Issue 333 | 21 June 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his deepest condolences on the sad passing of South Africa’s former Chief of State Protocol and recipient of the National Order of Luthuli, Ambassador Billy Modise, who passed away last night in hospital after a long illness. He was 87 year old.
“Our country and our people have suffered a great loss in the passing of Ambassador Billy Modise. He served his country selflessly and diligently. He was a distinguished gentleman and leader of our people who contributed exceptionally to the achievement of a South Africa free of racial oppression and to the building of a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic country.

We wish to convey our deepest words of condolence to his family, friends and relatives as well as members of the Diplomatic Corps. May his soul rest in peace,” said President Ramaphosa.
President Cyril Ramaphosa welcomes the participation of Dr Riek Machar Teny, Chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/A-In-Opposition in the high-level revitalisation talks facilitated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
On Sunday, 17 June 2018, President Ramaphosa consulted with the heads of state and government of the IGAD countries on the peace process in South Sudan. The President commends IGAD countries for their tireless efforts in pursuit of a lasting and sustainable solution to the challenges facing South Sudan. In this regard, he welcomes and fully supports the latest efforts aimed at revitalising the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.

President Ramaphosa has further expressed great concern about the continued instability in South Sudan, which has resulted in a humanitarian crisis and displacement of people. He also called on all stakeholders to do everything in their power to stop the violence and commit to a constructive dialogue.

President Ramaphosa has reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to continue working with IGAD and the African Union to assist the people of South Sudan to achieve lasting peace, stability and development. He concluded by wishing the IGAD meetings taking place in Addis Ababa great success.
The 2018 Youth Day Commemoration took place on Saturday, 16 June 2018, at Orlando Stadium in Soweto, Gauteng, under the theme: “Live the Legacy: Towards a Socio-Economically Empowered Youth”.
This year's commemoration coincided with the centenaries of the late former President of the Republic of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, and Mama Albertina Sisulu.

On 16 June 1976, more than 15 000 youngsters between the ages of 10 and 20 clad in their school uniforms converged at Orlando West Secondary School in Vilakazi Street, Soweto, to match to Orlando Stadium. But before the march began, police entered the township and instructed the students to disperse. Met with resistance, the police sprayed the crowd with teargas. The students retaliated by throwing stones at the police. The police started firing live bullets.

The first documented fatality of the day was Hector Pieterson, a 12-year-old pupil shot by police. He was picked up by Mbuyisa Makhubo, a school mate, who ran with him in his arms to Phefeni Clinic with Pieterson’s sister, Antoinette, next to him. The image of Makhubo with Pieterson in his arms and Antoinette running next to them was caught on camera by Sam Nzima, a photographer for The World newspaper, and became the international visual of the day and the ultimate symbol of the Student Uprising on 16 June 1976.

Saturday, 16 June 2018’s walk kicked off on a highly spirited note, with youth boldly marching to the memorial site. People from far and wide, including the United States, joined in the commemoration. President Ramaphosa was joined by various dignitaries, including the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, in laying a wreath at the Hector Pieterson Memorial.

Prior to laying the wreath, President Ramaphosa participated in the Thuma Mina walk, which ended at the memorial located in Orlando West.

The walk retraced and symbolically signified the footsteps of the youth in 1976.

In his address, President Ramaphosa said: “As we seek to build a new, inclusive South Africa, we look to the energy and creativity of youth.

“Young people have been at the centre of every decisive historical moment in the struggle against colonialism and apartheid.

“Young people are catalysts of social change.

“From the founders of the African National Congress Youth League in 1944, to the students who led the 1976 uprising, to the Young Lions of the 1980s, it is the youth of our country who hastened the demise of apartheid.

“Even as we built a democratic South Africa, it was fearless young people who reminded us that liberation would not be complete until the wealth of the land is shared among its people.

“The current generation of youth has therefore chosen as its mission the attainment of economic freedom.

“Our shared responsibility, as government, business, labour and civil society, is to develop pathways for young people into work.

“It is this task to which we should be directing all our efforts and all our energies.”
President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed the former Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Dikgang Ernest Moseneke, as the Leader of the Mediation Team of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Facilitation in the Kingdom of Lesotho, which will assist the President as he continues to facilitate the political national dialogue and reform processes in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

This decision is in line with the resolution that was taken at the SADC Double Troika Summit that was held on 24 April 2018 in Luanda, Republic of Angola, which decided that President Ramaphosa should continue with the facilitation and recommended that he appoint high-level personalities to support him.

In this regard, President Ramaphosa has appointed Justice Moseneke as the Leader of the Mediation Team consisting of three deputy ministers, namely: Mohamed Enver Surty of Basic Education, Makgabo Regina Mhaule of International Relations and Cooperation and Ellen Molekane of State Security.

In September 2014, President Ramaphosa was appointed by the SADC Heads of State and Government as a SADC Facilitator in Lesotho, following the country’s security and political challenges. His facilitation produced a report with key recommendations (constitutional, security sector, judiciary and public service and media reforms), which the Government and people of Lesotho have committed themselves to undertake as they attempt to resolve their political and security challenges.

