Issue 354 | 15 November 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa undertook a Working Visit to the EU in Strasbourg, France and Brussels in Belgium from 14 to 15 November 2018.
The visit commenced in Strasbourg on 14 November 2018 where President Ramaphosa addressed the European Parliament and met key interlocutors, including the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani.

The European Parliament is the directly elected legislative body of the EU and exercises supervisory powers over the work of EU institutions, including the executive arm of the EU, the EU Commission. Together with the Council of the EU, the European Parliament also exercises legislative and budgetary functions.

President Ramaphosa thereafter proceeded to Brussels where he met the King of the Belgians, His Majesty King Philippe Léopold Louis Marie, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium, His Excellency Prime Minister Charles Michel, and also received a courtesy call from the Minister-President of the Government of Flanders, His Excellency Geert Bourgeois.

Bilateral relations between South Africa and Belgium are underpinned by the shared values of freedom and democracy and a similar approach to a broad range of international issues, specifically peace and security.

Trade between the two countries is in South Africa’s favour. South African exports to Belgium include precious stones, organic chemicals, iron, steel and manufactured goods while relations between Flanders and South Africa are largely driven by development cooperation, but also include culture, science and innovation, youth policy, education, economy and trade.

On 15 November 2018, President Ramaphosa is co-chairing the Seventh South Africa-EU Summit with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.

Issues discussed at the summit will include progress on the SA-EU Strategic Partnership; bilateral political, economic and development cooperation and regional and global issues. South Africa will serve as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2019 to 2020 alongside five EU members states (France and the United Kingdom as permanent members and Germany, Belgium and Poland as elected members).

South Africa is the only African country, and one of 10 countries globally, that has a Strategic Partnership with the EU. The summit takes place under the auspices of the Magôbagôba Dialogue, which was established in 2007, as the umbrella structure for all cooperation between South Africa and the EU.
The EU is South Africa’s largest trading partner and largest foreign investor as a bloc, representing 73,7% of total foreign direct investment stocks in the country. Total trade increased from R150 billion in 2000 to R599,86 billion in 2017. South African exports to the EU increased from R64 billion in 2000 to R262 billion in 2017. Over 2 000 EU companies operate in South Africa creating more than 500 000 direct and indirect jobs.

The EU has allocated an amount of €241 million to South Africa under the Multi-Annual Indicative Programme for 2014 to 2020.

The EU remains one of South Africa’s largest source of tourists, with over 1,5 million tourists  having visited South Africa from 14 EU countries in 2017.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, and the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has learned with great sadness of the horrific accident, which has claimed 47 lives in Zimbabwe.
“On behalf of the people of South Africa, we send our deepest condolences to the Zimbabwean Government, particularly the families who lost their loved ones. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and we wish you strength during this time of grief”, said President Ramaphosa.

President added: “We appeal to all travelling between South Africa and Zimbabwe or our neighbouring countries to always exercise caution. Road carnages rob us of our breadwinners and delay our family developments”.

South Africa and Zimbabwe have a common and long history of regional affiliation and cultural ties. In 1994, the bilateral relations between South Africa and Zimbabwe were normalised with the establishment of full diplomatic relations with effect from 29 April 1994. The normalisation of relations was illustrated by numerous visits back and forth by the presidents and ministers of the two countries.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, on Monday, 12 November 2018, hosted a briefing to appraise members of the press about a number of developments relating to the implementation of South Africa’s foreign policy.
State of Palestine

Minister Sisulu emphasised that the State of Palestine remained a priority of South Africa’s current international diplomacy. “… As the South African Government, we have repeatedly stated on previous occasions that we will continue to campaign for the independence of Palestine under the two-state solution”.

She said government remained resolute that the people of Palestine would one day enjoy their independence.

Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic

"Last month, Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers visited the people of Saharawi to show our support towards their fight for freedom and self-determination. We used our visit to the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic to also deepen diplomatic relations between our countries. The freedom and independence of the Saharawi people are very important to us as it is to them.”

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)

“The 18th IORA Meeting of the Council of Ministers (COM) was held in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, on 2 November 2018 under the theme: ‘IORA: Uniting the Peoples of Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East through Enhanced Cooperation for Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development’.

