Issue 332 | 14 June 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa will use its membership of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to advance the interests of Africa, particularly the priorities of the African Union Agenda 2063.
South Africa’s tenure will be guided by the commitment to resolve regional, global and international conflict and promote inclusive growth as part of the effort to ensure a better Africa in a better world.

“We are committed to addressing the root causes of conflict, including inequality and underdevelopment, and promoting inclusive political dialogue.

“South Africa remains deeply concerned about the emergence of unilateralism and its attendant threat to the international rules-based system. South Africa reaffirms the centrality of the UN Charter and the primacy of the UNSC on issues of international peace and security,” said the President.

On Friday, 8 June 2018, the UN General Assembly elected South Africa to serve on the UNSC for the term 2019 to 2020 as a non-permanent member. This will be the third time that South Africa will be serving in the Security Council since the dawn of democracy in 1994.

“We are humbled and honoured by the confidence the international community has demonstrated in our capability to contribute to the resolution of global challenges.

“We express our unreserved gratitude and appreciation to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that nominated us and our continental body, the African Union (AU), that endorsed our candidature,” said President Ramaphosa in a statement.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, who was in New York for the election, said South Africa’s tenure in the Security Council would be dedicated to the legacy of President Nelson Mandela and his commitment to peace.

Making remarks following the election, she said South Africa would use its tenure in the Security Council to promote the maintenance of international peace and security through advocating for the peaceful settlement of disputes and inclusive dialogue.

“We will continue to enhance close cooperation between the UNSC and other regional and subregional organisations.

“During our two previous tenures, we advocated for closer cooperation between the UNSC and the AU Peace and Security Council (AUPC), which culminated in the adoption of the landmark Resolution in 2012 on strengthening cooperation between these two bodies,” said the Minister.

South Africa's diplomatic efforts over the past two decades include conflict resolution, prevention, mediation, peacekeeping and peacebuilding.

Minister Sisulu said she firmly believed that “while we must strengthen the tools at the Security Council's disposal in addressing conflicts as they arise, the focus should be on preventative diplomacy and on addressing the root causes of conflicts”.

“We believe that peace cannot be achieved without the participation of women in peace negotiations, peacekeeping operations, post-conflict peacebuilding and governance. During our tenure, we will ensure that a gender perspective is mainstreamed into all Security Council resolutions in line with UNSC Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security.”

South Africa looks forward to collaborating with the members of the Security Council in promoting the maintenance of international peace and security and the social well-being and advancement of all the peoples of the world.

Sisulu said energies had to be directed to ensuring the betterment of the lives of people.

“We are guided by the Resolution of the AU to ‘Silence the Guns’ by 2020. Only when we have peace and a culture of peace, can we have sustainable development and we in Africa need that and resources most.”

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President Cyril Ramaphosa recently participated in the G7 Leaders’ Outreach Summit in Canada.
South Africa’s participation in the two-day session, which was held under the theme “Healthy, Productive and Resilient Oceans and Seas, Coasts and Communities”, was at the invitation of Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

“President Ramaphosa returns to South Africa greatly encouraged by the commitment by global leaders to harness the potential of our oceans for development and the very strong message from the G7 Outreach Summit to place youth and women in particular at the centre of efforts to make inequality history,” The Presidency said.

The President described the summit as a success and stressed the importance of the strong political signal delivered by the G7 Leaders’ Outreach's focus on developing and implementing innovative strategies to leapfrog the global effort to address issues facing the world’s oceans, including stressors such as plastic pollution, building the resilience of coasts and communities, improving the protection of the world’s oceans and ensuring sustainable use of marine resources.

President Ramaphosa said it was of paramount importance to strengthen the multilateral approach to managing ocean resources beyond national jurisdiction.

He welcomed the opportunity presented for countries to share their experiences, with South Africa reflecting on its own milestones, successes and challenges in relation to the management of oceans as a resource to drive economic growth.

In this regard, President Ramaphosa shared, among others, South Africa’s strategy to research and develop alternatives and substitutes for single-use plastics.

These actions by South Africa are complemented with cooperative strategies to expand marine protected areas, address over-exploitation through illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries detection and enforcement and supported by an integrated, shared ocean information system as a basis for the sustainable management of the oceans and its users.

