Issue 331 | 7 June 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa will participate in the G7 Leaders’ Summit Outreach to be held on Saturday, 9 June 2018, in Quebec, Canada, under the theme “Healthy, Productive and Resilient Oceans and Seas, Coasts and Communities”.

The President has been invited by the host of the G7 Leaders’ Summit, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, to participate in the two-day session, which begins with a dinner for the Outreach Leaders hosted by the Governor-General of Canada on Friday, 8 June 2018, in Québec City.

On 9 June 2018, President Ramaphosa will participate in a working session at Le Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie in the Charlevoix region, followed by a working lunch.

President Ramaphosa’s participation in the G7 Leaders’ Summit Outreach coincides with his drive to attract investment to grow the economy, create jobs and address poverty and inequality in South Africa.

The focus of the G7 Outreach meeting on “Healthy, Productive and Resilient Oceans and Seas, Coasts and Communities” is in line with the goals outlined in South Africa’s National Development Plan and speaks to the country’s efforts to stimulate economic growth and job creation by, among others, unlocking the oceans economy through Operation Phakisa.

There has been a realisation that South Africa’s long-term development goals cannot be reliant solely on land-based resources. With a sprawling coastline of 3 924 km, the ocean and ocean resources form an integral part of the development mix. Development of the coastal space has been largely untapped and holds the potential to add an additional one million jobs and contribute up to US$13,6 billion (R177 billion) to the gross domestic product of the country.

South Africa seeks to achieve these goals through Operation Phakisa, which has also been adopted as part of government’s economic transformation agenda. The focus areas identified under Operation Phakisa are Marine Transport and Manufacturing; Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration; Marine Protected Areas and Ocean Governance; Aquaculture, Marine and Coastal Tourism; and Small Harbours and Coastal Property Development.

South Africa remains dedicated to sustainable development in its pursuit of the oceans economy and the G7 Leaders’ Summit Outreach provides an opportunity for the country to contribute globally to the management of the oceans, seas and coastal areas within an integrated environmental, economic and social approach, i.e. sustainable development.

South Africa’s participation in the G7 Leaders’ Summit Outreach signals its renewed engagement in the Group’s Outreach initiative.

During the visit, it is envisaged that President Ramaphosa will engage with investors and business people in Toronto. He will be accompanied by a business delegation from South Africa.

The G7 consists of Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy. Other states whose leaders have been invited to participate in the Leaders’ Summit Outreach include Kenya, Senegal, Rwanda, Seychelles, Haiti, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Samoa, Argentina, Norway and Jamaica. The International Monetary Fund, World Bank, United Nations and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development will also be in attendance.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, on Tuesday, 5 June 2018, received the President of the SADR, President Brahim Ghali, for a Working Visit.

In solidarity with the Saharawi people in their fight for independence, South Africa has called for decisive steps to close the chapter on this last vestige of occupation and colonialism on the African continent.

Pretoria sees the lack of solution in the Western Sahara quagmire as an impediment towards greater regional integration and security cooperation in the Maghreb region.

“Our own liberation and the liberation of our continent will not be complete without the liberation of Western Sahara. I therefore wish to reiterate our solidarity with the Saharawi people in their struggle for self-determination and independence.

“The people of Western Sahara need to express their own aspirations and we [South Africa] will be supportive. There cannot be any mistake with the determination of the Saharawi people to gain their own self-determination and independence. In the end, they are the ones suffering and in refugee camps,” said President Ramaphosa in Pretoria on Tuesday, 5 June 2018.

The President was addressing the media after official talks with SADR President, Brahim Ghali, who was on a Working Visit to the country.

Ghali’s visit, which the two countries described as “comradely and fruitful”, was aimed at further strengthening and consolidating relations between South Africa and the SADR, which is located in northwest Africa. It is bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to northeast and Mauritania to the east and southeast.

Western Sahara is Africa’s longest-running territorial dispute and an issue of continental and international law and diplomatic controversy, having been on the decolonisation agenda of the United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) for more than 50 years.

Morocco contends that the Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, is an integral part of its kingdom, mainly driven by the expansionist ideology of the so-called “Greater Morocco”.

