Issue 357 | 6 December 2018
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 1 for the late Mr Mendi Msimang, struggle stalwart and former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
Mr Msimang, 78, a recipient of the Order for Meritorious Service in Silver, passed away on Monday, 3 December 2018, after an extended illness.

President Ramaphosa has declared that the national flag be flown at half-mast with immediate effect until the day of Mr Msimang’s funeral, Saturday, 8 December 2018.

A Special Official Funeral Category 1 entails elements of military ceremonial honours and is declared, in line with The Presidency’s State, Official and Provincial Official Funeral Policy, for persons of extraordinary credentials specifically designated by the President.
The funeral service for Mr Msimang will take place in Pretoria at a venue to be announced in the course of this week. President Ramaphosa will deliver the eulogy.

“Once again, we have lost one of our country’s finest diplomats who served his country with dedication, commitment and pride.” Those were the words of the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Lindiwe Sisulu, after learning with deep shock and sadness of the untimely passing of Mendi Msimang.

Mr Msimang was one of the South Africa’s first country representatives abroad after the first democratic elections in 1994. He served as South Africa’s High Commissioner to London from 1995 to 1998.

“On behalf of the current serving and former high commissioners and ambassadors, we join the nation in mourning the untimely death of Mr Msimang. He served our country with distinction. His family should take comfort in knowing they had a father and grandfather of calibre”, said Minister Sisulu.

Minister Sisulu conveyed her heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the late Mr Msimang.

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation held a memorial service in honour of former High Commissioner Msimang on 5 December 2018, at the OR Tambo Building.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has lauded the Global Citizen Festival for its work, calling on South Africans and people of the world to be the generation that ends poverty.
“We are united in Madiba’s vision of a world where every human being lives in freedom and prosperity. His spirit is the driving force behind the Global Citizen movement.

“By your mere presence here, you have declared that poverty is a stain on the conscience of humanity, and that we will all work together to end poverty.

“Let us be part of this mission. Let us be the generation that ends poverty,” said the President.

The Global Citizen Festival, which is an annual music festival organised by the Global Poverty Project, took place at the FNB Stadium on Sunday, 2 December 2018.

The project is a movement that seeks to bring an end to extreme poverty by 2030 as part of the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Global Citizen works across the 17 global goals, including food and nutrition, water and sanitation, girls and women, the environment, health, finance and innovation.

This year, the movement saw several South Africans take part in actions and activities that seek to bring an end to the global challenges.
Through the actions taken, R98 billion was raised for various causes. President Ramaphosa topped it up, bringing the figure to R100 billion.

“R98 billion has been made tonight and we as South Africans will top it up to R100 billion,” said President Ramaphosa.

The R100 billion, coupled with 57 major commitments on education, sanitation and health, is set to affect the lives of 137 368 628 people.

The festival formed part of the centenary celebrations of the late former statesman and global icon, President Nelson Mandela.

Renowned talk-show host Oprah Winfrey, who was tasked with introducing the President, called on people to embody Madiba’s values of humanity.
“Every one of us has the ability to comfort and strengthen somebody through small acts of kindness and in doing so, we create a much deeper faith in humanity,” she said.

Presenting the headline acts at the Global Citizen Festival, American comedian Dave Chapelle described Beyoncé and Jay-Z as representatives of the black movement.

And they lived up to the description by putting on a show celebrating black culture and encouraging the theme of love as an emotion that transcends all challenges.

The couple gave the scores of people in attendance a show to remember with electric performances that saw them pair up with both international and local artists.

Partner and host of the Global Citizen Movement, Patrice Motsepe of the Motsepe Foundation, pledged billions towards the SDGs.
Motsepe announced that his family, under his charity foundation, would donate R3,5 billion to assist with the SDGs and the issue of land reform in the country.

On this, he was joined by, among others, Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini; leader of the Zion Christian Church, Bishop Barnabas Lekganyane; and leaders of AgriSA, the Black Farmers’ Association, African Farmers Association of South Africa, and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu).

