Issue 336 | 12 July 2018
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South Africa is chairing BRICS from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa undertook a Working Visit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 10 to 11 July 2018. During the visit, the President met with his counterpart, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari.
At the invitation of President Buhari, President Ramaphosa also participated in the 2018 Annual Meeting and 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank).

As the continent’s two largest economies, South Africa and Nigeria enjoy good political, economic and social relations, formally established in 1994, immediately after South Africa’s first democratic elections.

While in Nigeria, the two presidents discussed a wide range of bilateral, continental and global issues of common concern. Peace, stability and continental integration featured prominently in their discussions.

Formal relations between South Africa and Nigeria have been conducted through the Bi-National Commission (BNC), established in 1999 as a structured bilateral mechanism to promote political, economic, social, cultural, scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries.

The BNC has over the years deepened and solidified the relations between the two countries, and laid the foundation for increased bilateral political and economic cooperation.

Bilateral cooperation has been enhanced over the years to the extent that there are 34 signed bilateral agreements between the two countries, which cover various areas such as arts and culture, education, agriculture, trade and investment, mining, defence, policing, immigration, taxation, science and technology, health, tourism, environment and energy, among others.

South Africa and Nigeria also enjoy strong economic cooperation demonstrated by the increasing trade and investment flows between the two sister republics. For example, South Africa exported goods valued at R6,4 billion in 2016 while Nigerian exports to South Africa totalled R30,4 billion. In 2017, South African exports were valued at R5,7 billion against R22,8 billion imports from Nigeria. Nigeria enjoys a huge trade deficit due to the increasing South African importation of petroleum products.

There are over 120 South African companies currently doing business in Nigeria in various sectors, mainly in telecommunications, banking, retail, hospitality, mining, tourism, agriculture, construction and tourism. Some of the South African companies that have invested in Nigeria include MTN, Multichoice, Stanbic Bank, Shoprite Checkers, South African Airways, Sasol and Bon Hotels, to mention a few.

President Ramaphosa was accompanied by the ministers of defence and military veterans; energy; and police; and the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has welcomed the resumption of diplomatic relations between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of Eritrea.
The announcement in this regard was made in Asmara on 8 July 2018 by the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed Ali, and Eritrean President, Isaias Afewerki, and was signalled by both leaders’ concurrence to open embassies in each other’s countries. The two leaders also encouraged their citizens to freely visit each other's towns and cities.

President Ramaphosa lauds this as a positive and tangible outcome of the recent admirable developments in the relations between the two Horn of Africa countries, including the commitment and implementation of the Algiers Agreement of 2000 and the Ethiopia-Eritrea Border Commission of 2002.

South Africa looks forward to a full normalisation of relations and the realisation of our shared aspirations for both countries to enjoy enduring peace and development.

South Africa supports Ethiopia and Eritrea on the path towards reconciliation and nation-building and stands ready to assist the two countries in this constructive and historic moment, which has the potential to yield greater prosperity and security not only for the citizens of Ethiopia and Eritrea, but also for the greater Horn of Africa region and the continent as a whole.

President Ramaphosa commends both leaders for their commitment to achieving lasting peace and stability and has assured both Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, President Isaias Afewerki and the Ethiopian and Eritrean people of South Africa’s continued support and solidarity.
President Ramaphosa said the thoughts of the South African people were with the people of Japan during this difficult time.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, sent a message of condolences to Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and to the Government and the people of Japan following the torrential rains and landslides that have left scores of people dead, with many others injured. The disaster has also destroyed residential, commercial and public property.

The South African Embassy in Japan has not reported any South African victims and will maintain close contact with authorities. The Embassy stands ready to provide assistance should there be any South African citizens in need of support.

