Issue 351 | 24 October 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has urged South African ambassadors to lead the investment drive in the countries where they are posted.

“This Heads of Mission Conference therefore takes place at an important moment, for it is you, our diplomats, who must play a pivotal role in driving the message that South Africa is open for business,” said President Ramaphosa on Tuesday.

The Heads of Mission conference, hosted by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), kicked off on Monday, 21 October 2018, and will wrap up on Thursday, 25 October, in Pretoria.

It is being held under the theme “A New Dawn: Inclusiveness of South Africa’s foreign policy which aims to promote a better South Africa, Africa and world”.

The biennial conference brings together the heads of South Africa’s diplomatic missions abroad to assess national, regional, continental and global trends and dynamics, and to determine a strategy to be implemented in line with South Africa’s foreign policy vision and mission.

The conference also serves as a platform for South Africa’s diplomats to be briefed about progress on government’s programmes and plans.

President Ramaphosa’s call on ambassadors to rally investors in their designated countries comes as South Africa gears up for the Investment Conference, which kicks off on Thursday, 25 October.

“It is our missions abroad that are leading our Economic Diplomacy, that need to ensure that the outcomes of the conference are conveyed around the world, and they are responsible for assisting the expansion of trade and investment links with partner countries,” said President Ramaphosa.
SA positioned as fertile ground for investment

The President punted investment from all corners of the globe to the South African economy as the key to addressing the country’s triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

To address these challenges, President Ramaphosa said regaining public and investor trust held the key to unlock private capital and promote investment.

With favourable demographics, high productivity potential and ideal positioning as a springboard into the rest of Africa, South Africa is seen as an attractive destination for growth-seeking investors.

Ranked 61 out of 147 in the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Competitiveness Report and as the continent’s second-biggest economy, President Ramaphosa said South Africa offered investors the stability of a well-regulated and developed country.
“Our banking system is solid, well capitalised, well-regulated and internationally respected.

“There is no doubt that we have a very solid base to work from,” said the President.

Peace and security

President Ramaphosa thanked the ambassadors for their campaign efforts and role in ensuring that South Africa clenched the non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

The President said South Africa would use its position at the UNSC to encourage greater cooperation and collaboration to ensure a common approach to ending conflict on the continent.

“We will need to continue to be engaged with the ongoing challenges in Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Somalia, Central African Republic, Mali and Libya,” said the President.

This stance is also informed by the African Union’s peace and security architecture, which recognises preventive diplomacy as central to eradicating conflicts on the continent.

“We will use our term in the UNSC to highlight and advance the cause of the Palestinian and Saharawi peoples. Peace and security in Africa are inextricably linked to its economic and social development,” said President Ramaphosa.

Multilateralism championed

On the multilateral level, 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the G20 being held at summit level.
“The meeting this year takes place in the context of uncertainty, increased unilateralism and protectionism by some G20 members,” said President Ramaphosa.

The President said South Africa would continue to use its membership of the G20 to promote inclusive growth and development and support the Argentinian Presidency in their efforts towards consensus-building, and fair and sustainable development.

The President will depart for Berlin later this week to participate in the G20 Africa Conference, hosted by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“We will reflect on the G20 Africa Partnership, inclusive of the Compact with Africa that seeks to enhance private-sector investment in Africa’s infrastructure,” said the President.

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President Cyril Ramaphosa will be hosting the inaugural South Africa Investment Conference from 25 to 27 October 2018. The theme of the conference is “Accelerating Growth by Building Partnerships”.
The Investment Conference follows a commitment made by the President during the State of the Nation Address in February this year. The aim of the conference is to market the compelling investment opportunities in our country so as to encourage investments and create jobs.

This conference is a key milestone in the country’s bold ambition to raise at least US$100 billion in new investment over the next five years and one of a series of initiatives being undertaken by government to ensure economic recovery and growth, and to create jobs and prevent further job losses.

Government will use the opportunity to engage with investors and share the progress it is making in its journey towards political and economic recovery. This requires strengthening the credibility of our public institutions and unlocking the latent potential and innovative spirit of South Africa’s economy.

