Issue 302 | 16 November 2017
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President Jacob Zuma, in his capacity as chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), has called an urgent Organ Troika meeting to discuss the unfolding political and security situation in Zimbabwe.
The meeting will be held at the SADC Secretariat headquarters in Gaborone, Botswana, on Thursday afternoon, 16 November, SADC said on Wednesday.

The meeting will be attended by the Ministers responsible for Foreign or External Affairs from the SADC Organ Troika member states, including Angola, Tanzania and Zambia, plus the SADC Council chairperson, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, who is also the South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

Earlier on Wednesday, President Zuma, on behalf of SADC, issued a statement expressing SADC's grave concern over the political situation and urged both the Zimbabwean government and the military to resolve the political crisis amicably.

He also dispatched the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, and Minister of State Security, Bongani Bongo, to Harare, to hold discussions with the military and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, who is reportedly confined to his home.

President Zuma has expressed hope that developments in Zimbabwe would not lead to unconstitutional changes of government, as that would be contrary to both SADC and African Union (AU) positions.

He has urged the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the ZDF to resolve the political impasse amicably and has urged the ZDF to ensure that the maintenance of peace and security in the country is not compromised.

The Presidency said SADC would continue to closely monitor the situation and remained ready to assist where necessary to resolve the political impasse in keeping with established SADC protocols and processes.

The AU has called on stakeholders in Zimbabwe to address the current political impasse in accordance with that country's constitution.

In a statement on Wednesday, AU Commission Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, said the AU was closely monitoring developments in Zimbabwe.

"I urge all stakeholders to address the current situation in accordance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe and the relevant instruments of the AU, including the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance," Mahamat said.

He said the situation should be resolved in a manner that promoted democracy, human rights and socio-economic development of the country.

The AU has expressed its commitment to working closely with SADC and the leaders of the region, and to support their efforts.

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On behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, President Jacob Zuma has conveyed a message of condolences to the governments and the people of the Iraq, Iran and Turkey following a deadly earthquake which erupted on 12 November 2017.
The earthquake has resulted in considerable loss of life as well as damage to property and infrastructure.

President Zuma said: “The South African Government joins the international community in expressing our deepest empathy and solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the affected countries. I wish to send my condolences to the governments of the respective countries, particularly the families and relatives of those affected by the tragedy”.

South African diplomatic missions in the three countries are in contact with local authorities to confirm if there are any South African citizens affected. Members of the public who are concerned about the well-being of their relatives living in or visiting the affected countries can contact the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on 012 351 1000.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, hosted her counterpart from the Republic of Angola, Manuel Domingos Agusto, Minister of External Relations on 9 November 2017.

Addressing a media conference afterwards, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane said that the two ministers had agreed on various ways to forge a continued strategic partnership between the two countries and noted that trade and economic cooperation between South Africa and Angola had grown substantially. South Africa is Angola’s number one trading partner on the continent and a number of South African companies are involved in Angola in a variety of sectors, including construction, mining, housing, retail, food and beverages, hotels and leisure, banking and medical services (rescue).

“Among other issues, we discussed the following:

  • the need to strengthen and expand the levels of trade and investment between the two countries
  • people-to-people contact
  • regional issues, including the Southern African Development Community
  • our shared commitment to continue to work together on global matters, particularly in advancing the African Agenda.

“In our discussion, we also looked at the programme for the preparations for the historic State Visit of President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço. In this regard all preparations are in place and as South Africa we look forward to welcome the President on 23 November 2017 in Pretoria.”

The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, is leading the South African delegation to the 23rd United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (CoP23), held in Bonn, Germany.
COP23 started its meeting in Bonn on 6 November under the Presidency of Fiji, with the High-Level Segment scheduled for 15 to 17 November 2017.

The CoP23 is expected to advance work on the implementation guidelines for the Paris Agreement. This guideline has to be concluded in time to enable COP 24 to take key decisions that will enable timeous commencement of post-2020 actions to be implemented.

The CoP23 is also expected to discuss among others, loss and damage due to climate change, finance, technology and capacity-building for developing countries.

