Issue 345 | 13 September 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday, 10 September 2018, opened the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecom World Conference 2018 at the iNkosi Albert Luthuli Convention Centre in Durban.
The conference was expected to attract 7 000 delegates, including senior members of government, leaders of multilateral organisations, regulators and entrepreneurs.

Discussions and showcases are featuring the latest developments in technology such as preparations for 5G networks, impact and ownership of Artificial Intelligence and the risks of a smarter world. It also afforded small businesses an opportunity to partner with other entrepreneurs and seek potential investors.

This annual conference is being held on the African continent for the first time and it coincides with the centennial anniversary of Nelson Mandela who was the first democratic South African President to address the ITU in 1995.

This year’s conference takes forward Madiba’s vision of using technology for development and ensuring that nobody is left behind. The theme for this year is “Innovation for Smarter Digital Development”.
President Cyril Ramaphosa says his government will work with Chinese Internet giant Jack Ma to set up a digital training centre to develop entrepreneurs in South Africa.
The President met with the business magnate, who is also the co-founder of tech giant Alibaba, at the company’s headquarters in Hang Zhou, China.

President Ramaphosa told Ma the Government needed him to come to South Africa to set up a digital training centre for young people.

“In future, we’d obviously like small and medium enterprises from South Africa to be selling a lot of products on the Alibaba platform.”

He says Ma has accepted an invitation to come to the investor conference in October.

“Upon hearing of that you will be attending the investors' conference, many people suddenly want to come.”

Ma announced the launch of an eFounders Fellowship, which will operate in Africa to help empower entrepreneurs through educational initiatives and training institutions.

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The Beijing Action Plan, which details the outcomes of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit, has been welcomed by Cabinet.
The FOCAC Summit, co-chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa and Chinese President Xi Jinping, formulated the plan, which aims to build the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.

During a post-Cabinet briefing held on Wednesday, 6 September 2018, Communications Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane, highlighted some of the areas of cooperation agreed upon at the summit.

“China committed to implementing 10 cooperation plans with Africa. These are in the areas of industrialisation; agricultural modernisation; infrastructure; financial services; green development; trade and investment facilitation; poverty reduction and public welfare; public health; people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security,” said the Minister.

Over the period, cooperation between the two sides will be underpinned by the theme: “China and Africa: Towards an Even Stronger Community with a Shared Future through Win-Win Cooperation”.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, on Monday, 10 September 2018, received Didier Reynders, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium, who was on a Working Visit to South Africa from 7 to 10 September 2018.
The outcomes of the Working Visit include, among others, to expand and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries; revitalise economic relations with a focus on trade, foreign direct investment and tourism; and to enhance cooperation between the two countries as they assume their non-permanent seats in the United Nations Security Council for the period 2019 to 2020.

The two ministers also exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, such as, among others, the fight against racism, human rights, migration and climate and ecological changes.

Belgian ports are important entry points through which South African exports find their way to European countries and beyond. The balance of trade is currently in South Africa’s favour. Exports to Belgium in 2017 amounted to R33,5 billion while imports accounted for R12,2 billion. Exports include precious stones and manufactured goods such as vehicles, organic chemicals, iron and steel.

Belgium is one of the main sources of inbound tourism from Europe to South Africa, with about 54 000 Belgian tourists visiting South Africa during 2017.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) co-hosted the 18th edition of the Annual Regional Seminar on the implementation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) for Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Island States from 4 to 7 September 2018 at the OR Tambo Building, Pretoria.
The theme of the 2018 seminar was: “Regional Contributions to the Implementation and Development of IHL”. The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, delivered the keynote address on the theme. The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Bene M’Poko, also addressed the seminar.

The seminar brought together participants from approximately 16 countries in the region, including the Indian Ocean Island states, as well as Nigeria, Djibouti and the Ethiopian Red Cross Society as guest participants to reflect on the status of IHL implementation at national level. Representatives from the African Union Commission, parliamentarians, Pan-African Parliament and Southern African Development Community Secretariat and other senior military officials from within the region participated. Members of the diplomatic community from within the region were also in attendance.
In August 2018, the Indian state of Kerala was hit with the worst floods in a century, which left at least 438 people dead, with nearly 60 000 left homeless.
Following the message of condolences from President Cyril Ramaphosa to the Government and people of India and in the spirit of Ubuntu, the High Commission in New Delhi donated clothing, food items, consumables and basic medical supplies to the victims in the southern Indian state.