On 26 October, President Ramaphosa will open the conference, followed by a presentation of a case for investment in South Africa. The presentation will be followed by the announcement of bankable projects and then a plenary will break into commissions around agriculture, agro-processing, mining and manufacturing, transport, energy and water.

The conference will be preceded by a series of networking events on 25 October, including a networking cocktail, a performance at the Theatre on the Square and an art exhibition.

On 27 October 2018, President Ramaphosa will lead a walkabout along Vilakazi Street in Soweto with both investors and the general public. The aim of the walkabout is to showcase the vibrancy of the township economy. The investors will thereafter have an opportunity to hold business-to-business and business-to-government bilateral meetings.

Government calls upon all sectors of society to rally behind this bold initiative to stimulate economic growth and create jobs for all in our communities.
President Cyril Ramaphosa and the people of South Africa have joined the world in mourning the sad passing of Lisbet Palme (87), the widow of the former Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.
Mrs Palme served the international community in various capacities. These include serving as a United Nations Children's Fund Cchairwoman from 1990 to 1991 and an International Panel Committee member of the then Organisation of African Unity, now African Union, to probe the Rwandan genocide which claimed lives of an estimated 500 000 to 1 000 000 Rwandan people.

Her husband, the late Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was a friend of South Africa, was posthumously awarded the Order of the Companions of OR Tambo in 2002 for his exceptional contribution to the struggle against apartheid and for a just world.

Mr Palme was instrumental in obtaining a firm commitment from Socialist International in support of the African liberation struggle and mobilising international action for the emancipation of Africa. His last major address was to the Swedish People's Parliament, where he called for an end to apartheid in South Africa, a week before he was assassinated in 1986.

South Africa remains indebted to the Swedish people for their role in the anti-apartheid struggle.

“On behalf of the people of South Africa, we send our deepest condolences to the Palme family, friends and the Swedish people at large for losing such a remarkable leader who served the peoples of the world with distinction. Mrs Palme will be counted among women who bear lifetime scars of witnessing the death of their loved ones but were never deterred to fight for the advancement of rights of the marginalised”, said President Ramaphosa.
President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa is poorer as a result of the passing away of a heroine of the South African struggle, Ma Agnes Msimang, at a Johannesburg hospital on Thursday, 18 October 2018. She was 89.
The President has described Ma Aggie, as she was fondly known, as "a true servant of the people", adding that she was a committed and loyal member of the African National Congress (ANC) and was a surrogate mother to many activists both inside the country and in exile during apartheid.

Mama Msimang was a committed gender activist and former Deputy President of the ANC Women’s League and was among countless women who mobilised their communities across South Africa against the apartheid system.

Following the demise of apartheid, she joined the then Department of Foreign Affairs and served as deputy chief representative to India.

During her term, she started the Africa Club, which helped South African youth learn their culture. She also trained Indian schoolchildren about South Africa’s struggle for liberation, including the singing of the national anthem, Nkosi Sikelel ’ iAfrika.

In 2014, she received the National Order of Luthuli in Silver for her contribution to the fight against the unjust laws of apartheid, and for her selfless service to the cause of South Africa's liberation. She was also the recipient of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation’s highest accolade, the OR Tambo Lifetime Achievement Ubuntu Award.

Ma Aggie will be remembered for the multiple roles she assumed in her community and within the organisation to which she remained loyal throughout her life. She loved young people and was always concerned for their welfare. She was instrumental in nurturing the Masupatsela, the ANC Youth Brigade.

President Ramaphosa said: “Mama Agnes Msimang never wavered in her dedication to the struggle and to nurturing new generations of activists and fighters who helped our nation to secure its freedom."

The President added: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and comrades of our heroine at this difficult time. Lala Ngoxolo Mama."

President Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 1 for the late Mama Agnes Msimang.

A Special Official Funeral Category 1 entails elements of military ceremonial honours and is declared, in line with The Presidency’s State, Official and Provincial Official Funeral Policy, for persons of extraordinary credentials specifically designated by the President of the Republic of South Africa.

