Issue 326 | 10 May 2018
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It is with deep concern that the South African Government has noted the decision of the United States (US) Government to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between the P5 +1 and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
As a matter of principle, and deeply rooted in its foreign policy, South Africa supports multilateral diplomacy and the peaceful resolution of conflict. The JCPOA is a significant achievement in this regard. It provides a framework of confidence under which the Islamic Republic of Iran can pursue the development of its nuclear capabilities for civilian purposes.

In addition, the agreement was unanimously endorsed by the United Nation Security Council in Resolution 2231, which establishes a binding legal framework to resolve the dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme.

“It is important that the progress made over many years of negotiation should not be lost. Since its adoption, the JCPOA has contributed significantly to the reduction of tensions over Iran’s nuclear programme and still has an important role to play in promoting peace, stability and the normalisation of relations,” President Cyril Ramaphosa said.

In the interest of regional and international peace and security, the South African Government calls on the other parties of the JCPOA to continue to honour their commitments under the agreement. In this regard, the decision of the US should not prevent the remaining parties from honouring their commitments, nor should it impact negatively on the relevant structures and mechanisms created by the JCPOA.
President Cyril Ramaphosa says the African continent boasts huge potential for economic growth – making it a lucrative option for keen investors.
Addressing delegates at the Japan-Africa Public-Private Forum at the Sandton Convention Centre on Thursday evening, 3 May 2018, President Ramaphosa said: “Africa is open for business”.

“In 2017, Africa’s exports to Asia as a whole were worth around US$64 billion, of which Japan accounted for around US$8,3 billion.

“However, the current basket of exports is very much commodity-based, exposing African countries to price fluctuations and denying them the opportunity to extract additional value from these commodities,” said President Ramaphosa.

The President highlighted diversification and the shift towards greater production of intermediate and final consumer and industrial products as the next step for African economies.

He said while government was a key role player in growing economies, it could not take on the task alone.

The forum was attended by ministers, deputy ministers and business leaders from Africa and Japan who came together to discuss ways to strengthen trade relations in a mutually beneficial manner.

“This forum is about cooperation and collaboration, not only between different countries, but also between the public and private sectors in those countries. The social and economic challenges on the African continent will not be effectively addressed if governments and business do not work together.

“Similarly, we will not be able to expand trade and investment relations between Japan and African countries unless our respective governments, state-owned entities and other public institutions are aligned with the work of the private sector,” said the President.

Africa must learn from Japan

He called on African countries to take a hold of the opportunity to learn from Japan in order for their economies to be more effectively integrated into the global economy.

“In pursuing its economic development, Africa can learn much from Japan’s Kaizen philosophy, with its emphasis on productivity improvement, efficiency, support for SMMEs and skills development,” said President Ramaphosa.

While the President emphasised the transfer of skills, the need to create jobs by tapping into the young unemployed population and growing the manufacturing sector as a fertile ground for growth, he added that investment was central to the realisation of the plans.

“A necessary condition for all these efforts to succeed is a massive increase in investment in the continent.

“As a country, we have realised that we will not be able to grow our own economy and reduce unemployment and inequality without a massive increase in both domestic and foreign direct investment,” said the President.

Stable country ready for investment

He made reference to his new investment drive that aims to generate at least US$100 billion in new investment over the next five years to the country, adding that South Africa was a stable country ready for investment.

“The country has stable institutions, a thriving democracy, an independent judiciary and a strong commitment to the rule of law.

“South Africa boasts an advanced and competitive financial and professional services sector, backed by a sound regulatory and legal framework.

African Continental Free Trade Area

Turning his sights on the Africa continent, the President said the establishment of an African Continental Free Trade Area unlocked opportunities to create a single continental market for goods and services, with free movement of business persons and investment.

“It is expected to enhance competitiveness at the industry and enterprise level through exploitation of opportunities for production at scale, continental market access and better reallocation of resources,” said the President.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

While Japan is among the top 10 investors in South Africa with 280 companies such as Toyota, Isuzu and NGK operating in South Africa, President Ramaphosa said the financial and technology sectors were areas for growth.