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On Saturday, 1 December 2018, President Cyril Ramaphosa concluded his visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he led South Africa’s delegation to the G20 Summit.
The G20, which accounts for 80% of global gross domestic product, was formed in 1999 to bring stability to the global financial system, promote long-term sustainable growth and strengthen global financial governance and has since expanded its agenda beyond economic and financial issues to encompass geopolitical matters and issues of peace and security, global governance, environment and international terrorism.

The summit was chaired by President Mauricio Macri under the theme “Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development”, which Argentina selected for its year-long presidency of the G20. Following this summit, Japan will assume the G20 Presidency.


Ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit, President Ramaphosa chaired an informal meeting of BRICS leaders as part of securing alignment among Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as emerging economies in their contribution to the G20 Summit.
The BRICS leaders exchanged views on international political, security and global economic-financial issues, as well as challenges facing sustainable development.

The leaders recommitted themselves to a world of peace and stability, the central role of the United Nations (UN), the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter, and respect for international law, the promotion of democracy and the rule of law.

They also reiterated their commitment to working together to strengthen multilateralism and promote a fair, just, equitable, democratic and representative international order.

BRICS heads of state and government deplored continued terrorist attacks, including against some BRICS countries, and condemned terrorism in all forms and manifestations. The leaders called upon all nations to adopt a comprehensive approach in combating terrorism, including all the elements identified in the Johannesburg Declaration.
Bilateral meetings

During his visit to the Argentinian capital, President Ramaphosa held a number of bilateral meetings with heads of state and government as well as UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and African Union Chair and President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame.

In these meetings, President Ramaphosa engaged his counterparts on various forms of cooperation, including the deepening of trade and investment that is expected to contribute to job creation in South Africa and the achievement of inclusive and sustainable growth.

Some of these engagements centred on the role South Africa will play in the multilateral arena when it assumes a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council in 2019-20 – the third time that the country has done so.

Following his meeting with the UN Secretary-General, President Ramaphosa set aside time to place a video call to Banyana Banyana, to assure the national women’s football team of the nation’s support for them in their Total Africa Women Cup of Nations final against Nigeria, played in Accra, Ghana, on Saturday 1 December 2018.

Global Citizen Festival

Upon his return from Argentina, President Ramaphosa participated in the Global Citizen Festival in Johannesburg on 2 December, which formed part of the global observance of the centenary of the birth of founding President Nelson Mandela.
President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Friday, 7 December 2018, deliver a keynote address at the 70th anniversary commemoration of the UDHR at Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg.
The event will also be attended by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Advocate Michael Masutha, as well as the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet.

On 10 December 1948, the UN adopted the UDHR and on the same day in 1996, the Constitution of South Africa was signed into law by former President Nelson Mandela. The UDHR and the Constitution of South Africa share much in common in spirit, principles and values as statements of intent by humanity to stand up, promote and protect the rights to equality and freedom from discrimination of all people.

The commemoration is particularly significant as it coincides with the centenary celebrations of struggle stalwarts and human rights activists, Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu.

The UDHR is a milestone document, which underpins all international human rights law and was drafted by representatives from different legal and cultural backgrounds from across the world. It continues to inspire the achievement of freedom, equality and dignity.

The commemoration is a joint initiative by the Government of South Africa, international bodies such as the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Foundation for Human Rights, the European Union, the South African Human Rights Commission and other key partners who actively promote human rights in the country.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, sent a message of condolences to the Government and the people of the United States America (USA) following the passing on of the 41st President of the USA, George Herbert Walker Bush. The former US President died at the age of 94.
President Ramaphosa said the thoughts of the South African people were with the American people, and in particular the Bush family, who are mourning the demise of one of their leaders.