“One of the outcomes of the 18th IORA Meeting was a Special Declaration in honour of President Nelson Mandela, who is also one of the founders of IORA, which led to the establishment of the IORA Nelson Mandela ‘Be the Legacy’ Internship Programme. This initiative, expected to be launched in Mauritius on 18 July 2019, the day on which Madiba would have turned 101, aims at empowering and capacitating the young people of IORA with work experience in their fields of study. The 18th IORA Meeting also, among other things, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises by Mozambique and MoU on Search and Rescue by Mozambique and Somalia.”

Update on past working visits

“President Ramaphosa recently had a successful Working Visit to Germany for the G20 Investment Summit and the G20 Compact with Africa Conference. The visit sought to cover a number of areas, which included a trade and investment drive and cementing bilateral relations between the two countries. The visit augured well with South Africa’s investment drive to raise over R1 trillion over the next five years as hundreds of German companies are currently running their businesses in South Africa.

“It is worth noting that President Ramaphosa is expected to receive the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on a State Visit to South Africa before the end of November 2018.

“Deputy Minister Landers also undertook a Working Visit to Tunis to participate in the First Session of the South Africa-Tunisia Diplomatic Consultations. The visit by the Deputy Minister served as a catalyst to strengthen relations between the two countries.

“Last Friday, we hosted Martin Tlapa, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, who travelled to the country for political consultations on, among other things, trade and investment, tourism and science and technology. We used Deputy Minister Tlapa’s visit to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the two countries. We agreed on intensifying economic relations between our countries.

“We also hosted the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), His Highness Sheihk Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, for the Second Joint Commission between the Republic of South Africa and the UAE. The UAE remains South Africa’s main importing partner within the Gulf Region. During our meeting, we discussed a number of issues of mutual interests for our countries such as trade and investment, food security and transportation.

Upcoming working visits

“President Ramaphosa will from 14 to 15 November 2018 lead a South African delegation on a Working Visit to the European Union (EU) in France and Belgium.

“The visit will commence in Strasbourg, France, on 14 November 2018 where President Ramaphosa will address the European Parliament and meet key figures, including the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani. President Ramaphosa will then proceed to Belgium, Brussels, where he will meet the King of the Belgians, His Majesty King Philippe Leopold Louis Marie, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium, Charles Michel. He will also receive a courtesy call from the Minister-President of the Government of Flanders, Geert Bourgeois.

“On 15 November 2018, President Ramaphosa will co-chair the Seventh South Africa-EU Summit with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. South Africa is the only African country, and one of 10 countries globally, that has a Strategic Partnership with the EU.

“President Ramaphosa will also lead a South African delegation to Addis Ababa for the 11th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU) scheduled for 17 to 18 November 2018.

“We will be travelling to Russia to attend the 15th Session of the Joint Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation between South Africa and Russia. The ITEC Session is an annual bilateral economic cooperation mechanism between South Africa and the Russian Federation. The last ITEC took place in South Africa in 2016. Due to a number of commitments affecting our countries, we were unable to meet last year.

Regional elections

“We note that Madagascar and Cameroon recently held their presidential elections. It should be commended that our people on the African continent are regularly afforded an opportunity to choose their leaders. As South Africa, we strongly support the national reconciliation, socio-economic development and a lasting political solution in Madagascar.

“In the same vein, we are confident that preparations for the Democratic Republic of Congo elections are well on track. We further appeal to all political parties to commit to peaceful presidential elections.”
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, will undertake a visit to Moscow, Russian Federation, where she will co-chair the 15th Session of the annual South Africa-Russia Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (ITEC), scheduled for 19 to 21 November 2018. The South Africa-Russia Business Forum will take place on the margins of ITEC and present its report to the Ministerial Plenary Session on 21 November 2018.
The ITEC, co-chaired by Minister Sisulu and the Russian Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Minister Dmitry Kobylkin, takes place within the context of the bilateral agreement that was signed in 1999 and revived in 2002 to give impetus to the political commitment between the two countries to broaden and deepen their relations. These engagements are further guided by the Treaty of Friendship and Partnership, signed in September 2006, as well as by the Declaration of Strategic Partnership, signed in March 2013 in Durban, South Africa.

The ITEC forum comprises a number of sub-committees, among them the committees on Trade, Investment and Banking Cooperation; Mineral Resources; Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Water Resources; Science, Technology and Space; Energy; Justice;  and Higher Education.