“The President is confident that preserving and opening up the ocean economy has a potential to create approximately one million jobs from various activities, including shipbuilding, sea transportation, aquaculture and exploration of oil and gas, among others,” The Presidency said.

In line with the President’s stated drive to attract investment to grow the economy and create jobs, as well as reduce poverty and inequality, President Ramaphosa had an opportunity to engage with representatives of the business community in Toronto.

He welcomed the interest shown by the global business community in South Africa as an investment destination and lauded the “wonderful exchange of views” in a session he described as oversold.

“The President regards this interest as demonstrating a recognition of South Africa’s new dawn – a period of renewal and rebuilding,”The Presidency said.

On the sidelines of the summit, President Ramaphosa held a number of bilateral engagements with heads of state and government from various countries, including Norway, France, Germany, Vietnam, Rwanda, Kenya and the host country, Canada.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by Environmental Affairs Minister, Edna Molewa, and a business delegation from South Africa.

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The Minister of Small Business Development, Lindiwe Zulu, recently returned home after concluding a successful visit to Brussels, Belgium, wherein she participated in the 12th European Union Development Days (EUDD) and addressed a special session dedicated to the centenaries of former President Nelson Mandela and Mama Albertina Sisulu.
Minister Zulu’s address reinforced government’s decision to declare 2018 as the year to celebrate and commemorate its two struggle heroes for the important role they played in South Africa’s journey towards freedom and democracy.

Minister Zulu said: “We thank the European Commission for this unique and indeed historic opportunity to honour our struggle heroes in recognising the legendary contribution made by President Mandela in uniting South Africans through its democratic process and Mama Albertina Sisulu on her pioneering role in the emancipation of women”. It is also expected that the European Parliament will later this year adopt a resolution on the centenary celebrations for former President Mandela.

The EUDD was held from 5 to 6 June in Brussels, Belgium, on the theme: “Women and Girls at the Forefront of Sustainable Development: Protect, Empower and Invest". The EUDD brings together the development community to share ideas to inspire new partnerships and innovation solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

The EU is South Africa’s largest trading partner and largest foreign investor, representing 77% of total Foreign Direct Investment in the country. Total trade increased from R150 billion in 2000 to R599,86 billion in 2017. South African exports to the EU increased from R64 billion in 2000 to R262 billion in 2017. Over 2 000 EU companies operate in South Africa, creating more than 500 000 direct and indirect jobs.
The launch of the Yekani Manufacturing factory at the East London Special Economic Zone (ELIDZ) is expected to create at least 1 000 new jobs for the community.
The R1-billion smart factory was launched by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, recently.

The 100% black-owned Information and Communications Technology (ICT) electronics and manufacturing company is a beneficiary of the Department of Trade and Industry’s (dti) Black Industrialists Programme and the Special Economic Zone Fund.

“What we are witnessing today is a company that is getting into this space, which is very important as we prepare ourselves for the Fourth Industrialist Revolution. This is an example of what we can do if we put our minds to it. I think this an investment to celebrate at a number of levels in an industry that is of strategic importance and key to job creation,” said Minister Davies at the launch.

The dti provided R350 million for the construction of the factory that is located in the ELIDZ through the Special Economic Zones Fund. The company also received a R50-million grant under the Black Industrialists Programme for the machinery at the plant. Through the grant, the company will be able to employ a further 1 000 people.

Formed in 1998, the company currently manufactures DSTV’s Explora HD decoders, TEAC television sets, set-top boxes and tablets.

The launch, said the Minister, came as South Africa had not been able to manufacture enough electronics products with a heavy reliance on imported tablets, cell phones and all kinds of electronic equipment.

Group Chief Executive Office of Yekani, Dr Siphiwe Cele, said the new facilities would allow Yekani to lead the way in technology innovation and to help Africa secure its rightful place among global technology leaders.

Cele said the company wanted the world to know that Africans were capable of pioneering new technology and also nurturing young people.

The Black Industrialists Scheme was announced in 2016 and at that time, government’s target was to support 100 black industrialists by the end of the 2018/19 financial year. This target was exceeded in March when 102 black industrialists were approved for financial support.

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The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Adv Michael Masutha, hosted his counterparts and attorneys general from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) at Saint George's Hotel, Irene, Centurion, from 11 to 14 June 2018.
The Ministers who constitute the SADC Committee of Ministers of Justice and Attorneys General will consider a draft Report on the Implementation of the SADC Protocols on Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters.

