Issue 294 |21 September 2017
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The 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA72), taking place between 19 and 25 September 2017, is held under the theme "Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for all on a Sustainable Planet".  
  President Jacob Zuma is attending the UNGA72 in New York.

This is the first General Debate for the newly appointed Secretary-General, António Guterres, who started his term on 1 January 2017.
Guterres said his major priority was the achievement of sustainable peace and security through conflict prevention by establishing a "culture of prevention" in the UN – which South Africa fully supports.

"For South Africa, this General Debate coincides with the centenary anniversary of Oliver Reginald Tambo. President Zuma will host an event on 20 September 2017, at the UN, in honour of this global icon of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa," said the Presidency in a statement.

In addition to addressing the General Debate, President Zuma also signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on 20 September 2017.
The Presidency said the signing of the treaty reflected South Africa's continued commitment towards the achievement of a world free from the threat posed by nuclear weapons and ensuring that nuclear energy was used for peaceful purposes only.

President Zuma will participate in a number of high-level meetings, including the open debate on the Reform of UN Peacekeeping Operations, which be convened by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, whose country is currently serving as a rotating President of the UN Security Council for the month of September 2017.

He will also participate in the high-level event entitled: "African Union's Theme of the Year Roadmap on the Demographic Dividend: from Commitment to Action", convened by the Chair of the African Union, President Alpha Condé.

President Zuma is accompanied by International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane; Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Minister of State Security, David Mahlobo; Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa; and Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane.

President Zuma sends condolences to the United Mexican States following the severe earthquake
On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has again extended the country's condolences to the United Mexican States following the severe earthquake that shook central Mexico on 20 September 2017, on the anniversary of the devastating 1985 quake that also caused tremendous destruction in Mexico City.  
Coming so soon on the heels of the recent major earthquake, tsunami and hurricane in the south of the country, South Africans from all walks of life are shocked to hear of over 250 deaths, and join the President in offering condolences to all Mexicans who lost their loved ones in this catastrophic event.
  President Zuma has urged the Africa Group to work closely together to ensure that implementation of the Paris Agreement is a success.
On 18 September 2017, President Jacob Zuma attended the Meeting of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York, United States of America.

"Climate change is a global challenge that requires no one to be left behind. The whole world affirmed this in Paris and Marrakech when the Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November last year," said President Zuma at the conclusion of the session.

"In this regard," he said, "negotiations on the Paris rule-book must remain on track and ensure that there is sufficient clarity on parties' commitments under their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) on mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation."

"Developing countries should be provided with adequate support for their mitigation and adaptation actions and progress should be made on a post-2020 finance goal that should be significant more than the 2020 goal 100 billion US dollars per year in climate finance," the President said, adding that "the efforts of developing countries to adapt to climate change with their own resources should also be recognised as a contribution to the global effort to address climate change".

Speaking about the Bonn Climate Change Conference in Germany, President Zuma said: "We should make progress on the Global Stocktake at the upcoming Bonn Climate Change Conference. The Global Stocktake, which has the objective of tracking commitments and progress in implementation, must inform parties' future NDCs. It should, therefore, take account of all the elements of climate action, namely mitigation, adaptation and the means of implementation".

The President said it was important for the Africa Group, particularly in the time of global uncertainty, to emphasise adherence to the principles of the convention, in particular the common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities, equity and the need for developed countries to take the lead in combatting climate change. Those principles, he said, remained applicable to the Paris Agreement.

"The Africa Group should not allow any renegotiation of the Paris Agreement. It was a landmark achievement of the international community. It presents us with the best vehicle to address climate change, which is a monumental challenge of our time, in a manner that is fair and that takes into account countries' national circumstances."

President Zuma said climate change posed both a threat and an opportunity to development. "The pursuit of a low-carbon and climate-resilient development opens up opportunities for not only achieving our development goals, but also achieving the sustainable development goals and the goals set out in Agenda 2063."

The President said "We need to ensure that Africa's key sectors are prioritised in the implementation of NDCs. We are confident that international solidarity will prevail at the UNFCCC COP23. We should also ensure that the implementation of the NDCs also enhances efforts towards poverty alleviation."

President Zuma said that infrastructure investment was key to development, and the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa, provided a blue print for such collaboration. The Africa Group needed to explore the appropriate blend of public, multilateral and private finance to accelerate investment.

