Issue 334 | 28 June 2018
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The President of the Republic of South Africa and Chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Cyril Ramaphosa, has condemned the bomb blast at a stadium in Bulawayo, where the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, was addressing an election rally.
President Ramaphosa said acts of violence and criminality had no place in the democratic process of any sovereign state within the SADC region.

President Ramaphosa said it was vital that the political and security situation in Zimbabwe remained stable in the run-up to the general elections to be held on 30 July 2018.

The President said the SADC Troika Meeting confirmed the state of readiness and support for all countries going into elections. President Ramaphosa said Zimbabwe was ready for elections and SADC would provide all necessary support.

The President said he would consult with the Chair of the Organ and ensure that appropriate protection was provided ahead of the elections.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, extended the country’s deepest condolences to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the people of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia following an attack against civilians at a rally in Addis Ababa on Saturday, 23 June 2018, which was held in support of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's reform agenda.
President Ramaphosa has expressed shock and dismay at the grenade explosion that struck the rally of supporters, killing at least one person and wounding scores, with many in a critical condition, and strongly condemned this cowardly attack.

The President expressed his sincere condolences to the families and friends for the loss of their loved ones and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

President Ramaphosa joins the African Union in expressing South Africa’s full solidarity with the Government and people of Ethiopia and President Abiy Ahmed’s efforts to create unity, reconciliation, peace and democracy in Ethiopia.
President Cyril Ramaphosa will host the WEF Roundtable at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Rosebank on 28 June 2018 under the theme: “Shaping South Africa’s Economic Renewal – the Role of Business.”
The event will bring together about 100 local and foreign businesspeople and South African government officials to engage on investment opportunities and partnerships.

The meeting with the WEF business community is a precursor to government’s Investment Conference planned for later in the year, which aims to mobilise investment of US$100 billion over five years.
President Ramaphosa will lead a delegation that will attend the SACU Summit to be held on 29 June 2018 in Botswana. The President will use the gathering to meet the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat to discuss the implementation of regional programmes.
As the current Chair of SADC, South Africa has consistently supported broader regional integration through the SACU and SADC, and champions regional industrialisation and integration through various potential growth paths.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 1 for South Africa’s former Chief of State Protocol and recipient of the National Order of Luthuli, Ambassador Billy Modise, who passed on recently at the age of 87.
A Special Official Funeral Category 1 entails elements of military ceremonial honours and is declared, in line with the Presidency’s State, Official and Provincial Official Funeral Policy, for persons of extraordinary credentials specifically designated by the President of the Republic of South Africa.

“The late Ambassador Modise served our country selflessly and diligently and deserves this honour for his exceptional contribution to the achievement of a South Africa free of racial oppression and to the building of a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic country,” said President Ramaphosa.

The President has directed that the National Flag be flown at half-mast at every flag station in the country until Thursday, 28 June 2018, the day of the funeral.

An Official Memorial Service was held on Tuesday, 26 June 2018, at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation’s OR Tambo Building in Pretoria.

The Special Official Funeral Service was held on Thursday, 28 June 2018, at 09h00 at Marks Park, Emmarentia, Johannesburg.

In her tribute to the late Ambassador Modise, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, said: "As Chief of State Protocol, Ambassador Modise effortlessly enhanced the prestige and standing of our country to great eminence. In him, other countries saw a South Africa that was confident without being arrogant. A country that exhibited a true spirit of humanity and which was a natural ally for a world that must attain peace, stability, democracy and prosperity for all its citizens.”
President Cyril Ramaphosa says the cash injection by Mercedes-Benz in South Africa is proof of its confidence in the economy.
“The decision by Mercedes-Benz to further increase its investment in South Africa is a firm statement of confidence in the country and its economy.

“It is a statement about the skills that are available in South Africa and those that can be developed,” said the President.

On Tuesday, 27 June 2018, Mercedes-Benz unveiled its R10-billion investment into its Eastern Cape plant.

The investment will see the car manufacturer produce its latest range of the luxury C-Class cars.

“With the investment of 600 Million Euro (R10 billion) we are significantly expanding our plant in East London and equipping it for the future. The decision to have the new generation of the C-Class built in East London reaffirms the plant and Mercedes-Benz South Africa.

“The investment is also a sign of our commitment to South Africa and efforts to revive economic growth as well as the socio-economic development of the East London region,” said Member of the Divisional Board of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain, Markus Schäfer.

