Issue 309 | 02 February 2018
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On 30 January, President Jacob Zuma arrived back in South Africa from a successful visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he led the South African Government delegation to the 30th Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU), which met from 28 to 29 January 2017 under the theme: "Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation".
The summit took a number of important decisions that demonstrated the readiness of AU member states to fully implement the commitments made in the continental organisation's flagship programme, Agenda 2063, relating to, among other things, the sustenance of peace and security; free movement of people, good and services; and improving political and democratic governance on the continent.

On 29 January 2017, the AU leaders launched the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM). The SAATM, of which South Africa is a signatory, provides for the full liberalisation of market access between African states, free exercise of traffic rights, elimination of restrictions on ownership and full liberalisation of frequencies, fares and capacities.

President Zuma said: "It is gratifying that the continent is moving ahead with the implementation of Agenda 2063, and it is vital that we are taking decisions that have a direct impact on the lives of the people of the continent. We are, in a very practical manner, removing barriers to trade, investment and tourism".

The summit elected President Paul Kagame of Rwanda as Chair of the AU for the year 2018, taking over from President Alpha Conde of the Republic of Guinea. President Zuma congratulated President Kagame and assured him of South Africa's readiness to work with him as he steered the AU. South Africa was elected to serve as one of the vice chairs of the Bureau of the AU, representing the southern African region. The other member states of the Bureau are Libya (North Africa), Republic of Congo (Central Africa) and the Republic of Guinea (West Africa).

On the state of peace and security on the continent, the summit discussed the situations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, South Sudan, Libya and Western Sahara. The summit noted that the continent remained largely peaceful and that the situations in the countries under discussion required more concerted efforts from the AU and its member states geared towards sustainable peace and stability within the framework of Agenda 2063, in particular the goal to "silence the guns by the year 2020".

The summit emphasised the need for continuous engagement and cooperation between the AU and the United Nations (UN). In this regard, the summit re-appointed President Zuma to continue his role of championing this initiative. President Zuma met the Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres, on the margins of the summit. The two leaders recommitted themselves to fostering closer cooperation between the AU and the UN.

President Zuma said he was pleased to see the AU embracing the decision by South Africa to mark the centenary of South Africa's first post-apartheid President, Tata Nelson Mandela. "We were pleased to see the warmth with which our fellow Africans received the message about commemorating Madiba's Centenary. This once again shows that Africa is ready to preserve Madiba's legacy of Pan-African solidarity as well as peace and reconciliation."

On 27 January, President Zuma hosted a dinner to commemorate the Centenary celebrations of President Mandela.

The year 2018 marks the Centenary of former President of the African National Congress (ANC) and first President of democratic South Africa, Nelson Mandela. This year, South Africa and the entire globe are organising a range of activities to celebrate and honour the former statesman. Former President Nelson Mandela passed away on 5 December 2013 and on 18 July 2018 he would have turned 100 years.

During the 2018 January Statement of the ANC, the AU Summit was identified as a critical platform to launch the celebrations.
South Africa, which took over the rotational Chairship of the emerging economies grouping Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), is set to host the 10th BRICS summit in July.
The summit, which is scheduled from 25 – 27 July at the Sandton Convention Centre, will see South Africa building on the BRICS programme of development and prosperity for partner countries.

South Africa says the summit, which will be attended by heads of state from the grouping, will be an important milestone towards building stronger solidarity and cooperation among emerging markets.

“BRICS is an important global formation and South Africa is privileged to host the summit the second time around, as we enter the second decade of cooperation. BRICS has been meeting in summit form for nine years now and this will be the 10th session.

“The first summit we hosted in 2013 was very successful with very tangible outcomes and the results of that summit are visible in the work of BRICS and the global community and we are confident that this summit will also follow suit,” Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) DDG of Asia, Middle East and BRICS Sous-Sherpa, Amb Anil Sooklal, said on Monday, 29 January.

