Issue 296 | 05 October 2017
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The agreement establishing the Bi-National Commission (BNC) was signed in April 2015 and inaugurated in October 2016 in Harare, Zimbabwe, and it stipulates that the BNC should meet on an annual and rotational basis.
On Tuesday, 3 October, President Jacob Zuma hosted the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, during his Official Visit to South Africa to attend the Second Session of the South Africa-Zimbabwe BNC in Pretoria.

The BNC session, which was co-chaired by President Zuma and President Mugabe, afforded an opportunity to both heads of state to review the state of the bilateral relationship between the two neighbouring countries.

The BNC further provided a platform to strengthen and deepen the warm and cordial bilateral relations between the two countries as well as to review and determine the actual progress made on bilateral undertakings and commitments made during the inauguration session of the BNC last year.

South Africa and Zimbabwe have good bilateral political, economic and social relations underpinned by strong historical ties dating back many years. The two countries do not only share strong historical relations but also economic cooperation. Zimbabwe is one of South Africa's top five trading partners on the continent, with trade statistics showing annual growth. In 2016, South Africa's exports to Zimbabwe amounted to approximately R29,3 billion.

There are over 120 South African companies doing business in Zimbabwe in various sectors, including mining, aviation, tourism, banking, property sector, retail, construction, the fast food sector and many more.

The two countries have signed more than 40 memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and agreements, covering a broad range of areas, including, among others, trade and investment, immigration, defence, transport, agriculture, environment, energy, health, labour, water management, taxation, as well as arts and culture.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, on Monday, 2 October, co-chaired the South Africa-Zimbabwe BNC with her counterpart, Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi.

The two countries signed the following agreement and MoUs.

  • Agreement between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation on Cross-Border Coordination on Frequency Spectrum
  • MoU between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the Field of Information and Communications Technologies
  • MoU between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the Field of Energy
  • MoU between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the Field of Environment and Conservation
  • MoU between the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Zimbabwe on Cooperation in the Field of Sport and Recreations.
President Zuma and President Mugabe welcomed the signing of the agreement and MoUs and emphasise a need to fully implement these agreements and finalise the outstanding agreements and MoUs to improve and strengthen political and economic relations between the two countries by facilitating trade and removing impediments constraining bilateral trade and investments.
  On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has extended the country's condolences to the Government and the people of the United States of America following the shooting that occurred during a music festival on the morning of 2 October 2017 in Las Vegas.
Authorities in the area have confirmed that, at least 50 people have lost their lives with scores of others injured.

South Africa's consulate in Los Angeles is in contact with South Africans in Las Vegas. The Mission has confirmed that there were no South African victims from the shooting. Concerned families with relatives in the affected city are invited to call the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on 012 351 1000 for assistance.
  The 11th South Africa-Spain Annual Consultations reaffirmed the importance of bilateral relations between South Africa and Spain as well as the commitment by both countries to stronger economic ties, thereby contributing to skills development and job creation.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, hosted the Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Ildefonso Castro, on the occasion of the 11th South Africa-Spain Annual Consultations on 29 September 2017 in Pretoria.

Bilateral relations between South Africa and Spain are strong and are anchored through the Annual Consultations held at Deputy Minister level.

The Annual Consultations took place under the auspices of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in December 2000, which served as the main forum for coordinating bilateral relations between the two countries on a wide spectrum of bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual concern.

South Africa and Spain are closely interlinked by multifaceted economic relations. Spain is one of South Africa's major trading partners in the European Union. In 2016, the overall volume of trade amounted to R32,3 billion, with imports amounting to R19,5 billion and exports amounting to R12,8 billion. There are 100 Spanish companies that have invested in South Africa and they are estimated to have created over 12 000 jobs largely in the renewable energy and metals sectors.

The consultations were preceded by meetings of the Foreign Affairs Working Group and the Economy, Trade and Energy Working Group at senior officials' level. The working groups reviewed cooperation in different fields and discussed ways to further strengthen relations which will advance both countries' interests. The delegations expressed the desire to grow and enhance trade and investments.

South Africa welcomed the decision by IBERIA to resume its flights between Madrid and Johannesburg since August last year and indicated that this positive development would further strengthen business links between the two countries, including an increase in tourism volumes.

