Issue 299 | 27 October 2017
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South Africa and Senegal enjoy cordial bilateral political, economic and social relations underpinned by strong historical ties dating back to the years of the liberation struggle.
The visit of President Macky Sall took place after the successful commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Dakar talks in June 2017, which were held in Senegal. The Dakar talks are widely considered to have paved the way towards a negotiated settlement between the African National Congress and the then Government in South Africa.

Trade between the two countries has been steadily increasing since 2010. In 2016, South African exported goods were to the value of R1,7 billion while Senegal exported goods to the value of R29 million.

South African exports consist of, among others, fresh produce, manufacturing equipment and household appliances. South African imports from Senegal are mainly household furniture and effects, textile materials and original sculptures. South African companies and entities operating in Senegal include, among others, DStv, South African Airways and Transnet.
The purpose of the 13th Joint Commission was to consolidate and track progress as well as implement the agreements between South Africa and Iran.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr Javad Zarif, on the occasion of the 13th Joint Commission between the Republic of South Africa and the Islamic Republic of Iran on 23 October 2017 in Pretoria.

Since the last Joint Commission Meeting in Iran in May 2015, a number of high-level interactions between the two countries have occurred, the most recent being the State Visit by President Jacob Zuma in April 2016.

South Africa and Iran enjoy close diplomatic relations based on shared values. Relations between the two countries were forged during the struggle against apartheid. In January 1994, diplomatic relations between South Africa and Iran were re-established.
Ambassador Dr Nokwe will succeed Ambassador KV Bhagirath as Secretary General after two successful terms in the post.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, has welcomed the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Council of Ministers’ appointment of Ambassador Dr Nomvuyo N Nokwe as the new IORA Secretary General.

The Minister took the opportunity to thank and congratulate Ambassador Bhagirath for his outstanding and dedicated leadership of the IORA Secretariat over the last six  years.

Ambassador Dr Nokwe is a dynamic African woman who was previously South Africa’s High Commissioner to the Republic of Mauritius also accredited to the Republic of Seychelles. Prior to this, she served as South Africa’s Consul-General in Milan, Italy. Dr Nokwe is a seasoned diplomat and possesses the requisite skills to sufficiently manage the Secretariat of IORA and further lead the association to greater heights. She will take up her new post in January 2018 for a period of three years.

Significantly, Ambassador Dr Nokwe’s appointment presents an historic milestone as the first female Secretary General of IORA, and gives direct expression and impetus to IORA’s efforts to promote women’s economic empowerment.
President Jacob Zuma has paid tribute to struggle hero Oliver Tambo by unveiling a statue constructed in his honour at OR Tambo International Airport in Ekurhuleni on 19 October 2017.
“The installation of this statue at the international arrivals hall of this airport is especially fitting as it was to this airport that OR Tambo would return in 1990 after 30 years in exile – finally, to be greeted by his own people,” said President Zuma.

The 2,5-metre bronze statue is situated at the international arrivals section of the airport, so international visitors will be greeted by the longest-serving African National Congress president upon arrival to South Africa.

Domestic travellers will also be able to see the statue as they navigate to the domestic terminals.

The statue was sculptured by Kgaogelo Mashilo, Paballo Majela and Zelda Stroud from Sculpture Casting Services. It depicts OR Tambo coming off an airplane with a suitcase.

OR Tambo’s son, Dali Tambo, said the statue was symbolic of the many travels OR Tambo conducted in his fight for the liberation of South Africa. The statue also shows him coming down two steps which symbolise the steps he was taking not only into the country but into his last days as he was not well at the time.

“One of the greatest resources South Africa has is its heritage and this statue is a piece of that heritage,” said Dali.

Thanking officials, Dali said the statue was a great tribute to his father’s life and his contribution to the liberation struggle and South Africa.

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The National Dialogue, which was held under the auspices of the Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN), was officially opened by the Deputy Prime Minister of Lesotho, Monyane Moleleki.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his capacity as Southern African Development Community (SADC) Facilitator to the Kingdom of Lesotho, paid a Working Visit to that country to attend the landmark Post-Elections National Dialogue in Maseru, Lesotho, on Wednesday, 18 October 2017.

Deputy President Ramaphosa delivered a message of encouragement to delegates.