He was speaking in Tshwane where the Government Communication and Information System, DIRCO and Brand SA hosted a communication roundtable discussion on awareness around the importance of BRICS to South Africa.

The session was imperative as South Africa assumed the rotational Chairship from China from 1 January to 31 December 2018.

Amb Sooklal said the summit would showcase the cooperation that the BRICS countries enjoyed, as well as its impact globally as they addressed key challenges faced by emerging countries such as developmental challenges, growing the economy and addressing poverty and unemployment.

According to Amb Sooklal, within the BRICS context, South Africa has primary goals which are to see development and inclusive economic growth, promote value-added trade among BRICS countries and advance investment into the productive sector.

The five BRICS countries account for 26% of the world's landmass and are home to 43% of the world's population. The bloc is composed of emerging markets and the developing world.

There has been substantive progress achieved since South Africa joined BRICS in 2011, as seen for example in the launch of the Africa Regional Centre (ARC) of the New Development Bank (NDB) in South Africa.

The formation has strengthened its cooperative mechanism for institutional development, most notably witnessed in the creation of the NDB and the recently launched ARC in Johannesburg.

In 2015, total intra-BRICS trade amounted to R3,06 trillion.

South Africa’s exports to BRICS countries marginally increased from R123 billion in 2011 to R138,2 billion in 2016, while in the same period, imports from BRICS countries also increased from R115 billion to R230 billion.

Total intra-BRICS foreign direct investment was R554 trillion at the end of February 2016.

However, despite the deepened relations within BRICS, Amb Sooklal said there was room for better coordination between BRICS countries in other areas.

“We need to get your academics, think tanks, the private sector and our people-to-people dimension to work and organise themselves better and embrace the opportunities presented to them by being part of the BRICS formation.”

Already the South African Government has been engaging the BRICS Think Tank Council in order to identify concrete areas of cooperation that South Africa can take forward during the country’s BRICS Chairship in 2018.

A BRICS Network of Smart Manufacturing Hubs has been recommended and it is expected to pool together knowledge, technology and new ideas on the identification of new and interconnected value chains.

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President Jacob Zuma has congratulated renowned South African scientist, Prof. Robert Millar, on winning the prestigious African Union (AU) Kwame Nkrumah Award on 28 January 2018.
The award was handed out during the opening ceremony of the 30th Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the AU, taking place in Addis Ababa, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

Prof. Millar won in the Life and Earth Sciences Category. Each winner receives US$100 000 in prize money.

President Zuma said: "The development of science and technology is essential for the improvement of the lives of Africa's people, and this is one area where we need to invest resources and encourage our youth to explore".

President Zuma also said: "The South African Government will continue to provide a conducive environment for research and innovation as one of those areas identified in the National Development Plan".
The African Union (AU) International Centre for Girls and Women Education in Africa (AU/CIEFFA) says its high time women and girls are geared towards competitive industries in the fields of science.
“It is imperative for African states to move from commitment to action, to invest in human capital and financial resources so as to build self-confidence of girls and young women and boost their interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) or higher level of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET),” said the AU in a statement.

Against this backdrop, the AU held the second High-Level Dialogue in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which aims to promote STEM-focused TVET for women and girls.

The dialogue formed part of the 30th AU Summit, which ended on 29 January 2018.

“The retention of girls and women’s education to quality deliverables has become a non-negotiable quest for all education actors and for all AU member states,” said the AU’s Human Resources Science and Technology Commissioner, Sarah Anyang Agbor, who participated in the dialogue.

Agbor underscored the importance of education in contributing to the AU’s vision of Agenda 2063: a peaceful, integrated and prosperous Africa, driven by its own competent and skilled citizens.

She said member states had made commitments to ensure Agenda 2063 was realised.

“In our common efforts to reach the outcome and accomplish development goals, we have made commitments for the urgent implementation of adopted frameworks and decisions related to gender equality in education systems,” Agbor said.