President Ramaphosa, who visited the Mercedes-Benz Learning Academy prior to the official investment announcement, hailed the automotive group’s efforts to improving the skills of the youth through its apprenticeship and learnership programmes.

“We say this is an investment in people because it deepens the commitment that Mercedes-Benz has to developing skills and nurturing talent.

“It understands that for its business to grow, for it to keep pace with rapid changes in production methods, it needs to train new entrants and continuously upgrade the skills of existing employees,” said the President.

President Ramaphosa said the Mercedes-Benz investment should send a clear signal to investors around the world that South Africa is “more than capable of sustaining an advanced manufacturing sector” and doing so profitably and sustainably.

“We are also determined to lower manufacturing costs by, among other things, significantly improving Eskom’s financial and operational performance, aligning port and other tariffs with our industrial strategy and sustaining investment in rail and road infrastructure.

“Through the development of special economic zones and industrial parks, we are putting in place the necessary infrastructure and support for a manufacturing boom. We are working to ensure it is easier to invest and do business in South Africa,” said President Ramaphosa.

He added that in an effort to boost more investment, government, through Invest SA and the upcoming Investment Conference, was working towards creating fertile ground for potential investors.

“We are making regulatory processes simpler, faster and more efficient, and as part of preparations for our Investment Conference in October, we are strengthening our investment promotion and facilitation capacity,” said the President.

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The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, led a South African delegation to the 20th Meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation on 22 June 2018 in Luanda, Republic of Angola.
The MCO reviewed the political and security situation in the region, political developments in the Republic of Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Kingdom of Lesotho, considered progress reports on the implementation of SADC decisions and matters related to the consolidation of democracy in the region.

The MCO also, among other issues, discussed matters relating to stability, public safety, corruption, immigration, justice and correctional services as well as the environment. The Republic of Angola, as the current Chair of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, presided over the Ministerial Meeting.
The South Africans who were stranded in Changchun, China, after being scammed by a travel agent have returned home.
According to the SA Embassy in Beijing, 51 young South Africans were enticed by an agent to travel to China on a study visa while planning to work as English teachers. The promise was that they would get their work visas upon arrival in China, which never materialised.

While in China on study visas, they started working, which was in contravention of the immigration laws of China.

The Chinese authorities confirmed on Friday, 22 June 2018, that the passports of the group of 51 South Africans stranded in Changchun, China, would be released and an official from the South African Embassy in Beijing travelled to Changchun to provide consular assistance to the group.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, in a statement thanked the Chinese authorities for releasing the passports and ensuring that the 51 young people were allowed to leave China for South Africa.

“I am happy that this incident has been resolved. l want to make a call to all South Africans that they must familiarise themselves with the laws and regulations of countries they visit or apply for work.

“They must also ensure that they have the correct documentation before they travel,” said Minister Sisulu.

The Minister said the Department of International Relations and Cooperation would launch a campaign soon to raise awareness of all South African travellers.

The campaign is titled: “Travel Smart” and is aimed at encouraging South Africans to research their destinations and the laws of the countries they seek to visit or apply for work.

“We have too many South Africans in prisons across the world, which is of concern. We want South Africans to research and gather all necessary information before they travel, so as to avoid taking risks and involving themselves in activities that may be deemed illegal,” said Minister Sisulu.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Reginah Mhaule, on Tuesday, 26 June 2018, addressed the meeting of the Fourth BRICS Young Diplomats Forum (YDF) in Pretoria.
The event took place under the theme: “The Youth Demographic Dividend while Prioritising Women across all Sectors in the 4th Industrial Revolution.”.

The BRICS YDF focused on harnessing the youth demographic dividend while prioritising women across all sector in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This will seek to understand challenges and opportunities for the youth, as well as how to optimise on them.

In her address, Deputy Minister Mhaule said: “We have many young people among us here this morning that have unflinching determination and the potential to be innovators and creators in this vibrant world of technological change. The youth achievers that form part of today’s Fourth BRICS YDF are the future of our respective countries. I believe that the BRICS YDF is an earnest endeavour that is aimed at providing a platform for our young people to share ideas that will take BRICS forward as a strong and dynamic partnership for global change."