President Bush committed himself to a life of public service and held a number of important positions in the US Government, including as Vice President and later as the 41st President from 1989 to 1993. He held positions during key periods of US history, including as the US Ambassador to the United Nations during the opening of relations with China and as President during the end of the Cold War.

On 25 June 1990, then President Bush met with former President Nelson Mandela during Madiba’s first visit to the USA after his release from prison and committed the USA to the removal of apartheid and the introduction of a non-racial democracy in South Africa.
Deputy President David Mabuza, in his capacity as President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Special Envoy to South Sudan, will undertake a regional consultative Working Visit to three member states of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) as part of the efforts towards lasting peace and stability in South Sudan.
The Deputy President will visit Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, Kampala in the Republic of Uganda and Khartoum in the Islamic Republic of Sudan to hold consultative meetings with the heads of state and government of the three countries in order to facilitate a peace process that will see the full implementation of the Revitalised Peace Agreement on South Sudan.

Deputy President Mabuza will hold bilateral meetings with President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, as well as President Omar Al Bashir of the Sudan.

The Working Visit builds on the October 2018 consultations with IGAD member states. The Deputy President will also strengthen political, social and economic relations between South Africa and these three IGAD member States.
The Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Reginah Mhaule, on Friday, 30 November 2018, hosted a community outreach programme in Diepkloof, Soweto.
The Deputy Minister outlined the role of the department in implementing South Africa’s foreign policy objectives and gave an update on international developments and their impact on South Africa’s identified national priorities and interests.

The event formed part of a series of community outreach activities undertaken by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, with Deputy Minister Mhaule having recently been to other provinces, including Mpumalanga and Limpopo, to interact with communities on the linkage between South Africa’s foreign policy endeavours and the attainment of the goals of government as contained in the National Development Plan.
The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation, Siphosezwe Masango, has welcomed the National Assembly (NA) resolution to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
During his speech on the same matter in the NA last week, Mr Masango reiterated that the committee was mindful and cognisant of the threat that nuclear weapons posed to humanity and was therefore fully supportive of the applicable international humanitarian law and the United Nations (UN) Charter on this matter adopted on 24 January 1946.

“We join the campaign by South Africa and other state parties that all other countries must sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this treaty with the goal of universal adherence, unless such a state can prove to the UN that signing this treaty will “jeopardise its supreme interest,” said Mr Masango.

South Africa was one of the original sponsors in the UN General Assembly of the resolution mandating the negotiations towards a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted by the UN on 7 July 2017.

Mr Masango said he believed that the treaty would form part of the country’s strategic focus to commit to multilateralism and a rules-based international order, in which adequate attention was paid to all global threats facing humanity.
On Thursday, 29 November 2018, the Government and the people of South Africa joined the international community in commemorating the 41st anniversary of the United Nations (UN) International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
To this end, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) joined hands with the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Pretoria, the Department of Arts and Culture and the UN Information Centre in Pretoria to mark the occasion.

The South African Government joined the international community in observing the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, as well as in renewing its shared commitment to a just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine.

The prolonged Palestinian struggle against dispossession and the fragmentation of the State of Palestine have resulted in the aggressive displacement of many Palestinians seeking refuge mainly in the Middle East. In the past decades, civilians have been denied their dignity and fundamental rights to free movement, education, healthcare and even the right to life.

With each passing day, the number of Palestinians in need of humanitarian assistance increases. It has therefore become clear that the conflict between Palestinian and Israel feeds into the wider regional dynamics by having a negative effect on peace, economic development, socio-political progression and security throughout the entire region.

South Africa remains concerned and condemns the continued illegal settlement expansion by Israel, which constitutes a contravention of international law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. The ongoing Israeli settlement activity in the occupied territories is a fundamental obstacle to a return to negotiations and a grave threat to the very existence of a future Palestinian state as well as a safe and secure Israel. South Africa calls for the effective and immediate implementation of Resolution 2334 (2016), which reaffirms that Israeli illegal settlements have no legal validity.