The SADC Oversight Committee, the SADC Council of NGOs and the United Nations participated in the two-day event. Invitees included opposition party representatives, parties in government, heads of churches, the College of Chiefs, civil-society organisations, academics, media and the Independent Electoral Commission.

The main objective of the LCN was to provide supportive services to the NGO community in Lesotho through networking, leadership, information dissemination, capacity-building, coordination, democracy, human rights, advocacy and lobbying, and representation when dealing with the international community and government. The dialogue followed calls by the SADC for a multistakeholder dialogue that would address, in an inclusive way, security reforms, constitutional reforms, media reforms and public service reforms.

The dialogue facilitated discussion on, among other issues, the complexities of the Lesotho electoral process; issues associated with securing national peace, political stability, reconciliation and transitional justice; pre-conditions for undertaking successful reform; and key considerations on the process, structures and leadership that should accompany the reform process in the Kingdom.
Invest SA, South Africa’s one-stop shop for investors, is intensifying efforts to restore investor confidence following a drop in ranking in a recent global competitiveness report.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said this when he responded to oral questions in the National Assembly on Thursday, 19 October.

African Christian Democratic Party leader, Reverend Kenneth Meshoe, had asked the Deputy President what government was doing to address concerns raised in the latest Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum, which saw South Africa dropping its ranking from 47 to 61.

“Government has established the IMC (Inter-Ministerial Committee) on Investment to oversee our overall investment policy, alignment and coordination and improve the investment climate,” Deputy President Ramaphosa said.

He said that in consultation with the private sector, government had established an intergovernmental clearing house, Invest South Africa, as a one-stop shop approach to investment.

“To counter negative perceptions, Invest SA meets with investors on various platforms and on an ongoing basis to discuss investment opportunities and address investor concerns.

“In view of the slowed growth and the decline in foreign direct investment, Invest SA is intensifying its efforts to attract and secure both foreign and domestic investment. Invest SA has formalised a relationship with the World Bank to address South Africa’s ranking in its annual Ease of Doing Business Survey and overall investment climate issues over the medium to long term.”

Invest SA continues to market South Africa as a lucrative and attractive investment destination.

The Deputy President said for the first two quarters of this financial year, Invest SA achieved an investment pipeline of R42,7 billion.

“More broadly, government’s massive infrastructure programme is improving conditions for investment.

“Incentive programmes like that in the auto industry are attracting new investment and encouraging companies to expand their operations. Despite the challenges, investors see South Africa as an attractive investment opportunity and a viable long-term investment destination.”

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The Oceans Economy has already contributed about 4,4% to South Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
This is according to a progress report on the implementation of Operation Phakisa for the Oceans Economy that was recently delivered to stakeholders by President Jacob Zuma.

“Oceans Economy projects have so far unlocked a combined R24,6 billion in investment from government and the private sector, and have created more than 6 500 jobs.

“The largest investment in the Oceans Economy, facilitated through government incentives, was directed to infrastructure development, mainly ports, manufacturing, boatbuilding, aquaculture and scientific surveys in the oil and gas sector,” the Minister of Communications, Mmamoloko Kubayi, said on Thursday, 19 October, at a post-Cabinet media briefing.

Operation Phakisa focuses on unlocking the economic potential of South Africa's oceans, which could contribute up to R177 billion to the GDP by 2033 and between 800 000 and one million direct jobs.

Forty-seven detailed initiatives have been identified, which on implementation, will increase the Oceans Economy's GDP contribution by R20 million and lead to the creation of 22 000 direct new jobs by 2019.

“The President’s report to stakeholders strongly demonstrates the concerted effort and support of all government partners tapping into the vast potential,” Minister Kubayi said.

Government plans to establish the single largest boatbuilding facility in southern Africa. The KwaZulu-Natal Boatbuilding Park in the Port of Durban will harvest potential from new investment, exports and job creation.
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, attended a pre-COP23 Meeting of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 17 and 18 October 2017 in Fiji.
The Pre-COP 23 Ministerial Meeting served as a preparatory meeting ahead of the 23rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 23) and the 13th Session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 13), to be held in Bonn, Germany, from 6 to 17 November 2017, under the Fijian Presidency.

The Department of Environmental Affairs said the Pre-COP Agenda sought to advance the work programme under the Paris Agreement as well as climate action agenda during the pre-2020 period.