During the 14th ITEC Session in South Africa, an assessment of progress was made and other new possible areas of cooperation were explored. Both sides noted the remarkable progress achieved by most sub-committees of ITEC and there was general consensus that the ITEC mechanism affords both sides a unique opportunity to enhance trade between the two countries.

The ministers agreed that both sides should take stock of all agreements/memoranda of understanding (MoUs) signed between the two countries and make an assessment of their relevance and progress on implementation. The ministers further instructed that outstanding MoUs and agreements should be prioritised and finalised to take forward the work of the ITEC. Two agreements/MoUs on cooperation in the field of agriculture and in the field of water resources, respectively, were signed on the margins of the BRICS Summit in July 2018.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, undertook an Official Visit to the Kingdom of Spain to co-chair the 12th South Africa-Spain Annual Consultations with his counterpart, the Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Fernando Martín Valenzuela Marzo, on 12 November 2018.
The annual consultations are divided into working groups, namely: Foreign Affairs and Human Rights, led by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation; and Economy, Energy and Culture, led by the Department of Trade and Industry.

Bilateral relations between the two countries are serviced through the South Africa-Spain Annual Consultations held at Deputy Ministerial level and anchored through a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2000.

The Spanish Government views South Africa as an important and essential role player in Africa, and as such, South Africa is the only country in sub-Saharan Africa with which Spain has a structured bilateral engagement. The last annual consultations were held in South Africa from 28 to 29 September 2017, co-chaired by Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers and the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Ildefonso Castro López.
Deputy Minister Luwellyn Landers hosted the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Martin Tlapa, for political consultations on
9 November 2018. The consultations focused on trade and investment, tourism, defence cooperation and science and technology.
The last round of political consultations took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14 to 15 November 2016 when Deputy Minister Landers was hosted by Deputy Minister Tlapa for bilateral discussions and these were utilised to strengthen bilateral political and economic relations between the two countries, while the meeting also discussed cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, science and technology, defence and education.

The most recent high-level visit between the two countries was the Official Visit to South Africa by the Czech Deputy Defence Minister, Mr Pavel Beran, in September 2018.

Full diplomatic relations between South Africa and the Czech Republic were established in July 1991. South Africa and the Czech Republic enjoy cordial relations and have demonstrated this by an extensive exchange of visits, where substantive issues were discussed. This has assisted to move the relationship to a higher level. The Czech Republic therefore maintains strong diplomatic representation in Pretoria.
The Department of International Relations and Cooperation has reached an advanced stage of its preparation for South Africa's third term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) by hosting a workshop with the incoming, current and outgoing elected members (E10) of the UNSC.
The two-day workshop, which South Africa co-hosted with Sweden from 13 to 14 November 2018, aimed at sharing experiences and ideas among the elected members of the UNSC for better coordination on the work of the council.

The participants mapped out the role of the elected members of the UNSC, the challenges and opportunities of membership, the way forward and the future of E10 cooperation. Participants at the workshop also looked at civil society’s perspectives in relation to the work of this important organ of the UN.

The opening session included messages from the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, and her counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Margot Wallström.

“The dialogue is an unprecedented engagement. It brings together, in a unique setting, the elected members of the United Nations Security Council to discuss issues of mutual cooperation and opportunities for better coordination”, said Minister Sisulu.

The current members of the E10 are Bolivia, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Peru, Poland and Sweden while countries joining the UNSC from January 2019 to serve a two-year term are Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia and South Africa.
The South African Government on Thursday, 8 November 2018, hailed Ethiopia for electing Sahle-Work Zewde as its first woman President.
Zewde is currently the sole woman President on the African continent. She was elected by the Ethiopian Parliament after the official resignation of President Mulatu Teshome.

In a statement, South Africa’s Cabinet said it would continue to strengthen its bilateral relations with Ethiopia in a number of areas, including trade, politics and economic relations.

Zewde, who is a well-regarded diplomat representing Ethiopia at global, continental and regional organisations such as the United Nations, African Union and Intergovernmental Authority on Development, had also served as Ethiopia's ambassador to various countries.

In her acceptance speech, she vowed to serve her country and its people with her utmost effort. She reiterated her readiness to apply her experience in diplomacy to effectively serve her country as she takes the Ethiopian Presidential Office.

She stressed her dedication to maintain the longstanding unity among Ethiopians as well as sustain the ongoing reform of the Ethiopian Government and the governance structure.