It will also receive a draft Agreement to amend the Protocol on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation.
The Deputy Minister of Communications, Pinky Kekana, recently participated in the International Association of Internet Hotlines (InHope) Annual General Assembly in Crete, Greece.
Deputy Minister Kekana led a Film and Publication Board (FPB) delegation to participate in the InHope Annual General Meeting, held on Monday, 11 June.

The Deputy Minister’s participation at the InHope followed South Africa’s National Child Protection Week, which was observed under the theme “Let us all Protect Children to Move South Africa Forward”.

The focus of the InHope meeting was consistent with government’s attempt to ensure that minors are protected from accessing inappropriate and harmful content. This has now become a matter of both national and international interest.

“It is common cause that children are seen to be more impressionable, less critical and therefore more vulnerable than adults. They have little experience and consequently insufficiently developed frames of reference to guide their judgement.

“It has become increasingly important to protect children in light of increased access to television, Internet, videos and mobile devices,” Deputy Minister Kekana said.

InHope was founded in 1999 under the European Union Safer Internet Action Plan.

As of December 2016, InHope has 48 members across the world, supporting them in responding to reports of illegal content (child sexual abuse material).

It is a condition as a member of InHope that all member hotlines have the support of their national government, Internet industry and law enforcement, and they must offer effective transparent procedures for dealing with complaints.

The FPB was accepted as a member in 2011, and today South Africa is the only country in Africa that has been accepted into the InHope community.

The InHope Foundation assists countries to develop hotlines and to become a member of the InHope community.

In its expansion strategy, the foundation has identified Africa as key content for expansion continent, and the FPB has been identified as the gateway to the rest of Africa.

To this end, the FPB is committed working closely with the foundation to expand on existing relationships on the continent to assist in establishing more hotlines.

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The Coega Special Economic Zone (SEZ), located in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, has been selected as one of seven examples of success out of thousands of SEZs worldwide.
This is according to a World Bank-financed research study into what makes economic zones successful.

There are approximately 3 500 SEZs in more than 130 countries worldwide, employing more than 60 million people.

The World Bank recently released the report, “Special Economic Zones – An Operational Review of Their Impacts”. The Competitive Industries and Innovation Programme found that the success of a SEZ depends largely on a combination of three factors.

These include the SEZ Programme and its characteristics, the structure and layout of the zone as well as regional and country contexts.

“We believe the Coega SEZ will rank highly as the most successful SEZ in all three factors,” said Coega Development Corporation (CDC)’s Head of Marketing, Brand and Communication, Dr Ayanda Vilakazi.

The CDC has developed top nine reasons to invest at Coega SEZ, which include incentives and world-class infrastructure.

“Coega is also particularly strong in the second factor, which is the layout and structure of the zone. Fourteen zones of the Coega SEZ are segmented according to business sectors, complemented by our plug and play environment with world-class infrastructure in terms of roads, bulk water and sewer networks, telecommunications sleeve networks, electrical substations (HV and MV), and overhead power lines (HV and MV),” he said.

Vilakazi said they also provided a one-stop shop, which enabled “strategic guidance and reduced regulatory inefficiencies and red tape for all investors looking to invest in the province”.

“As regard the regional and country context, the Coega SEZ is one of the best-connected industrial zones on the African continent.

“There is a rail connection between the SEZ, the rest of South Africa and neighbouring countries; and major roads provide a seamless link into the national N2 arterial highway, which connects the SEZ to the rest of the region,” he said.

The zone is integrated into Africa’s newest deep-water harbour, the Port of Ngqura; and national and international connectivity for passengers and freight is provided by the Port Elizabeth International Airport, which is around 20 minutes travelling time from the Coega SEZ.

“Therefore, it does not come as a surprise that Coega has been selected as one of seven examples of success out of thousands of SEZs around the world. Clearly, we have set a global benchmark,” Vilakazi said

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The Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Obed Bapela, delivered a keynote address at the research seminar on opportunities and challenges of China-Africa Industrialisation Cooperation on 8 June 2018.
The main objective of the seminar was to examine China-Africa industrialisation into the future. The seminar was jointly hosted by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of South Africa and the Human Science and Research Council.

