Issue 295 |28 September 2017
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  The national legislative elections were held in Angola on 23 August 2017 with the ruling Popular Liberation Movement of Angola securing the majority of the vote.

On 26 September, President Jacob Zuma attended the inauguration ceremony of the President-elect of the Republic of Angola, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço.

South Africa and the Republic of Angola share a common history of the struggle against apartheid, and strong multifaceted bilateral ties exist between the two countries. This is not only evidenced through the fraternal political relationship, but also through the growing socio-economic and trade and investment relationship between the two countries. Angola is one of South Africa's largest trading partners on the continent of Africa with numerous South African companies involved in a variety of sectors in Angola,  including in construction, mining, housing, retail, food and beverages, hotels and leisure, banking and medical services.

With Africa beset by the double scourge of illicit financial outflows and the disparity of the global economy, President Jacob Zuma says the United Nations (UN) must play a central role in tackling both issues.

The current structure of the global economy continues to deepen the divide between the North and South, President Zuma told the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in New York recently.

"While a few enjoy the benefits of globalisation, the majority of the people of the world still live in abject poverty and hunger, with no hope of ever improving their living conditions."

These unequal and unjust economic power relations manifest themselves sharply in Africa. President Zuma said while Africa was endowed with mineral resources, it still had the highest number of the least developed countries.

"Many of the developed countries in the world continue to fuel their development from the resources of the African continent."

What is needed, the President said, was political will and commitment from global leaders to address the challenges and obstacles posed by this untransformed structure of the global economy.

President Zuma said Africa continued to lose a significant chunk of its resources through illicit financial outflows – billions of dollars which would otherwise be used to develop the continent and provide education, healthcare, housing and other critical basic needs.

The continent loses money through money laundering, tax evasion and tax avoidance, corruption and transfer pricing by multinational companies.

"[This undermines] the integrity of the global financial system, efficient tax collection and equitable allocation of resources. We appeal for the cooperation and commitment of every member state of the UN, and the international community at large to address this phenomenon," President Zuma told the General Assembly.

He said developed countries, in particular, had a historic and moral obligation to contribute to achieving a fair global economic environment and to eradicate the scourge of illicit financial flows from the continent.

President Zuma used his address to call on UN member states to dismantle their nuclear weapons and instead use them for peaceful means.

"It can no longer be acceptable that a few countries keep arsenals and stockpiles of nuclear weapons as part of their strategic defence and security doctrine, while expecting others to remain at their mercy. We are concerned that any possible accidental detonation would lead to a disaster of epic proportions."

The President's call came hot on the heels of him signing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

President Zuma reiterated that South Africa stood with the people of Cuba and Palestine, and called for the end of the war in Syria and Libya.
Pretoria echoed its stance on the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination.

"The UN must remain seized with this issue for the benefit of the people of Western Sahara and the African aspirations of integration and peaceful co-existence," President Zuma said.

President Zuma also expressed South Africa's disappointment at the June 2017 decision of the United States Administration to reverse the progress that was registered in the past two years towards ending the Cuban blockade.

President Zuma ended his address by reinforcing South Africa's readiness to work with the UN to promote peace, human rights and sustainable development. – Source:
President Jacob Zuma has celebrated the life and times of former ANC President Oliver Tambo by hosting a gala dinner in New York on the sidelines of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 72).  
Government declared 2017 "The Year of OR Tambo", which coincided with the stalwart's centenary birthday.

President Zuma said the dinner was a befitting honour of a man who dedicated his life to the liberation, freedom and equal opportunity of all South Africans.

"It is appropriate that we are holding this celebration here at the Headquarters of the UN, because a significant part of OR's contribution to our democratic, non-racial and free South Africa, was through his mobilisation of international solidarity against apartheid."

Tambo was the late former president of the African National Congress (ANC) and one of the key founding fathers of South Africa's liberation and constitutional democracy.

Tambo was the longest-ever serving president of the ANC from 1969 to 1991. He has been described by President Zuma as a "solution-oriented leader who always sought to move forward on the basis of building consensus".

Tambo, who mobilised the international community to support the struggle against apartheid, was synonymous with the corridors of the world body at a time while he was campaigning for the liberation of South Africa from the apartheid regime.
In his toast remarks at the dinner, President Zuma said he left a lasting legacy, not only for the ANC, but for South Africa and the world at large.