“In determining the climate action during the pre-2020 period, COP23 is crucial in determining what is required of all parties to continue the good work that we have been doing to ensure that clear elements of action are agreed to that can be converted into text early in 2018,” said Dr Molewa.

“South Africa is hopeful that the Bonn Climate Change Conference will not only take stock of what is required to implement the Paris Agreement, but that it will provide assurances that the political balance of the Paris Agreement is upheld. We are hopeful that all issues of importance to developing countries, such as adaptation and means of implementation, will be addressed in the rule-book to be adopted before 2020,” the Minister said.
The Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, recently hosted the Southern African Development Community (SADC) health ministers in Polokwane, Limpopo, to discuss a range of issues affecting SADC member states.
The health issues affecting the SADC member states include the effects of the recent malaria outbreak, and the status of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, which continue to remain a public health challenge in the region.

The ministers also approved a range of regional strategies and guidelines, as they also monitor and provide a collective oversight of the implementation of the regional health agenda guided by the SADC Protocol on Health and the Regional Indicative Development Plan.

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South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have committed to remove hurdles that hinder the two countries in doing business.
The move followed a discussion held during the Investment and Trade Initiative (ITI) seminar organised by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) in Lubumbashi, DRC.

South African Consul General in Lubumbashi, Andrew Maswanganye, said it was important for both countries to work towards harmonising the climate of doing business. He also called on the two sides to come up with ideas on how to implement agreements that were already in place.

“It is important to identify opportunities that will work for our businesspeople in order to increase trade and investment between us. We also need to zoom in on the critical sectors where skill transfer and technology transfer must be fast-tracked. We also encourage businesspeople to work with governments to address factors hindering their ability to do work in these countries,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, the Minister of State Economy in the DRC, Joseph Kapika, said that the Congolese Government’s priority was to ensure that the One Stop Shop created for business registrations and investment facilitation had resources to fulfil its mandate for the country.

The Minister also appealed to South Africa to share its expertise, technological advancement and skills transfer in order to assist his country.
Consul General Maswanganye also accompanied South African businesspeople to the province of Lualaba, where the 29 member-delegation engaged further on opportunities in the mining, manufacturing, agriculture and tourism sectors.

The recently designated Lualaba Province is host to some of the country’s largest mines which produce copper and cobalt.

Addressing businesspeople who participated in the ITI, the Governor of Lualaba province, Richard Muyez Mangeze Mans, said that the provincial government’s goal was to attract investments that would diversify their economy away from the extractive industries.

“Our strategy is to encourage investments that will contribute to the development of sectors that bolster industrialisation as well as the creation of small and medium enterprises. We have started with the construction of the social infrastructure. We believe that the total effect of all of our efforts will be the creation of a middle class, which will significantly uplift our provincial economy,” said Mans.

Chief Director of Trade Invest Africa at the dti, Zanele Mkhize, commended the advances made in building social infrastructure since the designation of Lualaba.

“The doors have been opened for South African businesses to invest in this province. Every single business attending the ITI can find trade and investment opportunities in a variety of sectors identified by the province such as agriculture, mining, tourism, power generation as well as water and sanitation,” she said.

The objective of the ITI was to increase trade and deepen bilateral relations between South Africa and the DRC. Trade between the two countries stood at R12,8 billion at the end of 2016.

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In a bid to increase the number of its people employed in the construction of feeder roads, the Government of Ghana deployed a team of senior officials and engineers to South Africa on a study tour to learn more about the construction of roads using the labour-intensive methods of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP).
The Ghanaian delegation, which was led by the Deputy Director: Planning in the Department of Feeder Roads, Kwasi Osafo Ampadu, on Friday, 10 November 2017, concluded their five-day study visit to various EPWP projects in South Africa.

“Ghana is undertaking labour-based technology in the construction of our feeder roads in order to create more work opportunities for our people. In our research, we realised that South Africa is advanced in the creation of work opportunities through the EPWP’s labour-based construction method, hence we undertook this study tour,” Dr Osafo Ampadu said.

He explained that while in the country, they would like to visit EPWP projects to see how labour-based technology was implemented. “We are also interested in the knowledge and technology that you have developed in the implementation of your EPWP,” Dr Osafo Ampadu stated.