The report was endorsed by SADC and the Government of Lesotho was then urged to develop a roadmap on the required reforms, which they have duly done. The Luanda Double Troika Summit endorsed the Lesotho Roadmap for reforms and urged the Government of Lesotho to prioritise the constitutional and security sector reforms which will be completed by May 2019.

President Ramaphosa has expressed confidence in Justice Moseneke’s experience and expertise in constitutionalism, saying that it will assist immensely.

“I take this opportunity to thank Justice Moseneke for availing himself to support us in this important mandate as we continue to assist our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Lesotho in their search for a lasting and sustainable solution to their political and security challenges,” said President Ramaphosa.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, is aware of South African citizens who are stranded in China as a result of a visa scam and she has instructed the department to work with the Chinese authorities to have their passports released so that they can come back to South Africa as soon as possible.
According to the South African Embassy in Beijing, 51 young South Africans were enticed by an agent to travel to China on a study visa while planning to work as English teachers. The promise was that they would get their work visas upon arrival in the country, which never materialised. While in China on study visas, they started working, which was in contravention of the immigration laws of the Republic of China.

“Our Embassy in Beijing is liaising with the Chinese authorities in addressing this matter. We are also in touch with the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa to have their passports released. The Chinese Ambassador to South Africa has made an undertaking that he will expedite the matter”, said Minister Sisulu.

“We are very much aware that the Chinese authorities will follow their own legal process when such a violation occurs and deal with the matter accordingly”, added Sisulu.

“We appeal to all South Africans to be cautious of these scams and to check with the relevant authorities before travelling to other countries. DIRCO will continue to provide consular assistance to those South Africans in distress and also to keep those affected families informed of the latest developments”, said Minister Sisulu.

Minister Sisulu will engage the ministers of police and of home affairs about these scams so that individuals involved are taken to task.

It is a priority of Minister Sisulu that all 51 currently stranded young South Africans in China return back home as soon as possible.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, on Sunday, 17 June 2018, celebrated Youth Day with the youth of the Grace Bible Church in Soweto, Gauteng.
Minister Lindiwe Sisulu urged the youth to take up the opportunities available to them to turn the tide on youth unemployment.

“Government initiatives like the Expanded Public Works Programme exist to assist with the rehabilitation and maintenance of our infrastructure, and the National Youth Development Agency has a job programme,” said Minister Sisulu.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has recently introduced the Youth Employment Service (YES) Initiative, which aims to prepare young people for work through training and matching programmes. The programme is a business-led initiative in partnership with government, labour and civil society. It will offer one million young South Africans paid work experience over the next three years.

Minister Sisulu was accompanied by the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa, Lin Songtian.

The Minister’s call came a day after the 16 June commemoration in Orlando Stadium in Soweto, where President Ramaphosa delivered the keynote address.

Ambassador Songtian donated 60 computers for the Minister to give to schools. Three schools are in line to benefit from this donation, while the church received one computer lab.

“The youth are to use these computers not only to learn computer skills but also to teach computer skills. We will get in touch with the Sector Education and Training Authority,” said the Minister.

While 67 million young people are unemployed globally, Minister Sisulu said these were worrying statistics, as youth unemployment sat at seven million in the country.

“Fifty per cent of graduates cannot find work. We have to do something urgently. We have to start somewhere.”

She echoed the President’s call for companies to assist government and lend a hand by employing the youth and equipping them with skills.

“Much needs to be done for us to match the skills globally. Our youth should be able to have paid work experience. We call on companies to sponsor salaries while skilling youth,” said Minister Sisulu.

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The South African Government regrets the decision by the Government of the United States of America (USA) to withdraw its membership of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
This development is indeed worrisome and goes against the letter and spirit of multilateralism and the Charter of the UN, of which the USA was one of the founding countries

The latest decision by the USA follows a series of withdrawals from key multilateral bodies, including binding decisions and the concomitant withholding of funding to these bodies.

South Africa believes that it is important for all members of the UN to remain fully committed to multilateral processes. South Africa recognises that the world is increasingly interconnected. With this understanding in mind, the withdrawal of any member of the UN from the bodies created by the institution is cause for concern.

The challenges facing the global community are such that solutions can only be found in working together. Paramount among these challenges are the constant struggles for the eradication of global poverty and underdevelopment in the context of the realisation of the right to development, the promotion, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the realisation of the right to self-determination and statehood for those peoples who remain subjugated and living under foreign occupation.

The South African Government has always emphasised that the UNHRC should address human rights situations in a fair and balanced manner, and that any allegation or perceived instance of politicisation, double standards and selective targeting of specific situations must be addressed within the framework of the UN General Assembly Resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2005, which gave effect to the establishment of the UNHRC.