“I am of the view that the BRICS YDF should be futuristic in its approach and focus. Young diplomats and indeed young people need a different sort of environment to be creative and efficient. It is clear that traditional methods of engagement may not be the only way to interact around key global issues. We need to open our thinking to the proposition: change is good, change needs technology and young people are key drivers of this change.”
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Reginah Mhaule, on Friday, 22 June 2018, addressed business stakeholders in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, as part of a series of activities linked to South Africa’s role as Chair of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
The event was held under the theme: “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”. The event provided a platform for the Deputy Minister to highlight the importance of South Africa’s participation in BRICS and the benefits thereof.

Addressing the event, Deputy Minister Mhaule said: “We remain steadfast in utilising the BRICS mechanisms to achieve both our national and continental development agenda. The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) has opened its African Regional Centre in 2018 and our view is that this centre will facilitate development funding for countries on the continent. I can assure you that this bank has already accomplished the unthinkable in few years of its existence."

“To date, the NDB has approved loans of US$5,1 billion (R68,7 billion) and envisages to reach US$15 billion worth of loans by 2021.

“As you may be aware, the recent meeting of the board of directors and governors of the NDB has approved a budget for six new projects.

“Accordingly, the bank has approved a loan of US$200 million to Transnet in order to enhance the capacity of its port in Durban.

“The project will see the rehabilitation of the port’s container terminal docks that are currently operating beyond their original design, and the upgrading of port infrastructure to provide additional slots for larger vessels.

“Our aim is to unlock the economic potential of our country, which includes realising the full benefits of our ocean economy to fight poverty and underdevelopment. This requires commitment to initiate and manage systemic changes in our economy.”
The Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba, says South Africa’s contribution to the protection of refugees is not merely borne out of gratitude for humankind’s efforts, but is borne out of humaneness and conviction in the ethos of human rights and freedoms.
“We know that in some instances we are found wanting, incapable of fulfilling our own best intentions because of lack of capacity and sometimes inadequate policy responses. But we do our best under the circumstances and our efforts thus far to host and provide protection to refugees have demonstrated our sincerest political will,” Minister Gigaba said.

Speaking at the World Refugee Day Commemoration at Constitutional Hill in Johannesburg recently, Minister Gigaba thanked South Africans for the generosity they had demonstrated over the years as they hosted over 126 000 refugees recorded since 2009 and many more asylum seekers.

It is estimated that more than 68 million people are refugees.

“This affirms not only our continued gratitude to peoples of the world, particularly those of Africa, who hosted fellow South Africans as refugees during the apartheid-colonial era, but it also affirms our continued conviction in the principle of human and African solidarity."

World Refugee Day is observed annually on 20 June. This was the 18th year of the event, run by the United Nations Refugee Agency, to state that the world supports and stands with refugees.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, on Monday, 18 June 2018, hosted the Seventh Tripartite Sectoral Ministerial Committee (TSMC), where tariff reduction negotiations were thrashed out.
“The objective of the meeting of tripartite ministers was to consider progress made thus far in the tariff reduction negotiations and rules of origin. The ministers agreed on the urgency to conclude outstanding issues, under Phase 1 of the negotiations, to facilitate the implementation of the TFTA [Tripartite Free Trade Area] Agreement,” said the Department of Trade and Industry (dti).

Held in Cape Town, the meeting saw the ministers underscore the importance of the ratification of the TFTA Agreement. The ministers also agreed that member states should prioritise the ratification process and aim to conclude by April 2019.

The tripartite comprises three economic blocks, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC).

South Africa reported to the meeting that the process of ratifying the TFTA had been initiated in Parliament.

The TFTA was launched in June 2015 in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt, by the heads of state and government of the three regional economic communities of COMESA, EAC and SADC.

To date, the TFTA Agreement has been signed by 22 countries and ratified by three countries, namely Kenya, Uganda and Egypt.

With regard to Phase 2 issues (trade in services, competition policy, intellectual property rights and cross-border investment), the ministers agreed to proceed with the negotiations on these under the TFTA.

On the movement of business persons, the ministers endorsed the report of the Dedicated Meeting of Chiefs of Immigration and noted that the Tripartite Agreement on Movement of Business Persons had been finalised.

In addition, the tripartite ministers received a progress report on the work being done in the industrial development and infrastructure pillars.

Minister Davies emphasised the importance of rules of origin that supported industrial development in the tripartite region.

The TFTA is anchored on the development integration approach that is based on three pillars: market integration, infrastructure development and industrial development.

The dti said the TFTA was important for South Africa, as it would grant South Africa access to new and dynamic markets, whose combined gross domestic product was US$1,2 trillion.

