Issue 328 | 18 May 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has affirmed it can no longer be business as usual when it comes to the creation of a just, humane and inclusive world of work for all.
The President, who was speaking as Co-Chair of the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Global Commission on the Future of Work in Geneva, Switzerland, has further said young people, women and people with disabilities must be at the centre of efforts by the global community for social justice as it responded to the challenges of a rapidly transforming world of work.

“The Future of Work will enhance the involvement of women, young people and disabled people in the world of work and how they can participate in a much more effective way. This concept will also, and most importantly, assist in creating more jobs, generate growth and increasing more fairness," said President Ramaphosa.

President Ramaphosa together with Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, co-chaired the third meeting of the commission where they considered the Framework on the Global Commission's Final Report.

The commission was emphatic that in recognising and preparing government, business and workers for the future of work, it was incumbent on all social partners to regard people as assets rather than expenses.

Such requires, among others, a new global social contract for creating and distributing value in the economy, including collaboration on enhancing productivity and reducing inequality.

Ensuring that there is an optimal and effective structure to drive the compilation of the commission’s Framework Report on the Future of Work, decisively confronting endemic unemployment and building human capabilities to participate effectively in the world of work were some of the other core themes of discussion by the commission.

The commission seeks to develop appropriate responses by the global community to address inequality and, among others, informality of work. It also seeks to prepare labour, business and government for the profound changes in the institutions of work, and whether these would remain fit for purpose in the advent of challenges and opportunities offered by rapid technological advances.

The High-Level Global Commission comprising experts from government, business and labour was established by the ILO in 2017 to assess the rapid transformations taking place in the global economy and world of work, and identifying the key challenges and recommendations.

The work of the Global Commission aligns with government's focus on the creation of decent and sustainable jobs, and efforts to ensure young South Africans have the skills necessary to thrive in the changing workplace.

The President described his appointment to the commission as an opportune moment for South Africa to play a critical role and being part of crafting desired future of work.

The co-chairmanship will also see the President be one of the heads of state who will lead the centenary celebrations at the International Labour Conference to take place in June 2019.
President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed Deputy President David Mabuza as his Special Envoy to the Russian Federation, where he, among other things, met with President Vladimir Putin in Russia.
The Deputy President met President Putin in Moscow on 15 May 2018, to, among others, convey President Ramaphosa’s message of congratulations to President Putin on his re-election in March and his subsequent inauguration on 7 May 2018 as President of the Russian Federation.

President Ramaphosa looks forward to further strengthening the already existing political, economic and trade ties between South Africa and Russia. These relations are underpinned by the common values the two countries share with regard to respect for the rule of law in international relations, multilateralism, the central role of the United Nations (UN) in global governance, the primary role of the UN Security Council in the maintenance of global peace and security, the development of bilateral relations on the basis of equality, reciprocity, mutual benefit and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

The President will host his Russian counterpart as well as other heads of state of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) bloc of nations at the forthcoming BRICS Summit in South Africa from 25 to 27 July 2018.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed deep sadness and conveyed his condolences, on behalf of government and the people of South Africa, on the sudden passing of veteran photographer and recipient of the National Order of Ikhamanga, Sam Nzima, who passed away in Mpumalanga on 12 May 2018.
“Mr Sam Nzima was one of a kind,” said the President, “His camera captured the full brutality of apartheid oppression on the nation’s psyche and history from the Defiance Campaign through to forced removals and the Soweto student uprisings. We will especially remember his iconic photograph of a dying young Hector Pieterson, which became a symbol of resistance against the imposition of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in black schools. We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family and may his soul rest in peace.”
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, on Monday, 14 May 2018, launched the 10th iteration of the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), which places emphasis on stronger interventions to support transformation in the South African economy.
The IPAP 2018/20 – 2020/21 is the 10th iteration of a rolling annual action plan aligned to successive three-year cycles of government planning. It includes a legacy review, which provides a high-level summary of the achievements of industrial policy over nine years, said the Department of Trade and Industry (dti).

The plan, which is a key component of the Nine-Point Plan, aims to develop a more competitive and diversified economy with a higher global share of products.