The South African Government reaffirms its commitment to the UNHRC and will continue to defend its mandate as the principal organ of the UN for the promotion and protection of human rights in the world.
Ahead of the deadline on Friday, 22 June 2018, the South African Government invites those members of the media who have not done so to apply to be accredited to the 10th Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit, which will be hosted at the Sandton International Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, from 25 to 27 July 2018.
South Africa assumed the role of chair of BRICS on 1 January 2018 and will remain in this position until 31 December 2018.

Media interested in covering the summit must use the link below to complete the online registration form:

The closing date for the 10th BRICS Summit accreditation is Friday, 22 June 2018.

For more information on the summit, please visit:

The Twitter and Instagram handle for the event is @BRICS_10. The hashtags are #BRICS and #BRICSZA.

For accreditation enquiries contact: Ms Laoura Lazouras: / 083 564 2024 or Ms Mmemme Mogotsi: / 072 856 4288.

Accreditation is open strictly for media practitioners.
The Meeting of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Deputy Ministers on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region kicked off in Pretoria on Tuesday, 19 June 2018.
The meeting, which was chaired by the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, discussed the current situation in these two regions, including the developments in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and the Middle East Peace Process.

Speaking at the opening session, Deputy Minister Landers said the MENA region was especially important because the countries were at a critical juncture in their history as they struggled to resolve and contain their conflicts and extremism.

Since 2011, several countries in the MENA have experienced waves of revolts based on demands for political, social and economic reform.

These conflicts were deeply complex, Deputy Minister Landers said.

“The reason we are deliberating on the Middle East and North Africa in a separate meeting is that what happens there has an impact on our national interests, as brothers of global peace, security and stability. It has become more critical since the 2011 Arab Uprising because conflicts of diversion in the Middle East and North Africa have spread into other regions,” said Landers.

The MENA region is generally important to South Africa because it is dependent on the region for oil and it is a destination for high-value products, which in turn supports industrial development and employment objectives at home.

In their opening remarks, BRICS country representatives expressed serious concerns about the political and security situation and escalation of the armed conflict in Libya and the negative consequences it had on the region.

They also expressed their concern with regard to the continuing violence in Syria, especially the deterioration of the humanitarian situation and growing threat of international terrorism and extremism.

Furthermore, they stressed their concern for the humanitarian impact of the ongoing military operation for the liberation of Mosul, while they reaffirmed their commitment to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The BRICS representatives reiterated that the crises should be resolved in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter.

They said resolutions should not resort to force or external interference but rather through broad national dialogue with due respect for independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the countries of the region.

The deputy ministers were setting the stage for the 10th BRICS Summit taking place in July under the theme: "BRICS in Africa: Collaboration with Developing Countries for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution".

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On 18 June 2018, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and the South African Institute of International Affairs held a speaker's meeting addressed by Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers. The meeting focused on “BRICS in Africa: Working Towards the Realisation of the African Aspirations”.
The meeting provided a platform for Deputy Minister Landers to highlight the importance of South Africa’s participation in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) and the benefits thereof. The Deputy Minister also used this meeting as a vehicle to cultivate citizen buy-in into BRICS activities and to profile South Africa’s role as Chair of BRICS.

The Speaker's Meeting is one of the build-up events to the 10th BRICS Summit, taking place at the Sandton International Convention Centre from 25 to 27 July 2018. South Africa assumed the role of Chair of BRICS on 1 January 2018 and will remain in this position until 31 December 2018.

Deputy Minister Landers said that in the interest of ensuring maximum synergy between South Africa’s Chairship of BRICS and that of China’s in 2017, South Africa had also elected to consider a BRICS Plus element. In this regard, South Africa has elected to invite the leaders of the following countries representing regional economic communities in the Global South and the United Nations (UN):
  • Argentina - as Chair of the G20 and influential Common Market of the South member
  • Indonesia - as Co-Chair of the New Africa-Asia Strategic Partnership with South Africa and influential Association of Southeast Asian Nations member
  • Egypt - as Chair of the Group of 77 (G77) +China
  • Jamaica - as incoming Chair of the Caribbean Community
  • Turkey - as Chair of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
  • UN Secretary-General, Mr António Guterres.
“We are confident that the 10th BRICS Summit will prove a success as the previous one hosted in eThekwini in 2013. As such, new areas of BRICS cooperation have been proposed by South Africa:
  • establishment of a Working Group on Peacekeeping
  • establishment of a Vaccine Research Centre for Collaboration with BRICS vaccine innovation and development partners – this is intended to be a physical research centre focused on research and development and vaccine innovation
  • establishment of a BRICS Gender and Women’s Forum – intended as a dedicated track for gender and women’s issues, given the economic benefit to be derived from the socio-economic empowerment of women, particularly in developing countries
  • leveraging the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership towards the pursuit of Inclusive Growth and Advancing the Fourth Industrial Revolution – this is intended to foster discussions to address opportunities provided by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as a means of leapfrogging development stages and bridging the digital divide
  • establishment of a BRICS Tourism Track of Cooperation.
Also on 18 June, the BRICS Roundtable Discussion in Durban was addressed by Prof. Anil Sooklal, BRICS Sous-Sherpa and Deputy Director-General for Asia and Middle East, Department of International Relations and Cooperation.