The co-chairs also exchanged views on regional developments, including the Great Lakes Region, developments in the Southern African Development Community, Western Sahara and the Sahel Region. There were also discussion on developments in Europe, which included Brexit, irregular immigration and security.

The co-chairs agreed to foster the important partnership between the African Union and European Union in all its multiple dimensions.

Spain and South Africa agreed that these consultations succeeded in further strengthening and growing the bilateral relationship. Both countries expressed their commitment to increase the effective implementation of the decisions made during this year's Annual Consultations.

The 12th Session of the South Africa-Spain Annual Consultations will be held in 2018 in Madrid, Spain.
At the end of September 2017, South Africa concluded its one-year term at the helm of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors. South Africa's Permanent Representative to the IAEA, Ambassador Tebogo Seokolo, was elected to serve as Chair of the Board for the period October 2016 to the end of September 2017. South Africa is one of the founding members of the IAEA.  
The Board of Governors is the major policy-making organ of the IAEA between its annual general conferences. It is made up of 35 member states, with South Africa serving as one of its designated members. The IAEA is a multilateral body with the responsibility to promote the safe and secure use of nuclear science and technology for peace, security and development.

South Africa presided over the IAEA Board of Governors at a time when the global peace and security environment has been characterised by heightened tensions and uncertainties. Although the conclusion of the historic nuclear agreement in 2015 between the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany (P5 +1) promised to de-escalate tensions between Western countries and Iran over its nuclear programme, the unequivocal commitment of all signatories to its effective implementation has become all the more important. This is especially necessary given that the IAEA has verified over the past year that Iran has continued to implement its obligations under the agreement.

Similarly, the instability on the Korean Peninsula and concerns with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) nuclear programme has continued to be one of the key topics on the agenda of the IAEA Board of Governors during South Africa's tenure. In this regard, South Africa joined the international community in expressing concern at the DPRK's nuclear weapons programme. Further, South Africa urged the DPRK and all parties involved to refrain from any actions that would further escalate tensions and exacerbate the volatile situation in the region.

Other important achievements by the Board under South Africa's leadership included the appointment of the Director-General of the IAEA; the Medium Term Strategic Framework, which is a five-year planning and guidance document for the work of the IAEA; the Programme and Budget and Technical Cooperation Fund Target, which will enable the IAEA to support member states, especially developing countries, in utilising nuclear science and technology to meet their developmental needs; and the Five-Year Nuclear Security Plan, which guides the IAEA's role in coordinating international cooperation and supporting member states to strengthen their respective nuclear security regimes.

In discharging its mandate as Chairperson of the Board of Governors, South Africa always sought to ensure that the decisions taken by the Board were adopted by consensus in order to create an opportunity for all IAEA member states, from across all regions of the world, to participate on an equal footing when deliberating on matters of global significance. This principled approach resonates with South Africa's call for the transformation and reform of the global system of governance and is at the core of South Africa's identity as a nation.

Having successfully concluded its term as Chair of the IAEA Board of Governors, South Africa remains convinced now more than ever, that the IAEA has an important role to play in global efforts to promote international peace, security and development. It is in this context that South Africa used its leadership of the Board to promote a balanced approach in implementing the IAEA's legal mandate in line with its motto "Atoms for Peace and Development".

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane has expressed South Africa's appreciation to the IAEA Member States and the African Continent in particular for entrusting the country to lead the IAEA Board of Governors during the past year. This, according to the Minister, "is yet another demonstration of South Africa's commitment to strengthening multilateralism, which is at the core of our foreign policy and the basis for building a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world".

The Minister has congratulated Ambassador Seokolo and the team in Vienna for their extraordinary work and achievements during South Africa's Chairship of the Board and conveyed that they had made South Africa proud.
A delegation of South African companies is currently on a trade and investment mission in Tunisia and Algeria, where they are exploring export markets.
The trade and investment mission, which is led by the Department of Trade and Industry, will serve to promote South African products and service offerings, while creating partnerships between the business communities of the respective countries.