Details of the funeral are as follows:

Date: Friday, 26 October 2018
Venue: Our Lady of Cedars Catholic Church, Woodmead.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed sadness and heartfelt condolences at the passing away of liberation struggle stalwart and retired diplomat, Moses “Moss” Chikane, on Wednesday, 17 October 2018.
Mr Chikane passed away at the age of 69, following an illness.

Mr Chikane was a former leader of the United Democratic Front (UDF), serving as the organisation’s Transvaal Secretary. As one-third of what was known as the UDF Three (with Mr Mosioua Lekota and Mr Popo Molefe), he was prosecuted by the apartheid government in the Delmas Treason Trial, convicted of treason and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment on Robben Island.

Mr Chikane was also the national coordinator of the African National Congress (ANC) team responsible for facilitating the return of ANC members from exile in the early 1990s. In 2005 he served as South Africa’s Ambassador to Germany and to Zambia five years later.

In a joint statement released from the dock before their incarceration, the UDF Three foretold history saying, “Somewhere in the future lies a date when black and white South Africans will take a second look at these moments of our history. They will evaluate afresh the events now in contention and our role in them. And since the privilege will belong to them, they will pass final judgement. We are convinced that theirs will be contrary to the present one.”

Acknowledging the death of Mr Chikane, President Ramaphosa said: “I would like to express my deepest condolences to the entire Chikane family, the ANC and society at large. Moss Chikane made a significant contribution to our struggle and served the people of South Africa through the liberation movement. We owe him and his generation an immeasurable debt of gratitude and appreciation. May his soul rest in peace,” said President Ramaphosa.
Deputy President David Mabuza as Special Envoy to South Sudan, on 17 October 2018, successfully concluded his Working Visit to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member countries where he held consultations with heads of state and government.
During his Working Visit, Deputy President Mabuza held bilateral discussions with President Slava Kiir Mayardit of the Republic of South Sudan, President Omar al-Bashir of the Republic of Sudan, President Yoweri Moseveni of the Republic of Uganda and the President of Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta.

While in Juba, the Deputy President met with the leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, the leadership of the South Sudan Opposition Alliance, the leadership of Former Detainees, the convenors of the National Dialogue and members of the Diplomatic Corps.

The Working Visit by Deputy President Mabuza to South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda and Kenya provided a platform to mobilise all key stakeholders behind the commitment to implement the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.

"South Africa working together with other leaders of the IGAD countries will continue to provide support for the successful implementation of the peace agreement in South Sudan", said Deputy President Mabuza.

"I am particularly moved by the prevailing positive mood and level of optimism displayed by the signatories to the peace agreement and the heads of state and government as guarantors of this peace agreement", said Deputy President Mabuza.

The Deputy President further reiterated that South Africa stood firmly in support of the Government and people of South Sudan as they moved towards the consolidation of peace and development efforts.
Minister Lindiwe Sisulu on Monday, 22 October 2018, hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), His Highness Sheihk Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, for the Second Joint Commission between the Republic of South Africa and the UAE.
The Joint Commission took place in a year when the two countries celebrate the “Year of Mandela-Zayed” in a tribute to the two founding icons of South Africa and the UAE, who were both born in 1918. The two statesmen not only shared a special bond of friendship, but also shared remarkable characteristics: their spiritualism, vision, determination and hard work, their generosity at home and abroad, and the way in which they devoted their lives to the service of their peoples in the creation of a better world for all.

The ministers, among others, discussed issues of mutual concern in the Middle East region and on the African continent. This was particularly relevant in view of South Africa’s assumption of a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for the period 2019 to 2020.

Both sides commended the increase in total bilateral trade between the UAE and South Africa over the last few years. Both sides agreed to increase the volume of trade exchange and expand the scope of trade, investment and economic cooperation. The ministers expressed the need to expand two-way trade and investment relations.
Government on Sunday, 21 October 2018, celebrated what would’ve been MaSisulu’s 100th birthday under the theme: "Albertina Sisulu: A Woman of Fortitude.”
Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu was born on 21 October 1918, in the village of Camama in the Eastern Cape. She dedicated her life to fight for the emancipation of women and the liberation of South Africa.