It will also allow access to a combined population of approximately 626 million people, just over half the total African population and economy.
As South Africa celebrates Youth Month, the Department of Science and Technology, in partnership with the Academy of Science of South Africa, is hosting the Third Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Young Scientist Forum (YSF) from 25 to 29 June.
South Africa assumed the BRICS rotational Presidency on 1 January 2018 and will host the 10th BRICS Summit in July 2018. In line with the established tradition of previous BRICS summits, South Africa is hosting a wide range of BRICS activities leading up to and following the summit, including the Sixth BRICS Science, Technology and Innovations (STI) Ministerial Meeting and the Eighth BRICS STI Senior Officials Meeting. South Africa is also hosting the Third BRICS Young Scientist Forum.

The forum is taking place under the theme: "Building BRICS Youth Leadership through Science, Technology and Innovation", and is addressing a wide variety of challenges, such as youth entrepreneurship; the role of women in science; the significance of Science Diplomacy; and today's research imperatives in energy, water and the social sciences.

There will also be a Young Women in Science Dialogue. It will provide a platform for young women scientists and researchers to discuss pertinent issues and challenges in institutions of higher learning and the workplace, in terms of career choices, mobility, equality and empowerment; and to discuss country perspectives and approaches on practical solutions to these challenges at institutional and policy levels.

The BRICS Young Innovator Prize will be awarded in special recognition of talented young entrepreneurs and researchers whose outstanding innovations (inventions, products, applications and services) will have a profound impact on the socio-economic environment and conditions of life in BRICS societies today.

A workshop on Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship will discuss practical experiences and seek to address questions such as how to set up an innovation ecosystem for the youth, and how BRICS countries can support each other in this strategic endeavour. It will also look at the translation of young scientists' research work into marketable products and services, and the creation of sustainable innovative start-ups. An important outcome of the workshop could be an agreement to set up a platform for BRICS young innovators.

A seminar on Science Diplomacy will also take place. The seminar will seek to contextualise the role and importance of Science Diplomacy, advice and communication in networking and career development, and look at the need to establish a research network to enhance cooperation and communication between young scientists in BRICS countries.

The event is expected to be an exciting platform for the exchange of ideas and perspectives on youth and science, as well as an opportunity to find creative solutions for our common good.
South Africa hosted the joint meeting of Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministers responsible for Energy and Water from 26 to 27 June 2018 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.
The meeting was co-chaired by the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Gugile Nkwinti, and Minister of Energy, Jeff Radebe, as the newly elected chairpersons for the SADC portfolio in line with the energy, water and food nexus.

The annual meeting looked into the water, energy and food security nexus approaches in support for regional integration and industrial development of the SADC region.

The focus of the meeting was to solicit inputs from ministers in the member states on how to achieve efficient, seamless, integrated and cost-effective cross-boundary infrastructure networks and services. Furthermore, the meeting discussed how to promote agricultural productivity and food security at household, national and regional level to stimulate economic development, regional integration and poverty alleviation in the region.
South Africa hosted the sectoral joint meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministers responsible for Education and Training and Science, Technology and Innovation (ET-STI), which took place from 18 to 22 June 2018, at the Zimbali Lodge in Durban.  The ministerial meetings from 21 to 22 June 2018 were preceded by senior officials meetings of the member states.
South Africa is currently chairing SADC and convened this meeting following the successful hosting of the SADC Summit in August 2017.

This meeting was hosted by the South African ministers of basic education, science and technology, and higher education and training. More than 15 ministers responsible for these sectors in the various SADC member states attended.
South Africa is to host the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) ministers responsible for local government and disaster management, as well as mayors and other local government practitioners under the auspices of the BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Government Cooperation Urbanisation Forum.
The BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Government Cooperation Urbanisation Forum promotes engagement between BRICS states through cities and local bodies.

It promotes people-to-people cooperation among BRICS nations and collaboration at local government level.

The forum, which will be chaired by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Zweli Mkhize, will be held in East London from 28 June to 1 July.

“This forum is a platform to strengthen collaboration between BRICS member states and to enable information-sharing in the local government sector for current and future collaboration.

“The forum provides a platform for connecting BRICS states, cities and local bodies for learning from one another by conversation and cooperation, through linked thematic areas,” Minister Mkhize said.