The South African Government believes that the only way to bring about lasting peace in the Middle East is to have a two-state solution for Palestine and Israel based on the international recognition and independence of the State of Palestine, based on the 4 June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, functioning within recognised and secure borders and living side-by-side in peace with Israel and its other neighbours as endorsed in the Quartet Roadmap the Madrid Principles, the Arab Peace Initiative and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

South Africa believes that there can be no military solution to the conflict and that peaceful negotiation is the only means of ensuring lasting peace, security and stability. In this regard, South Africa encourages the call on all parties in multilateral forums such as the UN, the Arab League and the African Union to negotiate in good faith in order to reach a permanent and just solution.
South Africa welcomes the ceasefire brokered by Egypt between Palestine and Israel on 13 November 2018 following two days of Israel’s aerial attacks on Gaza, making this the most severe flare-up since the 50-day conflict in 2014. We further call for maximum restraint and express the hope that there will be no renewed escalation in Gaza or in any of the occupied Palestinian Territories.

South Africa expresses its deep concern regarding the budgetary shortfall that the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) presently faces. We therefore continue to appeal to the international community to continue and increase support and humanitarian assistance to UNRWA, which seeks to restore the dignity of the Palestinian people by improving their living conditions through the provision of emergency relief, health and social services, descent accommodation and access to education. As a symbolic gesture, South Africa remains committed through its annual financial contribution to UNRWA in order to assist the agency to effectively carry out its mandate in addressing the plight of Palestine refugees.
We reiterate our solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination, as well as our traditional support for a free and sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital. South Africa believes that ending the occupation is in the interest of both Israel and Palestine, and we call on both parties to take concrete steps to that end.
The launch of the newly established Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS) is set to boost South Africa’s manufacturing sector.


The R56-million TWIMS, launched by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, on Monday, 26 November 2018, is set to develop world-class capabilities and drive African industrialisation.

“We are looking forward to this institution contributing to the manufacturing sector as a whole. We expressed our support to the programme because we can see a need for a much more strategic thinking about manufacturing institutions. We also urge the institution not to confine itself to the auto sector, but be much more about manufacturing in general,” said Minister Davies.

TWIMS was established in partnership with the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) to deliver an MBA specialising in manufacturing.

TWIMS is also an independent, not-for-profit initiative, established through grant funding from the Toyota South Africa Education Trust.

While TWIMS carries the name of both Toyota and the Wessels family, which founded Toyota South Africa, the institution is a public body dedicated to the development of manufacturing and manufacturing-related executives, managers and government officials in Africa.

Speaking at the launch in Kloof, Durban, Minister Davies said TWIMS would accelerate the building of a deep manufacturing culture that South Africa was in need of to drive its domestic demands, while also producing value-added products in different sectors of the economy.

He said the launch of TWIMS took place at a time when the rest of the manufacturing world was wrestling with disruptions and new opportunities brought about by the digital industrial revolution.

It is essential for South Africa to adequately have the capacity to take advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Chief Executive Officer and President of Toyota South Africa Motors, Andrew Kirby, said Toyota SA had been looking forward to the opportunities, contribution and potential that the institution would make to South Africa and Africa.

“The establishment of TWIMS, with the GIBS partnership and MBA programme, will be a pinnacle in education offerings and will form an integral component of career path development.

“We also need to equip our youth with the necessary skills to occupy these managerial roles in the future and provide the leadership required to keep manufacturing in South Africa competitive with global industries around the world,” said Kirby.

The Dean of GIBS, Professor Nicola Kleyn, said the opening of TWIMS marked a milestone for the manufacturing sector, as it was a key contributor to the local and national economy, mainly because of its high employment multipliers, driver of technology and the growth of skills capacity and capabilities.