On the other side, the Polisario Front, which is campaigning for the territory’s independence, demands a referendum on self-determination.

The AU has maintained over the years the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to self-determination. It has called on the UN to determine a date for the holding of the self-determination referendum for the people of Western Sahara, a view that Pretoria has also been also vocal about.

Mobilising for change

Morocco’s admission to the AU in January 2017 was received with the expectation that it would contribute to finding a speedy solution to the decolonisation conflict in Western Sahara. However, Morocco has persisted in its illegal military occupation of parts of Western Sahara territory.

This prompted the 30th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly, held in January, to adopt the resolution for the re-launching of the negotiation process between Western Sahara and Morocco without preconditions in direct and serious talks to put an end to their conflict under its Special Envoy, former President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique.

However, Morocco has been persistent in its opposition to any involvement of the AU in the peace process.

Responding to the AU’s perceived slow response in addressing the Western Sahara challenges, President Ramaphosa said: "The AU has no choice but to subscribe to its own constitutive acts, which indicate that there should be no country in the continent that colonises another."

The UN Security Council (UNSC) recently adopted Resolution 2414 (2018) to extend the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara for a period of six months.

The Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Horst Köhler, is set to lead the parties and mobilise the international community to implement all UN resolutions on Western Sahara, including the recently adopted UNSC Resolution 2414.

President Ramaphosa has expressed South Africa’s full support and confidence in the efforts undertaken, certain that the people of Western Sahara will soon be free.

Solid relations

Turning to their official talks, which were aimed at reviewing bilateral cooperation between the two countries and exchanging views on issues of common interest and mutual concern, the two heads of state reiterated their “unbreakable bond”, which they said was brought together by a shared vision of a better Africa and a better world.

“We have just concluded productive discussions, underpinned by the strong friendship and solidarity between our two countries and peoples. We have agreed to deepen our relations and strengthen cooperation across a number of fields,” President Ramaphosa said.

Among others, the two heads of state reflected on a number of areas of bilateral cooperation, including the Memorandum of Understanding on Technical and Humanitarian Assistance.

According to President Ramaphosa, this memorandum provides for humanitarian assistance from South Africa to assist the people of Western Sahara in refugee camps, which have been home to tens of thousands of Saharawi refugees for decades.

“We believe that the protracted humanitarian crisis in the refugee camps is a direct consequence of the delay in finding a lasting solution to the conflict in Western Sahara.”

President Ghali described the visit as a meeting of two allies, friends and comrades in struggle.

Speaking through an interpreter, he said the meeting was fruitful, as it allowed them an opportunity to learn and exchange views.

“We found … a principled and fair position in support for Saharawi to recover its sovereignty,” President Ghali said, thanking the Government and the people of South Africa for their continued support over the years.

He vowed that the Saharawi people would not back down in their struggle for self-determination. Instead, he urged the Moroccans – being a member state of the AU – to oblige by the rules, especially in the use of force to resolve conflict.

President Ghali said he took lessons on growing the economy and industries. Already, the two countries have thus far concluded agreements in the fields of diplomacy; sports development; technical cooperation; and humanitarian assistance.

On international issues of common interests, the two presidents condemned in the strongest possible terms all forms of terrorism and extremism and committed themselves to playing their part in resolving the peace and security challenges on the continent.

The leaders reiterated the need for the reform of multilateral institutions, including the UNSC, to better represent the interests of the global South and Africa in particular.

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Sporting a Madiba lookalike shirt, President Cyril Ramaphosa met Ladysmith Black Mambazo for the first time at the State Theatre in Pretoria on Sunday, 3 June.
The group took the stage at the State Theatre on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in celebration of the 100 years of the birth of former President Nelson Mandela.

Mutual admiration abounded with President Ramaphosa saluting the members of the auspicious Grammy winning group during an intimate session before their performance.

Also present was the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthetwa, who said he was looking forward to being serenaded by the the Isicathamiya group. “We government officials often do a lot of talking. Today, we are going to be listening to the wonderful sounds of amaMbazo,” he said.

President Ramaphosa echoed Mthetwa’s sentiments, saying: “We are indeed ready to listen to your melodic sounds, so that we can’t not only feed our ears but also feed our souls."