These meetings are part of the build-up activities towards the 10th BRICS Summit, which will be hosted by President Cyril Ramaphosa in July.
Information exchange, aimed at curbing illicit financial flows and tax evasion, dominated the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Tax and Customs Meeting, which concluded in Johannesburg on Thursday, 21 June 2018.
According to the South African Revenue Service Acting Commissioner, Mark Kingon, the BRICS tax authorities had agreed to forge beneficial cooperation to improve tax bases in their respective countries and improve collection compliance in the era of digital economy.

He said dealing with the scourge of illicit currency flows and tax avoidance was one of the common challenges faced by member countries.

The measures supported by the group to improve capacity included support for international initiatives aimed at creating a globally fair and universally transparent tax system.

"We reaffirm our commitment to keep exchanging valuable experience, sharing best practices and, where appropriate, conducting joint research and training, as well as the exchange of staff to promote learning," said Acting Commissioner Kingon.

This year, South Africa assumed the position of heading the BRICS Custom andTax Unit.

Acting Commissioner Kingon said the member states had committed to identifying loopholes in tax compliance and adopting best practices from other member states.

Cooperation would include the design of new tax policies, tax administration strategies and practices, as well as privacy and cyber security concerns and new avenues for fraud, which they say require international cooperation and coordination, as information flows increase.

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The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, attended the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, Germany on 19 June 2018 and the Second MOCA from 20 to 21 June 2018 in Brussels.
The Petersberg Climate Dialogue brought together ministers from approximately 35 countries. The dialogue was aimed at coming up with ways to support the international climate change negotiations by providing an informal forum for high-level political discussions. The dialogue was co-hosted by the Government of Germany and the Government of Poland, as the incoming President of COP24.

These informal political discussions were aimed at generating momentum behind the formal negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The theme of this year’s Petersberg Climate Dialogue was: “Changing Together for a Just Transition”. The meeting was part of the building blocks towards the UNFCCC COP 24, which will be an important milestone in implementing the Paris Agreement.

The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) is set to take place in Katowice, Poland, later this year. The COP 24 will be an important milestone in implementing the Paris Agreement. It is expected to conclude the negotiations on the Paris Agreement Work Programme in particular, by agreeing on how they will fulfil their obligations under the agreement.

Minister Molewa then proceeded to the Second MOCA that was co-convened by the governments of Canada, China and the European Union (EU) and hosted by the EU from 20 to 21 June 2018. The MoCA examined outstanding issues in more detail and explored potential landing grounds.
The Minister of Energy, Jeff Radebe, attended the Seventh Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) International Seminar at the OPEC Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, from 20 to 21 June 2018 under the theme: “Petroleum – Cooperation for a Sustainable Future”.
OPEC is an intergovernmental organisation of 14 nations as of February 2018, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna, Austria.

The seminar aimed to provide fresh impetus to key petroleum industry issues and challenges, helping to enhance existing avenues of dialogue and cooperation, while stimulating new ones. It featured presentations by officials from energy and oil ministries, executives from oil companies and financial firms and other representatives from international organisations and research institutions.

Furthermore, the 2018 seminar sought to reinforce OPEC’s longstanding commitment to strive towards a secure and stable market in support of a healthy global economy.
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, has welcomed the green light received on the proposed sea-based Aquaculture Development Zone (ADZ) in Saldanha Bay, Western Cape, saying this enhances sustainable aquaculture expansion in the bay.
Minister Zokwana said this would further contribute towards the realisation of the aquaculture aspirations of Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy in terms of job creation, increased primary production, increased gross domestic product contribution and inclusive growth of the sector.

“Aquaculture development can significantly contribute towards alleviating poverty, empowering local communities and enhancing food security. The Saldanha ADZ has the potential to meet the Operation Phakisa production target, and increase local employment in the area by unlocking up to 2 500 permanent direct jobs, which can contribute up to 25% towards current local unemployment figures.

“It has the potential to increase investment into the area by over R400 million and the estimated direct revenue at full production could result to over R800 million per annum. In addition, increased local production can meaningfully assist with the substitution of seafood imports and therefore realise social and economic impacts on a municipal, regional and national level,” Minister Zokwana said.

Aquaculture has been practised in Saldanha Bay since the 1980s and is considered as one of the primary locations for the culture of key commercial cold water species, including oysters, mussels and salmon.

Previous studies indicate that one of the fundamental challenges in realising the potential of aquaculture in Saldanha Bay was the lack of an enabling regulatory environment.

The Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy programme provides the platform to create this environment through increasing access to land and water space, as well as improving access to markets and funding.