The President said that renewable energy investment as part of an energy mix provided an investment opportunity in Africa's electricity sector.

"The African Renewable Energy Initiative and the Africa Adaptation Initiative should focus on identified synergies and funding opportunities, while encouraging best practice-sharing, peer learning and tapping into technical skills available on the continent," he said.

"We should also focus on building partnerships with the aim of building capacity low-carbon planning and improving the relevant institutions in the energy, transport and the water sectors. We should also exploit opportunities in solar and wind power as well as gas, hydro, biofuels as alternatives energy sources," the President emphasised.

President Zuma also pointed out that Africa's continental strategies should be based on long-term adaptation scenarios to inform optimal use of Africa's natural resources in development and that there were two keys to mobilising the means of implementation as enshrined in the UNFCCC and its associated mechanisms, and further anchored in the Paris Agreement.

"First, it is the development of the necessary capacity to plan effectively for mitigation and adaptation policies and programmes, and to monitor their implementation. Second, is to develop the capacity within Africa to access the resources within these mechanisms," said the President.

President Zuma expressed his hope that working together as the Africa Group, the African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change could move a step forward in addressing the massive challenge of our time.
  The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Double Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government has approved the deployment of a contingent force comprising  military, security, intelligence and civilian personnel who are expected to support the Government of Lesotho.
The SADC Double Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government was held in Pretoria on Friday, 15 September, to discuss the political and security issues of Lesotho. The summit was chaired by President Jacob Zuma as the Chairperson of the regional bloc.

"In the interim, the summit approved an expanded mandate and composition of a total of 34 members of the oversight committee to include military, security, intelligence, civilians and experts to be deployed to Lesotho for a period of a month," said SADC Executive Secretary, Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax.

She said the summit directed the chiefs of defence and security to assess the requirements and determine the appropriate size of the contingent force and to prepare the modalities for the deployment.

Dr Tax was addressing delegates at the summit, convened after the recent political and security developments in Lesotho. Among other things, the Commander of the Lesotho Defence Force, Lieutenant General Khoantle Motsomotso, was assassinated on 5 September reportedly by army officers in his military headquarters.

"[The] summit strongly condemned the brutal assassination of Lieutenant General Motsomotso and expressed condolences to the family of the late commander, government and the people of the Kingdom of Lesotho," she said.

The summit urged the Kingdom to expedite investigations into the assassinations of Lieutenant General Motsomotso as well as former Commander of the Lesotho Defence Force, Brigadier Maaparankoe Mahao, who was killed in June 2015.

President Zuma expressed concern at the killing of Lieutenant General Motsomotso, saying that it sets a dangerous pattern.

"The tragic death of Lieutenant General Motsomotso should not be allowed to pass by unnoticed by our regional organisation, especially because it happens two years after the killing of [Brigadier Mahao]," President Zuma said, as the Chairperson of SADC.

"The prevailing situation in this sister country should not be allowed to continue forever as if it is business as usual. There is a need for decisive action by the region," President Zuma said

At the time of his death, Lieutenant General Motsomotso dedicated his talent, time and energy towards contributing to a stable, peaceful and prosperous Lesotho by starting to implement the recommendations of the SADC Commission of Inquiry.

President Zuma called on all Basotho, led by the Government and teaming up with all national stakeholders, to work together for peace, security and stability in the Kingdom.

"As a region, we are committed to assist the Government and people of Lesotho to implement all SADC decisions, including the required constitutional, security sector, parliamentary, public sector and judicial reforms.

"We believe that the Kingdom can only achieve lasting and sustainable stability once these reforms are implemented," he said.

The reforms have to be owned and led by the Basotho, with SADC providing technical assistance and advice.

He urged the Government and people of Lesotho to work towards finalising all the required reforms within a period of 18 months consistent with the extended tenure of the SADC Oversight Committee. – Source:
On 14 August 2017, the Republic of Sierra Leone was affected by devastating torrential rains that triggered a mudslide 32 kilometres east of Freetown.
The devastation was dreadful with reports of over 500 people killed in the tragedy, thousands left homeless and hard and soft infrastructure devastated. As a consequence thereof, the President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma, made a humanitarian appeal for emergency relief to the thousands affected.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, responded to the appeal on behalf of the Government in line with South Africa's spirit of solidarity with the rest of the continent, underpinned by the philosophy of Ubuntu and its advancement of humanitarian diplomacy. South Africa rose to the challenge and responded promptly and positively to Sierra Leone's humanitarian appeal for emergency relief in order to save human lives and alleviate suffering.