The objectives of the meeting included enhancing mutual understanding of political priorities and views by countries through enabling high-level political discussion on key issues.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for the informal exchange of view on the expected outcomes for COP23.

“COP23 will be crucial for technical teams to continue the good work that they have been doing to ensure that clear elements of the Paris Agreement Work Programme are agreed to that can be converted into text early in 2018,” Minister Molewa said.

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South Africa and the European Union (EU) recently marked the first anniversary of their Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, and EU Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, met in Johannesburg on Monday, 16 October, to review their respective trade and investment agendas.

During their bilateral discussion on the EPA that supports sustainable development, Minister Davies and Malmström acknowledged the need to maximise the benefits of the EPA and move forward with its implementation.

The two leaders emphasised the importance of trade that supported development and promoted inclusive growth. They also discussed how the EPA’s impact should be monitored.

The year 2017 marks 10 years of the EU-South Africa Strategic Partnership. This partnership has been mutually beneficial to both parties and presents further opportunities to enhance trade between the two sides.

For instance, since the entry into force of the EPA, South African exports of fisheries products and flowers have considerably increased.

Trade with the EU represents 27% of South Africa's overall trade, while EU foreign direct investment (FDI) amounts to 77% of total FDI.

Minister Davies and Malmström also used the opportunity to celebrate the one-year anniversary of putting the EPA between the EU and six countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) into practice.

The SADC-EU EPA entered into force on 10 October 2016. It provides opportunities for trade in agricultural goods and seafood, protects geographical indications such as rooibos tea and Paarl wine, and renews the regional partnership to promote development.

The EPA applies to all Southern African Customs Union countries, the oldest customs union in the world. It also applies to Mozambique and contains rules that can spur further regional integration and foster regional value chains.

The EU is supporting the region and South Africa with projects aimed at reinforcing the regional market by improving transport links, facilitating trade, developing regional value chains, supporting small businesses and providing training.

Minister Davies and Malmström agreed on the common priority to support young people to acquire the skills they need and secure employment, as this is a key element in delivering sustainable development.

“Both parties should work together to ensure that the EPA contributes to the structural transformation agenda of the region, enhances trade and promotes mutually beneficial outcomes,” said Minister Davies.

Malmström emphasised that this was a partnership of equals.

"As partners, it is our joint responsibility to ensure that the benefits of our EPA are felt by all in the region. We all have a common goal to create prosperity for people in southern Africa and in Europe. The EPA only delivers results if we work together,” she said.

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Tourists visiting South Africa can rest assured that they can safely enjoy their holidays, thanks to a R52,7-million Tourism Safety Monitors Programme.
The Minister of Tourism, Tokozile Xasa, launched the pilot programme in Gauteng recently. The programme places youth aged 18 to 35 in tourism hubs like Vilakazi Street in Orlando, Soweto, where they will ensure the safety of tourists.

The programme, which further aims to revive the township tourism economy, will also be rolled out to other provinces.

An induction programme is currently underway for the trainees with accredited skills training set to start in November.

The Department of Tourism said the initiative was part of its effort to fulfil the National Development Plan mandate, which identified the tourism sector as a key to growing the economy.

A series of crime incidents around tourism hotspots and some directed at tourists threatened the department’s potential to reach its target of increasing tourists to Gauteng by five million.

Minister Xasa expressed the importance of increasing visibility around the hotspots to ensure that their targets were met, adding that South African Tourism must filter information to the man on the street.

The monitors will be linked to law-enforcement agencies to allow seamless flow of information and engagement.

“The aim of the monitors is to create access to information, ensure safety in destinations while giving tourists quality services and experiences,” Minister Xasa said.

Recruitment for the monitors started in June 2017. The criteria included youth with Matric, good communication skills, the ability to speak English and two African languages, being prepared to work shifts and with no criminal record.

While monitors will act as ambassadors, the Minister urged that they assist in developing a database of upcoming small, medium and micro enterprise businesses in their areas of placement.

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This event is held every four years and would be the first time that it is coming to sub-Saharan African soil in its 89-year history, following Stats SA successful bidding.
Discourse and solutions around population issues focusing on world poverty, mortality, life expectancy, policy challenges in Africa, migration and many other population and development issues will be explored at the 28th International Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) to be held in Cape Town.

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) will host the conference from 29 October to 4 November 2017 on behalf of the Government of South Africa.