The EPWP is a government initiative aimed at reducing poverty and unemployment through the provision of training and short-term to medium-term labour-intensive work opportunities to the poor and unemployed South Africans.

The EPWP participants (beneficiaries) work in different projects like early childhood development centres, home- and community-based care, extra school support programmes, Working on Fire, Working for Water, roads maintenance projects, etc.
The Minister of Public Service and Administration, Faith Muthambi, recently led a South African delegation to a United Nations (UN) anti-corruption conference.
The Seventh Session of the Conference of the State Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in Vienna, Austria, ended on Thursday, 9 November.

South Africa ratified the UNCAC in November 2004 and became a state party to the convention.

A Conference of the State Parties to the Convention was established to improve the capacity of and cooperation between states parties to achieve the objectives set in the convention and to promote and review its implementation.

Minister Muthambi used the opportunity to brief the delegates on South Africa’s approach in the fight against corruption and shared a few highlights in terms of the implementation of the convention

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Journalists in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) member countries will get an opportunity to showcase their work as the regional body has officially opened calls for entries to the prestigious annual media awards.
The 2018 SADC Media Awards Competition was launched at a SADC workshop hosted at the Institute for the Advancement of Journalism on Friday, 3 November.

All entries must be submitted to the National Adjudication Committee not later than 27 February 2018. The award ceremony will take place at the SADC Heads of State Summit in August 2018.

The entry form and rules are available on form_English.pdf and

The submitted work must have been published or broadcast between January and December 2017 by a registered or authorised media house or agency, or carried on a website of a registered or authorised media house or agency in any of the SADC member states.

South Africa, by virtue of being the current Chair of SADC, will be chairing the SADC Media Awards Regional Adjudication Committee meeting next year.

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The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, has taken steps to ensure that current and future generations will have a chance to see and hear South African heritage through the launch of the online digitised audiovisual recordings.
Minister Mthethwa said “armed with these digitised recordings of the Rivonia Trial, we shall be able to tell the full story of this trying period in our history with sound, words and silences to present and future generations in all its glory, its horror and ultimately its triumphs.”

The Minister will launch the digitised recordings on 17 November 2017 at the National Archives and Records Services of South Africa in Pretoria. Audiovisual archives are a cornerstone of the memory of the world, which give citizens access to pieces of history at the touch of a button. The safeguarding and preservation is key to the protection of world heritage.

Sound recordings and moving images in any form are vulnerable, and easily discarded or deliberately destroyed. The department said public awareness of the importance of audiovisual recordings was necessary as much of this type of heritage was lost through neglect, natural decay and technological obsolescence.

The launch of the digitised audiovisual recordings is in response to a proposal by the Czech Republic in October 2005 made at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s (UNESCO) General Conference. The conference approved the proclamation of 27 October as the annual World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. This year’s celebration took place under theme, "Discover, Remember and Share ".

“Through the cooperation project between L’Institut National De L’Audiovisuel (INA) and the National Archives and Records Services of South Africa involving the digitisation of dictabelts and the training of South African archivists on the digitisation and restoration of dictabelts, the resultant Rivonia Trial recordings will be made available to all South African citizens and the world at large".

In 2018, South Africans can look forward to more recordings from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission audio-cassettes and papers from renowned writer and journalist and Bloke Modisane.

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The Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Enver Surty, has visited the site where thousands of South Africans died during the First World War while doing battle alongside French troops.
The Delville Woods Memorial, which includes a museum, is located in one of the battlefields of WW I in Longueval, in northern France.

Deputy Minister Surty took the two-hour drive out of Paris during a break from his Working Visit to France where he attended the 39th General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. He had a wreath-laying ceremony at the site before being led on a tour of the memorial site.

The Museum Director, Thapedi Masanabo, who is based at the site, told the South African delegation that Delville Wood was well-known in South African military history and it represented the national symbol for bravery and sacrifice as the First South African Infantry Brigade accomplished one of the finest feats of arms of the First World War.