"Comrade OR's exemplary leadership as an international statesman and consummate diplomat shaped the vision of a post-apartheid, democratic South Africa and the country's foreign policy, and the principles on which it is grounded. These are patriotism, loyalty, dedication, ubuntu, equity, integrity and Batho Pele, meaning putting people first."

President Zuma also thanked the international community for its support during the liberation struggle.

"As we celebrate his life, we thank all of you, the international community, because of your support and solidarity during that most difficult period in the history of South Africa. We thank you because you chose to care, as Madiba said on his release." – Source:


  President Jacob Zuma led the Heritage Day celebrations in Siyabuswa in Mpumalanga on 24 September under the theme "The Year of OR Tambo: Celebrating our Liberation Heritage".
The theme was in accordance with preserving history and imparting it to the younger generations.

"Celebrating our liberation heritage contributes to the revival of the political and social-cultural consciousness across the country on the liberation struggle narrative. We hope that it will also invoke nationwide discussions on issues relating to decolonisation and identity, democracy and radical socio-economic transformation," President Zuma said.

The Presidency said the day in South Africa embraced the vast cultural diversity and history that distinctly marked Heritage Day and also encompassesed the country's ecosystems, wildlife and unique mountains.

"This is the core of the country's natural heritage, which when combined with the cultural heritage, makes South Africa a world in one country.

"The day also aims to recognise the role of cultural and heritage institutions and enabling access to all as they serve as reservoirs of knowledge and wisdom to bridge the intergenerational gap in the transmission of indigenous knowledge, skills and techniques," The Presidency said.

The South African Constitution also guarantees the right to cultural, religious and linguistic associations and other organs of civil society.

"All cultural groups are celebrated across South Africa on Heritage Day to enhance nation-building, social cohesion, national reconciliation, moral regeneration and economic and social development.

"South Africans are therefore encouraged to take pride in the country's cultural institutions and play an active role in affirming, promoting and preserving them," The Presidency said. – Source:


Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa recently led a high-level delegation to London for the presentation to the World Rugby Council of South Africa's bid to host the prestigious Rugby World Cup 2023 tournament.
South Africa's presentation took place at the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington, London, on Monday, 25 September. Ireland and France are the other contenders for the 2023 tournament that will take place 200 years after the invention, according to legend, of the game of rugby by William Webb Ellis.

The high-powered delegation included SA Rugby President, Mark Alexander, and Chief Executive Officer, Jurie Roux. The two laid out South Africa's technically and commercially compelling case to host the tournament 28 years after the late President Nelson Mandela handed the Webb Ellis Cup to Francois Pienaar at a packed Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg.

Deputy President Ramaphosa's participation in this visit demonstrated government's support for and commitment to the effort to return the tournament to the African continent in the 21st century.
"Contractually, this commitment is demonstrated by the fact that the South African Government has, as the lead partner in the bid process, signed off on all the requirements stipulated by the World Rugby Council, satisfying more than the required minimum guarantee in the process."

Deputy President Ramaphosa has congratulated Team South Africa on its preparations to date for the presentation of the bid and has called on all South Africans to show their support for Team South Africa as the delegation enters the final stages of securing the Rugby World Cup 2023.

Cabinet recently called on South Africans to support efforts to secure the bid.
"Cabinet wishes to reiterate its strong support for this bid and calls upon South Africans to support this bid that will contribute immensely to social cohesion and nation-building and also serve as a catalyst for sport development."

The World Rugby will announce the host of the 2023 Rugby World Cup on 15 November 2017. – Source:
The meeting was chaired by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, in the country's capacity as the incoming Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Chair for 2018.
The BRICS ministers of foreign affairs/international relations held their annual meeting on the margins of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA72) on 21 September 2017.

The ministers expressed their warm appreciation to China for the success of the Ninth BRICS Summit, held from 4 to 5 September 2017 in Xiamen. They welcomed the substantive outcomes of the summit and reaffirmed the commitment for their full implementation of the Xiamen Declaration, as well as the outcomes of the past summits as adopted by the BRICS leaders.

The ministers reaffirmed their strong commitment to uphold development and multilateralism, and to that effect they stressed the need to strengthen coordination and cooperation among BRICS in the areas of mutual and common interests within the UN and other multilateral institutions, including through regular meetings among our permanent representatives in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and further enhance the voice of BRICS in international fora.