President Jacob Zuma will address the gathering of 2 000 population scientists, policy-makers, civic organisation and government leaders from 131 countries who will be in attendance. Among the dignitaries to deliver welcoming address is the Minister responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Chairperson of the Planning Commission, Jeff Radebe; Dr Anastasia Gage, IUSSP President; Dr Natalia Kanem, United Nations Population Fund Executive Director; and Dr Pali Lehohla, Statistician-General of South Africa and head of Stats SA. Professor Tukufu Zuberi from the University of Pennsylvania will deliver the keynote address.
Cabinet was recently briefed on South Africa’s Chairship of the World Wine Trade Group from April 2017 to May 2018
As chair, South Africa will host the annual meeting of the World Wine Trade Group in Cape Town from 1 to 3 November 2017.

The group aims to facilitate international trade in wine through information-sharing, discussion of regulatory issues in wine markets and joint actions for the removal of trade barriers. Emerging producers and exports of the South African wine industry benefit from South Africa’s participation.

This contributes to the Nine-Point Plan and the National Development Plan, which seek to revitalise the agriculture and agro-processing value chain. In the wine sector, the aim is to increase the area under wine production, support smallholder producers and target certain markets for export growth.
Brand South Africa and the United Nations (UN) is hosting a six-month exhibition to educate communities about the contribution made by the UN in assisting South Africa to fight apartheid and achieve liberation.
The exhibition is taking place at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg from 19 October 2017 to 31 April 2018.

“Brand South Africa will get an opportunity to be part of the consolidation, commemoration and preservation of the historical memory of apartheid and the role played by the UN,” said Brand South Africa’s General Manager for Stakeholders, Mpumi Mabuza.

The exhibition was launched prior to UN Day, on 24 October 2017, with the sole purpose of educating South Africans and international communities about the contributions made by the UN in assisting South Africa to fight apartheid and achieve liberation.

This exhibition will also enjoy a life beyond its six months, as it is envisioned that it will travel to other countries. The exhibition will be one that tells a historical but also contemporary story through the use of audiovisual material.

“It is imperative that South Africans are reminded that the country’s freedom is attributed to many other African nations, whose role in supporting South Africa through its dark days led towards its found liberation. We look forward to the exhibition and call on all citizens to come share and engage,” said Mabuza.

South Africa was one of the original 51 founding members of the UN, which came into existence on 24 October 1945. Since its inception, the membership of the organisation has grown to 193 states. In South Africa, the UN is committed to enhancing the performance and impact of the UN system in contributing to the development of South Africa.

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Brand South Africa’s efforts in promoting the country as a great place to visit and invest is getting the global recognition it deserves.
City Nation Place is a global forum for the strategic branding and marketing of cities and countries.

The City Nation Place Awards, now in their third year, recognise the most creative and effective city and country marketing, tourism promotion and foreign direct investment engagement.

The global body for nation and city branding, has nominated Brand South Africa for one its major awards. Brand South Africa’s nation-branding initiative has been named a finalist in the 2017 City Nation Place Awards and has been nominated in the Best Expression of Place Identity through the Design Category, which recognises the effective ways countries communicate their unique offerings through media and design.

Winners will be announced at the City Nation Place Global Conference in London, United Kingdom, on 9 November 2017. Brand South Africa will join over 150 delegates from 30 countries to discuss and highlight shared objectives and challenges of developing strong brand strategies for nations and cities.
Reserve Bank Governor, Lesetja Kganyago, has been named Central Bank Governor of the Year for Sub-Saharan Africa.
Previous governors who received the award from GlobalCapital include Tito Mboweni (2004) and Gill Marcus (2012). Kenya’s Patrick Njoroge won the award in 2016.

GlobalCapital commended Kganyago for staying committed to monetary discipline, which is needed to maintain investor confidence in uncertain times.

– Source: Fin24
Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba, is overjoyed at United States “home-sharing” giant Airbnb’s mission to “democratise capitalism”.
The company recently used Johannesburg’s city hall to announce an initiative to increase the use of Airbnb across the continent.

It will spend US$1 million to, among other things, train hosts in selected townships who offer accommodation on the Airbnb app.

“This is an initiative that we embrace because tourism is an opportunity for an economic boost,” said Mashaba at the event.