On 15 July 1916, the brigade comprising 121 officers and 3 032 men received orders to take the woods “at all costs”. For five nights and six days, the South Africans fought against various units of the Fourth German Army Corps. Outnumbered and being fought against from three sides, they were almost decimated but managed to hold on and fight back until most of the woods had been captured. When they were finally relieved on 20 July, only 142 men came out of the woods unscathed. Eventually 780 men from the South African brigade assembled. Ravaged by the fighting in 1916, the woods were replanted in the 1920s and restructured to house the South African National Memorial. It was decided that the woods would forever stay the burial ground for those soldiers who still lay there.

Upon visiting the site, Deputy Minister Surty said the experience strengthened the case for history to be taught comprehensively in the Basic Education Curriculum. He said it was clear that the representation of some of the elements of the history was biased against black people. He said their role and contribution were diminished and misrepresented and this needed to be corrected appropriately in the history books.

Deputy Minister Surty said all learners in schools needed to know that some of their ancestors remained buried on foreign soil where they perished while fighting in the various wars.

“The saddest part is that some, if not many of them, were never identified and therefore could not be given proper headstones to honour their sacrifice. Some remain nameless with words that say 'South African Private of the Great War, Known unto God' written on their headstones,” he said.

The South African delegation was supported during the tour by Deputy Ambassador Nthabiseng Malefane.
Demonstrating South Africa's aviation service excellence, Airports Company South Africa's (ACSA) Chief Executive, Bongani Maseko, has been appointed to a two-year term as Chair of the World Governing Board of Airports Council International (ACI).
ACI, the trade representative of the world’s airports, is a non-profit organisation that serves 623 members operating 1 940 airports in 176 countries. Its purpose is to advance the interests of airports and promote excellence in airport management and operations around the world.

According to ACSA, Maseko accepted the position after being formally voted in by members at the recent ACI Africa/World General Assembly held in Mauritius.

Maseko says he is honoured to take on the role of Chair for ACI World. “The confidence that the ACI Assembly has placed in me speaks to the role of African airports in ensuring that they are competing with the best in the world in terms of best practice on airport development, management and operations.

“Aviation in Africa is slowly becoming a strong contributor to global economic growth as the tourism industry grows. The next 20 years will see the most growth in passenger numbers coming from Africa,” says Maseko.

Maseko, 49, first joined the industry at San Francisco Airport, and boasts 24 years of experience in airport management. He has a degree in Aviation Business Administration from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Airport Systems Planning and Design and Airport Ground Transportation Planning from the University of California.

Acsa says that he joined the company in April 1999 and was Acting Managing Director from October 2011 until his appointment as Chief Executive Officer in 2013. Prior to that, he was Group Executive of Airport Operations from September 2004, and his earlier positions included three-and-a-half years leading OR Tambo International Airport as its General Manager.

– Source: Traveller24
South Africans can gleam with pride as sustainable and responsible tourism in the country is on the rise – with three local tourism offerings being recognised at the WTM Responsible Tourism Awards 2017 at the World Travel Market (WTM) in London.

The prestigious awards are presented annually at WTM London – in front of an audience of 600 key industry influencers and decision-makers – and is the focal point of WTM Responsible Tourism Day, which is the biggest responsible tourism event globally.

This year’s awards that took place on World Responsible Tourism Day on Wednesday, 8 November, focused on tourism’s contribution to the United Nations' sustainable development goals.

These are the categories of the awards: Best for Accommodation, Best for Carbon Reduction, Best for Communication, Best Community Initiative, Best for Poverty Reduction and Best Tour Operator.

Three South African tourism products, all based in the Western Cape, were given recognition at the awards. Grootbos and Transfrontier Parks Destination were award category winners, while shark cage-diving tour operator based in Gansbaai, Marine Dynamics, was one of the "highly commended" responsible tourism organisations around the world.

Marine Dynamics also recently won the prestigious Eco-Tourism Award at the Skål World Congress, Sustainable Tourism Awards 2017.

Here are all the 2017 winners:

  • Best for Accommodation: Grootbos, South Africa
  • Best for Carbon Reduction:- Chobe Game Lodge, Botswana
  • Best for Communication: City of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Best Community Initiative: Sapa O’Chau Travel Social Enterprise, Vietnam
  • Best for Poverty Reduction: Village Ways, India
  • Best Tour Operator: Transfrontier Parks Destination (TFPD) South Africa.