As a result, there is significant interest from industry to expand current operations and to start new projects in the area.

To date, 15 of the 35 registered Operation Phakisa aquaculture projects are located in Saldanha Bay, with the majority of them being small, medium and micro enterprises in the oyster and mussel subsector.
The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Bulelani Magwanishe, was in India this week where he was leading a delegation to attract investment in the pharmaceutical sector.
Deputy Minister Magwanishe addressed a group of potential investors at a pharmaceutical investment seminar in Hyderabad on Monday, 25 June 2018.

The investment mission was targeted at the Indian pharmaceutical sector which is ranked third globally.

“The South African pharmaceutical industry is a priority sector as identified in the Industrial Policy Action Plan. India’s pharmaceutical industry is ranked third globally and the investment mission is strategic in terms of South Africa’s industrial policy objectives of building a manufacturing capability as a world-class hub for the African continent.”

The investment mission was scheduled to make stops in the cities of Hyderabad, Bangalore and Ahmedabad in an effort to attract investment.

“It is against this background that the mission is targeted to pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumables.

“We will also visit major hubs, as well as knowledge and technology centres. We are strategically and particularly targeting potential investors to share our value proposition with them with the aim of wooing them to invest in South Africa, as well as companies that are already investing in the country in order to encourage them to expand their investments,” he said.

The investment mission to India follows on the South Africa-India Business Summit held in Sandton in April.

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The WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition were held from 24 to 27 June 2018 in Cape Town.
The southern African region faces increased uncertainty and vulnerability regarding water supply, and many parts of South Africa have recently experienced prolonged drought conditions.

The conference was expected to attract 2 000 delegates who discussed ways to ensure the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Number Six, which centres around providing access to clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.
Scientists have discovered 15 new species in the arid Karoo region, ranging from a worm through to a new reptile species.


"Isn’t it amazing how scientists are still discovering new species in this modern age?”, said Domitilla Raimondo, principal investigator of the Karoo BioGaps Project.

The new species include two new scorpions, a reptile, two wandering spiders and a plant.

“The findings are exciting,” says Carol Poole, project manager at the South African National Biodiversity Institute.

When scientific organisations in the country began assessing what shale gas exploration would do to the arid Karoo environment, “we realised that we don’t know [enough] about the Karoo to make informed decisions”, says Poole.

The Karoo BioGaps Project, a consortium of 20 institutions, aims to fill in the “gaps” in our understanding of biodiversity in the Karoo. A study published in the South African Journal of Science last year found that the extent of the country’s shale gas reserves may be substantially less than expected.

The Karoo has historically been undersampled scientifically. It is very hot for most of the year, large tracts of it are privately owned and the distances are vast.

“We don’t have many species records,” she says.

The three-year project ends this year, and the team expects to produce dozens of scientific papers, as well as distribution maps of biodiversity for policymakers. The BioGaps teams are calling on the public to help them digitise old records from previous centuries through their online transcription portal.

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Black youth media company, Diprente, has won big at the Annecy International Animation Festival 2018 in France.
The company has made the country proud at a time that Youth Month is being commemorated by clinching the global TV series and specials MIFA Pitches at the festival that was created in 1960. The MIFA Pitches showcase the best in original animation projects in their first phase of development.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, congratulated the company on their win at the recently concluded festival.

“It’s encouraging to see black animators entering the space, which is still white-dominated. The Department of Trade and Industry [dti] is committed to ensuring that transformation takes place in sectors that are regarded as specialised.

"This success builds on that achieved by fellow South African company Triggerfish Animation Studios, which over the last two years has won the top prize for TV production at Annecy, and is in competition for the same prize this year with their work on the BBC1 Christmas special, Highway Rat,” said Minister Davies.

Diprente executive, Isaac Mogajane, said the win was an exciting milestone for their animation studio.

“As we are about to begin production on our first animated series, Anansi, having a second show celebrated on the global stage and receive attention from companies such as Disney further validates the international appeal of the content that the company and the country is creating,” said Mogojane.

Annecy International Animation Film Festival (Festival International du Film d’Animation d’Annecy, abbreviated as AIAFF) takes place at the beginning of June in the town of Annecy. It became an annual event in 1998. This year’s festival ran from 11 to 16 June.