The Mayor gave his unqualified endorsement of the Airbnb model, which has run into local government opposition in many parts of the world due to its circumvention of regulations on the hospitality industry.

“Airbnb is a disruptive business model and we are excited as Johannesburg to partner with them to bring visitors into the city, get our communities involved and ultimately make money out of it,” said Mayor Mashaba.

The company’s new US$1-million commitment to the African continent involves a series of initiatives to help support “inclusive travel through the continent, with South Africa being the focal point,” said Chris Lehane, Head of Global Policy and Public Affairs for Airbnb.

He said the company’s commitments included a programme for a small number of townships to train hosts in 2017 and eventually to take the model to the rest of the continent by 2019.

Airbnb will also partner with, among other institutions, the World Bank and the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business to organise an Africa travel summit.

Lehane said travel and tourism had increasingly become a bigger part of the global economy and this held true for South Africa.

Travel-related expenditure constitutes over 10% of global gross domestic product, with one in 10 jobs attached to it, he said.

Airbnb use by travellers visiting the African continent has escalated enormously in the past year.

“In Africa we’ve had over two million people arrive using Airbnb over the last five years, but in the last 12 months 1,2 million travelled into the continent using the platform,” he said.

People using Airbnb while visiting South Africa in the past year spent around US$24 million in the country, according to the company.

Lehane said that Airbnb sought to “democratise” travel, capitalism and the benefits of tourism.

“Democratising travel is essential because it had previously been associated with wealthy people. Over 56% of Airbnb travellers into Africa are millennials, which translates into inclusive travel and tourism.”

The broad category of “millennials” usually means anyone that came of age in or after 2000, which means anyone under 36 years old.

Lehane explained that Airbnb “democratised” capitalism because most of the revenue generated on Airbnb went to the hosts at grassroots level, who made 97% of the income they listed their homes for.

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The News24 Edge app has placed Sout Africa's digital media on the global stage, after it was crowned joint best app in the world at the World Digital Media Awards in Berlin.
The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers named News24 Edge as the World Award Winner in the Category Best News Mobile Services at the awards, which form part of the World Publishing Expo.

The awards recognise publishers who have adopted the best digital media and mobile strategies as part of their offerings to meet the changes in how people today consume news and information.

The News24 Edge app delivers a personalised experience to each reader by allowing them to select interests. Through artificial intelligence and machine learning, the app serves the stories readers enjoy reading most.

The more a user consumes, the better the app becomes at providing the most relevant stories.

News24 Edge won the award jointly with TN Todo Noticias New Mobile Apps, one of Argentina’s leading TV news channels.

As a finalist of the African Digital Media Awards (in the Best News Mobile Services category), News24 Edge competed against winners in the same category from the Middle East, Europe, North America, Latin America, South Asia and Asia to take home the global accolade

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Tourism Minister, Tokozile Xasa, says the launch of a R25-million solar-powered mini-grid plant at Robben Island is the first step in turning the world heritage site green.
The Minister unveiled the solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant on Thursday, 19 October. The solar PV mini-grid has the capacity of generating 666.4 kilo Watt peak (kWp) of clean energy, reducing the island’s reliance on the existing diesel-generating system.

The integrated system carries the entire daytime electricity load and prioritises solar PV energy generation, which is supported by an 828 kilo Watt hours (kWh) battery storage – enabling the use of solar energy on cloudy days and at night.

“Today is the celebration of the exposition that reinforces a shared vision for the future of tourism.

“This project is the first step in a longer-term initiative of greening the island and discussions are already underway with the management of Robben Island Museum on the implementation of a range of additional energy-efficiency projects,” she said.

Robben Island was selected as one of the eight government-owned attractions in the pilot initiative to retrofit tourism facilities with PV energy generating systems.

The other seven sites include the Hantam, Karoo Desert and Free State national botanical gardens; the Skukuza and Lower Sabie rest camps; as well as the Tshokwane and Nkuhlu picnic sites in Kruger National Park.

The launch of the solar mini-grid was a “first of its kind” on an island, said the Minister, adding that it would reduce the island’s carbon footprint by cutting the reliance on a diesel-generating system.

The renewable energy system also means that the Robben Island Museum will not only become a more competitive and sustainable tourism attraction, but will also save a significant amount in operational costs.

The Minister used the occasion to launch the opening of the first applications window for 2017 Green Tourism Incentive Programme.