Minister Nkoane-Mashabane made an initial contribution of an amount of R8 million towards food aid and medical supplies through the World Food Programme (WFP) to Sierra Leone. Furthermore, the Minister initiated the launch of a nationwide public appeal in order to allow all South Africans to show solidarity and support to the people of Sierra Leone during their most difficult and trying times.

South Africa's humanitarian gesture, which is aimed at restoring human dignity, is made within the context of the United Nations Agenda for Humanity, calling on global leaders to stand up for common humanity.

The official handover ceremony was held on 8 September 2017 in Freetown, Sierra Leone, with South Africa's High Commissioner to Ghana, Lulama  Xingwana (accredited to Sierra Leona), handing over the humanitarian aid to the Government of Sierra Leone.
South Africa and Tanzania have signed various agreements to cooperate in the areas of culture, heritage and preservation of South Africa's struggle history for liberation.
The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, and his Tanzanian counterpart, Minister Harrison M Wakyembe, on Tuesday, 21 September, held a meeting in Dodoma, Tanzania's administrative capital, where the two agreed to work together to ensure the Roads to Independence in Africa Project is implemented across all Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) appointed Tanzania to host the Roads to Independence in Africa Project in collaboration with the African Union (AU).

The project first focuses on Tanzania and the southern African region, whose liberation movements were based in Tanzania. These countries are Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

The South African chapter of the project, called the Resistance and Liberation Heritage Route, is a national memory project aimed at commemorating and celebrating South Africa's road to independence. Cabinet established an Inter-Ministerial Committee to oversee this project and provide political leadership.

Minister Mthethwa said the project was crucial in ensuring that South Africa's road to democracy and Africa's road to independence was not lost.

"We are here today to emphasise and reaffirm the assignment by UNESCO and the AU of writing our story and identifying important sites on the road to independence. The most important thing today is that we were looking at different national chapters of the roads to independence from both South Africa and Tanzania and how far we have gone," said Minister Mthethwa.

"The route that we took to liberate the people of South Africa and Africa ... it's important that it is written by ourselves for the world to know the real story of our liberation.

"We are convinced that we have set ourselves to follow up and implement this and we are on course to make this continent proud of who they are. We have to do it now. We would like to thank Tanzania for being the convenors of this important work and we will do everything we can to support them," said Minister Mthethwa.

Tanzania played a crucial part in the liberation of many countries on the continent and the country served as a base for many liberation movements during the struggle for liberation.

Tanzania was also a base for what was known as the African Liberation Committee, which was established by the Organisation of Africa Unity.

This structure was dissolved when South Africa gained its democracy in 1994.

Tanzanian Arts, Culture and Information Minister Harrison said Tanzania was committed to ensure that initiatives were put in place to ensure the history of liberation of the entire continent was recorded and kept for generations to come. The project includes the construction of a museum, library and archives and aims to recognise the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among Africans.

There are also proposals for the construction of a monument in honour of activists who lost their lives during various stages of the fight for liberation in Africa to be built in the near future. Three South Africans are buried in Tanzania after dying in that country while in exile.

Following Tuesday night's meeting, South Africa and Tanzania agreed to work together on several projects aimed at promoting heritage in both countries.

They agreed to:
  • exchange information and collaborate in areas of arts, film industry, museums, libraries and research
  • cooperate in the fields of cultural relics, properties and heritage preservation
  • develop capacity-building and research collaboration among heritage professionals, including working together on continental, regional and transnational African liberation heritage and development research projects
  • collaborate to increase the number of world heritage sites related to the liberation struggles. –
  The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, and Deputy Minister Bulelani Magwanishe attended the Informal Meeting of AU Ministers of Trade on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) issues on 18 September 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The meeting, which was hosted by the AU Commission and the Government of the Republic of South Africa, was part of a series of preparatory meetings leading to the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference, to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in December 2017.

The informal meeting followed the declaration adopted by the AU Ministers of Trade Meeting in November 2016, which re-emphasised the need to pursue integration and industrialisation to drive the process of structural transformation across the African continent. The ministers also agreed on the need to ensure that the outcomes achieved at the multilateral level did not undermine the continent's development integration agenda that encompassed market integration, industrial development and infrastructure development.