The President described the group as the most valuable asset and export in South Africa. “We produce gold, diamonds, platinum and wine but you are by far the most valuable export,” he said. He said the group had done a lot to put South Africa on the map.

The Isicathamiya group wasted no time boasting the five Grammies to Ramaphosa. The five gold trophies stood in front of them guarded like prized possessions. “I want to take the fifth Grammy to the Union Buildings,” laughed President Ramaphosa.

The music group won its fifth Grammy at a ceremony in New York for its album Shaka Zulu Revisited.

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Deputy President David Mabuza has characterised his Working Visit to the Republic of Kenya as having helped cement political and economic ties between the peoples and governments of the republics of South Africa and Kenya.
The Deputy President attended the Madaraka Day celebrations in Meru, marking 55 years since Kenya attained independence from British colonial rule.

“We came to rejoice with you the victories we have scored as African people against colonialism and all forms of oppression,” said the Deputy President, delivering his address at the Kinoru Stadium.

On the sidelines of the celebrations, Deputy President Mabuza held bilateral discussions with President Uhuru Kenyatta as well as Kenyan Vice President, William Ruto, during which the leaders discussed issues of mutual concern, including the proposed reform initiatives of the African Union, and the United Nations Security Council, the ongoing security challenges in South Sudan and Somalia, as well as mutually beneficial economic opportunities between South Africa and Kenya.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, has arrived in New York, ahead of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) elections scheduled for tomorrow, 8 June 2018.
South Africa is seeking to be elected at the UN General Assembly to serve as a non-permanent member of the UNSC for the period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2020. This will be South Africa’s third term on the UNSC, having served in 2007 to 2008 and 2011 to 2012.

South Africa’s candidacy was endorsed by the African Union (AU) in January 2018 and has since also received endorsements from several countries around the world.

The non-permanent seat to the UNSC for the African Group is currently held by Ethiopia.

South Africa’s term on the council will also coincide with aspirations of the African continent to “silence the guns” by 2020 – an objective and an ideal that South Africa would like to see achieved throughout the world.

During its tenure, South Africa will, among other things, prioritise strengthening the cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations, specifically between the UN and AU as well as conflict resolution and peacebuilding through inclusive dialogue.

South Africa remains a strong proponent of multilateralism through participation in the UN as the organisation is the embodiment of the international community’s will to attain and maintain international peace and security, and promote the economic and social well-being of all nations and the advancement of all peoples.

While in New York, Minister Sisulu is expected to pay a courtesy call on UN Secretary-General, António Gutteres, and the President of the General Assembly, Miroslav Lajčák. Minister Sisulu is also expected to have bilateral meetings with other countries seeking election (Belgium, Germany, Indonesia, Maldives and Dominican Republic) to discuss cooperation in the UNSC should they be elected.
The five major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) grouping – ended their meeting on Monday, 4 June 2018, with a common voice on major issues on the international agenda.
From increased BRICS cooperation, security, economic, financial and sustainable development spheres, the grouping’s foreign affairs ministers, who were meeting in Pretoria, came out with a united equal voice.

A communiqué issued after their second formal meeting, which was chaired by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, first reflected on the importance of this year marking a decade of BRICS summits. She said it was a testimony to the fortitude of BRICS cooperation and reiterated the commitment to implement the outcomes and consensus of past BRICS summits.

“The ministers recalled the BRICS tradition of outreach to extend its cooperation to fellow developing and emerging economies,” read the communiqué, issued at the end of the meeting, which was attended by Minister Sisulu’s counterparts, China's Wang Yi, Russia’s Sergey Lavrov, India’s Sushma Swaraj and Brazil’s Marcos Galvão.

BRICS commitment to UN

The deliberations which Minister Sululu described as “fruitful” reaffirmed BRICS commitment to the United Nations (UN), as the universal multilateral organisation entrusted with the mandate for maintaining international peace and security, advancing global development and promoting and protecting human rights so as to build a brighter shared future for the global community.

They recalled the 2005 World Summit Outcome document and reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of the developing countries. This, the grouping believes, will allow the union to adequately respond to global challenges.