Professor Sooklal said establishing and working on peacekeeping would be one of the priorities of the country's Chairship of BRICS.

"Earlier this year, one of the major global players drastically cut their contributions to the United Nations Peacekeeping Office and that impacts seriously on global peacekeeping and especially on the African continent. We felt that in keeping with the spirit of Madiba, who was an apostle of peace, that we need to advance his vision of peacekeeping," Prof. Sooklal said.

He also said the establishment of a work-stream dedicated to women would also be a priority.

Prof. Sooklal said one of the things that needed to be looked at was how Africa could take advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution without compromising the future of jobs.
The Department of Public Service and Administration together with the Gauteng Office of the Premier and Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) will host Africa Public Service Day (APSD) on Friday, 22 June, under the theme: “Combatting Corruption in the Public Service Institutions through Stakeholders Participation and Promotion of Ethical Leadership to Realise the Objectives of Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals”.
The Deputy Minister of Public Service and Administration, Dr Chana Pilane-Majake, is scheduled to deliver a keynote address at the event to be held at DIRCO’s OR Tambo Building.

High on the APSD agenda is to mark and appreciate the work being done by the public sector and to recognise its positive contribution to the socio-economic development.

The celebrations will take the form of roundtable discussions by public servants, members of the diplomatic community, academia, business sector, chapter 9 and 10 institutions and civil society.

The roundtables will focus on fighting corruption, as a sustainable path for Africa’s public service transformation, ethical leadership and its implications on good governance.

This year’s event is coinciding with the United Nations Public Service Day, which will be taking place in Marrakech, Morocco, from 21 to 23 June 2018 under the theme: “Transforming Governance to Realise the Sustainable Development Goals”.

The local APSD also coincides with the centenary celebrations of the first democratic South African President, Tata Nelson Mandela, and Mme Albertina Sisulu and will seek to raise awareness on the principles of the two stalwarts on good governance.
A BRICS delegation this week visited agricultural programmes in South Africa and engaged students at the Elsenburg Agricultural College in Stellenbosch.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,Minister Senzeni Zokwana, and the Western Cape MEC for Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, hosted the delegation.

South Africa assumed the rotational Chairship of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) from 1 January to 31 December 2018.

South Africa will host the 10th BRICS Summit to take place in Johannesburg in July. The 2018 summit will be a milestone for BRICS cooperation, as it represents a decade of BRICS cooperation at the highest diplomatic level.

The summit will be held under the theme: “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

The theme is reflective of the core priorities of each one of the BRICS members, notably to strive towards the creation of an inclusive society and global partnerships that will bring prosperity to all humankind.

The theme is intended to align and ensure strategic continuity with the approved themes for South Africa’s Chairship of both the South African Development Community and the Indian Ocean Rim Association.

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The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele, has been elected as the Chairperson of the ITSO. South Africa is chairing the ITSO for the first time and will hold the position for two years.
The South African delegation was led by Minister Cwele and included state-owned signal distributor Sentech CEO, Mlamli Booi.

The elections took place at the ITSO 38th Assembly of Parties in Washington DC, in the United States of America. The Assembly of Parties is the governing body of ITSO, which has 150 member countries.

ITSO is an intergovernmental organisation that facilitates the provision of public telecommunications services, including voice, data and video on a non-discriminatory basis.

“I want to express our government’s commitment to supporting the values, mission and principles of ITSO and to supporting the non-discriminatory access to satellite so as to ensure provision of communications services. We are gathered here with the common objective of ensuring long-term global coverage, global connectivity and non-discriminatory access to communications services,” said Minister Cwele.

The Chairship of ITSO is in line with the country’s strategic objective of playing a key role in advancing the interests of the continent and developing nations in multilateral organisations.

“It is our common goal to create a stronger ITSO. During the two-year Chairship tenure, I will facilitate a constructive, informed and open interaction among members,” said Minister Cwele.

He has prioritised strengthening partnerships with other international organisations and strategic partners to help ITSO become responsive to technological changes and new developments.
The ease of doing business and financial reporting has received a boost with the launch of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission's Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL).
The recent launch of the digital financial reporting solution will allow companies to file annual financial statements using XBLR, and the data can be shared across the regulatory spectrum for multiple purposes.

South Africa is among the first countries on the continent to introduce this financial and regulatory reporting technology.

Speaking at the launch, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said while there were many challenges with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it did offer the possibilities of improving governance.

“Digital financial reporting is introduced via the internationally acknowledged best-practice technology standard. XBRL is for electronic communication of business information and it simplifies the preparation and analysis of data, providing major benefits in the communication of annual financial statements. [It is] a step towards absolute connectivity between all our entities,” said the Minister.

