Issue 352 | 1 November 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has concluded a successful Working Visit to the Federal Republic of Germany where he attended the G20 Investment Summit and the G20 Compact with Africa Conference.
The visit reinforced cooperation between the governments of South Africa and Germany on bilateral and global issues and underscored the critical importance of German investment to South Africa’s efforts to stimulate sustainable and inclusive economic growth as a means to reduce poverty, unemployment and inequality.

On Tuesday, 30 October 2018, President Ramaphosa addressed the G20 Investment Summit in Berlin in his capacity as Co-chair of the  G20-Africa Advisory Group. The summit was attended by heads of state and government of Compact with Africa (CwA) countries as well as German business leaders who affirmed Africa as an attractive destination and partner for trade, investment and the transfer of skills and technology.

The G20 Compact with Africa Conference reviewed progress made since the 2017 Hamburg Summit and leaders exchanged views on building on the partnership geared towards the promotion of investment in Africa.

President Ramaphosa also had a business breakfast with German corporate leaders, trade financiers and investment-promotion agencies who were hosted by Prof. Heinz-Walter Grobe, Chairperson of the Sub-Saharan Africa Initiative of German Business.

German business leaders briefed the President on their experiences in South Africa, including some of the challenges of doing business.

The President emphasised government’s commitment to listen to the needs and concerns of investors, and to address these as a matter of priority.

President Cyril Ramaphosa commended German investors for their continued engagement with South Africa. There are around 600 German companies in South Africa, employing more than 100 000 South Africans.

The President said German companies were among those committed partners who were accompanying South Africa on its journey of renewal after several years of poor economic performance.

President Ramaphosa assured German investors that government was leading an effort to energise South Africans to work in unison to end corruption and achieve sustainable, inclusive growth.
President Ramaphosa commenced his Working Visit with a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In his meeting with Chancellor Merkel, President Ramaphosa expressed South Africa’s appreciation for Germany’s ongoing bilateral assistance in critical development areas such as health and skills development.

President Ramaphosa and Chancellor Merkel reflected on measures taken by South Africa to improve the investment environment, including addressing policy uncertainty.

President Ramaphosa also noted that several German companies had made investment announcements during the recent South Africa Investment Conference and that German companies played a significant role in developing skills and building capacity in South Africa.

The two leaders agreed that bilateral relations would be strengthened through the Binational Commission, which will be convened early in 2019.

President Ramaphosa and Chancellor Merkel also agreed on intensified cooperation in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) during the two countries’ respective UNSC terms from 2019 to 2020.

South Africa and Germany are committed to working together to ensure that the UNSC contributes meaningfully to resolving important questions on international peace and security.

This is of particular importance to Africa, which accounts for more than 60% of the UNSC agenda.

The President and the Chancellor also agreed on the importance of continuing with the G20 Compact with Africa initiative, and committed to an expansion of trade and investment between South Africa and Germany.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has congratulated the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Sahle-Work Zewde, who was elected by the Ethiopian Parliament on Thursday, 25 October 2018.
President Ramaphosa echoed the sentiments of the African Union (AU) Commission, saying the appointment of Ms Sahle-Work Zewde as the first woman to be elected President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia marks a new milestone in Ethiopia’s trajectory towards women’s empowerment and effective political decision-making.

Recalling the important role played by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in the struggle by the people of South Africa against apartheid, President Ramaphosa said these historical ties had resulted in close bilateral relations between the two states.

The President looks forward to the deepening of bilateral political, economic and trade relations between South Africa and Ethiopia. President Ramaphosa also recalls and values the important role that Ethiopia plays, as host of the AU, in promoting continental unity and development.
On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa has congratulated the President-elect of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, on his election as the next Brazilian President.
President Ramaphosa further congratulated the people of Brazil for holding successful elections.

President Ramaphosa reaffirmed the warm fraternal ties with the people of Brazil, based on the shared values of human rights, peace and social progress.

South Africa and Brazil share joint membership of a number of international organisations, including the IBSA and BRICS formations.
The South African Government has sent a message of condolences to the Government and people of Indonesia following the plane crash on the morning on 29 October 2018.
The aircraft, carrying 189 people, crashed soon after take-off from the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

The South African Government wishes the Indonesian Government and people, particularly the affected families, strength during this time of grief.

