 2011, and the inaugural session took place in October 2015.
President Jacob Zuma co-chaired the Second Session of the South Africa-Mozambique BNC with the President of the Republic of Mozambique, President Filipe Nyusi, in Maputo on 25 August 2017.

The visit enabled the two heads of state to discuss a wide range of bilateral issues, including a review of the status of the bilateral relations, the adoption of strategic interventions to further strengthen the relationship, focus on mutually identified priority issues as well as discussion of regional and continental peace and security issues.

South Africa and Mozambique enjoy excellent bilateral relations which date back to the liberation struggle. On the economic front, relations continue to expand and cooperation encompasses trade and investment, science and technology, agriculture, environmental affairs, energy, infrastructure development and retail, among others.

Trade figures between the two countries in 2016 indicated that South African exports to Mozambique were valued at R33 billion, whereas imports from Mozambique amounted to R10 billion. There are currently approximately 300 South African companies operating in Mozambique.
South Africa deplores the launch of a ballistic missile by the DPRK over the territory of JapaN
This most recent ballistic missile launch over the territory of Japan represents a serious and unacceptable escalation of an already complex security situation in the region.
The South African Government deplores the latest launch of a ballistic missile by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) over the territory of Japan, which again violates the obligations of the DPRK under various United Nations Security Council resolutions, including 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), 2094 (2013) and 2270 (2016). 

South Africa shares the concerns of the international community regarding the nuclear weapon and delivery system-related activities of the DPRK, which undermine regional and international peace and security. We reiterate our call on the DPRK to adhere to its Security Council-mandated obligations, to return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to fulfil its International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards obligations. South Africa also calls upon the DPRK to fulfil its commitments under the Six-Party Talks with a view to achieving the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

We strongly urge the DPRK and all states involved to refrain from any further action which may undermine the pursuit of such a negotiated solution or that could further increase tensions in the North East Asia region and beyond. It is only through a negotiated solution that the issues affecting the Korean Peninsula can be resolved.
"On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, I wish to send my deepest condolences to the Government of Guinea, particularly the families and relatives affected by the tragedy and further wish the injured a speedy recovery."
On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has conveyed a message of condolences to the Government and people of the Republic of Guinea, especially families and relatives of all the victims, following the landslide that occurred on 22 August 2017 in the capital city of Conakry.

The landslide covered houses near a refuse dump and killed eight people, including one baby, and injured several others.
President Jacob Zuma received Letters of Credence from Ambassadors and High Commissioners-designate at a credentials ceremony at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in Pretoria on 24 August 2017.
The following Heads-designate from six countries presented their credentials to the President: The Kingdom of Spain, Republic of India, State of Israel, Republic of Chile, People's Republic of China and Republic of Uganda

President Zuma extended a warm welcome to the new Heads of Missions who were there to formally commence with their tour of duty in South Africa as representatives of South Africa's partner countries.

"I am confident that you will contribute towards enhanced mutual beneficial relations between our countries and further strengthen our people-to-people interaction during your tenure.

"Your presence here today bears testimony of growing interconnectedness and mutual friendship of our countries and people.
"Our diverse economy offers an array of potential sectors for investment. Tourism continues to be a significant contributor to the economy, drawing millions of tourists into the country yearly.

"We are fortunate to have a country with different beautiful landscapes as well as scenic beaches and diverse wildlife.

"I encourage you to explore as many areas as possible so that we can broaden our cooperation. Our message is therefore clear:  South Africa is open for business."
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, says there are indications that an application will be made to the ARF to build radio telescopes in African states that are part of the Square Kilometre Array Project.
  The Deputy Minister said this shortly after Ghanaian President, Nana Akufo-Addo, launched the Ghana Radio Astronomy Observatory in Kuntunse in Ghana recently.

The ARF and the Department of Science and Technology channelled R122 million to convert a redundant telecommunications antenna into a radio telescope.

The ARF is administered by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation.

The Ghana radio telescope is the first of its kind on the African continent outside of South Africa.