XBRL will align the submission of annual financial statements with that of the global reporting standards for businesses. The programme will also mitigate the administrative burden on businesses when reporting financial information to government for regulatory compliance.

“This system has the capacity to ensure that there is integrity in the financial reporting mechanism to different agencies in government. Furthermore, it supports greater transparency, improves the efficiency of capital markets by assisting analysts, financial and security regulators, business registrars, tax authorities and other users to access the relevant facts,” said Minister Davies.

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South Africa is gearing up for the 4IR with the launch of a newly-expanded Intsimbi Future Production Technologies Initiative (IFPTI) Programme in Cape Town on Thursday, 14 June 2018.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, launched the IFPTI Programme, which was developed in line with the digital economy and the principles of the 4IR.

The launch took place at the Production Technologies Centre of Excellence in Parow. The centre, which is the third of its kind in South Africa, is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for training the future workforce.

The launch followed on the heels of the successful Intsimbi National Tooling Initiative Programme, which was first established in 2010. The programme was launched as a pilot project developed to govern partnerships between government and the tool, dye and mould industry.

“The IFPTI Programme will serve as one of the levers which government will implement to lessen the disruptive impact of the digital industrial revolution. This industry-government partnership programme – under the custodianship of the Department of Trade and Industry – will focus on key elements within the manufacturing sector to ensure South Africa’s readiness to compete in global markets with South African-made manufacturing goods,” said Davies ahead of the launch.

The integrated end-to-end industry system solution provides a platform for industry to participate in enterprise competitiveness and technical skills training programmes.

The IFPTI Programme’s objectives will enable the execution of projects on a regional and national basis consisting of the:
  • Technical Skills Development Programme to push talent-driven innovation for advanced manufacturing supply chain needs
  • Enterprise Competitiveness Development Programme to facilitate access to competitive supplier networks.
The IFPTI represents a flagship project in support of the department’s Digital Industrial Strategy, which aims to improve its institutional framework to effectively respond to change, offer a stable policy environment and direct innovation.

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With South Africa due to host the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit next month, the country is keen to collaborate with and explore investment opportunities and partnerships with Chinese companies, says the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Bulelani Magwanishe.
Speaking at the reception of a Chinese business delegation at the Chinese Embassy in Tshwane on Thursday, 14 June 2018, Deputy Minister Magwanishe said government was creating an enabling environment for business to thrive.

The Zhejiang province is known for its high-tech industries and electronics and is also a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“South Africa is therefore eager for collaboration, to actively explore investment opportunities and partnerships with Chinese companies. Currently, we have diversified our special economic zones (SEZs) to accommodate all our attractive sectors. Our SEZ Programme offers lucrative opportunities for investors,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

He said South Africa and China had been engaged in a fast-growing economic relationship. China has been South Africa’s top trading partner since 2009.

The Deputy Minister acknowledged the increase of Chinese investment into South Africa through platforms such as BRICS and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

He added that government was working towards enhancing business confidence and investor interest.

“With South Africa hosting the 10th BRICS Summit, it certainly is a strategic time to strengthen our collaborative efforts with the People’s Republic of China. Our government has developed workable action plans, with sectoral areas to upscale South Africa’s industrialisation capacity.

“Foreign Direct Investment, thus becomes critical to building productive capacity, through the transfer of knowledge and technology,” said Magwanishe.

Benefits of partnerships

The Ambassador of China to South Africa, Lin Songtian, said that after 20 years of joint efforts, China and South Africa had established a comprehensive strategic partnership, creating tangible and visible benefits for both countries.

He said that China had for nine years remained South Africa’s largest trading partner, and one of the most important sources of foreign investment and tourists.

He added that China-South Africa relations were strategic, all-dimensional and mutually beneficial.

“This visit is to show that China is ready to be the most reliable friend and the strongest partner in South Africa’s pursuit of economic and social transformation. China will continue to encourage and support more Chinese investors to South Africa to participate in the investment conference and jobs summit,” said Ambassador Songiat.

The delegation will travel to the Coega SEZ and co-host with the Eastern Cape Government the China-South Africa Business Forum.

This official visit is a diplomatic effort of the Chinese Government to promote China-South Africa local government exchange.

The BRICS Summit will be held at the Sandton Convention Centre from 25 to 27 July.

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The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Bulelani Magwanishe, is this week leading a delegation to the United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE+50), which got underway on Monday, 18 June 2018.
The Deputy Minister is leading a delegation to the UNISPACE+50 Symposium in Vienna, Austria. The symposium will run until Thursday, while the 61st Session of the United Nations (UN) Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) will get underway on Friday, 22 June.

UNCOPUOS will run until 29 June.

Magwanishe, who will deliver a country statement at UNISPACE+50, says South Africa is a respected member of UNCOPUOS and its sub-committees, and will continue to play a leadership role within the UN multilateral system. This will be through ongoing active participation and enhancing international cooperation with key partners for the development of the industry.