The South African Embassy in Jakarta has obtained a passenger manifest for the said flight and, based on this passenger manifest, indications are that there were no South African nationals on board the Lion Air flight JT 610.

Bilateral relations between South Africa and Indonesia are strong and cordial. A solid bilateral institutional framework between the two countries has been established through the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation, the Joint Trade Committee and a number of bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding regarding a wide range of areas of cooperation, including but not limited to the following: defence and security, agriculture, culture and science and technology.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, conveyed condolences to the United States of America (USA) following the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting.
The shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, 27 October 2018, left 11 people dead and scores injured.

“The South African Government has noted the comments by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence following the shooting, describing the incident as a horrific, anti-semitic attack,” President Ramaphosa said.

He said the attack, which was targeted at the Jewish community, showed extreme levels of intolerance.

“South Africa condemns in the strongest possible terms the violent attack targeted at the community,” the President said.

In his address to the Gardens Synagogue in Cape Town recently, President Ramaphosa stated that: "We must excise from our society any manifestations of anti-semitism. We must respond to anti-semitism with the same resolve as we respond to any act or statement that seeks to demean any faith, race, gender or ethnic group."

He conveyed condolences to the families who had lost their loved ones and wished all the injured a speedy recovery.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has hailed the success of the inaugural South Africa Investment Conference – which has generated announcements of investment of R290 billion – as the beginning of a new narrative on investment in South Africa.
In his closing statement to the conference in Sandton, Johannesburg, President Ramaphosa said the breadth of case studies presented on the performance of current investments and the range of announcements relating to new and expanded investments affirmed that South Africa was a diversified economy that presented great opportunities.

The conference heard investment announcements from companies in mining, forestry, manufacturing, telecommunications, transport, energy, agro-processing, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, infrastructure, financial services, energy, ICT and water.

Prominent among these were the themes of value addition, beneficiation, innovation and entrepreneurship.

President Ramaphosa also expressed his satisfaction that most of the investments announced during the conference had originated from South African enterprises and entities or multinationals based in the country. This reflected renewed investor confidence in and commitment to South Africa after a period of uncertainty and a slowdown in investment.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC), which hosted the South Africa Investment Conference, also commended the conference for setting South Africa on a path of economic renewal and inclusive growth.

The conference was an opportunity for both domestic and international investors to identify opportunities in the country.

The South Africa Investment Conference was convened under the theme: “Accelerating Economic Growth by Building Partnerships”, and was attended by leaders in government and business, members of the Diplomatic Corps, fund managers and entrepreneurs.

The IMC has expressed government’s deep appreciation for the spirit and focus with which investors responded to government’s invitation to the private sector to help the country achieve investment of US$100 billion over the next five years.

The announced total of R290 billion in new investments complements the more than US$28 billion in investment pledges that have resulted from engagements between the President and the President’s Investment Envoys in recent months.

The South African Investment Conference is part of government’s broad and targeted strategy of stimulating economic growth and creating jobs. The three catalysts driving the broader strategy in the immediate term are the Economic Stimulus and Recovery Plan, the Jobs Summit and the Investment Conference.


In his capacity as President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Special Envoy to the Republic of South Sudan, Deputy President David Mabuza sent his well wishes to the Government and the people of South Sudan on the joyous occasion of the National Peace Celebration that took place in Juba in South Sudan on 31 October 2018.
The National Peace Celebration was an important milestone towards rebuilding trust and committing to finding lasting peace and stability in South Sudan.

Deputy President Mabuza commended the Intergovernmental Authority on Development for championing the Revitalised Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. This celebration was a significant step towards the permanent silencing of the guns and in advancing the common development objective and peace in South Sudan and the region.

“We are very pleased that the people of South Sudan are today able to celebrate this milestone towards a completely conflict-free country and the region. We congratulate the people of South Sudan and the region on this important milestone. We would like to once again pledge South Africa’s continued support to the peace process and development in South Sudan,” said Deputy President Mabuza.

