Issue 353 | 8 November 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday, November 2018, delivered the keynote address at the Discovery Leadership Summit at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.
The summit provided a global platform that brought together local and international global leaders to share their leadership strategies and insights on issues relating to business, economics, government and science.

It also provided an opportunity for dialogue on global issues that contribute towards building a stronger South Africa and global society.

Former President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton; former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton; and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron; along with other esteemed international thought-leaders attended the summit.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, has urged member states of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) to focus on strengthening the region’s contribution towards global security, economic growth and sustainable development.
Minister Sisulu made the plea during her opening at the IORA Council of Ministers Meeting in Durban on Friday, 2 November 2018.

The association is an intergovernmental organisation aimed at strengthening regional cooperation and sustainable development within the Indian Ocean region. It comprises 21 countries and seven dialogue partners.

Minister Sisulu said her stance came at a time when the coherence and stability of the global multilateral system were being tested severely.

“IORA provides us with a unique opportunity to enhance the spirit of multilateralism within one of the most diverse regions of the world, comprising a heterogeneous mix of developed countries, developing countries, small island states and least developed countries.”

IORA, Minister Sisulu said, could become “a beacon of hope for multilateralism and regional cooperation in the world”.

“As a collective, we are taking this opportunity to build and expand our understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation through IORA’s consensus-based evolutionary and non-intrusive approach. As a group, we must use this approach to promote cohesiveness and unity within the region, while resisting the emerging and very real threat of geopolitical rivalry taking root in the Indian Ocean Region.

“As member states of IORA, it is our space to protect and develop for the mutual benefit of all our peoples. We cannot do this alone,” Minister Sisulu said.

The region’s vision, she said, was encapsulated in South Africa’s Chairship of IORA, which was to unite the peoples of Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East through enhanced cooperation for peace, stability and sustainable development.

“This theme encompasses South Africa’s view that the Indian Ocean region should be characterised as a region of peace, stability and development; and we consider IORA as the pre-eminent regional organisation within which to pursue this ambitious goal.

“Over the past year of our Chairship, we have been working tirelessly to strengthen the institution, including the Secretariat, and we were delighted to have hosted a technical workshop in Mauritius in March that was aimed at improving the capacity and efficiency of the Secretariat in supporting the IORA member states activities going forward. We would like to see such an engagement regularised on the calendar of IORA events annually,” she said.

The association, Minister Sisulu said, must be dynamic and ensure that structures and processes could adapt to the shifts in global trends and its priorities.

The Minister said South Africa’s Chairship would prioritise issues of sustainable and responsible fisheries management and development, including dealing with the important issue of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, among others.

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The 18th Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Council of Ministers Meeting, which took place on 2 November 2018 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, honoured former President Nelson Mandela by establishing the IORA Nelson Mandela Be the Legacy Internship Programme.
The programme is aimed at empowering young people under the age of 30 years from IORA member states with work experience in their chosen fields of study.

The establishment of the programme came as South Africa celebrates the centenary of the first democratic President of the Republic of South Africa who is also widely acknowledged as the father of IORA.

Speaking at an event, Princess Zenani Mandela-Dlamini, who is also South Africa’s High Commissioner to Mauritius, thanked IORA member states for honouring the legacy of Madiba. Princess Mandela-Dlamini told the IORA Council of Ministers that Madiba believed that the key to empowering people was education.

Challenging IORA member states to invest in young people, the Minister of International Relatons and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, said: “Madiba loved young people and he strongly believed that education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”.

The programme will be launched on 18 July 2019, the day Madiba would have turned 101 years. Minister Sisulu indicated that South Africa would submit its request for the first intake.
South Africa is hosting the African Development Bank’s Africa Investment Forum (AIF), which is a world-class initiative that is positioned to transform the continent’s infrastructure development landscape.
The summit is taking place at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, from 7 to 9 November under the theme: “All set for Africa’s First Investment Marketplace”.

The AIF, which is an innovative investment marketplace, is bringing together project sponsors, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, private investors, policymakers, private equity firms and heads of government to raise capital to advance Africa’s economic transformation agenda.

The forum is 100% transaction-based, according to the African Development Bank.

“The focus is on structuring deals, screening and enhancing projects, attracting co-investors and facilitating transactions to unlock Africa’s multi-billion dollar investment opportunities.”

Although brimming with investment opportunities, the African Development Bank says there is an urgent need to bridge the gap between Africa’s available capital and bankable projects.

Financing Africa’s development needs will require an estimated US$600 to US$700 billion per annum.

Of this, about US$130 billion to US$170 billion a year is needed for infrastructure, according to the African Development Bank’s African Economic Outlook 2018.

The bank said it was working with other multilateral development partners and stakeholders to ensure that the AIF became Africa’s key springboard for investment and for meeting the continent’s massive infrastructure and development needsT

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The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, recently hosted his counterparts from the BRICS countries for a session during which they looked at how to reinforce cultural and people-to-people relations.
The meeting, which was held at the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site at Maropeng, Gauteng, provided strategic leadership and guidance on how governments could best strengthen collaborations among member states, market access and promote cultural diplomacy for a broader government socio-economic agenda.