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The Minister of Higher Education and Training, Naledi Pandor, was recently presented with the award of Officer in the French Legion of Honour for her remarkable and life-long achievements during her time as Minister of Science and Technology.
The Ambassador of France to South Africa, Christophe Farnaud, on behalf of the French President, bestowed the award during a ceremony at the French Residence in Arcadia, Tshwane.

Minister Pandor was recognised for her efforts in nurturing and furthering cooperation between France and South Africa in the field of science, technology and vocational and academic training during her tenure as Minister of Science and Technology as well as Higher Education and Training.

The French Legion of Honour celebrates the accomplishments of distinguished individuals, irrespective of sex, social background and nationality.

The national order of the Legion of Honour was established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, and is the highest decoration in France. It was first awarded on 14 July 1804.

Other prominent South Africans who have been awarded this honour include former President Nelson Mandela, late struggle icon Ahmed Kathrada, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the late Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa

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Mozambique presents great opportunities for South African businesses to invest in, says Mozambican Provincial Permanent Secretary of the Cabo Delgado Province, Antonio Domingos Mapure.
Speaking at a seminar on Monday, 26 November 2018, Permanent Secretary Mapure extended an invite to South African businesspeople to invest in the province’s gas sector.

The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) was leading a business delegation to Mozambique on a trade and investment mission to the neighbouring country.

Permanent Secretary Mapure said the mission came at an important time when the province was getting ready to start the 2018-2027 Development Programme, which includes investment attraction elements.

The programme aims to attract investments of over $50 million in the extraction of gas in the Rovuma Basin and as well as the initiation of graphite exploration.

This, he said, presented a huge opportunity for South African businesses.

“South Africa has been a privileged partner of Mozambique for years. Its participation in the agricultural sector is very active, which is a source of interest in this province. Our priority areas are in line with the South African interest to invest in Mozambique and they include tourism, fisheries, human capital, aquaculture, mining and energy,” said Permanent Secretary Mapure.

South African companies in the electrical and renewable energy, architects and engineering services, built environment, telecommunications, and mining services sector among others were partaking in the investment mission.

Mapure further assured businesses of Mozambique's commitment to share business opportunities, create conducive environment for businesses with regard to laws and regulations and to encourage domestic and international investments.

South African High Commissioner to Mozambique, Mandisi Mpahlwa, said South African businesses were aware the world was keenly looking at Cabo Delgado province’s oil and gas exploration.

“The implementation of investments of more than $50 million with the exploration of gas in the Rovuma Basin present important opportunities for South African companies and we would like to partner with Mozambique and the province as it builds its new future and as it takes advantage of these new opportunities.

“We do believe we can contribute through our quality products, programmes and services and in terms of back-up services much more cheaply and effectively as these major global companies undertake their investments,” said High Commissioner Mpahlwa.

Total trade volume in 2017 stood at R51 billion and the trade balance between the two countries in 2017 was R26,6 billion in favour of South Africa.

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The Kalahari Desert's Kathu Solar Park will start commercial operation next year. This concentrated solar power plant is due to pump 100MW into South Africa's electricity grid.
Kathu is a massive 4,5km² concentrated solar power plant, with the ability to pump electricity into the national grid even when the sun isn't out.

Its contribution will be enough to supply 179 000 South African homes with stable electricity during peak demand periods.

It uses parabolic trough technology that uses giant curved mirrors to track the sun and focus its rays into a pipe. The pipe contains a heat absorbent medium that carries the energy to water in a boiler. The steam then drives a turbine to generate electricity.

Thanks to a molten-salt storage system, Kathu can store 4,5 hours of thermal energy, which helps reduce the effects of irregular sunlight and allows the opportunity to produce electricity even after the sun goes down.

Kathu is expected to reduce carbon dioxide output by six million tons over a 20-year period after it goes into full commercial operation in 2019.