The ministers underlined the progress achieved by BRICS since 2006 that has generated a momentum for multidimensional cooperation fostered by the leaders' summits. They expressed satisfaction from the many fruitful results of BRICS cooperation, in particular the establishment of the New Development Bank, including its first Africa Regional Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement; the formulation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership; the strengthening of the political and security cooperation, including through meetings of BRICS high representatives for security issues and foreign ministers meetings; and the deepening of the traditional ties of friendship amongst peoples of BRICS countries.

The ministers were also briefed on approaches for South Africa's incoming BRICS Chairpersonship in 2018. China, Brazil, Russia and India extended full support for South Africa in hosting the 10th BRICS Summit in 2018.
South Africa will assume the role of Chair of IORA in October 2017, taking over from Indonesia.
The country will host the 17th IORA Council of Ministers' Meeting from 14 to 18 October 2017 in Durban under the theme: "IORA – Uniting the Peoples of Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East through Enhanced Cooperation for Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development".

The aim of the association is to promote trade liberalisation and trade cooperation between the member states with activities focusing on trade facilitation, investment promotion and economic cooperation.

The IORA Council of Ministers Meeting will take place on 18 October and will be preceded by the following activities:

  • 23rd Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group (IORAG): 14 October 2017
  • 23rd Indian Ocean Rim Business Forum (IORBF): 14 October 2017
  • 17th Working Group on Trade and Investment (WGTI): 15 October 2017
  • Sub-Committee on Finance (SCF): 15 October 2017
  • 19th Committee of Senior Officials (CSO): 16-17 October 2017
  • Interactive dialogue between Senior Officials & Dialogue Partners: 17 October 2017
  • 17th Council of Ministers (COM): 18 October 2017.

In a coup for South Africa, Tourism Minister, Tokozile Xasa, was elected one of two deputy chairpersons of the Regional Commission for Africa (CAF) during the 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) in China recently.  
On the sidelines of the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu, held from 11 to 16 September 2017, Minister Xasa was appointed Deputy Chair of the CAF for a two-year term alongside her counterpart from the Gambia, Amat Bah. Kenya's Najib Balala was elected to Chair the regional commission, succeeding Zimbabwe's Walter Mzembi.

The regional tourism commissions enable member states to meet once a year to discuss concerns and formulate proposals to submit to the UNWTO for consideration.

"We extend our warm congratulations to Minister Xasa on this significant appointment. It's a vote of confidence in the vision and leadership shown by South Africa as a major tourism player on the African continent and, indeed, on the world stage," said South African Tourism's Chief Executive Officer, Sisa Ntshona.

  "Furthermore, to be voted into this important position by her peers on the African continent is an endorsement of Minister Xasa's zeal in pushing the agenda of the African Union in multilateral engagements, and her passion for championing women and small businesses in the tourism sector. African tourism faces its own distinct opportunities and challenges, and we have every confidence in her ability to articulate these on the global stage," he said.

Minister Xasa is also the convenor of tourism ministers in the Southern African Development Community, after South Africa took over the revolving Chairship of the regional body in August.

Since 2011, she has spearheaded the National Department of Tourism's Women in Tourism Programme to upskill, empower and advance women in the tourism sector. This initiative was prompted by the slow pace of gender transformation in tourism and travel, locally as well as globally, particularly when it comes to women in key decision-making roles.

At this year's Africa's Travel Indaba in Durban, Minister Xasa launched the Women in Tourism 30 in 5 (known as "WiT 30in5") public-private partnership to increase the proportion of South African women in tourism management positions to 30% in the next five years.

Significantly, 13 African countries are led by women in the tourism portfolio and on the sidelines of the recent UNWTO General Assembly, an informal session held by these female tourism ministers took several progressive resolutions to further the Women in Tourism agenda.

Key among these decisions was Ethiopia undertaking to host a Women in Tourism Conference in Addis Ababa in January 2018, to build, expand and refine the scope of this initiative from a regional point of view.

The tourism ministers also undertook to share best practice and learn from one another in promoting women in the sector, tackle continent-wide challenges such as women trafficking, and focus on connecting SMMEs with bigger industry players for mutual benefit.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, was recently in Canada, where she participated in the Ministerial Meeting on Climate Action.  
The meeting is a platform for participating countries to give their input on the political direction that should be taken on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations.