She urged member states to advocate for political commitment and support in their respective countries for investment in the education of girls and women.

Agbor recommended a continental review in quality learning and high rates of retention of girls and young women in STEM.

The high-level dialogue was in partnership with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Addis Ababa as well as AU partners.

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The launch of a Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) is expected to create 300 000 direct and two million indirect jobs on the continent.
“With preparations continuing on schedule, the launch of the SAATM will spur more opportunities to promote trade, cross-border investments in the production and service industries, including tourism, resulting in the creation of an additional 300 000 direct and two million indirect jobs contributing immensely to the integration and socio-economic growth of the continent,” said African Union (AU) Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, Amani Abou-Zeid.

The SAATM was launched on 28 January at the AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as part of the first AU Agenda 2063 Flagship Project.
Commissioner Abou-Zeid said the aviation industry currently supported eight million jobs in Africa and SAATM was created with the aim of enhancing connectivity on the continent.

“SAATM was created with the aim of enhancing connectivity and ensuring that the industry plays a more prominent role in the global economy and significantly contributing to the AU’s Agenda 2063,” said Commissioner Abou-Zeid.

The launch of the SAATM will spur more opportunities to promote trade, cross-border investments in the production and service industries, including tourism.

“The AU Summit will also see the adoption of the regulatory text of the Yamoussoukro Decision, that is, the competition and consumer protection regulations that safeguard the efficient operation of the market,” the Commissioner added.

So far, 23 African countries out of 55 have subscribed to the SAATM, whereas 44 African countries signed the Yamoussoukro Decision.

The declaration on the establishment of a SAATM, as a Flagship Project of the AU Agenda 2063, was adopted by the AU Assembly in January 2015.

Immediately thereafter, 11 AU member states declared their commitment to establish a SAATM through full implementation of the Yamoussoukro Decision of 1999.

The Yamoussoukro Decision of 1999 provides for full liberalisation of market access between African states, free exercise of traffic rights, elimination of restrictions on ownership and full liberalisation of frequencies, fares and capacities.

To date, the 23 member states that have adhered to the commitment are: Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Togo and Zimbabwe.

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South Africa and Uganda recently reviewed achievements made since the establishment of a Joint Trade Committee (JTC) that was set up to strengthen bilateral economic relations.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, hosted the second sitting of the JTC in Pretoria on Monday, 29 January.
Established in November 2015, the JTC aims to strengthen bilateral economic relations between South Africa and the land-locked East African country.

“It was at the first sitting of the JTC where it was found that even though South Africa and Uganda enjoyed cordial trade relations, there existed certain areas that required improvement in order to conform to standards to enable an increase in exports between ourselves,” said the Minister.

He said the two countries had since agreed on the importance of fast-tracking and implementing joint projects under the JTC agreement. This will be achieved through sharing and exploring new trade, investment and technical cooperation opportunities, as well as removing obstacles to equitable trade.

The Minister said it was due to a need to improving these areas that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between South African trade and investment facilitation institutions and their respective Ugandan counterparts to strengthen bilateral trade relations.

The programme comprised a review of interventions undertaken and progress reports from South African trade and investment facilitation institutions and their respective Ugandan counterparts. There were also discussions surrounding activities of the Forum of South African Business in Uganda and a Programme of Action for the Joint Ministerial Meeting.

Investments by South African companies in Uganda also formed part of the discussions as this is a priority of the Department of Trade and Industry through its Trade Invest Africa division.

The JTC, which concluded on Tuesday, 30 January, culminated in a ministerial meeting to review and adopt the outcomes of the senior officials’ discussions.

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The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, on Monday, 29 January, visited the capital of South Sudan, Juba, to meet with her counterpart, Lt. General Kuol Manyang Juuk.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the field of Defence between the governments of South Africa and South Sudan was signed at the meeting.