Those concerned about the well-being of their relatives in Japan can contact the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on 012 351 1000.
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday, 6 July 2018, hosted a Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Stakeholders Round-table Meeting with South African businesspeople with a view to discussing the preparations and policy imperatives for the forthcoming BRICS Summit, scheduled to take place from 25 to 27 July 2018 in Johannesburg.
The round-table enabled deliberations on South Africa’s primary pursuits within BRICS, which are aimed at achieving developmental outcomes, ensuring inclusive economic growth, promoting value-added trade among BRICS countries, and promoting investment into the productive sectors, among others.
On 7 July 2018, Deputy President David Mabuza welcomed 260 Cuban-trained medical students who returned to South Africa at a reception ceremony, held at the OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg.
Deputy President Mabuza is the Chairperson of the Human Resource Development Council of South Africa, which looks into issues of human capital and skills development in the country. The return of these students adds to the much-needed pool of qualified doctors that will contribute to better health for the country and its population.

These students will complete their final sixth-year studies and integration into the South African health system, as part of the Nelson Mandela-Fidel Castro medical collaboration programme of the Department of Health.

Deputy President Mabuza was accompanied by the Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, other senior government officials and Cuban Ambassador in South Africa, Rodolfo Benites Version. South Africa and Cuba have maintained longstanding diplomatic relations since 1994 that resulted in various bilateral agreements on public health, including the training of South African medical students in Cuba to sustain the health system.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, on Friday, 6 July 2018, hosted the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza.
The visit took place after the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela held its Presidential elections on 20 May 2018, which saw the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro as the Head of State and the re-appointment of Minister Arreaza to the portfolio of Foreign Affairs.

The visit was used as an opportunity to continue to strengthen the existing bilateral relations between South Africa and Venezuela, specifically in the areas of trade and investment, agriculture, energy, transport, mining, tourism and consular matters as the identified areas of focus for the relationship.

Diplomatic relations between South Africa and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela were established in 1993 and in 1995. The two countries share cordial relations premised on mainly political relations.
On 6 July 2018, the North West province hosted a Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) roadshow in Potchefstroom as part of the build-up towards South Africa hosting of the 10th BRICS Summit later this month.
“The roadshow aimed to, among others, create awareness on the significance of South Africa’s participation in BRICS and to profile the benefits of South Africa’s Chairship of BRICS, which coincides with the centenary celebrations for Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu,” said the Office of the Premier.

The roadshow was addressed by the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, and Premier of the province, Job Mokgoro.

The North West BRICS stakeholder engagement meeting was attended by youth from across the province, representatives from the North West University, the business community, civil society and the provincial leadership. African and BRICS ambassadors also attended.
On 26 June, 2018, Maria Dolores Castro Benitez presented her Letter of Appointment, as the Regional Director of the WFP Southern African Regional Office, to Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers.
South Africa’s relationship with the WFP is a multifaceted one, which is unique among most WFP member states. Whereas many countries’ relationships focus on either technical assistance, cooperation, donor support or resilience-building, South Africa’s relationship with the WFP, and in particular the Southern Africa Regional Office, is a mix of all of these facets, creating a partnership in the truest sense of the word.

South Africa’s cooperation with the WFP, through the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, strives to realise the country’s APEX priorities as contained in the National Development Plan, the Nine-Point Plan and the New Growth Path in which agriculture is identified as a sector with the potential to create more than one million jobs over a period of five years.

South Africa is recognised as a leader in Humanitarian Diplomacy within the African continent as well as globally. South Africa, through the WFP, has provided humanitarian assistance to countries that have been afflicted by conflicts and natural disasters, including, among others, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Malawi, Madagascar and the Caribbean Islands.

More importantly, the tangible deliverables illustrated by the nature of the dynamic relationship between South Africa and the WFP include the training of smallholder, female farmers in the Limpopo and Gauteng provinces. The WFP also provides services to the entire humanitarian community, including passenger air transportation through the United Nations (UN) Humanitarian Air Service. This service includes nine aircraft and crews, leased from South African companies, making South Africa one of the largest single suppliers of aircraft and crews to the organisation.

Common areas of interest between the Government of South Africa and the WFP include the establishment of the UN Humanitarian Response Depot and the WFP’s efforts to act as a catalyst in the creation of markets for and upskilling of South African emerging small holder farmers and millers as well as the creation of an internship programme, which speaks directly to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for assistance in the training and employability of South African entrants to the workforce.