The items were handed over to a representative of the Khushi Foundation, an NGO, which is coordinating transport for donations to the relief camps in Kerala.
South Africa and the People’s Republic of China have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of water resources.
The MoU, signed on Monday, 3 September 2018, seeks to establish and reinforce cooperation between South Africa and China on the efficient utilisation, management and sustainable development of water resources, including establishing a long-term cooperative relationship on the basis of equity and mutual benefit.

In the agreement, signed by Water and Sanitation Minister, Gugile Nkwinti, and China’s Minister of Water Resources, E Jingping, the two governments mutually agreed on areas of cooperation.

These include enacting and implementation of water policies, laws and regulations; integrated management and utilisation of water resources; comprehensive river basin planning; comprehensive utilisation of rain water; and planning, designing, construction, operation and maintenance of water-related infrastructures.

The areas of cooperation also include small hydropower development; hydrology and water resources monitoring; groundwater utilisation, protection and management; flood control, draught relief and disaster mitigation; climate change impacts on water resources and countermeasures; coordination and cooperation in international water events; training and capacity-building; as well as other fields of mutual interests.

The working agreement between the two countries came during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State Visit to the People’s Republic of China, as part of his investment drive.

To ensure that the MoU is implemented accordingly, a Joint Steering Committee for Cooperation on Water Resources Management has been established and will be co-chaired by heads of the competent authorities.

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Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant recently led the South African delegation to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting in Mendoza, Argentina.
The ministers’ meeting looked into finalising the declaration to be submitted to the G20 Leaders’ Summit in November 2018.

“The two-day ministerial meeting will focus on issues relating to the technological change and labour market transformation, skills development, emerging forms of work and formality, social protection, inclusion for persons with disabilities and gender equality,” the Department of Labour Director-General, Thobile Lamati, said.

Minister Oliphant also led the South African delegation to the joint G20 Education and Labour Ministers' Meeting, which exchanged views on the importance of coordinated work between education and labour.

The meeting concluded by adopting a joint declaration reflecting on the perspectives of education and labour on the future of work.

DG Lamati said while the delegation was looking forward to participating in the meetings and sharing with G20 countries South Africa’s interventions in the labour market, the department was also looking forward to learning different mechanisms from other G20 members with regard to progress made in areas of gender equality, decent work and social protection.

“This visit will also afford Minister [Oliphant] an opportunity for bilateral engagements with her counterpart from Germany to discuss, among others, new areas of collaboration in view of the upcoming Binational Commission scheduled for November 2018 in Pretoria.”

On the sidelines of the summit, Minister Oliphant was also expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Brazil on cooperation in the fields of labour and employment, which aims to promote and strengthen relations between the two countries and reinforce bilateral cooperation in the field of labour and employment.

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The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, recently met with Vice Minister Zhang Jiwen of the General Administration of Customs of China to discuss bilateral cooperation on sanitary and phytosanitary matters between China and South Africa.
This bilateral cooperation is aimed at improving market access for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the Forum on Africa-China Cooperation on 4 September 2018.

The meeting acknowledged the good progress that had been made since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in the Field of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Matters in 2000. To date, both countries have been able to gain market access for various agricultural products. In 2017, South Africa gained market access for beef exports to China and in 2018, South Africa gained market access for lucerne exports to China.

Minister Zokwana and Vice Minister Zhang committed to continue to cooperate on market access matters and resolved that South Africa would host the Seventh Sanitary and Phytosanitary Cooperation Meeting in November 2018. The meeting is expected to discuss animal quarantine, plant quarantine and food safety matters in the quest to facilitate trade in agriculture, forestry and fisheries products. Minister Zokwana and Vice Minister Zhang urged technical experts to work on priority lists for sector trade.