“The MoU is a product of long-existing bilateral relations between the two countries dating back to the liberation struggles and South Sudan’s independence, in which South Africa played a critical role,” the Government Communication and Information System said.

It is envisioned that the MoU will facilitate better relations between the two countries, enhance security sector reforms as well as ensure peace and stability in South Sudan.

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The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, on Friday, 26 January, attended the tour and reception to send off “Dr Fridtjof Nansen”.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) hosted the first port call event for the Dr Fridtjof Nansen research vessel. The ceremony took place on board the research vessel on 26 January 2018 in Durban, under the theme “Supporting the Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management considering Climate and Pollution Impacts".

The FAO is working in close collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the Department of Environmental Affairs; and the Norwegian Embassy.
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) congratulates Deputy Governor Daniel Mminele on whom German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has bestowed the Great Order of Merit. The award honours Mr Mminele for his work in furthering German-South African relations.
German Ambassador Martin Schäfer handed over Germany’s highest tribute to Deputy Governor Mminele on 23 January 2018.

The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany was instituted in 1951. It is the highest tribute the Federal Republic of Germany can pay to individuals for services to the nation. It is awarded for achievements in the political, economic, social or intellectual realm and for all kinds of outstanding services to the nation in the field of social, charitable or philanthropic work.

“I am truly humbled and honoured to receive this award from German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, handed over by Ambassador Schäfer. It will serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement to continue to work with colleagues in both Germany and South Africa to enhance the already strong relationship between our countries, and to promote the objectives we share for international financial and economic coordination and cooperation,” said Deputy Governor Mminele.
South Africa celebrates the Centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela throughout 2018; the commemoration began in January with the announcement of a new design for the R5 coin that celebrates the life and work of Madiba.
The coin features a portrait of Mandela, with the years 1918 and 2018 engraved alongside new decorative security features. The flip side features the South African Coat of Arms, replacing the usual wildebeest design on the original R5 coin. This side also features the words “South Africa” in English and isiXhosa.

Since 1996, all South African coins have borne one of the country’s 11 official languages on a rotational basis.

The original R5 coin was introduced as legal tender in 1994, commemorating Mandela’s inauguration as South Africa’s first democratically elected president.

Another dedicatory coin was minted in 2008 in celebration of Mandela’s 90th birthday.

In a statement announcing the minting of the 2018 coin, the Reserve Bank of South Africa advised that it was national legal tender and, while it might hold a special personal value to all South Africans, it would not increase in value if stockpiled by collectors.

The bank encouraged South Africans to use the coin: “If you receive one of these coins as change, please do not hold on to it. Use it to make a purchase so that the next person can also experience [its] beauty.” It added: “[While] there could be a buyer willing to pay a higher price to collect [the] commemorative circulation coin, the Reserve Bank does not attach a value higher than the face value to such coins.”

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The Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme (WISP), run by Green Cape, has been recognised for its sterling and innovative work at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
WISP was named as runner-up in the Public Sector Category at The Circulars, an awards ceremony which recognises leaders in the circular economy. The circular economy focuses on using and re-using resources for as long as possible.

The idea behind WISP is to connect businesses so that the underutilised or waste resources of one company are used by another.

The project, initially funded by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, was piloted in 2013 and has grown to become a shining light in the green economy.

From diverting 89 tonnes of waste from landfill in 2013, the project now diverts around 10 000 tonnes of waste – that would otherwise end up in landfills – to businesses that have a use for it. Its reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is equivalent to planting 44 000 trees.

The project has also created 140 jobs, and contributed R41,6 million to companies in direct cash benefits.

The Western Cape MEC of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, congratulated Green Cape on the award, saying “this gives international recognition and proves that our green innovations are world class”.