Due to many projects being implemented at provincial level, the address by the Deputy Minister addressed “Opportunities and Challenges of Driving Economic Growth in Special Economic Zones at Local Government Level”.

The seminar addressed topics that ranged from manufacturing, infrastructure, human resource development, to synergies that existed between China and Africa in ensuring implementation at the Seventh Forum on China-Africa Cooperation industrial measures, which will be held this year in Beijing-China.
South African Airways (SAA) has been named as one of the Top Five Airlines in the World, according to an international survey.
According to the new survey by AirHelp, SAA scores 8.5 for being on time, 7.8 for its quality of service and 8.7 in its dealings with claims.

AirHelp says “air travel is about more than just the price of a ticket”, and its survey compares airlines around the world with three different critera: the quality of amenities, on-time arrivals and how well they resolve flight delay compensation claims.

SAA scored above Qantas (eighth) and Virgin (10th). The worst-ranked airlines included Air Mauritius (68th), EasyJet (69th) and the very cheap Wow Air in last position at 72nd.

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South Africa’s state-of-the-art research vessel, the “SA Agulhas II” ship, was open to members of the public to explore on Saturday, 9 June 2018.
The Department of Environmental Affairs hosted the annual SA Agulhas II Open Day at the Port of Durban as part of World Oceans Day.

Visitors enjoyed guided tours of the vessel, from its state-of-the-art laboratories to the lounge area, which is dedicated to the late South African music icon Miriam Makeba.

The vessel was dedicated to the icon in recognition of her role in the struggle towards democracy. This also augers well with the research mandate that the South Africa National Antarctic Programme is charged with.

The SA Agulhas II is a polar research and supply vessel acquired by the department in March 2012.

South Africa has for more than half a century maintained a presence in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic by establishing permanent research bases in Marion Island, Gough Island and in Antarctica.

The department said having a year-round presence in these remote locations enabled researchers to conduct seasonal data analyses on various research disciplines, thus allowing a better understanding of the ecosystem behaviour and functioning of the Earth system.

‘’The Southern Ocean on the doorstep of South Africa is a key resource in understanding the balance of Earth, ocean and atmosphere interactions.

“South Africa, through various institutions of higher learning and international collaboration, has built up an extensive dataset on the Southern Ocean and the resources therein. This can only be enhanced through the world-class technological advancements on the SA Agulhas II,’’ the department said.

Voyages to Marion, Gough and Antarctica allow for data such as sea surface temperature, oxygen and carbon measurements to be collected, which are instrumental to further enhance the understanding of present day global climate change.

The vast experience in Southern Ocean research has contributed to making the SA Agulhas II a unique research vessel with facilities that enable modern-day oceanographic research to take place on-board.

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South Africa's leading researcher on Devonian marginal marine ecosystems and early vertebrates, or ancient fish and early tetrapods, Dr Robert Gess, has announced the groundbreaking discovery of what is believed to be a 360 million-year-old fossil.
The two new species, named Tutusius and Umzantsia, are Africa’s earliest known four-legged vertebrates by a remarkable 70 million years.

The approximately metre-long Tutusius umlambo, named after Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, and the somewhat smaller Umzantsia amazana are both incomplete.

The tetrapods were discovered at the Waterloo Farm in 2016 after controlled rock-cutting explosions by the South African National Roads Agency along the N2 highway between Grahamstown and the Fish River.

Devonian tetrapod fossils are found in widely scattered localities. However, if the continents are mapped back to their Devonian geological period positions, it appears that all previous finds are from rocks deposited in the palaeotropics – between 30 degrees north and south of the equator.

South Africa now adds insights into the emergence of land animals to its incredible fossil record, which also includes transition to mammals from reptile-like ancestors and the evolution of humans.

Speaking at the unveiling of the two fossils in Johannesburg recently, Dr Gess said the discovery was another feather in South Africa’s Palaeosciences cap.

‘’South Africa has a really impressive fossil record and it covers many of the important transitions in our own ancestors. Whereas all previously found Devonian tetrapods came from localities, which were in tropical regions during the Devonian [geological period], these specimens lived within the Antarctic circle,’’ Dr Gess said.

The Minister of Science and Technology, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, congratulated Dr Gess on the discovery. She said it placed South Africa at the forefront of the study of the evolution of land-living vertebrate animals, including the ancestry of all the wildlife in the country's game parks.