“We are committed to actively engage UNCOPUOS on possible reforms of the structures of global space governance in order to take into account the increasing the number of new space actors, and the increasing importance of commercial space actors in the international space environment. [This is] all within the context of ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities,” Magwanishe said.

There will also be industry engagements through the sideline exhibition that is organised for various industry players, where South Africa will showcase her capabilities within the space industry.

The conference will see the international community gather to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Magwanishe said the Department of Trade and Industry, as the custodian of the primary legislative regime, had the responsibility of ensuring that South Africa made a meaningful contribution to the work of the UNCOPUOS Committee and to further ensure that the interests of the nation were considered.

He said attending and making contributions during the meeting would be beneficial to the country’s space industry.

The goal of UNISPACE+50 is to take stock of its past route and endorse a resolution that will be submitted to the General Assembly later in the year.

The goal is also to further build, together with all stakeholders, a comprehensive Space 2030 Agenda for the contribution of space activities to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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The Reserve Bank (SARB) on Wednesday, 13 June 2018, released the designs of its first commemorative banknote series of democratic South Africa’s founding father, Nelson Mandela.
The central bank said it had decided to release the design of the commemorative notes following breaches of the banknotes that covered all denominations – R10, R20, R50, R100 and R200.

As part of the preparations for the launch, test packs of the commemorative banknotes were made available to members of the broader cash industry to allow them to make adequate preparations in relation to issues such as adaptions of cash processing and cash dispensing machines, ticketing machines, etc.

“While these test packs were governed by strict confidentiality provisions, it has come to the Reserve Bank’s attention that certain breaches have occurred, and as a result, some of the designs have been circulating on social media. In order to avoid confusion and unnecessary speculation, the SARB has decided to release all the designs ahead of the official launch scheduled for 13 July 2018.”

The bank said more detailed information about the commemorative features of the notes and additional security features would be made available at the time of the official launch.

“As part of the celebrations, the South African Mint, a subsidiary of the bank, will also be issuing a new commemorative circulation R5 coin.”

It is envisaged that these notes will be issued into circulation by 18 July 2018.

These commemorative banknotes and R5 coin will co-circulate for a limited time, together with the current Mandela banknote series and the existing R5 coin, and both sets will remain legal tender.

The current set of Mandela bank notes were introduced in 2012.

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The IIOE2 is a multinational programme of the United Nations Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), which emphasises the need to research the Indian Ocean and its influence on the climate and its marine ecosystem.
The Department of Environmental Affairs’ (DEA) research and polar vessel, the SA Agulhas II recently docked in Tanzania, as part of South Africa’s second training and capacity-building voyage for the IIOE2.

The IOC recognised that there was a persistent lack of basic long-term environmental information in the Indian Ocean, particularly for countries surrounding the Indian Ocean. As a result, the IOC decided to declare the beginning of the IIOE2, 50 years after the first IIOE. This renewed interest in the area has brought numerous research voyages with state-of-the-art technology. The data collection will cover physics, chemistry, plankton, biodiversity, large animals such as whales and seabirds as well as geology.

The gathering of basic long-term environmental data and information will place the developing countries of the Indian Ocean in a better position to conserve the integrity of its ocean; find ways to unlock their respective ocean economies’ potential to improve the lives of their citizens; and to better detect and adapt to ocean-related threats to coastal communities and infrastructure. All these data provide important information in understanding the ocean environment and its links to developing a successful sustainable ocean economy.

South Africa, too, has committed to this very important initiative with research voyages in its own waters of the Indian Ocean. Within the ocean context and its links to climate change, national efforts must be coordinated with regional programmes, as many of the processes occur and impact several countries at once.

Additionally, in 201, South Africa accepted the Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association and Cabinet approved the utilisation of the DEA’s research vessels, SA Agulhas II and RV Algoa, as research platforms in the region during the IIOE2 period, to not only enhance our own information in our waters but to assist our African neighbours in understanding theirs.

The scientific expeditions will also contribute towards the establishment of Regional Centres of Competence to build capacity, as contained in the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa strategy document within South Africa, Mauritius, Mozambique, Madagascar, Comoros, Tanzania and Kenya. In order to facilitate cooperation and strengthen capacity, the centres were defined, based on existing initiatives within the selected country:
  • Cape Town, South Africa: Operational Oceanography
  • Port Louis, Mauritius: Satellite Remote Sensing
  • Zanzibar, Tanzania: Biodiversity
  • Mombasa, Kenya: Data and Information Management.
In the beginning,the conversation about global climate change focused on cutting greenhouse gas emissions to keep the Earth's temperatures from rising dangerously high.
Later, another conversation developed alongside the first, which said even if we stopped all greenhouse gas emissions today, we would not be able to avoid some climate change because of the vast amount of emissions we had already pumped into the atmosphere over hundreds of years.

These had already set some global climate changes in motion.

The adaptation conversation posited that while reducing emissions was critical, it was just as important for the world community to work out ways of adapting to a changing climate so that we could cushion its effects and avoid the worst impacts of a hotter world.