Minister Zokwana reported that South Africa was compiling a list of new and compliant export facilities to export beef and lucerne to China. The new facilities will have a strong focus on smallholder farmers and businesses. The objective is to broaden participation of smallholders in accessing markets and ensuring the continued revitalisation of agriculture and the agro-processing value chain. The compliance of the new establishments will be subject to further assessments by China before permission is granted for exports.
South Africa is, from 9 to 14 September 2018, hosting the annual IAP Conference at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, under the theme: “Prosecutorial Independence – the Cornerstone of Justice to Society”.
Senior prosecutors, heads of prosecuting agencies and ministers of justice from around the world are exchanging experiences on prosecutorial independence, including new developments, legal challenges and solutions.

The IAP assists prosecutors across the world in the fight against crime, upholding human rights and the rule of law.
The NWU's Mahikeng Campus has been become the first historically disadvantaged institution in South Africa to develop an observatory for astronomy research.
The Minister of Science and Technology, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubani, launched the Mahikeng Astronomy Telescope (MAT) at the university on Friday, 7 September 2018, putting the institution on a par with developed institutions such as the universities of the Western Cape and Cape Town.

The MAT is co-funded by the Department of Science and Technology and is an effort to develop astronomy and related sciences at historically disadvantaged universities. It also demonstrates the country’s growing capabilities in the field, led by world-class projects like the building of the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope, which is exciting the global scientific community.

The MAT programme is led by Prof. Thebe Medupe who started astronomy in the Physics Department of the university in 2010, attracting students and postdoctoral fellows to NWU.

Currently, the Mahikeng Physics Department has four astronomers with PhDs, one student completing his PhD and two space scientists, as well as many other physicists. Several top astronomers have also been to the campus to do research, demonstrating that the programme has potential for further growth.

The telescope is a 16-inch Meade LX200 GPS, which is housed at the Mahikeng Astronomical Observatory. It will be operated remotely, which will allow learners and educators to access it from anywhere in the country, making the MAT a powerful teaching tool.

The telescope will be used for bright star research 60% of the time, allowing astronomers at the Mahikeng Campus to study the interiors of stars and their evolution. It will also be used for outreach purposes in communities and across the country as it can be operated remotely.
The Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba, on Friday, 7 September 2018, welcomed foreign nationals who have acquired South African citizenship through the naturalisation process.
“We welcome you in our bosom because you enrich the diversity of our country and people, and ensure that South Africa becomes integrated into Africa and the world as a diverse and tolerant culture and nation,” Minister Gigaba said.

Speaking at the naturalisation ceremony held at Birchwood Conference centre in Boksburg, Minister Gigaba said he felt a sense of a special privilege on behalf of the people of South Africa and government to welcome and refer to the foreign nationals as fellow South Africans.

More than 900 foreign nationals have been inducted and received naturalisation certificates conferred to them by a senior member of the judiciary, Judge Ledwaba, confirming that they are now South Africans.

“We accept you as full members of our nation and do so in broad daylight so that none among our people should dare in future question your exercise of your rights and responsibilities or treat you as second-class citizens who do not belong or have less rights than others because you happened to have been born elsewhere.

“Our citizenship is therefore very precious to us, conscious as we are of the price that was paid for it,” Minister Gigaba said.

The Minister said naturalised citizens brought into society not only the learned experiences of their countries of origin, but also the diversity that helped to enrich South Africans and made them better prepared for future challenges in a highly complex and diverse, but very integrated and globalised world.

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South African learners in Grade 4 to 12 stand a chance to name South Africa’s latest nanosatellite. The new satellite will be part of a mission to monitor the country’s oceans. It will be put in orbit about 600km above the surface of the Earth.
The South African National Space Agency (Sansa) has put out a call for South Africans to name its latest satellite.

ZACube-2, as it is currently called, is expected to be launched later this year, but first it needs a new name.

The competition is open to Grade 4 to 12 learners across the country.

Cubesats are nanosatellites, which can be as small as 10-cm wide, weighing 1kg. The ZACube-2 comprises three 10-cm cubes and will be put in orbit about 600km above the surface of the Earth.

It was designed and built mainly by postgraduate students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s French South African Institute of Technology, which has been spearheading South Africa’s cubesat capabilities. The Department of Science and Technology is the major funder of the country’s cubesat ambitions.