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said South Africa was richly endowed with natural resources and the country's fossil wealth dated back to more than three billion years.

"… Many internationally significant fossil discoveries have been made in our country and are stored in South African museum collections.

‘’The country's geographic advantage as a global provider of information on the evolution of life and humanity on Earth stands alongside the country's biodiversity and geographic advantage in astronomy and the science of the southern oceans,’’ said Minister Kubayi-Ngubane.

The research was supported by the Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence in Palaeosciences, based at the University of the Witwatersrand and the Millennium Trust.

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SU's Botanical Garden has become the first in South Africa to receive Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) accreditation.
In a statement, the university said BGCI Accreditation recognised achievements in plant conservation by institutions carrying out a range of conservation-related policies, practices and activities.

Only nine botanical gardens around the world have received this honour, with SU being the second in Africa.

BGCI Secretary-General, Dr Paul P Smith, based in the United Kingdom, said the university's botanical garden was very special due to it being the only university-managed botanic garden in the Cape Floristic Region.

"With dozens of threatened plant species only represented in your collection, and in no other collections globally, the SU Botanical Garden is of critical importance for global research and conservation efforts," said Smith.

"We have also seen large increases in requests from your collection from other institutions since you have started sharing your collections data with our global PlantSearch database in 2014."

He added that, with various well-regarded academics and research groups at the university, the SU Botanical Garden provided the “perfect platform” from which to build international partnerships and drive various research and conservation projects.

"Besides the collections, the expertise that has been built up in your botanical garden and university has a huge role to play in helping build capacity in other botanic gardens not only in your region but also on the rest of the continent," Smith said.

SU Chief Operating Officer, Professor Stan du Plessis, said the accreditation was a valuable international recognition for the leading work at the university's botanical garden.

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Young South African rapper The Big Hash knows that it’s never too early to pursue your dreams.
The 17-year-old was born in Pretoria as Tshegetso Reabetswe Kungwane and soon changed his name to The Big Hash.

He released his EP called Life + Times of a Teenage Influence in March and it has already racked up over 170 000 streams.

Streaming service, Apple Music, has recognised the spectacular rise of this young artist and will showcase his music in the New Artist Spotlight in June, bringing his music not only to the African continent, but the entire world.

“I have no words to describe this achievement right now. It's unbelievable to know that nine months ago, no-one was even sure about what I wanted to do when I left school. And now to find myself being given The New Artist Spotlight for June on Apple Music, nine months later ... it's one of the biggest honours in this growing career of mine.”

New Artist Spotlight is an artist development feature where a light is shone on a new South African artist each month, giving them four weeks of editorial support across the Apple Music ecosystem as a Hero artist, inclusion in the Mzansi Hits Room and key Apple Music playlists such as The A-List: South Africa, Best of the Week and more.

Previous South African artists to have benefited from the New Artist Spotlight include: Sun El-Musician, Thandi Ntuli, Shekhinah, Shane Eagle, Elandre, Sketchy Bongo, Amanda Black, Babes Wodumo, Sipho The Gift, Johnny Cradle, Tholwana, Lucy Kruger, Moonga K, Josh Kempen and Alice Phoebe Lou

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The Blitzboks defended their World Rugby Seven Series crown by beating England in the final of the Paris Sevens.
South Africa ran out 24-14 winners in a tense encounter played in rainy conditions.

The Blitzboks started impressively, carrying the ball through a number of phases until Werner Kok cut inside, beating three defenders in the process to score a converted try and give South Africa a 7-0 lead.

England hit back straight from the kick-off with speedster Dan Norton getting away from the Blitzbok defence before feeding Oliver Lindsay-Hague for a converted try.

Norton then scored a try of his own, converted by Tom Mitchell to give England a 14-7 with a minute left in the half.

But the Blitzboks were not done, scoring a try through Dylan Oosthuizen a full two minutes after the first-half hooter sounded. Justin Geduld landed a brilliant conversion to see the teams locked at 14-14 at half-time.

Dewald Human got the Blitzboks off to the best possible start in the second half, scoring a try, which was converted by Geduld for a 21-14 lead.

Such was South Africa's desperation to win, that Geduld then opted to kick at goal for when England were penalised in their own 22m area. He was successful with the drop kick, putting the score out to 24-14.