– Source: Traveller24

British Airways, operated by Comair on its South African domestic routes, has added two daily flights between Port Elizabeth and OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg.
Luane Lavery, British Airways spokesperson, confirmed that the new flights were due to increased passenger demand.

“The new flights depart from OR Tambo International Airport at 13h30 and 15h30 daily except for Saturdays. They will depart from Port Elizabeth to ORTIA at 15h44 and 17h10.

“These flights will include the signature British Airways premium service and offerings that will give travellers access to two premium cabins, excellent service and an opportunity to make use of the British Airways Executive Club Frequent Flyer Programme.”

The airline was also recently recognised as a service excellence winner in the Airline Industry category at the 16th Annual Ask Africa Orange Index awards on Sunday, 29 October.  Ask Afrika Orange is a South African customer satisfaction index that is researched and compiled annually by market research specialist Ask Afrika. The survey has been updated this year to include insight into customers' emotional journey across service touch points and over 32 industries and 169 companies.

– Source: Traveller24
The late Nelson Mandela’s primary residence in Houghton, Johannesburg, is set to be transformed into a "presidential 5-7 star tourism product", The Mandela Presidential Centre.
Set to be "a place of reflection", Thebe Tourism Group (TTG) and The Nelson Mandela Foundation have joined forces in the creation of the new offering announced on Monday, 6 November, at the World Travel Market in London.

This project will see the "conversion of Nelson Mandela’s primary residence into a place of scholarship and reflection", says TTG, with the aim of creating an "avenue that will provide visitors with additional insights into the Mandela heritage".

The project aims to offer an experience inspired by Madiba's life while he resided and worked at the property, and Mabena says it will “create a special retreat and reflection hotel".

The centre will consist of nine bedrooms and will be a "boutique hotel that will attract a primary market of high-end business travellers and the Diplomatic Corps and scholars from around the world, and a secondary group of leisure travellers".

The hotel will also offer a fine dining restaurant where Nelson Mandela’s cook, Xoliswa Ndoyiya, will share the former President's favourite meals with hotel visitors.

According to TTG, the attractiveness of the site is that it offers visitors an opportunity to stay in the former residence of Nelson Mandela.

"The Nelson Mandela Foundation is a key stakeholder in this development, as the property owners, and the hotel will provide an experience inspired by Madiba’s life," says TTG.

Sello Hatang, CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation says: “Nelson Mandela was a walker and a traveller who made a difference in the lives of those he met and those he travelled with. He had an impact on the places he touched and left a part of his beloved land wherever he went. May we continue to be the travellers who make a difference." He says that the centre will be a reflection of these qualities.

Mabena adds that this “unique project" has "iconic status" and believes that "by creating products which enhance the scenic beauty and global political importance, more people will be enticed to explore tourism offerings in South Africa”.

– Source: Traveller24
Tsogo Sun’s stylish Palazzo Hotel at Montecasino is placing South Africa’s opulent hotel offering on the global map after recently being presented with four major awards – two global and two local.
Already the recipient of a range of industry and consumer awards, the luxurious hotel has been recognised by the Lilizela, Business Traveller Africa, World Travel and World Luxury Hotel bodies.

Locally, at the Lilizela Tourism Awards on 29 October, Palazzo won the Regional Service Excellence – Accommodation Award in the Hotel sub-category. The Accommodation Awards are designed to encourage and motivate hotels to offer the best possible service, facilities and products, and to celebrate excellence, creativity, and innovations.

Palazzo was also voted Best for the Business Traveller in this year’s Business Traveller Africa Awards, by a board of experienced travel professionals who were involved in selecting the winners.

Globally, Palazzo won Africa’s Leading Casino Resort in the World Travel Awards, and the 2017 World Luxury Hotel Awards – which will only be officially announced on 2 December in Switzerland – has sent a preliminary notification that the Palazzo is a winner. The category details will be revealed on 2 December.