In recognising her courage, discipline, integrity and love for the country, government, led by the Minister of Energy and Chairperson of the Centenary for both Albertina Sisulu and Nelson Mandela, Jeff  Radebe, joined the Sisulu family in commemorating the centenary day of the late struggle stalwart.

The event to mark MaSisulu’s 100th year birthday was held at Holy Cross Anglican Church in Orlando, Soweto. Born on 21 October 1918, the liberation heroine passed away on 5 June 2011 peacefully at home in Linden, Johannesburg.

The commemoration of MaSisulu’s 100th year started with a visit to the graveyard where she and her husband, Walter Sisulu, are buried.

Family members laid a wreath, along with Minister Radebe, who laid one on behalf of government and the people of South Africa.

From the graveyard, guests proceeded to the church, where a service was conducted in honour of MaSisulu.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, undertook a Working Visit to Tunis, Tunisia, from 17 to 18 October 2018.
Deputy Minister Landers met with his counterpart, Sabri Bachtobji, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia, and held the inaugural session of political consultations where they discussed a wide range of bilateral issues.

South Africa maintains cordial bilateral relations with Tunisia. Relations between the two countries are based upon the Joint Bilateral Commission, launched in 1996.

Deputy Minister Landers’ visit helped to reactivate interaction between the two countries on bilateral issues and identified new areas of economic and bilateral cooperation. In this regard, a Senior Officials’ Meeting between the two countries took place in Tunis on 16 October 2018.

It was envisaged that during the visit, Deputy Minister Landers would pay a courtesy call on the Tunisian Foreign Minister, held consultations with the Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts as well as the Secretary of State for International Trade.

Deputy Minister Landers also delivered the Nelson Mandela Centenary Lecture at the University of Tunis II.
Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs is satisfied with the country’s preparations for the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP 24), scheduled for December.
The committee recently received an update on the current status of the negotiations under the UNFCCC and progress on the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

“The committee is also pleased that the country has set key priorities stemming from the Paris Agreement, where the South African leadership played a critical role. Priorities such as enough mitigation ambition to avoid dangerous human-made climate change; to have enough international financial, technology and capacity-building support to make the whole system work; and to have effective transparency to build trust and share experiences [have been set],” said the committee.

These priorities are critical to ensuring that South Africa plays its part in participating globally in fighting climate change.

Chairperson of the committee, Phillemon Mapulane, said the Katowice climate change negotiations in December were critical in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The Katowice COP 24 is mandated to adopt the Paris Agreement Work Programme, which should set the mechanism for the full implementation of the historic Paris Agreement.

The conference is scheduled to be held from 2 to 14 December in Katowice, Poland.

The committee has noted the alarming report of the scientific advisory body to the UNFCCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which confirms that it is now evident more than ever before, that climate change is currently the greatest threat to humankind.

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South Africa’s strong financial market infrastructure and robust legal framework have ensured the country remains the ultimate destination for investors in Africa, according to the Absa Africa Financial Markets Index.
The index, produced by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), provides a toolkit for countries seeking to strengthen their financial markets' infrastructure.

It assesses countries according to six pillars: Market depth; access to foreign exchange; tax and regulatory environment and market transparency; capacity of local investors; macro-economic opportunity; and enforceability of financial contracts, collateral positions and insolvency frameworks.

According to the report, South Africa continues to lead the index, supported by strong financial market infrastructure and a robust legal framework.

South Africa scored an impressive 93 out of 100. Its closest competitor, Botswana, lags behind with a score of 65.

However, the report noted its macro-economic performance had worsened.

“Additionally, it no longer tops the index across all six pillars, having been overtaken by Kenya on ‘access to foreign exchange’ and by Nigeria in ‘market transparency, tax and regulatory environment,” read the report.

South Africa’s open and highly liquid foreign exchange market has exposed it to capital outflows, “reflecting concerns about the country’s macro-economic trajectory”.

