Issue 355 | 22 November 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday, 20 November 2018, hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on a State Visit to South Africa in Cape Town.
The last Official Visit to South Africa by a German President was undertaken 20 years ago by then Federal President Roman Herzog.

This week’s State Visit followeds a bilateral meeting between President Ramaphosa and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, on the margins of the G20 Africa Summit in Berlin towards the end of October 2018. This meeting re-energised relations between South Africa and Germany and provided the opportunity for the President to highlight the strategic importance of the relationship between the two countries.

During a business breakfast meeting in Berlin, President Ramaphosa encouraged German business leaders to continue investing in South Africa and expressed appreciation for the significant role German companies continued to play in developing skills and building capacity in South Africa.

Relations between South Africa and Germany are cordial, multifaceted and of a strategic nature. The importance of Germany to South Africa’s national and international interests can be seen in Germany’s support of South Africa’s domestic objectives, such as fostering economic growth, overcoming poverty and social imbalances, increasing the skills base and supporting efforts to combat the effects of climate change
Germany and South Africa also have a robust and growing trade relationship with Germany being South Africa’s third-largest global trading partner in 2017.

Germany is also one of the largest foreign investors in South Africa, with more than 600 German companies having subsidiaries or production in the country, sustaining approximately 100 000 jobs.

The State Visit afforded both leaders an opportunity to discuss multilateral issues and to cooperate closely as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council for a two-year term from 2019 – 2020.
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Saturday, 17 November 2018, concluded his Working Visit to Addis Ababa in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia where he attended the 11th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU).
This session of the assembly was chaired by President Paul Kagame as Chairperson of the AU Assembly and was attended by more than 20 heads of state and government.

The assembly focused on the AU institutional reform process, took stock of progress made thus far, deliberated on outstanding issues and challenges, and considered a variety of proposals and recommendations.

President Ramaphosa reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to the reform process, which has already started and acknowledged the work done by the AU Commission and the Reform Implementation Union in consultation with the Permanent Representatives Committee for developing the AU Reform Roadmap for the period 2018 to 2021.

The AU institutional reforms seek to create a self-sufficient, independent and effective AU that will ensure the realisation of the “Africa We Want”, Agenda 2063. This includes universal healthcare, infrastructure development, agriculture and agribusiness as well as mineral beneficiation.
President Cyril Ramaphosa on 16 November 2018 concluded a three-nation visit to Europe, which sought to strengthen political, economic and multilateral relations with the European Union (EU) as South Africa’s single largest trade partner.
The visit commenced in France on Wednesday, 14 November 2018, where President Ramaphosa addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg before leading the South African delegation to the Seventh EU-South Africa Summit in Brussels in the Kingdom of Belgium on 15 November 2018.

On 15 and 16 November 2018, President Ramaphosa co-chaired the Global Commission on the Future of Work at the Headquarters of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

President Ramaphosa was especially honoured by the invitation of the European Parliament to address members in the year of the centenary of founding President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. President Ramaphosa addressed the European Parliament on the theme “A Partnership of Equals Based on Shared Values”.

In his address, President Ramaphosa said President Mandela remained a universal hero whose visionary leadership was revered across the world.
The President acknowledged tributes received during this special year from leaders and people across Europe and the world who condemned the injustices of apartheid and saluted the activism of struggle heroines and heroes who fought to build a democratic South Africa.

President Ramaphosa called for continued solidarity and collaboration in the fight against poverty, inequality and narrow nationalism and urged the strengthening of multilateralism to promote peace and security, human rights, democracy, the rule of law, free and fair trade, sustainable development and inclusive growth, to build a better Africa and world across all regions.

In Belgium, President Ramaphosa participated in the Seventh EU-South Africa Summit through which South Africa and the EU renewed longstanding bonds of friendship and solidarity and agreed to strengthen relations underpinned by increased trade and investment.

The EU is South Africa’s largest trading partner with the value of trade increasing nearly fourfold from R150 billion in 2000 to R599,86 billion in 2017.

More than 2 000 EU companies operate in South Africa, creating more than 500 000 direct and indirect jobs.