Linda Reddy, GM of Palazzo, says: “We pride ourselves on setting benchmarks in the industry, and by no means will we rest on our well-earned laurels; we will maintain and even improve our excellent track record as the best hotel for business and leisure travellers, delivering world-class service and luxurious facilities.”

Montecasino was also the recent recipient of the Best of Pretoria Best Casino Award and the Leisure Options Best of Joburg Award for Best Theatre.
An annual exhibition of African nature and wildlife photography began recently at Cape Town’s Iziko SA museum, featuring work by photographers around the world.
The exhibition, coordinated by Nature’s Best Photography Africa and Iziko Museums, features 75 award-winning images taken in Africa.

The prizes included photographic safaris to some of Africa’s richest wildlife regions, valued at more than R1 million.

The exhibition aims to foster local and international support, as well as an appreciation and desire to protect Africa’s natural resources.

Visitors to the museum can also download an app to open an augmented reality experience and stand a chance to win hardcover coffee-table books showcasing this year’s winning images.

– Source: Traveller24
South African model Thando Hopa is featured in the 2018 Pirelli Calendar and attended the fashionable launch of the glamourous yearly tradition.
Wearing a glamorous black Gert-Johan Coetzee gown, Thando made a powerful statement on stage at the gala that marked the unveiling of the calendar.

The glitzy gathering was held in the Hammerstein Ballroom at the Manhattan Centre in New York recently.

Here's what Thando had to say at the momentous occasion:

“I’ve always tried to do projects that present positive narratives for people who are underrepresented, like me, and the calendar really managed this,” she said. “Alice in Wonderland speaks of possibilities, and this interpretation said that Alice could be anybody, and for underrepresented people, possibilities and dreams are important because when you are underrepresented you face the danger of conforming to stereotypes because that is all you see. This calendar says, No, it doesn’t have to be that way.”

This elicited loud applause from the audience that included her co-stars Naomi Campbell, Sean Diddy Combs and the British photographer, Tim Walker who masterminded the project over an elaborate four-day shoot in London in May.

The evening’s events also included the showing of the Making Of video, a magical behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the 2018 calendar and how Tim Walker, brought his vision to life.

Thando’s contribution to this landmark project is significant; not only did she get the last word in the video, but the calendar itself, which includes four photographs of Thando as the Princess of Hearts, is closed by her words. According to Thando’s publicist, Melinda Shaw, Walker was so moved by Thando’s message of inclusion and representation that he asked her to write the final words which were printed on the last page of the lushly rich, large-format calendar.

Hopa was part of an all-black cast in this 45th edition of the calendar, which has always been shot by big-name photographers. Says Shaw, “It is a proud moment indeed for Thando as the first black South African ever to feature in this legendary annual project, especially in this landmark edition that tells a classic story to a new generation in such an empowering way”.

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Long jumper, Luvo Manyonga, won the South African Sports Star of the Year Award at the country's Sports Awards in Johannesburg on Sunday, 12 November.
Manyonga made headlines this year when he leaped to the gold medal in the men's long jump at the IAAF World Championships in London.

The 26-year-old, who had to settle for silver at the 2016 Rio Olympics, took the gold with his second-round jump of 8.48 m.

He also became only the third South African to win a Diamond League title in any discipline after Caster Semenya and Khotso Mokoena.

Manyonga also picked up the Sportsman of the Year Award, while Semenya won two awards: Sportswoman of the Year and People's Choice Sports Star of the Year.

Full list of winners:
  • Federation of the Year: Lifesaving SA
  • Administrator of the Year: Sanelisiwe Khuzwayo
  • School Team of the Year: St. Mary's School
  • Developing School Team of the Year: Hlangabeza Primary School (Under-13 Chess)
  • Indigenous Games Team of the Year: North West Kho-Kho Team
  • Recreation Body of the Year: In-Touch Community Support Group
  • Photographer of the Year: Simphiwe Nkwali
  • Journalist of the Year: OG Molefe
  • Newcomer of the Year: Sokwakhana Zazini
  • Team of the Year: Springbok Sevens
  • Sportsman of the Year with a Disability: Dyan Buis
  • Volunteer of the Year: Samuel Maduwa
  • Coach of the Year: Jean Verster
  • Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability: Ilse Hayes
  • Sportsman of the Year: Luvo Manyonga
  • Sportswoman of the Year: Caster Semenya
  • People's Choice Sports Star of the Year: Caster Semenya
  • Sports Star of the Year: Luvo Manyonga.
Branden Grace became the first South African winner of the Nedbank Golf Challenge in a decade at Sun City on Sunday, 12 November.
With a final round of 66, Grace won "Africa's Major" by a single stroke on 11 under par and ended a win drought of South Africans in this event stretching back to Trevor Immelman's triumph in 2007.