According to the index, of the surveyed countries, South Africa is the only country where the total value of listed equities is more than $100 billion, at $1,1 trillion.

It also tracks progress on financial market developments annually across a range of countries and indicators. This year’s edition extends coverage to three additional countries – Angola, Cameroon and Senegal – and pays special attention to policies to enhance market growth, including financial inclusion and investor education, OMFIF said.

The index evaluates financial market development in 20 countries, as well as highlighting economies with clearest growth prospects.

The aim is to show not just present positions but also how economies can improve market frameworks to meet yardsticks for investor access and sustainable growth.

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The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) is leading a delegation of local companies to the Salon International de l’alimentation (SAIL) International Food Exhibition in France, as part of efforts to explore new markets.
Taking place in the capital, Paris, the International Food Exhibition got underway on Sunday. 21 October 2018.

A total of 38 local agro-processing companies are taking part in the world’s largest food products exhibition to be held this year.

The local companies who are tickling the taste buds of the world are participating in the exhibition through the dti’s Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) scheme. The objective of the scheme is to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country.

Speaking ahead of the five-day exhibition, Trade and Industry Minister, Rob Davies, said the companies which formed part of the delegation had seasoned expertise within the food sector and ranged in size from established food processors, small, micro and medium enterprises and emerging exporters.

SIAL is the global showcase for the food industry with unrivalled geographic coverage of Europe and the rest of the world which specialises in the food processing industry.

The trade show is dedicated to the agri-food industry, food retail, and institutional and commercial catering.

“The SIAL brand of exhibitions has since given rise to six other trade fairs that have a presence in China, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Brazil and the Philippines. It was obligatory that we assemble our best agro-processing companies to participate in this exhibition so that we can establish a footprint within these potential markets,” said Minister Davies.

SIAL Paris, which is running from 21 to 25 October, is expected to be a bigger source of inspiration than ever for the world’s food industry.

A total 7 020 companies from over 100 countries are presenting their products to retail and foodservice professionals. All manner of food products, from ingredients through equipment to end products, are on show across 21 exhibition sectors.

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South Africa and neighbouring Namibia met on Monday, 22 October 2018, to share notes, best practice and common interest in rural development and land reform.
Led by Rural Development and Land Reform Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, and Namibian Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Peya Mushelenga, the talks, which have been labelled as a “learning session”, allowed the two sides to introspect on cooperatives policy formulation.

"We are very keen to learn. It is important to keep learning from each other, particularly as neighbours. We want to learn lessons and not repeat the mistakes they made because they were liberated first," said Minister Nkoana-Mashabane at the end of the meeting, adding that there would be senior officials visiting each programme.

Among others, the two ministers also shared notes on agriparks, sustainable farming, cooperatives and rural development centres.

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Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Bulelani Magwanishe, on Monday, 22 October 2018, left for Belgium where he is participating in the 21st Ministerial Trade Committee Meeting of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states.
“The ACP Ministers of Trade Meeting is held at a time when the multilateral trading system is facing unprecedented challenges. The ACP Ministers of Trade will therefore exchange views on issues affecting global trade,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe ahead of his trip.

Kicking off on Wednesday, 24 October, the two-day meeting also provides an opportunity to engage the United Kingdom (UK) on the Brexit process.

“SACU [the Southern African Customs Union] and the UK are engaged in a discussion towards a roll-over agreement based on the Economic Partnership Agreement that aims to ensure that there is no disruption in trade once the UK leaves the European Union (EU),” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

Other issues include the World Trade Organisation issues post the 11th World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference convened in December 2017.

Following the conclusion of the ACP Meeting on Thursday, Deputy Minister Magwanishe will also participate in the 16th Joint ACP and EU Ministerial Trade Committee (JMTC) on Friday.

The discussions at the joint meeting with the EU will also include consideration of the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the ACP-Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) as well as other pertinent issues arising from the current ACP-EU trade relations.

The JMTC is a high-level political forum that meets at least once a year, with the aim of strengthening the ACP-EU partnership.