South Africa’s first cubesat, ZACube-1, also known as TshepisoSat, was launched in 2013. A Grade 9 learner from the Eastern Cape chose the name Tshepiso, which means promise.

Vaneshree Maharaj, Head of Communications at Sansa, says that the naming competition “ensures our future scientists and engineers become aware of such technological developments and allows them to play a part in a national satellite mission”.

A fraction of the cost of traditional medium-sized satellites, South Africa has been eyeing nanosatellites as an area to develop its space capabilities and develop high technology skills.

ZACube-2 is the first of a number of cubesats planned for the Marine Domain Awareness Programme of Operation Phakisa. The country has plans for a constellation of nanosatellites to monitor the country’s oceans.

This pathfinder satellite’s main payload is an automatic identification system, which will collect navigational data from ships along the coast. With this data, authorities will be able to track ships in our waters.

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Under the theme, “Creating a Legacy through Heritage Education and Time Travels”, Freedom Park, an agency of the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), Bridging Ages South Africa (BASA) and Bridging Ages International (BAI) hosted the Bridging Ages International Conference from 11 to 14 September 2018 at Freedom Park.
Bridging Ages Time Travel Method is an educational method that uses local heritage in a learning process to create reflection on contemporary issues and provides tools for community-building, social cohesion and nation-building.

The Bridging Ages Conference is mainly intended for a variety of audiences, including interested individuals, staff, managers, historians, social workers, community development workers, tourist guides, educators, researchers and volunteers working within the domain of museums, municipalities, schools, universities, youth development agencies, non-governmental organisations and the DAC.

Participants in the conference include those from South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Finland and Sweden. The conference offers training in Time Travel Method to various participants such as educators, learners, government officials and heritage practitioners from various museums, foundations and municipalities. The conference is also a means to celebrate the centenaries of former President Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu.

The conference is of utmost significance to the DAC as the key supporter and Freedom Park as the headquarters of BASA and the host. The Time Travel Method is one of the key education programmes adopted by the Education Unit at Freedom Park and presented to the school learners, university students and the youth.
South African Airways (SAA) has added two extra weekly flights to the Angolan capital of Luanda as part of enhancing its footprint on the African continent.
The extra flights commenced on Sunday, 9 September 2018, bringing the national carrier’s total weekly operation between Johannesburg and Luanda to four flights per week.

“As part of our Africa growth strategy, we are enhancing our footprint on the continent by expanding our route network to enable seamless connections for our customers.

“We are especially pleased to offer our customers from Angola more travel options to connect them to the world through Johannesburg’s OR Tambo International Airport. East and southern Africa, and the rest of the continent and the world are easily within reach,” said SAA spokesperson Tlali Tlali.

SAA has been operating flights to Luanda for over 30 years, making it one of the leading airlines in Angola. The route is very popular with not only Angolans, but with most of the guests travelling from and to Luanda and then connecting on SAA’s route network to various destinations such as São Paulo, Hong Kong, New York, Washington and the entire Southern African Development Community.

Tlali said both narrow and wide body aircraft (A330-200, A330-300 and A320) operate on this route.

SAA customers can also fly with TAAG Angola Airlines, as the two carriers code share between Johannesburg and Luanda, as well as Cape Town and Luanda.

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Cape Town’s social elite gathered recently to celebrate the 20th birthday of two of Tsogo Sun’s iconic hotels, the Southern Sun Cullinan and Southern Sun Waterfront.
The birthday bash, which was compered by charming Leigh Anne Williams of SABC3’s Expresso Morning Show, was held at the Cullinan Hotel, where the marbled hotel foyer was transformed into a scene out of The Great Gatsby, with an art gallery accompanying the historic occasion.

John van Rooyen, Tsogo Sun Operations Director, said the “hotels have always been an integral part of the city’s excellent tourism offering”. He encouraged city-goers to indulge in the many offerings the hotels brought to the city.

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Standard Bank Joy of Jazz (JOJ) recently announced the artists who will perform at the 2018 edition of the festival at Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg from 27 to 29 September.
Known for drawing artists from around the world, the JOJ line-up is packed with powerful musicians representing the jazz heritages of Africa, Europe, Asia and North America.