Deputy President Mabuza recently undertook a Working Visit to the Republics of South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda and Kenya, from 14 to 17 October 2018, where he held bilateral discussions with heads of state and government to shore up regional support for the implementation of the Peace Agreement. He also held engagements with leaders of the opposition who are signatories to the Revitalised Peace Agreement as well as other stakeholders that have a role in building of a peaceful South Sudan.
The 18th Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Council of Ministers Meeting is scheduled for 2 November 2018 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.
The Council of Ministers Meeting, currently chaired by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, will take place under the theme: “IORA – Uniting the Peoples of Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East through Enhanced Cooperation for Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development”.

The Council of Ministers Meeting was preceded by the Senior Officials Meeting from 31 October to 1 November 2018.

IORA was established through the vision of former South African President Nelson Mandela, when 14 member states founded the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) in March 1997.The association is an economic cooperative community of littoral and island states whose shores are washed by the Indian Ocean.

The association has experienced growth in membership and organisational stature over recent years. The current membership consists of 21 member states: Australia, Bangladesh, Comoros, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. IORA is also supported by seven dialogue partners: the United States, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, Egypt, China and Germany. IORA has observer status at the United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the African Union.
The South African Government welcomes the decision by President Salva Kiir of South Sudan to pardon South African national, William Endley, as a gesture of peace.
Mr Endley, an ex-South African National Defence Force colonel, was sentenced to death on 12 February 2018 for espionage and conspiring to overthrow the Government.

President Kiir announced the release of Mr Endley during the National Peace Celebration, which took place in the capital city of Juba on Tuesday, 31 October 2018.

The National Peace Celebration was an important milestone towards rebuilding trust and committing to finding lasting peace and stability in South Sudan.

”We appeal to all South Africans who happen to get opportunities to work abroad to observe and respect the laws of the countries they serve," said Lindiwe Sisulu, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

”We extend our gratitude to President Kiir to release one of our own to once again spend time with his family," said Minister Sisulu.

It is expected that Mr Endley would be released on Thursday, 1 November 2018, and return to South Africa in due course.
South Africa notes the adoption of Resolution 2440 (2018) by the UN Security Council (SC) on the situation in Western Sahara to extend the mandate of MINURSO the next six month effective from 1 November 2018.
“While we note this resolution by the UNSC, we remain concern that it has taken years for Saharawi people to attain their independence. We are also reminded that the UN Mission was created to oversee a referendum on self-determination, which is yet to take place. We continue to affirm our solidarity and support for the just struggle of the people of Western Sahara for self-determination and independence”, said Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu.

Minister Sisulu added that, “it is our hope that the resolution will resuscitate negotiations led by the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, Horst Köhler, based on the longstanding parameters of negotiations that would provide for right to self-determination of the people of Western Sahara”.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) has hailed the United Nations (UN) for standing as a symbol of unity for the world – to promote peace and security, human rights and development.


DIRCO made the remark as the organisation on Thursday, 25 October 2018, celebrated 73 years since its formation. The day, known as UN Day, marks entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945.

“The UN, born out of the ashes of a catastrophic world war, has become the embodiment of humanity’s resolve to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war," DIRCO said in a statement.

This year’s anniversary coincides with the centenary of the birth of two of South Africa’s iconic leaders, former President Nelson Mandela and the late Mama Albertina Sisulu, whose lives and values embody the very spirit of the UN.

“As a tribute to President Mandela’s legacy, the UN General Assembly hosted a Peace Summit in honour of his centenary on 24 September 2018. The summit adopted a Political Declaration, which expressed the political will of world leaders to pursue peace and security, development and human rights and furthermore called for a Decade of Peace from 2019 to 2028,” said DIRCO.

The department said in a world characterised by increasing inequality, poverty and insecurity, coupled with rising poplularism and unilateralism, individual countries were ill equipped to deal with these challenges in isolation.

“Collective action through multilateral organisations, with the UN at its apex, remains indispensable in ensuring global peace and development,” the department said.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, speaking at his inaugural address to the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2018, challenged member states to resist efforts to undermine the multilateral approach to international relations.