Deputy Minister Landers said that South Africa was proud to be able to continue building on our already strong relations with the WFP under the guidance of the new Regional Director so as to take this strategic relationship to greater heights.
With plans underway for South Africa to host the 10th Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit, Cabinet says South Africa will use the summit to shine the spotlight on opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
“South Africa will use its Chairship to ensure continuity for BRICS and bring specific focus to the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” said Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane.

The Minister made the remarks at a media briefing on Thursday, 5 July on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday, 4 July.

South Africa will play host to the 10th Summit of the BRICS bloc from 25 to 27 July at the Sandton Convention Centre in Gauteng.

Under the theme: “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”, BRICS members will reflect on the creation of an inclusive society and global partnerships.

“The theme also aligns and ensures strategic continuity with South Africa’s Chairship of both the Southern African Development Community and the Indian Ocean Rim Association,” said the Minister.

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Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) trade ministers have affirmed their commitment to a multilateral trading system as a tool to promote greater inclusivity.
“… Unilateralism is now placing the future of the multilaterism system at risk and we reaffirmed our commitment to a multilateral trading system. Many of us expressed the view that a multilateral trading system needs to become the tool to promote greater inclusivity and lessen inequality in the world,” South Africa’s Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies, said.

Speaking to SAnews following what he regarded as a fruitful and constructive engagement of BRICS Trade Ministers in Magaliesburg, Minister Davies said the ministers had agreed to update the work they had done previously.

“We have agreed to update some work which we did before, which is to identify areas where we are complementary in trade and to emphasise those. We have a cooperation programme on technical standards, which is going to support the exchange in information and I am aware that these are major issues in international trade now,” he said.

Minister Davies said the coming together of BRICS countries was extremely important, as these countries represented about 22% of the world’s gross domestic product.The bloc is a significant force that many parts of the emerging world look to.

He told SAnews that South Africa had expressed its concern on the flexibilities around public health and intellectual issues, among others.

The meeting also heard of progress made in other member states in the bloc, with the Brazilian Deputy Minister for Industry, Foreign Trade and Service, Yana Dumaresq, saying that in recent times, the country had signed 30 agreements with BRICS members.

She urged BRICS countries to facilitate more trade among each other, while the other ministers called for strengthened cooperation to protect multilaterism.

The meeting also endorsed a practical cooperation mechanism, as well as an action plan that will enhance cooperation on various aspects on intellectual property.

They also agreed on a practical approach to promote trade and value-added products

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The South African Government has declared 18 July 2018 a National Day of Service, Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on the Centenary Celebrations of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu and Energy Minister, Jeff Radebe, announced recently.
Minister Radebe made the announcement during a media briefing to provide progress on the implementation of the Comprehensive National Programme for the Centenary Celebrations of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu.

Mandela, who died on 5 December 2013, at the age of 95, would have turned 100 years on 18 July had he lived.

Radebe said this year’s 18th of July would not be observed as a normal International Mandela Day, where citizens’ across the globe donated 67 minutes of their time performing acts of good deeds to those in need, but would be used as an opportunity to remember the time in which transformation gained traction in the beloved country and celebrated the man who made a meaningful contribution.

He emphasised that South Africans ought to tap into Madiba’s values and aspirations for the type of a South Africa he would have wanted to see and “ask ourselves, what we are doing on a daily to basis to be and live his legacy”.

“Guided by the spirit of Thuma Mina, the South African Government will not be hosting an official event to celebrate Madiba’s centenary birthdate, but had declared 18 July 2018 a National Day of Service. On 18 July 2018, the National Day of Service, we encourage all South Africans to go out in their numbers like never before and make this day extra special.

“Follow Tata’s footsteps to make a difference by donating your time towards disadvantaged communities and inspire a positive change that promotes the culture of Ubuntu, as well as humanitarian support."

Remembering Tata

“All South Africans are welcomed to lay flowers and candles at any Nelson Mandela statue, structure, school or street, which bear the father of our nation's name as a way of remembering our beloved father of the nation,” Minister Radebe said.

The Minister further called on all of society on the day of service to pause their activities at 12pm and observe a moment of silence, unity and mediation remembering “what Nelson Mandela meant to me”.