“Among other objectives, the ministerial session will deliberate on the implementation of cultural agreements, strengthening of bilateral relations, reinforcement of cultural and people-to-people relations, expansion of trade as well as the promotion of cultural diplomacy,” the department said.

At the end of the session, the ministers adopted and signed the declaration of the BRICS Ministerial Meeting on Culture – Maropeng Declaration.

The event formed part of the July BRICS Summit, which was hosted by South Africa under the theme, "BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution".

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The newly revitalised Phuthaditjhaba Industrial Park should be used to inspire confidence in the South African economy, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Bulelani Magwanishe, said on Tuesday, 30 October 2018.
“We are here on the backdrop of the Investment Summit, which confirmed the confidence that the local private sector and multinationals had in South Africa. We therefore need to take advantage of these industrial parks to increase investment and create sustainable employment,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

The Deputy Minister was speaking at the launch of the first phase of the revitalised R50-million Industrial Park, held at the Phuthaditjhaba Multi-Purpose Centre in QwaQwa.

Deputy Minister Magwanishe also noted that there was hope for the South African economy and that signified hope for the people.

He said the revitalisation was intended to respond to unemployment in the province and should also be explored to benefit not just the province, but the entire country.

He said the province was strategic in many respects, most important being that it connected to six provinces and was the neighbour to the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho.

The Deputy Minister urged the Free State Development Corporation to woo in other small, medium and micro-sized enterprises to consider setting up shop in the park, thereby helping to “drastically” reduce unemployment, which is very high in the area.

Deputy Minister Magwanishe also called for the revitalised park to be properly maintained.

“For this year, Minister Rob Davies announced that R216 million had been set aside for the revitalisation of industrial parks. Phuthaditjhaba is one of the five industrial parks that stand to benefit, as we will be proceeding with the other phases of revitalisation.

“Today, we recognise the completion of the first phase of the programme in this industrial park, which was realised through an allocation of R50 million. This launch follows the completion of the first phase of the Botshabelo Industrial Park also here in the Free State,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

Work done at the park comprised the upgrading of the security infrastructure, including fencing, street lighting, installation of boom gates, pedestrian gates, installation of CCTV cameras and control room, as well as the refurbishment of high mast lights.

Free State MEC for Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Limakatso Mahasa, urged black industrialists in the province to take up opportunities presented to them by government.

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Home Affairs Minister, Malusi Gigaba, on Monday, 5 November 2018, held bilateral talks with Kenya’s Minister of Interior, Fred Matiang’i, at the Lindela Holding Facility in Krugersdorp.
The Lindela Repatriation Centre, which was established in 1996, is a holding facility for illegal migrants awaiting deportation.

The facility provides services such as accommodation, catering, security and medical services for offenders and also liaises with embassies regarding the deportation of illegal immigrants.

Detainees are kept at the centre for a maximum of 120 days or more with a court order.

Lindela is legislatively required to report to the South African Human Rights Commission on activities at the facility.

Police cells at the South African Police Service are utilised for the detention of suspected or confirmed illegal immigrants, pending their direct deportation to their countries of origin or transferred to Lindela.

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Community-based tourism has received a massive boost with the recent launch of WOWZULU, an initiative that seeks to create inclusive tourist destinations that serve as a best-case South African model for the sector.
This is according to Tourism Deputy Minister, Elizabeth Thabethe, who launched the project at the Luthuli Museum in Groutville, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), on Friday, 2 November 2018.

“The first phase of the project focuses on supporting tour guides involved in emerging community tourism, eateries selling local cuisine, youth-owned coffee outlets, craft entrepreneurs, storytelling performers and dancers in Isandlwana Battlefields in the Nqutu area, Ohlange in the Inanda Valley, Ballito in the North Coast, Tembe in the Far North, KwaNzimakwe in the South Coast, Khula Village in St. Lucia Wetlands Park and eMazizizni Village in the Northern Drakensberg,” the department said.

Already implemented in seven tourist destinations in KZN, the project is expected to inspire district municipalities across the country to become more sustainable environmentally, socially and economically, while injecting life and offering hope for the rural unemployed.

“Responsible tourism is of paramount importance to the tourism sector, hence South Africa was the first country to include this concept in its national tourism policy, the 1996 White Paper on the Development and Promotion of Tourism in South Africa,” said Deputy Minister Thabethe.

Citing the document, the Deputy Minister said responsible tourism was an approach to the management of tourism aimed at maximising economic, social and environmental benefits and minimising costs to destinations.

South Africa, she said, was the pioneer of responsible tourism standards while the country was second only to Brazil to having a national minimum standard on responsible tourism.

“The historic launch is opening opportunities for growth and development of the tourism sector while contributing to the objective of the National Development Plan and the national imperative to fight poverty, unemployment and inequality,” she said.

The Deputy Minister commended the partnership of Africa Ignite, Better Tourism Africa, One Planet-Handle with Care’ Trust Fund, including the United Nationals Environment Fund with the National Department of Tourism to ensure that the local environment, economy and society benefit through the project.