The President reaffirmed South Africa’s bold ambition to attract US$100 billion in investment over the next five years. He further commended the partnerships pledged by EU investors at the recent South Africa Investment Conference.

The EU-South Africa Summit committed, among others, to support the socio-economic transformation agenda of South Africa and the implementation of the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

The President concluded his Working Visit to Europe in Geneva, Switzerland, where he co-chaired the Fourth Meeting of the Global Commission on the Future of Work at the Headquarters of the International Labour Organisation from 15 to 16 November 2018.

President Ramaphosa elucidated how South Africa, following the conclusion of the recent Jobs Summit, was developing shared solutions from labour, business and government to meet the challenges that the 21st century poses to the future of work.

The Global Commission will release a highly anticipated report on the future of work in January 2019.
The commission’s mandate is to make recommendations to sustain and protect the livelihood of workers around the world amid the proliferation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, climate change and the changing world economic cycle and also identify challenges.

Commenting on the outcomes of the EU visit, the President said: “Our visit has been very successful; we were warmly received and our interactions were very positive. South Africa is the only African country, and one of 10 countries globally, that has a strategic partnership with the EU. Our coming here has renewed our bonds and relationships with the one bloc of countries that invests the most in our economy.”
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, co-chaired the 15th Session of the annual South Africa-Russia Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) from 19 to 21 November 2018 in Moscow, Russia.
The South Africa-Russia Business Forum took place on the margins of ITEC and presented its report to the Ministerial Plenary session on 21 November 2018.
The ITEC, co-chaired by Minister Sisulu and the Russian Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Dmitry Kobylkin, took place within the context of the bilateral agreement that was signed in 1999 and revived in 2002 to give impetus to the political commitment between the two countries to broaden and deepen their relations. These engagements are further guided by the Treaty of Friendship and Partnership, signed in September 2006, as well as by the Declaration of Strategic Partnership, signed in March 2013 in Durban.

The ITEC forum comprises a number of sub-committees, among them the committees on Trade, Investment and Banking Cooperation; Mineral Resources; Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Water Resources; Science, Technology and Space; Energy; Justice; and Higher Education.

Minister Sisulu also held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergei Lavrov, on the margins of the 15th Session of ITEC
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, has welcomed the signing on 16 November 2018 of a cooperation agreement between the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) and the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) pertaining to voting to be conducted at South African diplomatic missions abroad.
The Cooperation Agreement, signed by Director-General Kgabo Mahoai (DIRCO) and Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo (IEC), is aimed at giving effect to the Electoral Act 73, 1998 and applicable regulations, which make provision for South African citizens who are outside the Republic to register and vote at a South African embassy, high commission or consulate closest to them.

Since the national and provincial elections of 1999, DIRCO has assisted the IEC with the voting of South African citizens abroad. Ahead of the national and provincial elections of 2014, and following the amendments to the Electoral Act, DIRCO extended its assistance to include voter registration applications through our missions abroad.

In terms of the Cooperation Agreement, the department will avail the premises of the missions for registration, voting and any other function that needs to be performed for successful voter registration and voting on the designated days and times.

Minister Sisulu said: “The signing of the Cooperation Agreement makes it possible for South African citizens abroad to exercise their constitutional rights. Our Constitution provides in Section 19 (2) that every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution. It further provides in Section 19 (3)(a) that every adult citizen has the right to vote in elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution”.
The South African Government has welcomed a resolution by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to lift sanctions against Eritrea.
The adoption of the resolution came just over four months after the signing of the historic Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship between the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, and the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, in Asmara, Eritrea, on 9 July 2018. This was followed by Ethiopia and Eritrea signing an Agreement on Peace, Friendship and Comprehensive Cooperation on 16 September 2018.

Reflecting on these developments, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, stated: “South Africa welcomes the decision of the UNSC and it is our hope that the lifting of sanctions against Eritrea will contribute to further advancing peace, security and development in the Horn of Africa.”

“The positive developments in the region over the last few months are further testament to the goal of Africa to silence the guns on the African continent by 2020 and are reflective of the political will by African countries to seek African solutions in resolving African problems,” added Minister Sisulu.