The South Africans then hung on for the next three minutes to claim the Paris Sevens and World Rugby Sevens Series glory.

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The Springboks got back to winning ways with victory over England in an enthralling Test at Ellis Park in Johannesburg on Saturday, 9 June 2018, beating the visitors 42-39.
Having gone down to Wales in Washington DC last weekend, new Springbok coach Rassie Erasmus picked up his first success at the helm, thanks to a stunning fightback after the Boks had gone 24-3 behind with less than a quarter of the match having been played.

England was quick out the blocks with three converted tries in a matter of 16 minutes through wing Mike Brown, fullback Elliot Daly and flyhalf Owen Farrell.

In addition to Farrell's three conversions, Daly added a penalty from in excess of 60m out which gave Eddie Jones' side a 21-point advantage which left the home crowd stunned.

To their credit, the Boks stormed back with four tries of their own in a matter of 19 minutes through Man-of-The-Match scrumhalf, Faf de Klerk, a brace from debutant wing S'bu Nkosi and fullback Willie le Roux.

Flyhalf Handre Pollard added three conversions and a penalty, while Farrell added a late three-pointer to see South Africa go into the half-time break 29-27 ahead.

The second half was more of a cut-and-thrust affair with a 51th-minute penalty by Pollard extending the Boks' lead to five.

Crucially, a yellow card to England loosehead, Mako Vunipola, playing in his 50th Test, saw the visitors reduced to 14 men in the 63rd minute.

The Boks were quick to capitalise, scoring their fifth try of the night immediately thereafter by another debutant, home-town wing Aphiwe Dyantyi, while Pollard made no mistake with the conversion to extend the home side's lead to a handy 12 points.

To their credit, England were next on the scoreboard – while still down a man – as lock Maro Itoje scored close to a ruck. Farrell failed to land the conversion.

Replacement front-rower Steven Kitshoff won a vital penalty in the 76th minute, which Pollard made no mistake with.

England speedster Jonny May then gave the home crowd an anxious last few minutes with a breathtaking mazy run to score under the posts. Farrell added the conversion via a drop goal as England closed to within three points.

Alas, the fightback was not to be as the Boks ran down the clock to extend England's 2018 misery to five consecutive defeats.

The sides will next do battle at Toyota Stadium in Bloemfontein on Saturday, with the third and final Test scheduled for Newlands in Cape Town on 23 June.

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South Africa's Bongmusa Mthembu has defended his Comrades Marathon title, winning the 93rd edition of the race from Pietermaritzburg to Durban in commanding fashion on Sunday, 10 June 2018.
It was Mthembu's third victory in the “Ultimate Human Race” having previously won the “Down”' run in 2014, in addition to last year's “Up” run.

Local hero Mthembu, 34, who hails from Bulwer in KwaZulu-Natal's Midlands, finished in an unofficial time of 5:26:39.

Fellow South African Joseph Mphuthi finished second in a distant 5:35:14, while Great Britain's Steven Way stormed through the field to take the final podium spot in 5:35:31.

Running for the Arthur Ford Running Club, Mthembu crossed the finish line at the Moses Mabhida Stadium with his arms raised as 90.184km of agony quickly turned to joy.

Little-known South African runner Ann Ashworth stunned the women's field. Ashworth upset the pre-race favourites in crossing the line first in a time of 6:10:04 to take not only her first title, but her first Top 10 finish in the “Ultimate Human Race”.

Ashworth, founder of the Massmart Running Club in Gauteng, raised her arms in triumph after 90.184km of pain and glory.

Fellow South African Gerda Steyn finished second in 6:15:34, while Russia's Alexandra Morozova took the final podium spot in 6:20:21.

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The Proteas ladies broke their 15-year dry spell in England when they beat the hosts at home for the first time since 2003.
The seven-wicket victory, which was set up by bowlers, Shabnim Ismail (3/25) and Ayabonga Khaka (3/42) and consolidated by batters, Lizelle Lee (92*) and captain Dané van Niekerk, saw the visitors take a 1-0 lead in the three-match series in Worcester on Saturday, 9 June 2018.

It was a particularly sweet victory as it was the hosts’ first match at home since their ICC World Cup win at Lord’s last year, adding two valuable points towards the visitors’ ICC Women’s Championship campaign.

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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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