"Well, the project is run by Minister Naledi Pandor's department and her Ministry and so, they will take the lead and guide us.

"She has intimated in her speeches over the last two days that she intends approaching the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation in South Africa for additional funding.

"I am in favour of that because it doesn't end here, it goes on," the Deputy Minister said.

The Deputy Minister's remarks came as Minister Pandor gave an indication that other members – Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Magadascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia – were also making moves to build their own radio telescopes.

He said most of the member countries had indicated that they did not have the resources needed to build the radio telescopes.

"So, we will have to look very seriously at assisting them even further through the fund and other means as well," he said.

Together, the member countries will, once their radio telescopes have been commissioned, be part of the African Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Network, an Africa-owned network of VLBI-capable radio telescopes that will link up with other telescope from the European network. – Source:
The development of infrastructure is essential for the African continent's growth and development, says Trade and Industry Minister, Dr Rob Davies.
  Speaking at the opening of the Infrastructure Africa Business Forum in Sandton, Johannesburg, recently, Minister Davies said infrastructure was an essential and fundamental catalyst for regional integration.

"As the Government of South Africa, we categorically stated that the development of infrastructure was an essential and absolutely fundamental catalyst for regional integration for increased interregional trade and for industrialisation in Africa. Therefore, infrastructure development lies at the very heart of our efforts to promote high levels of inclusive growth and development throughout the continent," said Minister Davies.

The Minister also spoke of a deficit in infrastructure that was necessary to support high levels of interregional trade that connected African countries to one another.
"As a continent, Africa has an infrastructure deficit estimated at $93 billion per annum for the next 20 years. Colonialism has created infrastructure that was only geared towards the continent fulfilling its role as mere producer and exporter of primary commodities that were taken to other people's economies. There is a huge amount of catch-up that we need to undergo as a continent in order to achieve regional integration," he told the forum.

He explained that in addition to the infrastructure deficit, Africa was losing over 40% of its competitiveness as a continent due to the absence of infrastructure or inefficiency of established infrastructure.

"The critical role of infrastructure development in achieving integration, growth and development in Africa can never be overemphasised. Through infrastructure development, we can provide roads, rail, ports, energy transmission lines and ICT connectivity that are all necessary to facilitate economic development."

Regional integration, he said, went hand in hand with free trade areas, infrastructure development and cooperation, which were essential in promoting industrial development across the continent.

"We need to partner to build the required infrastructure and the real capability that will assist all of us build our countries. Adequate, effective, affordable and well-maintained infrastructure is an essential tool for Africa's growth and development.

"We, as South Africa, are committed to doing everything possible to unlock the opportunities as we address the infrastructure deficit in the continent because we recognise the important role that infrastructure can play in the industrialisation of the African continent," said Minister Davies. – Source:
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, was in Mozambique recently where he participated in the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Follow-Up Meeting.
The two-day TICAD VI meeting, which was co-organised by the Government of Japan, the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank and the African Union Commission, took place at the Joaquim Chissano International Conference Centre in Maputo.

"The objective of the meeting is to review progress following the adoption of the Nairobi Declaration together with its Implementation Plan during the TICAD VI Summit, held in Kenya last year. The meeting will also review the status of implementation of the Yokohama Action Plan (2013 – 2017), adopted at the TICAD V Summit, held in Japan in 2013," said the Department of Trade and Industry.
The Nairobi Declaration aims to strengthen the African's continent growth through partnerships with Japan while the Yokohama Action Plan spells out goals to be achieved and specific measures to be implemented through the TICAD process during the 2013 to 2017 period.
Throughout this action plan, greater attention is given to Africa's own efforts, mainstreaming of women and youth and promotion of human security across all aspects of the development agenda.

On the sidelines of the meeting, which concluded on Friday, 25 August, Minister Davies addressed the TICAD Business Forum, referred to as the "Dialogue with the Private Sector from Japan and Africa".

The TICAD Business Forum, which was aimed at strengthening Japan-Africa economic relations, facilitated high-level engagements and business networking between African business leaders and their Japanese counterparts.