This pushed the BRICS to commit to intensifying dialogue among the BRICS countries on the administration and budget of the UN, with a view to strengthening the organisation and preserving its member state-driven character. “We stand firm on the importance and promotion of multilateralism with the UN and its bodies, notwithstanding the reform thereof, at the centre,” Minister Sisulu explained.

In addition to this, the BRICS ministers reaffirmed their commitment to multilateralism and a rules-based international order and in this regard reaffirmed the centrality of UN, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and international law by pledging their support to efforts towards making global governance more representative with greater participation of emerging markets and developing countries.

Free trade

On trade, they underlined their firm commitment to free trade, and the centrality of a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, multilateral trading system (MTS) as embodied in the WTO, by opposing the new wave of protectionism and the systematic impact of unilateral measures that are incompatible with WTO rules and undermine global trade and economic growth.

In this regard, they reiterated that the WTO Dispute Settlement System was a cornerstone of the MTS as it was designed to enhance security and predictability in international trade.

Global economic governance

“The ministers reaffirmed their resolve to foster a global economic governance architecture that is more effective and reflective of the current global economic landscape, increasing the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing economies. They reaffirmed their commitment to conclude the International Monetary Fund's 15th General Review of Quotas, including a new quota formula, by the 2019 Spring Meetings,” reads the communiqué.

2030 Agenda, climate change, global issues

With regard to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they reaffirmed their commitment to implement the tenets in an equitable, inclusive, open, all-around innovation-driven and sustainable development, in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner.

They reaffirmed their commitment to tackling climate change. They welcomed the entry into force of the Paris Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Turning to global issues on the agenda, the four ministers condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and went on to urge concerted efforts to counter terrorism under the UN auspices.

Furthermore, they recalled the responsibility of all states to prevent financing of terrorist networks and terrorist actions from their territories.

They also raised the issue of the growing instability in the Middle East, among others, the Israel-Palestine situation, the crisis in Syria and Yemen, and the unfolding catastrophe in Afghanistan.

“Finding inclusive, peaceful, negotiated solutions to these conflicts is paramount. The same holds true for international terrorism. We recommitted ourselves to supporting the United Nations' central coordinating role in international counter-terrorism cooperation. We furthermore reaffirmed our commitment to an expeditious adoption of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism,” Minister Sisulu added.

10th BRICS Summit

The meeting laid the foundation for the 10th BRICS Summit taking place in July under the theme “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration with Developing Countries for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

The theme resonates with the core priorities of all BRICS members, notably to strive towards the creation of an inclusive society and global partnerships that will bring prosperity to all humankind.
The ministers exchanged views on development cooperation and South-South cooperation. On this occasion, they adopted and jointly released the India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Declaration on South-South Cooperation, to contribute to greater understanding of development cooperation as a common endeavour of the Global South.
The External Affairs Minister of the Republic of India, Sushma Swaraj, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, Lindiwe Sisulu, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Marcos Bezerra Abbott Galvão, met in Pretoria on 4 June 2018 for an Informal Meeting of IBSA Foreign Ministers.

The ministers exchanged views on furthering IBSA cooperation during the year and considered proposed IBSA events planned for 2018 to 2019 to mark the 15th anniversary of IBSA. The ministers agreed to host these events in all three countries as well as on the margins of multilateral events/fora.

The ministers further agreed to enhance IBSA cooperation at multilateral fora.

They also agreed to continue to coordinate on South-South cooperation, including through their multilateral missions in the run-up to BAPA+40 (40th anniversary of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action) events.

South Africa and Brazil thanked India for organising the meeting.

The ministers also thanked Brazil for the offer to host the Ninth IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission Meeting in New York on 28 September 2018, on the margins of 73rd United Nations General Assembly and looked forward to a successful meeting there.
South Africa and India enjoy a Strategic Partnership and bilateral relations are anchored in a deep and shared history of friendship and solidarity. This year witnesses the 25th anniversary of the establishment of formal diplomatic relations and relations have evolved at a rapid pace.
The Minister of External Affairs of India, Sushma Swaraj, visited Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, to attend the commemoration of the event which occurred 125 years ago, on 7 June 1893, when a young Mahatma Gandhi was forcibly removed from the first-class, whites-only carriage of a train in Pietermaritzburg. The South African Government was represented at this event by the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Willies Mchunu, and the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers.