The latest iteration places emphasis on supporting transformation led by the dti’s flagship Black Industrialists Scheme inclusive of a bouquet of new and creative incentive measures set out in the incentive section.

“It also outlines a stronger emphasis on a stronger export effort, focusing on existing lead and dynamic national export champions and new, especially black-owned entrants.

“IPAP 2018 also includes new, significant interventions to gear up and respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by the digital industrial revolution,” said the department.

At the launch of the IPAP nine, the dti reflected on the successes of its predecessor, IPAP eight, which saw major automotive sector investments being made.

The dti said under the Automotive Production and Development Programme incentive, R7,8 billion was disbursed, which unlocked R28,5 billion in private investments. These were investments from companies like Toyota SA and the Beijing Automobile International Corporation.

These investments were expected to create approximately 4 720 direct jobs.

When coming to agro-processing, IPAP 2016/17 saw close to R15 billion in private-sector investments being leveraged through projects by Nestle, AB Inbev, GWK Farm Foods and Citrus and Deciduous Fruit industries.

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The Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, says travel and tourism are the fastest-growing sector in the world, out-performing other sectors of the global economy.
“Tourism already contributes about 8% to Africa’s gross domestic product and employs 6,5% of the workforce,” Minister Hanekom said.

Speaking at Africa’s Travel Indaba, which took place recently in Durban, Minister Hanekom said Africa was open for business and offered a world of opportunity.

“A record 62 million people visited Africa in 2017, representing nothing less than 8% year on year growth. This is why we were able to offer 62 million visitors the opportunity to discover the soul of the real Africa, not the false picture sometimes portrayed on news bulletins.

“In Africa, we know how to welcome visitors with warmth and with our own unique flair, and we know how to host them professionally in our own way. We can guarantee a life-changing experience,” Minister Hanekom said.

He said Africa had unique attractions to share and stories to tell; stories of common origins and of early African civilisations.

“Our visitors invariably become our brand ambassadors as they return home with a deeper understanding of Africa’s stories, and they spread the magic of Africa,” the Minister said.

Minister Hanekom emphasised the need to continuously enhance and expand attractions and the need for constant training to professionalise services and to market attractions in the most effective way.

“We need to work together to ensure ease of travel. All this in turn creates the right climate and opportunities for investment, which will lead to greater growth,” the Minister said.

More than 7 000 people from 80 countries attended Africa’s Travel Indaba.

Durban last year won the bid to host the Indaba for five more years, cementing the city’s place as South Africa’s tourism playground.

Previously known as Tourism Indaba, the event is one of the largest tourism marketing events on the African continent.

There were 21 African countries participating in the Indaba.

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The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) responsible for the centenary celebrations for struggle icons Tata Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu has called on South Africans and the international community to participate in the various activities that have been put together in their honour.
The IMC has, as part of the centenary celebrations, also announced the launch of #MandelaFridays, an initiative aimed at promoting active citizenry among South Africans to carry out activities of philanthropy, charity, education and heritage throughout the year to mark 100 years since the birth of the former statesman.

Similarly, South Africans have been urged to celebrate the memory of Albertina Sisulu as the “Woman of Fortitude”, who lived her life serving South Africa with dignity and integrity.

Minister Jeff Radebe, who chairs the IMC, said 2018 marked 100 years since the birth of the two struggle icons.

The IMC was established in August 2017 to plan the centenary celebrations.

“Government calls on all South Africans and the international community to join in the centenary celebrations in their workplaces, schools, churches and civic organisations as we reflect on the immense contribution these icons and global figures bequeathed our fledgling democracy.

“Ours is to build on the foundations they laid,” he said.

The Minister said the 100-year anniversary of Mandela’s birth was an opportunity for citizens to recommit themselves to the principles he lived by and build the nation that was envisioned at the advent of democracy.

He said citizens were urged to commemorate the Mandela centenary through social activism every Friday on #MandelaFridays.

Citizens can also foster a love for education and make it fashionable by buying a book for a child.

Several activities will be held throughout the year to commemorate the centenary of the former President, including 16th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, to be addressed by former United States President, Barack Obama, on 17 July 2018.