The trade mission, which got underway on Sunday, 1 October, will conclude on Thursday, 5 October.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said the mission was aimed at advancing Tunisia, Algeria and South Africa's trade and investment relations.

Both Tunisia and Algeria feature as strategic partners for South Africa in the North African region and are pivotal partners towards advancing integration on the continent.

Minister Davies said the mission would provide South African companies with a platform to introduce their products into the Tunisian and Algerian markets.

"This mission will serve as a stepping stone in cementing trade relations and encouraging investment with the two nations. Also, it is an ideal platform for South African companies who would like to export value-added products and services and those looking for investment opportunities in the region," said Minister Davies.

Algeria has been South Africa's largest export trading partner in the North African region, having accounted for 43% of South Africa's total trade with North Africa in the period 2011 to 2015.

The value of trade between the two countries reached over R13,4 billion from 2011 to 2015. South African exports were estimated at R13 billion while imports from Algeria were R463 million.

The trade mission comprised a trade and investment seminar, business-to-business meetings and site visits in both countries.

Sectors targeted for the mission included energy, construction, agriculture and agro-processing, information and communications technology, infrastructure development, services, pharmaceuticals, clothing and textiles, manufacturing and mining. – Source:
  The World Bank has urged South African companies to stake a claim to the $45 billion that the group has set aside for projects on the African continent.
Speaking at a seminar on doing business with the World Bank recently, the Executive Director of the World Bank Group representing Angola, Nigeria and South Africa, Bongi Kunene, urged local companies to make use of opportunities presented by the group.

"This seminar provides a perfect opportunity for us to share with the private sector opportunities that are available in the World Bank Group. We have raised $72 billion for low-income countries of the world. As a board, we have decided that US$45 billion of that money will be spent in Africa. The clients are African governments but as you know, most of government work is executed by contractors," said Kunene.

Kunene said the money would be used in various sectors of infrastructure. These include economic infrastructure such as roads, water and energy.

"We will go beyond economic infrastructure and also touch on social infrastructure, including hospitals. We will also help government to procure goods and services such as books, computers and medical equipment. So, this provides a vast opportunity for any company that qualifies to be able to participate in the projects," stressed Kunene.

The seminar was hosted by the Department of Trade and Industry through its division, Trade Invest Africa (TIA).

The purpose of the seminar that was held in Sandton, Johannesburg, was to provide a platform for the group to share information on how it works with the private sector in partnership with governments, as well as its private-sector financing vehicles.

Acting Chief Executive Officer of TIA, Lerato Mataboge, said the seminar was in line with the division's mandate of assisting South African businesses to access investment and trade opportunities in various parts of the African continent.

"It was essential for us to partner with the World Bank Group for this seminar so that companies would get directly from the bank's officials the projects that are available and what the requirements and processes that they need to follow are. We are hoping that most of the companies in attendance here will be able to get slices of the US$45-billion cake," said Mataboge. – Source:
South Africa has welcomed the vote of confidence shown by Germany's continued investment in the South African economy.  
Speaking at the German National Day celebrations in Waterkloof, Tshwane, the Minister of Communications, Ayanda Dlodlo, said South Africa enjoyed a robust and growing trade relationship with the European powerhouse.

In 2016, Germany moved up to second place as the largest global export market for South African goods and remained South Africa's second-largest import market, cementing Germany's position as South Africa's second-largest global trading partner overall.

"Clearly, we are doing things right, as total merchandised trade between our countries increased by 20,3% last year, with South Africa having managed to narrow its trade deficit with Germany by almost 8%," Minister Dlodlo told those at the jovial celebrations.

Over 600 German companies are present in South Africa, sustaining approximately 100 000 direct jobs.

"We warmly welcome the continued vote of confidence by leading German companies to expand their investments in South Africa. We look forward to even further improvement in this regard, and remain available to assist potential German investors in developing further investment opportunities in our country through our various investment promotion initiatives," said Minister Dlodlo.

The two countries are making steady progress in their bilateral relations as they continue to enhance the historically close relationship.

South Africa and Germany have over the years cultivated an extensive relationship across many areas of interaction and cooperation. In 2016, the countries reaffirmed their strategic partnership through the successful Ninth Bi-National Commission (BNC) meeting.