"Minister Edna Molewa is attending the meeting at the invitation of the Government of Canada, in collaboration with China and the European Union (EU). Dr Molewa will participate in this first meeting on climate change in 2017, following the announcement of the United States of America's intention to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord," said the Department of Environmental Affairs.

The Paris Climate Accord is a legal framework that brings together both developed and developing countries together under the UNFCCC, with a view of collaborating in efforts to fight climate-change impacts.

The Montreal meeting was a replacement of the Major's Economy Forum Meeting, which was previously hosted by the United States of America, while still actively seeking to resolve difficult negotiation issues under the UNFCCC.

The UNFCCC negotiations are currently focused on technical discussions, including the so-called "Paris Agreement rulebook", which is key to the implementation of the Paris Climate Accord.

Minister Molewa participated in the meeting to share South Africa's views on the current UNFCCC negotiations. – Source:
  Minister Cwele is leading the bid process after Cabinet approved that South Africa makes a proposal to host the 2018 World Telecom Exhibition, which is expected to attract 9 000 delegates and contribute an estimated R81 million into the economy.
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Siyabonga Cwele, is leading the South Africans delegation at the 2017 ITU Telecom World Exhibition in South Korea where South Africa is bidding to host the next edition of the conference in September 2018.

The annual conference and exhibition attracts government and industry leaders to explore challenges, partnerships and solutions, and identify investment opportunities and best practices for socio-economic development through information and communications technologies (ICTs). The conference has increased its focus on supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in ICT by providing them with a platform to showcase their products and services.

South Africa's bid aims to bring this conference and exhibition to the continent for the first time. South Africa believes that this will increase investment in ICT into the continent by providing a greater focus on Africa, and encourage greater participation by African countries and companies wishing to do business in Africa. The conference is also an excellent opportunity to promote South African and continental SMEs.

As part of this year's Telecom World Exhibition, the department is supporting the participation of five SMEs:
  • Simplus Innovations
  • Flippage Communications
  • Lobster Communications
  • Letsatsi ICT.
Three of these companies are finalists in the ITU Telecom World Awards – SME category. These are: 
  • Simplus Innovations
  • Letsatsi ICT.
The Deputy of Minister of Water and Sanitation, Pamela Tshwete, on behalf of the South African Government, has signed an agreement with Cuba's Institute of National Hydraulic Resources (INHR) to extend the RSA-Cuba Cooperation Agreement to 2023.
The signing of this agreement was concluded on the second day of the Third RSA-Cuba Joint Steering Committee Meeting on Friday, 22 September 2017, at Burgers Park Hotel in Pretoria.

The meeting was held to review and evaluate the Agreement Cooperation in the Field of Water Resource Management and Water Supply agreed upon in 2013 and identify areas of improvement. During the two-day meeting, the two countries also agreed to extend the contracts of the 35 Cuban engineers stationed in all nine provinces to June 2018 in order to share more knowledge with their South African counterparts.

The agreement makes provision for the Department of Water and Sanitation and the INHR to cooperate in the areas of geo-hydrology and engineering services in rural and other disadvantaged areas where such services are inadequate. The implementation of this programme has been ongoing for the past 18 months and specialists have been placed in different clusters in all nine provinces where future engineers are being mentored.

Deputy Minister Tshwete said the extension of the Cooperation Agreement between the two countries was a step in the right direction for South Africa as it would empower future engineers with much-needed skills to help address the country's water challenges.

"We want to acquire as much skills as possible and Cubans are the best teachers in the field. We want to capacitate our engineers so that they can help the country address its own water challenges, particularly now that old engineers are leaving the field", she said.

In addition, she said, South Africa would forever be grateful to Cubans for their generosity in sharing their knowledge and skills in the health as well as water sector.

INRH First Vice President, Mr Bladimir Matos Moya, said they were determined to assist South Africa to improve water supplies to the next level. He said Cubans had directed South Africa to identify its specific training needs so that those could be attended to as a matter of urgency.

Over 100 delegates from 18 countries and representing 52 organisations recently gathered in the Kruger National Park to hold a conference on high-precision analysis techniques, which can be used in the fabrication of components for nuclear reactors.
South Africa hosted the Ninth International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation (MECA SENS), the first to be hosted on the African continent.