Vanderkoof Dam is to be renamed after Madiba, an event that is planned for September.

Remembering Mama Sisulu

The Minister said there were also activities planned for Mama Sisulu, who dedicated her life to nurturing and protecting children.

“She was committed to good quality education, insisting that the youth put education first even during their quest for a democratic, free, non-sexist and non-violent South Africa.

“Given the current scourge of violence against women and children, let us be men and women of courage to speak out, seek help and support the vulnerable,” said Minister Radebe.

Some of the events planned to commemorate the struggle icon include a special broadcast of the South African Love Story documentary of Albertina and Walter Sisulu during the month of May on SABC. The documentary is a touching, real-life exploration of one of South Africa’s most celebrated couples.

A special orchid, named after Ma Sisulu, will be unveiled on 19 May. The orchid was first discovered in Gauteng in 1918, and last observed in 1956.

A Big Debate Showcase, scheduled for June, will be held to focus on intergenerational dialogue on South African history. The dialogue will include the #FeesMustFall leadership talk about South Africa’s history, as well as the history of civil rights movements, feminism and women who have been marginalised.

In August 2018, the IMC will help the Sisulu family track down the living participants of the 1956 Women’s March in a bid to package and share their stories and perspectives of the 1956 Women’s March.

In October, the Mama Sisulu Centenary Month will be officially launched where several activities, including the celebration of Albertina Sisulu at the Orlando West Anglican Church, will take place. The packed programme will also see the Albertina Sisulu biography being launched, as well as a memorial lecture in her honour taking place.

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At its meeting at Tuynhuys in Cape Town on Wednesday, 9 May 2018, Cabinet approved the agreement establishing the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) between the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, East African Community and Southern African Development Community be tabled in Parliament for ratification.
The Acting Director-General (ADG) of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), Phumla Williams, said: “The establishment of the TFTA has been heralded as one of the most important developments in Africa. It responds to the need for Africa to overcome small fragmented markets and increases prospects of stimulating industrialisation, employment, income generation and poverty reduction. It further addresses the negative impact on industrialisation, economies of scale and competitiveness.”

“The TFTA is a key Africa-led project that is being done through the promotion of intra-African investments and attraction of more foreign investment into the FTA. It is an important initiative in accelerating regional integration efforts aimed at improved intra-African trade,” Ms Williams explained.

The TFTA is anchored on the development integration approach that is based on three pillars: market integration, infrastructure development and industrial development. It also forms the basis for the ongoing African Continental FTA negotiations, which will unlock trade and investment opportunities on the entire continent.

This is also aligned to South Africa’s National Development Plan objective of an integrated southern African region with beneficial relations with the rest of the world. “As a result of regional integration efforts and stable economies, there has been strong growth in intra-African investments,” added Ms Williams.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) recently led a group of companies that participated in the Algiers International Trade Fair in Algiers, Algeria.
“The Algiers International Trade Fair is one of the most strategic platforms for foreign companies to reach Algerian buyers and consumers. The fair attracts exhibitors from the United States of America, France, Germany, Turkey and China, among others,” said the department.

Deputy Minister Bulelani Magwanishe said South Africa viewed the North African country as a strategic partner, hence the two countries established the Bi-National Commission in September 2000. The commission aims to advance trade and investment relations between the two countries.

South African companies that participated in the six-day fair were from the agro-processing, capital equipment and mining, steel fabrication, eletrotechnical and chemicals sectors.

“The Algiers Fair is an appropriate forum for South Africans in the market-relevant sectors which have been selected for participation to promote their products and services, as well as to identify possible investment partnerships. Besides its huge purchasing power, Algeria is diversifying from the oil industry and has therefore identified trade and investment opportunities, which South Africa can consider as part of its investment-led trade plan for the rest of the African continent,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

He added that the trade fair would assist in strengthening the presence of South African goods and services in Algeria, which was also the gateway into the rest of the North African region.