At the meeting held in Berlin in November, under the co-chairpersonship of International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, and former German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, issues such as global developments and increased focus on youth employment were discussed.

Cooperation in the fields of science and technology, the environment and energy, among others, was also discussed.

"We hope to give further impetus to this relationship during the BNC mid-term review later this year, and we look forward to hosting the 10th BNC in Pretoria in November 2018," Minister Dlodlo said. – Source:
  The unveiling of the plaque was followed by the symbolic handover of game and the release of game to the ‡Khomani community at the Erin Game Ranch near Mier in the Northern Cape by Minister Molewa.
On Wednesday, 4 October, the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, officially marked the listing of the ‡Khomani Cultural Landscape as a World Heritage Site at Tweerivieren in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP).

The Minister delivered a keynote address prior to the unveiling of the commemorative plaque at a formal event at Tweeriviern prior to departure to the community event and game handover at Erin Game Ranch.

The ‡Khomani Cultural Landscape was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee during its 41st Session in Poland in July 2017. The inscription increases the number of South African world heritage sites to nine.

In May 2002, the ‡Khomani San and Mier communities reached a historic land settlement agreement with the Government of South Africa and South African National Parks (SANParks). The agreement saw land restored to the communities that had once roamed or farmed the KTP. The settlement is in line with government's programme to ensure equitable redress for communities that have launched land claims on national and provincial parks. Part of the 2002 agreement was that the Department of Environmental Affairs together with SANParks would translocate wildlife to one of the ‡Khomani San properties in order to establish a game ranch.
Team SA is made up of young artisans and technicians selected from TVET colleges, universities of technology and private companies. They will be showcasing their skills against 1 282 competitors from 77 countries.
On Friday, 29 September, the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande, hosted an official send-off ceremony for South Africa's team of 22 competitors who will be participating in the World Skills International Competition in Abu Dhabi from 14 to 19 October.

The WorldSkills Competition occurs every two years and is the biggest vocational education and skills excellence event in the world that truly reflects global industry. The competitors represent the best of their peers and are selected from skills competitions in WorldSkills Member countries and regions. They demonstrate technical abilities both individually and collectively to execute specific tasks for which they study and/or perform in their workplace.
  Black-owned wine companies will get a foot into the Russian market when a group of importers visit South Africa this week.
The four-day Russian Inward Buying Mission started on Monday, 2 October, at the Invest South Africa Western Cape One Stop Shop. The delegation will also visit some of the farms and premises in various parts of the Western Cape during the mission.

The mission is a result of a meeting between South African Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Bulelani Magwanishe, and the CEO of Marine Express, Andre Kuzmin, on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in June.

Marine Express is one of Russia's leading wine-importing companies.

"Marine Express is undoubtedly one of Russia's leading importers and distributors of wine and liquor. Their distribution covers all of Russia's regions and goes through all distribution channels. Its clientele comprises more than 400 customers located in more than 60 cities. These include retail chains, restaurants, hotels and wholesale companies," said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

He invited the CEO of Marine Express to South Africa with the specific objective of creating access to a market for black-owned wine companies to enable them to export their wines to Russia.

Black- and women-owned winemakers and brand owners from the Western Cape belonging to Treasure Chest participated in the session. Treasure Chest comprises 14 black wine-owners, 90% of whom are women. A wine cooperative from the Eastern Cape, as well as other stakeholders in the wine industry, will also be part of the session.

"The Department of Trade and Industry supports the Treasure Chest Project because it is a unique wine trade initiative that aims to address transformation in the wine industry and bring economic and social development to wine brand owners.

"Their objectives of creating jobs and contributing to increasing the country's exports to achieve economic growth are in line with the department's mandate and objectives," Deputy Minister Magwanishe said. – Source:
Tsogo Sun celebrated the official opening of its new dual-brand 19-storey hotel in the City Bowl recently.  
The R700-million development is located on the corners of Bree and Strand Street and Buitengracht. It incorporates two economy hotels, namely the select service SunSquare Cape Town City Bowl with 202 bedrooms and the StayEasy Cape Town City Bowl with 302 bedrooms.