Minister Davies also held bilateral meetings with Japanese business people that provided an update of Japanese business activities and investments in South Africa.

Japan exported vehicles worth US$ 4,502 million to Africa, accounting for 3,16% of Japan's global vehicle exports in 2014 with South Africa being the main destination followed by Kenya and Egypt.

South Africa has consistently been the number one trading partner for Japanese imports from Africa, followed by Nigeria, Algeria, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea in recent years.

TICAD was launched in 1993 by the Japanese Government to promote Africa's development, peace and security, through the strengthening of relations in multilateral cooperation and partnership. – Source:
  The conference attracted government leaders, international investors and travel professionals from the United States, Europe and Africa to explore how tourism could be utilised as an engine for economic growth and job creation.

The Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, is leading a South African delegation of public and private-sector tourism experts to attend the 41st Annual World Tourism Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, which is taking place from 28 to 31 August 2017.
Minister Xasa also attended the inaugural Council of Tourism Ministers Meeting on Monday, 28 August 2017. The council was chaired by Walter Mzembi, Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Zimbabwe who is also the current Chairperson of the World Tourism Organisation Commission for Africa. It served as a platform to discuss policies to support tourism, and also ways in which the sector could leverage to stimulate economic and social development on the continent.

The participation of the Minister and the South African delegation of tourism experts at the conference provided several opportunities, including strengthening tourism bilateral relations, establishing contacts with counterparts and creating awareness of South Africa as a tourism destination and attracting investments.

The Minister will also visit Lilongwe, Malawi, for the official signing ceremony of the Malawi-South Africa Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism, which will take place on 31 August 2017. The objective of the MoU is to strengthen regional cooperation and people-to-people relationship between the two countries and within the Southern African Development Community region.
South Africa's Department of Trade and Industry (dti) has funded the visit of the six-member group as part of the department's efforts to increase trade and investment between South Africa and South Sudan.   General Secretary of the South Sudan Chamber of Commerce and leader of the mission, Simon Akuei Deng, was optimistic that the mission would bear good results that would see more South African companies investing in his country.

"There is already a presence of South African companies in South Sudan and we are on a mission to woo more companies to follow the example of SAB Miller, MTN and Standard Bank to come to our country and invest. Investment opportunities are abound in the country and are there for South African businesses to explore," said Deng recently.

The South Sudanese business people also participated in the Infrastructure Africa Business Forum, which was held in Sandton on 21 and 22 August.
South Sudan, which gained its independence from Sudan in 2011, is also looking to identify investment and trade opportunities in South Africa, with the aim of increasing trade and investment between the two countries.

"Contrary to what the media feeds people about our country, South Sudan is open for business. South African companies that are doing business there can testify to this. There are unlimited investment opportunities in the mining, agricultural and road infrastructure sectors in the country," said Deng.

He expressed confidence that business people, who were willing to venture into South Sudan, would not be discouraged by the country's political situation.

"Business people are risk takers by nature and are willing to take calculated risks everywhere they invest their money. All countries have their own risks and daring business people turn risks into opportunities," he said.

Speaking during a panel discussion on potential investments in South Sudan at the Infrastructure Africa Business Forum, the dti's Foreign Economic Representative in South Sudan, Dr Julius Nyalunga, said the country had huge economic potential, despite the socio-political challenges that it experienced.

"This is the opportune time for South African companies to venture into South Sudan and look for opportunities to explore in that country. Things are shaping up very well and investment opportunities are opening up in various sectors of the South Sudanese economy," said Dr Nyalunga.
South Africa and the Maldives will work together to improve the livelihood of their fishing communities and the management of tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean. 
The commitment was made during a high-level meeting of fisheries ministers held recently at the Bandos Island Resort, Malé.

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, attended a high-level meeting of the G16 Group of Like-Minded Indian Ocean Coastal States' Fisheries Ministers, hosted by the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture of the Maldives.