“Algeria’s consistent political stability and economic growth position the country as an important and strategic economy in the North Africa region. This gives South Africa an opportunity to continue to position itself and to explore economic opportunities in the North Africa region,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.
The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele, and the Ambassador of Cuba, Rodolfo Eliseo Benitez Verson, recently signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the field of ICT.
The agreement between the two nations strengthens relations which go back many years. The signing took place on the 24th anniversary of the formalisation of diplomatic relations between the two nations.

The agreement covers areas of cooperation which include:
  • exchange of technical skills and human resources development
  • capacity-building for small, medium and micro-enterprises
  • sharing experiences in satellite and other communications networks
  • managing limited resources such as radio frequency spectrum management
  • sharing experiences in the digitisation of society
  • postal services and technology
  • consultation and cooperation within the framework of international organisations.
“We are happy to be signing this agreement which strengthens and deepens our relations in the area of ICT. The ICT sector is undergoing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our citizens and businesses must be at the centre of the beneficiaries of this revolution,” said Minister Cwele.

He said developing nations needed to ensure that cyber security was part of this development to protect their citizens.

“We need to collaborate to establish a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to set standards for this revolution and testing,” he said.

Ambassador Benitez Verson said the agreement was a demonstration of the nations’ common efforts at international level to bridge the digital divide and promote broad, just and equal access to and development ICTs for all.

“We are convinced that cyberspace and Internet access should be considered strategic resources and common good of all humanity,” he said.

He said Cuba and South Africa set an example of true South-South cooperation.
Science and Technology Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, says her department will target programmes that will address transformation through research and development.
The Minister said this when she briefed the media ahead of tabling the department’s Budget Vote Speech at the Old Assembly Chamber in Parliament on Wednesday, 9 May.

“The programmes targeted during this financial year will address transformation, through key research, development and support initiatives.

“This programme receives an allocation of R4,4 billion,” Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said.

She said the programme aimed to award 9 300 bursaries to PhD students and 32 400 bursaries to pipeline postgraduate students.

The Minister also announced allocations to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and other research programmes.

After the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on the centenary of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu announced that the 64th dish of the MeerKat, which is part of a broader SKA project, would be switched on on 18 July, Minster Kubayi-Ngubane said details about the launch would be communicated soon.

18 July is former President Nelson Mandela’s birthday.

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said the department’s support for Phase One of the SKA radio astronomy project would continue over the next three years, with an amount of R2,2 billion set aside. She said all 42 farm portions required for SKA Phase One had been secured and that R709 million would be allocated to the SKA this year.

Moreover, R1,8 billion has been set aside for the Socio-Economic Innovation Partnerships Programme.

“The department will invest R186 million over the next three years – starting with R63 million this year – in targeted research and development to support the next generation of mining.

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said the mining industry had committed to a co-investment of R33 million in the initiative.

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The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, has launched Aspen’s R1-billion high- containment facility that will create over 500 jobs.
Launched in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape recently, the High Potency suite, more correctly called the HCS – High Containment Suite – Unit 4 will lead to the creation of a further 500 jobs.

The sterile facility was a partnership between the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) and Aspen. The pharmaceutical company benefited from the dti’s 12I Tax Incentive with a tax credit of about R209 million.

Minister Davies said this was a significant investment, which was taking South Africa into a new level of manufacturing space and creating the necessary jobs that South Africa needed in the manufacturing sector.

The Minister said the contribution of manufacturing in the pharmaceutical sector was about 0,48% of South Africa’s gross domestic product, which plays a small part in the economy and employs about 9 600 people.

“I think when we look at the manufacturing value chains in the world, South Africa will be better off if we are involved in the production of value-added products, even if it is just basic manufacturing than simply importing.”

Minister Davies congratulated Aspen for investing in South Africa, adding that the company had become a multinational player that continued to retain its roots in South Africa and used its global presence to constantly deepen its manufacturing capacity in the country.

Group Chief Executive of Aspen, Stephen Saad, said the company was a serial investor in the South African pharmaceutical industry.

He added that the company was pleased that its capital expenditure (Capex) investment into the South African market over the past two years had out-stripped the investments made into the industry over the past decade.