He reminded the General Assembly that no country could prosper at the expense of all others, and that no people could hope to live in comfort and security for as long as millions of others languish in poverty.

“South Africa continues to place its faith and trust in the UN system as a means for addressing the myriad of challenges affecting the globe. We will utilise our upcoming term in the UN Security Council as an elected member for 2019 to 2020 for continuing the legacy of Nelson Mandela and seeking a just, prosperous and peaceful world,” DIRCO said.

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Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant is leading a South African delegation to the 334th Session of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Governing Body underway in Geneva.
The session will end on 8 November.

South Africa is expected to participate and add input to several key issues of importance to Africa such as the decent work deficits in the tobacco sector, and an update from the Governing Body and ILO Director-General on issues relating to the review of the post-adjustment system by the International Civil Service Commission.

Others include the way forward on the process to reform the United Nations, evaluation of decent work country programmes and a follow-up to the strategy for indigenous people’s rights for inclusive and sustainable development.

“South Africa is looking forward to an insightful update on the key issues mentioned but, of critical importance is the tobacco issue and the immediate impact it will have on the livelihoods of the African countries affected. This is so as there is no clearly defined path to ameliorate the impact,” said the department’s Director-General, Thobile Lamati.

Also expected on the agenda is South Africa’s position and implementation step to the ratification progress on the ILO Convention 169, which seeks to address the challenges faced by indigenous people globally.

South Africa is one of the countries that have not yet ratified the convention.

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South Africa has won the top global award at the United Nations Investment Promotion Awards for its excellence in boosting investment sectors that have social and economic benefits and help countries meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The awards, organised by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, honour investment-promotions agencies and their governments for their achievements, but also showcase best practices in attracting investment into SDG-related projects that can inspire investment-promotion practitioners in developing and developed countries. The award was presented at a high-profile ceremony in the Assembly Hall of the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, at the grand opening of the World Investment Forum recently.

South Africa was also recently named as the Global Destination of the Year at the 2018 Global Sourcing Association Awards ceremony alongside the Global Sourcing Summit in Cape Town. This award was South Africa’s fifth since 2012, and is further accolade and recognition of South Africa’s value proposition and credible offering that combines global best practice, a talented and scalable labour pool with government support to attract international outsourcing work into South Africa.

“This prestigious global award indicates that South Africa’s industrial development is playing an important role towards its economic growth and our investment drive is already starting to make a significant contribution towards achieving its SDGs. InvestSA is now globally recognised to compete in investment promotion and facilitation of large-scale investments. As part of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s mobilisation drive to attract investments, these global awards signify and demonstrate that government is committed to improving its investment climate and service to investors,” said the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies.

The prestigious global award was presented to InvestSA for its role in facilitating two pioneering waste-to-nutrient recycling projects to up-cycle organic waste into natural, sustainable high-protein animal feed. Each project will offer much-needed jobs in local communities and is expected to save an annual 80 000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions by diverting organic waste from the landfill. The award was presented by the President of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés.

Minister Davies says that the award was a commendable international recognition that partnerships played an important role in boosting investments in sectors as the award is for an intergovernmental projects facilitated together with the Gauteng Provincial Government, Technology Innovation Agency and GreenCape.
The Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, was honoured with two Kochon prizes recently in The Hague, Netherlands, after he was recognised for his role and political leadership in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) globally.
The Kochon Prize is awarded annually to individuals and organisations that have made a significant contribution to combatting TB. The prize was established in 2006 in honour of the late Chong-Kun Lee, founder and chairperson of the Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corporation and Kochon Foundation in Korea.

Lee was committed throughout his career to improving access to low-cost lifesaving antibiotics and anti-TB drugs, the Department of Health said in a statement.

In accepting the awards, one of which he shared with a United Kingdom MP, Minister Motsoaledi said he was deeply humbled to be considered for the prestigious Kochon Prize.

"I wish to thank the chairperson and members of the Kochon Foundation for this honour, which I accept on behalf of everyone who has worked tirelessly to decrease the number of new TB infections and deaths as we work towards the elimination of TB as a public health threat globally," Minister Motsoaledi said in his acceptance speech.