For his contribution to the National Day of Service, President Cyril Ramaphosa will visit Mveso in the Eastern Cape. This will form part of the humanitarian activities for the day.

Various activities are set as a build-up to the day.

The planned activities include the Global Citizen Festival Launch, the National Imbizo Focus Week and Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund Youth Summit.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation will on 17 July 2018 hosts the 16th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture at the Wanderers Stadium in Illovo, Johannesburg. The lecture will be delivered by former United States President, Barack Obama.


In the spirit of #ThumaMina, government and various social partners on 10 July hosted a national #100MenMarch in honour of the centenary of Madiba and MamaSisulu.

Both these stalwarts committed their lives to the fight for human rights, particularly the rights of women and children.

A special orchid named after Albertina Sisulu was also unveiled on 10 July by the departments of environmental affairs and tourism at the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Roodepoort, in Johannesburg

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The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), in partnership with the South African Embassy in Comoros, recently hosted an open day aboard its research and polar vessel, the “SA Agulhas II”, in Comoros.
“The exposure that the scientists of the Comoros have had in the past few days on this vessel, as well as the visit by the young students, is a way by South Africa to say to the people of Comoros, especially its children, that we care about your future and the development of your country,” said Ambassador of the Comoros, Mbulelo Bungane.

Visitors enjoyed guided tours of the vessel, from its state-of-the-art science laboratories to the lounge area, which is dedicated to the late South African music icon Miriam Makeba.

The vessel was dedicated to the icon in recognition of her role in the struggle towards South Africa’s democracy.

Guests also had an opportunity to engage and learn about South Africa’s second training and capacity-building voyage for the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE2).

The IIOE2 is a multi-national programme of the United Nations Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), which emphasises the need to research the Indian Ocean and its influence on the climate and its marine ecosystem.

The IOC recognised that there was a persistent lack of basic long-term environmental information on the Indian Ocean, particularly for developing countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.

On-board were the DEA research staff and trainee-participants from Tanzania, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Congo, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

“South Africa is inviting the Comoros through its scientists and the schools for a partnership that will be mutually beneficial to our countries and people.

“Let the scientific work and demonstrations that have started on this vessel be a foundation for future cooperation in the areas of marine science, biodiversity and conversation of the ocean environment, ” Ambassador Bungane said.

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Ten anti-poaching pooches arrived in South Africa recently to join the Southern African Wildlife College's K9 Unit in the Kruger National Park.
What makes these dogs special is that they are trained to run in a pack to track and take down poachers in a wildlife reserve, a new method that's gaining traction in the fight against wildlife crime.

Normally tracker dogs are on leashes, but in a pack, these dogs can cover 30 km of difficult terrain in two hours, while rangers follow them from the air, reducing their tracking time. They will also be able to keep poachers at bay while the rangers are en route.

“We are incredibly excited to be working with these dogs. Our early successes with free-running pack dogs have shown us how effective they are in the field. These dogs are also trained in apprehension work and will actively help rangers stop poachers in their tracks,” said the college CEO, Theresa Sowry.

The new furry companions are a hound breed crossed between black and tan, and redbone, specifically used in the United States to track law-evading humans.

For now the college, which is a non-profit organisation that provides conservation training, will be working with them to get them ready to be deployed in the Kruger and enhance the K9 Unit's efficiency.

There is potential for this type of programme with tracker dogs to be expanded to other parts of Africa facing the threat of poaching on a daily basis.

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Kalk Bay in Cape Town, and Maboneng in Johannesburg, have been named two of the coolest neighbourhoods in the world by “Forbes Magazine”.
They beat well-known neighbourhoods such as Manhattan in New York, and London’s fashionable Soho district to be included on the list of just 12.

The Western Cape believes the accolade will help to stimulate international tourism.

The list also includes Amsterdam Noord in Amsterdam, Keramikos in Athens, and Seongsu-dong in Seoul.

Maboneng has transformed from a no-go zone at the end of apartheid to a “lively urban area with blossoming art and culinary scenes”, Melissa Biggs Bradley, founder of luxury travel agency Indagare, told Forbes.