“We hope that the lifting of the sanctions will reverse the devastating economic impact that it has had on the region and in particular on Eritrea,” concluded Minister Sisulu.
The South African Government has welcomed a resolution by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to lift sanctions against Eritrea.
The latest flare-up was the worst since the 50-day conflict in 2014.

“We call for maximum restraint and express the hope that there will be no renewed escalation in Gaza or in any of the occupied Palestinian territories.

“We reiterate our view that there can be no military solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict,” said the Department of International Relations and Cooperation.

The department said the goodwill displayed by both parties to a ceasefire was a positive and welcome development that should serve as a catalyst in resuming the long-stalled Middle East Peace Process, leading to a two-State solution, with the people of the State of Israel living in peace and harmony with the people of an independent, sovereign Palestinian State based on the 4 June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its Capital.

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The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Luwellyn Landers, undertook a Working Visit to Geneva, Switzerland, on 16 November 2018.

Deputy Minister Landers met with his counterpart, State Secretary Pascale Baeriswyl, and co-chaired the Ninth South Africa-Swiss High Level Consultations (HLC) where they discussed a wide range of bilateral and multilateral issues.

The purpose of the HLC is to take stock of relations and progress made since the last sitting, as well as identify new areas of cooperation to continue strengthening relations.

South Africa’s bilateral relations with the Swiss Confederation are guided by the annual HLC, co-chaired at the level of South Africa’s Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and Switzerland’s State Secretary for Foreign Affairs. South Africa hosted the Eighth Session of the HLC in Pretoria from 2 to 3 October 2017.

Deputy Minister Landers's visit helped to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries and new areas of economic and political bilateral relations could be identified. Switzerland continues to consider South Africa as a strategic partner country with longstanding trade and investment relations. South Africa is Switzerland’s second-largest trading partner in Africa, after Ghana.

In 2017, imports from Switzerland amounted to R10,234 billion and exports to Switzerland were R11,705 billion. The balance of trade is therefore slightly in South Africa’s favour. Switzerland is the seventh-largest foreign investor in South Africa, with more than 100 Swiss companies sustaining approximately 33 000 jobs.

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation hosted the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Africa and the following South East Asian countries, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, by hosting a seminar followed by a cocktail luncheon and culture and heritage exhibitions on 19 November 2018.
Formal diplomatic relations were established with:
  • Malaysia: 8 November 1993
  • Philippines: 1 November 1993
  • Thailand: 9 December 1993
  • Vietnam: 22 December 1993.
South Africa maintains strong political relations with the countries in the South-East Asia region. Important to South Africa is to promote economic, trade, investment and tourism opportunities. The four countries are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) regional organisation, formed in 1967 to promote cooperation and economic, political, security, military, educational and socio-cultural integration among its members and other Asian countries.

Since its establishment in 1967, ASEAN has grown into one of the world's most vibrant regional groupings, with a total population of more than 650 million people, which is larger than the European Union or North America, and smaller only than China, India and a combined Europe. ASEAN as a regional grouping is growing in prominence. Its member states have developed more sophisticated manufacturing capabilities, and their exports have diversified.

Trade between South Africa and ASEAN is growing quickly. In 2017, total trade with ASEAN was R112 billion, but with a trade deficit of R42 billion. South Africa’s largest trading partners in South East Asia are Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. South Africa’s accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South-East Asia indicates South Africa’s intentions to strengthen ties with South-East Asia in general, and with ASEAN in particular. Malaysia is currently chairing ASEAN group of resident embassies in South Africa.

A strategic partner in these celebrations is South African Tourism. Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam are important growing markets for SA Tourism.
The Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, has been appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the African Union (AU) Peace Fund.
“I am delighted that the AU has asked me to be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Peace Fund. The guns really need to be silenced in Africa,” said Minister Mboweni.

The fund will finance mediation and preventive diplomacy activities, institutional capacity requirements and peace-support operations.

The appointment of the trustees of the AU’s Peace Fund is a key step in the implementation of the financing of the AU’s agenda, which is part of the ongoing institutional reform process.

The role of the Board of Trustees is to ensure strategic coherence and enhanced governance, financial and administrative oversight of the Peace Fund.

Minister Mboweni also serves on the AU Reform Steering Committee, convened by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda.