Green Cape CEO, Mike Mulcahy, who was in Davos to accept the award, said: “We are delighted that the WISP team's work has received international recognition by The Circulars and the World Economic Forum. We could not have done this work without the support and vision of the Western Cape Government and the British High Commission, which first funded WISP, and the City of Cape Town, our current funder. Thank you for allowing us to connect businesses and in the process create jobs and transform our economy”.
The arrival in Cape Town recently of the luxurious “Queen Mary” ocean liner marked the peak of a strong cruise season for Cape Town.
The Queen Mary, operated by Cunard, is arguably the world’s most famous liner. She spend Friday night, 26 January, in Cape Town before departing again the following day.

A total of 1 546 passengers on board the Queen Mary disembarked to enjoy Cape Town’s hospitality.

Another 11 ships are expected to dock in Cape Town between now and the close of the season on 24 April, including the Costa Neo, the Silver Cloud, the Seven Seas Navigator and the iconic Queen Elizabeth 2, affectionately known as the QE2.

Last year, over 31 000 passengers and 15 000 crew arrived in Cape Town on board cruise ships.

Western Cape MEC of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, said: “We are delighted that Cape Town is becoming a regular fixture on the Queen Mary’s route”.

“Our focus with Project Khulisa is creating as many tourism jobs and opportunities as possible. Our business modelling shows that the cruise ship industry could be worth R220 billion between 2017 and 2027. This is a substantial contribution to our economy. Traditionally, the cruise season runs from October to April, and so far this season, 14 671 passengers have disembarked in Cape Town,” MEC Winde said
A South African architecture firm has created one of the most exquisite new homes on the French Riviera. The luxury residence – in St Tropez – is billed as a “modern interpretation of Côte d’Azur living”.
The prestigious project, in one of the world’s most sought-after destinations for the rich and famous, landed in the hands of Cape Town-based SAOTA after the client fell in love with their previous projects.

Stefan Antoni, Director of SAOTA, told SAPeople: “The client was collecting reference images. She noticed that all her preferred images came from the same firm, SAOTA. She phoned us and asked if we were interested in doing the project for her.”

To achieve the desired contemporary St Tropez feel, there were some challenging aspects to overcome – such as complex zoning and building restrictions … but fortunately there were also advantages working in the south of France.

“The climate and vegetation is Mediterranean, which is very similar to Cape Town, so it was surprisingly similar to working back in RSA,” said Antoni.

The South African architectural firm carefully considered the contemporary, rectilinear, cubic design to blend in with the more traditional residences that are prevalent in the area.

SAOTA made a number of trips to France prior to commencement of the project, and during construction.

“We had a great Architect of Record so we were always aware of progress and issues that needed attention.”

The house is situated just above St Tropez’s famous Plage de Pampelonne beach, and a stone’s throw from Le Club 55 – the embodiment of the St Tropez lifestyle. The location called for seamless indoor-outdoor living.

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A planned all-glass skybridge between the two parts of the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) could become the Mother City's latest tourist attraction, according to Western Cape MEC of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde.
The skybridge will pass over the Heerengracht to connect the original CTICC development with its expansion, CTICC 2.

The official opening of the R900-m CTICC 2 development was celebrated recently with a gala event.

According to CTICC CEO, Julie-May Ellingson, construction of the skybridge will start within the next few months and it is expected to be operational by the end of the year.

She said CTICC 2 would help to strengthen Cape Town's reputation as a global business events destination. The aim is to establish CTICC as one of the top-10 long-haul convention centres in the world.

CTICC 2 adds an additional 31 148m² to the complex, including 10 000m² of conference and exhibition space, as well as a further 3 000m² of formal and informal meeting space. It creates six exhibition halls, four meeting suites, five meeting pod rooms, an executive boardroom, three open-air terraces, including a rooftop venue, a coffee shop, and a multi-level parking garage.

The centre has an environmentally sustainable design, high-tech venue control system, high-calibre IT infrastructure, free public Wi-Fi, three production kitchens and a service tunnel under Heerengracht to connect CTICC 2 with CTICC 1.