“The increase in digitisation and use of cutting-edge technology and innovation are critical factors for Africa to ensure it takes advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“There is also great potential in financial services. African economies need capital and Africa’s people need banking. We therefore invite Japanese banks to expand their presence on the African continent, which, among other things, would greatly facilitate trade and investment between Japan and Africa,” said President Ramaphosa.

Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum

The Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum, hosted by South Africa, was organised by the Government of Japan and the Japan External Trade Organisation.

The forum, which was attended by business executives and representatives of government from African countries and Japan, sought to assist and strengthen investment between Japan and Africa within the public and private sectors.

Plenary and thematic sessions tackling key issues in Africa's development formed the core programme of the forum. It was accompanied by several side events, including business networking.

In addition, the Japan Fair showcased Japanese products and other events, including special sessions focusing on specific themes such as investment promotion and technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

In South Africa, Japan remains a major trading partner, with more than 140 companies active in the country and over 150 000 jobs created.

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For the first time in 46 years, the black rhino will roam the Central African country, Chad, following the successful translocation of six black rhinos from South Africa.
“I am delighted that South Africa’s conservation success is able to contribute to the return of such an iconic species to a sister country. My fervent hope is that these rhinos will serve as a catalyst for economic growth, particularly in the conservation and tourism fields, in Chad,” said the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa.

No challenges were encountered during the translocation to the Zakouma National Park in Chad.

The translocation of six black rhinos has been achieved through a collaboration between the Department of Environmental Affairs, the Government of Chad, SA National Parks (SANParks) and the African Parks Foundation.

On 8 October 2017, Minister Molewa and the Minister of Environment and Fisheries of Chad, Dr Ahmat Mbodou Mahamat, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Pretoria.

The ministers also signed an MoU, which allows for the translocation of the black rhino from South Africa to Chad as part of an initiative to reintroduce rhino to the African country.

The six rhinos were transported on Thursday, 3 May 2018, from the Addo Elephant National Park, where they were held in bomas for three months.

The flight transporting the rhinos, as well as SANParks and African Parks veterinarians arrived in Chad on Friday, 4 May.

The rhinos are all well and have been released into bomas to adjust to their new surroundings. They are expected to be released into the park soon.

Welcoming the rhinos to the Zakouma National Park, South Africa’s Ambassador to Chad, Titus Matlakeng, said he was pleased that South Africa’s conservation success marked the historic return of the iconic species to Chad.

“The development of communities that are bordering national parks and similar establishments, further creates opportunities for the enhancement of the livelihoods of our people, thus accordingly creating jobs, alleviating poverty and boosting local enterprises.

“This is well in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which encourages partnership, through development that will attain the ‘future we want’ as the African continent,” Ambassador Matlakeng said.

The last black rhino (Diceros bicornis longipes) in Chad lived in Zakouma in 1972, with the species officially being declared extinct in 2006.

The MOU on the re-introduction of black rhino in Chad re-establishes the rhinoceros population in Chad as part of the broader biodiversity initiatives between South Africa and Chad.

The translocation was part of a custodianship agreement in terms of which any offspring of these rhino are the property of Chad, and may be translocated to other countries as a means of re-establishing rhino populations on the continent in line with the African Rhino Range States Conservation Plan.

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The Department of Labour is hosting the First Meeting of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Labour and Employment Working Group (LEWG) from 7 to 10 May 2018 in Mbombela, Mpumalanga.
Held under the theme “BRICS in Africa: Developing Countries for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the New Industrial Revolution”, the meeting takes place under the headship of the Director-General, Thobile Lamati. It kicked off with a keynote address by the Deputy Minister of Labour, Inkosi Phathekile Holomisa.

Sipho Ndebele, Chief Director: International Relations, said the thematic issues under discussion would include Youth Employment; Women Participation: Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value; Social Dialogue and Tripartism; and Social Protection.

In this regard, the meeting is taking stock of progress made in respect to these topics since the labour and employment track was established during the 2014 BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil. This year’s meeting is highlighting some of the important issues affecting the labour markets of the respective countries such as the changes driven by technological, globalisation, demographics and social values.