The JMTC is mandated to address and resolve ACP-EU trade-related issues of concern and interest for the parties and to monitor the implementation of the EPAs.

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The Second Arab Cultural Week aims to build bridges of friendship between the Arab States and South African public.
The South African Government, through the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) in collaboration with the council of Arab Ambassadors representing states and members of the Arab league, is holding the Arab Cultural Week from 22 to 26 October 2018 in celebration of the centenary of Nelson Mandela and Al-Quads, the capital of Arab Culture.

This event is organised for the second time in South Africa. The last event was held in 2010. The programme consists of a film festival at Brooklyn Cinema Nouveau, a poetry and dance performance at the State Theatre, opening of a gallery, handcraft exhibitions at Ditsong Museum, and a fashion show and a food festival at Ditsong.

The Arab Cultural Week celebrations is a testimony of commitment to strengthening cultural relations, enhancing cooperation prospects and consolidating South Africa's geographical ties, common history and mutual interests with the Arab States.
The Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture, Maggie Sotyu, delivered the Nelson Mandela Public Lecture in Accra, Ghana, on 16 October 2018.
The Deputy Minister was in Accra as part of South African Cultural Season.

This year, South Africa marks the centenary of the life of democratic South Africa’s founding father. Madiba, as he was affectionately known by his clan name, would have turned 100 on 18 July. He passed away on 5 December 2013.

“This is also the theme for the Africa Cultural Seasons. In line with this theme, the programme will celebrate the centenary of Nelson Mandela through music, dance, fashion and design, exhibition, craft and other cultural expressions,” said the Deputy Minister ahead of the lecture.

The lecture followed after the tour of the exhibition at the Accra International Conference Centre. The exhibition, which opened on Monday, 15 October 2018, formed part of the Department of Arts and Culture’s South Africa Cultural Season programme.

The programme, said the Deputy Minister, aimed to showcase South Africa’s artistic and cultural talent and promote regional integration in order to support efforts towards expanded trade of cultural goods and services.

“The Africa Cultural Seasons will contribute to the implementation of the African Union Charter for African Cultural Renaissance and African Union Agenda 2063.

“These both elaborate on the importance of Africa’s total emancipation and development, and call for Africa to unite in cultural diversity and African Renaissance through creative and cultural industries,” said Deputy Minister Sotyu.

The Cultural Seasons also celebrated and embraced the centenary of Mama Albertina Sisulu, under the theme “A Woman of Fortitude”.

The line-up of the weeklong celebrations included artists such as Mafikizolo, Gaddafi the poet, Berita and musical director Zwai Bala, as well as talented dancers from Luthando Dance Academy.

The programme, which ended on Friday, 19 October, was accompanied by a strong audiovisual narration depicting a strong South African story line.

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The significant contribution of the people and Government of Botswana to South Africa’s liberation struggle has come under the spotlight during a visit by a South African delegation to that country.
The Director-General of the Department of Arts and Culture, Vusi Mkhize, and a South African government delegation recently met with counterparts from the Botswana Government to develop plans for the collective memorialisation of the region’s liberation heritage.

Memorialisation involves not only the building of physical memorials to remember fallen heroes, but the memory of documented oral stories and content development for the audiovisual arts.

The South African Government is of the view that while the identification, recognition and memorialisation of icons and events that contributed to the struggle of South Africa’s freedom continued nationally, it was equally the obligation of the country to acknowledge and appreciate the contribution and sacrifice of the people of other countries during the struggle for freedom.

Botswana is one of the countries that offered support for the struggle for freedom in South Africa.

Representing the Fish Keitseng Trust, Tumi Keitseng – daughter of Motswana liberation fighter and trade union activist, Fish Keitseng – expressed her appreciation to the South African delegation for the event where the project of memorialisation was taking shape.

“It’s an opportunity touching my soul, as my father always reminded us of the powerful legacy he knew from Nelson Mandela, who cared for people across all spheres and walks of life when he stayed in our home,” said Keitseng.

The two delegations during the visit discussed plans for the construction of two memorial sites in Botswana.