Artists to feature at the festival include Oliver Mtukudzi (Zimbabwe), Wazimbo and Banda Kakana (Mozambique), the Nairobi Horns Project (Kenya), Tlale Makhene (SA/eSwatini), Letta Mbulu (SA), David Sanborn (US), Bilal (US), Kengo Nakamura & Carl Fredrik Orrje (Japan/Sweden), Buika (Spain) and Cassandra Wilson (US), among many others.

The festival will kick off on Thursday, 27 September, with The Horn Summit in honour of the late Hugh Masekela. The Horn Summit comprises Feya Faku, Khaya Mahlangu, Mthunzi Mvubu, Barney Rachabane, Sydney Mavundla, Siphamandla Bhembe, Mandla Mlangeni, Gloria Bosman, Paul Hanmer and McCoy Mrubata.

Grammy winner Cassandra Wilson and David Sanborn will then follow the commemorative project with separate performances. The two jazz greats are arguably the biggest names at this year's festival.

Another highlight of the festival is the Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong All Star Band from the US featuring trombonist Wycliffe Gordon, tenor Roderick Pauli, trumpeter Nicholas Payton, bassist Reginald Veal, pianist Courtney Bryan and drummer Herlin Riley.

The Piano Play – a collaboration between pianists Kyle Shephard (SA), Bokani Dyer (Botswana/SA) and Amina Figarova (Azerbaijan) – is another must-see at this year's JOJ.

Pianist Thandi Ntuli, who is this year's Standard Bank Young Artist for jazz, is expected to open the entertainment.

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Lauryn Hill recently announced the addition of a South African date to her newly announced world tour, celebrating 20 years of her anthemic debut solo album, “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill”.
The Grammy Award-winning artist will kick off the European leg of The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 20th Anniversary Tour this winter on 18 November in Brussels, before the tour continues through France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Holland, Denmark, Sweden before culminating in Norway on 11 December.

She will perform in Johannesburg, on 2 February 2019 at the Ticketpro Dome.

Lauryn uses her platform to raise money and awareness for frontline charity initiatives through touring.  A portion of the ticket sales go towards the MLH Fund, which directly contributes support for education, health, agriculture, technology and community-based businesses and development initiatives throughout the Diaspora.

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“Ellen Plakkies” is based on the true story of a Cape Flats mother who killed her tik-addicted son in 2007 – a case that drew international attention at the time.
The film, directed by Daryne Joshua – the man behind 2016’s critically acclaimed Noem My Skollie – has been raking in rave reviews and was officially selected for the Rotterdam International Film Festival in the Netherlands and the Seattle International Film Festival in the United States.

“We had our international premiere at Rotterdam and it was amazing. We sold out all three screenings two days before,” Joshua told City Press.

“The most surprising thing was that we thought we were telling a story from the Cape Flats, but there were so many people in the audience going through the same thing. After the film, many addicts and ex-addicts came to tell me their stories – people were crying, hugging me and saying ‘thank you’.”

The film also won three awards at last month’s kykNet Silwerskerm Festival – for Best Actress, Best Actor and Best Script.

Ellen Pakkies herself was at the premiere. Joshua says it was important that Ellen was happy with the film prior to public screenings. Also in attendance was Jill Levenberg, who plays Ellen.
“Getting the positive feedback we have received overseas just shows what a fantastic standard we are on in terms of South African film,” said Levenberg, who is passionate about the story bringing about change.

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Pretoria’s new road running superstar, Gerda Steyn, received an invitation to participate as one of the elite athletes in the famous New York City Marathon (NYCM).
South Africa’s new golden girl of long distance running, 2018 Two Oceans champion and Comrades Marathon gold medallist, Gerda Steyn, has been invited to join the elite women’s field at this year’s NYCM.

This 2018 women’s field is seen as one of the most competitive ever to compete in New York.

“I am so thrilled about this. The organisers of the New York Marathon contacted me after my Two Oceans win earlier this year. They invited me to run this year’s race and I accepted their invitation after discussing it with my coach, Nick Bester. I have already started with my initial preparation and really want to make sure that I will be in my best possible shape when I line up come 4 November,” said Steyn.