"I know that this may sound clichéd but the Kochon Prize for 2018 is for all of us, and acknowledges our passion, determination and hard work that brought us this far and, if sustained, will take us over the finish line.

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Egypt is hosting the second edition of the World Youth Forum (WYF) from 3 to 6 November 2018, in the city of Sharm El Sheikh, under the auspices of President Abdelfatah El-Sisi.
The forum is one of the largest youth platforms on the continent where young people from all over the world gather to discuss and put forth solutions to the current pressing issues and challenges.

This year's edition is witnessing a strong presence by South Africans. A special session is set aside to honour the legacy of the late President Nelson Mandela and a special invitation was extended to his daughter, Zenani Mandela.

The honouring ceremony coincides with the centenary celebrations of Madiba's birth, and aims to highlight the example he gave to young people everywhere regarding the potential of every individual to enact change in their communities, their countries and the world.

The WYF will also feature three prominent young female speakers and a large number of participants from South Africa. The speakers who are taking part in the various panels and workshops include the international climate activist, human rights defender, trailblazer and agent of change, Catherine Constantinides; and the Sub-Saharan Africa Analyst for Global Markets Research team at Rand Merchant Bank, Celeste Fauconnier, winner of JSE Spire Awards in South Africa and the Africa investor (Ai) Awards in New York. They will be joined by Ezlyn Barends, who is recognised as one of the Top 200 Young South Africans to watch and top 20 Inspiring Youth in South Africa, and co-founder of Dream Girls Academy.

"WYF is a very enriching experience for world youth to discuss different topics from their own perspective, and share it with policy-makers," said Egyptian Ambassador to South Africa, Sherif Issa.

Egypt, through WYF, endeavours to promote dialogue and people-to-people exchanges with a view to nurturing mutual trust and understanding for better communication among world future generations." Issa said. "We are very pleased with the participation of South African youth leadership figures. We wish them a pleasant stay, and a rich experience, both personally and professionally, in Egypt." Ambassador Sherif Issa added.

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The European Union (EU) is today the number one exporter to southern Africa, its main trade partner and the major investor in the region. Within this context, some of the most influential business leaders from southern Africa and Europe gathered in Johannesburg recently to explore exciting opportunities for growth and investment.

The fifth edition of the South Africa-Italy Indaba, taking place this year on 23 and 24 October at the Maslow Hotel, had grown to become one of the most important forums to discuss strategic economic issues between the whole of Southern Africa, Italy and Europe at large.

Organised by The European House Ambrosetti (TEHA), in partnership with the Gauteng Government, the summit was addressed by, among others, Trevor Manuel, former South African Finance Minister and now President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Special Envoy on Investment, who spoke on the topic of Africa’s viability as an investment destination.

TEHA’s Managing Partner and CEO, Valerio De Molli, said in opening the summit that the event’s aim was “to put southern Africa on the radar of European companies, together with the many opportunities the region offers”.

“At the base of this engagement and commitment, there has always been the certainty that the two regions are, and will be, vital for each other. EU exports towards southern Africa have returned to growth in the past year, strengthening the EU position as the major exporter towards the region and reaching a value of 72 Billion Euro (R1,2 trillion).
"This value is almost twice that of the United States of America (US), the United Arab Emirates and India combined, and is 15% more than the Chinese one. In addition, the EU is today the major partner of Africa for growth of the region, with total FDIs stock in the continent totalling 302 billion Euro, more than double the US investments` stock and eight times Chinese ones”, said De Molli, whose TEHA has been nominated as the number one think-tank in Italy, told delegates at the summit.

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A South African delegation is participating in the Havana International Fair (FIHAV), which got underway on Monday 29 October.
The business delegation, led by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti), is exploring investment and export opportunities in the island nation.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, said the fair would expose South African exporters to export opportunities that could be available for their products in Cuba.

Their participation is also creating an opportunity for exporters to obtain first-hand information on the Cuban market and understand the Cuban distribution channels, barriers and procedures for entering and supplying the Cuban market.

“South Africa is actively engaged in consolidating and expanding its bilateral economic relationship with Cuba through the participation of our business delegation in FIHAV. We have supported companies to participate at the fair for the past nine years,” said Minister Davies.