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The National Treasury has published the 2018 BRICS Finance and Central Banks Outcomes Document (the Outcomes Document).
The Outcomes Document was jointly produced by BRICS ministers of finance and central bank governors (FMCBGs) in order to take stock of the outcomes achieved under the “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

In the course of South Africa’s BRICS Presidency, the National Treasury and the South African Reserve Bank co-chaired the BRICS Finance Track. The Finance Track is responsible for the coordination of work by member countries on economic and financial sector initiatives.

This year, FMCBGs prioritised the strengthening of BRICS institutions, as well as enhancing collaboration in infrastructure and cooperation in the financial sector.

Specific areas of collaboration were:
  • BRICS institutional strengthening, focussing on the reinforcement of the institutional frameworks of the BRICS-led New Development Bank

  • increased financial cooperation, through the testing of operational readiness of the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement; embarking on a feasibility study for the development of a US$1-billion BRICS Bond Fund; as well as undertaking a BRICS FinTech Stocktaking Exercise to enhance the exchange of views on financial technology, cyber security and crypto assets

  • members also agreed to explore closer cooperation in infrastructure financing under the auspices of the BRICS Public-Private Partnership and Infrastructure Financing Taskforce.
The Minister of Science and Technology, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, has applauded two young research stars from Carnarvon High School in the Northern Cape selected to represent South Africa at the International Student-Teacher Conference in Nice, France.
The Grade 11 learners, Amy-Lee Visagie and Chrislin de Koker, flew out on 29 November 2018 after winning the National Global Travel and Tourism Partnership (GTTP) competition. The pupils submitted a research piece on astronomy tourism – how the Southern African Large Telescope in Sutherland and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) near Carnarvon in the Northern Cape contribute to the local communities.

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said the Department of Science and Technology (DST) was proud that young people were taking up the opportunities brought about by the building of the SKA, which is a major scientific development in South Africa.

“It is encouraging to see the enormous impact that the scientific activities around the Karoo region are having on people’s lives. The two astronomy projects have seen many young people benefiting through scholarships and job opportunities here and abroad. It is now encouraging to realise the tourism potential the projects have in South Africa, as demonstrated by Amy-Lee and Chrislin in their research. The two will fly the South African flag high up in France and their participation in the conference will go a long way towards attracting much-needed investment into our country,” said the Minister.

The GTTP is a multi-country educational programme to introduce tourism students to career opportunities in the sector. South Africa is a GTTP member country and Carnarvon High School was selected as the winning school in the country for 2018. Other member countries include Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Philippines, Russia, Tanzania, and the United Kingdom. The United States of America is an affiliate member.

The pupils, accompanied by their teacher, Christo Fieland, joined national teams from 13 GTTP member countries at the GTTP International Student-Teacher Conference on Saturday, 1 December 2018. The pupils were assisted in their research by the National Research Foundation, a DST entity.
South Africa and trading partner China’s relationship has grown to greater heights with the two countries recognising the creative sector through an amateur photography competition.
On Wednesday, 28 November 2018, winners of the China Photography Competition were announced. The competition was a partnership between the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), China Plus, Global Max Media Group (GMMG) and CNBC Africa.

During the event, 20 pictures taken by amateur photographers from across Africa and China were displayed. Winners were voted for by an audience attending the function and a team of professional photographers. First prize winner, Milu Shen from China, walked away with a R6 000 cash prize.

South Africans, Afrika Mdolomba and Luca van de Merwe, came second and third and won R3 000 and R1 000, respectively.

Yun Li from China Plus said the competition aimed to recognise and award winners for images that depicted Africa-China relations, from regional cultures and travel photography to commercial or any photojournalism work.

Speaking at the event, acting GCIS Director-General, Phumla Williams, said: “Very often, we talk about partnerships of business, partnerships of growing the economy, but what is important about this partnership is the investment in youth.”

She said the competition was a further indication that the two countries were investing in each other.

“With this competition, I know you say it is for amateurs but it is something worth so much more. At times, you may not even know that you have the potential, who knows [what might] come out from this completion.