Minister Davies said the dti, through its Sector Specific Assistance Programme, funded 20 animation companies to participate in the 2018 Animation Film Festival, which is a global animation industry’s leading showcase for co-producing, purchasing, selling, financing and distributing animation content

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Locals from the capital city can start preparing their heritage attire with plans underway by the management of the Voortrekker Monument to celebrate the 80th year of the laying the cornerstone of the monument.
“The festival is one of the planned events by the Voortrekker Monument this year to commemorate the 80th year of laying the cornerstone of the monument. The Voortrekker Monument was declared a Grade 1 National Heritage Site in 2011,” said Managing Director of the Voortrekker Monument, Cecilia Kruger.

The laying of the cornerstone will form part of the SA Heritage en Tourism Festival, which will take place from 14 to16 September at the Voortrekker Monument and Freedom Park sites.

The festival is a joint collaboration by the management of the Voortrekker Monument, Freedom Park and the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC). The DAC contributes extensively to tourism, especially to heritage sites.

According to Freedom Park CEO, Jane Mufamadi, Freedom Park is the only heritage site which interprets history by storytelling which connects with their educational programmes.

The SA Heritage en Tourism Festival is aimed at heritage and tourism projects and activities.

”Heritage tourism builds sustainable development and job creation while communities make their surroundings more attractive. The festival would like to create a platform between the tourism industry and heritage sites and in doing so, conserve the beautiful heritage sites in Tshwane by involving communities in a sustainable manner,” said festival organiser, Margaret Mouton.

The festival will feature a variety of activities for the whole family

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The Test Kitchen in Cape Town was awarded at The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2018.
The awards ceremony of the The World's 50 Best Restaurants was held on 19 June at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. This glittering event attracts the very finest chefs from around the world, as they gather to celebrate at the highest profile event in the fine dining restaurant calendar.

The Test Kitchen was awarded position 50 and Best Restaurant in Africa. The extraordinary team of chefs is led by South African, Luke Dale Roberts. In last year's awards, The Test Kitchen was placed 63rd, demonstrating a gain of 13 positions, and a re-entry into the prestigious top 50. Luke is also group chef for The Pot Luck Club and The Shortmarket Club.

Luke says: “My team and I have taken some risks over the last year and worked extremely hard to evolve The Test Kitchen to what it is today. It’s thrilling that it has paid off. I am so proud of what we have achieved with The Test Kitchen and that is has a well-deserved spot on the world food stage.”

With The Test Kitchen being awarded places in the top 50 best restaurants worldwide, they are ranked higher than some other prestigious establishments such as The French Laundry (United States of America, 86), St John (United Kingdom [UK], 84) and The Fat Duck (UK, 74).

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Ed Sheeran will be touring South Africa for the first time in March 2019.
The tour will see Ed perform at Johannesburg’s iconic FNB Stadium on 23 March and Cape Town Stadium on 27 March.

The tour is presented by AEG and Big Concerts.

Ed continues his rise as one of the world’s most successful and talented musical talents. Selling-out stadiums across the globe, Ed recently finished his native United Kingdom (UK) run, including four sold-out nights at London’s Wembley Stadium – the troubadour sold over 1,1 million tickets in the UK alone, marking one of the biggest tours the UK has ever seen.

Tickets go on sale Friday, 29 June, at 09h00 at Computicket.

– Source:
Local celebrities looked like superstars at the 2018 BET Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday, 24 June 2018.
The annual award ceremony, celebrating black culture from across the world, was once again hosted by singer and actor Jamie Foxx.

South African artist Sjava walked away with the title of Viewer's Choice: Best International Act and other nominees included Cassper Nyovest and Distruction Boyz.

Local celebrities hit the red carpet in African-inspired looks, complete with headdresses, accessories and bold jewelry.

Sjava’s real name is Jabulani Hadebe. He was nominated together with Nigerian singer, Ninola and Kwesi Arthur of Ghana.

Black Panther won for Best Movie.

– Source:
For the first time in more than half a century, a South African has won the British Amateur championship.
Fifty-two years after Bobby Cole lifted the now 123-year-old trophy at Carnoustie, Jovan Rebula’s 3-and-2 victory over Irishman Robin Dawson in the 36-hole final at Royal Aberdeen guaranteed the 20-year-old South African a place in the next month’s Open Championship, as well as trips to the 2019 Masters and US Open.

“I’m very happy and very pleased with myself, the way I handled myself this week,” Rebula said. “I’ve really been playing solid and haven’t made many mistakes. It’s a huge honour for me to call myself the Amateur Champion. It’s something out of this world."

– Source:
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