The informal meeting in Addis Ababa provided an opportunity for AU ministers of trade to consider recent developments in the negotiations at the WTO and aimed to formulate positions on priority issues for Africa as well as on new issues currently being proposed in the WTO, such as e-commerce and investment facilitation. The outcomes of this meeting are expected to coordinate African positions for the Third Mini-Ministerial WTO Meeting, scheduled to take place in Marrakech, Morocco, in October 2017.
A group comprising 18 South African exporters of mining equipment and related services are showcasing their products at the 2017 Perumin Mining Convention, taking place from 18 to 25 September 2017 in Arequipa, Peru.
The convention takes place bi-annually and brings together the world's leading technology and services in the mining and metals sector. South Africa's participation focuses on machinery, equipment, technologies, services and supplies for the mining sector.

The participation of these companies in the exhibition has been made possible by the Department of Trade and Industry through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme with the aim of increasing exports to Peru. The objective of the scheme is to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, says the exhibition will expose South African companies to export opportunities not only in Peru, but in the South American region.

"The convention will further expose South African companies to available trade and investment opportunities and will be a good platform to promote South African exhibitors to potential customers in order to obtain new business and penetrate new markets," adds Minister Davies.

Minister Davies describes trade relations between South Africa and Peru as very important adding that the South Africa-Peru Chamber of Commerce in Lima, Peru, will present opportunities to increase trade for both countries.

Minister Davies adds that South Africa recognises the huge potential of the Latin American group of countries and is cognisant of the fact that Peru is one of the fastest-growing economies in the region.
The Tourism EXPO Japan is an annual event, equivalent to Africa's Travel Indaba, and this year featured the first Ministerial Roundtable on Sustainable Tourism, hosted on 21 September 2017 in Tokyo.
The Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, is attending the Tourism Expo in Japan from 21 to 24 September 2017, at the invitation of the Japanese Association of Travel Agents, in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO).

The roundtable was attended by almost 14 tourism ministers, top executives from the tourism fraternity, members of the UNWTO executive, World Travel and Tourism Council Pacific Asia Travel Association and was aimed at reflecting on 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development as designated by the UN.

Minister Xasa is expected to be one of the speakers during panel discussions, which will focus on inclusive and sustainable economic growth; social inclusiveness, employment and poverty reduction; resource efficiency, environmental protection and climate change; cultural values, diversity and heritage; mutual understanding; as well as peace and security.

The Tourism Expo in Japan takes place in the month of September, observed as Tourism Month, when the Department of Tourism encourages South Africans to travel and explore their own country. Activities lined up during this month build up to the celebration of the UNWTO World Tourism Day on 27 September 2017, which will this year be hosted by Mpumalanga province.
Deputy Minister Buti Manamela recently attended the Extra-Ordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Youth Culture and Sports in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Deputy Minister in The Presidency: Planning Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Youth Development and Administration, Buti Manamela, recently attend the African Union (AU) Ministerial Meeting of the Specialised Technical Committee on Youth, Culture and Sports taking place in Nairobi, Kenya.

The meeting discussed the Draft Statute of the African Audiovisual and Cinema Commission, established to enhance the development of the creative and cultural sectors on the continent, the implementation plan of the AU Volunteer Corps and look at an implementation strategy for the Anti-Doping Code.

The ministers also had a dialogue on a detailed 10-Year Plan of Action on Employment, Entrepreneurship and Skills Development for African Youth.
At its recent meeting, Cabinet welcomed the agreement signed between South Africa and Russia at the Ninth Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit, which will yield an amount of US$400 million being invested in the development of South Africa's oil and gas sector.  
  South Africa's national oil company, PetroSA, and the Russian Federation geological exploration company, Rosgeo, have agreed to develop the exploration areas of blocks 9 and 11a off the South Coast of South Africa.

The search for oil and gas resources in South Africa is highly strategic for the country's energy security.

Russia's Rosgeo will conduct geological exploration work as well as drilling exploratory wells. The project could lead to four million cubic metres of gas being extracted daily and subsequently delivered to PetroSA's Gas-To-Liquids refinery in Mossel Bay, on the South Coast.
The South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) has received an award at the World Nuclear Association Symposium in London.  
The award recognises the conversion of the Safari-1 nuclear reactor at Pelindaba, west of Pretoria, to be a leading supplier of medical isotopes.