Opening the two-day conference, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Chairperson, Dr Kelvin Kemm, said that in order for South Africa to be able to design, fabricate and export nuclear reactor components, it was necessary to be in control of the entire technology value chain from the fundamental mathematics to the factory fabrication.

"It is gratifying to see so many recognised world experts gathered together here in South Africa to examine, on an atomic level, such important technology as how minuet cracks move through metallic structures," he said. – Source:
South Africa has won the best international exhibition award at the recently concluded 2017 Perumin Mining Convention in Peru.  
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) led a delegation of South African companies to the week-long exhibition through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance scheme. The objective of the scheme is to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country.

The convention took place from 18 to 25 September 2017 in Arequipa, Peru.

"The convention takes place bi-annually and brings together the world's leading technology and services in the mining and metals sector. South Africa's participation focused on machinery, equipment, technologies, services and supplies for the mining sector," said the dti in a statement.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, has described trade relations between South Africa and Peru as very important.

Minister Davies said South Africa recognised the huge potential of the Latin American group of countries and was cognisant of the fact that Peru was one of the fastest-growing economies in the region.

Earlier this month, South Africa scooped two awards at the Mozambique International Trade Fair out of about 30 countries. The awards were for the Best Pavilion and the Best Exhibitor. – Source:
  The Chinese Ambassador to South Africa, Songtian Lin, says the Coega Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a good case study for the continent and the world on how to develop and operate a SEZ.
"The Coega SEZ is by far the most successful SEZ on the African continent. It is a good case study for Africa and the world on how to develop and operate a SEZ," said the Ambassador when he visited the SEZ located in the Eastern Cape.

Ambassador Lin was very impressed with the Coega Development Corporation (CDC), which had so far attracted 40 investors. He encouraged the Coega SEZ to take advantage of increased foreign direct investment (FDI) into Africa.

According to the CDC, which is wholly-owned by the South African Government and the operator of the Coega SEZ, South Africa remains the leading FDI destination in Africa, with a 6,9% increase in FDI projects in 2016. South Africa retains its top ranking in Africa as a destination for projects, with 139 projects in 2016 compared to 130 in 2015. It is followed by Morocco with 81 projects and Egypt with 79.

Chinese FDI into Africa increased dramatically, making China the single largest contributor of FDI capital and jobs in Africa in 2016.

Minister Counsellor (Economic) at the South African Embassy in Beijing, Charles Manuel, said the relationship between China and South Africa was solid.

"The South African Government continues to create an enabling environment for Chinese investors. The South African Embassy in China works very well with investors and welcomes companies to address any challenges with the Embassy to jointly find solutions and resolve them amicably," said Manuel.

Amb Lin was also impressed with the Skills Development Centre where young people from Motherwell, Wells Estate, New Brighton and the surrounding areas are receiving training in various skills, including carpentry and plumbing. In addition, the job seekers' portal, called the Gateway-to-Opportunities, is well recognised by the community as a gateway to employment in Coega projects.

Currently, there are 7 243 people employed at Coega, with more than 85% of them coming from local communities. This makes the Coega SEZ the largest employer in Nelson Mandela Bay Metro.

The CDC, which released its mid-year investment performance report recently, said it had signed eight new investors (against a target of three), exceeding its mid-year performance target by 167%.

Last year, the CDC signed 16 new investors, exceeding its annual target. The total investment contribution by the new investors was R11,69 billion, contributing approximately 0,23% to the provincial gross value added.

Over the past six years, the CDC has attracted 77 new investors, with a combined investment value of R47,7 billion. – Source:
Brand South Africa will on Thursday, 5 October 2017, host the Nation Brand Forum to engage the private sector on the development of the Nation Brand's global marketing strategy.
The consultative forum will advise on how best the organisation can inspire innovation, and utilise the existing business excellence present in the South African context to better market, profile and position the Nation Brand in emerging markets.

Brand South Africa is mandated to implement proactive and coordinated marketing, communication and reputation management strategies to position the South African Nation Brand positively.