"This is awesome. This is the one event that as a South African you want to win. It's Africa's Major for a reason and what a special place it is. There’s a lot of history and a lot of great winners on the trophy and I'm very glad to be able to put my name on the trophy as well," said a delighted Grace.

The South African was involved in a great contest with Scotland's Scott Jamieson that saw them tied for the lead on 10 under playing the par-three 16th.

With so many Nedbank Golf Challenge’s having been decided on this hole, the 2017 edition made for another one of these great moments.

After a wayward tee shot that hit the grandstand and bounced back out into the greenside rough, Jamieson almost holed his chip shot from there, which lipped the hole. He tapped in for par.

That left Grace with an almost 50-foot putt. And he rolled it straight in to take a one-stroke lead.

That was all the lead he needed and he carried it to 18, and into the history books. It was the putt that Player himself voted as his #StrokeofGenius for the final day.

Grace is the seventh winner on the European Tour's elite Rolex Series this year, and with this being the penultimate event on the Race to Dubai.

"That's awesome. It's special to win here, firstly, and then special to win one of the Rolex Series tournaments as well."

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South African Wayde van Niekerk on Monday, 13 November, was confirmed as a finalist for the men’s IAAF World Athlete of the Year
The world record holder in the men’s 400 m, is up against Great Britain’s Mo Farah and Qatar’s Mutaz Barshim for the top award.

South African Luvo Manyonga (men’s long jump) and Caster Semenya (women’s 800 m) were both nominated for the World Athlete of the Year, but did not make it onto the three-name lists for finalists.

The male and female World Athletes of the Year will be announced at the IAAF Athletics Awards in Monaco on 24 November 24.

– Source: Enca
South African tennis coach, Neville Godwin, has won the prestigious 2017 ATP coach of the year award.
The award, which was introduced in 2016, honours the coach who helped guide his/her player to a higher level of performance during the season.

Godwin coached compatriot Kevin Anderson for the past four years, with the South African No 1 earlier this week announcing that he would part ways with Godwin.

The 42-year-old Godwin, a former World No 90 and winner of one ATP World Tour title (2001 Newport), guided world No 14 Anderson to his first Grand Slam final at this year’s United States Open.

“I’m honoured to receive this award, especially since it was voted for by only my fellow coaches,” Godwin was quoted as saying on the ATP World Tour’s official website.

“There were so many amazing stories on the tour this year, and I’m privileged to have been a part of it.”

Godwin staved off stiff competition for the award as he was nominated alongside Ivan Ljubicic (Roger Federer), Martin Laurendeau (Denis Shapovalov), Toni Nadal and Carlos Moya (Rafael Nadal) and Alexander Zverev Sr (Alexander Zverev and Mischa Zverev).

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Ans Botha, coach of South African 400-m world record holder, Olympic champion and world champion, Wayde van Niekerk, has been named 2017 Coach of the Year by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).
Botha, affectionately known as "Tannie Ans" has guided Van Niekerk to numerous achievements during the course of his career.

These include two world championship crowns over 400 m, an Olympic gold medal and world record over the same distance in Rio in 2016 and a silver medal in the 200 m at the IAAF World Championships this year.

Van Niekerk also shattered Usain Bolt's world record this year in the little run 300-m event.

He is also is in line for the IAAF World Athlete of the Year, which will be announced later this month. Van Niekerk is currently undergoing rehabilitation for an injured knee and will be out for a period of up to six month, ruling him out of the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Botha, who hails from Namibia, was named SA Coach of the Year in 2016.

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