FIHAV is considered as one of the most multisectoral trade fairs represented by Latin America and the Caribbean, and being a perfect business platform for both new companies in the international market and those already established.

The programme for South African companies at the fair include exhibitions and face-to-face meetings with existing and potential clients. FIHAV will conclude on Friday, 2 November 2018.

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Acting Environmental Affairs Minister, Derek Hanekom, says a network of 20 marine protected areas (MPAs) will considerably advance South Africa’s efforts to protect its ocean heritage for future generations.
Cabinet approved the declaration of 20 MPAs on Wednesday, 24 October 2018, as part of the Operation Phakisa: Ocean Economy MPAs Representative Network.

Minister Hanekom welcomed the announcement, saying it would increase ocean protection within the South African Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to 5%.

“The [MPAs] will contribute to fisheries sustainability, advance marine ecotourism and help maintain resilience in ecosystems that are under stress from climate change.”

Work on the new approved network of MPAs dates back to 2014, when the South African Government endorsed a plan to achieve, as part of Operation Phakisa: Ocean Economy, a viable network of MPAs.

Minister Hanekom said South Africa’s ocean space, which was one of the most varied in the world, was highly productive, with rich biodiversity providing living and non-living resources that contributed significantly to the country’s economy and to job creation.

As South Africa grows and intensifies the ocean economy, Minister Hanekom said a representative sample of marine ecosystems must be protected to ensure their resilience to human use and impact, and also the impacts associated with climate change.

MPAs provide safe spaces in which fish can breed undisturbed. They are essential to maintain eco-certification of the South African deep-sea trawl fishery. The certification process assesses whether habitat and nursery areas for the hake fishery are adequately protected.

MPAs also contribute to growing South Africa’s marine eco-tourism sector by providing undisturbed natural habitat for whales, sharks, seals, dolphins, turtles and seabirds for international and domestic tourists to experience.

An adequate network of MPAs will also provide the basis for ongoing resilience to the impact of climate change. Oceans are an essential component of the climate system, absorbing and transferring heat, and regulating the exchange of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere.

South Africa is also mindful of its longer-term commitments to the protection of marine biodiversity, including meeting the 2020 Global Target in the Decadal Plan of the Convention of Biodiversity, which stands at 10%.

“The efforts to increase the protection of marine ecosystems is within this global and national context. MPAs are important in maintaining ecosystem functioning and structure, as well as protecting biological diversity. The approved 20 new MPAs are a significant step towards meeting the global 2020 target.” the Minister said.

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Amazon will open additional data centres in South Africa at the start of 2020, it announced recently.
The data centres will reduce latency and costs for local corporate clients. They will also ensure that Amazon adheres to upcoming legislation to prevent personal info from being moved out of the country without consent.

E-commerce giant Amazon will open additional data centres in South Africa at the start of 2020 to speed up cloud services for its local corporate clients and reduce costs, the multinational announced.

This will add to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) data servers already built in South Africa, and will make Sub-Saharan Africa Amazon’s first infrastructure region in Africa.

The data centres will bring AWS in line with South Africa’s upcoming Protection of Personal Information Act, which will ensure that data is not moved out of the country without an individual's consent.

Andy Jassy, AWS CEO, said the new infrastructure region promised to reduce costs for corporate clients, improve security and decrease downtime.

“Having built the original version of Amazon EC2 (the foundation of AWS) in our Cape Town development centre 14 years ago, and with thousands of African companies using AWS for years, we’ve been able to witness first-hand the technical talent and potential in Africa,” Jassy said in a statement.

“Technology has the opportunity to transform lives and economies across Africa and we’re excited about AWS and the Cloud being a meaningful part of that transformation.”

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South Africa recently welcomed international designers for the Inaugural BRICS Fashion Show, Sandton City.
As the year 2018 completes the first decade of the BRICS Summit, the South African Government, through the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), hosted the Inaugural BRICS Fashion Show and Fashion Business Forum from 24 to 26 October 2018 at Sandton City, during the South African Fashion Week (SAFW). The fashion showpiece formed part of the 10th BRICS Summit recently hosted under the theme, ‘’Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

Hosted in partnership with the SAFW, the BRICS Fashion Show and the Fashion Business Forum, among others, aimed at showcasing textile and retail opportunities within BRICS countries; creating a platform for fashion designers to participate in each other’s premier fashion shows; discussing and collaborating on fashion-related issues; as well as creating a market access and consumption of fashion among BRICS countries.