During the high-level meeting, South Africa formalised its relationship with the Government of the Republic of Maldives by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The MoU is voluntary and commits the two countries to work together to improve the livelihood of their fishing communities and improve the management of tuna and tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean. It commits the two countries to work together towards improving compliance with the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC), and to improve social and community resilience for the conservation and management measures taken by the IOTC and SWIOFC. – Source:
South African Air Force personnel are participating in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) humanitarian relief exercise known as Blue Kunene.

The two-week long exercise, being held at the Oshana Region in Namibia, aims to prepare airborne elements of members states' air forces, air arms and air wings for rapid deployment in disaster situations and subsequent humanitarian crises relief operations, including medical and other aid in the region and beyond.

Attended by 1 000 military personnel, it is conducted under the auspices of the Standing Aviation Committee (SAC) of the SADC-Inter State Defence and Security Committee (ISDSC).

According to the South African Air Force, the exercise conforms with Article 13 of the African Union Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council, which highlights the functional aspects of the African Standby Force.
"By the end of this exercise, it is expected that operational lessons being learnt can be utilised for future exercises, and most importantly, a SADC Strategy Airlift Concept can be developed."

The exercise is expected to distribute over 400 tons of food aid in the Kunene region, in the constituency of Opuwo Rural, Epupa and Sesfontein, and this will be done in conjunction with the office of the Prime Minister Disaster Risk Management Unit.

Additionally, medical outreach programmes will be conducted in the form of screening and the treatment of various ailments around the Kunene region.

Participating countries include Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Angola, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Mozambique. – Source:
A team of 20 students, selected by the Department of Higher Education, is set to compete in the upcoming 44th World Skills International (WSI) Biennial Competition at Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
  WSI brings together young professionals from 77 member countries and regions to participate in various competition areas related to various occupational trades.

This lifetime opportunity to represent South Africa on the global stage aims to motivate South Africa's youth to pursue vocational education and promote interest in the occupational trades.

South Africa has selected 20 contestants from technical and vocational education and training colleges, universities of technology and industry to compete in the upcoming WSI competition to be held in the next two months.

The department said the competitors were supported by 20 national coaching experts for each competition skill area to represent the country.
"The South African competitors will compete in 20 competition skills areas such as cooking, restaurant services, welding, auto-body repairs, plumbing and heating, mechatronics, water technology, automobile technology and car painting, among others," the department said.

The students are the top competitors from South Africa's higher education institutions, having proven their skills in tough provincial and national competitions modelled on the WSI competition.

The provincial rounds were followed by the national competition, which took place in February this year at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre in Durban.

"South Africa has participated in WSI events since 1990 and is ambitiously aiming to increase the number of their Gold medals tally at this year's event," the department said.

The four-day competition will take place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre from 15 to 18 October 2017. – Source:

A female Saldanha marine pilot has made history by becoming the first female to hold an Open Licence certification to guide ships of any type and size in and out of South African ports.
Salmaa Vincent was able to apply her newly acquired Open Licence certification in July 2017, which enabled her to guide a 350-metre long vessel with a deadweight tonnage of 300 000dwt craftily into the port.

Open Licence certification is one of the most coveted qualifications in the field and permits qualified marine pilots to guide ships of any type and size in and out of the ports, from the very smallest vessels to gigantic super tankers and container ships.
Aged 30, Vincent received a bursary from Transnet National Ports Authority in 2005, which allowed her to pursue one year of Maritime Studies at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, followed by 18 months at sea with Safmarine (now Maersk).

In 2008, she went on to pass her oral exam with the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), and was issued with a Deck Officer certificate of competency.

Transnet then enrolled her in a tug master programme, which she completed in January 2009. This was followed by oral exams at SAMSA, before obtaining her Master Port Operations certificate.

She further went on to do a year of marine pilot training, which included a two weeks practical ship handling in Rotterdam. Upon her return, she completed simulation training in Durban at the Transnet Maritime School of Excellence.

Salmaa can now guide ships of any size or type – including gigantic super tankers and container ships.

