Issue 323 | 19 April 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa is leading a South African delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2018) from 19 – 20 April 2018 in London, United Kingdom (UK), under the theme: “Towards a Common Future”.
President Ramaphosa is based in London this week where he is using his attendance at the CHOGM 2018 to position South Africa as an investment destination.

“For South Africa, the CHOGM 2018 is an opportunity for the marketing and promotion of South Africa as an investment destination. President Ramaphosa is utilising the opportunity to engage with major investors and business leaders based in the UK.

“The President will thus extend an invitation to leading investors and leaders of business to attend the Investment Summit scheduled for later this year,” said The Presidency in a statement.

The President left for the CHOGM on Monday evening after a media briefing where he announced the appointment of his Special Envoys for Investment who will “hunt down” potential investors for the country.

The Special Envoys on Investment is made up of finance heavyweights such as former Finance Minister, Trevor Manuel, former Finance Deputy Minister, Mcebisi Jonas, Executive Chairperson of Afropulse Group, Phumzile Langeni, and Chairperson of Liberty Group and former CEO of Standard Bank, Jacko Maree.

In addition, the President appointed Trudi Makhaya as his economic adviser.

Under the theme “Towards a Common Future”, the meeting of Heads of Government segment was preceded by a Pre-CHOGM Foreign Affairs Ministers’ Meeting on 17 and 18 April 2018.

CHOGM 2018 is  providing heads of government with an opportunity to discuss common international challenges facing the membership, including:
  • weak global trade and investment flows
  • 21st century security threats
  • increasing the resilience of small and vulnerable states facing climate change (especially its impact on oceans)
  • advancing the Commonwealth’s shared values and democracy, good governance and inclusivity as set out in the Commonwealth Charter.

The Commonwealth consists of 53 members, including 19 African members, seven Asian members, 13 members from the Caribbean and the Americas, three members from Europe and 11 members from the Pacific and meets every two years to discuss issues affecting both the Commonwealth members and the international community in general.

The heads of government will, at the conclusion of the meeting on Friday, 20 April 2018, adopt an Outcome Document, which covers a wide range of issues which will serve as a Programme of Action for the organisation in the next two years.

While in London, President Ramaphosa paid a courtesy call to Her Majesty the Queen, held a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May, will deliver keynote addresses at the Commonwealth Business Forum banquets, attend CHOGM opening and closing sessions and participate in a number of executive and retreat sessions.

President Ramaphosa on Tuesday, 17 April, received two letters from Queen Elizabeth that the late former President Nelson Mandela had written. The exchange took place during his visit to Windsor Castle.

"She was reminiscing about her relationship with Nelson Mandela, particularly on the year when we celebrate 100 years of his birth," he said after the visit.

"She remembered very fondly the discussions she used to have with him. She also gave me two letters that he wrote to her, wonderful pieces of memorabilia."

The letters marked South Africa's re-entry to the Commonwealth in 1994, according to the Royal Family's official Twitter account.

He also met with British Prime Minister May for a bilateral meeting and agreed on a deal worth £50 million (R857 million) to help South Africa improve its business environment.

"We focused largely on the economy and how our partnership between South Africa and the UK could be deepened around economic matters, the economic growth we are trying to drive," Ramaphosa said.

He said May was "quite enthusiastic" about assisting and wanting to find ways in which to play a role.

President Ramaphosa and the South Africa delegation is also utilising the opportunity of the meeting of heads of government to continue to lobby for South Africa’s candidature to the United Nations (UN) Security Council for the term 2019 – 2020 with the elections to be held on 8 June in New York.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene and the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies.

Minister Sisulu on 18 April, held a bilateral meeting with the Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Baroness Scotland QC, on the margins of the CHOGM.

The discussion focused on a number of key issues, which include reform of the Commonwealth and its role towards the development of the African continent in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the African Union’s Agenda 2063 for a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development and intra-Commonwealth trade and investment.

Earlier this week, Minister Sisulu met with UK Foreign Secretary Hon Boris Johnson to discuss cooperation on wildlife conservation and South Africa’s land redistribution process.

Minister Sisulu also extended an invitation to the Rt Hon Scotland and the UK Foreign Secretary respectively to visit South Africa during the course of 2018 as the country celebrates the centenary of its first democratic President Nelson Mandela.