The nuclear symposium was attended by 600 leaders of the global nuclear industry and included presentations, exhibitions by suppliers and networking.

A main focus was on the future of nuclear in a variety of fields.

South Africa's award, made by the United States Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration, acknowledges Necsa's role in production of MO-99 in Safari-1, making it one of the four largest producers of the isotopes used for diagnostic procedures in the world.

The facility was converted to use low-enriched uranium and showed South Africa's commitment to the collective goal of establishing a reliable supply of MO-99, making the world a safer place, the citation read.

NECSA Chairperson, Dr Kelvin Kemm, said he was proud of what South African scientists had achieved technologically in the conversion of Safari-1, which was in line with "international goals to move away from potential nuclear weapons technology".

He praised chief executive Phumzile Tshelane and his team at NECSA. – Source: Pretoria News

  The National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) have been working towards the consolidation of South Africa's radio astronomy facilities.
The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, has therefore gazetted the establishment of the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) as a national research facility.

SARAO is a national facility managed by the NRF and incorporates radio astronomy instruments and programmes such as the MeerKAT and KAT-7 telescopes in the Karoo, the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory in the North West province, the African Very Long Baseline Interferometry Programme in nine African countries as well as the associated human capital development and commercialisation endeavours.
British Airways (BA) has announced that its expanded summer schedule between Cape Town and London is now open for sale.  
"The airline will again increase its daily winter schedule to Heathrow to provide double-daily Boeing 747 flights over the busy Cape Town summer period. It will again also offer three weekly Boeing 777 services to Gatwick, starting in November," says Luane Lavery, Brand Communication Manager at BA and

"British Airways is the only airline to offer year-round direct flights between Cape Town and London," adds Lavery.

The BA44 from Cape Town to London will operate on 6 and 8 January; 10, 17 and 24 February; 26, 26 and 31 March; and 2, 4 and 7 April.

The Heathrow to Cape Town flights will operate as the BA45 on 5 and 8 January; 9, 16 and 23 February; 25, 27 and 30 March; and 1, 3 and 6 April.

Lavery told Traveller that there's also some good news for Gauteng customers. "From October 2017, BA will also increase capacity to OR Tambo International, when it begins operating a double-daily A380 service, making London/ Johannesburg the only route on the network with two daily A380s." – Source: Traveller24
The local wine won eight golds and the competition's highest medal.  
Nederburg wine has scooped the top prize at the 2017 International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) in London.

The local wine won eight golds and the competition's highest medal.
The gold outstanding, the competition's highest medal honour, went to the 2013 vintage of Nederburg's Private Bin Edelkeur.

The renowned noble late harvest, made from botrytised Chenin Blanc, has earned Nederburg considerable international kudos over the years.

The IWSC judging panel describes the wine as "a Cape classic Chenin Blanc at its best with rich marmalade, roasted nuts and soft dried apricots. The palate is viscose, but so elegant, rounded and just seamless as the acidity is perfectly judged for an unflagging fresh spice finish. Terrific ageing potential."

The 2012 vintage of the same wine earned a gold medal.

Golds were also awarded to the 2007, 2012 and 2013 vintages of Private Bin Eminence and Nederburg's flagship Natural Sweet Wine. – Source:

  South Africans are using the month of September to remember, celebrate and preserve the legacy of Black Consciousness Movement leader, intellectual and liberation struggle hero, Stephen Bantu Biko.
Biko died in custody as a result of police brutality on 12 September 1977. This year, the country marks the 40th anniversary of his passing.

To commemorate this sad episode in the history of the South African struggle for liberation, President Jacob Zuma recently visited Kgosi Mampuru Correctional Centre to lay a wreath at the cell in which Biko died.

His death caused outrage locally and abroad.

President Zuma said Steve Biko's leadership and ideals inspired not only South African liberation struggle activists in South Africa, but also many leaders and activists across the continent and the world, who pursued an anti-racist, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist agenda.

  "Steve Biko fought white supremacy and was equally disturbed by what he saw as an inferiority complex among black people. He emphasised the need for psychological liberation for black people to accompany physical liberation and undo the damage caused by apartheid. He advocated black pride and black self-reliance, believing that black people should be their own liberators and lead organisations fighting for freedom.