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South Africa's oceans play a vital role in southern Africa's climate and weather patterns, and also influence the climate globally. However, ongoing pollution, climate change and other factors are threatening these oceans.
In a bid to lessen the risk and vulnerability of the coastal zone to climate and global change, the Department of Science and Technology, the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Nelson Mandela University (NMU) launched the Shallow Marine and Coastal Research Infrastructure (SMCRI) to research the country's shallow coastline.

Based at the NMU’s Ocean Sciences Campus, the SMCRI is one of 13 large research infrastructures developed as part of the South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap. The SMCRI was established to develop an array of instruments and physical research platforms around the coasts of South Africa and its sub-Antarctic islands to collect long-term reliable data for scientific research. This will help decision-makers formulate appropriate environmental policies.

Through the SMCRI, observatories and research platforms will be deployed at key sites along the coast to improve the country's understanding of the key drivers of change, the potential ecosystem and the socio-economic responses needed. The infrastructure will provide direct data to grow the Blue Economy, especially in the key sectors of fishing, aquaculture, oil and gas, shipping, mining and coastal development.

The Blue Economy has been identified as the next major contributor to South Africa's gross domestic product, with the potential to create up to a million direct jobs and contribute R177 billion to the country's economy by 2030.

The SMCRI is managed by the Coastal Node of the NRF's South African Environmental Observation Network, which is based in Port Elizabeth, and the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, which is based in Grahamstown.
University of Pretoria (UP) students, supported by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and representing Africa, have won the Moot Court Competition of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) on the sidelines of the International Austronautical Congress (IAC) 2018 in Bremen, Germany.
The UP students, Simon Motshweni and Simon Botha, beat students from India’s Symbiosis International University to walk away with the first prize of more than R10 000 in a competition where they excelled themselves before the International Court of Justice judges in a mock case on the internal outer space law.

The Chief Director of Space Affairs at the dti, Nomfuneko Majaja, who also serves as the Africa Regional Coordinator for the competition, has praised the students for flying the African and South African flags high in the highly-competitive international contest.

“This happens at a time when the dti is at the final stages of reviewing the South African primary space legislation, which will provide an opportunity for engagement as well as stimulate interest among university students, policy-makers and industry in this complex area of space law. The UP students exhibited excellent standard and quality as well as presented themselves in an articulate manner, which confirmed that Africa has what it takes to stand on the international fora. What makes the students’ achievement even more remarkable is that Africa joined the competition only six years ago,” said Ms Majaja.

She added that more still needed to be done to bring in more African countries in the competition for capacity-building purposes in space regulations.

The competition is internationally arranged by the IISL on an annual basis in four regions of the world, namely Africa, North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. It presents an opportunity for university students in the areas of law and science fields to engage on legal policy and regulatory aspects in the highly specialised area of space law and related fields such as aerospace and telecommunications.

“The dti, as the custodian of the space legislation in the country, met important international bodies and international players at the austronautical congress as it is finalising the review of the primary space legislation. Among others, the dti attended the IISL Colloquium where the Cape Town Convention and the implementation of the Space Assets Protocol were discussed,” said Ms Majaja.
Sixteen-year-old South African Skye Meaker was recently named Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2018 at a ceremony at the Natural History Museum, London, which runs the international competition.
Skye won the award for his charming portrait of a leopard waking from sleep in Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana.

He said he had wanted to be a nature photographer since receiving his first pocket camera at the age of seven.

Mathoja the leopard’s home is Botswana’s Mashatu Game Reserve, which Skye and his family regularly visit. Though she dozed just metres away from Skye, she blended into the background, the morning light was poor, leaves kept blowing across her face, and her eyes were only ever open briefly, making it hard for Skye to compose the shot he was after.

Finally, just as she opened her eyes for a second, the overhead branches moved enough to let in a shaft of light that gave a glint to her eyes, helping Skye create his memorable portrait.

"With precisely executed timing and composition, we get a coveted glimpse into the inner world of one of the most frequently photographed, yet rarely truly seen, animals," said competition judge and previous competition winner, Alexander Badyaev.