The second LEWG meeting will be held at the end of July, followed by the BRICS Ministers for Labour and Employment Conference. Both events will take place in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

The Government of Mpumalanga, Southern African Development Community Troika and international organisations such as the International Labour Organisation and International Social Security Association are also attending the meeting.
Member states of IORA recently gathered in Durban, ahead of Africa’s Travel Indaba, for a two-day engagement to map a way forward in advancing coastal and marine tourism in the region.
Hosted by South Africa, the two-day event included engagements on coastal and marine tourism and its potential to increase economic productivity and employment opportunities. The event will culminate in the #ThirdIORAMeetingofExperts who will formulate a Tourism Core Group and Terms of Reference (ToR) that will inform the implementation of tourism initiatives within the association.

In her opening remarks, South African Deputy Minister of Tourism, Elizabeth Thabethe, welcomed delegates and encouraged them to deliberate with a view of achieving tangible results that would contribute towards inclusive economic growth.

“We are honoured to be hosting this two-day IORA engagement amid our preparations to receive thousands of delegates from across the world who will witness and share in our continent’s tourism success stories at Africa’s Travel Indaba 2018.”

“Our engagement aptly takes place as our country celebrates the centenary and the legacy of former President Nelson Mandela, whose vison was instrumental in the formation of IORA in 1997.”

“As we lead the formation of the Tourism Core Group, we do so in honour of the ideals advocated by Nelson Mandela in enhancing economic cooperation among the countries of the Indian Ocean Rim,” said Deputy Minister Thabethe.

Tourism is the fastest-growing economy that contributes to 10% of the world’s gross domestic product creates one in 10 jobs globally, and has generated over US$1,4 trillion in export earnings. With the United Nations World Tourism Organisation predicting that international tourist arrivals will reach 1,8 billion by 2030, it is critical that multiple arenas such as the ocean economy are explored to grow tourism.

“Tourism is uniquely positioned to yield substantial benefits for IORA member states through enhanced tourist linkages and effective marketing.”

“We are hopeful that the establishment of the IORA Tourism Core Group will accelerate the implementation of the association’s Blue Economy initiative, and unlock the benefits of ocean-driven economic growth for the member states.  While you are here please take some time to explore our beautiful country”, concluded Deputy Minister Thabethe.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) has completed the first phase of the revitalisation of the Phuthaditjhaba Industrial Park in the Free State.
At a cost of R50 million, the revitalisation included the upgrading of security infrastructure, including fencing, street lighting, installation of boom gates, pedestrian gates, installation of CCTV cameras and a control room, as well as the refurbishment of high mast lights.

This initiative is part of the dti’s Revitalisation of Industrial Parks Programme, which aims to revitalise state-owned industrial parks across the country in order to promote industrialisation and increase their contribution to job creation and the country’s economic growth.

According to the dti, the programme is also in line with the department’s economic transformation initiatives aimed at ensuring that all regions of the country and enterprises based there participate meaningfully in the mainstream economy.

The Deputy Director-General of the Special Economic Zones and Economic Transformation division at the dti, Sipho Zikode, said the handover marked an important milestone in the implementation of the revitalisation programme.

“We are witnessing the fruits of the importance of collaboration and using the expertise available in government and its affiliates. The industrial parks and the dti have collaborated with the Development Bank of Southern Africa, who are our technical partners, the Free State Provincial Government as well as the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality” .said Zikode.

“We are looking forward to the next milestone when the national and provincial political leaders launch the park officially. Thereafter, we will be embarking on the second phase of the revitalisation programme,” said Zikode.

He expressed confidence that the revitalised park would attract more local entrepreneurs to set up their operations in the park because of the good infrastructure and security that the park is now providing.

Ikraam Osman, the CEO of the Free State Development Corporation, which manages the park, said the upgrading would have a positive impact on the park and the surrounding areas in that it would attract more investors who would contribute to creating jobs for the local people.

At the moment, the park, which was built more than 40 years ago, has 296 factories located in it.

The companies manufacture various products, including textile and clothing, paper bags, furniture, leather goods, including bags and belts, as well as aluminium and glass products.