This conversation has come to Cape Town this week in the form of the Adaptation Futures 2018 conference where 1 200 scientists, policymakers, business leaders and members of civil society from 87 countries and 230 organisations are gathered to share ideas and try to find solutions through dialogue.

This is the first time the Adaptation Futures conference, held every two years, has been convened on the African continent.

"Adaptation Futures is an academic conference where researchers present their work, but it is also about putting changes in place. As researchers, we need to engage with practitioners in civil society, government and in NGOs to share information and to explore alternatives and ways of adapting to climate change," Gina Ziervogel, Associate Proffesor at the University of Cape Town (UCT) said.

The conference is being held at the Cape Town International Conference Centre from 18 to 21 June.

The opening plenary session took place on Tuesday, 19 June, with a panel that included Cape Town Mayor, Patricia de Lille; European Union Deputy Director of Research and Innovation, Patrick Child; and the Director of UCT's African Climate and Development Initiative, Mark New.
The 24-year-old Siphosethu Mbuli is one of two young South Africans named as the local winners of the Queen’s Young Leaders programme.
From a small village, just outside King William's Town in the Eastern Cape, to a meeting with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

The 24-year-old Siphosethu Mbuli is one of two young South Africans named as winners of the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme.

The Stellenbosch activist living with albinism will make her way to the United Kingdom later this month.

Mbuli co-founded an organisation called, Love This Skin, which supports and educates young people with albinism as well as their families.

She says she's honoured to accept the award.

“We also received a year-long package of mentorship and leadership training from them, just how to use the resources that we have in the organisation and how to empower other leaders to effect more change in our communities. So, I’m really grateful for this award.”

The second winner, Thamsanqa Hoza, is based in Cape Town, and has been recognised for his work to help young entrepreneurs and innovators achieve their goals.

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A total of 14 South Africans recently made it onto Forbes Africa’s list … and they are not even 30 yet.
From the likes of rapper Cassper Nyovest to fashion designer Orapeleng Modutle, Forbes is calling them “the stars of tomorrow you should know today”.

Forbes chose a total of 90 promising change-makers for this year’s list.

For their fourth edition, they expanded their search to name the “30 game-changers, all under the age of 30, in each of the three sectors – business, technology and creative” who “are challenging conventions and rewriting the rules for the next generation of entrepreneurs, creatives and tech gurus”.

Here are the 14 South Africans who made the Forbes Africa’s Under 30 list:
  1. Actress, Thuso Mbedu, 26, raised South Africa’s flag high when nominated in the Best Performance by an Actress Category at the 2017 International Emmy Awards, for her role as Winnie on Mzansi Magic’s TV drama, Is’thunzi. She made her on-screen debut in 2014 in the Mzansi Magic drama series, Saints and Sinners.

  2. Cassper Nyovest, 27, made history by becoming the first African artiste to sell out Ticketpro Dome, in Johannesburg. He is a 2018 nominee for the BET Best International Act Award.

  3. Orapeleng Modutle, 29, is a fashion designer and founder of Orapeleng Modutle Style Avenue. Orapeleng Modutle Style Avenue has gradually grown into a budding fashion empire based in Brooklyn, Pretoria. He has dressed such names as Bonang Matheba, Thando Thabethe, Minnie Dlamini, Pearl Modiadie and Toke Makinwa.

  4. Actress Nomzamo Mbatha, 27, went from a talent search competition to being arguably the fastest-growing brand and celebrity in South Africa. She is a television actress on shows like Isibayaand Umlilo; a film actress on Tell Me Sweet Something, The Jakes Are Missing, All About Love and A Hotel Called Memory. In 2015, she joined the likes of Kerry Washington and Jennifer Garner as the face of Neutrogena. She is also an ambassador for AUDI South Africa and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

  5. The rapper and entrepreneur, Kwesta, 29, is one of the biggest names in African hip hop. He is an advocate for South African music, an intellectual property activist lending his voice to the fight to protect music copyright in the digital age, a record label owner, hit-maker and a lyricist who holds the crown as not only the most-awarded rap artiste, but also, male artiste in the history of the South African Music Awards.

  6. Singer and songwriter, Shekhinah, 23, first made her name on Idols. She recently released Rose Gold, a gold certified album infused with the realities of 20-something anxieties and vulnerabilities.

  7. Koleka Putuma, 25, grabbed the world’s attention with her poem Water, a thought-provoking piece of writing and challenging performance on issues of race and religion. She’s a poet, director, playwright and author. Her bestselling book, Collective Amnesia, is powerful, intersectional text that tackles race, sexuality, class, politics and poetry. Author Lawrence Schimel described it as the most exciting book he read last year. Collective Amnesia has been prescribed at tertiary level and made part of the curriculum.

  8. Rapper Nasty C, 21, has been rapping since he was nine years old, influenced by his brother who was a producer at the time. His single, Juice Back, and the ensuing remix featuring Davido and Cassper Nyovest, made him a household name.