The exhibition at the Natural History Museum opened on 19 October 2018 before touring across the United Kingdom and internationally.

Three other South African photographers were also recognised this year, namely: Tertius A Gous, Isak Pretorius and Susan Scott.

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The annual Book Dash will see 50 volunteers – some of South Africa's top authors and illustrators – produce nine books for children in 12 hours.
The aim of the Book Dash is to encourage book ownership and reading from an early age. The Dash has, in the last four years, printed and distributed over 400 000 books countrywide.

The 12th Book Dash will take place on 27 October at the Streetlight School in Jeppestown, Johannesburg.

The event, currently in its fourth year, connects 50 top local writers and illustrators. They work in teams for a total of 12 hours to produces nine brand new original African storybooks for children.

Award-winning novelist Lauren Beukes has been one of the participants in the past and this year Mail & Guardian illustrator Carlos Amato will also work on the books.

Book Dash, a non-profit organisation, has so far distributed 400 000 brand new books to children across the country. All books are available for free, and can also be downloaded and altered freely.

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South African singer-songwriter Zahara recently bagged her 40th music award and shared the proud moment on social media.
The Mgodi singer was awarded the Next Generation Entertainment Award for best female act in the international act category and it’s well-deserved. The Next Generation Entertainment Awards are held annually to celebrate and award uprising stars and creative artists in the global entertainment industry.

Ever since she released Loliwe, Zahara has been consistent in delivering songs that her supporters can relate to, and enjoy – staying true to her roots and sound.

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A local filmmaker is thrilled at having his movie screened in the United States next month.
Joshua Bradley’s movie titled, Nommer 37, is set to premier in cinemas in Los Angeles and New York on 2 November 2018.

The crime thriller, set in the Cape Flats, was funded by the Department of Trade and Industry through its South African Emerging Black Filmmakers Incentive scheme.

“Having one’s movie shown in Hollywood is the biggest dream of every film producer in the world. We are extremely honoured to have been afforded this privilege. It is an achievement that we should be proud of as a country and celebrate,” said Bradley recently.

Bradley also commended the Government support that his film had received.

“This is not only a commendable feat and a major milestone for the South African film industry, but it is also a demonstration of the level that government support can enable filmmakers to reach as the dti funded the film, contributing about 40% of movie’s budget.

“We are optimistic that the film will open doors for other locally-produced films that are telling the South African stories in our own languages as Nommer 37 does,” Bradley said.

Bradley, who is the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Producer at Gambit Films, says he is pleased that the screening of his film in the US will coincide with the internationally renowned American Film Market (AFM) that will take place from 31 October to 7 November 2018.

The AFM is one of the biggest film markets in the world that is targeted by sales agents and distributors from all over the world to acquire films. It is recognised as one of the most important international film industry gatherings.

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The South African Youth Olympics team received a warm welcome at the OR Tambo International Airport following a successful showing at the 2018 games in Buenos Aires in Argentina. The team bagged five medals, four better than the previous edition in Nanjing China.
In his message to the athletes, the Deputy Minister of Sports and Recreation, Gert Oosthuizen, praised them on their achievements.

There was no medal target set for this team at the games prior to the two-week competition.

However, their success is measured by surpassing the medal count from China four years ago. There were some outstanding performances from team South Africa that will boost the athletes' confidence for upcoming tournaments.

The medals won suggest that reaching Tokyo 2020 is a target.

“It was a surprise. I was not expecting to win. I just went out to run and I came with perfect results for my country.  It’s just really an honour for me, especially representing my country in the green and gold it means the world to me,” says Youth Olympics Gold Medalist Luke Davids.

Silver medalist Dune Coetzee says, “This was a really amazing experience because we got to race against the best in the world. I think it definitely counts for the big stage. We will have more experience and know how it is to race against big people and not get scared when we get onto the big stage. So, I think that this was definitely one of the best experiences I have ever had.”

The hope is that these athletes will progress to senior level and represent the country at the Olympics.

The games will next be held in Senegal in 2022, which will be the first time the event is hosted in Africa.

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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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