Cabinet went on to send congratulations to Cameroon’s President Paul Biya, who was inaugurated for his seventh term in office.

“Cabinet calls on all people of Cameroon to work together towards a peaceful solution through an inclusive dialogue process,” Cabinet said, adding that it looked forward to the deepening of bilateral political, economic and trade relations between South Africa with Cameroon.

Furthermore, Cabinet extended congratulations to Jair Bolsonaro on his election as the President of Brazil and further congratulated the people of Brazil for holding successful elections.

South Africa reaffirmed the warm fraternal ties with Brazil, which are based on the shared values of human rights, peace and social progress.

South Africa and Brazil share joint membership of a number of international organisations, including the IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) formations.
The inaugural AIF has culminated in 45 deals worth US$32 billion in investment.
The deals cover sectors such as energy, infrastructure, transport, utilities, education, health, water, sanitation, agriculture and housing, organisers told media at the end of the summit.

These investments are a significant 80% of the target set out at the start of the summit, African Development Bank (AfDB) President Akinwumi Adesina said.

At the start of the summit, the bank indicated that there would be about 28 boardroom sessions structured to deliberate on 61 bankable projects worth US$40 billion across the continent.

Of the US$32 billion, US$6,8 billion were investments in South African projects, Gauteng Premier David Makhura said

The deals that South Africa sealed include the Gautrain expansion project worth US$3,9 billion; $240 million in investment for a public-private partnership towards the building of schools; as well as an investment of US$492 million towards the renovation of government buildings.

Premier Makhura said the province was excited to be part of this.

“There was a stampede of investors wanting to finance the Gautrain. We want to increase the level of investment in the Gauteng and South African economy. Intra-Africa investment is very critical for the advancement of the African continent."
Premier Makhura said these new investments projects would contribute immensely towards the US$100-billion investment target set out by President Cyril Ramaphosa for the next five years. The President has already managed to raise about US$20,3 billion from last month’s investment summit.

The three-day AIF was attended by several African heads of state, senior government officials and investors from across the continent with the intention of brokering intra-Africa deals and investment opportunities.

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The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele, has successfully guided South Africa’s election into the ITU Executive Council and the ITU RRB at the Plenipotentiary Conference taking place in Dubai.
South Africa has been elected to serve in both ITU institutions until 2022. South Africa received overwhelming support from the 179 member states attending the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference.

Minister Cwele led the South African delegation at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, which is highest decision-making body of the United Nations’ specialised agency for the ICT sector.

“We are excited to be elected onto the ITU Council and the RRB. We accept this enormous task with humility. We shall use the positions to push for the developmental agenda alongside the African Union’s Agenda 2063,” said Minister Cwele.

The ITU Council oversees the implementation of decisions of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences and manages the affairs of the union between plenipotentiary conferences.

As a member of the 48-member council, South Africa will continue to champion the development agenda, including the acceleration of broadband roll-out to support the Sustainable Development Goals, and advocating support for developing, least-developed, land-locked countries and small islands. To advance the regional agenda, South Africa will work with other member states to lobby for the demonopolisation of the manufacturing and software industry and champion ownership of critical ICT resources to boost Africa’s economy.

Additionally, South Africa’s participating at the ITU is to influence the agenda for spectrum. The allocation of spectrum is of significant interest as it relates to the roll-out of universal broadband and broadcasting services to reach all citizens of the global community.

South Africa will be represented by Mandla Mchunu in the RRB. The 12-person RRB is tasked with approving procedures for applying the provisions of the radio regulations and for registering spectrum frequency assignments made by the member states; and addressing matters which cannot be resolved through the application of the radio regulations and rules of procedure, among other activities. Mchunu has over 20 years of experience in spectrum management and regulatory activities and has worked on domestic and international telecommunications/ICT matters.
A group of South African businesspeople is in Germany to seek sub-contracting opportunities from German and European multinationals in the electronics, automotive, metals and services sectors, with the aim of being incorporated into the global value chains of the companies.
The Outward Selling Mission (OSM) is organised and funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) as part of the department’s efforts to create market access for South African products in markets with the potential to grow the country’s exports.

In addition to meeting with various German development agencies, banks and associations, the businesspeople are attending the 53rd BME Purchasing and Logistics Symposium and Exhibition, which will take place in Berlin from Wednesday, 14 November to Friday, 16 November 2018.