Maboneng, a Sotho word meaning “place of light”, is known for the Museum of African Design in Arts on Main, a complex of restored factories and buildings which now house several galleries, restaurants and boutiques.

Tom Marchant, the founder of travel specialists Black Tomato, called Kalk Bay a “vibrant harbour neighbourhood” with several picturesque cafes which are the talk of Cape Town.

“A seaside haven slightly removed from the bustle of Cape Town, the former fishing village Kalk Bay is attracting more than just the local surfer community,” Merchant told Forbes.

“Locals have always known that Kalk Bay is a cool place, but its inclusion in the Forbes list means that many of our international visitors may now put it on their itineraries,” says Western Cape Economic Opportunities MEC Alan Winde.

“Each seaside ice-cream, delicious plate of fish and chips or souvenir bought from a small store goes a long way to growing the tourism and hospitality economy, and creating new jobs,” Winde said in a statement.

Other entries on the Forbes list include Saints in Barcelona, Navy Yard in Washington DC, Getsemani in Cartagena, Plekhanov in Tbilisi, Casco Viejo in Panama City, District 5 in Saigon, and Pilsen in Chicago.

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Restaurant Mosaic outside Pretoria was announced as one of the first time winners in 2018 of the prestigious Grand Award given to restaurants who demonstrate the highest level of wine list excellence.
Wine Spectator, one of the world's leading authorities on wine, every year awards restaurants globally for their dedication to offering a remarkable and unforgettable food and wine experience. The Grand Award is the highest category of award allocated by Wine Spectator.

Gauteng’s Restaurant Mosaic, as a Grand Award winner, now joins such wine list elite as Le Louis XV by multi-Michelin star winner chef Alain Ducasse in Monte Carlo, Per Se by Thomas Keller and the American fine dining institution The French Laundry (an annual winner since 2007).

Every aspect of wine service is judged: from presentation of the menu, wine service, sommelier recommendations and most importantly, demonstrating harmony between the wine and food menus. Judging by international wine experts are carried out throughout the year, including meticulous onsite inspections.

Wine director, Cobus Du Plessis, and sommelier, Moses Magwaza, lead the wine team at Restaurant Mosaic, where the cellar houses 75 000 bottles and boasts an impressive list of almost 3 000 of South Africa’s greatest wines.

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Beyoncé, JAY-Z, Cassper Nyovest, D'banj, Ed Sheeran, Eddie Vedder, Femi Kuti, Pharrell Williams and Chris Martin, Sho Madjozi, Tiwa Savage, Usher, Wizkid – these artists and more are convening on 2 December in South Africa with world and corporate leaders to present the biggest campaign on the Global Goals to end extreme poverty ever.
“Responding to Nelson Mandela’s call for us to be the generation to end extreme poverty, artists and leaders will be joined by 100 000 Global Citizens who’ve taken action on the Global Citizen social advocacy platform to earn their free tickets to the festival at FNB Stadium in Johannesburg,” said Global Citizen in a statement on Monday, 9 July.

The Mandela 100 Festival, in partnership with the House of Mandela, will serve as the capstone event of Global Citizen’s year-long Be the Generation Campaign, inspired by the revered former leader of South Africa and his lifelong dedication to rallying people together to use their collective voices to speak for the most marginalised people.

Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100 hosts include Naomi Campbell, Bonang Matheba, Sir Bob Geldof, Gayle King, Tyler Perry and Forest Whitaker.

“Nelson Mandela's life story is a testament to the power of the human spirit and one man's ability to change the world by standing up for what he believed in,” said Oprah Winfrey, who will speak at the festival.

“It is one of the great honours of my life to have spent so much time with him, and I look forward to celebrating his courageous life.”

The Global Citizen Campaign, which aims to rally US$1 billion in new commitments, with US$500 million of that set to impact the lives of 20 million women and girls worldwide, will focus on the first six Global Goals: ending poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, and life below water.