Hosted under the theme: "Inspiring Innovation and Business Excellence in the Era of Emerging Markets", this year's Nation Brand Forum aims to involve business in strengthening, enhancing and advancing the long-term reputation and image of the Nation Brand, and on how to strengthen collective efforts as required by the National Development Plan, to position the South African Nation Brand as a globally competitive destination. Communication and networking opportunities which have opened up through multilateral platforms must also be explored.

It is within this context that stakeholders from government, business and civil society will meet at the Nation Brand Forum to discuss how to position South Africa as a globally competitive nation brand in a cohesive and consistent manner.

In a month-long partnership with Citi Bike, which will see South Africa's unique art and culture taking to the streets of New York City, South African Tourism's United States office is taking an innovative approach to grow South Africa's arts, culture and heritage offering by encouraging New Yorkers and visitors to the city to travel to South Africa.
The partnership, in conjunction with South Africa's national airline South African Airways (SAA), includes 30 South Africa-branded Citi Bike docking stations across the city showcasing the variety of safari, adventure and cultural experiences holidaymakers can have in South Africa, while the pièce de résistance will be an original art mural dedicated to world-renowned South African artist, Esther Mahlangu.
  Speaking from the sidelines of the official mural ribbon-cutting ceremony in which Esther Mahlangu was present, Bangu Masisi, President of South African Tourism's Americas Hub had this to say: "We're excited to collaborate with Citi Bike this summer to bring a taste and lively sights of South Africa's arts and culture to the streets of NYC. That this mural is located in New York City is a befitting tribute to one of South Africa's most revered matriarchs of our arts and culture – Esther Mahlangu. Through this immersive partnership, we hope to further inspire today's discerning world traveller to discover South Africa and raise awareness for its variety of experiences – from the world-class safari and outdoor adventures to art, culture and beyond," says Masisi.

The mural paying homage to Esther Mahlangu is located on Franklin Street and West Broadway Citi Bike station in Tribeca. It was created by Imani Shanklin Roberts, the up-and-coming New York-based visual artist, whose works feature a strong Afrocentric perspective on identity.
"We are proud to be associated with and show support for young up-and-coming artists who lend their talent to showcasing our national assets. Esther Mahlangu is renowned the world over for her unique, colourful and geometric paintings, which have inspired international brands and artists of many backgrounds across the globe. Her work has also done an amazing job of showcasing our cultures and will provide New Yorkers this summer with a sight of South Africa's vibrant Ndebele culture," says Masisi. – Source:
South African chef Nompumelelo Mqwebu is taking local cuisine to the world with the release of her new cookbook, "Through the Eyes of an African Chef", to be published in October 2017.
Mqwebu runs the Africa Meets Europe/Mzansi International Culinary Festival Chef School, skills training company and hospitality service provider. Before this, she spent 10 years training and developing her cooking skills in South Africa and around the world, including at cooking schools and kitchens in New York, London and Ireland.

Her first love, though, is African food and in her new book of South African recipes, she writes about her intention to introduce the world to authentic South African food, as well as tell the story of how food plays an important role in the country's diverse heritage.

"This book aims to introduce authentic South African cuisine for both simple home and professional restaurant cooking. It reintroduces traditional practices and recipes cooked with ingredients straight from an organic garden with modern adaptations and fusion with other cultures who have touched this soil. Food evocative of a nation blessed with generous resources, arable land and inhomogeneous cultures. It is time to prove South African cuisine can rub shoulders with the food currently served in our restaurants," Mqwebu says in the introduction to Through the Eyes of an African Chef.

Mqwebu grew up in KwaZulu-Natal, in a family proud of its heritage and enthusiasm for African cooking. A chapter in the book is dedicated to her father's favourite dishes, including unique takes on an umhlazi (tomato) and meat broth, as well as oxtail.

"[My father] enriched our lives with his Sunday meals … and instilled in us a sense of culinary adventure," she writes. "I appreciate and acknowledge those who passed on food recipes, styles, preferences, tastes, culture and life through generations … we should continue to honour [this]."

Another of the book's chapters covers the history of Khoisan food culture, and includes recipes for honey-glazed springbok and natural tsamma melon juice.

Other chapters feature recipes Mqwebu developed during her travels across Africa and her training in Europe, including her tenure at the Ballymaloe Organic Farm & Cookery School in Shanagarry, Ireland. Here, she learned the importance of small-scale organic farming and sustainable farming techniques.