The July 2016 Assembly of the AU held in Kigali mandated President Kagame to prepare a study on the institutional reform of the AU.
Minister Mboweni is also governor of the New Development Bank, a multilateral development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS).

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New and revised grading standards for the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA) have been approved by the Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, and is now gazetted for implementation from 1 April 2019.
The new grading criteria include the introduction of two new categories in the form of “apartment hotels” and “small hotels” in which the luxury form (boutique hotels) would be encompassed.

In addition to this, grading levels have been enhanced and will now also include a new 5-Star Premium grading level, which is a recognition reserved for the pinnacle of luxury product in South Africa and will only be for those products that far exceed premium expectations with respect to quality standards and service excellence.

The TGCSA has also introduced a new dimension to grading, which allows for properties to capitalise on niche market differentiation.

To date, 5 178 establishments are graded across the country, says TGCSA.

This new addition termed “accolades” includes insignia and criteria for niche markets such as child-friendly, pet-friendly, wedding venues, spa and wellness facilities and 4x4.

Responsible Tourism also forms part of accolades offering, with the sole purpose of encouraging tourism businesses to operate more responsibly and limit the impact of their business on the environment.

The South African National Standards (SANS) 1162 formed the basis of the compilation of the criteria attached to the Responsible Tourism accolade. The Responsible Tourism accolade is a recognition mechanism and not an accreditation nor a certification.

“The approved enhancements to the grading system create greater value for our members and will further aid the TGSA in upholding and improving the competitive positioning of South Africa as a quality destination,” says Darryl Erasmus, TGSA's Chief Quality Assurance Officer.

To educate and bring understanding of the enhanced grading system and criteria, the TGCSA will be embarking on a national familiarisation initiative campaign through a tourism trade roadshow during February and March 2019.

– Source: Traveller 24
"People should feel comfortable in their own skin and not take criticism negatively."
These are the words of 12-year-old Ayanda Bokaba who recently flew to New York to take part in a TED-Ed weekend – an annual gathering of students from around the world who participate in TED-Ed clubs.

TED Conferences LLC (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a media organisation that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan "ideas worth spreading".

Her entry was submitted by the organisation Think Ahead, which works with schools offering support in their 21st-century teaching and learning.

During her talk, the Grade 6 Carlswald Preparatory School pupil is expected to focus on "how criticism affects people's confidence".

She said she was inspired by how people expressed themselves and how these interactions played a role in shaping individuals' confidence.

"With my talk, I want people to use the right type of criticism or change their approach of how they talk to others," Bokaba said.
During the event at TED's New York headquarters, all those participating will share inspiring performances, participate in hands-on workshops and attend sessions of TED Talks.

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Shumeez Scott, an aspiring supermodel from Cape Town, was recently presented an elusive lifetime contract with Ace Models, a brand that previously represented Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters.
Shumeez started modelling in 2017 after her older sister took her to one of her photo shoots. "As her sister completed her shoot, the photographer, Freda Roetjens, asked if she could do a few pictures of Shumeez, and there we discovered that Shumeez loves the camera and that she's a natural beauty," says her mother, Bahia. She was then entered into a Down Syndrome competition held by Ribbons4Roses SA in 2017.

"I noticed that she loves modelling and she puts so much into it. What she enjoy the most about it is going on the ramp where she can walk and have people applauding her – she loves attention", her mother explains.

Both Shumeez and her mom are excited about her contract with Ace Models. "She is very excited," Bahia says, "but I don't think she really realises how big it is because to her she's doing something she loves very much." Shumeez's mother says that she's been to a few modelling companies but it seemed to her that there was not much interest in children with Down Syndrome. "They are not educated enough to know more about Down Syndrome children in order to know how much they can do and how far they can go."

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Capetonian co-founder and Director at Read to Rise, Taryn Lock, jetted off to the USA recently, as the only South African selected to attend the 2018 Obama Summit in Chicago.
Her husband, award-winning poet and author, Athol Williams, announced the news, saying: “Proud of my wife! The only South African selected to attend this summit of social development with the Obama Foundation. No doubt Read to Rise and SA’s youth will benefit from the insights she derives!”

Athol and Taryn are co-founders of Read to Rise, which in its fifth year has gained the attention of Barack Obama.