Prior to the official opening, CTICC 2 had already hosted close to 50 000 delegates. The 21st Annual Congress of the SA Council of Shopping Centres was the very first event hosted by CTICC 2.

Construction of CTICC 2 started in 2014 and is a joint venture between the City of Cape Town, the Western Cape Government and SunWest International.

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A new mural is just one of many appearing around the world, but the meaning is much deeper than just pictures.
From a bear in Canada to an elephant in Jozi, South African street artist Sonny is on a mission to raise awareness of animal conservation by painting large-scale street murals in as many places around the world as possible.

His latest work appears on a wall in Vladivostok, Russia, where residents are admiring his newest subject – a giant Amur leopard, one of the planet's most endangered cats.

The extraordinary mural measures 250 m², and reportedly contains more than 200 shades of colour.

Only 80 of these leopards are left in the wild, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The WWF explains that the Amur leopard is poached largely for its fur, which can sell for hundreds of thousands of rands. Agriculture and villages also surround the forests where the leopards live. As a result, the forests are relatively accessible, making poaching a problem.

"Amur leopards are teetering on the brink of extinction," the WWF's page says of the critically endangered animals.

Sonny will be having a major exhibition later this year in New York, where all of his projects will be shown together. – Huffingtonpost
South African music superstars Ladysmith Black Mambazo have won their fifth Grammy award.
The ceremony took place on Sunday, 28 January, in New York and was hosted by James Corden.

The group won in the Category Best World Music Album for their album Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration.

The musos were nominated in two categories: The Best World Music Album Category for Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration, as well as in the Best Children’s Album Category for Songs Of Peace & Love For Kids & Parents Around The World.

Ladysmith Black Mambazo has been nominated for 19 Grammy Awards. The musicians re-recorded the Shaka Zulu album in tribute to the group’s founder Joseph Shabalala, who retired.

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South African host of “The Daily Show”, Trevor Noah, presented comedy great Dave Chappelle with a Grammy on Sunday, 28 January, in Los Angeles.
Dave won the award for Best Comedy Album.

Trevor also rocked the red carpet at the 60th Grammy Awards wearing a bold printed blazer.
“Revolting Rhymes” is one of five animated short films nominated for an Oscar! The announcements were made in the USA recently.
“Revolting Rhymes” is an adaptation of Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake’s classic book of surprising fairy tales.

Produced by Magic Light Pictures, “Revolting Rhymes” was animated at Magic Light’s Berlin studio and Cape Town’s Triggerfish.

“We’re beside ourselves right now, and just incredibly happy,” say co-directors Jakob Schuh (Oscar-nominated for The Gruffalo) and Jan Lachauer (Oscar-nominated for Room on the Broom).

“Happy for the film and happy for all our fantastic collaborators here in Berlin, our producers at Magic Light, as well as our wonderful team in South Africa.

“It’s a pretty unreal feeling to find your labour of love has been recognised in this way. We’re deeply grateful to the Academy for this nomination. This was a hard film to make. What always steered us forward was the level of love our team had for this story – and the blessings we received from Luke Kelly, Roald Dahl’s grandson, and from the great Quentin Blake. So, for everyone’s work to receive such love in return today, it’s the most beautiful reward.”

Revolting Rhymes has already won nine major international awards, and has been nominated for several other prestigious awards this year.

Magic Light Pictures’ third collaboration with Triggerfish, The Highway Rat, premiered on BBC One this Christmas, achieving total audience ratings of six million viewers and 31,2% share for the Christmas Day premiere, making it the eighth most-watched programme of the day.

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Big Concerts, a Live Nation Company, has announced that "Cartoon Network Live!" will be coming to South Africa for the very first time over the winter school holidays. 
This brand new live show will be coming to Cape Town from 26 June 2018 at the Grand Arena, GrandWest, before heading to Johannesburg from 3 July 2018 at Montecasino.