Currently, Mqwebu, through Africa Meets Europe, works with female small produce farmers around the country, developing their farming and business skills to supplement their incomes.

Through the Eyes of an African Chef will be published on 6 October 2017. – Source: Africa Meets Europe
  32-year old Queen Mathebula from Malamulele, Limpopo, was crowned the 25th Championship Boerewors winner following a charity rugby match held in Langa recently.
Queen Mathebula was crowned the winner of the 25th Annual Championship Boerewors competition and her recipe, South Africa's number one boerewors, is available in all Shoprite and Checkers stores nationwide from Friday, 15 September 2017.

"It's fourth time lucky for me," beamed Mathebula. "I feel so privileged and honoured to have been a part of this esteemed competition and to have made it to the top."

Along with the sought-after title of SA's No.1 Boerewors Champion, Mathebula has also won the grand prize of a brand new Toyota Hilux 2.8 GD-6 Double Cab Raised Body Raider.

The other two finalists were James Lebepe (34) from Atteridgeville, Gauteng, and Moses Mathebula (29) from Lenyenye, Limpopo. All three finalists received gift hampers from sponsors Coca Cola, All Gold and Simba, as well as vouchers from Shoprite and Checkers stores.

Mathebula was revealed as the 2017 Championship Boerewors winner following an exciting charity rugby match between a team of former national players and some current rugby world champions. – Source:
Banyana Banyana gave sterling performances during the 2017 Cosafa Women's Championship and went on to display the never say die spirit by beating  Zimbabwe 2 - 1 in the finals at Barbourfields Stadium in Bulawayo.
Banyana Banyana are winners of the 2017 COSAFA Women's Championship after defeating Zimbabwe 2-1 on at Barbourfields Stadium in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe on Sunday, 24 September.

Two goals in either half, by Thembi Kgatlana and Leandra Smeda, were enough to see South Africa lift the trophy for the fourth time – along with victories in 2002, 2006, 2008, 2017 – and they only missed out in the final in 2011, going down 1-0 to Zimbabwe.

The Sasol-sponsored Banyana Banyana started the game very well and could have scored a couple of goals before the break, with Bambanani Mbane's powerful shot being saved by the Zimbabwe goalkeeper, and Kgatlana failing to convert on two occasions.

But Kgatlana redeemed herself on the stroke of halftime to give South Africa the lead when she latched on to a long ball from Smeda and outsprinted her marker to beat the goalkeeper.

The hosts came back in the 73rd minute to level matters through a great header by Rutendo Makore, who had, up to this point, been closely marked by Noko Matlou.

She only got a second and beat her to a header, giving Andile Dlamini no chance in the Banyana Banyana goal. This was Makore's 10th goal of the tournament, making her the Top Goal Scorer.

With time running out for both teams, and a penalty shootout looming to determine the winners, up stepped Smeda with a header in the referee's optional time.

Chantelle Esau put in a cross, and Smeda connected well at the far post to score Banyana Banyana's second of the day, and her fourth of the tournament to give South Africa victory right at the death.

She finishes the tournament level on four goals with Kgatlana, while Rhoda Mulaudzi chipped in with another one.

Bambanani Mbane, who was like a rock in defence, was voted Player of the Match.

With the victory, Banyana Banyana interim head coach, Desiree Ellis, becomes the first South African – men or women – to win the COSAFA Cup as both player and coach. She won her first gold medal in 2002, where she played against the current head coach of Zimbabwe. – Source: SASCOC
  The Joburg Open will make history as it becomes the first tri-sanctioned golf tournament on South African soil, and it also features a new date and venue on the Sunshine Tour this year.
At the launch of the R16,5-million ($1,2-million) tournament at Soweto Country Club recently, Sunshine Tour executive director, Selwyn Nathan, announced that the Joburg Open would be played at Randpark Golf Club over two courses from December 7 to 10 and will be tri-sanctioned by the Sunshine Tour, European Tour and Asian Tour.

Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Club, the traditional home of the tournament, is undergoing extensive upgrades to its East Course.
Former Open champion Louis Oosthuizen has also confirmed that he will play in the Joburg Open as it marks a new era in its history.

"I'm very excited to be supporting the growth of what is one of the premier tournaments in world golf. I'm a proud winner on all three tours and look forward to playing in Johannesburg again," said Oosthuizen. – Source:
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