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Durban has just added an architectural and engineering marvel to its portfolio of landmarks. The newly upgraded Mount Edgecombe highway interchange connects the M41 eastbound with the N2 southbound.
The old interchange was known for long waiting times – which the upgrade is due to cut from 25 minutes to one minute, on average.

The Mount Edgecombe highway interchange was officially opened by the Minister of Transport,  Blade Nzimande, and the South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) on Wednesday, 31 October 2018.

The interchange boasts a first for Africa, according to Sanral CEO, Skhumbuzo Macozoma, in an interview with the state broadcaster. He says it features the continent’s longest flyover ramp that stretches for one kilometre, linking the M41 eastbound with the N2 southbound, connecting surrounding areas like Phoenix and Umhlanga with Durban.

The agency undertook major upgrades to the interchange from April 2013 to ease "chronic congestion of traffic" in the area, notorious for long waiting times, especially during the festive season, when South Africans flock to the coastal region.

The agency intends cutting travel time between the areas the interchange links from 25 minutes to one minute on average. The old interchange had traffic lights increasing waiting time; it has now been converted to a completely free-flowing system with limited stops, says Henk Kaal, resident engineer on the project.

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The San, the indigenous people of southern Africa, is finding their voice at the new San Heritage Centre at !Khwa Ttu on the West Coast near Yzerfontein.
The new museum tells their own story – from the first people of Africa to their myths to their first encounters with other groups – as well as shares their culture, forming new relationships between visitors, community members and academia.

A dream to build a self-sustaining centre where the San can upskill, learn their heritage and transmit it to others started in 1999, when Swiss photographer Irene Staehelin bought a derelict farm and have over the past 20 years converted it into a place where the San can teach their culture to younger generations.

“The !Khwa ttu San Heritage Centre is a great deal more than a collection of artefacts and historical photos. It's a pioneering initiative that embraces the principle of community curation, led by San consultants from across southern Africa and academics. The exhibitions, San-led trails and guided experiences are designed to engage the body and senses as much as the mind,” explains Michael Daiber, General Manager of !Khwa Ttu.
“They demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the San people, while also telling the archaeological story of the origins of the modern mind on the southern African coastline.”

Besides the new museum, !Khwa Ttu also offers elegant accommodation in cottages and glamping tents, as well as game drives and a restaurant that serves up delicious traditional South African cuisine. The San youth go on training courses through these initiatives, which teach them skills in hospitality and tourism, relaying their heritage as guides and learning about themselves and their roots in the process.

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A delegation of South African participated in the American Film Market (AFM).
Led and funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti), the delegation participated in the film market in Los Angeles as part of efforts to open up markets for South African film and television productions.

“[The Outward Film and Television Investment Mission] is also aimed at securing partnerships for co-productions, and positioning the South African film industry as a filmmaking destination,” said the dti.

The AFM is one of the biggest film markets in the world that is targeted by sales agents and distributors from all over the world to acquire films. It is recognised as one of the most important international film industry gatherings.

In addition to attending numerous conferences, workshops, screenings, networking sessions, presentations and exhibitions, the filmmakers also visited various prominent American studios and production houses, including NBC, Sony and Disney.

The delegation was led by Deputy Minister Bulelani Magwanishe.

“As a department, we would like to see the film and television production industry increasing its contribution in creating job opportunities and growing the economy of the country. To this end, we are on a continuous and strategic mission to market South Africa internationally as a preferred and attractive filmmaking destination as well as a viable co-production partner.

“We also engage in efforts to find new markets for the distribution of South African feature films, documentaries and television productions and to urge big international studios to shoot their films on location in South Africa,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

Los Angeles, which is home to Hollywood, is the bustling hub of the American movie industry.

The AFM provides a great networking platform for South Africa to showcase film and television production capabilities and facilities.

“This will help drive inward investment from international studios. Our participation will also affords us an opportunity to foster closer ties with partner countries that we have co-production treaties with and garner increased involvement from large film markets such as the United States of America,” said Deputy Minister Magwanishe.

The AFM concluded on 7 November.

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On 8 December 2018, beauty queens from around the world will take to the stage for the 68th annual Miss World competition.
Taking place in China for the second year in a row, contestants will spend an entire month prepping for the big night.

Visibly excited at the prospect of representing her country on the Miss World stage, Thulisa Keyi beamed as she mingled with guests at her farewell.

The star wore a black velvet dress with a beaded sleeve, designed by Biji Gibbs. The outfit will be worn by Thulisa as part of the "Designers of the World" portion of the competition.

Speaking to The Juice, Thulisa explained the significance behind the dress.

"In a world where beauty pageants are all about sparkle and so many busy silhouettes, I wanted to say: 'This is me and this is who I am.' A very simple dress, but also I’m a woman, and I consider myself to be bold, and I wanted to capture that in some way."

Going into detail about her preparations for Miss World, Thulisa said she had been training with Letshego Zulu to keep fit, and has learned choreography from Ryan Hignett which she will use in the talent part of the competition.

"We’re doing this beautiful dance that is proudly South African, but it’s more about the movement and expression and the feeling behind the dance routine."

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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
Design and layout: René Marneweck


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