The two hotels have been developed in response to a growth trend in the mid-market hotel sector in South Africa.

According to Tsogo Sun, it represents its continued commitment to Cape Town, bringing the total number of rooms operated by the group in the city centre to over 2 000, spread across six hotels.

In addition to the two new hotels, Tsogo Sun's other hotels in the greater Cape Town area include the Southern Sun The Cullinan, Southern Sun Waterfront, Southern Sun Cape Sun, Garden Court Nelson Mandela Boulevard, SunSquare Cape Town Gardens, Southern Sun Newlands, StayEasy Century City and three SUN1 properties.

In addition, the Tsogo Sun Group owns the Westin at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, Radisson Blu Waterfront and Protea Victoria Junction through its controlling investment in the Hospitality Property Fund.

Last year, 1,56 million international tourists travelled to the Western Cape – representing an increase of 18,5%. The increased foreign arrivals caused in an upsurge in foreign spend by 21,6% to R18,1 billion last year. More than 26 000 jobs were added to the sector between 2014 and 2016. – Source: Fin24
Countries in the Northern Hemisphere continue to take the lead when it comes to satisfying the city-loving traveller.
Mastercard's Destination Cities Index reveals the world's most popular cities, based on public data gained in 132 destinations. It ranks cities in terms of the number of their total international overnight visitor arrivals and the cross-border spending by these same visitors in the destination cities in 2016, and gives visitor and passenger growth forecasts for 2017. The index is not based on Mastercard volumes or transactional data.

While two South African cities – Johannesburg and Cape Town – made the top 10 list for Top Destination Cities in Middle East and Africa, they did not appear in the global top 10.

Johannesburg ranked second in Africa and the Middle East – only after Dubai – seeing 4,57 million overnight international visitors in 2016 with a 6,8% forecast for 2017.

Meanwhile, Cape Town was number six on the list for top 10 in Africa and the Middle East, with 1,52 million overnight international visitors in 2016, also expecting a 6,8% forecast for 2017. – Source: Traveller24
  Deep-house maestro Nkosinathi Maphumulo, popularly known as Black Coffee, made South Africa proud after he bagged the Best Deep House DJ trophy at the 2017 DJ Awards in Ibiza recently.
The Johannesburg-based DJ, who lost the use of his left arm in a traffic accident in 1990, took to social media to share the news with his fans.

Founded in 1998, the DJ Awards launched during a time when the "disc jockey" began to have a relevance never before seen.

This was the third time that Black Coffee walked away a winner at the awards.

In 2015, Black Coffee walked away with two trophies‚ bagging the Breakthrough DJ of the Year and Dance Nation of the Year awards.

Last year, he added the Best Deep House DJ Award to his accolades.

The DJ Awards celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. – Source:
"Is'thunzi" star Thuso Mbedu has bagged her first international award nomination.  
The actress has been nominated in the 2017 International Emmy Awards for her role in the Mzansi Magic drama.

Thuso has been nominated in the Best Actress Category and will go up against other actresses from Brazil, Germany and the United Kingdom.

She shared the news on Instagram alongside the pictures of her on set and wrote: "So it's been brought to my attention that I've been nominated for the International Emmy Awards which is kind of a big deal for me I have to say my thank you's. (sic)" – Source:

South African filmmakers Michael Matthews and Sean Drummond have signed with international talent agency WME.
The duo recently premiered their film Five Fingers for Marseilles at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Speaking about signing with WME, the pair say they are excited about future projects both together and separately as writer and director: "WME is an incredible agency and we couldn't be more excited by the future."

Matthews and Drummond are based in Cape Town where they run the production house Be Phat Motel. – Source:

  The Xhosa initiation film "Inxeba" ("The Wound") is South Africa's entry for next year's 90th Academy Awards in the category Best Foreign Language Film.

The only time South Africa has won a foreign-language Oscars honour was in 2006 with Gavin Hood's Tsotsi.

In 2004, Darrell Roodt's Yesterday was nominated and, in 2010, Oliver Schmitz's Love, Above All made the short list. Now all eyes are on Inxeba.

The National Film and Video Foundation's Peter Kwele said: "The committee applauded the film as a masterpiece in terms of script, directing and performances, which are believable and captivating.