The bilateral meeting with the Commonwealth Secretary General forms part of a series of bilateral meetings and roundtable discussions which are expected to take place before the end of the week. These include a roundtable discussion on Zimbabwe.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa, on behalf of all South Africans, congratulated Team South Africa on bringing home 37 medals from the 2018 Commonwealth Games held on the Gold Coast of Australia.
Team South Africa won 13 gold, 11 silver and 13 bronze medals across a broad range of disciplines. Team South Africa ended in sixth position on the medals table in a competition that featured some of the world’s strongest sporting nations as well as emerging states.
Among South Africa’s top achievers were swimmers Tatjana Schoenmaker, Chad le Clos and Cameron van der Burgh, who achieved six medals combined, while sprinter Akani Simbine won the country’s first gold medal in the 100-metres sprint.
Runner Caster Semenya won gold in the 800 and 1 500 metres, while Martin Erasmus won South Africa’s first Commonwealth wrestling gold medal in 60 years.
“We are  immensely proud of our team for this outstanding performance that has placed the spotlight not just on our sporting prowess but also on how our society is creating opportunities for all South Africans to realise their human potential,” said President Ramaphosa.
“I wish to encourage all South Africans to support our athletes and the governing structures to ensure even greater performance moving forward.”
President Ramaphosa further reiterated the importance of sports in building a healthy and cohesive society.

Team SA medal winners at the 2018 Commonwealth Games:


Akani Simbine (100m), Luvo Manyonga (long jump), Jonathan Ntutu (T12 100m), Caster Semenya (800m, 1500m), Chad le Clos (50m, 100m, 200m butterfly), Cameron van der Burgh (50m breaststroke), Tatjana Schoenmaker (100m, 200m breaststroke), Henri Schoeman (triathlon), Martin Erasmus (97kg freestyle)


Henricho Bruintjies (100m), Team SA (4x100m men), Hilton Langenhoven (T12 100m), Dyan Buis (T38 100m), Women’s Fours bowls, Women’s Pairs bowls, Mixed B2/B3 Pairs bowls, Chad le Clos (100m freestyle), Brad Tandy (50m freestyle), Christian Sadie (50m S7 freestyle), Hanru Botha (74kg freestyle wrestling)


Reinhardt Hamman (F38 shot put), Ruswahl Samaai (long jump), Charl du Toit (T38 100m), Wenda Nel (400m hurdles), Sunette Viljoen (javelin), Alan Hatherly (mountain biking cross-country), Clint Hendricks (men’s road race), Open B6/B7/B8 Triples bowls, Colleen Piketh (women’s singles bowls), Cameron van der Burgh (100m breaststroke), Team SA 4x100m medley relay, Ryan Coetzee (50m butterfly), Mona Pretorius (weightlifting 53kg)

Sporting codes to win medals:

14 - Athletics
12 - Swimming
5 - Bowls
2 - Cycling, Wrestling
1 - Triathlon, Weightlifting.
Orlando Stadium in Soweto was on Saturday, 14 April 2018, filled to capacity as mourners bid farewell to the woman affectionately known as the “Mother of the Nation”.
Addressing the event, President Cyril Ramaphosa called on South Africans to honour the memory of the late struggle icon, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, by uniting in a common purpose to heal the divisions of the past and eradicate inequality.

“Let us honour her memory by pledging here that we will dedicate all our resources, all our efforts, all our energy to the empowerment of the poor and vulnerable.

“Let us honour her memory by pledging here that we will not betray the trust of her people, we will not squander or steal their resources, and that we will serve them diligently and selflessly,” said President Ramaphosa.

He said Mama Winnie had died, but she was not gone.

“She lives on in the nation that called her ‘Mama’, as it strives each day to fulfil its destiny as a united, peaceful, prosperous and just society.”

Former presidents Jacob Zuma, Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe as well Congolese President Denis Sassou Nguesso and Namibian President Hage Geingob and a host of international guests were among the dignitaries who attended the funeral to pay their final respects.

Madikizela-Mandela passed away on 2 April at Netcare Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg. According to her family, Madikizela-Mandela died after a long illness, for which she had been in and out of hospital since the start of the year.

President Ramaphosa commended her for choosing to live a life of service and compassion.

“She chose as her vocation the alleviation of the suffering of others. She trained and worked as one who provides support and care and comfort to those most deeply affected by poverty, hunger and illness.”