The programme, which is run by the department, was developed in collaboration with the Industrial Development Corporation to drive the implementation of responsible tourism practices and also reduce the cost of doing business for small tourism enterprises.

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Huawei and the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) are sending a second batch of 10 South African students on a two-week study and cultural exchange trip to China.
They will get training in cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, LTE and cloud computing, giving them the tools they need to drive the growth of our telecommunications industry.

Their futures are our futures, and by supporting them in pursuit of their dreams, we ensure our success as a people. These were the sentiments expressed by Siyabonga Cwele, Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, at the 2017 Seeds for the Future launch on Thursday, 12 October.

For the second year running, technology giant Huawei’s CSR programme, Seeds for the Future, is sending 10 South African students on a two-week study and cultural exchange trip to China. This was made possible by the partnership between Huawei and the DTPS, with the support of the Chinese Embassy.

“We’re very happy with the positive feedback received from students who participated last year, many of whom are now contributing to the growth of our economy,” Minister Cwele said, speaking to the second group of students, who were in the audience.

“We cannot grow our economy if we don’t improve our education, our skills and opportunities for employment. We need to focus on ensuring that we’re not left behind in the digital era by upskilling our workforce.”

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South African scientists have announced that two local telescopes have for the first time detected gravitational waves that are a result of a merging of two neutron stars.
The two telescopes are the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) in Cape Town and the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) in the small Karoo town of Sutherland.

According to previous research, the neutron stars – which are the smallest and densest known stars – collided 130 million light years ago, an event that resulted in gravitational waves being emitted and detectible for 100 seconds.

In an interview shortly after the announcement at the SAAO headquarters in Observatory, Cape Town, Dr Daniel Cunnama, a ‎Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the SAAO, said the detection, which happened on 17 August, was very significant for astrophysics.

“Why we are here today is basically we have for the first time detected gravitational waves and electro-magnetic radiation, or light, from the same event [the merging of the two neutron stars] … and we have managed to follow up this event with South African telescopes in Sutherland. Multiple telescopes contributed to the understanding of this astronomical event,” he said.

Leading up to the detection, a total of about 4 000 scientists and astronomical researchers from observatories, universities and other institutions from around the world and many in South Africa collaborated in the research.

Seven papers have come out from the SAAO around this event already. Over 70 observatories were included in this observing campaign.

“The original detection was made in the United States, along with the European Space Observatory as well as many others that were involved.

“It is a great day for South African astronomy. We have shown ourselves to be able to contribute valuably to an international endeavour.

“We have world-class telescopes here, which we have managed to set up over the last 20 years and we can really do wonders for future science such as this,” said Cunnama.

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The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) is implementing a new sustainable tourism project along the Eastern Cape’s Wild Coast.
The initiative, Tourism Green Coast Project, is a two-year initiative expected to start in November and is funded by the National Department of Tourism through the Expanded Public Works Programme.

According to WESSA, this initiative will focus on the placement of 100 underprivileged youths from nearby communities with local tourism operators working along the Wild Coast.

The youths will be employed as "Green Coast Stewards" for WESSA's new eco-label, coastal award scheme, which aims to reward local municipalities and community groups that are actively protecting sensitive species, habitat and cultural heritage sites along the coastline.

The Green Coast label complements the international Blue Flag award, which assures a world-class experience at urban swimming beaches, boats and marinas.

The youth, according to WESSA, will gain exposure to the tourism market, receiving mentorship from local operators and will have the opportunity to assist local tourism operators with the implementation of WESSA’s other environmental programmes such as Eco-Schools and Green Key, both of which are programmes of the international Foundation for Environmental Education.

Added to this, WESSA is appealing to potential operators and stakeholders to help select suitable Green Coast locations along the Wild Coast and to work with them and the relevant municipalities on this initiative and become involved by hosting and mentoring recruited stewards.

– Source: Traveller24
Government has congratulated “The Star” newspaper for its 130-year contribution to journalism.
The newspaper was established on 17 October 1887 and its reporting has immensely contributed towards the development of Johannesburg. The newspaper celebrates its inception in a week that marked Media Freedom.

In a statement, Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) acting Director- General (DG), Phumla Williams, said the paper had expanded rapidly, becoming part of the daily routine of its readers.