The non-governmental organisation (NGO) – with a passion to get children excited about reading – has conducted 2 565 class programmes at 90 schools in Mitchells Plain, Soweto, Makhado and surrounds; and given out 130 595 new story books to the benefit of 72 689 children.

Taryn says: “There’s been good times and also bad times – running an NGO really is hard work but I’ve learnt so much and remain inspired to make a difference in these children’s lives.”

Taryn – who was also one of the 200 young African leaders who took part in the Obama Foundation convention in Joburg in July – said on Facebook: “Am honoured to be attending the 2018 Obama Summit in Chicago this weekend. I look forward to meeting many community change makers from around the world and learning how I can make more of a difference in South Africa to further uplift our communities.”

The Obama Foundation Summit was held from 18 to 19 November 2018 with President Obama addressing the event, along with other special guests.

This event for the first time brought together participants across the foundation’s inaugural programmes, including the Africa Leaders.

The theme of this year’s summit was “Common Hope. Uncommon Stories”.

A R5,5-million upgrade has been planned for the historic Grand Parade in central Cape Town.
The open space, located opposite City Hall, was where crowds gathered for Nelson Mandela's first public address after his release from prison in 1990.

Today, it hosts a market and is sometimes used as parking space for special events.

"The Grand Parade is an iconic site, and its upgrade together with the major upgrade of the City Hall will increase the precinct's profile as an events venue," said city spokesperson, Luthando Tyhalibongo.

"The precinct is one of our oldest and most central public spaces, with a rich history that resonates with Capetonians as well as visitors to our city, and has been host to many nationally and internationally important events."

The space was last upgraded in 2010, when buildings were repainted.

With the planned upgrade, room will be made to accommodate law enforcement on site to improve policing and security.

Tyhalibongo said the existing ablution facilities would be upgraded. A row of small kiosks are expected to be demolished and affected traders would be accommodated.

A row of kiosks closest to Plein Street would be refurbished to make the space compliant with South African Bureau of Standards regulations.

Work was planned to commence in February and should be completed by 30 June next year.

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Despite numerous errors and a yellow card, the Springboks became the first side to beat Scotland at home this year with a tense 26-20 victory at Murrayfield on Saturday, 17 November 2018.
The Boks continued to be their own worst enemies with critical mistakes that Scotland thrived on to stay in the game in the first quarter, when the Boks were well on top.

This was the Boks’ second win on tour and their sixth in a row over Scotland.

Flyhalf Handré Pollard contributed 18 points from three penalties, two conversions and a try and gave one of his best displays this season.

The victory, though not pretty, was another notch in the belt of coach Rassie Erasmus’s building team and will give him breathing room with a seventh win in 13 matches this season.

The Bok pack was superb again with captain Siya Kolisi excellent in crucial tackles. Malcolm Marx, Duane Vermeulen and Steven Kitshoff worked hard at the breakdown.

A yellow card for fullback Willie le Roux for a deliberate knock-on early in the second half didn’t derail the Boks but they didn’t make the most of their territorial advantage.

In a rollicking first half, in perfect conditions, both sides scored cracking tries.

Jesse Kriel opened the scoring after Handré Pollard carved through the Scottish defence and offloaded to Embrose Papier, who did well to keep the ball alive. From the ensuing ruck, Kriel hit the line at pace.

Scotland was on the back foot for much of the first quarter but the Springboks’ box kicking game was erratic and both Scotland’s first-half tries came from capitalising on poorly executed kicks.

Centre Peter Horne was first over for the Scots, from what looked like a forward pass from midfield partner Huw Jones. Referee Romain Poite had another look but did not reverse his original decision.

Pollard scored his team’s second almost from the restart when he cut through flimsy defence to re-establish a seven-point buffer.

Pollard ’s first penalty from close to halfway extended the lead to 10 points before Scotland struck again.

Wing S’bu Nkosi failed to take a Papier box kick and from the knock on the impressive Stuart Hogg scythed up the left-hand touchline, hacked ahead and established a lineout five metres from the Bok line.

A well-worked routine from the throw allowed flank Hamish Watson to burst over the Bokline unopposed. A late Elton Jantjies penalty, after Pollard had missed two kicks in the second half, put daylight between the sides.