“BRICS Fashion extravaganza is in line with the department’s commitment to building sustainable business-to-business collaborations among the fashion designers of the BRICS countries as a means to access markets across the fashion industry”, stated Minster Nathi Mthethwa.

During the week, a total of 10 designers from each member state showcased some of their most exciting local and international designs.

“The Chairship of BRICS Summit 2018 presents an opportunity for the country to leave a legacy associated with hosting the event of this magnitude. As the BRICS Chair, South Africa intends to build on the legacy of 2013 and to continue working towards strengthening relations between BRICS and the African continent in the Arts and Culture category,” concluded Minister Mthethwa.

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Athletics enthusiasts have the opportunity to vote on social media for two South Africans nominated by the IAAF for top awards.
Athletics South Africa has called upon the whole nation to rally behind South Africa’s world star athletes, Luvo Manyonga and Caster Semenya, who have been nominated for the 2018 global honours by the world body.

Former Tuks and HPC star Manyonga, who now resides in the Eastern Cape, has been nominated for the IAAF Male World Athlete of the Year, while Pretoria’s own, Semenya, is up for another shot at the IAAF Female World Athlete of the Year title. Semenya is currently affiliated with the TUT Athletics Club.

“We are calling upon every South African citizen and residents of all our sister countries to give these athletes the recognition they deserve,” said Aleck Skhosana, the President of ASA.

According to Skhosana, the two superstars have worked very hard to deserve the nominations.

“We are extremely proud of these athletes and congratulate each one of them for this achievement as a nomination of its own is a major recognition as some athletes wrap up their careers without ever being nominated. The time to vote has arrived and we urge each person to back Manyonga and Semenya. ASA congratulates all nominees,” said Skhosana.

The list of nominees will be trimmed to five next month after a ballot where the public can vote on the IAAF’s social media platforms.

Fans can vote online via the IAAF’s social media platforms. Individual graphics for each nominee will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A "like" on Facebook and Instagram or a retweet on Twitter will count as one vote.

The IAAF Council’s vote will count for 50% of the result, while the IAAF Family’s votes and the public votes will each count for 25% of the final result.

Voting closes on 13 November and the winners will be announced at the IAAF Athletics Awards 2018 in Monaco on 4 December.

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Springbok wing, Aphiwe Dyantyi, has been nominated as one of three candidates for World Rugby Breakthrough Player of the Year Award for 2018.
The other nominees for this prestigious award, now in its fourth year, are Ireland winger Jordan Larmour and New Zealand prop Karl Tu'inukuafe.

The 24-year-old Dyantyi marked his Springbok debut with a try against England in June and hasn’t looked back, starting in nine of South Africa’s tests in 2018 and scoring six tries.

Blessed with pace and power, Dyantyi, who only made his Super Rugby debut earlier this year in the colours of the Emirates Lions, was the joint top try-scorer in the Rugby Championship as South Africa finished as runners-up.

The winner will be revealed at the World Rugby Awards, which take place at the Salle des Etoiles in Monte Carlo on 25 November.

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Kevin Anderson became the first singles player from South Africa in over two decades to qualify for the end-of-season ATP Finals on the strength of defeating Kei Nishikori in the Vienna final on Sunday, 28 October 2018.
This year's beaten Wimbledon finalist saw off the Japanese fifth seed 6-3, 7-6 (7/3) to join Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Juan Martin del Potro, Roger Federer and Alexander Zverev in London next month.

The identity of the last two ticket holders will be determined at the Paris Masters, with Nishikori still in with a shout of making the elite eight-player cast list.

The last South African singles player to make it to the season-closing showpiece was Wayne Ferreira in 1995.

Anderson's success in Vienna was the biggest of his career to figure in the ATP Top 10 for the first time.

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