"He practised what he preached with regard to self-reliance and led the establishment of several community projects, which were aimed at improving the lives of the people. His ideals of self-reliance are more relevant than ever now as we push a radical socio-economic transformation agenda and the deracialisation of the ownership, control and management of the economy," said President Zuma.

Government dedicated this year's National Human Rights Day commemoration on 21 March 2017 to Steve Biko, acknowledging his contribution to the struggle for liberation and human rights for all in the country.

The national commemoration was held in King William's Town and President Zuma unveiled the Biko grave site and memorial.

Government, through the Department of Arts and Culture, provided R130 million to the Steve Biko Foundation to develop the Steve Biko Centre, a national legacy project based in Ginsberg in the Eastern Cape.

The centre was officially launched in November 2012 and focuses on translating global interest in the legacy of Mr Biko into a developmental resource for the region.

The facility comprises a museum, an archive and library resource centre, a commemorative garden honouring Biko, cultural performance and production spaces, a community media centre and retail spaces.

The Steve Biko Centre serves both as an intellectual resource, while providing an economic opportunity for the region. The centre features as the cornerstone of the Biko Heritage Trail, a series of Biko-related sites in the Eastern Cape.

These sites such as the Biko Statue and Biko Bridge in East London, Zanempilo clinic, Biko's home, Biko's office, Biko's grave and the Steve Biko Garden of Remembrance in King William's Town have been declared national heritage sites and consistently garner both local and international attention.

Steve Biko was a medical student at the University of Natal, where he was a student leader of distinction. He was a founder of the South African Student Association. Due to his political activism, he was expelled from medical school and later banned.

In his honour, government through the Gauteng Department of Health, renamed the Pretoria Academic Hospital as Steve Biko Academic Hospital, in September 2008. One of the main streets in Tshwane, Beatrix Street, where the hospital is also located, was also renamed as Steve Biko Street.

The world has also honoured Biko in many ways, including the popular song Biko by British musician Peter Gabriel. The movie, Cry Freedom, based on a book by former editor Donald Woods, also attracted international acclaim. – Source:

After four years, the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA) has been completed at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, with the official public opening on 22 September.   The R500-million project involved the redevelopment of an almost 100-year-old historic grain silo, which was originally part of an industrial shipping facility in the Cape Town Harbour. It later became a disused industrial building.

Now, it will house the world's largest museum dedicated to contemporary art from Africa and its Diaspora. The museum will collect, preserve, research and exhibit cutting-edge contemporary art from Africa and its Diaspora. Zeitz MOCAA has sought to create a contemporary art museum that is easily accessible to South Africans and continental visitors.
The project was conceptualised by the V&A Waterfront, in consultation with London-based Heatherwick Studio and in conjunction with South African architects. It is a joint not-for-profit partnership between the V&A Waterfront and German business entrepreneur, Jochen Zeitz.

Zeitz MOCAA is intended to be an important cultural landmark that contributes to a stronger, wider appreciation of Africa's cultural heritage.

According to V&A Waterfront CEO, David Green, the vision was to create an accessible, contemporary art museum.

"We recognised the importance art plays in society and the need to showcase the talents of Africa in Africa. It is for these reasons we are so proud to be able to unveil a home that will be not only a powerful platform for the artists but allow locals and international visitors access to great works of art, that will become the legacy of society as a whole," said Green.

Heatherwick Studio founder Thomas Heatherwick explained that the idea of turning a giant disused concrete grain silo made from 116 vertical tubes into a new kind of public space was weird and compelling from the beginning.

"We were excited by the opportunity to unlock this formerly dead structure and transform it into somewhere for people to see and enjoy the most incredible artworks from the continent of Africa," said Heatherwick.

"We are all looking forward to witnessing the impact of the museum's ambitious artistic programme and the museum taking its pivotal place in the middle of Africa's cultural infrastructure."

The galleries and the cathedral-like atrium space at the centre of the museum have been literally carved from the silos' dense cellular structure of 42 tubes that pack the building. The development includes 6 000 m² of exhibition space in 100 galleries, a rooftop sculpture garden, state-of-the-art storage and conservation areas, a bookshop, a restaurant and bar and various reading rooms. – Source:

  Trevor Noah won his first Emmy for the "The Daily Show" YouTube special.
South African-born comedian Trevor Noah recently walked away with his first Emmy at the award's Creative Arts ceremony in LA, taking the top prize for his YouTube comedy special, The Daily Show: Between the Scenes.