“We are pleased that over 90% of the jobs that will be created in the new facility will be local jobs, mostly drawn from surrounding communities such as New Brighton township. These employees go on to become world class, highly skilled people, that can hold their own anywhere and in most facilities, globally. A further aspect of our DNA, particularly in pursuit of creating a better country, is partnering with government where possible,” said Saad.

The 12I Tax Incentive is designed to support Greenfield investments (i.e. new industrial projects that utilise only new and unused manufacturing assets), as well as Brownfield investments (i.e. expansions or upgrades of existing industrial projects). The incentive offers support for both capital investment and training.

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Durbanites are getting their own non-stop direct flight to London.
British Airways has announced it will begin flying three times weekly direct from London Heathrow’s Terminal 5 to Durban, starting on 29 October 2018.

The service will be the only non-stop link between Europe and Durban and will be operated by the airline’s newest aircraft, the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, said BA in a media release.

The aircraft will arrive at King Shaka International in the morning and land back at Heathrow in the evening.

Return fares from Durban will start from R11 679.

And while KwaZulu-Natal’s business travellers and holidaymakers will welcome the news and the easier access to the United Kingdom and Europe, it’s also predicted that the new schedule will help grow international tourism to KwaZulu-Natal, making the province more accessible to foreign travellers.

According to Sue Petrie, BA’s Commercial Manager in Southern Africa, and Sihle Zikalala, MEC for the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs in KZN, the direct flights will also present new investment and trade opportunities and will “unlock enormous potential”.

Zikalala said: “Great Britain and KwaZulu-Natal share a very rich history, and we are excited to be able to rekindle that relationship with the launch of this new route. The investment and trade opportunities presented by this direct flight between Durban and London will undoubtedly add value to our economy.”

British Airways also flies twice-daily service from Heathrow to Johannesburg and daily to Cape Town year-round. It doubles the Cape Town schedule during the South African summer season and also adds three weekly flights from Gatwick

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Spanish multinational Abengoa will officially launch its third large-scale solar thermal plant in South Africa on 18 May, near Pofadder in the Northern Cape. It is expected to have an impact on the local community and demonstrate the viability of renewable energy as a sustainable source of electricity.
The parabolic thermal installation, Xina Solar One, has a total installed capacity of 100MW and follows the launch of KaXu and Khi, making it the largest such system in Africa.

"Khi, KaXu and Xina Solar One, all together, reach an installed capacity of 250MW of renewable and dispatchable energy, offset 831 000 tons of CO2 emissions every year and supply upward of 220 000 homes," Dominic Goncalves, Vice-President of Business Development at Abengoa South Africa told News24.

He said that the project delivered 1 800 jobs during the construction phase and is expected to create 80 permanent jobs during the operational phase over the next 20 years.

"Our commitment, after achieving the practical completion of the plant, is to employ 70% South African people, although we are focusing on reaching 100%," said Goncalves.

Solar thermal plants such as Xina Solar One typically use a set of parabolic mirrors to reflect the sun's rays to a central tower hub which contains a salt.

Under the extreme heat, the salt melts and this is in turn used to heat water and the steam from the water is used to turn a turbine, creating electricity.

Unlike solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, the thermal plants, also known as concentrated solar plants (CSPs), are able to continue producing electricity even after the sun sets because the molten salt remains hot for hours.

"The efficiency of CSP plants is typically exceeding that of commercial PV installations notably. A direct comparison between those technologies is possible as both make use of the same resource, solar irradiation," Dr Matti Lubkoll, who teaches solar thermal energy at Stellenbosch University, told News24.

"Wind turbines tend to have a higher efficiency in terms of converting energy available in the wind into electric power," he added.

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Cape Town has registered the second-highest growth in luxury house price rankings for the period from March 2017 to March 2018‚ behind Seoul in South Korea.
This is according to the Prime Global Cities Index published by global real estate consultants Knight Frank.

The company said Seoul registered a 24,7% annual growth for this period despite policymakers’ efforts to control price growth‚ including new taxes for owners of multiple properties and tighter lending conditions.

Cape Town’s prices ended the year to March 19,3% higher compared to the same period last year.