The Star has played a pivotal role in shaping South Africa’s media landscape. Through this information tidal wave, readers were kept abreast of the many changes that occurred in the country, such as the discovery of gold to the realisation of a democratic state and a free press, among others.

“It has also been a participant in embracing technology through which the media functions on a daily basis. These fundamental changes have impacted South Africa in many ways,” said Acting DG Williams.

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“Revolting Rhymes” has been nominated in the Animation Category of the International Emmy Kids Awards.
Produced by Magic Light Pictures, Revolting Rhymes was animated at Magic Light’s Berlin studio and Cape Town’s Triggerfish Animation.

This means South African companies are now up for a hat-trick at the International Emmys, as Penguin Films’ Disney Cookabout is nominated for Non-Scripted Entertainment at the Kids Awards, while Is’thunzi’s Thuso Mbedu learned last month she is a nominee for Best Performance by an Actress.

Directed by Jan Lachauer (Room on the Broom) and Jakob Schuh (The Gruffalo), Revolting Rhymes is an adaptation of Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake’s classic book of surprising fairytales. It’s voiced by a stellar cast that includes Dominic West (The Affair) as The Wolf; Rose Leslie (Game of Thrones) as Red Riding Hood; and Gemma Chan (Humans) as Snow White.

Since premiering on BBC One at Christmas 2016, Revolting Rhymes has racked up four international awards: Best Animated Short at TIFF Kids and Best Animation at the World Banff Media Festival in Canada; Best Storytelling at Shanghai International Film and TV Festival in China; and the Cristal for Best TV Production at Annecy in France, the world’s premier animation festival.

The International Emmy Kids Awards will be presented at MIPTV in Cannes on 10 April 2018.

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The Proteas wrapped up the ODI Series with a 200-run victory over Bangladesh in the final match at Buffalo Park in East London on Sunday, 22 October. The 3-0 series victory gives them the No. 1 ICC ranking in this format for the time being.
De Kock, Amla and De Villiers made almost 600 runs between them in the series with De Kock being named Momentum Man of the Series and Du Plessis Man of Sunday’s match.

A 92-year-old (super) woman from Johannesburg walked her way into a likely world record this weekend by probably becoming the first woman in her age group – in the world – to complete a 20-km walk race.
Cecily Rootenberg is set to apply to the World Masters Athletics organisation to have her performance recognised as a global record.

Multi-award winning Rootenberg accomplished her latest feat – with her impressive leaning style of walking – at the Interprovincial Race Walking Championships in George.

She became the first woman in the 90-95 age group to complete an official 20-km walking race, taking the interprovincial grandmasters’ crown in just under four hours (3:53:41), said TeamSA.

Rootenberg attributes her successful walking to the olden days in Joburg. “When we were youngsters, we walked everywhere, because when I grew up, Sandton was just a lot of farms. My holidays were spent on farms, where we walked all the time, going wherever we wanted to go, as long as we walked to get there.”

Speaking to Modern Athlete last year, Rootenberg said it’s her passion for walking that keeps her young; and recalled one of her proudest moments in the ’90s, being walking to the finish line of a race alongside Comrades Marathon legend Bruce Fordyce who found it rather challenging and said runners were people who’ve never learnt to walk.

Rootenberg joined Run/Walk for Life in Parkmore at the age of 68 after golf became too expensive and tennis was no longer an option.

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Banyana Banyana continued their winning form, beating Burkina Faso 4 – 0 at the Dobsonville Stadium.
It was South Africa’s first match since winning last month’s Cosafa Cup, and their first home fixture this year. Banyana could have scored more goals, as they created numerous chances in the game.

The interim national women’s team coach, Desiree Ellis, said: “I thought we didn’t play that well, especially the first half, but the second half was much better. Happy with the result though, always good if you don’t have a good game to get a positive result, which we did, so soon after Cosafa.”

Banyana Banyana striker, Thembi Kgatlana, said that the sooner they scored, the better.

“All the pressure gets off us, and you could see that after scoring that goal, we struggled a bit until we got that second goal, and also coming back into the second half, me scoring those two goals made things easier."

This international friendly match against Burkina Faso at the Dobsonville Stadium means that the chosen player will pocket R10 000. Kgatlana was subsequently voted the best player of the match.

The incentive follows Sasol renewing their partnership for a further four years with the South African Football Association just a few weeks ago.

– Source: eNCA
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