India is currently South Africa’s second-largest trading partner in Asia and ranks among South Africa’s top 10 trade partners. In 2017, bilateral trade reached R107 billion.

The ties between both countries are cemented by the foundation laid by the two icons, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi. South Africa was central to forging Gandhi’s identity as a political activist and his time here was an important prelude in developing his thinking prior to his return to India. President Mandela later acknowledged that the values of tolerance, mutual respect and unity for which Gandhi stood and acted had a profound impact on South Africa’s own liberation movement and on his own thinking.

Mohandas Gandhi arrived in South Africa as a young lawyer in 1893 and shortly after his arrival, he booked a first-class ticket on the train to Pretoria, where he was to undertake business on behalf of the legal firm where he was employed. On a cold June day, he was forcibly removed by the rail authorities at Pietermaritzburg from the first-class compartment and thrown off the train following a complaint from one of the passengers. He subsequently spent the night in the station’s waiting room.

This event initiated his contemplations of racial discrimination and represented the beginning of his philosophy of Satyagraha (truth-force) and Ahimsa (pressure for social and political reform through passive resistance). This philosophy became one of the greatest political tools of the 20th century, influencing the civil rights movement in the United States and the African National Congress  in South Africa.

Both Mandela and Gandhi were visionary leaders who were ahead of their times. Modern-day India, with its extraordinary economic growth and development, and South Africa, have carved a niche as influential global players, as witnessed by its roles in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS); the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA); and India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) as well as within the United Nations system.

The commemoration of the train incident in Pietermaritzburg allowed the two countries to look back and reaffirm the need to eradicate racism.
The Minister of Communications, Nomvula Mokonyane, recently announced the media developments of South Africa’s hosting of the 10th Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit to be hosted at the Sandton International Convention Centre from 25 to 27 July 2018.
The BRICS approach is informed by the need to deepen, broaden and intensify relations within the grouping and among the individual countries for more sustainable, equitable and mutually beneficial development. This approach takes into consideration each member’s growth, development and poverty objectives to ensure relations are built on the respective country’s economic strengths and to avoid competition where possible.

The bloc offers a unique opportunity for BRICS countries to extend and advance their cooperation in ways that meaningfully promote their economic development agendas as well as that of other developing countries.

South Africa assumed the rotational Chairship of BRICS from 1 January to 31 December 2018. The 2018 Summit will be a seminal milestone for BRICS cooperation, as it represents a decade of BRICS cooperation at the highest diplomatic level.

This summit is held under the theme “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

The theme is reflective of the core priorities of each one of the BRICS members, notably to strive towards the creation of an inclusive society and global partnerships that will bring prosperity to all humankind.

The theme is intended to align and ensure strategic continuity with the approved themes for South Africa’s Chairship of both the Southern African Development Community and the Indian Ocean Rim Association.

Plans are underway to ensure the successful hosting of the summit. Members of the media are invited to apply to be accredited for the 10th BRICS Summit.

Media interested in covering the summit should use the link below to complete the online registration form.

The closing date for the 10th BRICS Summit Media Accreditation is Monday, 22 June 2018.

For more information on the summit, please visit:
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) participated in the sixth African Union Ministers of Trade (AMOT) meeting in Senegal, which took place on Sunday, 3 June 2018.
The meeting considered, among others, the legally scrubbed annexes of the protocols to the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (Caftan), the disciplines on the modalities for tariff liberalisation, as well as the priority sectors for trade in services.

The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Bulelani Magwanishe, who represented South Africa at the meeting, said the conclusion of the annexes to the Protocol on Trade in Goods and the annexes to the Protocol on Dispute Settlement was a significant achievement.

“The conclusion of this work enables South Africa to rapidly commence domestic processes for signature of the AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Area).

“We must ensure that the disciplines on modalities for tariff liberation support the creation of commercially meaningful value chains in Africa, such that we attract investment in job creating productive sectors,” Deputy Minister Magwanishe said.