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Banyana Banyana started the 2018 African Women’s Cup of Nation on a positive note with a victory over reigning champions Nigeria.
After man’s national team Bafana Bafana drew 1-1 with Nigeria on Saturday in the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) qualifier at FNB Stadium, Mzansi’s hopes of getting a victory against the West Africa’s opponents shifted to Banyana as they also had a date against Super Falcons of Nigeria.

And the women's team did not disappoint.

Desiree Ellis charges had to go head-to-head with Nigeria for the better half of the match as the only goal that separated the two came in on the 84th minutes of the match.

Star midfielder Thembi Kgatlana who was introduced in the 56 minutes of the match replacing Busi Ndimeni scored the solitary goal on the 84 minute to ensure Banyana collect maximum points at the Cape Coast Stadium Stadium in Ghana on Sunday.

The two sides started the game in high spirits, creating few goalscoring opportunities but went to the half-time break tied on 0-0.

Towards the end of the match, Jermaine Seoposenwe delivered an inch-perfect chip that bounced right into Kgatlana’s path who released a thunderous volley from a difficult angle to find the back of the net.

Kgatlana nearly wrapped things up a few seconds later from another through-ball by Seoposenwe, but this time her first touch eluded her, and Nigeria goalkeeper Tochukwu Oluehi came out to smother the danger.

But the South Africans held on for a memorable victory over the Super Falcons, which was their second against Nigeria in history.

The result has given Banyana a huge moral boost as the team has vowed to make history in this years Awcon by finishing within the top three of the tournament to qualify for their first ever Fifa World Cup next year.

Banyana is in Group B alongside Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and Zambia.

Banyana Banyana shot to the top of Group B of the 2018 Women’s AFCON after a magnificent 7-1 victory over Equatorial Guinea on Wednesday, 21 November 2018, at the Cape Coast Stadium in Ghana.

This is the biggest score line to date in the current edition of the tournament.

Banyana Banyana head coach Desiree Ellis made three changes to the starting line-up that beat Nigeria in the first match of the competition - introducing Thembi Kgatlana, Nompumelelo Nyandeni and Kgaelebane Mohlakoana for Busisiwe Ndimeni, Mamello Makhabane and Refiloe Jane.

Banyana Banyana and Zambia will meet in the last match of the group stages at the Accra Sports Stadium, while Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea remain in the Cape Coast for their clash.

Both fixtures will take place on Saturday, 24 November, at 18:00 (SA time).

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Faf du Plessis has become the only international cricket captain to beat Australia at home in all three formats (Test, One Day International, and Twenty20 International) after South Africa beat Australia on the Gold Coast. South Africa’s bowling once again dominated Australian batting, resulting in South Africa winning a truncated one-off Twenty20 international by 21 runs.
Cricket South Africa proudly tweeted: “O Captain! My Captain! @faf1307 becomes the ONLY International captain to beat Australia at home in all three formats. What a leader 👌It’s more than just cricket #ProteaFire”

The match was delayed by nearly two hours after a violent storm brought torrential rain to the Queensland coast early in the evening.

When it finally did get underway – at a new international venue, Carrara Oval – each side was allowed just half of their usual number of overs.

South Africa, put in to bat, made a bright start with 42 runs off the three power play overs.

Skipper Faf du Plessis led the way during South Africa’s innings with 27 off 15 balls but Australia’s bowlers, spearheaded by paceman Nathan Coulter-Nile (2-19), did a good job of containment in the last few overs to restrict the tourists to 108 for six.

The fragility of Australia’s batting had been exposed by South Africa’s bowlers in the recent one-day series, which the Proteas won 2-1, and it was quickly evident again when the hosts went out to bat.

South Africa all-rounder Chris Morris (2-12) struck twice in three deliveries in the third over to reduce Australia to 27 for three, the second a peach of a yorker which sent Chris Lynn back for 14.

Glenn Maxwell fought a defiant rearguard with 38 off 23 balls but Australia never looked like avoiding a fourth straight Twenty20 defeat and they finished their allotted 10 overs on 87 for seven.

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Picture Editor: Delien Burger
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