Issue 356 | 29 November 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead the South African delegation to the G20 Summit which takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 30 November to
1 December 2018.
Chaired by President Mauricio Macri of Argentina, the Buenos Aires gathering is the first G20 Summit in which President Ramaphosa will participate since being elected President in February 2018. The Leaders’ Summit will be complemented by meetings of finance ministers from G20 member states.

Argentina assumed the G20 Presidency in November 2017, with a focus throughout this year-long term on “Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development”, a theme that resonates well with President Ramaphosa’s own emphasis on the importance of consensus and collaboration in South Africa’s efforts to build an inclusive and sustainable economy and advance social cohesion.

The G20 was formed in 1999 to bring stability to the global financial system, promote long-term sustainable growth and strengthen global financial governance. However, it has since expanded its agenda beyond economic and financial issues to encompass geopolitical matters and issues of peace and security, global governance, environment and international terrorism.

The G20, which consists of the leading developed and developing economies, accounts for 85% of global gross domestic product, 80% of world trade and two-thirds of the world’s population.

South Africa views the summit as a platform from which to promote and strengthen interests of the African continent and of the South.

South Africa further views the G20 as providing meaningful opportunities for advancing global governance reforms and reorienting the international developmental agenda.

President Ramaphosa will in the course of this Working Visit hold bilateral meetings with various heads of states to strengthen and deepen relations with partner countries and present South Africa as an attractive investment destination and trade partner.

President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, as well as the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu.
As part of the review of South Africa’s foreign policy, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, is considering guidelines that will inform South Africa’s voting in various multilateral fora as South Africa prepares to assume its non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the period 2019 to 2020.
These guidelines will also apply in other key political and technical agencies such as the Human Rights Council in Geneva and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague.

These guidelines were discussed extensively at the recently concluded Heads of Mission Conference and are underpinned by the values and principles of South Africa’s Constitution and its national interests. In this regard, the Minister will in due course give a voting directive to the South African delegation in New York pertaining to the situation of human rights in Myanmar, ahead of the upcoming Plenary of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in December 2018.

South Africa expresses its deep concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in Myanmar and calls for an end to the human suffering experienced by the Rohingya people. South Africa has consistently condemned human rights violations in Myanmar, including at the recent Indian Ocean Rim Association Council of Ministers’ Meeting, held in Durban.

The Ministerial voting directive will supersede the South African vote that was cast on the situation of human rights in Myanmar at the Third Committee of the UNGA that took place on 16 November 2018.

South Africa remains on guard at all times to ensure that votes on country-specific human rights resolutions are not used to engage in regime changes and destabilise countries.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Regina Mhaule, on 23 November 2018, hosted the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Yerzhan Ashikbayev, accompanied by a delegation from the Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the Sixth South Africa-Kazakhstan Bilateral Political Consultations.
Bilateral relations between the two countries are cordial and conducted under the umbrella of the structured Protocol on Regular Political Consultations, signed in 1997 and co-chaired at the level of Deputy Minister. The consultations convene at alternating venues in Kazakhstan and South Africa. Kazakhstan hosted a successful fifth round of Bilateral Political Consultations in Astana in November 2016.

The Bilateral Political Consultations serve to explore opportunities to strengthen bilateral relations between South Africa and Kazakhstan, focussing on trade and investment, skills exchange and academic cooperation and to build on existing cooperation at various levels in the multilateral fora.

The Sixth Round of Bilateral Political Consultations reviewed progress made since the previous round and further explored closer cooperation in the fields of education and skills exchange, science and technology, mining, agriculture and energy to encourage the expansion of economic cooperation.

The meeting also noted that Kazakhstan successfully hosted the EXPO2017 in Astana in 2017, under the theme “Future Energy” and that South Africa’s participation showcased the Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope.

Bilateral agreements in a variety of fields, including trade and economic cooperation, immigration and justice are currently under consideration and close to finalisation.

The mainstreaming of continental development priorities in the African Union, Southern African Development Community and in Central Asia as well as other multilateral cooperation objectives, including the South African non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2019 to 2020, formed part of discussions.
Researchers from South Africa and Kenya met in Pretoria on Friday, 23 November, in a bid to enhance collaboration on science and technology between the two countries.
South Africa and Kenya enjoy cordial relations since the signing of a bilateral agreement in 2004, which was implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Kenya’s Ministry of Education, National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation.

Currently, the two countries are implementing a plan of action, focussing on biosciences, space sciences through the Square Kilometre Array, mathematical sciences and renewable energies, among others. The action plan is up for renewal in March 2019.