The President described her as an African woman who – in her attitude, words and actions – defied the very premise of apartheid ideology and male superiority.

“Proud, defiant, articulate, she exposed the lie of apartheid. She challenged the attitudes, norms, practices and social institutions that perpetuated – in ways both brutal and subtle – the inferior status of women. Loudly and without apology, she spoke truth to power,” he said.

“Yet, through everything, she endured. They could not break her. They could not silence her. They miscalculated greatly because in truth, they sent her to live among her people – to share in their trials, tribulations and hardships, to share their hopes and aspirations, and to draw courage from their daily struggle against the tyranny of racial subjugation.

“The enemy expected her to return from Brandfort diminished, broken and defeated,” President Ramaphosa said.

"Instead, she emerged from these torments emboldened, driven by a burning desire to give voice to the aspirations of her people.

“To give them hope. To give them courage. To lead them to freedom,” President Ramaphosa said.

President Geingob said he had come to mourn and celebrate the life of Madikizela-Mandela, who remained rooted in her people.

“The enemy striked a woman but was defeated by the rock,” President Geingob said.

Madikizela-Mandela was laid to rest at the Fourways Memorial Park Cemetery.

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Government hosted a memorial service for the late former Minister and High Commissioner, Dr Zola Skweyiya, on 18 April 2018, the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on State Funerals has announced.

Former colleagues and friends of the late Dr Zola Skweyiya described him as someone who was disciplined, loved serving the poor and ensuring that all have a better life.

Speaker after speaker reminisced fondly about the late Skweyiya at a Special Official Memorial Service on Wednesday, 19 April 2018,  at the Tshwane Events Centre.

Addressing the event, Deputy President David Mabuza said South Africa had lost a fine revolutionary, an upright human being and a true servant of the people.

“As a nation, and the African National Congress in particular, we are cognisant of the reality that this period marks a critical turning point in our political history. It is time when we losing the generation of outstanding leaders that made an immense contribution to our freedom.

“In this hour of grief and loss, we find comfort that Dr Skweyiya leaves a rich legacy behind for all of us to emulate.

“Throughout his life, he performed extraordinary feats because he was driven by a deep sense of social justice, care and love of his people. It was his deep hatred for racial oppression and injustice that inspired his life-long activism.

“In valuing integrity, truth and selflessness, he became an embodiment of servant leadership and a shining light for the destitute and marginalised of our country and the world.”

Dr Skweyiya passed away on 11 April, aged 75, after a period of hospitalisation. He passed away just three days shy of his 76th birthday on 14 April.

Dr Skweyiya served as Minister of Public Service and Administration from 1994 to 1999 under President Nelson Mandela. He also served as Minister of Social Development between 1999 and 2009 during President Thabo Mbeki’s administration. In 2009, Skweyiya was appointed as High Commissioner of South Africa.

On Friday, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a Special Official Funeral, Category 1, for Dr Zola Skweyiya.

“The funeral service will take place on the 21 April 2018 at CRC Church, Corner Lynnwood road and Solomon Mahlangu Drive, Pretoria.

A Special Official Funeral entails elements of military ceremonial honours and is declared, in line with the Presidency’s State, Official and Provincial Official Funeral Policy, for persons of extraordinary credentials specifically designated by the President of the Republic of South Africa.

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The South African Government takes strong exception to the Travel Advisory issued by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, which contains misleading information about South Africa in general and, in particular, about the experiences of foreign tourists visiting South Africa.

Minister Lindiwe Sisulu will raise the concerns of the South African Government relating to the advisory with her Australian counterpart, Minister Julie Bishop.

The travel advisory has the potential not only to deter Australians from visiting South Africa, but also to tarnish our country's image.

Officials from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation have in the past requested, without success, that the advisory be amended to reflect the situation in South Africa as it relates to the true experiences of foreign tourists. The decision to escalate the matter follows these unsuccessful attempts and indicates the seriousness with which the South African Government values the contribution of the tourism sector to the economy.

Minister Sisulu said: "South Africa remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and tourists in most instances have pleasant experiences of our country”.

The South African Government has noted with grave concern the airstrikes conducted by the United Kingdom, the United States and French military in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.
From the onset, when the Syrian crisis broke out, South Africa has consistently and constantly called for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria cannot be a justification for military airstrikes in a territory of a sovereign state without the authorisation of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). In the same vein, South Africa condemns the use of chemical weapons by any party in the Syrian territory.