The special won the Emmy for Best Short Form Variety Series, beating Behind the Voice, Epic Rap Battles of History, Honest Trailers and The Star Wars Show.

Trevor was performing his stand-up comedy show in Washington DC and was not in attendance at the ceremony to accept his award.

The Creative Arts awards recognise the best achievements in non-fiction, variety, reality, and animation on US TV. – Source:

Comedy Central says it has agreed to a contract extension that will keep Trevor Noah as host of "The Daily Show" through to 2022.  
The network said Noah would also produce and host year-end wrap-up specials for Comedy Central, beginning in a few months.

The little-known Noah was a leap of faith for Comedy Central when he was selected to succeed Jon Stewart at The Daily Show two years ago. He started slowly but has made inroads both critically and commercially, and the network says he's the most popular late-night host among young adults aged 18 to 34. – Source:
  As the date approaches for the country's first presentation in a bid to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup, Cabinet has called on South Africans to support efforts to secure the bid.
In a statement following its fortnightly meeting in Cape Town, Cabinet said a high-level South African delegation would make its first bid presentation to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup in London, United Kingdom, on 25 September 2017.

"Cabinet wishes to reiterate its strong support for this bid and calls upon South Africans to support this bid that will contribute immensely to social cohesion and nation-building and also serve as a catalyst for sport development," it said in a statement.

South Africa has a strong proven record of hosting such events, including the Rugby World Cup tournament in 1995 and the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Last month, Sport and Recreation Minister, Thulas Nxesi, said a lot of technical work was being done ahead of 25 September.

"There will still be stages where [we] have to go and present, that's why we have put [together] a very solid bid … Our bid is an economic bid. It must be well researched with information from us as government [and] from the side of SARU [SA Rugby Union]," Minister Nxesi said at a media briefing in Cape Town.

The big host country announcement is expected to be made on 15 November. – Source:
  Courageous Lloyd Harris produced a formidable performance to dispose of Denmark's Fredrik Nielsen with a 6-1, 1-6, 6-4, 6-3 win that saw South Africa triumph 3-1 in their Davis Cup Paribas third-round playoff at the Ceres Park & Arena in Aarhus, Denmark, on Sunday, 17 September.
The 3-1 tally after Sunday's opening singles rubber between Harris and Nielsen gave South Africa an unassailable lead and the second reverse singles was not played as it would not have had a bearing on the final outcome of the tie.

South Africa has won promotion to Euro/Africa Group 1 where they will be competing next year, and in the light of the revised Davis Cup rules, the SA Davis Cup team has been assured of a home tie for their first 2018 fixture. – Source:
The Springbok Women's Sevens booked their place in the Rugby World Cup Sevens to be hosted in San Francisco in July next year, by defeating Kenya 17-12 in the final of the Rugby Africa Sevens in Tunisia on Sunday, 17 September.  
Coach Renfred Dazel's team entered the second day's play unbeaten and high on confidence following victories against Morocco, Tunisia and Uganda on Saturday, and they continued this fine form in the final stages as they scored 87 points and conceded only 12.

The team cruised to a 43-0 victory against Senegal in the Cup quarter-final as they showed intent on attack and did well to shut out the opposition on defence, which earned them a semi-final berth against Uganda.

Once again, Dazel's team made easy work of things as they powered their way to a 27-0 victory and a place in the final against arch-rivals Kenya.

As expected, Dazel's charges were made to work hard for the victory, as Kenya – who has put up a good fight against the Springbok Women's Sevens in the last few seasons – showed commitment on attack and defence.

But the Bok Women's Sevens held on for a narrow 17-12 victory to defend their title and book their place in the Rugby World Cup Sevens.

Their qualification for the international spectacle capped off a rewarding tournament for the team as they scored a total of 171 points and conceded just 19 in their six matches. – Source:

The Banyana Banyana national women's football side played to a 1-1 draw with Botswana in their final Group C match in the 2017 COSAFA Women's Championship in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, on Sunday, 17 September.
The result was enough to see the South Africans finish top of the group with seven points, following two wins and a draw.

Banyana Banyana will face Zambia, who topped Group A, in the first semi-final on Thursday. – Source:
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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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