In March, Pretoria held off on signing the actual agreement until legal and other instruments associated with AfCFTA were processed and ratified by South African stakeholders and Parliament.

The AU meeting was preceded by the 11th Meeting of the AfCFTA Negotiations Forum and the Sixth Meeting of the AfCFTA Committee of Senior Officials of Trade.

Held in Dakar, the Sixth AMOT followed the launch of the Caftan during the Extraordinary Summit of the AU Heads of State and Government, held on 21 March 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda.

The summit resulted in the signing of the Caftan Agreement by 44 countries and the signing of the Declaration establishing the Caftan by 43 countries. To date, Kenya, Rwanda and Ghana have ratified the Caftan Agreement.

Meanwhile, the outcomes of the Sixth AMOT meeting will be submitted and considered by the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government to be held in Mauritania in July 2018.

AfCFTA offers an opportunity to create larger economies of scale, a bigger market and improve the prospects of the African continent to attract investment.

“South Africa is, therefore, committed to a coordinated strategy to boost intra-Africa trade and to build an integrated market in Africa that will see a market of over one billion people with a gross domestic product of approximately US$3,3 trillion.

“Beyond the Tripartite Free Trade Area, AfCFTA will provide new export opportunities for South African products in West Africa and North Africa,” said the dti.

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Brand South Africa has congratulated the Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene, on his appointment as the Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the NDB.
Brand South Africa recently congratulated South Africa’s Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene, who was elected as Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the NDB.

Minister Nene will serve in the position until the end of the next annual meeting of the Board of Governors, which will be held in South Africa next year. Minister Nene, who was named Finance Minister by President Cyril Ramaphosa in February, was elected to the position at the 14h meeting of the bank’s leadership in Shanghai, China.

The NDB is a multilateral development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in 2014. The bank is mandated to mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries.

At the meeting, the bank approved loans to all five member countries totalling $1,6 billion (R20,3 billion). The meeting also approved a $200-million project for the reconstruction of the Durban Container Terminal Berth. This was one of six projects from the five member countries that was approved by the board with loans totalling $1,6 billion, bringing the bank’s total portfolio to more than $5,1 billion. Total approvals for 2018 amount to $1,7 billion.

According to a NDB media statement, the project is aimed at helping Transnet enhance the capacity of its Durban Port, through the rehabilitation of container terminal berths and the upgrading of port infrastructure to provide additional slots for larger vessels.

Brand South Africa’s General Manager for Research, Dr Petrus de Kock, said: “We welcome Minister Nene’s appointment, which comes in a period of an intensified investment drive to achieve the National Development Plan’s investment objectives by President Ramaphosa. Through the BRICS NDB, South Africa will be in a position to further expand infrastructure opportunities for trade.”

The NDB also signed a Memorandum of Understanding on General Cooperation with the Development Bank of Southern Africa.

South Africa’s membership of BRICS has become a vital element of its global economic strategy and is viewed as a catalyst and enabling tool for the pursuit and achievement of South Africa’s foreign policy priorities, including the promotion of the African Agenda, sustainable development, global governance reform and South-South cooperation.
Cape Town has won the bid to host the Wikimania 2018 conference‚ a gathering of volunteers from around the world who will discuss how to improve the diversity of knowledge on Wikipedia and Wikimedia sites.
It will be the first-ever gathering in sub-Saharan Africa of the annual event and will bring together more than 700 people.

“Wikimedia is … looking to expand its non-Western topics‚ where there is still not enough locally relevant content about Africa‚ particularly that which is gathered from African perspectives or shared in African languages‚” the company said in a statement.

“The same could be said for indigenous knowledge and local knowledge from many places outside the Global North‚ much of which is still missing. South Africa has active Afrikaans and isiXhosa Wikipedia editions‚ but most of the other indigenous languages from the continent are either missing or do not have regular contributions on Wikipedia.”

Wikipedia is a collaborative collection of knowledge‚ open for anyone to edit. It is available in more than 45 million articles across nearly 300 languages and is read more than 15 billion times a month.

Volunteer editors from around the world‚ or Wikipedians‚ come together to write and update Wikipedia articles in real time‚ aiming to ensure that the information is based in reliable sources. Each month‚ more than 200 000 people edit Wikipedia.