We remain steadfast in our principled position that the issue should be resolved in the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the UNSC.

We urge all members of the UNSC to shoulder their UN Charter mandate for the maintenance of international peace and security and double all efforts towards a peaceful non-military solution that respects and guarantees the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, was in Namibia recently where he attended the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Council of Ministers Meeting.
“This is the first quarterly meeting of the financial year 2018/19 to discuss the SACU agenda. The ministers will discuss among others, the SACU trade negotiations, including the recently launched African Continental Free Trade Area and provide strategic guidance,” said the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) on Wednesday, 11 April 2018.

The Ministerial Meeting took place in Windhoek.

Minister Davies also attended the inaugural meeting of the Ministerial Task Team on Trade and Industry set up by the SACU Summit in Swaziland in June 2017 to review the trade and industry aspects of the 2002 SACU Agreement.

“The objective of the review is to identify critical areas of the SACU Agreement to be amended to facilitate the transformation of SACU into a development integration arrangement," said Minister Davies.

The Minister emphasised that SACU had already identified the critical pillars to advance this objective through the six-point plan.

The pillars of the six-point plan include: industrialisation; trade facilitation; a unified approach to trade negotiations with third parties; establishment of institutions; trade in services; and the review of the revenue-sharing arrangement to facilitate the implementation of cross-border projects that promote regional integration.

“The review of the 2002 SACU Agreement aims to facilitate the implementation of the agreed work programme,” said Minister Davies. The implementation of the six-point plan is central in promoting sustainable development of SACU economies.

The Council of Ministers Meeting conclude on Friday, 13 April.

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The South African Revenue Service (SARS) recently hosted the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Heads Customs Authority Meeting in Durban.
“The revenue service will host the Customs Cooperation Meeting, which is a representation of the heads of customs authorities from BRICS with a view to enhance relations and further improve cooperation and promote development among BRICS member countries,” said SARS.

The meeting was held from Wednesday to Thursday. It was preceded by a customs experts meeting at the same venue from 16 to 17 April 2018.

Meanwhile, the revenue service will host the tax experts and the heads of tax administrations in June 2018.

“These meetings are part of government-wide departmental meetings that form part of the build-up to the 10th BRICS Summit, which South Africa will host as Chair of BRICS in August 2018. The South African Government has committed itself to using its role as Chair of BRICS in 2018 to strategically plan towards the goal of improved cooperation in the next decade,” said SARS.

Government has also committed itself to follow through on the agenda that was set in Xiamen, China, in 2017, when China was Chair, to ensure maximum synergy and continuity.

This will be the second time that South Africa is hosting the BRICS Summit, after previously hosting the Summit in March 2013.

“South Africa’s membership of BRICS is a vital element in pursuit of its foreign policy priorities, including the promotion of the African Agenda, sustainable development, global governance reform and cooperation,” said SARS.

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South Africa will later this month host the India-South Africa Business Summit.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) will host the Business Summit in partnership with the High Commission of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India, Invest India, the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

The Business Summit seeks to maximise the potential of the economic and commercial partnership between South Africa and India, leveraging both the “Invest SA” and “Invest India” initiatives.

South Africa views its relationship with India as a strategic one.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said that even though South Africa's total investment to India increased to R10,3 billion in 2017 from R1,4 billion in 2003, a lot needed to be done to increase investments and create jobs in both countries.

“Between January 2003 and September 2017, South Africa recorded a total of 29 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects to India. These projects represent a total capital investment of R10,3 billion, which is an average investment of R358,83 million. During the period, a total of 5 871 jobs were created,” said Minister Davies.

The two-day Summit, which gets underway on 29 April, will open with a dinner and a tribute to former President Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, choreographed by UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Gavin Rajah.

The Minister of Commerce and Industry of India, Suresh Prabhu, said his country and South Africa shared a strategic partnership of over 200 years.

“There are over 130 Indian companies in South Africa with an investment of about US$8 billion, employing approximately 18 000 South Africans,” said Minister Prabhu.

The Confederation of Indian Industry and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry will lead business delegations from India to the event.

Companies from both countries will have exhibition booths at the Sandton Convention Centre and business-to-business meetings for interested companies will be facilitated on-site.