She will be part of a star-studded women’s open division that includes the likes of three-time NYCM champion Mary Keitany of Kenya; London Marathon champion and Kenyan, Vivian Cheruiyot; 2017 NYCM champion Shalane Flanagan; as well as this year’s Boston Marathon champion, Des Linden.

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Olympian Chad le Clos claimed an impressive three medals at the opening leg of the 2018 FINA Swimming World Cup in Kazan, Russia, over the weekend.
According to, Le Clos was the top performer, winning gold in the 200-m butterfly and silver in the 100-m butterfly and the 200-m freestyle.

He rounded off his performance in the pool with the 200-m freestyle silver medal on the final evening of swimming action, clocking 1:48.10, behind the United States' Blake Pieroni, who led from start to finish to take the spoils in a time of 1:47.32.

The South African swimming star brushed off a surprise defeat from the first day to turn in a gritty fight to win the 200-m butterfly gold medal on Saturday against Russia’s Daniil Phakomov, who held a slight lead for the majority of the race.

The next leg of the FINAL Swimming World Cup Series will be held in Doha from 13 to 15 September.

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Andy Birkett and Hank McGregor powered to the Men's K2 world title in the final event of the ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships in Prado Vila Verde in Portugal to hand Birkett the elusive double and secure an 11th world title for McGregor.
The Durban-based duo were always in control of the fast paced, eight-lap, 30-km race on the Cavada River and led the seven boat front bunch into the last portage, and throttled away on the final 1 000-metre lap to claim the gold medal, holding off Hungarians Adrián Boros and László Solti.

The pair surprised many by opting to race Birkett in the front of the kayak, leaving McGregor to provide the power from the back cockpit and to use his tactical acumen to advise Birkett on the ferocious dynamics at play in the front group.

They managed to stay clear of the jostling that characterised the race, conserving their energy and only asserting themselves when it counted.

Birkett, who won the K1 gold medal the day before admitted that he was worried about his stamina when fatigue hit him early on in the race.

"On lap two, I said to Hank I needed to jump off and have a sleep, I was pretty broken," said Birkett.

"But that is where team work really makes a difference and Hank just took up the slack.

"It is really reassuring having someone like Hank in the back, giving me tips and having my back when the other guys are coming up," said Birkett.

The event has been a successful one for the large South African team contesting the event. They had four medals, Andy Birkett's K1 gold and three bronze medals, going into the final day, to go with the haul of 24 medals from the Masters Cup races.

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South Africa boasts a new world champion in the form of mountain biker, Alan Hatherly, who won the Under-23 cross country title at the UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in Switzerland on Friday, 7 September 2019.
Hatherly finished ahead of Christopher Blevins of the United States and David Nordemann of the Netherlands, stopping the clock in a time of 1:21.22 after six-laps of the cross country course.

South Africa's last win in the event came in 2009 with the late Burry Stander crowned champion.

Hatherly took to Twitter after his incredible achievement.

“U23 World XCO Champion! Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible and for the support out there, especially from those cheering at home”.

Hatherly managed second place in last year's event.

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Caster Semenya showed off her versatility and underlined her class once more as she shattered yet another South African record, this time in the women’s 400m at the IAAF Continental Cup in Ostrava, Czech Republic on Saturday, 8 September 2018.
The 27-year-old is one of the big names in Africa’s squad at the competition and now holds the national record in the 400-m, 800-m, 1 000-m, as well as the 1 500-m.

She did this in elegant style, becoming the first South African woman to dip under 50 seconds in a single lap, beating Heide Seyerling’s 18-year-old record time of 50.05.

Semenya had however registered a time below 50 seconds earlier this year at the recent African Championships in Asaba, Nigeria – but her time of 49.96 was not ratified due to the poor state of the pitch.

This time around she bettered that feat, completing the lap in 49.62 coming in second behind Salwa Eid Naser of the Asia-pacific team, just a week after bettering the South African record in the rarely run 100m at the International Stadionfest in Berlin.

Another South African who grabbed top honours at the event was Ruswahl Samaai, who’s long jump of 8.16m saw him take first place for Team Africa.

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Picture Editor: Delien Burger
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