“Although the wider city market is cooling‚ a lack of supply in the prime areas we track in Camps Bay‚ Bantry Bay and the Atlantic Seaboard is pushing prices higher‚” Knight Frank said.

Deon de Klerk‚ Head of Wealth for Africa Regions at Standard Bank‚ said Cape Town was fast becoming a truly global holiday destination and an increasingly desirable residential address for South Africa’s high net worth individuals‚ as well as those from abroad.

“The luxury residential property market in the city has really been able to capitalise on its new-found reputation as the ‘Monaco of the South’‚” De Klerk said.

Typical prices in Cape Town ranged from R1,2 million for a small studio apartment to R30 million for a penthouse apartment.

In the last two years, Cape Town has set South African records for both the highest-ever sale price paid for a residential home – R290 million for a house in Bantry Bay – as well as the highest-ever rental price‚ R450 000 per month for an estate in Constantia.

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BMW Group South Africa dispatched the first proudly South African BMW X3 cars for export recently, transporting more than 100 units on 27 wagons via train to the Port of Durban.
This marked a significant day for BMW as the company’s manufacturing plant at Rosslyn, Tshwane, continues to ramp up production of the X3. Tim Abbott, CEO of BMW and Sub-Saharan Africa said it was "a big moment for us at BMW".

"It’s the result of a R6,1-billion investment into the country and the culmination of three years of hard work and planning.

"It’s really exciting to know that the BMW plant in Rosslyn has joined the enormous success story of the X models globally, and goes to show the power of combining good industrial policy and foreign investment,” Abbott added.

In terms of the Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP), BMW announced a R6,1-billion investment to prepare the Rosslyn facility, and the associates who work there, for X3 production.

It is one of the biggest single automotive investments in South African history. In February 2018, Plant Rosslyn produced the last of 1 191 604 BMW 3 Series cars built over five model generations and 35 years.

Upgrading the plant for X3 production has represented the largest infrastructure upgrade in the plant’s history, but it has gone ahead on time and without any unplanned disruptions.

The BMW Vehicle Distribution Centre in Rosslyn can accommodate up to three train dispatches a week, with each transport capable of carrying up to 160 cars.

BMW Rosslyn is a state-of-the-art facility, withX3 production initially planned with a maximum capacity of 71 000 units a year.

However, BMW underestimated the phenomenal demand for the new X3 and, after a further R160-million investment to increase linespeed, the maximum capacity of the plant was raised almost 10% to 76000 units a year.

Within this maximum capacity, BMW is confident that the plant will produce record volumes next year. This will add to the growing success of the X models across the world, which now make up more than 30% of the company's global volume.

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The Minister of Economic Opportunities in the Western Cape, Alan Winde, recently launched the second in a series of cycle routes aimed at growing cycle tourism in the province.
The route has been named Cycle Tour 364, because cyclists are able to ride it 364 days of the year. The 365th day of the year is reserved for riders of the Cape Town Cycle Tour.

The 123-km route starts and ends at the V&A Waterfront, taking in the Atlantic Seaboard, Hout Bay and Chapman’s Peak and the iconic Suikerbossie Hill. The route also takes riders through Hout Bay, Simon’s Town and past Masiphumelele and Ocean View. Riders doing the route are encouraged to stop along the way, take in the sights and enjoy some of Cape Town’s hospitality.

The Cape Cycle Routes have been designed to put the Western Cape on the map, not just as a premier tourist destination, but as Africa’s top cycling destination.

The first of these, the Cross Cape route, a 742-km ride through the breathtaking Garden Route, was launched last year.

Minister Winde said: “This new route allows visitors and locals alike to see Cape Town from the absolute best vantage point – their bicycle seat.”

He encouraged riders to take the route on in stages, stop over at coffee shops or B&Bs, or even just do part of the route.

The Western Cape, which is home to major cycle races like the Cape Town Cycle Tour and the Absa Cape Epic, is already a top destination for competitive cyclists from around the world. The Cape Cycle Routes initiative, established by the Western Cape Government as part of its Project Khulisa strategy to grow the tourism sector, aims to show off the natural beauty of the province to leisure riders, and create new jobs at the same time.