"It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in the United States earlier this year – the most difficult festival to get into – and has been sold to 22 territories to date, which is evidence of its global appeal."

In response to the news, Inxeba director, John Trengove, said: "We didn't set out to make a crowd-pleasing film, so to be selected is mind-blowing.

"To be honest, this would not be a satisfying moment if it wasn't for the overwhelming love and goodwill we received from South African audiences in the past few weeks."

During its limited run on circuit this past week, audiences have raved about Inxeba. It will open for a full run early next year. – Source:

The South African Football Association's (SAFA) efforts to empower female referees have received a massive boost after young official Akhona Makalima was invited to the CAF A Referee Elite Women course, to be held in Rabat, Morocco.  
The course, which will take place from 26 to October, will see 20 referees and 19 assistant referees improve their skills and knowledge while learning about new emerging trends in refereeing.

Makalima, who has officiated in the country's elite leagues, has been in charge of PSL games, with her recent match in the league being between SuperSport United and Polokwane City.

For SAFA, the invite augurs well with the organisation's Vision 2022 that is not just about producing quality and talented players, but referees and coaches as well.

With the Elite A Women course, Makalima will get a chance to share ideas with other top female referees from around the continent, while representing the best of local referees.

The move is also aimed at inspiring and increasing the number of female referees and coaches in future. – Source: African News Agency

  Rio Olympian Kirsten McCann rowed her way into history on Friday, 29 September, as she became the first South African woman to win World Championships gold.
The blonde bullet from Pretoria's High Performance Centre won the lightweight women's singles at this year's World Champs, held in Sarasota-Bradenton, Florida (United States).

She clocked 7 min 38.780 sec for the gold. After 2 000 metres of power-rowing, her victory margin was surprisingly comfortable as she beat Netherlands rival Marieke Keijser by 2.22 seconds.

Having turned 29 just over a month ago, McCann was the second-oldest starter in the A-final, with only American Mary Jones being older at 31. Jones got bronze on Friday, and fittingly she and McCann share the same birthday.

"I had an ideal race plan for today,' she told the FISA website. "I knew in the last 250 m it would be really, really tight. So, I am happy to have been able to sprint effectively. It's really cool." – Source: SASCO
The UP-Tuks women's sevens rugby team on Saturday, 30 September, won the Munchen Oktoberfest Tournament in Munich, Germany.
The UP-Tuks women, in fact, romped to victory in the event without conceding a single point throughout the tournament.

UP-Tuks players scored a total of 285 points in five games, scoring 42 tries which equates to about eight in a match. The score in the final against a team of Norway's was 64-0.

In their first game, the UP-Tuks outclassed the players of Battalion La Amour to win 54-0. The score in the second game against Wurstburg was 52-0. In the quarterfinals against Munich, the score was 58-0, and in the semifinal against Stusta, it was 57-0.

Nadine Roos received the Player of the Tournament Award. Libbie Janse van Rensburg (captain) also impressed with her fleet-footedness.

According to Riaan van der Merwe (UP-Tuks head coach), Kemi Baloi who played at hooker, had a relentless work-rate throughout the tournament.

It is the second time this year that the UP-Tuks women's sevens team won an international tournament. They were also victorious at the Stanlisas Sevens Tournament in France. – Source: African News Agency
The Proteas comprehensively beat Bangladesh by 333 runs in the first Test in Potchefstroom on Monday, 2 October.  
Chasing 424 for victory, the visitors were skittled for 90 in their second innings early on Day 5 at Senwes Park.

The pace of Kagiso Rabada and the spin of Keshav Maharaj sent Bangladesh crashing to a 333-run defeat on the fifth day of the first Test against South Africa at Senwes Park on Monday, 2 October.

Bangladesh lost seven wickets for 41 runs in less than an hour-and-a-half as they were bowled out for 90 after being set 424 to win.

Slow left-arm spinner Keshav Maharaj returned figures of four for 25, while fast bowlers Kagiso Rabada (three for 33) and Morne Morkel (two for 19) took the other wickets.

Opener Imrul Kayes top-scored for the visitors with 32. – Source:

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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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