Kenya’s innovation agenda is largely driven by youth, who enjoy an enabling environment, supported by the Government and active investment by multinational companies such as Google, IBM and Microsoft. In addition, the country boosts an impressive ICT ecosystem, particularly in the development of mobile money platforms, which is increasingly attractive to global investors such as the CEO of Alibaba, Jack Ma.

In this context, the DST has called for the two countries to develop a joint young technology entrepreneurs programme to support transboundary collaboration in technology innovation, including at grassroots level.

The meeting was attended by entrepreneurs, researchers and scientists in the social, physical and natural science fields working in South African research organisations, universities and the private sector.

Dr Phil Mjwara, the Director-General of the DST, and the High Commissioner of Kenya, Jean Kamau, addressed participants.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, on Thursday, 22 November 2018, launched the R985-million industrial complex, Komatsu campus, saying the launch demonstrates the confidence that business has in the South African manufacturing sector.
“With 2 500 employees in the southern region, we are pleased that Komatsu is looking at the full value-chain of supply management, and this is evident in the announcement made by the company as it consolidates their operations, part distribution, equipment workshop, technical training centre and headquarters under one plant to retain the existing 953 jobs.

“This is a significant contribution towards addressing the challenge of unemployment and skills development,” said Minister Davies.

The launch was held at the Komatsu’s campus in Germiston. The new Komatsu campus is one of the largest single-owner industrial complexes in South Africa. The 300 000-m² facility incorporates Komatsu head office operations, the Isando branch, parts distribution centre, equipment workshop and technical training centre.

The launch followed a visit to Japan in September 2018 by a delegation from Invest South Africa, the Presidential Special Envoy and Business Leadership South Africa. The visit was part of government’s drive to attract R1,2 trillion worth of investment projects over five years.

The delegation engaged with the Japanese Government, business federations, government agencies, banking institutions, as well as current and potential investors.

The Japanese company also participated in the Presidential Investment Summit last month, wherein the investment in the expansion was announced.

Minister Davies said it had been evident throughout the years that most Japanese investments in the continent were long-term and consistently of high quality, concentrated on training and upgrading employees' skills.

“I am pleased to see the Japanese companies strengthening, increasing and expanding their footprint in South Africa as the regional hub which bodes very well for the South African economy,” he said.

President and Chief Executive Officer of Komatsu, Tetsuji Ohashi, said Africa, and South Africa in particular, had become an integral part of their global business. He said South Africa was not only the company’s biggest market on the continent, but the base from which operations in nine separate countries across the region were driven.

“The investment comes as Komatsu prepares to work towards its centenary year in 2021 and the promotion of its mid-range management plan. What we are doing today is sowing the seeds for future growth,” Ohashi said.

– Source:
Human Settlements Minister, Nomaindiya Mfeketo, visited construction sites in Havana recently as part of her Official Visit to Cuba.
The Minister was accompanied by South Africa’s Ambassador to Cuba, Thaninga Shope-Linney, during a tour to the Housing Construction Programme in the Capital 100 Units in Ciudad Libertdad.

The Minister informed the local leadership in Havana that one of the biggest challenges South Africa had to contend with was the building of decent houses for mine workers.

“These are workers separated from their families for long periods as a result of the migrant labour system. Building viable human settlements for mine workers is one of our priorities,” she said.

The Minister was encouraged by what she observed during the site visits, finding women and youth taking their rightfull place in the construction industry.

The lessons drawn from Cuban citizens mobilising communities to roll up their sleeves and build their own houses must be emulated and implemented in South Africa as part the redesigned People‘s Houses Process.

The delegation proceeded to visit the Centre for Development and Consulting in Management and Business, which is part of the Cuban Ministry for Construction. At the centre, the Minister was taken through an illuminating exhibition of the General Directorate of Housing and its function.

“Our shameful apartheid past has denied many young people the opportunity to study engineering, architecture and many other critical courses that the Cuban initiatives empower its youth with for social advancement and individual growth,” said Minister Mfeketo.

“This is a challenge which our government is determined to address through our collaboration with the Government of Cuba,” she added.

The Minister had a two-hour bilateral meeting with the Minister of Construction in Cuba, Rene Messa Villafafa. The discussions focussed around the strengthening of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries and ensuring that all parties adhere to the implementation plan of the agreement.

Monitoring and evaluation will become one of the areas that will receive specialised attention as both governments are committed to derive mutual benefit from the collaboration. South Africa and Cuba will jointly explore the prospects of a sustainable and viable skill transfer and exchange programmes.

The meeting of the two ministers also resolved to find creative and innovate ways of dealing with language barriers in the interest of all participants and technical coordinators.