Research conducted by Wesgro last year, estimates the value of the leisure cycling market in the province to be around R4,4 billion.
The 71st annual Cannes Film Festival is in full swing. It kicked off on Tuesday, 8 May, with a glitzy opening ceremony and will end on Saturday, 19 May.
The film festival brings together a mix of Hollywood A-listers and world cinema to the French Riveria.

Once again, the National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), is officially co-host of the South African Pavilion.

“International film festivals are platforms that help promote South African content to the world and to see proudly South African films being selected to form part of the 71st Cannes official programme goes to show that the film industry in South Africa is doing something right,” said NFVF CEO, Zama Mkosi, in a press statement.

Six South African films have been included in the programme: Rafiki, The Harvesters/Die Stropers, Miles from Nowhere, The Colour of the Skull, Inexba/The Wound and District Six Rising from the Dust.
The Proteas women’s cricket team claimed a series victory recently by thrashing Bangladesh by nine wickets during the third One-Day International (ODI) at the Diamond Oval in Kimberley with two matches remaining.
Bangladesh batted first but was bowled out for 71 runs in 36.5 overs.

Ayabonga Khaka was once again the pick of the South African bowlers for her three wickets for 16 runs in 6.5 overs. She will cherish this for a long time to come as it was during her 50th ODI appearance for South Africa.

Marizanne Kapp in her turn also delivered with the ball by taking 2/14.

The Proteas needed just 14.2 overs to chase down the small target.

Lizelle Lee top scored for South Africa with 44 unbeaten runs, which included five fours and a six. Trisha Chetty closed out the innings with Lee, for a contribution of 15 runs not out.

Lee was left happy after performance with the bat, and conceded that she owed it to the team.

“There were a few games where we only needed 12 runs or so for the team and I ended up throwing away my wicket,” said the hard-hitting batter.

Lee added that the series victory would do a lot for the team’s confidence heading forward.

“Know what we can do and what we cannot do is definitely good for us. It is good more me as well, so I’m looking forward to the upcoming series we’ll play in."

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IAAF World Championship winner and Rio Olympic Games long jump hero, Luvo Manyonga, was the best of the South Africans on Saturday, 12 May 2018, winning the men's competition at the IAAF Diamond League Meeting in Shanghai, China.
Manyonga took the lead in the fourth round, leaping the same distance as Chinese athlete Shi Yuhao (8.43m), but he went on to cement the victory with a Season's Best of 8.56m in round six – which was the best jump in the world this year.

Wenda Nel took fourth place in the 400-m hurdles women race in 55.63, while Sunette Viljoen finished sixth in the javelin throw contest with a 60.79-m heave. Rynette van Rensburg ended eighth in the 800-m men battle in 1:46.57.

“Thank you to all athletes for the hard work, because every competition has its new challenges and dynamics,” said Aleck Skhosana, the President of Athletics South Africa.

“I congratulate Manyonga and his coach plus all support staff behind all athletes.”

The third of 14 legs in the IAAF Diamond League series will be held in Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday, 26 May.
Top South African tennis player, Kevin Anderson, has reached a new world ranking milestone of seventh in the new ATP rankings, replacing Dominic Thiem despite being outplayed in a comprehensive 6-4, 6-2 defeat by the Austrian in the semi-finals of the Madrid Masters over the weekend.
In the process, the gangling, 2.03m Anderson equalled the seventh ranking mark of Johan Kriek, with only Eric Sturgess and Cliff Drysdale (fourth), Kevin Curren (fifth) and Wayne Ferreira (sixth) among South Africans to have scaled a higher world ranking mark.

The leap-frogging by Anderson over Thiem in the rankings, which on the surface might seem to contradict mathematical norms, will be achieved by the fact that the 26-year-old Austrian had also reached the final of the Madrid Masters last year and therefore gained no additional ranking points as a beaten finalist this time.

Anderson, in contrast, made a significant jump compared to 2017 in reaching the Madrid semi-finals – the first occasion he had qualified for a prestigious ATP 1 000 tournament semi-final – after suffering 10 previous quarter-final defeats to earn an extra 315 points for his hard-earned troubles.

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