  9. Visual artiste Simphiwe Ndzube, 27, has always had a love for art. His work has earned him many accolades, including the Tollman Award for Visual Arts in 2015 and a Michaelis Prize at the Michaelis School of Fine Art.

  10. Rina Chunga-Kutama, 29: The Zambian-born, Botswana-raised and South African-based fashion designer has dressed many celebrities such as South African musician Zahara and actresses Terry Pheto and Nomzamo Mbatha.

  11. Actress Mapeseka Koetle-Nyokong, 29, fell in love with performing arts at an early age. After studying acting, she bagged a leading role in Second Chances. She also appeared in several national commercials for products like ABSA, Joko, Vodacom and Suzuki. In 2012, she landed a role in a stage play called Show Off. She is also an entrepreneur. She recently opened a Gorge Grab n Go Café franchise at the Sandton Gautrain station in Johannesburg.

  12. Visual artiste Tony Gum, 22, won the prestigious 2017 Miami Beach Pulse Prize for her Ode to She photographic exhibition. She got an opportunity to display this work at the Pulse Art Fair in Miami. Represented by the Christopher Moller Gallery in South Africa, Gum’s work is colourful and vibrant. Her famous black Coca-Cola series and her thought-provoking self-portraits have earned her a place on the world stage with exhibitions as far as New York.

  13. ANATII, 25, is one of the most sought-after South African music producers. He is an Afro-Neo Soul artiste who has worked with the likes of DJ Khaled, Erykah Badu, Omarion, Wizkid, Tiwa Savage, AKA and other local and international artistes. His hard work has earned him multiple national and continental nominations and awards.

  14. Sasha Pieterse, 22, is known for her from her role as Alison DiLaurentis on the ABC family show, Pretty Little Liars. She is set to return in the show’s spinoff, Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists next year. Pieterse is also a musician. She released four country singles in 2013. This South African star is currently in the United States version of Dancing with the Stars.

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For the first time, the Refugee Food Festival is coming to South Africa.
From 16 to 26 June, refugee chefs are invited into Cape Town kitchens to collaborate with resident chefs to show off their skills, and tell their stories through the food of their home country. The chefs are also hosted by markets, cooking classes and corporate events.

The Refugee Food Festival is a non-profit international organisation that is currently in its third year. It will be holding events in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and San Francisco and New York City in the United States of America.

Three of the restaurants involved in the Cape Town leg of the festival are owned by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna Chef of the Year Liam Tomlin: Chefs Warehouse at Maison, Chefs Warehouse and Canteen, and Thali. Also involved are The Power and the Glory and Reverie Social Table. The chefs cooking at these restaurants are Bilolo Sendwe, Patrick Nzinga and Hamidul Hoque, respectively. Patrick already works at Chefs Warehouse and Canteen, but on this night he will be bringing more of himself to the plate.

Liam was excited to join in on the initiative. “It’s a very good cause,” he says. “Many talented refugees are not allowed to demonstrate their crafts as they aren’t recognised for the jobs they’re qualified for in their home countries. There are qualified mechanics cleaning bars. They deserve an opportunity to showcase their skills.”

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South Africa took a winning 2-0 series lead over England by winning a full-blooded second Test 23-12 in Bloemfontein Saturday, 16 June 2018.
After trailing by 12 points early on, South Africa clawed to a 13-12 half-time advantage and dominated a second half in which England rarely looked like scoring.

A crucial score came on 50 minutes when South Africa were awarded a penalty try after the England scrum crumbled under pressure close to their tryline.

It was the 300th Test win by the Springboks since they debuted in 1891 and a wonderful way for prop Tendai "The Beast" Mtawarira to celebrate his 100th cap.
Former Springbok captain John Smit has welcomed Tendai Mtawarira to the exclusive list of South African Test centurions.
Mtawarira, affectionately known as 'Beast', became just the sixth South African to play 100 Test matches on Saturday as the Boks beat England 23-12 in Bloemfontein.

The 32-year-old joins Smit, Percy Montgomery, Jean de Villiers, Bryan Habana and Victor Matfield as the only Boks to have ever reached three figures.

Smit, who has 111 Test caps to his name, was among the thousands who took to social media to congratulate Mtawarira with a simple, but meaningful message.

Mtawarira, meanwhile, has not given indication as to when he sees himself stepping away from the game, but he is certainly a part of the plans for the 2019 World Cup in Japan.

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The Junior Boks staged a superb comeback to beat New Zealand and claim third place in the World Rugby U-20 Championship.
South Africa went into the break 14-25 down in Beziers but rallied back to keep New Zealand's threat to a minimum in the second-half and score four tries of their own to secure a famous 40-30 victory.

Chean Roux's men were simply unstoppable in the final 40 minutes and this win will go a long way towards easing the pain that came with a semi-final defeat to France.

In the end, the Junior Boks scored six tries to just three from New Zealand.

– Source:
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