The conference will be attended by open-knowledge advocates‚ academics‚ teachers‚ heritage specialists and members of the global Wikimedia movement‚ including volunteers who edit articles‚ create bots or organise events and projects to draw more content onto Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects.

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"Strictly Come Dancing UK" has announced that South African dancer Johannes Radebe is one of the new professionals added to the show.
The news was shared on the official Twitter account.

The 31-year-old Latin champion was recently seen on Dancing with the Stars SA where he partnered Vanes-Mari du Toit. The pair made it to the semi-final round of the competition.

He was also on two seasons of Strictly Come Dancing SA.

Johannes shared the exciting news on Instagram saying: “I’m beyond excited at this amazing opportunity of being a part of the BBC Strictly Come Dancing 2018. South Africa I will do you proud.”

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South African surfski paddlers recently hit the headlines in Hawaii as Hayley Nixon won the women's race of the Maui Jim Molokai Challenge, and Hank McGregor and Jasper Mocké raced onto the men's podium in second and third, respectively.
Nixon, racing in her first-ever start at the 53-km crossing of the fabled Channel of Bones, broke the women's course record in the process, and said she was elated at the achievement.

Nixon, the reigning world women's surfski champion, finished two minutes ahead of the Kiwi, Rachel Clarke, with Australian, Jordan Mercer, another two minutes further back.

"The women's field was the most packed it has ever been. It was quite daunting for me because I only confirmed that I was coming to the event three weeks before, so I didn't have those months of mental preparation.

"I had a lot of faith in my coach Linton and the way we trained, and I knew that I would be able to transition across to the long distances.

"The race was cut-throat from start to finish," she added.

McGregor was locked in a fierce duel with Australian star, Corey Hill, which he lost by 30 seconds, with fellow South African, Jasper Mocké, taking the last spot on the podium.

Oscar Chalupsky finished ninth overall, just seven weeks after major shoulder surgery.
Cape Town’s eight-year-old golf sensation, Traigh Pathon, delivered another outstanding performance, as he finished in the top 10 in his first European Kids Golf Championships held in Scotland recently.
The eight-year-old finished tied for ninth place in ninth, just six shots from first place.

Traigh picked up a golf club as soon as he could walk, when his father – and caddy – David van Schalkwyk took him to the golf course at just 14-months-old.

He made his TV debut four months later, and played his first full round of golf aged four, eventually becoming the prestigious Royal Cape Golf Club’s youngest member.

Commenting after his son’s wonderful achievement, the proud dad was understandably beside himself.

“I am so proud of my son, he played impressively in the gloomy weather conditions and was the smallest in his age category,” he said.

Hailing from Athlone, Traigh’s trip to Scotland was sponsored by Turkish Airlines, and the company’s Cape Town General Manager, Kenan Ince was absolutely delighted with his performance in the three-day event.

“We are delighted by Traigh’s outstanding performance and are proud to have played a role in ensuring he could compete at this prestigious event,” he said.

It’s no wonder he is touted as a future superstar and his name is definitely one to look out for.

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Junior Springbok coach Chean Roux lauded his team’s determined second-half display against Ireland in their World Rugby U20 Championship match in Narbonne on Sunday to register a 30-17 bonus-point victory.
The SA U20s scored five tries to two by Ireland, with Wandisile Simelane (centre) earning a hat-trick, which steered the team to their second bonus-point win in as many games in the competition.

“I am very proud of the players’ effort in the second half,” said Roux.

“I thought we started off well and then we went off the boil, but the players showed tremendous character to come back. The fact that we didn’t play to our full potential and still earned the bonus point says something about the team.”

Roux said there was hard work ahead, but he admitted that the victory was good for the team’s confidence.

“It does give us confidence going forward,” he said.

“It shows that the team can win under tough circumstances even if though they did not play to their potential, but there is a lot of work ahead. It is going to be a tough game against the French, who are a quality side.

The team will face hosts, France, in their final pool match in Narbonne on Thursday, 7 June.
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Editor: Delien Burger
Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
Design and layout: René Marneweck


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