The symposium is one of the most important and biggest purchasing and supply management events in the world, attended by more than 2 000 supply chain managers and logisticians annually.

The BME is the leading professional association for supply chain managers, buyers and logistics specialists in Germany and Central Europe, with more than 9 000 individual and corporate members from small and medium-sized firms to large enterprises, including Germany’s top 200 companies.

The association, dti Minister Rob Davies said, had expressed its willingness to establish a relationship with South Africa in order to integrate industrial products into the supply chain of its member companies in Germany.

“In addition to potential collaboration with German companies belonging to BME, the exhibition will expose South African companies to trade and investment opportunities available in Germany.

“It will also be a good platform to promote South African products and services to potential new customers from the different parts of the world. This will potentially enable our companies to obtain new business and penetrate new markets,” said Minister Davies.

The Minister hoped that South Africa’s participation in the exhibition would have a positive impact in terms of increasing export sales from the targeted sectors in South Africa.

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The creation of shared value is not only important for South Africa’s tourism industry, but is part of the country’s inclusive development plan, according to the Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom.
During a panel discussion at the World Travel Market (WTM) London recently, he told the audience that expanding the pool of economic and social value in the tourism industry would enable the creation of a “bigger pie” of revenue and profits.

During the panel discussion, Harold Goodwin, WTM’s adviser on responsible tourism, said the demand for experience travel was growing. It is not just about having a holiday anymore. For him it is about how the business of tourism is done and if it also involves local communities.

“Inclusive growth in tourism and responsible tourism are not just glib concepts. It is about shared value in action – not just about theory,” emphasised Minister Hanekom.

“We see a huge and very important potential in tourism to make a difference. It is not just about creating jobs and growing the economy, but about the difference responsible tourism can make in the lives of the tourists and communities connected with each other.”

That is why it is important for Minister Hanekom that the revenue made in the tourism industry was also shared by local communities. After all, they are in the end the most important protectors of the environment in which the tourism activities take place.

“So, let us rethink a bit what we do and what we promote in South Africa's tourism industry to be in line with responsible tourism and shared value that can bring tangible benefits ... for local communities,” said Minister Hanekom.

It was important for him that the prejudice towards homestays in local communities be addressed too, he said.

Jane Ashton, director of sustainable development at TUI Group, said during the panel discussion that the potential of the development of sustainable tourism was considerable. Not only is tourism one of the leading employment sectors in the world, but it provides opportunities to alleviate poverty and drive inclusive growth.

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The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, recently attended the centenary commemoration of Armistice Day in Paris, France.
She represented South Africa on behalf of President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The celebrations commemorated the signing of the armistice between the allies and Germany at 11am on 11 November 1918 – the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

This effectively ended World War 1 on the Western Front.

This year’s Armistice Day coincided with Remembrance Sunday for its centenary, the latter always held on the second Sunday in November, regardless of the date.

Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in honour of those who died in the two world wars.

Minister Mapisa-Nqakula also participated in the first Paris Peace Forum.

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The Minister of Small Business Development, Lindiwe Zulu, in partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) Africa, on Monday, 12 November 2018, launched the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) at Africa’s first Start-Up Campus 22 on Sloane, in Bryanston, Gauteng.
During GEW, which is being held from 12 to 18 November, hosts and organisers across 170 countries are mobilising their partners and communities to join the celebration. Each year, nearly 10 million people participate in 39 000 simultaneous events over the course of the week.

In South Africa, the event aims to attract start-ups, accelerator support network and policymakers. A combined total of around 4 000 – 5 000 delegates are expected to attend the week-long celebration.

GEN Africa is part of GEN Global Network. GEN Africa operates a platform of projects and programmes in 42 countries aimed at making it easier for entrepreneurs on the African continent to start and scale a business. The GEW is an initiative to inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial activity while connecting them to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors.

Sustainable Entrepreneur Accelerator (SEA) Africa was appointed by GEN Global to run its operations in Africa. SEA Africa is a research and development firm that supports businesses in various African markets. SEA Africa now champions GEN Africa initiatives and programmes and seeks to build and develop the GEN Africa brand on the continent.