Vincent completed her practical pilot training in Cape Town in September 2011 and qualified as a marine pilot. She first served at the Port of Cape Town for three months before returning to the Port of Saldanha.

Sharing her first experience of guiding the biggest ship, Vincent said it was nerve-wracking at first, but "this was soon overtaken by exhilaration and excitement at my ability. – Source:
Cape Town's tourism sector is set to get a major boost from a bilateral partnership with New York.
  NYC & Company has signed a deal with Cape Town Tourism that will see the two cities market each other as tourist destinations.

It's the first accord NYC & Company has signed with a destination marketing body on the African continent.

Sixty million tourists visit New York City annually, while the Mother City welcomes five million visitors per annum.

The cities' destination marketing organisations have now collaborated to share best practice in tourism marketing and exchange marketing tools to boost these figures even more.

Cape Town Tourism CEO, Enver Duminy, says the two-year partnership holds the promise of amplifying the city's holiday destination appeal.

"They have bus shelters across their five barrels where they'll give Cape Town tourism to run our campaigns on the bus shelters, not only speaking to the international tourists that are coming to New York but also the 10 million citizens living in New York."

It has the potential of reaching an estimated 17,6 million media impressions.

In return, Cape Town offers equivalent marketing opportunities for NYC & Company. –Source:
The local launch this month of Nigerian movie "10 Days in Sun City" marked the official partnership between SA Tourism and the Nigerian film industry.

  The movie, which is the highest-earning film in Nigeria this year so far and topped that country's box office for two weeks after its release in June, was unveiled to South African audiences on 10 August.

The launch took place at the Sun City resort, where much of 10 Days in Sun City was filmed.

Nigerian movies have enjoyed an amazing reception in South African over the last 12 to 14 years. And one thing about any movie produced in Nigeria is the fact that humour is often a key element.

South African Tourism has hailed the movie, saying it's an example of how entertainment and tourism can come together in creative and effective manner.

For South African Tourism, this partnership speaks to the core functions and priorities set by the two countries in future collaborations in both music and film.

South African Tourism CEO, Sisa Ntshona, says this move will strengthen the ever-growing tourism relations between the two countries.

"Nigeria is one of South Africa's most important tourist source markets in Africa, as well as a valuable ally in growing tourism on the continent.

"With Nollywood being the second-largest movie industry in the world, we are thrilled that so many of Gauteng and North West tourism offerings have been given a prime starring role in this film, integrated into the thrill-a-minute plotline."

With the Nigerian movie industry's wide reach on the continent, the South African film industry stands to benefit greatly should this partnership bear fruits.

The movie features Nigerian Ayo Makun (also known as AY), Richard Mofe Damijo, Mercy Johnson and Adesua Etomi, as well as rapper Falz and Afro-pop artist 2Face Idibia.

South African stars are also in the mix, with the like of actress Amanda Du-Pont and comediennes Celeste Ntuli and Thenjiwe Mosely, as well as Hollywood actor Miguel Nunes Jr.

The film, directed by South African-based Nigerian director Adze Ugah, was released in 20 cinemas across South Africa on 25 August. – Source:

The 84 Mrs Universe contestants who arrived in Durban have been taking in the sights and sounds of the city as they settle into an intensive schedule that combines work with play.  
On Friday evening, 25 August, the contestants got the chance to get to know each other over dinner at Casa Bella in Umhlanga.

They were out and about on Saturday, taking full advantage of the warm weather to visit uShaka Marine World.

A VIP cocktail evening on Saturday night gave spectators a tantalising taste of the glitz and glam that is set to take Durban by storm for the Mrs Universe World Finals on 2 September 2017.

Sunday saw the contestants get down to serious business as Judging Round 1 kicked off at the World Forum Conference that focused on the event's theme: Empowering Women. Creating Change.

The Mrs Universe finals will be held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre on 2 September 2017. – Source:
  TV personality Ayanda Thabethe announced recently that she would take her place as one of the ambassadors for international hair care range Mizani – part of the L'Oréal Professional Products Division.