Both Ministers Prabhu and Davies are expected to deliver the keynote addresses at the Summit.

The Summit will also see the participation of Gauteng Premier, David Makhura, as well as ministers, chief executive officers and industry specialists from both South Africa and India.

The year 2018 marks a significant year in South Africa-India relations, being the 25th year of establishment of diplomatic relations.

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The Minister of Science and Technology, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, participated in the send-off of Africa’s largest and most advanced cube satellite to India from where it will be launched.
The 4kg ZACUBE-2 has been developed by the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) and the French South African Institute of Technology (F’SATI) and is the second nanosatellite to be developed at the university.

The send-off took place in Cape Town on 17 April.

ZACUBE-1 was launched in 2013 for space weather research and the experiences gained then through the French-South African cooperation in satellite engineering have resulted in the completion of ZACUBE-2.

The 10 x 10 x 10 x 30 cm satellite will track boats along South Africa’s coasts and proactively detect forest fires through an imager payload developed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.

The satellite is the precursor to future nanosatellites, expected to constitute the next satellite constellation to be launched by the South African Government in the framework of Operation Phakisa's blue economy programme, developed by CPUT and its consortium over the next four years.

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane attended the ceremony to send off the satellite and its shipping to India from where it is expected to be launched in July. The Ambassador of France to South Africa, Christophe Farnaud, also attended.

The project is funded by the Department of Science and Technology and managed by the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) in close cooperation with the University of Montpellier, the French Embassy and the Paris Chamber of Commerce.

“SANSA strives to grow the local space industry through product, services and skills development. Supporting such programmes as ZACUBE-2, enables the country to benefit from trained and experienced young space engineering experts,” said SANSA CEO, Dr Val Munsami.
Brand South Africa, in partnership with the Marketing Association of South Africa (MASA) and the Nelson Mandela Foundation, hosted the Marketing Metrics Masterclass with an objective of enhancing and understanding of the application of a range of mathematical and financial tools that can assist to formulate to plan and measure the results of strategic marketing efforts.
The engagement was hosted on Wednesday, 18 April 2018, at the Nelson Mandela Foundation. The key speaker at this masterclass was Prof. Geoff Bick from UCT School of Business.

“Brand South Africa is mandated to manage the country’s image and reputation and as such, it continuously seeks to engage in public and private collaborations with an objective of strengthening relations and promoting cohesive approach when marketing the Nation Brand internationally”, said Brand South Africa’s General Manager for Marketing, Sithembile Ntombela.

“The MASA is therefore ideal as it encourages the development and education of marketers which enhance the skills of South Africans in the marketing profession”, added Ntombela.

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Scientists have identified a new coastal current off the shores of South Africa. The Southwest Madagascar Coastal Current is about 100 km wide and 300 m deep.
It represents a transition zone between the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and South Africa’s temperate coastal waters.

The Southwest Madagascar Coastal Current has been a missing piece in scientists’ understanding of the waterways in the region.

South Africa’s oceans brought in more than R164 billion in 2016 and government has earmarked the ocean economy to push for much-needed economic growth and job creation. But a recent paper published in Geophysical Research Letters shows that the country still has a lot to learn about the oceans around its 3 000-km coastline.

“Revealing the existence of the new coastal current is an important discovery for South Africa as it adds to our understanding of the global ocean circulation and brings new insights about biological connectivity between Madagascar and South Africa,” says De Marjolaine Krug, a senior research at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.

The new current moves along the south-west coast of Madagascar to the Antarctic and is a transition zone between the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and South Africa’s temperate coastal waters, says Krug.

Currents are vital in the movement of fish, as well as climate patterns. “Countries have to manage their coastal and marine resources in a way that will ensure the safeguarding of ecosystems,” says Heriniaina Ramanantsoa, lead author and part of the Nansen-Tutu Centre for Marine Environmental Research hosted at University of the Cape Town.

“Sustainability is closely linked to how well we manage our marine resources. The more we understand and know, the better we can manage our marine resources,” Ramanantsoa says.

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Improving air access between Zurich and Cape Town, Edelweiss Air will include an additional weekly flight between the cities from October this year.
This will increase the number of direct seasonal flights from three to four a week between Zurich and South Africa's Mother City.