Minister Mfeketo said her visit to Cuba was aimed at acquiring first-hand knowledge on how governments could give citizens the skills that are required to build their own houses.
South Africa blazed the trail by being the first African country to host the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Africa Leaders Forum since the first WTTC Global Summit hosted by Portugal in 1996.
The Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, expressed his gratitude at the opportunity and confidence given to South Africa to be first host of the forum on African soil, as he delivered the opening address in Stellenbosch on Thursday, 22 November 2018.

“The growth of this sector will catalyse job creation. We require greater active participation of the continent in the work of the WTTC,” said Minister Hanekom.

For 26 years, the WTTC has been the voice of the global tourism industry.  This organisation promotes sustainable growth in the sector, and works with governments and international institutions to create jobs, drive exports and generate prosperity.

South Africa sees the value of the WTTC as being the voice of this industry globally, bringing specialist knowledge to guide government policy and decision-making,and raising awareness of the importance of the industry as an economic generator of prosperity.

Given the potential of travel and tourism in Africa, the WTTC gathered the CEOs and regional leaders of the top travel and tourism companies from across Africa, along with tourism ministers and regional experts at its inaugural Africa Leaders Forum in Stellenbosch to discuss the key issues facing the region’s travel and tourism sector. The President and CEO of WTTC, Gloria Guevara Manzo, praised the South African Government for recognising the opportunities in this sector and the steps it had taken to realise this potential.

The Africa Leaders Forum promotes further investment in Africa’s tourism sector and supports innovation in tourism. The forum also provided a unique and exclusive space for networking among industry leaders. Some of the key issues facing the region’s travel and tourism sector were discussed, including tourism’s role in sustainable growth and development, as well as tourism and inclusive job creation.

As an economic lever and a growth pillar, tourism currently supports about 1,5 million jobs directly and indirectly in South Africa. Growing the country’s tourism sector is a key aspect of the country’s Nine-Point Plan and aligned to the National Development Plan that recognises tourism as one of the main drivers in the economy. By achieving the objectives of the National Tourism Sector Strategy (2016 – 2026), there will be more sustainable jobs and a more inclusive tourism sector. This strategy is a guiding document for the tourism sector in South Africa, with particular focus on inclusive growth, job creation and transformation.

“The African continent has huge growth potential if we harness the tourism-sector opportunities”, Minister Hanekom concluded.
South Africa’s Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan, has been awarded an international Doctorate of Business Administration by the prestigious Henley School of Business, University of Reading in the United Kingdom.
Henley School of Business said they were delighted to announce the award for Minister Gordhan, and that “he is the first South African to receive this international award”.

The world-renowned international business school has offices and partnerships around the world. According to its website, the school is diverse with over 100 student nationalities represented on campus and an alumni network of 73 000 professionals from 150 countries.

A South African supporter, George Chetty, shared a photo taken by LR Photography of Minister Gordhan in his doctoral robes, with his hands together, after being conferred with the honorary degree and said: “What humility, the traditional thank you which means so much.”

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On Friday, 23 November 2018, the Department of Communications and the Bureau of International Cooperation of the Cyberspace Administration of China jointly hosted a China-South Africa New Media Roundtable Discussion.
The purpose of the roundtable discussion was to strengthen relations between South Africa and China both at governmental and business levels by sharing information and lessons on the growth of the information and communications technologies and other related industries.
South Africa’s former Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, has been awarded the highest tribute Germany can pay to an individual.
German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, bestowed Germany’s Great Order of Merit (or Federal Cross of Merit) upon Adv Madonsela on Tuesday, 20 November 2018, during his State Visit to South Africa.

He said: “Thuli Madonsela, you teach us how resilient a democracy actually is if we determinedly defend its principles! In this, you are an example to all us democrats.”

The last official visit to South Africa by a German President was undertaken 20 years ago by then Federal President Roman Herzog. He was welcomed to South Africa by then President Nelson Mandela.

– Source: FB/German Embassy Pretoria
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife veterinarian, Dr Dave Cooper, is the 2018 recipient of the Wild Tomorrow Fund’s Umvikeli Wildlife Protector Award. The award is for his lifetime of dedication to the care, management and conservation of rhinos and other wild animals in Africa.
The award recognises an individual or organisation working tirelessly to protect endangered and threatened wildlife and their habitats in Africa.
Cooper was honoured at Wild Tomorrow Fund’s annual benefit, held recently in New York.

He qualified as a veterinarian in 1981 and joined the Natal Parks Board (now Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife) in 1993.

He is the sole vet at Ezemvelo responsible for all parks in KwaZulu-Natal and is considered the leading expert in rhinoceros care, capture and transport, having relocated well over 2 500 animals.