“As GCIS, we are involved in a lot of interactions with South Africans and we do a lot of photography, video – a lot of face to face. We have realised that it (photography) is a skill that we should also contribute to. We have partnerships with universities where some students come and partner with us. [This] is to make sure that we contribute towards the youngsters.”

She said she was hopeful that such initiatives would contribute to curbing unemployment that largely affected South Africa’s youth.

“Today is one of those events that makes the relationship of South Africa and China a reality. It is an activity that is taking the people-to-people agreement to higher levels,” she said.

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Global change stakeholders, including researchers, activists and representatives of business and civil society, are gathering in Polokwane from 3 to 6 December 2018 to take part in the Fourth National Conference on Global Change, held under the theme "Sustainable Futures through Science and Innovation".
The conference was jointly organised by the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation. The University of Limpopo and Limpopo Provincial Government are hosting the gathering.

The four-day conference is used as a platform to discuss current South African research and innovation initiatives aligned with the theme.

The conference also intended to drive the process of building the next generation of young global change scientists by creating a forum for them to present their research and interact with experienced scientists, and to facilitate the establishment and strengthening of partnerships between global change stakeholders.
The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Fatima Chohan, announced on Wednesday, 28 November 2018, that operational hours would be extended at South Africa’s busiest ports of entry as a result.
“Operational hours will be extended for busy ports of entry, covering pre-festive season movements, the festive season period and the re-opening of schools," Deputy Minister Chohan said.

The busiest port of entry, OR Tambo International, facilitated some 1 569 100 travellers between last year's peak festive season period, followed by Beit Bridge (1 215 845) and Lebombo (936 415).

The highest arrivals from the Southern African Development Community region were from Lesotho (758 519), followed by Zimbabwe (712 688), Mozambique (398 684), Swaziland (306 682) and Botswana (256 793).

Deputy Minister Chohan said the department would also deploy 425 additional staff at the busiest ports.

To this end, Mpumalanga’s Lebombo and Oshoek border posts, Free State’s Van Rooyenshek and Caledonspoort posts will be open for 24 hours during certain periods in December.

Other ports would see their operational times extended by between one and two hours.

“We implore all travellers leaving and entering South Africa to ensure that all their travel documents are in order to avoid unnecessary delays in ports. These include passports, visas, health certificates, permits for specified goods, plants and animals and vehicles insurance and bank-authorised cross-border documents for vehicles.

“We wish everyone a safe and pleasant festive season,” Deputy Minister Chohan said.
The Cape Town film industry is “booming” again after a devastating drought, Western Cape’s investment agency Wesgro says.
The city's water crisis discouraged big international productions for a time.

But big-names series are now being filmed here.

Cape Town’s film industry is once again “booming” after a severe drought deterred international agencies from shooting in the city, Wesgro, the Western Cape provincial investment agency, said.

HBO’s new series Warrior was filmed here, and Gladiator director Ridley Scott is also heading to South Africa to film his much-anticipated sci-fi series, Raised by Wolves.

Vin Diesel and Miley Cyrus have also recently been spotted in the Mother City where they are believed to be working on film and television projects.

While it is not yet able to quantify the uptick in the city’s film industry now that the water crisis has abated, Wesgro's head of film and media promotion, Monica Rorvik, said the industry had shown a fast recovery. The finalisation of Department of Trade and Industry incentives for the movie industry in September also helped.

The film industry is estimated to contribute up to R6 billion to the Western Cape economy, but suffered a downturn in the 2016/17 season, as a drought saw emergency measures implemented, with the possibility – never realised – of severe water rationing.

“Cape Town is now a water-resilient city and a world leader in water usage best practice, but that wasn’t the headline over this period and the negative messaging globally put off some of the commercial and stills industries,” Rorvik told Business Insider South Africa.

She said these industries were the “bedrock” of international productions in the city.

“Our Rand [also] saw a much-needed strengthening in February this year, which was a positive, but had a knock-on effect on the short-term film cycle.”