Minister Zulu said: “Global Entrepreneurship Week is a great platform for entrepreneurs, especially the youth and women, to engage with entrepreneurial activities that will assist their businesses. As government, we see entrepreneurs as national assets to be cultivated, motivated and remunerated to the greatest possible extent. Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work".
Africa is now taking centre stage with the announcement of the Mara phone project that is touted to take the smartphone business by storm.
Developed by Rwandan businessman and billionaire Ashish Thakkar, the Mara group at the Africa Investment Forum announced ambitious plans to develop manufacturing plants in Rwanda and in South Africa.

During South Africa’s recently held inaugural investment conference, Thakkar announced that his company would be investing R1,5 billion in a South African venture over the next five years.

At a media briefing at the Africa Investment Forum in Sandton, Johannesburg, Thakkar said there were further plans to develop the phone in plants across the continent’s five regions.

“We all know the importance of high-quality and affordable smartphones and the impact this can have on the continent. Quality smartphones mean we can truly enable financial inclusion, micro-lending and micro-insurance. This can translate into better education, digital healthcare and agriculture efficiency and improve commerce.

“If this is all going to be possible … we [need] quality and affordable smartphones. Unfortunately, we have quality smartphones but they are not affordable and if it is affordable, it is not quality,” he said.

None of the millions of smartphones found worldwide are from Africa, Thakkar said.

“We have a few that are assembled in Africa but nothing is truly being manufactured in Africa. Thanks to the African Development Bank, that changes today,” said the businessman.

Thakkar said the Mara smartphone would be the first high-quality, affordable smartphone to be made on the continent.

“This has truly been made possible thanks to the support from the African Development Bank and its strategy of industrialising Africa. We’ll work with them to roll this out and scale it out. We all believe that it is time to shift the narrative, which is why we are also excited that the phone will also be sold in Europe,” he said.

The phones will also be exported and sold in Europe, making Mara a global player in the market. The project is in partnership with Google.

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The WTTC, in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, will host the first-ever Africa Leaders Forum in Stellenbosch, Western Cape.
The Africa Leaders Forum will bring together travel CEOs, ministers and regional leaders to discuss issues such as travel facilitation and connectivity; community empowerment and wildlife; human capital development; and the use of digital technology to enhance tourism growth. The event follows two hugely successful leaders forums in Lisbon and Macau this year.

The event will feature high-level discussions, hot seat interviews and panel sessions with an array of speakers that include Derek Hanekom, Minister of Tourism; Gloria Gueva, CEO and President of the WTTC; Paul Zille, CEO of the Tourism Conservation Fund; and Velma Corcoran, Regional Market Consultant for AirBnB South Africa.
Two world-renowned University of Pretoria (UP) veterinarians recently performed intricate dental surgery on an elephant in Georgia.
Professor Gerhard Steenkamp and Dr Adrian Tordiffe performed the surgery to remove an infected tusk, UP said in a statement on its website.

According to the university, the surgery was conducted at the Tbilisi Zoo in Georgia, a small Eurasian country nestled between the Caucasus Mountains on 31 October.

Steenkamp, who teaches courses in animal dentistry and maxillofacial surgery at UP's Faculty of Veterinary Science, said: "The zoo experienced tremendous heartache three years ago when it flooded within minutes and lost about 300 animals. They currently have a pair of Asian elephants and a 23-year-old bull, Grand, was a gift from the Yerevan Zoo in Armenia four years ago."

When Grand was transported to the Yerevan Zoo from Russia, he fractured both his tusks, and had the left tusk removed in 2014 by a British team.

Due to complications, the right tusk could not be removed. It became chronically infected and bacteria could have entered the bloodstream, which may have been life-threatening, according to the statement.

"Grand's previous surgery had many complications. One of them was a protracted recovery time, and the zoo was reluctant to operate on him soon after that procedure," Steenkamp says.

However, Tordiffe, who gained experience in elephant immobilisations and anaesthesia while working at the Pretoria Zoo and has vast knowledge of anaesthetising elephants in small spaces, was the perfect choice to perform surgery on Grand.

Steenkamp has been developing techniques to treat elephant tusks since 1998. He has been able to refine his instruments and methods, which are based on work he completed for his MSc on the morphometrics of African elephant tusks.