Cartoon Network Live!, will feature Cartoon Network’s most popular heroes from Ben 10, The Amazing World of Gumball, Adventure Time and The Powerpuff Girls, in an interactive and spectacular stage production for kids aged 5+.

The production brings together an international, award-winning creative team to ensure a quality family entertainment stage show for audiences of all ages.

Tickets are on sale now through and Computicket.

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The multiple Olympic gold medallist winner in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay, who is also world record holder of the mentioned events, is visiting South Africa as the principal of the PUMA School of Speed, which will see five competitions held around the country.
Bolt, who retired in 2017, is also an ambassador for the IAAF to promote athletics worldwide.

“The arrival of Bolt comes at an opportune time when the 2018 youth and junior domestic athletics season is now in full swing,” said Aleck Skhosana, the President of Athletics South Africa. “His presence here will encourage a lot of youngsters to perform better and elite athletes to renew their ambitions to make South Africa the best.

“We have more than 500 000 youth and junior athletes between the ages of 14-19 years at high school level that are currently competing in domestic school competitions.

“Their main objective is to reach the 2018 ASA Youth and Junior Championships (5-7 April, Paarl) where they hope to qualify to represent South Africa at the 2018 IAAF World Junior Championships in Tampere, Finland from (10-14 June). The presence of this icon is a great chance for athletics fans who have followed his career over the years to see him.”

Bolt joined Mamelodi Sundowns at training on Monday morning, 29 January, and showed a glimpse of what he can do on a soccer pitch.

He has often spoken about his desire to transition to football after his athletics career is over.

The visit to Chloorkop was a marketing dream for sports gear company Puma as they sponsor Sundowns‚ Rihanna and Bolt‚ among others.

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South African referee AJ Jacobs is the only newcomer on the list of 17 referees named by SANZAAR for the 2018 Super Rugby competition.
He joins former Stormers wing Egon Seconds on the match official list, after his successful debut season last year. Apart from five South Africans, there are also seven New Zealanders, three Australians and one each from Japan and Argentina on the panel.

Joining Jacobs and Seconds on the panel from South Africa are the experienced Jaco Peyper, Rasta Rasivhenge and Marius van der Westhuizen.

Two local referees, Stuart Berry and Quinton Immelman, were redeployed to the PRO14, while Jaco van Heerden retired from refereeing late last year.

“AJ is one of our most promising referees and I want to congratulate him on his appointment,” said Banks Yantolo, SA Rugby’s manager of referees.

“He is a dedicated match official and he fully deserves his Super Rugby appointment. All our referees have worked very hard to be in good shape for the forthcoming season. In addition to the annual SANZAAR pre-season training camp, which took place in December in Stellenbosch, our referees also completed another local camp just a few days ago, to sharpen up their preparations for the coming season.”

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Despite being thrashed in the final of the Sydney Sevens by hosts Australia, the Blitzboks have returned to the summit of the standings.
The Blitzboks would've fancied their chances in the showpiece match, but inexplicably went down 29-0 to a rampant Australian men's side who added to their women's counterparts who won their Sevens final against New Zealand.

The Blitzboks were the defending champions in Sydney and the final was Australia's first tournament triumph since 2012 in Tokyo.

It was also Australia's first win on home soil in 16 years, their last success coming at Ballymore in Brisbane in 2002.

To ease their pain somewhat, Neil Powell's men returned to the top of the standings after New Zealand, who had lead the way heading into Sydney, were knocked out in the quarter-finals.

The Blitzboks lead by four points heading into next weekend's tournament in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Australia vaulted into third place on the standings, albeit 15 points behind the Blitzboks, but have announced themselves as strong contenders for the rest of the series.

Remaining tournaments in the 2017/18 World Sevens series:

3-4 February: Hamilton, New Zealand; 2-4 March: Las Vegas, USA; 10-11 March: Vancouver, Canada; 6-8 April: Hong Kong; 28-29 April: Singapore; 2-3 June: London; 8-10 June: Paris.

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