He has been the principal vet involved in the Rhinos Without Borders Project since its inception, which has to date moved 87 White Rhino from South Africa to Botswana’s Okavango Delta.

He has also been involved in the relocation of more than 150 Black Rhino to nine different localities as part of the World Wildlife Fund Black Rhino Range Expansion Project.

“I am extremely humbled and also honoured to receive the 2018 Wildlife Protector Award." said Cooper. "I am humbled because I am one person of many who are involved in the daily struggle to save wildlife.

“I believe that raising awareness is critically important.

“Many people are not aware of the importance of biodiversity and what’s happening to even the well-known species such as rhinos.

“The rhino is a symbol of representing the loss of biodiversity today. If we can’t save rhinos, what is next?

“‘It is a struggle we must work our hardest at to win."

“The tireless dedication and sacrifice of Dr Cooper is an inspiration for all – not only those who work on the ground with him, but for others far away who share his love and concern for African wildlife,” said John Steward, Executive Director of Wild Tomorrow Fund.

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The City of Cape Town's Recreation and Parks Department has completed a multi-million rand upgrade to the Glencairn and Soetwater tidal pools.
The city says this is just the latest in a series of coastal improvements in time for the bumper summer beach season, which will see an annual influx of more than a million visitors to the city's beaches.

"Our tidal pools are popular spots as these shallow pools of seawater are the ideal space for families with younger children to enjoy our coast," says the City of Cape Town's Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security; and Social Services, Alderman JP Smith.

The R6 129 228 investment in recreational facilities allows for surrounding business to benefit as well.

The upgrade project included the construction of a new wall capping; the construction of a platform; the closing of old valves at the bottom of the pool; and the rehabilitation of the baby pool, platform and steps at Soetwater tidal pool.

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A new crab species has been discovered in the forests of the Eastern Cape.
In a study conducted by Professor Savel Daniels, a "pearl white" crab species was found in Mbotyi, north of Port St Johns.

The new crab species, which lives near its rust brown cousin, Potamonautes sidneyi, is named mhlophe (white in isiXhosa).

Both species live in fresh water and Daniels said that the find was a surprise.

"Nobody has ever intensively sampled the forests in the Eastern Cape where we (incidentally) found the species at Mbotyi," he said.

The newly discovered crab species, Potamonautes mhlophe, lives under river stones and shimmers when light hits its shell.

According to the Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme, which funded the study, phylogeographers – people who study how historical processes have resulted in where species are distributed – identified the "symmetry" of the related species.

Symmetry means that the species live in the same geographical area, but do not breed.

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Four lions rescued that had been kept in hellish conditions in captivity in the Ukraine have arrived at their new home in the Kragga Kamma Game Park in Port Elizabeth, "Herald LIVE" reported.
The four felines were flown into Port Elizabeth recently and trucked out to the park.

The one male and three female lions – Nathan, Charlie, Luca and Kai – will be spending the rest of their days in their natural habitat, SABC reported. Several organisations reportedly donated funds for the relocating.

They spent the first night in a protective night house before being released into their spacious new home – a 1 500-m² enclosure, according to Herald LIVE.

It marks the end of a lengthy and laborious effort by Lionel de Lange, a native of Port Elizabeth and now the executive director of the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organisation in the Ukraine.

De Lange found three of the lions living in a 35m² concrete enclosure, where they were forced to live in their own urine and faeces for almost three years after leaving a circus in Ukraine.

When he came across those lions he could simply not look the other way, Port Elizabeth Express reported.

"I was preparing to rescue bears when I came across them. The smell was horrible when I found them, and I could not leave them there.

"They were in a concrete cage with no direct sunshine or even rain, and no decent ventilation. Except for the front, the entire cage was closed. They literally slept in their own urine and stool because there was no other place to lock them up in order to clean the cage."

De Lange said the lions were, however, not malnourished.

While De Lange negotiated with the owner of the lions, he was informed of a lion cub in distress.

A circus boss took the cub, Nathan, away at two months old to train for circus tricks.

"We were lucky to be able to take him away too, because his life would get much worse going forward," said De Lange.

Ayesha Cantor, co-owner of the Kragga Kamma Game Reserve in Port Elizabeth, was pleasantly surprised when she heard a fourth lion will soon be part of this park’s first lion pride.

The park was granted a permit to keep the lions and major construction work for their camp was begun.