"Proud to announce that I am the new! Global ambassador for Mizani! A L'Oréal Professional hair care division," Ayanda tweeted.

In an Instagram post she added: "Can't wait to see my billboards/posters all over the world". – Source:
Big Concerts recently confirmed that 10-time Grammy Award winner, multi-platinum selling artist John Legend would be returning to South Africa with his highly anticipated "Darkness and Light" global tour. 
  Legend will be performing in Johannesburg on 3 and 4 November 2017 at the Ticketpro Dome, 7 November in Durban at Moses Mabhida Stadium, and will be ending his South African tour on 9 and 10 November in Cape Town at the Grand Arena, GrandWest.

The singer's South African tour is presented by KFM 94.5, 947, East Coast Radio and Channel 24 and is another Big Concerts Experience.

Tickets went on sale on Friday, 25 August, at 09:00 from and Computicket.

John Legend's latest album Darkness and Light has been a global smash hit with top 10 singles Love Me Now and Penthouse Floor featuring Chance the Rapper. The album debuted on the top 20 of the Billboard 200 and was streamed over 12 million times in the first week. – Source:

Trevor Noah is upholding a "Daily Show" tradition: He is a nominee for the Thurber Prize for American Humour.

The Thurber Prize for American Humour is a cash prize for the art of humour writing in the United States. A panel of American judges selects the three finalists from a selection of seven or eight semi-finalists.

The Comedy Central host's memoir Born a Crime was among three finalists, prize officials announced recently. The other nominees for the $5-000 honour are playwright-screenwriter Ken Pisani's novel Amp'd and Aaron Thier's time-travelling novel, Mr Eternity.

Previous winners include Noah's Daily Show predecessor Jon Stewart, Calvin Trillin and David Sedaris. The South African comedian has also won two NAACP Awards for his memoir, which is still a bestseller locally and internationally.

Because all three nominees this year are men, the winner will uphold another tradition: Only once since the award was established in 1997 has a woman received it. Julie Schumacher won in 2015 for Dear Committee Members. – Source:

South Africa has put together a convincing bid to host the Rugby World Cup in 2023, Sport and Recreation Minister, Thulas Nxesi, said recently.
  "There's a lot of technical work that is continuing. There are still going to be presentations to the International Rugby Union on the 25th of September in Ireland.

"There will still be stages where [we] have to go and present, that's why we have put [together] a very solid bid. We have said that our bid is an economic bid. It must be well researched with information from us as government [and] from the side of SARU," said Minister Nxesi.

The announcement will be made on 15 November.

Democratic South Africa hosted the Rugby World Cup tournament in 1995. – Source:

Former Springbok captain, John Smit, has been named on a World Rugby panel to judge the international Player of the Year Awards.

Players, coaches, media and fans are at the heart of an exciting new process to determine the prestigious awards following a revamp of the process ahead of the 2017 event in Monaco.

The World Rugby Awards are the ultimate accolade for excellence in rugby on and off the field from community to elite rugby and, since its launch in 2001, the world's biggest names and most successful teams have been honoured.
Smit, who led the Boks to World Cup glory in 2007, is part of a prestigious list which includes former greats of the game, including legendary All Black Richie McCaw.

World Rugby currently engages directly with more than 10 million people on social and digital media and is keen that the views of those fans, as well as players, coaches and members of the media, are taken into account. As such, once the nominees for men's and women's player of the year awards are selected by the awards panel, voting will be open to fans via @WorldRugby social media platforms using the #WorldRugbyAwards hashtag. Players, coaches and media will also have their say on the nominees before the panel makes the final decision.

To be eligible for the top awards, players must be competing at international level and, this year, the awards panel will have access to World Rugby's game analysis performance data and a full bank of digital match videos. – Source:
Caster Semenya and Luvo Manyonga were in top form on Thursday evening, 24 August, adding IAAF Diamond League series crowns to the respective world titles they recently won in London.
Middle-distance runner Semenya and long jumper Manyonga both won their specialist disciplines at the first of two finals in the Diamond League series in Zurich, Switzerland.