As is always the case with Global Citizen festivals – tickets are free. All you need to do is, starting 21 August, take action on the Global Citizen platforms –, on the Global Citizen app, or with the Facebook Messenger bot – search “Global Citizen” in Facebook Messenger to learn more. There will also be opportunities for Global Citizens to earn free tickets by taking actions in their communities of Johannesburg.

For those who sign-up on, you can earn bonus rewards and early access by referring your friends to Global Citizen.

On 2 December at FNB Stadium, Global Citizens who earn their free tickets will see a music performance of a lifetime, as artists from around the world gather on the stage alongside world and corporate leaders, activists and advocates.

A number of world leaders are expected to also attend, including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa; Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) Amina J Mohammed, who delivered the 2017 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture: Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg; and Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo, who both serve as co-chairs of the UN Secretary General’s Advocacy Group for the Sustainable Development Goals; Director-General of the World Health Organisation, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus; President of the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development, Gilbert F Houngbo; Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium Alexander De Croo; Ambassador Ertharin Cousin, Chair of Power of Nutrition; and Peter Sands, Executive Director of the The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

“This significant event not only honours the legacy of one of the greatest global citizens of our time, but provides a powerful platform for youth around the world to make a positive and tangible contribution for people and planet,” said UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed.

The partners for the Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100 are the Motsepe Foundation, with major partners, House of Mandela, Johnson & Johnson, Cisco, Nedbank, Vodacom, Big Concerts, BMGF Goalkeepers, Eldridge and Associate Partner, HP.

Since its founding in 2012, Global Citizens have generated commitments and policy announcements from leaders valued at over US$37,9 billion that are set to affect the lives of more than 2,25 billion people. This year alone, Global Citizens have secured 29 commitments totalling over US$2,9 billion that are set to affect the lives of more than 501 million people by 2030.

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Springbok Captain Siya Kolisi has been nominated for the Laureus Sports Moment Award for the month of June, after being elected the first Black African Springbok Captain for the three Test match series against England.
Kolisi led the Boks to a 2-1 series victory, with wins in Johannesburg and Bloemfontein in the first Test matches.

The nomination highlights Kolisi’s upbringing from the Port Elizabeth township of Zwide and his rise to international rugby stardom and ultimately leading South Africa in Test matches.

The other nominees include seven-year-old Pakistani leg-spin bowler Eli who blew up on the Internet for posting videos of him bowling leg-spin like Australian legend Shane Warne.

Barcelona legend Andres Iniesta’s farewell from the Catalan giants after spending 22 years with the club also cracks the nod, while a tribute to the 2017 Manchester terror attack by Nathan Rae, who runs through the city also features on the nomination list.
The schedule for the 2018/19 World Rugby Sevens Series was confirmed recently, with the ever-popular Cape Town Sevens set for the weekend of 8 and 9 December 2018.
SA Rugby will by middle August make an announcement on ticket sales for this popular event at the Cape Town Stadium, which was sold out in the last couple of years.

The World Rugby Sevens Series, with South Africa again defending the overall title, will be contested across 10 rounds from November 2018 to June 2019.

The series opens in Dubai (30 November to 1 December 2018), before teams move on to Cape Town the following weekend.

In the New Year, teams will travel to Hamilton, New Zealand (26 to 27 January 2019), before both men’s and women’s teams are welcomed to Sydney, Australia (1 to 3 February).

The fifth and sixth rounds will be hosted in Las Vegas, USA (1 to 3 March) and Vancouver, Canada (9 to 10 March), before teams travel to Hong Kong (5 to 7 April) and Singapore from 13 to 14 April for rounds seven and eight respectively.

The penultimate round of the series will take place again in London (25 to 26 May), with Paris hosting the finale (1 to 2 June).

World Rugby Chairperson, Bill Beaumont, commented: “As we enter an Olympic Games qualifying year, the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series promises to again be highly competitive as teams look to secure their place, via the World Series, at Tokyo 2020.

“Rugby Sevens has seen record growth in awareness in recent years with its inclusion in the Olympics having a profound effect on the sport, attracting an estimated 30 million fans globally. The series continues to capture the imagination of global audiences with record-breaking fan engagement figures of over 120 million video views recorded this year.”

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