Besides the nearly R150 000 it cost for the lion’s fence, and the approximately R500 000 to bring the lions to South Africa, Cantor and De Lange believe it was worth resettling the lions

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Trevor Noah is joining the #GivingTuesdaySA initiative by pledging up to R2 million to assist schools across South Africa through his Trevor Noah Foundation (TNF), which he founded last year.
In a Facebook message to South Africa, Trevor said: “Hey South Africa, In the spirit of #GivingTuesdaySA I will be matching all donations to The Trevor Noah Foundation up to 2 million Rand. You can donate here:”.

Trevor believes educating South Africa’s youth is the key to advancing South Africa, and his foundation aims to achieve 100% transition rate from Matric students into continued education.

Trevor says: “For me, I’ve come to realise the secret is great teachers. In my life and the lives of many other kids, one great teacher has made all the difference.

“To this day, business economics and history are my favourite subjects thanks to teachers like Mr Darby and Mrs Gold. My favourite teachers were those who engaged me in a way that made me feel like they loved the subjects as much as they wanted me to love it.”

The TNF pilot programme has been working with orphaned and vulnerable learners from Grades 9 – 12 at a school in Vrededorp, and wants to reach more schools across South Africa.

Trevor says: “Our end goal is to get as many children who do not have access to education, educated. We want to get teachers the support they need because teachers are underpaid, and we want to make sure the people who educate those children are able to sustain themselves.”

Until now, Trevor has been TNF’s primary investor. He’s now asking the public to support his vision and help scale TNF’s impact and ensure no child gets left behind.

Funds raised by the crowdfunding campaign, will be matched 1:1 by Trevor himself up to R2 million.

The funds will be carefully managed by the TNF to assist various schools across South Africa and eliminate obstacles that stand in the way of students and teachers reaching their full potential.

– Source:
Global Citizen has just announced that South Africa’s own Black Coffee is a late addition to the line-up for the event, which is taking place in Johannesburg on Sunday, 2 December.
The organisers have added that the prolific local producer will be collaborating with one of the major international artists on the line-up. The name of the international artist has not been announced but the collaboration will take place in the first half of the show.

The lineup for Global Citizen Festival: Mandela 100 presented by the Motsepe Foundation will feature performances by Beyoncé and Jay-Z, Cassper Nyovest, D'banj, Ed Sheeran, Eddie Vedder, Femi Kuti, Kacey Musgraves, Pharrell Williams and Chris Martin, Sho Madjozi, Tiwa Savage, Usher, and Wizkid.

Doors open at 11:00 and those in their seats between 12:00 and 14:00 could receive one of the hundreds of surprise ticket upgrades Global Citizen will be giving away, offering some of the best views of the stage in the whole venue. In addition to an exciting pre-show hosted by Anele Mdoda, there will be unique art installations, food, drink, Global Citizen merchandise and much more.

– Source:
Sandton City, Johannesburg, was filled with fans on Saturday night as “Creed 2” star Michael B Jordan hit the red carpet to promote the upcoming movie.
Michael was joined by co-star Florian Munteanu and director Steven Caple Jr for the exclusive screening. The trio were met with loud cheers as fans looked on in admiration.

A few local stars, including Nomzamo and Chris Jafta, also joined the event, chatting to the media about their excitement for the release of the movie.

“Creed 2” debuts in South African cinemas on Friday, 30 November.

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Springbok and Lions wing, Aphiwe Dyantyi, was named the 2018 World Rugby Breakthrough Player of the Year in Monaco on Sunday evening,
25 November 2018.
Dyantyi scored six tries in his first eight tests for the Boks – including two in the famous win against the All Blacks in Wellington – and finished his debut season with 13 caps.

Dyantyi beat Ireland wing Jordan Larmour and New Zealand prop Karl Tu’inukuafe to the award.

The main award of the evening went to Ireland flyhalf Johnny Sexton, who was named World Rugby Player of the Year.

It was an Irish triple at the ceremony as Ireland were named Team of the Year and Joe Schmidt won Coach of the Year.

– Source:
Banyana Banyana is in the final of the 2018 Women's African Cup of Nations and have qualified for the Soccer World Cup thanks to their 2-0 win over Mali in a semi-final clash on Tuesday evening, 27 November 2018.
A goal from Thembi Kgatlhane in the 31st minute gave South Africa a crucial lead in the match.

It was Kgatlhane's fifth goal in four games at the tournament.

The result was wrapped up in the 80th minute when Lebohang Ramalepe chipped over the Mali 'keeper from 20 metres out.

South Africa will now play Nigeria in the final of the tournament.

They will be desperately hoping to win the African trophy after finishing runners-up in 2000, 2008 and 2012.

Victory also means than Banyana Banyana booked their tickets to the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, which will take place in France in June.

This is the first time that Banyana Banyana has qualified for the world's premier soccer tournament.

– Source:
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Picture Editor: Yolande Snyman
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