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The travel time between Maputo and Kosi Bay has been drastically reduced … from six hours to 90 minutes.
Mozambique’s President, Filipe Nyusi, recently officially opened the new road that connects Maputo and KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. It includes a 3-km twin-tower suspension bridge – Ponte Maputo-Catembe or Maputo-Catembe Bridge – that extends 680 m over the Maputo Bay (Espirito Santo estuary), an inlet of the Indian Ocean.

KZN’s Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs said: “The road will see the travel time between Maputo to Kosi Bay, KwaZulu-Natal’s East coast border post, drastically reduced, from six hours to 90 minutes.

“This is a huge achievement! It will boost trade and tourism between South Africa and Mozambique.”

The department’s comment was accompanied by a hashtag KZNOpen4Business. There will also be many very happy South Africans who enjoy escaping to Mozambique’s beaches and wilderness for a holiday break.

According to Chinese media outlet, Xinhua, this is the longest suspension bridge in Africa. It forms part of China’s Links Roads Project, and is built by the China Road and Bridge Corporation, with “Chinese financing and standards” (the financing amounting to a reported $750 million).

The bridge was a dream of former Mozambique President Samora Machel. The charge to cross the bridge will be approximately $3.

One of the South African engineers on the project, Lawrence James Lovell Greene, told SAPeople there is a lot of joy now that people could “finally cross the bay instead of having to use the very dangerous and unreliable ferry".

“South Africans can hold their heads high – we in fact were given a commendation from the Concrete Society in SA for concrete of the highest quality (lab tested in South Africa) as the bridge is designed for over a 100 year design life.”

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A KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) school has made waves at an international water conservation competition, winning two top awards.
Representing South Africa at the Water Explorer 2018 in London last month, Ebomvini Primary School received the Innovation and Students’ Choice awards.

Learners from 11 participating countries, including Turkey, Germany and Malta, agreed that Ebomvini’s projects were creative. They were also impressed with the learners’ ability to make the projects work despite having limited resources.

These included turning chip and sweet wrappers — which often end up in local rivers — into eco-bricks, which were used to make outdoor furniture. This won Ebomvini the Innovation Award.

Esihle Gasa and Asiphile Mkhonde, Grade 7 learners at Ebomvini, presented their school’s projects at the event. For both of them, it was the first time they left their home province of KZN and the first time they travelled abroad. They were accompanied by their teacher, Youth Mavundla.

“Did you know that it takes 10 litres to make 1 A4 piece of paper?” said Asiphile, aged 12. “There is ‘secret water’ in everything we use and eat.” She said the Water Explorer Programme taught them about different ways to use water sparingly beyond just turning off the taps.

Speaking after the awards at the headquarters of HSBC Bank, in London’s Canary Wharf, Esihle said, “It made me so happy to meet children from other countries and to hear about what water projects they have been doing.”

Ebomvini was picked to represent South Africa after impressing a panel of judges in August. Some of their projects included safeguarding a local wetland and building a pond to attract frogs into a permaculture garden. Other learners from the school also played an active role in the design, execution, maintenance and monitoring of the projects.

When they returned home, the Ebomvini team were again honoured after their school won yet another international award – International Youth Water Air and Food Awards – which recognises community-inspired efforts to make a difference to water management.

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Following the overwhelming response from Cape Town fans, Ed Sheeran has announced a second and final show at Cape Town Stadium on Thursday, 28 March 2019.
Ed continues his rise as one of the world’s most successful and talented musicians, selling out stadiums across the globe, including South Africa where three stadium concerts in Johannesburg and Cape Town sold out in minutes.

This will be the first time in history that a second concert date has been added at Cape Town stadium for an international tour.

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Olympic champion Caster Semenya stole the show at the SA Sports Awards, held in Bloemfontein on Sunday night, 11 November 2018.
The 800-m world champion walked away with the Sports Star of the Year, Sportswoman of the Year and People’s Choice awards.

The Sportsman of the Year Award went to swim sensation Chad le Clos.