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The 3rd of May is a day set aside around the globe to commemorate World Press Freedom Day and to raise awareness of the importance of the freedom and independence of the press by the United Nations General Assembly.
South Africa joined the rest of the world in the commemoration and remembered those journalists who had died in the line of duty and fighting for press freedom.

The South African Government commends all countries, particularly African states, which have repealed repressive laws against media freedom and paved the way to build democracy. Freedom of the press, a constitutional guarantee in South Africa, is imperative in building a transparent and accountable democratic state. South Africa ranks third among African nations and 28th on the 2018 World Press Freedom Index.

Acting GCIS Director-General, Phumla Williams, said: “We work hand-in-hand with institutions such as the Foreign Correspondence Association, the South African National Editors Forum and the Freedom of Expression Institute, among other platforms, to ensure that freedom of the media prevails in South Africa.  This relationship with the media is paramount as it is one of the pillars in enhancing our democracy".

She said governments have a responsibility to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “As we mark this day, we call on more countries to join in providing an enabling environment for the media to operate in their respective countries.”
South African football champions, Mamelodi Sundowns, will take on the Spanish champions, FC Barcelona, at the First National Bank (FNB) Stadium on 16 May.
Sundowns recently announced on it Twitter account that the team would be hosting Barcelona.

This is not the first time Sundowns will be playing against Barcelona – the two teams went head to head in June 2007 at Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Pretoria where Barcelona won 2-1.

Most recently, Sundowns won the Absa Premiership Champions for the eighth time after beating Ajax Cape Town 3-1 at Lucas Moripe Stadium.

Sundowns President, Patrice Motsepe, also made the announcement on Metro FM’s The Ultimate Sport Show on Friday, 4 May.

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Caster Semenya raced to an imperious world-leading time in the women’s 1 500-metre event in the IAAF Diamond League in Doha, Qatar, on 4 May 2018.
Semenya was almost contemptuous of her competition as she raced to a personal best and new national record of 3min 59.92sec.

That beat her gold medal-winning time of 4:00.71 from just over three weeks ago where she set a Commonwealth Games record in Australia’s Gold Coast.

Semenya, who also won 800-m gold in the Gold Coast, seemed content to wait things out as the pace was pedestrian early on and, indeed, looked to be almost falling over her feet in impatience.

Never pushed to take the lead, she sat off the pace until the last lap and then started moving up down the back straight before pulling clear of a flailing field as she flew the South African flag high.

She beat runner-up Nelly Jepkosgei by more than a second, the Kenyan clocking 4:00.99.

Semenya told the official Diamond League website after her race: "I wanted to go faster, but had to slow down a little. It’s always been a dream to set the NR and continue to push beyond my PB, and I think we definitely achieved what we came here for.

"‘I want to maintain this momentum throughout the season, but will also make sure I continue to keep healthy. My immediate next step is to go back and watch the race, and see where we can improve."

But for once, Semenya’s actual athletics feat had to take a back seat to a fellow athlete, as compatriot Carina Horn was pulled to a national 100m record!

Horn broke last century’s national mark of Evette de Klerk earlier this year when she ran 11.03.

But that mark was left in the dust of Doha as she raced to the first-ever sub 11-second 100m by a South African as she ended sixth in a time of 10.98sec.

The race was won by Horn’s fellow African, Côte D’Ivoire’s Marie-Josee Ta Lou in a world-leading 10.85 from yet another African entry, Nigeria’s Blessing Okagbare-Ighoteguonor in third place

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The City of Joburg will host the Global Running Day celebratory event on 6 June, Athletics South Africa announced recently.
The IAAF Run 24:1 event, which is a new creation by the global athletics governing body, will be hosted by Athletics South Africa via Central Gauteng Athletics next month.

The local leg will be held at the Mary Fitzgerald Square.

The event is a series of 24 one-mile (1,6km) runs that will be contested around the world on 6 June to celebrate Global Running Day, an initiative which is in its third year.

Global Running Day is a grassroots initiative where people of all abilities and from all paths of life come together to celebrate their passion for running and inspire others to get moving.

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