Cape Town Air Access initiative welcomes the flight increase, with Wesgro CEO, Tim Harris, saying the additional flight "reflects positively on the popularity of Cape Town and the Western Cape for European travellers".

"Following the additional flight added in 2017, the airline is now going to expand again in 2018. This shows that there is confidence in our destination," he adds.

According to Wesgro, a 7% growth in passengers between Switzerland and Cape Town, both ways, has been recorded between January and March 2018 compared to that of 2017.

"Making it easier for more people to visit the Cape by air, provides a big boost towards growing tourism and encouraging investment, which ultimately boosts our economy and more importantly, facilitates job creation," says Harris about the importance of direct air access to the city.

Cape Town Air Access has helped land 13 direct routes and 15 route expansions, while estimated to have added R4.2 billion to the provincial economy in direct tourism spending. Welcoming unique and innovative airlines such as Joon are also adding to the Mother City's aviation offering while expanding air access.

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When South African Ndebele artist Esther Mahlangu began painting at the tender age of 10, she never thought that she would get to travel the world just by doing something that she loved.
Mahlangu received an honorary doctorate from the University of Johannesburg recently.

"I am so grateful to the university management for the gifts given to me today. What they have done for me, they must do for others."

"If heaven was within reach, I would fly. I never thought that painting would work out so well. I got to travel the world just by doing something that I did out of love," she added.

She was accompanied by members of her community, clad in traditional regalia.

Mahlangu, whose full names are Esther Nikwambi, was born in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, in 1935.

In an interview with News24 in September, shortly after she had been honoured with a mural in New York, the 82-year-old said her journey with her love for her culture and Ndebele artwork began when she was 10 years old, when she used to watch her mother and grandmother painting the outside walls of their home.

She longed to join them and when the pair took a break from painting, she would steal the paint and try her luck. But, as soon as they returned, she would be out of sight.

"They always said: 'Don't ever do that again, you are ruining things,'" she told News24.

The following day, Mahlangu would do it again, and again she faced the wrath of her matriarchs.

Eventually, her mother and grandmother gave up and allocated Mahlangu a small space on the wall, which was away from the public, where she could practice drawing Ndebele patterns.

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Carmen Solomons from Kraaifontein in Cape Town, was recently chosen as one of the faces of Riri’s latest ad campaign for the Fenty Beauty cosmetics brand.
The 26-year-old, who’s currently based in Los Angeles, appears alongside American models Duckie Thot, Maeve Whalen and Rihanna herself for Fenty’s new Body Lava and Fairy Bomb products, which were launched on Friday, 6 April.

The red-haired beauty, who landed the big gig through her Los Angeles model agency, Photogenics, says she was overcome with emotion when she heard she’d be the face of the campaign.

“When I found out I booked Fenty, I was flying back to LA from another job,” Carmen told YOU.

“I was boarding the airplane and received an email from my agent. I literally cried with excitement. I’m a huge Riri fan.

“It’s honestly a blessing. Booking Fenty has been one of my goals and working alongside Rihanna has been a dream come true. I’m grateful for this opportunity.”

The Capetonian reveals she was in utter shock after discovering the singer had featured her on her Instagram page.

“My initial reaction was shock! Then my phone started blowing up with all my friends, family and fans congratulating me."

Carmen says she’s grateful for all the support from home and hopes to keep the South African flag flying high.

“I love that I’m representing SA on such a huge platform,” the model says.

“The amount of love and support I’ve been receiving from home is incredible. I’m a proud South African and will continue to raise our flag.” 

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“Revolting Rhymes” has scooped its 12th major international award – the Emmy Kids Award for Animation!
The film – with animation created by a South African studio – has already won the Cristal at Annecy; Best Animated Special at the Annie Awards; Best One-Off Special at Kidscreen; and Best Animation at the BAFTA Children’s Awards, among others. It was also nominated for an Oscar.

Produced by Magic Light Pictures, Revolting Rhymes was animated at Magic Light’s Berlin studio and Cape Town’s Triggerfish. The award was announced at a ceremony in Cannes, where MIPTV was being held recently.

Directed by Jakob Schuh (Oscar-nominated for The Gruffalo) and Jan Lachauer (Oscar-nominated for Room on the Broom) and co-directed by Bin Han To, Revolting Rhymes is an adaptation of Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake’s classic book of surprising fairy tales.

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