Awards winners
  • Sports star of the year: Caster Semenya
  • Sportsman of the year: Chad le Clos
  • Sportswoman of the Year: Caster Semenya
  • Sportsman of the year with disability: Mdodozi Ntutu
  • Sportswoman of the year with disability: Anrune Liebenberg
  • Team of the year: Banyana Banyana
  • Newcomer of the year: Tatjana Schoenmaker
  • Coach of the year: Samuel Sepeng
  • Volunteer of the year: Linda Hlophe
  • Indigenous games team of the year: Morabaraba Team
  • The Recreation body of the year:  Mavu Sport Development
  • National Federation of the year: Softball
  • School team of the year: St Benedict’s CollegeDeveloping school of the year:  Machakela-Mamodibo Secondary School
  • Sport Administrator of the Year: Virginia Mabaso
  • People's Choice Award: Caster Semenya.
Nine-time Major champion Gary Player was voted Golf Course Designer of the Year at the fifth annual World Golf Awards.
The South African icon scooped top honours at golf tourism's event of the year, which was hosted at La Manga Club in Spain recently.

The 83-year-old also won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the prize-giving ceremony.

Player joins fellow countryman Ernie Els, who won the prestigious award in 2015.

The 2018 World Golf Awards proved a truly global gathering of the golf tourism industry, with pioneers, influencers and leading figureheads from 43 nations in attendance.

Portugal emerged as one of the big winners, collecting trophies for both World's Best Golf Destination and Europe's Best Golf Destination.

St Andrews Links (Old Course) in Scotland scooped the award for World's Best Golf Course, while The Belfry was recognised as World's Best Golf Hotel.

South Africa was named as Africa's Best Golf Destination in 2018 and the Royal Johannesburg & Kensington Golf Club - East Course was named Africa's Best Golf Course.

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Cricket South Africa has congratulated the Proteas on clinching their one-day series against Australia at Hobart with a conclusive victory by 40 runs in the final match.
“Congratulations to our captain, Faf du Plessis, our head coach, Ottis Gibson, and all the players and support staff for a magnificent achievement,” commented CSA Chief Executive Thabang Moroe.

“As Australian legend, Adam Gilchrist, mentioned in his television commentary, this was a clutch match with the outcome of the series at stake.

“This comprehensive victory has underlined their ability to perform when the pressure is at its greatest and shows that our Vision 2019 strategy is well on track for next year’s ICC Men’s World Cup. We are getting a very nice blend between the experience provided by Faf du Plessis himself, David Miller and Dale Steyn among others and our young brigade headed by the likes of Kagiso Rabada, Lungi Ngidi and Aiden Markram.

“The way the players took the match by the scruff of the neck after the loss of three early wickets says a lot about the spirit and culture of our boys.

“It was a very appropriate way to bring up our 600th ODI.

“Both teams deserve credit for the way the series, which has been highly competitive, has gone but has been played within the best spirit and traditions of the game,” concluded Moroe.

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A try from Bongi Mbonambi in the final play of the game helped the Springboks edge out France 29-26 in Paris on Saturday.
The Sprinboks beat France 29-26 thanks to a dramatic last-minute try in torrential rain at the Stade de France on Saturday.

Replacement hooker Mbongeni Mbonambi’s touchdown after 85 minutes allowed the Springboks to celebrate a win which followed narrow losses to New Zealand and England.

The result also extended the Boks’ nine-year unbeaten run against France and restored some confidence for coach Rassie Erasmus with less than a year to go until the start of the World Cup in Japan where his team face world number one side the All Blacks in the group stages.

“We were rewarded for our work. Clearly it wasn’t a perfect match but we learnt to manage the pressure,” Erasmus said.

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Englishman Lee Westwood roared to win his third Nedbank Golf Challenge title in the final round at Gary Player Country Club in Sun City on Sunday, 11 November.
Westwood, who was three shots back, closed with a flawless round, which included an eagle and six birdies, to sign an 8-under 64 to finish on 15-under par.

The 45-year-old won by three strokes and completed a hat-trick at the Nedbank Golf Challenge, after winning back in 2010 and 2011.

Westwood broke a four-year winning drought and won his 24th European Tour title in the process on Sunday.

Overnight leader Sergio Garcia carded a final round of 2-under 70 to finish second on 12-under for the tournament.

Meanwhile, local favourite Louis Oosthuizen couldn't capitalise on a good start and finished with a double bogey on the final hole.

Oosthuizen signed a final round of three-under 69 to finish third on 11-under.

Last year's champion, Branden Grace, came back well and managed a two-under 70 to finish T11 at 3-under.

The next golf event South Africa will host is the SA Open at Randpark Golf Club from 6-9 December, 2018.

– Source:
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Editor: Delien Burger
Picture Editor: Delien Burger
Design and layout: René Marneweck


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