Semenya, who lifted the Diamond League season crown last year, secured another convincing victory in the 800-m women race, crossing the line in 1:55.84.

Perennial rival Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi again finished second, completing the two-lap battle in 1:56.71, with Kenyan Margaret Wambui bouncing back to form with a personal best of 1:56.87 in third place.

Manyonga was equally dominant, holding off countryman Ruswahl Samaai, who grabbed second spot.

Samaai took the early lead with a leap of 8.14m in the first round, but Manyonga moved in front in round two with a jump of 8.31m.

Manyonga went on to extend his advantage with a fourth round effort of 8.49m, while Samaai also improved to 8.31m to settle for the runner-up spot behind his compatriot.

Former Olympic silver medallist Khotso Mokoena ended ninth, reaching 7.13m with his only legal attempt.

Manyonga joins Mokoena and Semenya as the only South African athletes to have won Diamond League titles in any discipline.

Akani Simbine stormed to sixth place in the 100-m men dash in 10.10, while in the 400-m hurdles LJ van Zyl (49.92) and 400-m sprinter Pieter Conradie (46.45) settled for seventh position in their respective events.

In the 400-m women hurdles, which was not a Diamond League final, Wenda Nel ended sixth in 55.86.

Former world champion, Zuzana Hejnova of the Czech Republic, won the contest in 54.13.

The 14th and final leg of the Diamond League series, which will incorporate the season deciders in 16 remaining disciplines, will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 1 September. – Source:


South Africa's Caster Semenya brought her glittering season to an end by smashing the world record in the rarely-run 600 metres.

  The 26-year-old, Olympic gold medallist and three times world champion over 800m, clocked a stunning 1min 21.77 sec over the unusual distance at the ISTAF meet in Berlin, Germany.

She took 0.86 sec off the previous best set by Cuba's Ana Fidelia Quirot in 1997.

In London earlier this month, the South African track ace won the world title over 800 m for the third time following on from her 2009 and 2011 triumphs, but failed in an ambitious double bid, having to be content with just bronze in the 150 m.

Semenya said she was delighted to end her season in the German capital where she won world gold eight years ago.

"I feel at home here, always welcomed and loved. I won my first world title here, so this city is special for me," beamed the South African.

"I wanted to deliver (the world record) to make the people here happy." – Source:
Springbok coach Allister Coetzee praised the team's planning and the players' conditioning following their 41-23 bonus point win over the Pumas on Saturday evening, 27 August, (SA time) in Salta, Argentina.
Siya Kolisi (2), Elton Jantjies and Jean-Luc du Preez scored tries for the visitors, while the Springboks were also awarded a second half penalty try.

South Africa defeated the Pumas by 37-15 in Port Elizabeth the previous weekend and have nine points from their first two Castle Lager Rugby Championship matches.

The Springboks played in red jerseys to celebrate 25 years of rugby unity in South Africa and their away win over Argentina was their fifth successive victory from as many tests this season.

Speaking to the media after the match in Salta, Coetzee was full of praise for the team's preparation plan for the difficult away match in Salta, where the Boks lost last year.
"We changed our travel plan to Salta this year, preparing for two days in South Africa before flying to Argentina on the Wednesday, which is also our off day," said Coetzee.

"Then I must add that the players looked after themselves in terms of their conditioning and recovery, and here our medical and conditioning staff deserve a good mention. We want to play with a high intensity and our players have a very high work rate."

The Springbok forwards once more did a sterling job, delivering solid performances in scrums and lineouts, while the maul was one of the Boks' main attacking weapons in the second half.

Apart from the careful planning and good preparation, Coetzee also lauded the leadership of the team: "I think the key for winning today was leadership, the way our players showed calmness and character under pressure. There is a strong leadership group around our captain Eben Etzebeth."

Flanker Kolisi, who is also the vice-captain, was awarded the Man of the Match award for his impressive performance in the No 6 jersey. – Source:

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