Rorvik said Cape Town offered many advantages for filmmakers, including a good choice of locations and the availability of trained crew members.

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Veteran actor Dr John Kani was awarded the Sotigui of Honour at this year’s Sotigui Awards in Burkina Faso.
Congratulating John on Twitter, the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, tweeted on Wednesday, 28 November 2018, “Congratulations to legendary Actor & Playwright @JohnKani2, as he travels to Burkina Faso to attend the prestigious ceremony of the Sotigui Awards where he will be awarded the Sotigui of Honour for this tremendous contribution to the African creative industry. Sithi halala Baba! [sic]”

This is not the only award John Kani has won in recent days.

The star, who will voice the character of Rafiki in the live-action remake of The Lion King, also received the Ahmed Kathrada Excellence in Leadership Award for 2018, making the announcement on his Twitter page.

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Thando Hopa is one of the BBC's most influential women from across the world.
The former prosecutor, model, poet, activist, aspiring actress and overall powerhouse is certainly a force to be reckoned with.

BBC has released its top 100 inspiring influential women from across 60 different countries between the ages of 15 to 94 based on academia, influence, social activism, politics and arts, and has described these women as "leaders, trailblazers and everyday heroes".

South Africa's very own, Thando Hopa, is among the women who are fighting to make this world a better place.

The 29-year-old started out as a prosecutor and after four years of assisting the hands of justice decided to take a sabbatical.

Says Thando in this Standard Bank Top Women article: "After four years, I felt it was time to look into interests I had put off. I felt like the only way to do it was to fully commit to the process. So I took a sabbatical. I went through an agonising decision-making process but after weighing everything, I knew it was time to leave. But leaving prosecution did not take away my voice, my purpose or my sense of a meaningful life. So I made the leap."

Thando has made history as the first black South African featured in the prestigious Pirelli Calender, alongside international celebrities such as Naomi Campbell and Lupita Nyong'o, modelled for designers such as Gert Johan Coetzee and has recently been signed to American modeling agency, New York Models.

– Source:
Banyana Banyana head coach, Desiree Ellis, has entered the history books by being the first coach to lead the South African Senior Women's National Team to a FIFA World Cup.
Ellis, who is a former player and captain of Banyana Banyana, and also ex-assistant coach, says it all boils down to teamwork and good preparation.

South Africa brushed aside Mali 2-0 in the semi-final of the 2018 Women’s AFCON to secure their spot at the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup in France in June.

Ellis also holds the record of winning the COSAFA Women's Championship as both player and coach.

"It's a victory for the whole of South Africa, "Ellis said. "For all the wonderful support they've given us throughout this tournament and believing in us.

"It's also for the past coaches who played a part in this team, all the players who played their part and also the Sasol League coaches and our sponsors who have been supporting us.

"Everyone was magnificent, the players, staff, technical team and the people who don't usually get a mention as each and everyone played a part.

Ellis preferred to highlight the team as she described her feelings at becoming the first coach to lead Banyana Banyana to a World Cup.

"It's never about me, it's always about the players and the team, the awards and individual accolades come as a bonus. You're in the job to make a difference and more than anything, t's about the people who have ploughed into my life."

In helping Banyana Banyana qualify for France, Ellis joined the elite group of South African-born coaches who achieved the same feat before her: Solly Luvhengo (U-17 Women – 2010 Trinidad and Tobago), Molefi Ntseki (U-17 Men – 2015 Chile), Clive Barker (Bafana Bafana – France 98), Thabo Senong (U-20 Men – 2017 Korea Republic), Simphiwe Dludlu (U-17 Women – 2018 Uruguay).

Banyana Banyana also qualifies for the World Cup 20 years after Bafana Bafana played their maiden tournament in France in 1998.

Already qualified for the World Cup are hosts France, China, Thailand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Canada, United States of America, Jamaica, Netherlands, Argentina, and Nigeria.

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